Mobile Radio Propagation

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Cellular Mobile Communications-

IV Mobile Radio Propagation Dr. Nasir D. Gohar

Mobile Radio Propagation Modeling a Radio Channel: Most difficult part in Radio System Design  Highly unpredictable as compared to fixed wireline media  Transmission path and its parameters keeps changing instantaneously

Changes in path profile Obstructions Environmental changes  Typically done statistically based on field measurements[System Specific]

Physical survey *1 Computer simulation using certain models and terrain data *2


Gives some real picture of the environment and data can be incorporated to new system design and predict its performance


Empirical Models and Terrain data may not be quite updated

T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

NDG Notes


Mobile Radio Propagation Propagation Models are tools used for  Prediction of received signal strength at a certain distance from Tx  Estimation of rapid fluctuations in Rx signal strength in a close spatial proximity to a particular location

Large-Scale Propagation Models  Estimation/Prediction of Rx Signal Strength* [Local Average]over larger distances from Tx[x00-xx,000 m]  Used for Coverage Area estimation

Small-Scale Propagation Models  Prediction/Estimation of rapid fluctuations** of Rx Signal Strength over a short distance [few wavelengths] and short time interval [few seconds]  Also called Fading Models * computed by averaging signal measurements taken at intervals of 5λ to 40λ [1-10 m] ** Rx signal strength may vary very rapidly (over a change of a fraction of wavelength] by as large as 30-40 db (3 to 4 orders of magnitude]

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Mobile Radio Propagation Three Basic Mechanisms Affecting Radio Signal Propagation

 Reflection: Signal waves Impinging upon earth surface, buildings, and walls [objects quite big in size as compared to wavelength λ] get reflected  Diffraction: Signal waves get diffracted/bent around the objects, having sharp irregularities [edges], and obstructing its path between Tx and Rx

 Signal waves reach Rx behind the obstacle[a hill, a tall building, or some other structures] under its shadow  Depends on geometry of the object, amplitude, phase and polarization of the signal wave at the point of diffraction.

 Scattering: is caused by very small obstacles [as compared to signal wavelength λ] such as rough surface, foliage, lamp posts, street signs, etc.

Large-Scale Propagation Models are used to predict the receive signal power or the path loss caused by above mechanisms.

T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation Free Space Propagation Model  Used only when there exists a Line-Of-Sight [LOS] between Tx and Rx  Finds application in Satellite and LOS MW Radio Link Designing  It provides Path Loss PL[dB] calculations between such TX-RX as under

PL [dB] = -10 Log [ λ 2 / (4 π d)2] …………….Eqn-4.6 where λ is signal wavelength and d is distance between Tx and Rx. ASSUMPTIONS: 1. Both Tx and Rx Antennas are Unity Gain Antennas 2. There is no Loss in Feeder Cable, Duplexer, and HPA. HOW WE GET AT THIS RESULT ? T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation Free Space Propagation Model[Cont’d]  Far-Field or Fraun-hofer Region: The region beyond the fraun-

hofer distance df from Tx Antenna

df = 2 D2 / λ where D is the largest linear dimension of Tx Antenna and df >> D and df >> λ .  EIRP and ERP ?  Close-in Distance: The minimum distance >= df where onward Free-Space Model gets applicable. Denoted by do.

This distance is used as a known received power reference point. Pr(d) = Pr(do) (do / d)2 …………………….. df <= do. <= d

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Mobile Radio Propagation Free Space Propagation Model[Cont’d] EXAMPLE-4.1: Find the far field distance of an antenna with Max. physical linear dimension of 1 m and operating frequency 900 MHz.

Let us do it together EXAMPLE-4.2: A Radio Tx is rated for a Max output of 50 Watts. Express Pt in [a] dBm [b] dBW. [c] If this Tx is used in a system which employs a unity gain Tx antenna and 900 MHz carrier frequency, calculate Pr in dBm at a free-space close-in distance = 100 m. What would be Pr at 10 km from Tx. Assume unity gain Rx antenna.

Who would like to do it?

T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation Radiated Power and Electric Field Generated by a Small Current Carrying Element  Current carrying

z P

element produces E & M fields  E & M fields launched


P θr

θ d

y x

an antenna element (as shown in Fig-1) are given in Equation 1-3*.  Three field components:


1. Radiation field component 2. Induction field component 3. Electrostatic field component * Derivation of these equations is given in H/O # 12. T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  Radiated Power and Electric Field Generated by a Small Current Carrying Element [Cont’d]

Fig-2 [a] Power Flux Density [ L << λ ]

Pd = EIRP/ 4π d2 = PtGt/ 4π d2 = E2 / Rfs = E2/ η W / m2 = |E|2 / 120π W / m2 ………. 4 Pr (d) = Pd Ae = |E|2 Ae / 120π = PtGtGrλ 2/ (4π d)2 W…5 Fig-2 [b] Electrical Model of Voltage Applied at Rx Input

Pr (d) = V2 / Rant = (Vant )2 / 4Rant ……….6 T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation Radiated Power and Electric Field Generated by a Small Current Carrying Element [Cont’d] Example-4.3: Assume a Rx is working at 10 km LOS distance from an Isotropic Tx of 50W [Assume L = 1, and Gt = 1]. Rx has a gain Gr defined equal to 2. Find [a] Power received at Rx [b] Magnitude of E field induced at Rx antenna, and [c] Open circuit voltage induced at Rx input assuming that Rx antenna has a pure real Impedance of 50 ohm and is matched with that of Rx.

Let us Try.

T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation Three Basic Propagation Mechanisms  Reflection

Radio wave travelling from one medium to another, having different electric characteristics, gets partially reflected and partially transmitted into the second medium. Perfect Dielectric Material:  No energy absorption  ETotal = EReflected + ERefracted

Perfect Conductor Material  No energy absorption  ETotal = EReflected

Fresnel Reflection Coefficient Γ  Relates incident wave energy with reflected wave energy  Depends on material properties, wave polarization and frequency and incidence angle T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation Three Basic Propagation Mechanisms  Reflection

Fresnel Reflection Coefficient Intrinsic Impedance η η = (µ/ε)1/2

Velocity of EM wave = 1/ (µε)1/2 θi = θr  Er = Γ E i Et = (1 + Γ) Ei T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  Three Basic Propagation Mechanisms  Reflection

Brewster Angle An angle at which no reflection occurs in the medium of origin. Occurs when incidence angle θB is such that Γ becomes zero. Sin θB = (ε1 / ε1 + ε2 )1/2

Sin θB = (εr -1 / (εr)2 -1)1/2

Magnitude of reflection coefficients as a function of angle of incidence for εr = 4, εr = 12

T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation Three Basic Propagation Mechanisms  Reflection

Perfect Conductor  All Wave Energy is reflected [Maxwell’s Boundary Conditions]  θi = θr  E field in plane of incidence [Vertical Polarization], Γii = 1, thus, Er = Ei  E field normal to the plane of incidence [Horizontal Polarization], Γ1 = -1, thus, Er = -Ei

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Mobile Radio Propagation Three Basic Propagation Mechanisms  Reflection

Ground Reflection (2-Ray) Model  Direct Path Signal and Ground-Reflected Path Signal [Fig-1] are considered  Provides a reasonably accurate prediction of large-scale signal strength [over several km distance]*  Also, used for LOS MW Radio Link Designing** Tx E LOS ht



Fig-1: Two Ray Model

Rx hr


* Mobile Radio Systems using tall towers[50m] ** 3rd ray reflected from ionosphere layer is also used T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5 NDG Notes


Mobile Radio Propagation  Ground Reflection (2-Ray) Model[Cont’d]  EToT = ELOS + Eg  At Close-in distance, E(do, t) = Eo do Cos (ω c t)  At distance d, E(d, t) = Eo do/ d Cos ω c (t - d/c) …[1] (d >> do)  |EToT | = |ELOS + Eg|

Fig-2: Method of Images used to find path difference of ELOS and Eg T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  Ground Reflection (2-Ray) Model[Cont’d]  It can be shown [as derived in class, H/O # 13] that EToT (d) = 2 Eo do / d [2π ht hr/ λ d ] We know that Pr (d) = | EToT (d)|2 . Ae/ 377 Watts EXAMPLE-4.6: A mobile station with λ/4 antenna length and gain of 2.55 dB[1.8] is located at a distance of 5 km from Base Station. The electric field strength measured at 1 km distance from the Base Station is 1 mV/m. The carrier frequency used is 900 MHz. [a] Find the length of the Mobile antenna. [b] If Base Station is using an antenna tower of height 50 m from ground level, and Mobile antenna is at 1.5 m above the ground level, find the received power at the Mobile antenna, using 2-Ray Model T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  Diffraction  A Mechanism that helps wave propagation

around curved surface of earth, beyond the horizon and behind obstacles (shadow zones).  Huygen’s Principle states

all the points (obstructions) on a wave-front become point sources for production of secondary wavelets which combine(vector sum) to form a new wave-front (in the direction of propagation), and this new wave-front is called diffracted wave-front

Fig-1: A typical Urban Environment Showing Multi-path and Shadowing

T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation Fig-2: [a] Anther Exhibition of Shadowing Effect [b] Marine Environment Showing Shadowing and Multi-path



T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  Fresnel Zone In multi-path environment, obstacles on the path of radio waves cause diffraction. Fresnel, the inventor of fresnel model, postulated that the x-section of optical wavefront(electro-magnetic wave-front) is divided into zones of concentric circles, separated by λ/2. The radius of nth fresnel zone is given by Rn = [n λ d1 d2 / d1 + d2 ]1/2 ………………………………………..[1]

T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  Effect of Fresnel Zone Equation-1 implies two things:  For a given Tx antenna height, higher the transmission frequency, more the distance a radio signal will cover before the first fresnel zone touches the ground  For a given Tx frequency, higher the Tx antenna, more the distance a radio signal will cover before the first fresnel zone touches the ground

Fig-4: [a] Effect of Frequency on Fresnel Zones [b] Effect of Tx Antenna Height

T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation Fresnel Zone Geometry

Fig-5: Knife-Edge Diffraction Geometry

Tx and Rx separated by an obstruction of infinite width Excess path length, ∆, can be obtained from Fig-5[b] ∆ ≈ h2 (d1 + d2)/ 2d1 d2……….2 The corresponding phase difference is given as θ ∆ = 2 π ∆ / λ = π h2 (d1+d2)/ λd1d2 α ≈ h (d1 + d2)/ d1 d2 θ ∆ = π v2 / 2 where v = h[2(d1+d2)/ λd1d2]1/2 v is known as Fresnel-Kirchoff Diffraction parameter. T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  Knife-Edge Diffraction Model Fig-6: Knife-Edge Diffraction Geometry

Theoretical estimation modified by necessary empirical correction Difficult to predict accurately for actual complex & irregular terrain Mathematical expressions for simple cases have been derived. Knife-Edge Model represents the simplest case, one obstruction. Ed = Eo F(v) ………………..2 Gd (dB) = 20 log | F(v) |……3

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Mobile Radio Propagation  Knife-Edge Diffraction Model

Fig-7: Knife-Edge Diffraction Gain as a Function of v

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Mobile Radio Propagation  Knife-Edge Diffraction Model

Fig-4.12: Fresnel Zones for Different knife-edge Diff. Scenarios

EXAMPLE-01: Calculate the Diffraction Loss for three cases as shown in Fig-4.12. Assume λ = .33 m, d1 = d2 = 1 km and [a] h = 25 m [b] h = 0 m and [c] h = -25 m

T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  Knife-Edge Diffraction Model

Fig-9: Knife-edge Geometry for Example-02

EXAMPLE-02: Calculate the Diffraction Loss for the Knife-Edge Scenario as shown Fig-9. Also, calculate the height of obstacle to get 6 dB Diff. Loss. Assume f = 900 MHz.

T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  OUTDOOR PROPAGATION MODELS  Many Models, Longley-Rice Model, Durkin Model, Okummura, Hata, etc., mostly based on systematic interpretation of measurement data in the area concerned  Aim is to predict signal strength at a particular point or in a certain locality  Differ in their approach, complexity, and accuracy.  Classical and most commonly used models:

Okumura Model Hata Model Walfisch and Bertoni Model

T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  OUTDOOR PROPAGATION MODELS  Okumura Model

Simplest and best in terms of accuracy [mature and land mobile radio systems] Mostly used for urban and suburban area Applicable for frequencies 150 MHz - 1920 MHz [Can be extrapolated up to 3 GHz Range covered is 1 km to 100 km Applicable antenna heights range from 30 m to 1000 m. A purely statistical model that does not provide any analytical explanation Not suitable for rural areas

T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  OUTDOOR PROPAGATION MODELS  Okumura Model Provides a set of curves [Fig-1] based on extensive measurements  Application of this model

Calculate free space loss Lf Add to this, A (f, d) found from these curves Some corrections are applied for terrain type[Fig-2, Next Slide]

Fig-1 Median attenuation relative to free space (amu(f,d)), over a quasi-smooth terrain T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  OUTDOOR PROPAGATION MODELS  Okumura Model EXAMPLE-01: Using Okumura’s model, find median attenuation for d = 50 km, Tx antenna = 100 m and Rx antenna = 10 m in a suburban area. If Tx EIRP is 1 kW at 900 MHz, find the signal receive level at mobile station ( assume its antenna gain = 0 dB]. Solution: 1. Calculate LF 2. Calculate L50 3. Pr = EIRP - L50 + Gr Fig-2 Okumura Model Correction Curves T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  OUTDOOR PROPAGATION MODELS  Hata Model  Empirical formulation of Okumura Model graphical curves  Valid for 150 - 1500 MHz frequency range  Standard formula provides urban area propagation loss and corrections are applied for other areas  Tx antenna height range is limited to 30 to 200 m  Rx antenna height is limited to 3 to 10 m

 Hata Model standard formula:

 Urban Area:  Suburban Area:  Rural Area:  Mobile antenna correction factor:  Small to medium size city:  Large city:

T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation

Urban area:

L50 = 69.55 + 26.16 log fc ­ 13.82 log hb­ a(hm) + (44.9­6.55 log hb) log R where fc 

frequency (MHz)


mean path loss (dB)


base station antenna height

a(hm) correction factor for mobile antenna height (dB) R

distance from base station (km)

 The range of the parameters for which Hata’s model is valid is 150 ≤ fc ≤ 1500 MHz 30 ≤ hb ≤ 200 m 1 ≤ hm ≤ 10 m 1 ≤ R ≤ 20 km T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation

Urban area (cont.):

 For a small or medium­sized city: a(hm)=(1.1 log fc ­ 0.7) hm ­ (1.56 log fc ­ 0.8 ) dB  For a large city: a(hm)=8.29(log 1.54 hm)2 ­ 1.1 dB,    fc ≤ 200 MHz    or 

a(hm)=3.2(log 11.75 hm)2 ­ 4.97 dB,    fc ≥ 400 MHz

 Suburban area:

2    fc   L50   =  L50( urban)  ­  2 log + 5.4      dB     28   

 Open Area:

L50 = L50(urban) ­ 4.78 (log fc)2+18.33 (log fc) ­40.94

T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  OUTDOOR PROPAGATION MODELS  PCS Extension of Hata Model by EURO-COST-231  Extended version of Hata Model suitable for PCS-1800 system  Valid for 1500-2000 MHz frequency range  Standard formula provides urban area propagation loss and a correction factors are applied for mobile antenna[same as in Hata Model] and CM for city type  Tx antenna height range is limited to 30 to 200 m  Rx antenna height is limited to 1 to 10 m  Tx-Rx separation is limited to 1-20 km

 Hata-COST-231 Model standard formula:

CM : Suburban and medium size city: 0 dB Large city and Metropolitan center: 3 dB

T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  OUTDOOR PROPAGATION MODELS  Walfisch and Bertoni Model  Impact of rooftops and building height is studied  IMT-R considers this Model as a candidate for IMT-2000 standard activities  This model considers free space loss plus roof-top to street diffraction and scatter loss, and multi-screen diffraction loss due to rows of the buildings [Fig-3]

Fig-3: Propagation Geometry for Walfisch and Bertoni Model

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Mobile Radio Propagation  INDOOR PROPAGATION MODELS  Advent of PCS generated an impulse to study wave propagation inside buildings.

Main differences between outdoor and indoor wave propagation characteristics are;  The distance covered are much smaller  Within such a smaller range of Tx -Rx separation, a much larger environmental variation is encountered  Wave propagation is strongly influenced by  Building layout  Construction materials  Building type

 Same three mechanisms: Reflection, Diffraction, and Scattering are main reasons of signal propagation and attenuation  Signal level varies very quickly depending upon:

Interior doors are open or closed Antenna mounting T.S. Rappaport Ch 4-5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  INDOOR PROPAGATION MODELS  Partition Losses: Partitions play an important role in signal propagation within buildings.

Hard Partitions: Part of building structure and immoveable partitions such as fixed internal walls, reinforced concrete between floors, etc Soft Partitions: Moveable and not spanning to the ceiling, such as office partitions

 Same Floor: A floor inside a building may have a combination of partitions, hard as well as soft partitions  Inter Floor: Mainly fixed partitions, concrete floors, external dimensions and materials of the building  Partitions Offer Wide Variety of Physical As Well As Electrical Characteristics

Difficult to apply general models to indoor radio signal propagation Some measurement data describes radio signal attenuation while

crossing various kinds of partitions or across a number of floors [See Table-4.3, 4.4, and 4.5]

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Mobile Radio Propagation  INDOOR PROPAGATION MODELS  Partition Losses

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Mobile Radio Propagation  INDOOR PROPAGATION MODELS  Partition Losses

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Mobile Radio Propagation  INDOOR PROPAGATION MODELS  Partition Losses Table-4.4 and Table-4.5

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Mobile Radio Propagation  INDOOR PROPAGATION MODELS  Log-Distance Path Loss Model Many Researchers have shown that radio signal propagation inside buildings obey distance power law given by PL(dB) = PL (do) + 10 n log (d/do) + Xσ……………Eqn. 1 Where n depends on surroundings and building type, and Xσ is a random variable depending on standard deviation σ [dB]. See Table-4.6 on next slide

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Mobile Radio Propagation

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Mobile Radio Propagation  INDOOR PROPAGATION MODELS  Ericsson Multiple Breakpoint Model

Empirical Model based on measurements in a multiple floor office

building Provides an upper and lower bound on path loss Assumes that at 1 meter distance(from Tx) there is 30 dB loss at 900 MHz.

Fig-1 Ericsson In-building Path Loss Model

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