
  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,857
  • Pages: 15
True/False Question

Indirect material cost is an integral part of finished goods.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question

Which of the following aspects are mainly responsible for difficulty in application of Uniform costing system?

Correct Answer

Capital investment , Plant size , Location

Your Answer

Plant size , Location , Capital investment

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question

While preparing sales budget the following factors must be considered :-

Correct Answer

The number and types of products sold by the organization , Whether the organization's market share is increasing or decreasing? , Details of seasonal fluctuations in sales

Your Answer

The number and types of products sold by the organization , Whether the organization's market share is increasing or decreasing? , Details of seasonal fluctuations in sales

True/False Question

Financial Accounting primarily protects the interests of the outsiders dealing with organization in various capacities.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question

The balance as per bank book as on 30th June, 2004 is Rs.10,298/- while the balance as per pass book as on the same date is Rs.10,123.60. Select the transactions representing the reasons for this difference :-

Correct Answer

Interest credited by bank, not entered in the bank book, Rs.125.60 , Cheques dishonoured not entered in the bank book Rs.200/- , Debit side of the cash book is overcast by Rs.100/-

Your Answer

Interest credited by bank, not entered in the bank book, Rs.125.60 , Cheques dishonoured not entered in the bank book Rs.200/- , Debit side of the cash book is overcast by Rs.100/-

True/False Question

The sales mix variance highlights the fact that the actual mix of sales has been in the same ratio as budgeted.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Select The Blank Question

Non-trading income is disclosed on the credit side of ________ account.

Correct Answer

Profit and loss

Your Answer

Profit and loss

Select The Blank Question

________ is any documentary evidence to justify that a particular transaction has taken place.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


True/False Question

All the expenses are treated as losses of the business transferred to profit & loss A/C debit side.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Select The Blank Question

The system which provides an opportunity to the small units to take advantage of the research work taken by the large scale units of the same industry is known as ________ system.

Correct Answer

Uniform costing

Your Answer

Uniform costing

True/False Question

New companies can adopt Uniform costing system as a ready-made system.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


True/False Question

Financial Statements which are generated as a result of the management accounting report & financial performance of the organization as a whole.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


True/False Question

According to revaluation method, the assets are revaluated periodically.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


True/False Question

Purchased goods by paying Rs.35,000/-: In this case, the cash account should be debited.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


True/False Question

Depreciation can be defined as a permanent, continuous and gradual reduction in the book value of a fixed asset.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Select The Blank Question

The closing stocks should ________ the cost of the goods which sent on approval basis.

Correct Answer

Be increased by

Your Answer

Not get affected by

Select The Blank Question

The difference between sales and prime cost is known as ________.

Correct Answer

Gross Profit

Your Answer

Operating Margin

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question

The suspense account has a debit balance of Rs.40,000/-. Select the transactions which are capable of nullifying this balance.

Correct Answer

Conveyance expenses of Rs.25,000/- were posted on the wrong side of the account. , Purchased computer worth Rs.28,000/- was recorded in the ledger as , The total of the purchase book was cast short by Rs.44,000/-

Your Answer

Free samples worth Rs.40,000/- distributed during the year were credited to sales account , Conveyance expenses of Rs.25,000/- were posted on the wrong side of the account. , Purchased computer worth Rs.28,000/- was recorded in the ledger as

True/False Question

The bin card and stores ledger, being independent records, comparison of these two records should be avoided.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question

Select the entries which need to be rectified :-

Correct Answer

Purchase A/c ......... Dr. to Damodar's A/c (Being furniture purchased from Damodar) , Gopal's A/c ........... Dr. to cash A/c (Being entry for payment of railway freight for goods purchased) , Cash A/c ............Dr. to Suresh's A/c (Being cash received from Suresh for goods sold to him for)

Your Answer

Purchase A/c ......... Dr. to Damodar's A/c (Being furniture purchased from Damodar) , Gopal's A/c ........... Dr. to cash A/c (Being entry for payment of railway freight for goods purchased) , Joshi's A/c ........... Dr. to Bank A/c. (Being entry for dishonour of cheque which was originally issued by Joshi)

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question

Double entry system of accounting follows the principle of :-

Correct Answer

Every debit has corresponding credit

Your Answer

Every debit has corresponding credit

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question

Features of purchase requisition slip are :-

Correct Answer

Raised when the stock of a raw material has fallen to the re-order level. , Indicates the type, quantity and quality of material required , The information about the price of material is excluded

Your Answer

Match The Following Questio n Correct Answer Your Answer

Liabiliti es All the amount owed by the busines s All the amount owed by the busines s

Raised when the stock of a raw material has fallen to the re-order level. , Raised to intimate the supplier the quantity and quality of new material required. , Indicates the type, quantity and quality of material required

Drawin g Withdr awn for person al use Withdr awn for person al use

Journal Book of origina l entry Book of origina l entry

Ledger Mainta in all types of Accou nts Mainta in all types of Accou nts

Assets All the proper ties owned by the busine ss All the proper ties owned by the busine ss

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question

The features of multiplicity of key factors are as follows :-

Correct Answer

More than one key factors , Refers to a complex situation , Can be resolved by using linear programming technique

Your Answer

More than one key factors , Refers to a complex situation , Can be resolved by using linear programming technique

True/False Question

The labour cost which can be identified with the individual cost centre is known as the Direct Labour Cost.

Correct Answer


Your Answer




Budgetary control is one of the techniques of management accounting.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


True/False Question

The reports generated by financial accounting are meant for the use by management for effective decisions.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question

Advance tax account should appear in which of the final statement of accounts?

Correct Answer

Asset side of the balance sheet

Your Answer

Liability side of the balance sheet

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question

Accounting is the art where transactions are :-

Correct Answer

Summarized , Classified , Recorded

Your Answer

Summarized , Classified , Recorded

Select The Blank Question

Margin of safety indicates ________ of operations.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Match The Following

Questio n Correct Answer Your Answer

Advantageou sly applicable in similar industries Scope of uniform costing Process of uniform costing

Spirit of mutual trust Requisite for uniform costing Requisite for uniform costing

Avoids cut throat competitio n Advantage of uniform costing Advantage of uniform costing

Treatment given to research and developmen t costs Fields covered by uniform costing Fields covered by uniform costing

Select The Blank Question

Category A items, as per ABC analysis, represent ________ % of the total number of items in inventory.

Correct Answer

Less than 10

Your Answer

Less than 10

True/False Question

Financial Accounting discloses the financial

performance & financial statements of the business as a whole. Correct Answer


Your Answer


True/False Question

Financial accounting may deal with the ascertainment of cost & calculation of profitability of the individual product.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question

These are the preventive costs of labour turnover :-

Correct Answer

Cost of maintaining good relations with the workers , Cost of medical services , Cost of welfare facilities

Your Answer

Cost of maintaining good relations with the workers , Cost of medical services , Cost of welfare facilities

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question

The integrated form of all functional budgets is known as :-

Correct Answer

Master budget

Your Answer

Master budget

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question

Features of a cost sheet are as follows :-

Correct Answer

Indicates the total cost of production during a given period , Indicates the unit cost of production during a given period , Helps the management in fixing the selling price to be quoted

Your Answer

Indicates the total cost of production during a given period , Indicates the unit cost of production during a given period , Helps the management in fixing the selling price to be quoted , Helps the management in taking 'make' or 'buy' decision

True/False Question

Amortization of goodwill should be considered while preparing cash budget.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


True/False Question

According to last-in-first-out method of material issue pricing, issues prices are close to current economic values.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


True/False Question

Management Accounting aims at enabling the management to take the decisions about the future. It may consider future data as well as non-financial factors.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question

The cost of fixed asset is Rs. 1,00,000. Rs. 17,000 is charged as depreciation. Calculate the rate of depreciation.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Select The Blank Question

Generally all the liabilities will have ________ balance.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question

Identify the items which are correctly classified :-

Correct Answer

Carriage inward - Factory overheads , Carriage outward - Selling and distribution overheads , Sales research expenses -Selling and distribution overheads

Your Answer

Carriage inward - Factory overheads , Carriage outward - Selling and distribution overheads , Sales research expenses -Selling and distribution overheads

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question

Interest on bank loan, was paid till the quarter ending 30th September, 2003, Rs.36,000/-. Find the amount to be debited to the profit and loss account for the year ending on 31st March, 2004, assuming the loan is not yet repaid as on this date.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


True/False Question

Factory rent is a direct cost to the factory as a whole but indirect to the production departments.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Master budget provides a basis for computing effect of changes in :-

Correct Answer

Product mix of the company , Sales volume , Production facilities

Your Answer

Product mix of the company , Sales volume , Production facilities