
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 778
  • Pages: 5
HPI (history of present illness)


L Location of the symptom (forehead, wrist…) I Intensity of the symptom (scale 1-10, 6/10) Q Quality of the symptom (burning, pulsating pain…) O Onset of the symptom + precipitating factors R Radiation of the symptom ( to left shoulder and arm) A Associated symptoms ( palpitations, shortness of breath) A Alleviating factors (sitting with my chest on my knees) A Aggravating factors (effort, smoking, large meals) PMH (past medical history)


P Previous presence of the symptom (same chief complaint) A Allergies (drugs, foods, chemicals, dust …) M Medicines (any drugs the patient used) H Hospitalization for any illness in the past U Urinary changes ( esp if diabetic, elderly…) G Gastrointestinal complains (diet changes, bowel movements…) S Sleep pattern (waking up/going to sleep…) F Family history (simmilar chief complaints/serious illness) O OB/GYN history (LMP, abortions, para…) S Sexual habits (active/preferences/STD…) S Social life (job/house/smoking/alcohol…..) Pain history checklist C haracter L ocation I ntensity T iming

CLITORIS: O nset R adiating I rritating and relieving factors S ymptoms associated

Differential diagnosis checklist Drugs Infection Rheumatologic Endocrine Cardiovascular Trauma Inflammatory Other Neoplasm


For Social History TIA SHOE: T obacco I llicit drigs A lcohol S exual

H ouse life O ccupation E ating (diet)

premenopausal symptoms HAVOC H- hotflahes A-atropy of vagina V-vaginal dryness O- osteoporosis C- coronary artery diseases Depression.


S-sleep I-interest G-guilt, gun E-energy M-mood

C-concentration A-appetite P-psychomotor S-suicide

Fatigue… IMP ADH I-infection M -malignancy P-ptsd

A-abuse D-depression H-hypothyroidism

Insomnia counseling =ABCDEFGHJKLMN A void H abits for sleep. B edtime J etlag C oncerns (worries) K eep D rugs (nicotine/caffeine/Alcohol) L ist (Diary) E xcercise/Excitement (TV Shows) M onitor F ollow N aps (day time) G ood

Enuresis Counselling = SMILE SAM Supportive (of the child) Monitor Intake (@ Day) Limit (@ Night) Encourage Washroom( @ bedtime) Sheets ( Rubber flannel sheets) Alarms ( >5yrs ) Motivate (thru Rewards) Conselling DM & HTN= MEDOWS Medications (regularity) Excercise ( for obese/sedentary life styles) Diet Modification( Salt/Fatty foods) Opthalmoscopic exams (annual routine) Weight Management (/control) Sugar Check ups Smoking Cessation counseling = SPANCSTER Stressor ( any stress in life/tension etc ) Problems ( Heart /Lung/ CA) Advantages ( Improved breathing & Increased energy) Nicotine Patch ( I can offer you reading materials ) Counselors ( I can refer u/ give # ) Support systems ( I can refer u /give #) Taper down ( if u cant do cold turkey den just taper down a bit) Exercise Programs ( eg Swimming ) Rewards ( reward urself, treat urself with a dinner 4m money saved off of quitting) STD / HIV Counseling STRIP BIMBO ! SAFE SEXUAL PRACTICES TRANSMISSION ( to partners ) RISKS ( acquiring more STD’s) IMMUNIZATIONS ( for Influenza/ Pneumococcal ) PREVENTION COUNSELLING ( REFER TO SW /CAN GIVE #) BEHAVIOUR COUNSELLING (REFER / CAN GIVE #) INTERVENTIONAL COUNSELLING ( REFER /CAN GIVE #) MEDICATIONS BARRIER METHODS (CONDOMS OPPURTUNISTIC INFECTIONS/OBSERVATION (FOR LABS)

HOPI For A CC OF URINARY COMPLAINT------- (b)FINISHED PUBS(/b) Frequency ( How frequent do u Ux) Incontinence( Do u hav trouble holding Ux) Nocturia ( do u hav 2 wak up @ Night) Incomplete emptying ( do u feel fullnes after Ux) Stream (How is ur stream?) Hematuria ( did u notic any blood) Hesitancy (do u hav 2 wait b4 starting Ux) Dysuria (Did u hav diff Ux) Pyuria ( did u pus in Ux) Urgency (do u hav 2 rush) Burning (dysuria) (does it burn) Strain (Do u hav to strain during Ux) OBESITY ---OBESITY-DISC Osteoarthritis Breathing problems Excess Cholestrol Sleep Apnea Increased Incidence Ca’s (Endomet/Breast/Colon) Type 2 DM hYpertension Depression Incontinence Stress Cholelithiasis/Cycle disturbances/Cardiac Syncope/ Loss of Consciousness/Spells ----- CAMPUS CAD Arrythmias/ Aortic Stenosis Migraine/ Meds Psychiatric /Personality disorder( hyperventilation) Unexplained Syncope Seizures/Strokes D/D Confusion ------ DEMENTIA Diabetes /Dementia/ Drugs Epilepsy Migraine/Mult Infarct Dementia Ethanol (withdrawl / Toxicity) Neurological Deficit diseases= BETA (Bleeds,Encephalitis,Tumors,Abscess,Meningitis) TIA/ Trauma Insulin/ Infections Alzheimers/Abscess

D/D = BACK PAIN LIMCOTS Lumbar Spinal stenosis Intervertebral disc herniation Multiple Myeloma/ Mets (Prostate, Breast ,Lung) Cauda equina synd/ Cancer Osteoporosis/Osteoarthritis Trauma/ TB Strain (muscle) Nasuea & Vomiting = A MOPING Anorexia Metabolic( DKA)/Meds Obstruction (pyloric /Intestinal) Pregnancy Inflammation( Pyelo/Cholecysto/Appi/Pancreas/PID) Neurological (BETA)= Bleed/Encephalitis/Tumor/Abscess Gastroenteritis Dizziness is DENTAL CAMPUS Diabetic comp ( Orthostatic ) Ear problems (Meniere’s/ BPV) Neural tumors/Neuropathy Thyroid Anemia L leave me CAMPUS is same as is for SPELLS/LOC/SYNCOPE Pneumonic for orderly HOPI questions= ABCDF- SIQOR AA ROS Appear/Begin=Duration Context= Precipitation (wht were u doin b4, during ?Anythin different?) Development = Progression (sudden / progressive, Any changes overtime) Frequency= persistent/intermittent ( how often/how long) Site Intensity= 0-10/10 Quality = character Other sympt = ROS Radiation= move Aggravation Alleviation ROS

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