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Before Class Challenge!

Using the booklet on your desk, can you tell what type of source this citation refers to?

King, Martha P. “Hurdles of Health Care Reform.” State Legislatures. Jan. 2003: 22-26. Print. A. Book Chapter B. Magazine Article C. Web site Enter your answer at

Ne Research w 3: The MLA Format Avoiding Plagiarism and Documenting Sources Amy Ferguson Richland College Library Fall 2009

Receive the Information Literacy Attend all 3 workshops in the Library Certificate Instruction Program • Research 1: Introduction to College Research • Research 2: Electronic Research Sources and Strategies • Research 3: MLA - Avoiding Plagiarism and Documenting Sources.

Comput er Use Only use computers as I direct. Anyone using computers for other purposes (e-mail, games, etc.) will be asked to leave and will NOT receive credit for this workshop.

Goals • Use proper MLA in-text documentation • Prepare a properly formatted Works Cited list.


Agenda Attendance What is MLA? Works Cited in NoodleBib In-text documentation

What is the MLA Format?

of ls ia t n e s s E “ See mat” r o F A L M e h t Handout.

The Forma t

The Works Cited Page Noo dleT ools form will at th e Cite d Pa Works ge fo r you .

Online Punctuation Guide

. ? “ ” !

Why Must We Cite Our Sources?

To lend authority and credibility to our work. To allow your readers to crossreference your sources easily To provide consistent format for writing papers within a discipline To acknowledge our academic debts Avoid Plagiarism


To plagiarize is to give the impression that you have written or thought something that you have borrowed from someone else. atin L e h t From — s u i r a i g word pla r e p p a n kid

Why Does Plagiarism Matter? You may fail your class or be expelled. Plagiarism in your professiona l career can result in be ing sued, fir ed, and publicly embarrasse d.

The DCCCD Code of Student Conduct prohibits Academic dishonesty “Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but not be limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion.”




Cite your Sources! 1. Provide in-text documentation 2. Provide a citation in the “Works Cited” list for every source cited in the paper.

You Must Cite Your Source When…

Quoting any words that are not your own Summarizing facts and ideas from a source Paraphrasing a source n o ti a rm fo in l a tu c fa g in s u When ge d le w o n k n o m m o c t o n is t tha

COMMON KNOWLEDGE: Information that appears in 5 or more sources Examples:  General Custer lost the battle at Little Big Horn.  Franklin Pierce, 14th President of the United States, was born in 1804 and died in 1869.

Anatomy of a Citation Cooper, Mary H. “Global Warming

Update.” CQ Researcher 1 Nov. 1996: 1-24. Print.

“Early Warning Sings: Spreading Disease.” Global Warming. Union of Concerned Scientists, n.d. Web. 27 Aug. 2009. McKibben, Bill. The End of Nature. New York: Anchor, 1989. Print.

Citing a Book Author. “Part of Book.” Title of Book. Name of Editor. Volume. Series. Imprint. Page Numbers. Additional info. Medium. Becker, Gary S. "The Age of Human Capital." Education in the Twenty-first Century. Ed. Edward P. Lazear. Staford: Hoover, 2002. 3-8. Print.

Periodicals • Newspapers • Magazines • Journals

Image Sources Time Cover: Newsweek Cover:

Citing a Magazine Article Author. “Title of the article.” Title of Magazine Date: Pages. Medium.

Whitley, Glenna. “Duel on the Nile.” D Magazine Feb. 1989: 64-67+. Print.

Image: Newspapers 2 by Arjun Kartha from

Newspaper Articles Author. “Title of Article.” Title of Newspaper Date: Edition: Section and Page Numbers. Medium. Birnbaum, Mary C. “Information-Age Infants: Technology Pushes the Frontiers of What Babies Know.” Dallas Morning News 23 Aug. 1994: 5C. Print.

Citing a Journal Article

Author. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal Volume.Issue (Date): Page Numbers. Badami, Mary Kenny. “A Feminist Critique of Science Fiction.” Extrapolation 18.1 (1976): 236-59.

Image by James w Davis from

Articles from Full Text Databases Citation. Database. Medium. Date of Access. Bessieres, Michel. "Global Warming: Ignorance Is Not Bliss." UNESCO Courier June 2001: 10. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 July 2003

Citing World Wide Web Sources Author. “Title of Page.” Additional Info. Title of Site. Date. Page Numbers. Publisher. Medium. Access Date. Newhall, Brent P. "Beowulf." Encyclopedia Mythica. 17 Mar. 2002. Web. 20 Sep. 2005

Reprints Author. Reprint Source. Rpt. of Original Source. Medium. Chadwick, Douglas. “Private Property Regulation is Necessary to save Endgandered Species.” Endangered Species. Ed. Helen Cothran. Opposing Viewpoints Ser. San Diego: Greenhaven, 2001. 88-93. Rpt. of “Strength in Humilty.” Sierra Jan./Feb. 1996: :n. pag. Print.


Parenthetical (InText) Documentation • Points to the specific source in your Works cited list and the location of information in source • Provide – The Author (or Title) – Page number

Parenthetical Documentation According to Gary S. Becker, human capital is the greatest form of capital in the 21st century (3). The education and ability of the people provide the United States with its greatest asset (Becker 3). Source: Becker, Gary S. "The Age of Human Capital." Education in the Twenty-first Century. Ed. by Edward P. Lazear. Staford: Hoover, 2002. 3-8. Print.

What if the source doesn’t have an author? Most college graduates earn at least 23 percent more than those with just a high school diploma ("Rising" 35).

Source: "The Rising Value of a College Education." Presidency. Sping 2004: 35. Print.

No page number? Just skip it! The evidence clearly proves that the benefits of a college education outweigh the cost of earning a degree (Porter). Source: Porter, Kathleen. "The Value of a College Degree." ERIC Digest. ERIC Clearinghouse: ED470038. U.S. Dept. of Education. 2002. Web. 26 May 2006

Remember • Always write down complete information about your sources while you are at the library. • You can ask a reference librarian for assistance with MLA format.

How Can I Get Information about MLA Format? Refer to the handouts at

OR Ask a Librarian!

Contact Me • E-mail: [email protected] • IM – – – – –

Meebo: amy_the_librarian Yahoo! IM: amy_the_librarian MSN Messenger: amy_the_librarian AIM (AOL): amygflibrarian GoogleTalk: amygferguson

• Phone: 972-238-6082

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