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  • Words: 2,388
  • Pages: 34
Dilution and Mixing of Allergen Extracts Basic Concepts , General Guidelines and Hands-on Training

Lenoir, North Carolina

Overview ¾




Objectives: Discuss/review, demonstrate and streamline extract dilution/mixing Dilution/mixing calculations and procedures are straightforward and easy-to-master 2 common mathematical approaches to dilution and mixing yield identical results Proper dilution/mixing and effective IT require awareness of 5 critical factors

Critical Factors ¾

Quality and consistency of extracts Compositions, Concentrations, Potencies


Integrity and activity of allergens in extracts and mixtures Stabilities, Compatibilities, Cross-reactivities


Sterility and aseptic handling of allergen vials Storage, Workspace, Withdrawal/delivery


Diluent choices, advantages/disadvantages and preferences Normal saline, Buffered saline, HSA-saline, 10% glycerin


Doing the math Serial dilutions, Algebraic calculations, 1-step or multi-step

Extract Stability ¾

Major influences / environmental factors

Time Temperature pH Diluent Strength / dilution / concentration Presence of active hydrolytic enzymes Oxidation / age

Extract Compatibility ¾

Major influences / interactions

Protein and carbohydrate concentrations Protease levels and specificities Allergen susceptibilities Glycerin/diluent content and pH Levels of endogenous enzyme inhibitors

Extract Stability FAQs ¾

Effects of room temperature exposures?


Short exposures to elevated temperatures?


Accidental freezing and thawing?


Diluent differences?


Clinical correlations w/ laboratory test results?

Extract Compatibility FAQs ¾

Compatibility of allergens with molds/insects?


Compatibilities of cat, mite, ragweed and grasses?


[Protease] from product-product and lot-lot?


Compatibility of molds with insects?


Compatibility of molds with other molds?

Extract Compatibility Guidelines ¾

NOT OK to mix insects with molds, pollens or mites NOT OK to mix molds with pollens or mites


OK to mix molds with cat or other molds


OK to combine dust mites, pollens, cat/dog/other eps



In vivo

Skin tests

In vitro

ELISA, Immunoblot

Compatibility of ...

After mixing and storage with ... Insects





Trees/ Weeds

Insects Molds Mites Ragweed


Grasses Trees/ Weeds Epithelia Cat Venoms

Not OK





Dating/Re-prep Considerations ¾

Individual extract stabilities are concentration-dependent Source materials and glycerin concentrations


Extract mixture stabilities are based on cumulative strengths Correspond to individual allergens at final concentrations


10-fold reductions in strength reduce stabilities in half Represent worst-case examples


Stabilities at high dilutions are speculative at best Below detection/quantitation limits of in vitro potency tests


Practical dating may alter lower doses but IT remains effective Slightly lower cumulative doses but similar maintenance doses

Treatment Extract Stability Guidelines Extract Strength/Dilution

Dating/storage at 2-8°C


Rx mixtures



1:10-1:20 w/v 40K-200K PNU/mL


18-36 months

18-36 months

1:100 w/v 4K-40K PNU/mL

Maintenance conc

6-12 months

12 months

1:1,000 w/v

1:10 of conc

3-6 months

6 months

1:10,000 w/v

1:100 of conc

3-6 weeks

6 months

1:100,000 w/v

1:1,000 of conc

1 week

3 months

1:1,000,000 w/v

1:10,000 of conc

1 week

6 weeks

1:10,000,000 w/v

1:100,000 of conc

1 week

6 weeks

Types of Dilutions ¾

Serial Constant dilution factor, one dilution used to make subsequent Examples: 10-fold series = 0.5 mL extract + 4.5 mL diluent 5-fold series = 1.0 mL extract + 4.0 mL diluent


Endpoint Variable dilution factors, one step to final targeted dilution Examples: 20-fold dilution = 0.5 mL extract to 10.0 mL total volume 4-fold dilution = 1.25 mL to 5.0 mL total volume


Combination Variable dilution factors, multiple steps to final targeted dilution Example: 500-fold dilution Step 1 50-fold dilution = 0.2 mL to 10.0 mL Step 2 10-fold of 50-fold = 1.0 mL (50f) to 10.0 mL

Extract Strengths/Units ¾

Weight/volume ratio (w/v) Weight of raw material (g) / volume of extraction/dilution fluid (mL) Inverse proportions 1:10 w/v = 10x stronger than 1:100 w/v


Protein nitrogen units (PNU) Acid-precipitable protein, not predictive of allergenic potencies


Bioequivalent Allergy Units (BAU, AU) Dust mites and grasses Dust mites @ 10,000 AU/mL


IgE binding to multiple protein allergens Most grasses @ 100,000 BAU/mL

Major allergen units/micrograms (Fel d 1/AgE U) Cat and Short ragweed IgG binding to single dominant proteins Cat @ 10,000 BAU/mL = 10-20 Fel d 1 U/mL = 40-80 µg Fel d 1/mL Short ragweed @ 1:20 w/v = 150-300 AgE U/mL (= µg/mL)

Effective Maintenance IT Doses ¾


Non-standardized allergens

w/v or PNU


0.5 mL of 1:50-1:250 w/v or 2,000-8,000 PNU/mL Dose = 1,000-4,000 PNU


0.5 mL of 1:50-1:250 w/v or 4,000-20,000 PNU/mL Dose = 2,000-10,000 PNU

Standardized allergens

AU, BAU or AgE U

Dust mites

0.5 mL of 1,000-4,000 AU/mL

500-2,000 AU


0.5 mL of 2,000-8,000 BAU/mL

1,000-4,000 BAU


0.5 mL of 2,000-6,000 BAU/mL

1,000-3,000 BAU


0.5 mL of 12-24 AgE U/mL

6-12 AgE Units

Dilution/Mixing Approach #1 ¾

Conservation of mass approach (CM) Quantity you want = quantity you have Formula

Vol want x Conc want = Vol have x Conc have Vw Cw = Vh Ch


Want 5 mL at 1:250 w/v, have 1:10 w/v Vh = ? Vw = 5.0 Cw = 1/250 = 0.004 Ch = 1/10 = 0.10 (5.0) (0.004) = ? (0.10) ? = (5.0) (0.004) / 0.10 = 0.20


0.20 mL of 1:10 w/v extract 5.0 – 0.20 = 4.80 mL of diluent

Dilution/Mixing Approach #2 ¾

Dilution factor/fractional volume approach (DF) DF = ratio of initial to final concentrations 1:10 w/v to 1:250 w/v = 250 / 10 = 25-fold dilution (1/10) divided by (1/250) = 0.1 / 0.004 = 25 Same example used with approach #1 Vw = 5.0 DF = 25 Vh = Vw / DF = 5.0 / 25 = 0.20 Formulation

0.20 mL of 1:10 w/v extract 5.0 – 0.20 = 4.80 mL of diluent

CM Approach ¾

2nd w/v

Quantity you want = quantity you have Formula

Vw Cw = Vh Ch


Want 5 mL at 1:50 w/v Have 1:10 w/v Vh = ? Vw = 5.0 Cw = 1/50 = 0.02 Ch = 1/10 = 0.10 (5.0) (0.02) = ? (0.10) ? = (5.0) (0.02) / 0.10 = 1.00


1.00 mL of 1:10 w/v extract 5.0 – 1.00 = 4.00 mL of diluent

DF Approach ¾

2nd w/v

DF = Initial concentration / Final concentration 1:10 w/v to 1:50 w/v = 50 / 10 = 5-fold dilution (1/10) divided by (1/50) = 0.10 / 0.02 = 5 Vw = 5.0 DF = 5 Vh = Vw / DF = 5.0 / 5 = 1.00 Formulation

1.00 mL of 1:10 w/v extract 5.0 – 1.00 = 4.00 mL of diluent

CM Approach ¾

1st PNU

Quantity you want = quantity you have Formula

Vw Cw = Vh Ch


Want 5 mL at 4,000 PNU/mL Have 40,000 PNU/mL Vh = ? Vw = 5.0 Cw = 4,000 Ch = 40,000 (5.0) (4,000) = ? (40,000) ? = (5.0) (4,000) / 40,000 = 0.50


0.50 mL of 40,000 PNU/mL extract 5.0 – 0.50 = 4.50 mL of diluent

DF Approach ¾

1st PNU

DF = Initial concentration / Final concentration 40,000 PNU/mL to 4,000 PNU/mL (40,000) divided by (4,000) = 10 Vw = 5.0 DF = 10 Vh = Vw / DF = 5.0 / 10 = 0.50 Formulation

0.50 mL of 40,000 PNU/mL extract 5.0 – 0.50 = 4.50 mL of diluent

CM Approach ¾

2nd PNU

Quantity you want = quantity you have Formula

Vw Cw = Vh Ch


Want 5 mL at 10,000 PNU/mL Have 40,000 PNU/mL Vh = ? Vw = 5.0 Cw = 10,000 Ch = 40,000 (5.0) (10,000) = ? (40,000) ? = (5.0) (10,000) / 40,000 = 1.25


1.25 mL of 40,000 PNU/mL extract 5.0 – 1.25 = 3.75 mL of diluent

DF Approach ¾

2nd PNU

DF = Initial concentration / Final concentration 40,000 PNU/mL to 10,000 PNU/mL (40,000) divided by (10,000) = 4.0 Vw = 5.0 DF = 4.0 Vh = Vw / DF = 5.0 / 4.0 = 1.25 Formulation

1.25 mL of 40,000 PNU/mL extract 5.0 – 1.25 = 3.75 mL of diluent

Prepare IT Vials by Serial Dilution ¾

Vial colors/labels and concentrations Red Yellow Blue Green Silver


Vial 1 Vial 2 Vial 3 Vial 4 Vial 5

Maintenance concentrate 1/10 of maintenance concentrate 1/100 of maintenance concentrate 1/1,000 of maint. concentrate 1/10,000 of maint. concentrate

Maintenance concentrates < 5 components ideal, > 10 components not recommended Final component conc = initial conc / DF Components act like diluent for other components Calculations for each component as in previous examples

Prepare IT Vials by Serial Dilution ¾

Maintenance concentrate (Vial 1), 5.0 mL total volume Ext A Ext B Ext C Ext D Diluent


1:250 w/v 1:10 = 1/25 = 0.20 mL 1:50 w/v 1:10 = 1/5 = 1.00 mL 4,000 PNU/mL 40K = 1/10 = 0.50 mL 10,000 PNU/mL 40K = 1/4 = 1.25 mL 5.0 – (0.2 + 1.0 + 0.5 + 1.25) = 2.05 mL

Subsequent vials in treatment set, 5.0 mL total volumes Vial 2 Vial 3 Vial 4 Vial 5

0.50 mL Vial 1 0.50 mL Vial 2 0.50 mL Vial 3 0.50 mL Vial 4

+ + + +

4.50 mL diluent 4.50 mL diluent 4.50 mL diluent 4.50 mL diluent

CM Approach ¾

1st BAU

Quantity you want = quantity you have Formula

Vw Cw = Vh Ch


Want 5 mL at 4,000 BAU/mL Cat Have 10,000 BAU/mL Cat Vh = ? Vw = 5.0 Cw = 4,000 Ch = 10,000 (5.0) (4,000) = ? (10,000) ? = (5.0) (4,000) / 10,000 = 2.00


2.00 mL of 10,000 BAU/mL Cat 5.0 – 2.00 = 3.00 mL of diluent

DF Approach ¾

1st BAU

DF = Initial concentration / Final concentration 10,000 BAU/mL Cat to 4,000 BAU/mL (10,000) divided by (4,000) = 2.5 Vw = 5.0 DF = 2.5 Vh = Vw / DF = 5.0 / 2.5 = 2.00 Formulation

2.00 mL of 10,000 BAU/mL Cat 5.0 – 2.00 = 3.00 mL of diluent

CM Approach ¾

2nd BAU

Quantity you want = quantity you have Formula

Vw Cw = Vh Ch


Want 5 mL at 2,000 BAU/mL Grass Have 100,000 BAU/mL Grass Vh = ? Vw = 5.0 Cw = 2,000 Ch = 100,000 (5.0) (2,000) = ? (100,000) ? = (5.0) (2,000) / 100,000 = 0.10


0.10 mL of 100,000 BAU/mL Grass 5.0 – 0.10 = 4.90 mL of diluent

DF Approach ¾

2nd BAU

DF = Initial concentration / Final concentration 100,000 BAU/mL Grass to 2,000 BAU/mL (100,000) divided by (2,000) = 50 Vw = 5.0 DF = 50 Vh = Vw / DF = 5.0 / 50 = 0.10 Formulation

0.10 mL of 100,000 BAU/mL Grass 5.0 – 0.10 = 4.90 mL of diluent

CM Approach ¾


Quantity you want = quantity you have Formula

Vw Cw = Vh Ch


Want 5 mL at 1,500 AU/mL Mite Have 10,000 AU/mL Mite Vh = ? Vw = 5.0 Cw = 1,500 Ch = 10,000 (5.0) (1,500) = ? (10,000) ? = (5.0) (1,500) / 10,000 = 0.75


0.75 mL of 10,000 AU/mL Mite 5.0 – 0.75 = 4.25 mL of diluent

DF Approach ¾


DF = Initial concentration / Final concentration 10,000 AU/mL Mite to 1,500 AU/mL (10,000) divided by (1,500) = 6.67 Vw = 5.0 DF = 6.67 Vh = Vw / DF = 5.0 / 6.67 = 0.75 Formulation

0.75 mL of 10,000 AU/mL Mite 5.0 – 0.75 = 4.25 mL of diluent

Serial Dilution Example #2 ¾

Maintenance concentrate (Vial 1), 5.0 mL total volume Cat Mite Grass Diluent


4,000 BAU/mL 10K = 1/2.5 = 2.00 mL 1,500 AU/mL 10K = 1/6.67 = 0.75 mL 2,000 BAU/mL 100K = 1/50 = 0.10 mL 5.0 - (2.0 + 0.75 + 0.1) = 2.15 mL

Subsequent vials in treatment set, 5.0 mL total volumes Vial 2 Vial 3 Vial 4 Vial 5

0.50 mL Vial 1 0.50 mL Vial 2 0.50 mL Vial 3 0.50 mL Vial 4

+ + + +

4.50 mL diluent 4.50 mL diluent 4.50 mL diluent 4.50 mL diluent

More Vial 1 Exercises ¾

20, 10 or 5 mL total volumes Dog 1/5, 1/10 or 1/20 dil from 1:10 w/v stock vial Bermuda 1/3, 1/6 or 1/10 dil from 10K BAU/mL stock Ragweed 1/10, 1/25 or 1/50 dil from 475 AgE U/mL stock Cat 1/3, 1/5 or 1/8 dil from 10K BAU/mL stock Formulations and final concentrations of each component?


10 mL total, 1:100 w/v or 5,000 PNU/mL per component Alternaria Red maple Johnson Nettle Aspergillus Juniper

1:10 w/v, 120,000 PNU/mL stock vial 1:10 w/v, 60,000 PNU/mL stock vial 1:20 w/v, 70,000 PNU/mL stock vial 1:20 w/v, 30,000 PNU/mL stock vial 1:10 w/v, 90,000 PNU/mL stock vial 1:10 w/v, 12,000 PNU/mL stock vial

Exercise Results ¾

20 mL total volume Dog Bermuda Ragweed Cat


1/5 = 4.00 mL 1/3 = 6.67 mL 1/10 = 2.00 mL 1/3 = 6.67 mL

Final: Final: Final: Final:

1:50 w/v 3.3K BAU/mL 48 AgE U/mL 3.3K BAU/mL

1/10 = 1.00 mL 1/6 = 1.67 mL 1/25 = 0.40 mL 1/5 = 2.00 mL

Final: Final: Final: Final:

1:100 w/v 1.7K BAU/mL 19 AgE U/mL 2K BAU/mL

1/20 = 0.25 mL 1/10 = 0.50 mL 1/50 = 0.10 mL 1/8 = 0.63 mL

Final: Final: Final: Final:

1:200 w/v 1K BAU/mL 9.5 AgE U/mL 1.3K BAU/mL

10 mL total volume Dog Bermuda Ragweed Cat


1:10 w/v 10K BAU/mL 475 AgE U/mL 10K BAU/mL

1:10 w/v 10K BAU/mL 475 AgE U/mL 10K BAU/mL

5 mL total volume Dog Bermuda Ragweed Cat

1:10 w/v 10K BAU/mL 475 AgE U/mL 10K BAU/mL

Exercise Results ¾

10 mL total, 1:100 w/v per component Alternaria Red maple Johnson Nettle Aspergillus Juniper


1:10 w/v 1:10 w/v 1:20 w/v 1:20 w/v 1:10 w/v 1:10 w/v

1:100 = 1/10 dilution = 1.00 mL 1:100 = 1/10 dilution = 1.00 mL 1:100 = 1/5 dilution = 2.00 mL 1:100 = 1/5 dilution = 2.00 mL 1:100 = 1/10 dilution = 1.00 mL 1:100 = 1/10 dilution = 1.00 mL

10 mL total, 5,000 PNU/mL per component Alternaria Red maple Johnson Nettle Aspergillus Juniper

120,000 PNU/mL 60,000 PNU/mL 70,000 PNU/mL 30,000 PNU/mL 90,000 PNU/mL 12,000 PNU/mL

5,000 = 1:24 dilution = 0.42 mL 5,000 = 1:12 dilution = 0.83 mL 5,000 = 1:14 dilution = 0.71 mL 5,000 = 1/6 dilution = 1.67 mL 5,000 = 1/18 dilution = 0.55 mL 5,000 = 1/2.4 dilution = 4.17 mL

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