Mis Functional Aspects

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  • Words: 1,160
  • Pages: 27
MIS Functional Aspects

Functional Aspects MIS is an integrated collection of functional information systems, each supporting particular functional areas.

Business Processes within a Functional Area


An Organization’s MIS Financial MIS

Business transactions

Transaction processing systems

Business transactions


Databases of valid transactions

Databases of external data

Accounting MIS

Drill down reports Exception reports Demand reports

Marketing MIS

Human Resources MIS Etc.

Key-indicator reports Scheduled reports


•Financial statements

MIS is an integrated collection of functional systems, each supporting particular functional areas.

•Uses and managements of funds •Financial stats for control •Quality Control reports •Process Control reports •Production Schedule •CAD output •JIT Reports •Sales by customer •Sales by salesperson •Sales by product •Pricing report •Total service calls •Customer satisfaction •Benefit reports •Salary surveys •Scheduling report •Job applicant profiles •Needs and planning report

Financial MIS Provides financial information to all financial managers within an organization. It performs the following activities: 

provides financial information to all financial Managers within an organization

Profit/Loss and Cost Systems


Uses and Management of funds

Databases of internal data

Databases of external data

Financial DSS

Business transactions Transaction processing systems

Databases of valid transactions for each TPS

Business transactions

Internet or Extranet

Business transactions

Financial MIS

Financial statements

Operational databases

Uses and management of funds

Financial applications databases

Financial ES

Financial statistics for control

Customers, Suppliers


Inputs to the Financial IS 

Strategic plan or corporate policies 

Contains major financial objectives and often projects financial needs.

Transaction processing system (TPS) 

 

Important financial information collected from almost every TPS - payroll, inventory control, order processing, accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger. External sources Annual reports and financial statements of competitors and general news items.

Payments to suppliers, employees, other institutions.

Receipt from customers, employees, financial institutions and others. Shares information from stock exchange

inancial MIS Subsystems Financial subsystems  

Profit/loss and cost systems Auditing  

Internal auditing External auditing

Uses and management of funds

Outputs 

Statutory reports :  Sales tax, excise and tax returns or any other tax details.  Providing reports to other financial institutions.  Giving reports to the shareholders annually. Decisional reports :  Break even analysis for cost and price decision.  ROI for choice investment.  Trend analysis to make decision for alternative material or suppliers.  Sources and usage of funds. Knowledge updates :  Stock valuation.  Monthly trial balance, balance sheet and profit and loss account.  Cash position.  Expenses on major accounts.  Overall business achievements in major links of business. Operations updates :  Statutory payments such as Advance Tax, Sales Tax, Octroi etc.  Filling of statutory returns and reports.  Transactions executed and accounted in the systems.  Reports on finished goods, dispatches and invoicing.

Manufacturing Management IS The manufacturing MIS subsystems and outputs

monitor and control the flow of materials, products, and services through the organization

It performs the following activities: 

Design and engineering

Master production scheduling and inventory control

Process control

Quality control and testing

Databases of internal data

Databases of external data

Manufacturing DSS

Business transactions Transaction processing systems

Databases of valid transactions for each TPS

Business transactions

Manufacturing MIS

Quality control reports Process control reports

Internet or Extranet

Manufacturing applications databases

Operational databases

JIT reports

Manufacturing ES

MRP reports Production schedule CAD output

Business transactions

Customers, Suppliers


Inputs to the Manufacturing MIS  

Strategic plan or corporate policies. The TPS:     

Order processing Inventory data Receiving and inspecting data Personnel data Production process

External sources

Manufacturing MIS Subsystems     

 

Design and engineering Master production scheduling Inventory control Manufacturing resource planning Just-in-time inventory and manufacturing Process control Quality control and testing

Outputs of Manufacturing MIS     

 

Machine Master Work Center Definition Capacity Planning Bill of Material (BOM) Product Costing (on Items as well as Machine cost basis) Work Order Generation WIP Status

Marketing MIS Marketing MIS: supports managerial activities in product development, distribution, pricing decisions, and promotional effectiveness It performs the following activities: 

Marketing research

Product development

Promotion and advertising

Product pricing

Marketing MIS 

Basic goal of marketing is to satisfy the needs and wants of the customers.

The business functions of marketing is concerned with the promotions, planning and sale of existing product and service in existing market.

It also deals with development of new product and services for new market to potential customers

Thus MIS plays important role by providing managers with many functional information systems. Actually marketing was the first functional area to exhibit an interest in MIS.

For example, for interactive marketing- MIS can provide information about prospectus customers who can become partners for making and improving the product and services.

Databases of internal data

Business transactions

Transaction processing systems

Databases of external data

Databases of valid transactions for each TPS

Marketing MIS

Marketing DSS

Marketing applications databases

Sales by customer Sales by salesperson

Operational databases

Sales by product

Marketing ES

Pricing report Total service calls Customer satisfaction


Inputs to Marketing MIS   

Strategic plan and corporate policies The TPS External sources:  

The competition The market

Marketing MIS Subsystems    

Marketing Research Product Development Promotion and Advertising Product Pricing

Outputs of Marketing MIS         

Customer Master Product Family Product Master Generate Quotation Pending Quotation Status Sales Order Orders in Hand & Status Sales Invoicing Sales Forecasting

Human Resource MIS 

Concerned with all of the activities related to employees and potential employees of the organization

It performs the following activities: 

 

Planning to meet the future needs of the organization Development of employees to their full potential Control of all personnel policies and programs

Databases of internal data

Business transactions

Transaction processing systems

Databases of valid transactions for each TPS

Databases of external data

Human Resource MIS

Human Resource DSS

Human resource applications databases

Benefit reports Salary surveys

Operational databases

Scheduling reports

Human Resource ES

Training test scores Job applicant profiles Needs and planning reports


Inputs to HR MIS 

Employees grievances  Performance appraisal information is often used as evidence in grievance matter.  Follow up on complaints filed by employees for variety of reasons. Training.  Earlier training completed or new training needed for the employees. Sources of manpower  Campus recruitment from colleges directly, or from Universities Employee Information System  Employee profile  Employees skill inventory Performance appraisal system  Review of work for making decision regarding merit pay, increase in pay, transfer or promotions.  Data is asked from immediate superior.

HR MIS Subsystems

Outputs of HR MIS     

Employee Management Leave Management Payroll Management Training Management Recruitment Management

Accounting Information Systems

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