Minutes Oct 2008

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Minutes of the New Zealand Association of Language Teachers held at Airport Motel, 101 Milson Line, Palmerston North 18-19 October Meeting started at: 10.30am Present: Adele Scott (President), Jane Lee (Treasurer), David Hall (Waikato), James Donaldson (Massey), Doug Anderson (Auckland), Philippa Doig (Victoria), Jo Rittey (Canterbury), Chris Durrant (Otago), Anne Jaques (SVP) – Lisa Metcalfe (minute taker) Welcome by Adele: Starting a little late but things have been happening before. Special welcome to Chris from Otago – Doug's official first meeting. Lisa official Minute taker. Jo – Chch – RO – teaching french – research portfolio Philippa – Victoria RO, self employed – giving up conference portfolio after 2 years Anne – Vice President – French & Japanese – Policy planning and publicity portfolio James – RO Massey – covering from Hawkes Bay to Taranaki – based in Havelock North – French – Human Resources portfolio Doug – Auckland RO – French & Japanese – Curriculum & Assessment portfolio David - Professional Development and website portfolios Jane – Auckland – Team Solutions – Treasurer Chris – Otago – German and Junior French – Spanish – taking over from Jenness Adele – Joint holder PPP portfolios – President – Japanese and French First time executive meeting outside Wellington – decision was made at the last meeting. A good opportunity to do something different – Wellington has been traditionally the meeting place for easy access to the Ministry, NZQA, PO Box etc – the Secretary organised a free venue – the Treasurer will be looking at the books to see if there is any difference to cost by moving around. A benefit to being here today is that we can liaise with Massey University – we have presentation at 2.30pm by Professor Cynthia White. Dr Ute Walker and Dr Penny Shino. It is good that we can hear what is being offered at Massey. They were hoping we would go to Massey and liaise there – but we don't have the time so another time maybe. Invited Steve Maharey – however he is unavailable today. March meeting next year offered in Otago. The venue doesn't always have to be in the same place. Might be good to go to another university town and liaise with others – maybe up our profile at tertiary. Need to be aware in Wellington we get access to the Ministry and NZQA input – they don't always come though. We could have a pattern of alternating between Wellington and then another place. There are people who work for the Ministry and NZQA and live in other places. Next year we should tie in with Lang Sem – traditionally tied alternate year AGMs with that. Next meeting: March next year – traditionally towards end of March- Otago could invite Tim Eden (?). Auckland – AUT would be delighted – also Waikato would be keen. Might need to consider March, July and October. Minutes of the July Meeting:

Move they be accepted as a true and accurate Matters Arising: 1. Jane was there – add to attendees 2. Needed to record that we accepted the minutes from the March meeting

Adele / Doug

3. Appendix A: Not all members of SLA are members of NZALT – teachers don't know why they should be members and it needs to be explained Chris. Needs publication. Wonder about the overarching part – I get really practical things from my German – so what can I get from NZALT? Most people find conference and Lang Sems valuable – difference in Wellington we made a big difference in cost for members and non-members. Just processed a lot of evaluations and was good feedback. Doug - Depends on what work the regional officer does for NZALT. Made clear that the material offered is only for members of NZALT. Can do that in Auckland because of the numbers – in Massey can't do that as the clusters are so small. Adele – the NZALT – is good as the SLA groups are small and NZALT gives mass. Anne – NZALT has an advocacy role Jane – As treasurer I have heard this line or statement so many times – it is a national name – advocacy – couldn't do it through small regional associations – what's in it for me as a teacher in a classroom – not a lot but in terms of advocates to ensure the growth of language activities as a whole. David – GANZ is quite active – various other ones are not – some might get more out of NZALT than their SLA – as part of our membership you get automatic membership to your SLA. SLAs have always pulled back from that. Spanish is now $100. Japanese $30. French & German $10. Adele – This is very good background for Chris – excellent question and we have to keep answering it. Now have Human Resources and Publicity – Marketing and Publicity has not been strong in recent times – needs to have someone with energy and ideas and help us get our defining commitments and goals and strategies that might in concrete terms help us promote what we do to our members. Advocacy is huge – all sub people were called to align to standards – the key 5 SLAs who we represent were there – we asked do we want to take this on – they want NZALT to do it because they want the umbrella. They knew we needed to be generic for the matrix. Being involved in things like that it will become more clear to the membership. Chris – HODs might be good for passing these on. Need a single fee that covers all SLAs – HODs need to be approached – make it really specific that this is what we do etc. Need some direct things, advertising to HODs. Then they can say this is why you need to be a part of this. Doug – have many Ls. NZAJLY, AAJLT and NZALT in Auckland. Adele – park ideas for now – possibly come back to this tomorrow – we have vacancies. Chris - Regional variations in the strength of NZALT. Does Chris want to take on the Marketing Portfolio? - Liaison position for conference. Philippa – we are being invited to meetings – we need to say to people that we have someone active at the meetings with ministry and NZQA etc. Adele – getting the message out to people. Secretary and President and VP role is to get the message out. We can do better. Doug – happy to organise an HOD meeting and pass the message on that way.

Adele – who are the people that can get the consistent messages out to the people. People in schools know what kind of messages will be acted on – consistent lines for this. Philippa – subsidise people for Lang Sem etc. Find it hard to get people to meetings in Wellington.

Move that Chris take on the Marketing Role (7.1) – liaising conference 2010 Adele/James Remit 3: Why aren't we making it free for College of Education students so we get them on our books. Look at this for next year. Follow up with some sort of connection – part of marketing. Item 8.1 2009 events – Lang Sem: MOE Funding – QTPF $2000 (Quality Teacher Partnership Fund) Auckland – late May on a Friday (no QTPF) – funding application gone – Auck not had it before – it is worth it.

Action – Follow up dates of QTPF and application forms action David Waikato – late August, early September. (could be AGM? - bit on the late side) Massey – At Wanganui – 21 August -(TBC) Negotiating Wanganui cluster to do this. UCOL can't confirm spare rooms Christchurch – August 14 - Riccarton Racecourse Victoria – September 21st – not booked – Monday Otago – March 10th – at College of Education, Dunedin – Tuesday. Jenny Mckinney – workshops – going to do camps as well – Noeline Grant picked up job a in Victoria – no replacement known of yet – need to ask. 8.ii Meetings for exec : March July October AGM is usually held at a LangSem and all executive are required to be there – Friday LangSem – Sat/Sun the Exec meeting. Adele is President for another year – Anne Senior Vice President for another year – no-one stepped up for Junior Vice President. Traditionally held at the President location but not necessary. Fly to main centre and then all go in a car – would be good to have AGM at Wanganui. Accommodation could be at PN. 45 minutes from PN. AGM no later than 30 September: Options: Massey Waikato – at Airport Motor Inn – on the Airport site. Wanganui would be a good boost for them – they regularly travel to events. Worth supporting.

NZALT pays for executive members to get to AGM. Don't pay for Lang Sem but do pay for lunch? Need to register for the Lang Sem. Not fair to expect the school to pay for something that we require you to be at – clarify at the March meeting. Quorum for AGM is 20.

Move that we hold the 2009 AGM after the Massey Lang Sem at Wanganui – tentative date 21st August Phillipa / Anne March Meeting – Wellington – NZQA, Ministry etc – first meeting each year should be in Wellington. Dates: 28/29 March 2009 Chris wont be able to come but Jane should be able to attend in his place. Axel from ILANZ in Wellington is keen to meet with us. October meeting Jenness in Dunedin has offered a bach that should cater for the executive. Good to go to the South Island. Christchurch is a possibility Auckland or Waikato Decide in March Could have a vague idea to go to Wellington once a year, one other north island and one south island location each year. 8.iii PPTA Subject Association Forum Tagged onto the end of the teaching conference – PPTA Subject Association Forum. Every president of every Language Association was invited. About 40 people were there – we were the loudest and had the most representation. Ministry funded a position to help liaise – then took the funding away after a year. Fiona was the funded position. PPTA took up the slack and provided the opportunity to meet. They want to provide opportunity again – suggested holidays. Adele went to this. Next year is Wellington – qualifications framework – implementation of new curriculum – informal conversations about how to motivate members – deal with finances etc. People looked at our strategic plan and how that happened and how it underpins what we do. Ministry had speakers – don't know if NZQA were invited. We need to say if we will have a representative there. Suggesting 2 days. Fund ourselves to get there and accommodation – in principle Philippa would be interested. Doug would like to be there – with curriculum and assessment and moderation hat. See if NZQA could get him there.

Move – that a response goes back to PPTA stating there will be 2 or 3 of us in attendance and at the moment we have no preference of dates Adele /Anne 8.iv AFMLTA Conference Sydney: Dialogue, Discourse, Diversity If you want to make a presentation call for papers close on Oct 29th. Very worth while attending. We funded Jan Robertson to go to it. A good opportunity to publicise our own conference. Adele is going through Massey – won't be seeking as much funding from NZALT – if she can get a presentation will get Massey to fund it. Canterbury were going to offer funding subsidies. When we get to PD portfiolio could look at what we might want to do – if we want to fund someone to go.

3. Correspondence: 3 (i) Incoming: 1. Olga Fin – interpreting/translations English-Russian and German-Russian

2. www.Chinesevoice.com Quite a bit of sensitivity at conference about people selling their own products. Some say brilliant that the resources were there and others say they were only there to promote their own products. Bit nervous about an unsolicited request. Could have some policy about promoting commercial organisations on our website – we have no idea about the quality of the programme to endorse it. People who ask for something give a package. A place for links to promote. We would seek them. It was about getting advertisements. Different ways to get people to support.

Action: Ignore email and do not respond. 3. Louise Ford - Meeting request 4. Margaret Atkinson – Language Curriculum 3 (ii) Outgoing: letters to go out: Press release – election – Adele / Chris Patron – thanks – James Your employers – notification – Jane / Doug Sue S – thanks – David Jan R – Conference and Chris D roles – Adele / Chris Axel – ILANZ March meeting – Anne / Jo Victoria University – Anne / Jo Craig & Shane – congratulations on Vocab Olympics Competition - Adele 4. Treasurers report Scales project has meant we have had to become GST registered – bookkeeping is more complex. Employing Small Business Accounting (SBA) to take over the responsibility – can all be done online. Current audit no longer has to be done as accounting is done and up to date with each GST period. About 2 weeks out from having to pay first GST sum. SBA need David's signature to enable them to access our accounts online. Process we have had to take on. We don't have a choice. Can see if we are happy after one year. Will company be able to advise us on our IRD number for regions? Because regions have own bank accounts and deposits you have to register yourselves. Not necessary until you go over 40000 – you have to do a return every 6 months. Regions are not GST registered unless income is over 40000 or they choose. They are separate entities. Registering for GST is easy but putting in a return every 6 months can be a pain.

Very pleased to see current membership getting close to 500 again. New membership is very promising. Trying to find out how many Language teachers in NZ – 400 secondary schools. Languages advisors in regions may be able to help. Receipts: Subs are good – interest is helpful – SCALES is the project that Adele is running. Return from National conference. Allocated stamps and stickers all under stamps. Financially SCALES is on budget. 15% will come back to NZALT – expecting approx. $12,000 after costs and GST. NZ Lang T – paid from last year. NZALT Conference – expenses that executive pays at the event – eg SLAs breakfast etc – hosting things. Regional Associations – largest one Auckland, smallest Southland - $5 per member from last year's membership. Jane to check the $350 in the conference column. Expenses for this weekend – can claim for mileage – 60c/km and parking. Envelope – Jane's address – Jane Lee: 235 St Andrews Rd, Epsom 1023 Vital that any deposit you make has a tag – at least have a name beside it – easier for Jane if it has what it is for. Philippa - Conference money was a nightmare as it was paid into several accounts. $853 paid by a school but it can't be traced. New accounting procedures – start a clean slate – have new account and start fresh. School pays to NZALT. Have a deposit with a code $48 – old code – it doesn't help – needs a name beside it. Maybe new account person can set codes for this. Discuss with accountant. Bottom line: How much we actually have – because of the money coming in from the MOE - 1st Oct $40,714.09 – working account. Investment account - $30,000.

Move that the financial report be accepted

Jane / Philippa

THANKS TO JANE Investment Account: Was established before Jane was treasurer – became vital when Auckland held Lang Sem and we thought we would have to bail them out – last year in September we also thought we may need to do this. Suggest at least half is spent on members for conferences etc. It is earning interest. Given strategic goals – can we think of things where we could use the money for investment for more return. Consider how the money should be spent. Need to wait and see how the SCALEs project ends up. But could talk about $15000 becoming available to distribute back to members. PD applications yet to

come. Haven't been advertised particularly well. Regional advisors in a prime spot for that. We decide who gets what. Main award in March meeting. Total we could pay for PD awards $2000 – one year we overstepped that. Speak up award – up to $300 per person?? SLAs award every non-conference year - $1500 / $2000 – coming up next year. Other associations – Maths association get together 5-10 volunteers in January every year and pay for them for a week to work together and write resources. Focus on very specific things. We are split because of the various languages – could start thinking about this. Chris – website – links to the separate languages. Placing resources on there – make it available and pick and choose what they want. Philippa - Becomes complicated when you have to look at a number of sites – when looking for things you want to use it would be treading on the toes of specific languages – would be doubling up. Adele – could say that we could produce some generic things – templates etc. Jane - website not complete and will need money spent on it. In terms of the way it works and subs etc. Jane – we should start to create a list. Adele – make a decision about it between now and March exploring the options. Could do this on writeboard. Make a list and make a decision in March. Will have final figures from conference and will know how SCALEs is going Need to look at the strategic points. Chris - Shouldn't we be supplying cheat sheets for what NZQA needs – this is what it should look like – advise what NZQA want. It is on various sites. Doug - The best generic thing is the national moderators report. Doesn't work to have generic things. Anne - Think through what would be the best thing to have on the website. Eplus website – has this. Adele – documentation for NZQA is a concern for teachers – maybe should be looking at the needs. Teachers need to take responsibility – too risky to present “the way”. Maybe we need to provide some leadership in this area. Maybe we get permission to go to their website or host some of the things. Philippa – showing leadership – if we know it is useful to do things like read the moderators report – then do that at the meetings. If you advertise something that clearly states that is what they will get out of the meeting. Adele – may be in the too hard basket. Doug – moderators report tells the department to look on the website at the start of the year to check they have the right version etc. Give teachers a defined time to read it. Idea for spending: Support for Senior school achievements

Make a list this weekend . 5 ii Charitable Status / IRD and regional accounts Not yet charitable – still progressing this 5 iii Archiving Materials – what how who where when Things in garages etc Adele – survey: 270 people who have responded to survey – not allowed to dig into that data and look forward – need to go back 10 years and look at the whys Archiving – until a concrete idea won't talk about it. Adele check out professional storage costs. 5 iv Letters / Communications we need to write a. response to elections / political messages: need to have a press release that says we are out here too lobbying for our members. Promote association messages b. thanks to Patron: need to formally thank the Governor General for coming to our conference. c. letters to your employers: Write to each executive member's employer to advise they are elected and promote what this is. d. write to Sue formally thanking her for her 30 plus years service.

Sent card and present to Pam and Jenness after conference – thanking them. outgoing Received card from Jenness – Chris to respond with thanks – incoming correspondence Presentation from Gunhild: SCALEs project: Adele and Gunhild are managing the project for the new curriculum matrix. Are now at version 6. A lot of to-ing and fro-ing. Part of the contract is to consult with the sector – it is an NZALT contract and this is where the executive come in now. It was a good contract that was negotiated. As part of consultation there is a questionnaire to be hosted by the NZALT website and there will be consultation meetings to guide a discussion about what is going to be happening. Look at matrix: 6 achievement standards – 3 internal and 3 external. Still very confidential Were asked to separate Latin from Languages. Make an achievement standard matrix that incorporates Pacific Island languages too. View and respond could be read and respond for those languages that require it – it could be on a movie etc. Be clear in explanatory notes.

Our job was to align the standards that exist now with the new curriculum. Viewing is new – not only for Pacifika but is for sign language. Achievement objectives in communication strand Assess how things play out in and through communication. Bound by 24 credit maximum Writing is where the drop out in exams is. External writing is an artificial skill as you don't write anything without the support of resources. Ministry want it so we lowered the credit value. Step ups. Key competencies – grade and level step ups where the KCs are not assessable as such. They are threaded through. Listening – inconsistency between the languages. That is about the exam setter not the standard. Ministry want this internal but the sector doesn't. Credit value on internals has risen. 14 internal credits and 10 external. Interact – more reflective of the realities of a year 11 student. Presentation replacing the speech. Level 5 &6 beyond the immediate context. Craft text – writing with the help of resources. Had to justify against 6 principles stipulated by NZQA. Have a group called SCALES – there are 12 altogether spread around the country. Don't cover Nelson and Southland. Have asked Sarah Perkins and Chris to run something down south. Everyone else will have a SCALE by their side. - except James. Asking you to be facilitators for these meetings. Regional advisers for LL will be invited and may be asked to help organise them. Prefer consultations to run during the week of 10-14 November. Least interference with exams. Need to have response back fairly fast. As NZALT regional officers – your usual pipeline is where it needs to go out – however others will also advertise the meetings once the date is set. Will be advertised in NZQA circular. Consultation starts on election day – goes live online. Surveys have to be in by the 30th November – it will go off line then – non-negotiable. NZQA have conceded that it will be rolled out. We were one of the first to sign up.  Decide a venue. Prefer it to be free – large area with break out areas. Invite ALL language teachers – regional advisers will have a wider net of contacts than just NZALT.

Once decided on place and time – cc Adele and Gunhild so they can put the meetings on the website.  Organise space and hardware  Organise a minute taker  Organise refreshments and stationary – Adele and Gunhild will send out some things  book a data projector  Organisation of content.  Manage the meeting – get it organised and get the people there – so that it is a team effort.  Need to set an agenda  Have a list of participants – they just need to show the languages represented  Guide people into the process. Show the NZALT website so they can see the matrix and online survey.  Have some hard copies of matrix for reference Facilitation strategies: Strategies to prevent one person from dominating. What's on top – give out 3 stickies at start of session. Everyone sits down for some minutes and writes down what is up front on their minds. Don't discuss just put on paper – group with other stickies to see where there are lots of concerns. Parking sheets – really important – sticky (different colour) bursting questions – write down and put on whiteboard to address later. Hoping that people will have been online before the meeting and looked at the matrices 2 hour meeting Doug – bad timing. Adele – we have no choice. Doug - Timing means that there will be knee jerk reaction. Unrealistic at this time of year to expect teachers to have done any preparation for this prior to the meeting. Adele - Will February be better? - yes – If possible will move it to Feb. Want to do the best job possible Can't publish until we have the ok from Ministry and NZQA. Adele and Gunhild need to liaise with NZQA – 6 people. So need to discuss with NZQA – and need to be trusted to make the right decision. Give us the chance to signal that this will be happening.

Can signal to members that this will come, there is a change – meetings will happen soon. Keep the detail of the matrix to yourselves. Presentation from Professor Cynthia White, Dr Ute Waker and Dr Penny Shino (Massey University) CW: Worked at different universities overseas before coming to Massey. Background more TESOL Linguistics PS – Japanese – East Asian studies UW – German studies and European languages Dialogue about issues and concerns – links between secondary and tertiary sectors. Offered through Massey: Bachelor of Communications – within the structure – we now have a place for all languages which can be taken as a minor. Another impetus for languages and offer students from schools another career path. May like to think about talking to students thinking about going into commerce or business – they may like to include a language in this. Scholarships, links etc Any teacher interested in up-skilling – they can do smaller units than a BA – grad dip in arts – 8 papers. Dip Arts - 8 papers endorsed in each of the languages – 5 papers in the subject - Available from 2009. How common is this with other universities? – AUT have similar Bachelor Communication – their's is stronger in industry. Are you channelling the students into the traditional or will they be supportive of the business areas? In Japanese moving that way. Have papers on books that were done in the past so are currently exploring this. At the moment it is general languages. Used to be a requirement that everyone do a language component – Canterbury University are thinking that some qualifications to have a language paper component. Difficulty moving from optional papers to core requirements of this. Maybe need to push more that it is a core competence. A debate for the association to think about pushing. What do you do about selling your subjects to secondary students? Been proactive – latest issue of communicator goes to all schools with a front page: Preparing students to take on the world. Project with Germany – things that can be done through leaflets etc- things on offer etc. Also like to get across what we actually do within the papers and the experience offered to students for authentic ways – trialled an international tandem – students at a German University studying English worked together with students here online. Collaborative projects Level 3 NCEA Japanese going straight into 200 papers – but there is still some caution as the ways are different at university. From 2010 – there will be a paper for advanced level 1 students. Important to get these messages into the schools.

From next year an initiative where special tutors in languages will be signing on and working evenings and weekends etc for talking sessions. Had a number of Olympians studying. Online resources – Japanese - Japan times website – search genki online. A lot of text book publishers work this way now where they publish the book and have a supporting website. Connecting students with the world. Exchanges – all languages taught at Massey have exchange opportunities in a number of places. China, Japan, France, Germany, Latin America. Potential for us to encourage students to take up these. Under-utilised at the moment. Grant available from Massey of $500. Have to pay Massey fees – scholarships attached. Language a good subject to attach onto something else – people know that language is difficult. Career advisers in schools need to encourage this. May need to push more that languages go with everything – shows you are an international citizen. What are some ways we could do this better? Advocate for languages. Think the tide is turning. Outflow of NZers overseas – globalisation – all very good for us. The availability of languages as minors. Need to have the experience of getting started in a language. Is the School of Languages well supported in the university? Not as many students as other subjects. It is improving. Universities know that they are not a university without languages. We now have a very supportive Vice-Chancellor. Otago had a German day – year 13 students went to university for a day. Great idea. Aways works well – highlighting positive role models. A project – NZALT – approach the universities and find good role models Massey over last few months have highlighted some of these people – they are not necessarily visible to your students in the schools. NZALT ask on a regular basis for news and stories to feed back to members. Contact this group. The message 'languages goes with everything' is a good one. Realising that languages are needed for future studies and jobs. Sell that by doing level 1 NCEA is to get a Record of Learning. AUT have afternoon teas where year 13s can go in for the afternoon – talk to students do some online activities etc. Video of students – motivation and interest. - Youtube videos Feelings expressed from time to time to add more languages – need to make a strong case for this. How could we help the tertiary sector? PEALAG

Have strong mutual interests. If students do languages up to year 11 they are in a good position to take languages at university. Very good to network. Talk through associations – but also network individually. Do not hesitate to contact. Had a German university lecturer come and talk to secondary school class in the early 70s – was very inspiring. Students need a sense of somewhere to go after school. Maybe make a CD with some live interviews and discussions. Keep at a level that is understandable by them. Need to be clear as to whether we can or cannot put this on our website. One thing we can say to students – classes are small which is a positive. More of an opportunity for one to one support. Actions: Penny – wants all email addresses so they can keep us updated.

Send email thanking them with email addresses on it – they can then make it a group. Action Adele The banner – NZALT Banner – would be really good at Lang Sems. One at conference – if it hadn't had the date on it would be ideal. Competitions for 2009 – could be design a banner 6. Regional Officers' (RO) Reports 6 (i) Auckland Report: presented as read Comments: Congratulations on success of Saturday workshop Online AGM – email putting out reports calling for nominations. President of Auckland region's idea. Apathy with turning up etc. Most languages teachers can't come after school and won't go out at night etc. Used to have AGMs at Lang Sem – but didn't have one this year. Used to have 2 days every year now reduced to 1 day. Encourage to go to conference rather than lang sem every year. 6 (ii) Waikato report: presented as read not so much NZALT – our university runs revision days for level 3 throughout the region – Waikato University initiative – purely level 3 exam orientated and a good kick start for the students. Sometimes choose generic skills. With French they have done a good job of addressing an exam area that they are not familiar with. Comments: 6 (iii) Massey report: HB have put out a newsletter. Goes to teachers – received information from Manawatu about Gunhild and Adele help run the other parts of the region. New Plymouth had their first meeting – first cluster meeting they had come to for 2 years. Haven't heard from Wanganui but positive response about Lang Sem next year – not heard of any activity. Head of Wanganui High School had a scholarship to Germany – good to highlight their success.

Speech contests Wrote letter to someone who taught a student who won a competition – should write to the students and teachers when they are members. Palmerston North Schools Different things that happened during International languages week. Calligraphy person – each child paid $50 for 2 hours of calligraphy. She worked for over 12 hours – the kids raved about it. Japanese and French movies. Wearable art. Profile of dept raised. School support services funding – Technology and Languages clusters – use of particular technology – evidence that it makes a difference. Advisors have a package they can use,. Applications before the end of this year for next year. Numbers have been reduced. 6 (iv) Victoria report Presented as read Comments Done a massive job in your region with conference 6 (v) Canterbury report Canterbury University not that helpful – very token gestures Polytechnic is better Comments: 6 (vi) Otago report Need to get organised with southland as well. New committee – young energetic teachers there. Chris went to Berlin and came back with a whole lot of software. - Lingofox. Set up worksheets etc. Cut and paste things from the internet and put them into the program to create resources. They have a website Doesn't yet do Japanese – import East Asian languages and have a play – it may work – ask him about it. Made available to all English teachers. They haven't used it yet. Site limitations – so more for more users. Can negotiate with him. Vocab olympics – Saturday with Chris on there and Otago girls talking. Blabberize.com – import a picture – allocate a couple of points and speak. Need a sub-group in Southland and Queenstown. Mary Marshall in Southland – sub-region head – Chris to connect with her. Lack of Language Advisor down there – similar issues for James so should get together and discuss the issues. Different ways of doing it. Comments: Get sorted in Dunedin and strengthen when you can. Encourage people to help out. Good to see some activity happening in Dunedin – good team work.

Move that the reports be accepted


Questions for Executive from Dunedin: Elisabeth Collins asked: Who is responsible for languages in NZQA? - Liz Scally Action to members – remind them where they can go for answers. Also is there something we can do for members to ask NZQA for information and names of who they should go to. Doug happy to respond FAQs on website 7. Portfolio Reports 7 (i) Conference 2010 / Marketing and Publicity... / Year 7 & 8 Philippa liaise with Chris on conference role. Year 7 & 8: Deborah Atkin at conference – if Eileen is definitely off – could ask Deborah. Organise a meeting so she is not sitting through a whole lot of NCEA stuff – she should come to one day. Maybe invite year 7 & 8 high flier wherever we are and they can come and talk – give them responsibility – and warning. The RO could find someone. Membership representation: 9% 41 people – was 18% last year. If they come for an hour. We need someone consistently holding it – one person needs to hold the portfolio – Philippa interested. Evaluations state that this is not really catered for Philippa has portfolio. Liaise with them and invite them to meetings. Go with one model for 3 or 4 meetings – rotate it then it is out in the regions. Different subscriptions now 7 (ii) Conference (Philippa) Charging $345 for registration. Got 301 registrations – seems to suggest that $345 was ok. Hoped for profit of 10-15k – possibly $25k – a bit embarrassingly high. Conference is a high profile event and it is a fund raiser for NZALT. Sue kept a tight handle on the finances throughout. $1000 honorarium for those who worked on the committee and stuck to that. Some costs were lower – got more registrations than expected. No free registrations. Advertise “because of success at conference we are able to offer you.....” Evaluations: Couldn't you have made registration a little bit cheaper. Evaluation forms were too wordy – hard to collate. Have tick boxes. - look at online evaluations. Sue is still working on the GST – a nightmare – so it is still messy. You made enough profit – why not hire someone like SBA to do the books for you. $250 per GST preparation. Some have not paid – have been following up but there are problems with some schools who say they paid but we haven't received the money.

Action Philippa talk to Sue about passing this on to SBA

French weekend immediately before conference was an extremely good event – were pretty much PD'd out by conference – be aware a few people said they didn't go to much at conference because they had such a good time at the French one. French was going to be more about speaking etc – but it did turn out to be more conference like. Putting together a CD of conference material – this will be passed on to Chris. A-Z of conference – all the detail – everything we could think of and a timeline. Only need to finish the washup of books, evaluations and timeline. Even with all of that not sure if there is enough continuity from one conference to the next. Was very successful for the Samoan teachers – they were very happy and no-one had done something like that before. Tried for Latin and made offer to Te Reo as well. Tried really hard but didn't get the teachers involved. Why are you doing the evaluation? Maybe it is too big a job. Already have a picture of a number – fully collated a third. Need to know the feedback on the presenters. Concerned a lot of time is being spent on something that may or may not be useful. Important to identify the good and not so good presenters though.

Accept conference report with a huge vote of thanks.


Day Two: 7 (iii) Curriculum and Assessment (Doug) a. CDs for NCEA externals Doug - On behalf of NZQA – would say that the only cds they send out are for level 3 and scholarship. Level 1 &2 – teacher reads the listening to the class. On the day if this doesn't work.. eg teacher doesn't turn up .. Doug had this happen about 2 years ago – NZQA said whole class can have compassionate consideration – send whole year grade and NZQA would consult and consider variance in grades. Was acceptable for us and no problems. Contact Liz Scally when she comes back – need to make a response from executive. James – sent email to Paul O'Connor. Said reviewing policy on provision of cds 72 hours in advance is unrealistic – more likely to be less warning than this. Teachers want the cds by right A what-if situation. Emergency backup Can we get it afterwards. NZQA role is not to provide resources. They have said they would email audio files if necessary. NZQA would say it doesn't happen often and they have things in place. NZAFT – respond to – acknowledge – we have discussed and this is what we are going to do. Write to NZQA – this issue has caused much discussion amongst our members – endorse concerns that this resource be available automatically electronically. There needs to be a backup

Send a generic letter – we are concerned that our members are concerned. Don't need to make another case. Aware of concerns among our members and want an assurance that on the day of the exam the NZQA can send an emergency audio file if necessary. 30 minutes before the exam. Two people in this room have had this experience in the last couple of years. Suggestion that kids will not get compassionate consideration – this needs to be addressed. Audio files on the NZQA website - they will not do this because they are not in the business of providing resources to schools.

Move send a letter to Paul O'Connor, NZQA in response to statement S2008/19 re: “Candidates who are unable to complete an external standard because no CD or DVD is available......” Demand assurance that electronic audio file be made available on demand and/or candidates will be given compassionate consideration...... Adele / Doug Move that we respond to the two SLAs that have approached us on this matter and regional offices. Adele / Doug Possible resources we could make – audio files. Talk to Liz Scally at Wellington meeting b. Vocabulary Still don't know about vocab lists and whether they will be available or not. Certificates of excellence – there is a cut off point – still getting requests at beginning of term 4 – should be term 1. By the end of March should know all results are finalised.

Move that the cut of date for the submission of requests for NZALT certificates of excellence be set at last day of term one. Action for David – put a date on there. Look at the wording of the form. Has to be term one. International Language week is an opportunity to present them. Printing of certificates – negotiate with Jane – given permission to pay school secretary to do this – one of the fantastic things we do for students but one of the worst jobs the ROs have to do. Remind that if they are not a current member you can say can't do it until they renew their membership. Website says the application must state evidence of achievement. Information about level of achievement – 4 excellences. 7 (iv) Human Resources (James) Lots of stickers left – another ad in the next notice? 200 – 300 left. Buy up for Christmas. Outlay – have covered costs. Will they be around for Lang Sem? – Close off at March meeting

Move that James continues to actively sell bumper stickers with a view to winding up at March meeting and give last ones away at Lang Sem Adele / Jane UNESCO sent $1000 – upload picture onto website and within 48 hours they arrive – print stamps off for executive to use. Need to give a report to UNESCO. Use stamps at cost. 50 cent stamp actually costs $1. Not making or losing – using goodwill for the project. Spent $118.13 – that was on the production etc. Sent winning prizes out. Make it clear that we have UNESCO sponsorship. Limited edition – final stamps for the year. Can produce 45 sheets – 20 on a sheet. Normal cost of buying stamps – most HODs will have school stamps. But it is a limited edition – send out from this meeting to be in quick. First in first served – limited numbers left – ad on website. Our ones – use for NZALT business. All our letters should have them. Upcoming ideas for competitions – Banner, Youtube – Vocab Olympics. Doing something similar next year. Craig sent a formal application to us – a business application to have a relationship with us. The only thing we paid for was for Adele to go to Auckland to present the prizes. Has our name on everything. Without access to our database they wouldn't have the exposure they had. We are sponsoring a competition NOT a product. Very important that we are not promoting the product. Would like to support again next year. A good strategic partnership. 7 (v) Professional Development (David) Members not availing themselves of our support. Maybe we need to offer this directly rather than wait for them to send to us. ROs could tell us and we can offer funding. Go in regional notices. Elicit support of advisors. May need to do this again. Advisors change... Send copy to regional offices too. Website: Polyglot – Decisions to put online but Gaylene was against it from the start. Samples of what they can look like on the website. Two biggest concerns 1. issue of copyright – archive copies of polyglot available for anyone – public access – only current members can access current ones. Do we have the right to put in the public domain? Do we have the right to publish the pictures of students on the www? Do we need to get permission? It is the purpose for which it is used. Adele been an adviser and researcher in this – whenever you work with people you need to get informed consent to use it. It is an ethical issue – we have to be very careful. Articles in the printed version of Polyglot. If passworded there is not the same issues because it is restricted. Just have current version up passworded.

Decision: Keep everything passworded

2. Process and quality – comes in raw text files – there are typos and incorrect uses of English etc. it is a 2 year contract – need to advertise for someone with the skills required. Whose responsibility is it to question that? David is the webmaster – between David and Adele they are responsible – last year it went out without them seeing it but they need to view it. Jane – the amount paid to the person – editing and formatting – is increased. Paid out 7-8k to the printers so we could now pay more with it online. Putting in good copy according to specific formats – for polyglot have some clear formatting guidelines that the new editor must follow. Maybe need two people – working very closely with the webmaster. Found more errors and went back to it. Philippa has time to do this now. It is unformatted – David is formatting it. One decision is what for 2009 – before that what is going to happen for this year? Message to Gaylene – alarmed about 82 pages and some of the decisions where the lines were blurred. Been no limit because it is not going to print. Problem with request for feedback from editor. It needs to go. Feedback needs to come to executive. Problem with tone. Message to Gaylene: 1. Congratulations on the quantity of articles received. 2. Nominate some of them to be held off. We think it is too big and would like it limited to 20 pages.... In order to reach that target some need to be reduced. Philippa happy to do this. Need to be careful how we handle it – not ripping it to pieces. Fastest way forward – thank you Gaylene can you reduce the size, pay her for what has been done. She needs to know it is going to the next level of editing. David would personally like to take Philippa up on her offer – will have some issues with what is writer's style etc. how fussy do we be? When I know that the text is right I can reformat it and pdf it. Negotiating with Gaylene is difficult. Difficulty with style – Phillipa needs some clear direction or clout. Jane's idea to thank her, pay her and take it over. Webmaster job is getting bigger and bigger. Not enough to be the willing volunteer – need to do something about the honorarium. It is not enough. Because we have changed to online subscriptions now – David plays a big part in this. Should be a large increase. Paying a SBA $750 a year to do our GST. The demands on the rest of us are not as ongoing as for David. Saving $8000 by not putting out in print – use the money – making more accessible – spend the money. What is David's role as webmaster? – need to increase honorarium Next decision – do we need to source outside help for things like polyglot. See polyglot for the first edition to see if it is doable. Then look at what to do for next year.

Move to increase the honorarium for the webmaster to $1500 (retrospective for this financial year) plus a one off payment of $500 in recognition of the work in setting up polyglot online Anne / Jane

Gaylene sending cd this week – David will send to Phillipa – we need to change the front page. Thank you for the work – cheque in mail – address editorial. Adele address the editorial with her. Send version 6 of editorial to Adele to decide. David could tell her that it is going through the final step.

We've met and discussed it and these concerns have come up. This is how we are dealing with it. Support David – David happy to provide feedback to her – we don't like the tone or the feedback part of the editorial. Among the things that will be considered will be the number of articles, ethical consideration, the tone of the article. Action David and Adele. Vote of thanks to David for his hard work and perseverance and thanks to Philippa for taking it on. Website – increase capacity of website. What changes we'd like with club data – decided that some things are too expensive. Things that need doing before subscriptions go out – communicate via writeboard on this. 7 (vi) Research (Jo) Not been doing any research and not sure what to do. It is important the work we did last year and the beginning of this year – was in response to membership wanting something done about scholarships. Wasn't necessarily useful Shouldn't continue to use questionnaires about scholarship. What Adele is doing is a lot more relevant for language teachers. What do we mean by research? What do we need? We want to know what is going on and want to meet the needs of our membership. We all know it is unfair – what does it prove? The only reason it might change is if we were to collect the data over time and there were changes about what students think about it. When Adele and a colleague looked at the data – decided it was a pilot last year – as an association we need to be more succinct with how we ask and consider the cost of analysing the data. If we continue – Cynthia knows about it and she said of course it would be important to carry it on. It is part of the bigger picture. Taka and the way he argues – he doesn't have a solid argument. Having an opinion is not enough – we need evidence. We don't have evidence. How many first language students sat scholarship? How do we do this? Experience in setting up If Sasakawa are always looking to fund research, there may be others. Graduate students could pick up research. Goal 6 – academic research will be the foundation...... Means anything we produce must be based on evidence and research. Portfolio should be collecting research that has been done. Go to advisers and find the information. Report on this. Contact the Ministry - Glenda Coford and Margaret Hardiman – till clusters – maybe something has come out of these where we can support.

Maybe we put the scholarship questionnaire as a one off. Should be filling in some of the actions from the strategic plan. Be clearer about what our short term, medium term and long term expectation are. There are a lot of institutions doing the research – so it may be synthesising – an electronic search to collect research. 7 (viii) Planning, Policy and Public Relations (Anne and Adele) a. NZALT in the Media – covered earlier b. Links with Tertiary – covered earlier c. SCALEs Project update – covered earlier d. Strategic Plan: Susan was facilitator – Strategic Plan – gave invitation to turn up but not happening now. Talked to Anne – we informally talked to Susan about where we are at,. We haven't written down our actions yet. AGM in Wanganui and we are in Palmerston North – she could come them. Each meeting we could put actions done and actions that we want to do. We don't have to use her again – quite good having someone coming from the outside. If we work on Strategic Plan we should have a special meeting just for that – rather than try and put it into a usual meeting. Intended outcome to get the actions. Devote an hour today – if we leave it until August next year it is 2 years since we started this. Need an ongoing carefully thought out plan – need to reflect and see how these things fall into place. What are people's plans in January? SPA Meeting – Strategic Planning Action meeting - 18th January – Wellington Airport – one day. Before AGM – gap between March & August next year – need to go through constitution word for word – maybe another writeboard. Bring up to date for 21st century. David, Adele & Anne have 2 days in Wellington to spend one day on constitution. Better to do constitution and wording the day before the action plan so executive can confirm changes during SPA meeting. f. NZLT / Polyglot: Martin was approached by RMIT university in Melbourne who are fairly respectable to put NZLT on their secure network online. Members would still get a hard copy of the journal – but provide access to the journal for the wider community online and we would be paid for it per hit. It is about getting royalties for other people reading our work. NZLT articles reviewed and QA – maybe one of the stipulations only people with higher qualifications can review – shouldn't become unnecessarily academic as it is still for our members. Exactly the same document. Layout may have to change – who takes responsibility for all that? I think that's how it looks anyway. Adele's access through Massey could check it. Trust Martin's judgement – don't want to be putting our journal into something that is risky. Situation of all gain and no lose. Can only see things on their site if you subscribe. Can pull out any time – not paying to have it on there, it is the readers who pay. The kinds of people who publish in academic journals are aiming for a higher level than ours – doesn't necessarily attract the pool of people – maybe some of the post grad students would consider publishing in our journal. Had a number of honours projects – things like the till cluster stuff. The paper we had reviewed at conference on the 10 commandments of motivation – we put that in there. Work out ways that we can encourage contributions.

Move that Adele email Martin to go ahead to approach RMIT to publish the NZLT online and if we don't like it we pull out Philippa / Anne Guidance from Martin for writers extremely helpful. Put it on the website. Also thank him for this and say it has been passed on to David to publish on the website. 9 (i) Eunice Beveridge's Memorial Trophy Memorial Trophy – she worked alongside Peter – fluent speaker in French and Japanese – Peter would like to honour her memory. Donating a trophy for French and Japanese – wants to restrict it to Auckland competitions – fewer and fewer schools are going into those competitions. Would try to persuade out of speech competitions. Not the same exposure. At conference he left early because he wanted to get home to her – he was the only exhibitor at Palmerston North. He has contributed prizes etc. He wants throw open the Auckland French and Japanese competitions to be nationwide. Could we think of a national competition that can be awarded in Auckland? He needs to approach Auckland Language teachers rather than us here. We've got some surpluses of funds and trying to work out how to use to the benefit of members – maybe we shouldn't be thinking in the traditional sense – maybe a youtube competition – trophies in the different languages – the presentation happens at the person's school. Have a range of them. If we want to support this it is the setting up and organising that is hardest. Get teachers to recommend. Which level of students? How about a year 9 & 10 one? He is talking about higher level competitions. Questions: What year level is he thinking about? We are aware that Alliance Française have a national competition but they have their own awards. What criteria does he want? Suggest only a Japanese competition. Des Walker was involved in Alliance – could ask them. Add to HR portfolio? Need to know exactly what he has in mind. We don't have a National Competition. Say there is no NZALT speaking competition in Auckland – the only ones we are aware of are unitec Japanese and Alliance Française in Auckland. Does he want us to create one? Could also let him know that we are in the middle of trying to brainstorm some other language promotional ideas and we will keep the trophy in mind as it may fit one of those projects. Does it have to be speaking? This is more complicated and time consuming. One of the reasons it failed in Auckland was because the Asian students dominated and kiwi students gave up.

Action that Adele respond – current suggestion would not be viable – AAJLT has not run a speech competition for a number of years. Miniature cups? Engraving? Ongoing costs? Certificates? Fits our strategic goals. Think about practicalities – suggest the cup go to the top scholarship student for the year. The ultimate accolade 9 (ii) Teacher Education around the country – our response to changes

Chris: In Otago – changed model to University College of Education – Chris had a student for 8 weeks with one year ten class – came in and knew what flash cards were – he was getting information in teaching about curriculum but nothing about the nuts and bolts of teaching in a classroom. University model producing this and do we need to address this? Adele: Teachers Council sets requirements for teacher training programmes – part of regulations they must have - in school 12-15 weeks – has to provide that time in schools. Can't be accepted onto a GD of teaching unless you have evidence that you can teach those subjects in a school. Have to in my degree or some equivalent – he then comes out into a school and you are expecting him to be a teacher when he is still in the first year of a 3 year process. Number of hours changed in some universities – used to be about selection. Don't have someone teaching generic language teaching to these. Not just Otago. Philippa – had lots of teachers on section. No real change in last 5-10 years. Used to get new teachers bringing new ideas – now they need to learn from the teacher at the placement. They don't come armed with a whole lot of teaching skills. What do we do about it? Delivery is a problem. Adele - 1994 – teaching Japanese in the NZ curriculum. Now have 6 languages in one classroom. Had to go generic. 50% more people in the class – wouldn't have a class if it was specific still. Adele's people are getting the pedagogy. Don't have enough information to write specific information but maybe we need to find out more. We could write to all, introduce us, state what we believe and offer free membership to their students. We want to support your student teachers of languages. Philippa – make sure it is clearly directed at primary and intermediate teaching as well. Are we going to give them free membership too? This will be a large number Primary - 4th year specialise at Massey – would be deserving of free membership in their final year. Teacher education year / final year of teacher education and the first year. Provide all membership benefits except NZLT.

Move - Action for teacher education – letter to heads of colleges of education introducing NZALT and offering free membership. Local RO name will be on there. Someone take responsibility for following up those emails to see how they are going etc. Anne / Jo Philippa – ROs have contacts at College of Education – double check with a phone call.

A flyer – with the benefits and free membership and details of how to join – action Chris Other Business: Induction of new executive members. Happy to work with questions as required. James sends out a readable version of the minutes for general membership.

When members roll in next year you get a copy from James of who they are – send off a little welcome – James says welcome to individuals etc. Part of the examination needs to be: What do we need to keep? What can be archived electronically? Dunedin – starting video conferencing course – year 12 and 13 German – teaching classroom and adding more students via video conferencing. Adele: Thank you all for getting through all these items Actions: Start a writeboard for FAQs Writeboard for website needs Vote over the writeboard

Lang Sem guides – Philippa – collate and sort out if everyone emails what they have. Bring something to March meeting action Philippa meeting closed at 3.15pm

Post meeting Brainstorming: How to spend the $$ resources for how to.... How to support a student language teacher... List of resources or possible resources or contacts...... Simple things that we take for granted that others don't know about Using listserves Annual award to a student travelling on exchange Support a school trip going overseas March 2009 meeting Remit for AGM – subscriptions student rate zero fees for College of Ed – Chris Lisa quote on electronically archiving. Could have some standard stationery – NZALT Cards – to send out

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