Mindmap Based On "constructing Accessible Web Sites"

  • Uploaded by: Hans Põldoja
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  • December 2019
  • PDF

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More details

  • Words: 209
  • Pages: 1
W3C goal: Web for everyone

Who benefits from accessibility?

Read/write web AJAX

Accessibility and new technologies

Touch interfaces

Author of IBM Screen Reader (1984...85)

Jim Thatcher Authors


et al Open content

Creative Commons Open access Open license

Ideas Open educational resources

A book review: Constructing Accessible Web Sites

Open format Open software Wikiversity

Access(ibility) to education Accessibility vs usability

Open learning environments Understanding Web Accessibility

Accessibility = usable for more people in more situations

Web standards Learning Object Metadata

WCAG 1.0 (1999)

Open standards SCORM

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines


Learning technology standards

WCAG 2.0 - W3C Recommendation 11 December 2008


... http://www.section508.gov/

Section 508


http://www.vm.fi/vm/fi/04_julkaisut_ja_asiakirjat/01_julkaisut/04_hallinnon_kehittaminen/20080124Verkko/Verkkopalvelujen_laatukriteeristoe.pdf Overview of Laws an Guidelines Verkkopalvelujen laatukriteeristö


Verkkopalvelujen laatukriteeristö


Veebide koosvõime raamistik

EE Assistive Technology Browsers and Accessibility Chapters Creating Accessible Content

Accessible tables and reading order Skip to content Accessible forms Accessible Data Input Deaf people vs phone numbers http://wave.webaim.org/ Testing for Section 508 Complience Closed services

Bobby / WebXact

Web Development Tools and Accessibility Separating Content from Presentation Accessibility and Macromedia Flash Implementing Accessibility in Enterprise Emerging Technologies US Web Accessibility Law in Depth




Screen readers

Text equivalents for images

Accessible Navigation


- Väline julkisten verkkopalvelujen kehittämiseen ja arviointiin

Aural style sheets

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