Microsoft Windows Overview

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Microsoft Windows By BALJEET SINGH SINWAR/1

Microsoft Windows Windows belongs to the category of software called a GUI (Graphical User Interface). The user interface determines how you interact with your computer. The hardware part of the interface consists of your screen monitor, the keyboard and the mouse. The software part of the interface determines what things look like on the screen and how you give commands to your therefore was quite cumbersome. With the advent o Windows environment many of every day computer tasks - such as running programs, opening files, choosing commands etc. are done using a graphical approach that is very intuitive to new users o computers. Further, Windows programs use the same command structure and graphical items on the screen, so if have mastered one Windows program, learning others becomes very easy. At the primary stage Windows was developed as a Operating Environment; a add on DOS when it had version 3.1 or 3.11. But later it developed as a Operating System. Windows'95, 98 or later versions of Windows is self Operating System. When we switch on our PC, Windows 95 or 98's logo appears on the screen and after some time it become ready to accept our instruction. Windows 98 offers three views and you can work in any of these three views. These are :1. Classic View - This is default view in which to select an icon or file, you have to click the object once and to run a program or open a file you have to double-click the icon or filename. 2. Web Style View - This view is looks like a web page. To select an icon or a file you have to position the mouse pointer on the object. To run a program or open a file, you have to click the icon or file name once. 3. Custom View - This view gives you the flexibility to control the appearance as per your convenience and the ease of working. WINDOWS TERMINOLOGY Choose : Executes a command. Select : Selects an item to activate it so that it can be changed. Selecting a command or option turns it on but does not complete it. Selected Text or menu names/items appear in reverse type or a different colour. Selected options show a dot (.) or an (x). Also the selected graphics appear enclosed by a dashed line or enclosed in boxes known as handles. Point : Move the mouse so that the arrow pointer is on the desired menu name, command name or graphic object. Pointer : Pointer is the on-screen symbol controlled by the mouse. The pointer changes shape to indicate the current status and the type of functions and selections available. I-beam : When the mouse pointer is in a text area that you can edit, the pointer appears as a vertical I-beam. Mouse Buttons : Microsoft mouse has two buttons and other makes may have three. Clicking the left button completes an action and clicking the right most button brings up the shortcut menu. Sometimes third button (if available) works as double-click of left button. Mouse and their Actions The mouse is a very convenient hand-held pointing device which is used to control the position of the on-screen pointer. As you move the mouse on your desk or mouse pad, the pointer moves on the screen corresponding to the mouse movement. Using the mouse, you can select menus, commands, text, graphic objects or windows. The Main actions of mouse are as follows :Click - Press and release the left mouse button quickly as you point to an item. Clicking is used to reposition the insertion point in text, select a menu, choose a command from a menu, or select an option from a dialog box. Double-click - As you point to the pointed item on the screen, press and release the left mouse button twice quickly. By double-clicking an icon or file name, you can open an application or window related to that icon or filename. Right click - Position the tip of the mouse pointer in the desired location on a document or toolbar and then click the right mouse button. Dragging - Dragging is moving objects on the monitor's screen. To do so first position the mouse pointer on the object. Next, you "Pick up" the object by pressing and holding

Microsoft Windows By BALJEET SINGH SINWAR/2 down the left mouse button. While you are still holding down the mouse button, move the mouse pointer to where you want to "Drop" the object, and then release the moue button.

Microsoft Windows By BALJEET SINGH SINWAR/3 ELEMENTS OF WINDOWS SCREEN The opening screen of Windows 95/98 has following elements: 1. The Desktop - The Desktop is your work area while working in Windows. It is called Desktop because Windows uses your whole screen in a way that is similar to the way you use the top of a desk. 2. Icons and their types - An icon is a graphic object that represents something on our computer screen. It has three types as follows :System Icon - System icons are displayed along left edge of the screen. These objects are created automatically by Windows 98 during its installation. Among them following five are generally shows :My Computer This icon lets you browse through the resources connected to your computer. My Documents This icon represents a folder that is used by many programs as a default location for starting the documents. Internet Explorer This icon starts a Web Browser named Internet Explorer. Network Neighborhood This icon shows the names of each server or computer in your own work group. Recycle Bin This icon provides temporary storage for files and folders that you delete. Shortcut Icons - A shortcut provides easy access to some objects on your system, such as program, a document or a printer etc. The shortcut icon only contains information about the location o the object but not the object itself. Thus deleting a shortcut does not delete the program from the hard disk for that shortcut. These are the icons with small arrows in the lower left corner. Program, Folder and Document Icons - These are non-system icon without arrows and represent the actual objects they describe. Thus if you delete such an icon you are deleting the object itself, from the hard disk. 3. The Taskbar - It situated at the bottom of the screen and it has generally following four parts :Start Buttons It is located at the left end of the taskbar. It invokes Start menu, the Gateway of Windows. Toolbars Toolbars represent a set of related icons for easy mouse access. Task Buttons Task buttons are displayed in the Centre portion of the Taskbar. A button Appears for each program you have started or each document you have Opened. Notification Area - The right corner of the Taskbar has the notification area in which Windows provides information about the status of your system including Clock. Types of Windows There are three types of Windows :1. Application Window : It contains executing Windows programs, and are sized, moved, opened and closed on the desktop. 2. Document Window: an application window generates Document windows. A document window cannot be sized or moved outside the confines of its parent application window. 3. Folder Windows : Opening My computer, or any of the folder you move to the desktop produces a folder window. Elements of a Window Borders - The four edges that define the perimeter of a window are called borders. Borders also provide a way to change the size of the window.

Microsoft Windows By BALJEET SINGH SINWAR/4 Title Bar - This bar shows the name of the open application, sometimes with open document name. It has generally three more buttons at the right side of it, i.e. a) Minimize Button - When we click on it, the application become minimize, i.e. a button appears in the taskbar and the screen become blank, or another window appears in front. b) Maximize Button - After clicking on it the window spreads full of the screen. After maximizing the window, the maximize button converts into Restore button. When we click on it, the window comes back to its original size. c) Close Button - If we click on it, the window, either application or document, will be close. Control Box - It is a small icon located on the left side of the Title Bar. When we click on it, Control Menu appears with so many options. Scroll Bars, Scroll Boxes and Scroll Buttons - If a window is not long enough to display its contents completely, vertical scroll bar appears along the right edge. If the window is not wide enough, a horizontal scroll bars appears along the bottom of the window. Scroll Bars have some rectangular boxes called Scroll Box. Size of Scroll box is become proportional of the size of the whole file and displayed content on the screen. Scroll buttons appear along the top and bottom edges of the vertical scroll bar and along the left and right edges of the horizontal scroll bar. The Menu Bar - The row of words just below the Title bar constitute the Menu bar. Each word in the Menu bar represents a menu, which opens up when you click it. Generally it comes with an application window, not with a document window. Toolbar - It consists generally below of the Menu bar. A toolbar has so many small buttons who represents a command. Work Area - This is working area of the application. Depend upon the program it may be a drawing area, a typing area etc. START When we click on this button we get following options :Shut Down This option is used to turn off the computer smoothly. While we work in Windows'9x or later, Windows automatically opens so many temporary files in background. If it will mot turn off through this option, then it is possible that some error may be appear in Harddisk. Here we get three options generally - Shut Down to turn off the computer, Restart to warm boot and Restart in MSDOS mode to start the system in DOS mode, so we can work further in DOS environment. Run This option is used to run any program by simply typing its command line. We can also search Program through Browse button. Help This option provides help about Windows. Find This option is used to find any file or folder among different disks on our computer or on network. We can search any file or folder by its name, text containing by it, its size etc. Settings This options is used to configure the hardware of the computer system, taskbar etc. The Control Panel - Select it from Start->Settings->Control Panel. This option is used to configure the system. Here we get lot of icons. From them someone are :Accessibility Options - The Accessibility Properties dialog box lets you configure Windows keyboard, sound, display, and mouse and other options for people with disabilities. This icon appears only if you installed Accessibility options when you installed Windows. Add New Hardware - This Wizard configures Windows when you add new hardware to your computer system.

Microsoft Windows By BALJEET SINGH SINWAR/5 Add/Remove Programs - This Program's dialog box helps us to install new programs or uninstall programs, which was already installed and no longer use. Date & Time - This option provides two tabs - First one is Date & Time and second is Time Zone. Date & Time option is used to change the current date and time, and Time zone is used to select the place from world map from where user work. Display - The display Properties dialog box controls the appearance, resolution, screen saver and other settings for your display monitor. 1. Background - Used to set the wallpaper and patterns. 2. Screensaver - Used to set the screen saver. Screen saver is a memory resident program who automatically becomes active if we will not touch the keyboard or mouse for some time. We can also change this time from here. 3. Appearance - This option is used to set the color of active title, inactive title, menu, window etc. 4. Setting - This option is used to configure the hardware of the system. 5. Effects - This option is used to apply extra effects on icons, menus etc. 6. Web - This option is used to set the Desktop settings, i.e. whether the desktop will be shown as web page or normal. Fonts - When we click on it, a window will appear in which we can see name of all the fonts installed in our computer. We can see detail of any font by simply double-clicking on it. To install more fonts Choose Add New Fonts options from File Menu. Then give the path for fonts name. Windows will automatically install it. Game Controllers - This dialog box lets you install games. Internet - This dialog box contains settings for your web browser and Internet connection. Keyboard - This dialog box contains settings that control your keyboard and the cursor. Mouse - This dialog box lets you define the buttons on your mouse. It lets you choose how fast you need to double click, what your mouse pointer looks like on-screen, and whether moving the mouse leaves a trial. Multimedia - This dialog box contains settings for the audio, video, MIDI, and audio CD settings of your computer. Network - The network dialog box contains settings, you use when configuring a local area network. It also contains settings for connecting to the Internet. Passwords - This dialog box lets you set a password for using Windows on your computer, user profiles if more than one person will use the computer, and other security settings. Power Management - This dialog box contains controls to be set when Windows 98 automatically turns off your monitor, hard disks, and other computer components to save electricity. Printer - This icon is used to open the Printer window from where we can Add, Remove or configure the printer.

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Regional Settings - It lets you tell Windows 98 the time zone, currency, number format, and date format you prefer to use. Sounds - It lets you assign a sound to each Windows event, or events in other programs. For example, you can set your computer to play a fanfare when your e-mail program receives new messages. System - It lets you use the Device manager to change advanced settings for each hardware component of your computer. You can also optimize the performance of your computer. Telephony - The Dialing Properties dialog box contains settings that control how Windows 98 dials the phone using your modem. Users - The Enable Multi-user Settings Wizard helps you set up user names and passwords so your computer can be used by more than one person. Each person's user name can store that person's desktop settings. Printer- this option is used to open the Printer window from where we can Add, Remove or configure the printer. Taskbar & Startmenu - This option is used to set the taskbar options, i.e. autohide, show clock, small icons in windows and also items which will be included or excluded in Start Menu or its Sub-menus. Folder Options - This options is used to set the options about folders, i.e. which types of filenames should be shown in different folder window or in explorer. Active Desktop - This option is used to set the Desktop settings, i.e. whether the desktop will be shown as web page or normal. Documents

This option contains last used document's list, so user can open it again quickly from here.


This is the gateway to start any program in windows. There is lot of group or application icons can access through this option.

Windows Accessories: We can choose Start -> Programs -> Accessories to work on elements of accessories. 1.

Entertainment: We can choose Accessories->Intertainmentto  entertain ourselves. From the Multimedia we can hear song by CD Player or see movies through Media Player. The coming screen will show same button to do it as its physical device, i.e. CD player or a VCD player.


Games: When we slide our mouse at Accessories->Games then we get four games, i.e. Solitaire, Mine- sweeper, Heart and Free-cell.


System Tools: There are two types of system tools a) Scandisk - Used to check and repair the error of the disks. b) Disk Defragmenter - This option is used to defrag the disk. Defrag reorganizes the files on a disk to optimize disk performance. Due to it the speed of the programs increase. c) Backup - This option is used to take backup of selected file to destination drive. We can also restore files trough RESTORE tab.

Microsoft Windows By BALJEET SINGH SINWAR/7 d) Disk Cleanup - Through this utility we can instruct Windows to automatically clears not required files from our Harddisk, i.e. files of Recycle Bin, Temp Directory's file, temporary internet files etc. e) Character Map: This program allows us to see the ASCII chart of a selected font. This is very useful while we will work on a font, other than English or a Symbol font. f) Compression Agent - This utility recompresses your files on disk. g) Drive Converter (FAT 32) - Converts the (FAT) file Allocation table of our Harddisk to 32 bit, it is 16 bit and thus releases extra disk space. h) Drive Space3 - Compresses and creates a new drive resident on existing drive. i) Maintenance Wizard - Runs certain set of programs to keep our computer running in optimum condition. It runs generally Scandisk, defrag and Compression program. j) Scheduled Tasks - Allows scheduling of tasks at predetermined times, i.e. when the Windows should run scandisk, defrag etc. automatically - weekly, monthly or any other schedule. k) System Information - Displays information about what is loaded and configured on your system. 4.

Calculator : When we click on it, a calculator will be open where we can do any type of sum. The Standard Calculator can be used to add, subtract, multiply, divide, take square root, calculate percentage etc. The Scientific Calculator is considerably larger, more powerful and it has many functions related to engineering, science etc. that can be used depending on our needs. + Addition Subtraction * Multiplication / Division 5-

Calendar: This option shows the calendar of a month or a particular day. We can also change the month or year to see their calendar through choosing the Date option from Show Menu. User can also write their appointment within it when they are in Day View (View-Day). We can also set alarm through the option Alarm-Set.


Cardfile: You can use Windows Cardfile to organize and manage information, such as names, addresses, and phone numbers. Adding More Cards Cardfile adds new cards in the correct alphabetic order and scrolls to display the new card at the front. To add a new card to a file 1 From the Card menu, choose Add. 2 Type the text you want to appear on the index line. 3 Choose the OK button. 4 In the information area type text. To Delete the card select Card-Delete and to make a little changes in a card choose Card-Duplicate option. We can also AutoDial if our system is connected with phone with modem through Card-AutoDial.


Imaging: Scanners, Digital Cameras, Clip Art CDs and the Internet give computer users access to countless images, Which you can print, insert into your documents. The impact of a picture can be improved by the addition of a few words, some highlighting and drawing lines. Imaging for Windows is a tool for this.


Notepad: This program allows us to simply type anything in the text mode as in Edit. File - New, Open, Save, Save as, Page Setup, and print and Exit. Edit - Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All, Time/Date, Word Wrap. Search - Find, Find Next (F3)

Microsoft Windows By BALJEET SINGH SINWAR/8 A very useful feature of Notepad is that it can automatically place a timeand-date stamp in a document as and when it is opened. To do so move the insertion points to the left margin of the first line in the Notepad and in capital letter type ".LOG". Save the file and reopen the file and type the required notes. Save and close it again and once again reopen it. We can see that how many times we reopen this file, we get automatic time and date at the bottom of the earlier notes. 9.

Wordpad: This is a Simple editor used to create, edit or print a document. It is more powerful than Notepad and support format of Word 6.0, Write as well as Text format. File - New, Open, Save, Save as, Page Setup, Print, Print Preview Edit - Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste Special, Clear, Select All, Find, Find Next, Replace, Links, Object Properties, and Object. View - Toolbar, Format Bar, Ruler, Status Bar, Options-Shows options to Configure the Wordpad i.e. options about measurement system and name of items appear during different mode. Insert - Date and Time, Object Format - Font, Bullet Style, Paragraph, and Tab. You can move in WordPad document using the mouse or the keyboard. Some of them are following: With Cursor Key - Move one line up, down or one Character left or right. With CTRL + Cursor Key - Move beg. Of paragraph, end of paragraph, one word left or right. With Pgdn/Pgup - Down one windowful/Up one windowful With CTRL + Pgdn/Pgup - To the End/Beginning of the last/first line the current window. With Home/End - First/Last character in the current line. With CTRL + Home/End - Beginning/End of the document. With Mouse - Click and Drag in the direction want to select. Click in left margin- Select a single line Double click in Left margin - Select a paragraph Triple Click in left margin or CTRL+ click in left margin - Select whole document.


Paint: This is a simple Drawing program, used to create, save, modify and print a graphics image. This program is useful for creating pictures, icons etc. When we select this program from Accessories, than an Application Window come. The Paint screen can be divided into three parts: a) Toolbox: - It contains symbols representing drawing actions the cursor can perform. b) Palette: - It contains a grid showing the various colors you can select and use. c) Drawing Area: - This is the workspace where you create your Paint drawings. Toolbox: There are following types of tools at the toolbox: a) Freeform Select b) Select c) Eraser e) Pick Colour f) Magnifier g) Pencil i) Air Brush j) Text k) Line m) Rectangle n) Polygon o) Ellipse

d) Fill with color h) Brush l) Curve p) Rounded Rectangle

Commands of Menus -: File - New, Open, Save, Save As, Print Preview, Page Setup, Print, Set as Wallpaper (Tiled), Set as Wallpaper (Centre). Edit - Undo, Repeat, Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear Selection, Select All, Copy To, Paste From. View - Toolbox, Color Box, Status Bar, Zoom, View Bitmap, Text Toolbar.

Microsoft Windows By BALJEET SINGH SINWAR/9 Image - Flip/Rotate, Stretch/Skew, Invert Colours, Attributes, Clear Image, Draw Opaque Windows Explorer Start -> Programs -> Windows Explorer or Right click on Start and choose Explore from coming menu. It is a nice place to see all files and folders in tree format. Windows Explorer has two panes. Left pane shows the directory and right pane shows the content of selected directory. In left pane we can see that the Desktop is the top of the hierarchy with My computer and all its pieces connected to it. We will see that Network Neighbored is also connected with desktop. My computer has different drive icons including control panel and printer. We can easily move, delete; copy any file or folder from here. Q.

Describe what is Classic Style Desktop in Windows'98. Why would you need to adopt Web Style Desktop? Ans. Classic Style Desktop is the default view and as same as interface of Windows'95. In the Classic View labels, filenames in folder window or windows Explorer windows are not underlined. To select an icon or file, we have to click the object once and to run a program or open a file we have to double-click the icon or filename. In Web Style View, desktop looks similar to a web page; the labels, file names in folders and Windows Explorer are underlined like web page links. To select an icon or a file we have to position the mouse pointer on the object. To run a program or open a file, we have to click the icon or file name once. Sometimes when we want to make a web page as our wallpaper then this view is compulsory. Q. What is a Channel Bar in Windows'98. Ans. Method of organizing a web sites according to a subscription model, so that our web browser can automatically download or updates to the site. Window displayed Channel bar at the left side of the screen on the Active Desktop that lists channels on the web and automatically appear when mouse pointer goes to that area. When the pointer comes to right side it hides automatically. Q. how will you manage files and folders with Windows Explorer? Ans. Windows Explorer is generally divided into two panes - Left and right. Left pane shows the directory and right pane shows the content of selected directory. In left pane we can see that the Desktop is the top of the hierarchy with My computer and all its pieces connected to it. We will see that Network Neighbored is also connected with desktop. My computer has different drive icons including control panel and printer. We can easily move, delete, copy any file or folder from here. Four basic operations with files and folders are : 1) Selecting - Through the general selection technique with Shift Key with cursor movement keys or dragging the mouse we can select files or folders in Windows Explorer. After selecting it we can copy or cut/paste (move) the files or folders. 2) Creating - To create a new file or folder click on the desired directory, select New option from File menu and then select either Folder, Shortcut or the Program name through which we want to create the file. We have to give the name of the file or folder and the file will be created in that selected folder. 3) Naming - To give an another name (called renaming) to a file or folder click on its icon and then select Rename option from File menu. Give the new name for that file and the file will be renamed. 4) Opening - To open or explore a folder simply double click on it and it will be extracted into right pane of Explorer. To Open a file double click on its icon. The file will be open with its associated application. Q. How is Application launched in Windows'98. Ans. There are many ways to launch an application in Windows'98. One common method is Exploring Start Button from Taskbar. We have to click on Start, then

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generally on Programs, then required Program Group and then the required application icon. Second method is that when we are in Windows Explorer we can open an application Programme through double clicking on its icon. One another method is double click on that file's shortcut either on desktop (if found) or from any folder window. Sometimes we can also launch a program Through Run option of Start menu. We have to type the executable file name of the application program with its location. How will you setup DOS Programs in Windows'98? Maximum DOS program has been converted into Windows version in Windows'98. They can start either from Windows Explorer or from folder window. At many places method of using them are something different due to GUI feature of Windows. But we can also run Maximum of them in their real format from command prompt which can be brought from Start -> Programs -> MS-DOS PROMPT. What do you mean by term Plug and Play? How do these devices work? Plug and Play means without turning off the computer system connect some devices to our computer and computer automatically detects these device and install it on itself. This is an automatic feature of Windows'9x. When we add any new hardware supporting Plug and Play to our system, Windows'9x automatically search it and start a wizard to install it. During this installation process it asks about required device drivers and other information from user. Because of helpful wizard of Plug and Play a some-known user can also install these devices easily without help of any expert. Describe what are Newsgroups. How will you browse a Newsgroup? Also describe steps to subscribe to Newsgroups. Newsgroups are those portal who provides different types of Internet facilities to their users, such as e-mail, chatting, conferencing etc. The Microsoft Network (MSN) is the exciting online service that gives you easy and affordable access to electronic information and communication. MSN features include reliable electronic mail; useful and fun communication services such as chat, Internet newsgroups, and special interest forums; a wide variety of original entertainment; valuable information resources; and instant access to the ever-expanding World Wide Web. To subscribe to any Newsgroup first of all we have to register ourselves to that newsgroup. Generally this subscription is given free of cost but some portal also ask some fee for this purpose. In any case we have to choose any username and a password. If no one had been got that username then it will be provided to you. After it we have to login through our username and password and then we can avail the facilities provided through that newsgroup. What is Active Desktop? The Active Desktop interface lets you put “active content” from Web pages, or a channel, on your desktop. For example, you could put a constantly updating stock ticker in a handy place on your desktop or make your favorite online newspaper into your desktop wallpaper. You can make your desktop truly your own space by adding the active items you need to refer to on a regular basis: news, weather, sports, stock prices, or whatever you want to have at hand. Your desktop can now reflect you—your preferences and your style. Note : You must have the new desktop installed in order to use the Active Desktop. If you are running Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 and did not originally install the new desktop. What is Wizards in Windows 98. Wizards include instructions for each step, telling you what information you must provide, and making suggestions regarding what choices to make. Windows 98 includes many Wizards programs that take you step by step through the process of creating or configuring something. For example the Internet Connection Wizard leads you through the many steps required to set up a Dial-Up networking connection to an Internet Service Provider. Most Wizards display window after window of information and questions, with Back, Next and Cancel buttons at the bottom of each window. Fill out the information requested by the Wizard, and then click the Next button to continue. I you need to return to a previous Wizard window, click the Back button. To exit the

Microsoft Windows By BALJEET SINGH SINWAR/11 Wizard, click the Cancel button. The Wizard's last screen usually displays a Finish button, since there is no "next" screen to see. Q. What is Spooling in PCs. Ans. With personal computers, spooling (Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On Line) refers to printing a document or file in the background while allowing the user to work on something else. The output from the computer to a low-speed device, such as a printer, is stored on a disk and then fed to the printer. Windows provide the facility of printing using the spooling technique for the IBM PC/AT 486 system or Pentium. Q. What is user interface? What are special features of GUI? Ans. A user interface is a combination of menus, screen design, keyboard commands and language, which together creates the way a user interacts with a computer. Hardware, such as a mouse and touch screen is also parts of it. The user interface is probably the most important aspect to the success of a software packages. Windows is an operating system that uses a Graphical user Interface, or GUI. It is said to be GUI in Windows, you work more with graphics, form icons rather then typing text. The GUI makes the environment and its program user- friendly. Rather then remembering cryptic commands and their parameters, called switches. This is so because you remember things with pictures much easily. In order for the GUI to be effective, it must be standardized. This means that all similar controls and forms should look alike and operate in much the same fashion. For example, the menu is always the left most menu and the help menu is always the right most. Q. Explain OLE? Ans. OLE is the acronym for Object Linking and Embedding. This feature is used to share and transfer information between Window- based application and accessories. With OLE, one can view and use different forms of information in a single document. Most of the Windows- based application support OLE. The three important concepts related to OLE are: (a) Object – An object is a place of information such as a chart, a drawing, or text that can be linked or embedded. (b) Source document – A source document is the document in which the object originates. If you use Microsoft Excel to create a spreadsheet and then use that spreadsheet or part of it in another document, the spreadsheet becomes the source document. For this source application Excel becomes the server application. (c) Destination document – A destination document is the document into which the object is placed. Say If a part of the spreadsheet is used in a Word document then the Word document is the destination document and the destination application Word in this case is called the client application. Now the object can be of two types : (a) Embedded object – An embedded object is an object in a destination document. It is a copy of information that was created in another application. By choosing an embedded object, you can start the application, which was used to create it. At the same time, you would continue to work in the document you are presently working. Example : Suppose you are creating a letter using Wordpad and you use a drawing from the Paint file. If the object is embedded than to make changes to the drawing you need not start Paint and then make changes to the drawing – the drawing can be edited within the Wordpad document itself by double clicking at the drawing. On double-clicking Paint automatically starts and the drawing file opens. (b) Linked Objects – When a linked object is created, a link is established between source and destination documents. Although the linked object is displayed in the destination document the data that makes the object is stored only in the source document. When changes are made they are made in the source document. Moreover, the changes made in the source document appear in the destination document. One object can be linked to

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more than one-destination documents. When a linked object is selected, the application that was used to create the object starts while you remain in the destination document. Example : Suppose you are writing a chapter of a book using Word for Windows. Someone else is creating the artwork for your chapter using Paint. You can create a link from the Paint artwork to your word document so that anytime there are changes to the artwork, they are automatically reflected into your Word document. What is clipboard and how is it useful in WINDOWS based applications? The clipboard is a built in utility program that aids the process off copying information between different documents of the source application or between documents of different application. Using clipboard, user can make a portion of text or graphics in one application window and then use it in another application window. The clipboard works with both text and graphics in Windows programs and only with text in the case of DOS based programs. Clipboard is a temporary main memory area onto which can “Clip” the data required to be transferred. To transfer information to the clipboard you cut or copy the information from the active window. When the information needs to be placed in an application you can past, link on embeds the information. The information transferred to the clipboard stays in the clipboard till it is deleted, replaced or the user exits from Windows. The cut, copy and paste approach is used while transferring information to another document using the clipboard. Cutting – Involves removing the information form its source location and putting it on the clipboard. When the information is cut, it is deleted from its source windows. Copying –When the information is copied, the original is left intact and a duplicate copy of the original is placed on the clipboard. Pasting – Is the process o pasting whatever is on the clipboard into the destination document. Windows based application is generally written in coordination with other Windows based application. This is very different from the way of DOS based applications work where each application has its different file formats and file conversions that ware required to transfer data form one application to another. With windows coming in integrated documents can be prepared where say graphics are taken from paintbrush document, charts from Excel documents and text from Word document. It is here that clipboard comes in to play. The information from one application is first transferred to the clipboard and thus forms the clipboard to the destination document. Differentiate between CUI and GUI ? List the advantages of using GUI. The CUI is an acronym for Character Using Interface or Character User Interface. It is a type of display format used with most of the DOS based application packages that enables a user to choose commands and see list of files and other option by pointing to drop down menus using mouse or keyboard keys. The familiar example is the CUI used with FoxPro package for DOS. GUI (pronounced “gooey”) is an acronym for Graphical User Interface. It is a type of display format that enables the user to choose commands start programs, and see list of files and other options by pointing to pictorial representations (icons) and lists of menu items on the screen. Choices can generally be activate either with the keyboard or with a mouse. GUI offers an environment of what you see what you get. For application developers, GUI offers an environment that takes care of the direct interaction with the computer. This frees the developer to concentrate on the application without getting bogged down in the details of screen display or mouse and keyboard input. As the interface changes to support new input an output devices, such as a large-screen monitor or an optical storage device, the applications can also, without modification, use those devices.

Microsoft Windows By BALJEET SINGH SINWAR/13 Q.

How do you change the settings of the mouse in WINDOWS? Is it possible to swap the right and left buttons of the mouse? Ans. To customize the mouse settings do the following: 1. Click Start 2. Select Settings 3. Open Control Panel by double clicking its icons. 4. From the Control Panel double click the mouse icon. The mouse property box that appears offers the following customization features. (a) Button – This changes the function of the left and the right button. (b) Pointers – Creates a shadow of the mouse pointer’s movement on the screen. (c) Motions – The speed at which the mouse pointer moves relative physical to the movement of the mouse. (d) General – Select the type of mouse used. Q. What is a compound document and explain how it can be created. Ans. A compound document is a single document made up of parts created in more than one-application packages. For example, a report may contain a table created in Excel, and a Logo created in a Clipart package. While finalizing the report in Word for Windows, you can import table and the Logo from the different packages using Clipboard facility available in Windows 98. You can crate compound documents using the Edit menu's Paste Special option in the application package in which you are assembling the document. In the application from which you wish to link data, you select the data and place it on the clipboard using the standard Cut or Copy commands. When the data to be linked is on the clipboard, use the paste Special option from the Edit menu to insert the information at the insertion point and create the link. In the Paste Special dialog box click on the Paste Link option button and then click on OK to create the link. After the link has been created, the information will be updated into the receiving document whenever it is changed in the originating document. As a result, you can build compound documents that assemble data from a variety of resource applications and stay continuously updated. In a compound document you do not have to manually move data form one application’s – the applications can now handle that for you. Ques. What does one mean by Cascading WINDOWS and Tiling Windows? Ans. Windows offers two ways of arraigning the widows are open. These are: (a) Cascading – This causes all the open windows to be seized and staggered in such a way that the tittle bars and edge or corner of every window is visible. (b) Tiling – Tile causes all the windows to be sized and lined up like tiles on a bathroom wall. Ques. What is screen saver and explain its utility? Ans. Screen saver when set ON will blank the monitor screen or display a moving image or pattern if the mouse or the keyboard is not used for a predetermined period of time. The use of screen saver is: (a) Screen saver prevents damage to the screen by displaying a changing pattern. (b) It also prevents the other viewers, from seeing what is on the screen when the user is not working. Q. Explain what do you understand by the term True Type of fonts. Ans. True type of font gets their name from the fact that their appearance on the screen is the same as the printer prints them. Prior to the introduction true type fonts computer users needed separate screen fonts for display on the monitor and printer font, i.e. printing on the printer. This is because printers and monitors have very different resolution. With the introduction of True Type fonts, however, a single font outline fulfills both the roles. The True Type outline scales to any resolutions –screen resolution, dot matrix resolution, laser printer, or high quality type setting resolutions.

Microsoft Windows By BALJEET SINGH SINWAR/14



True Type fonts therefore offer two major advantages over the other fonts. (a) These fonts are scalable, so only one picture of each character is needed instead of an image for each character in each size. (b) These fonts are independent, so only one version of the font must reside in the Windows. Explain the term BITMAP. Ans. A bitmap is the representation of an image by an array of bits. In a bitmap characters or images are generated by writing the bit pattern to be displayed into the associated storage, each bit of which is mapped to a pixel on the display surface. In general, a bitmap image is a data structure that describes a bit image being held in memory, such as its location in memory and its size. Bit- mapped font It is a set of characters in a particular size and style, in which each character is described as a unique bit map (pattern of dots). Bit-mapped graphics These are the graphics that are stored and held as collections of bits in memory locations corresponding to pixel on the screen. Bit- mapped graphics are typical of paint programs, which treat images as collections of dots rather than as shapes. Within a computer’s memory, a bit-mapped graphic is represented as an array (group) of bits that describe the characteristics of the individual pixels making up the image. Bitmapped graphics displayed in colour require several to May bits per pixel, each describing some aspect of the colour of a single spot on the screen What is difference between Notepad, WordPad and Microsoft Word?

Notepad It is a simple text editor. Data written in it can open anywhere. No support of Graphics. Small file size. No spelling and grammar check facility.

WordPad It is Rich Text format editor. Data of this application can open only in compatible application. Graphics Support. Large file size. No spelling and grammar check facility.

Word Support so many formats. Data of this application can open only in compatible application. Graphics Support. Large file size. Spelling & Grammar check facility.

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