Microsoft Liveedu Windows Live Administration Guide - Co-branding Tools

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Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide Version 1.0 (November 16, 2007)

Microsoft Confidential


Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This documentation is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Microsoft Confidential


Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

Document Information Owner: Sarah Goodman Location: N/A Status: external/release to partners Document Revision History Date 11/16/2007

Microsoft Confidential

Version 1.0

Author RyanA

Description initial draft

Approval yes


Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

Contents Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide Version 1.0 ............................1 (November 16, 2007)...........................................................................................1 Overview.............................................................................................................5 Document Scope.............................................................................................5 Getting Started....................................................................................................6 Login ............................................................................................................6 Select your Brand .........................................................................................10 Select a Language.........................................................................................11 The Tool’s Features ............................................................................................12 Tutorial: make, save, preview, view and publish a change..................................12 FAQs.................................................................................................................23

Microsoft Confidential


Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

Overview Document Scope The purpose of this document is to introduce and present a hands on walk through of the features of the Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool. This user guide is for Microsoft partner IT professionals, business and administrative personal with basic end user experience with Windows Operating Systems, Internet Explorer web browser and instant messaging and e-mail applications. Familiarity with Windows Live services such as Messenger, Hotmail, and Spaces will be an advantage.

Microsoft Confidential


Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

Getting Started Login 1. Go to the Windows Live Admin Center website pictured below: Note: If your organization does not have credentials, then please contact the ED desk: [email protected]

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Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

2. Click on the Sign in command button. This should take you to the Windows Live ID login page pictured below.

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Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

3. Enter your password and sign in by clicking the Sign in command button. Note: For the purposes of this user guide we have created the fictional Windows Live ID “[email protected].” You should see your Windows Live ID user name followed by “”

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Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

4. If sign in is successful, then you should once again see the Windows Live Admin Center website pictured below. However, now you will notice a new command button entitled “Manage my co-branding” available at the bottom of the web page. Click the Manage my co-branding command button at the bottom of the web page.

Microsoft Confidential


Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

Select your Brand 1. Select the hyperlink with the name of the brand you want to manage. Note: For the purposes of this user guide we have created the fictional brand name “UOO7.” You should see your organization’s name.

2. Familiarize yourself with the tool’s user interface. When you are ready proceed to the next section.

Microsoft Confidential


Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

Select a Language 1. If you want to use the default language (English), then proceed to the next section in this document. If you want to choose another language, then click the “Change” hyperlink, which offers a variety of languages to choose from.

2. Choose a language from the drop down list box. Click the OK command button.

Microsoft Confidential


Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

The Tool’s Features Tutorial: make, save, preview, view and publish a change The prerequisite for this tutorial is successful completion of the tasks explained in the Getting Started section of this document. 1. Click the “Header and footer” hyperlink. Note: For this tutorial we will use the “Header and footer” hyperlink. At the end of the tutorial you will be able to make a change using the “Hotmail” hyperlink.

Selecting the “Header and footer” hyperlink takes you to a new web page. You will now see a user interface that offers several options to customize your organization’s end user user interface. Note: For the purposes of this user guide we will make, save, preview and view one change. You will have the option to publish your change if you wish. Having gone through the change process once, you should then be able to make any further changes on your own. Next we will go through the steps involved in making a change to your logo. Making a change will always involve the same sequence of events: 1.

Make the change and save


Return to the co-brand page (pictured above) by selecting the “Co-branding” hyperlink


Click the Preview changes command button


Select the “Preview” hyperlink (Note: A new browser window will open. If your changes are not visible, then wait several minutes and refresh the new browser window to see your changes. After previewing your changes close the new browser window.)


From the co-brand page click the Publish to the web command button

Microsoft Confidential


Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

2. Under the “Provide your logo” heading, click the Browse command button. A Choose file dialog box will appear. Note: You should look through the folders on your computer for the file that contains the logo you want to upload. Please be aware that the file properties must be adhered to or the file will not upload.

Microsoft Confidential


Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

3. Select the file that you want to upload. Click the Open command button. Note: For the purposes of this user guide we have created the fictional “red logo.PNG” file. You should see your organization’s custom branded logo file.

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Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

4. Look at the text box immediately to the left of the Browse command button. You should now see the file path to your logo in the text box.

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Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

5. Click the Save command button at the bottom of the screen.

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Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

6. If your file save was successful, then you should see your organization’s logo. For example, below you see the “red logo.PNG” image was saved successfully as indicated by the red rectangle. (circled) Note: If you see an error message, please verify that the file properties are within acceptable parameters. Once the file properties are within acceptable parameters, reload your file again and save.

Microsoft Confidential


Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

7. Your logo is saved and ready for preview. The purpose of a preview is to view a change in the end user user interface. (So far we’ve been looking at only the tool’s user interface) To do so, you will need to return to the co-brand page. Click the “Co-branding” hyperlink in the left navigation bar. (circled)

Microsoft Confidential


Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

8. Click the Preview changes command button. Note: You will not see anything, but this command runs a computer program that prepares your change to be viewed in the end user user interface.

9. Click the “Preview” hyperlink. (circled) A new browser window will open.

Microsoft Confidential


Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

10. The new browser window is the end user user interface. For the purposes of this user guide the red rectangle (circled) is visible in the upper-left corner of the web page header. You should see your organization’s custom branded logo. After viewing your changes close the new browser window. Note: If your changes are not visible, then wait several minutes and refresh the new browser window to see your changes.

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Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

11. When you are satisfied with your changes click the Publish to the web command button. Note: Please be aware that clicking the Publish to the web command button will change the end user user interface of your organization’s domain. If you do not want to publish the change, then you can continue and make another change or simply sign out.

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Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

12. To continue making changes, click the “Header and footer” hyperlink. Or you may make a change using the “Hotmail” hyperlink as well.

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Windows Live Admin Center Co-brand Tool User Guide

FAQs Q: I’ve saved my change. The new browser window opens. Why can’t I see my change? A: Wait several minutes and refresh the new browser window. The preview function may take up to 5 minutes to finish. Q: I was satisfied with the preview of my change. I’ve just published my change. Why can’t I see the change in the end user user interface? A: You can publish changes as often as you like; however, it takes 24 hours for a change to be completed. Q: My organization’s logo will not upload. I keep getting an error message. A: Please verify the file properties are within acceptable parameters. [File type: PNG / Maximum height (px): 21 / Maximum width (px): 93 / Maximum size (kb): 11] Once the file properties are within acceptable parameters, reload your file again: save, preview, view and publish. Q: My Windows Live menu links appear fine. But why won’t the links work when I click on them? A: Where you made the change please double check the URL address for accuracy: save, preview, view and publish.

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