Microsoft Exchange Server

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Installing GFI MailArchiver

GFI MailArchiver System requirements •

Windows 2000/2003 Server or Advanced Server.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2000/2003. (The product is installed on the Exchange Server machine)

.NET Framework 1.1 installed (included by default with 2003)

Microsoft IIS HTTP Web Server installed and running.

Ensure ASP.NET has been registered with IIS: 1. Open Command Prompt. 2. Go to <WindowsDir>\Microsoft.NET\Framework\\ 3. Run the command ‘aspnet_regiis.exe –I’ and press enter

MS SQL Server 2000 (optional but recommended)

Enable envelop journaling (optional but recommended)

Preparing your Exchange Server Before proceeding to install GFI MailArchiver, you will need to prepare your Exchange Server by doing the following: 1. Create a mailbox to which all mail will be archived. Do this by adding a new user in the Active Directory Users and Computers console. Give the mailbox a relevant name such as “archive”. 2. Open the Exchange System Manager and navigate to the Mailbox Store node by expanding Servers > server_name > Storage Group > Mailbox Store. Right-click and select Properties.

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Installing GFI MailArchiver • 7

3. In the properties dialog go to the General tab and enable “Archive all messages sent and received by mailboxes on this store”.

Screenshot 3 - Enabling exchange mailboxes

4. Click the Browse button located on the right of the Archive checkbox. This brings up the Select Recipient dialog. Enter the mailbox name you created previously. You can also archive emails to a public folder. If you wish to do so then enter a public folder name in the Select Recipient dialog. Click OK.

Screenshot 4 - Selecting the archive Mailbox name

5. Close Mailbox Store Properties and Exchange System Manager. 8 • Installing GFI MailArchiver

GFI MailArchiver 2 for Exchange

Your machine is now ready for use with GFI MailArchiver.

Preparing SQL server You can use GFI MailArchiver with Microsoft Access (to evaluate how it works for example), however for production use, you must use Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Before you install GFI MailArchiver you must create a database on your SQL server for GFI MailArchiver to work, as well as enable full text search indexing. This is required if you want to search for keywords in email-bodies. NOTE: GFI MailArchiver 2 works only with Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

Installing and enabling ‘Full text Search’ To be able to search for text in the body, GFI MailArchiver requires the 'Full-Text Search' component to be installed. Once it detects the presence of the module, GFI MailArchiver will index the e-mail. Searching the email body is ONLY supported if using Microsoft SQL Server. 1. Run SQL Server set-up, choose the installation option 'Upgrade, remove, or add components to an existing instance of SQL Server' screen option and press Next.

Screenshot 5 - Adding components to your installation

2. In the dialog 'Add components to your existing installation', Select the 'Add components...' option and press Next.

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Screenshot 6 - Installing full text search

3. In the next dialog click on 'Server Component' in the 'Components:' list and check the 'Full-Text Search' item in the 'Sub-Components:' list. Click Next to install.

Creating the database 1. Open the SQL Server 'Enterprise Manager' (Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Enterprise Manager) and go to the SQL Server on which you will be creating the database.

Screenshot 7 - Creating a new database

2. Right-Click on the 'Databases' node and select the 'New Database...' option 3. Specify the database name in the dialog on display (for example 'MailArchive') and then click OK 4. Expand the new database node, right click on the 'Users' sub node and select the 'New Database User...' option 10 • Installing GFI MailArchiver

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Screenshot 8- Creating a login

5. In the dialog click the 'Login name:' drop down list and select the item ''.

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Installing GFI MailArchiver • 11

Screenshot 9 - Specifying authentication mode

6. A new dialog opens up. Enter the login name (example 'ArchiveUser') in the 'Name:' edit box. In the 'Authentication' section select 'SQL Server Authentication' and then type a password in the edit field. 7. Now select the database you created in the 'Database:' drop down list and change to the 'Database Access' tab 8. Check the checkbox near the Database you created.

12 • Installing GFI MailArchiver

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Screenshot 10 - Enabling the db owner field

9. In the second section of the dialog (Database roles) make sure to check the 'db_owner' role. 10. Click OK to save and exit the dialog (on exist a dialog will come up so that you confirm the password for the user you just created).

Enabling Envelope Journaling (optional) In order to archive the full mail delivery information such as SMTP MAIL FROM, list of actual recipients, Blind Carbon Copy recipients etc, you have to enable Envelope journaling on your Exchange Server. For more information about Envelope Journaling please visit this Microsoft Knowledge Base article:;en-us;843105. This step is optional. Without envelope journaling enabled, GFI MailArchiver will still archive all mail. You can skip this step if you do not want the mail header information archived. You can use either the Exejcfg or the ADSI editor tool to enable envelope journaling.

Using the Exejcfg.exe tool You can download the exejcfg.exe tool from the Microsoft website. Go to the Microsoft search page and type the name to find the location. Once you have downloaded and unzipped it to a directory: 1. Open the command prompt 2. Navigate to the directory in which you unzipped the tool 3. Type exejcfg –e and press Enter to enable Envelope Journaling GFI MailArchiver 2 for Exchange

Installing GFI MailArchiver • 13

Note: exejcfg –d disables Envelope Journaling for that organization Using the ADSI editor You can also use ADSI editor (ADSIEdit.msc - Active Directory Services Interface) to enable Envelope Journaling. This tool can be found in the Windows Server 2003 support tools and Windows 2000 Server resource kit. To do this, follow these steps: 1. Open the ADSIEdit.msc console 2. Expand Configuration Container > CN=Services > CN=Microsoft Exchange, right-click on the CN= node and click Properties to bring up the properties dialog

Screenshot 11 - Editing the heuristics attribute value

3. From the Property to view list select heuristics and enter a value of 512 in the Edit Attribute text box 4. Press the Set button 5. Click OK and close the ADSIEdit console. Note: A value of 512 is used to enable Envelope Journaling, and a value of 0 is used to disable it.

Installing GFI MailArchiver The installation must be run on the Exchange Server machine itself! Before you run the installation procedure please make sure that you are logged on as Administrator and the system requirements are met. 1. Run the GFI MailArchiver setup program by double clicking on the GFIMailArchiver2.msi file on the Exchange Server machine. A welcome dialog will appear. Close other Windows programs and click Next. 14 • Installing GFI MailArchiver

GFI MailArchiver 2 for Exchange

2. In the License agreement dialog box, accept the agreement and continue the installation.

Screenshot 12 - Entering the administrator email address and product license key

3. Enter the administrator email address and the license key. If you are evaluating the product, leave the default ‘Evaluation’ key. Click Next. Note: You will be able to use the software for 30/60 days (60 days using the evaluation key sent to you via email). If you decide to buy, you don’t need to re-install; you can enter the license key in the web interface configuration. 4. Setup will now ask you to specify a location in which to install GFI MailArchiver. Press Browse to select a folder or accept the default location and click Next.

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Screenshot 13 - Selecting a Website and Virtual Directory

5. Setup will now ask you to select which website to use and also to give a name for the virtual directory. By default this is called “MailArchiver”. Click Next. 6. Click Next to be taken to the confirmation screen and click Next again to install. Set-up will check if ASP.NET has been registered with IIS. If not, you can continue to install GFI MailArchiver, however you will have to register ASP.NET with IIS afterwards. See the section ‘system requirements’ at the start of this chapter how to do this. 7. Once installation is complete, press Finish.

Entering your License key after installation If you have purchased GFI MailArchiver, you can enter your License key from the Configuration page. If you are evaluating GFI MailArchiver, it will time out after 60 days (with evaluation key). If you then decide to purchase GFI MailArchiver, you can just enter the License key here without having to re-install. GFI MailArchiver is licensed on a per-mailbox basis. Entering the License key should not be confused with the process of registering your company details on our website. This is important; since it allows us to give you support and notify you of important product news. Register on:

16 • Installing GFI MailArchiver

GFI MailArchiver 2 for Exchange

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