Mgt450 Strategic Mgt Syllabus.docx

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  • Words: 1,610
  • Pages: 9

Strategic Management

Semester: Spring 2019 No of Credit Hours:



Introduction to Management

Instructor Information

Instructor’s Name:

Dr.Mohan Lal Agarwal

Office Location:


Phone Number:

055 6589767

E-mail Address:

[email protected]

Office Hours:


Section No.:



SECTION 1: General Information 1.1 Course Description This course examines the development and implementation of organizational strategy and provides an overview of the strategic management process. Topics covered include analyzing the internal and external environments, defining business goals and objectives, strategic analysis and positioning, strategic decision making and creating sustainable competitive advantage. The course will cover business and corporate level strategy. The objective of this course is to provide students with the core concepts, frameworks and techniques of strategic management. Students will learn to assess competitive dynamics and to develop strategies to differentiate themselves from competitors and achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Students will utilize management tools such as the balanced scored and SWOT analysis in order to help make strategic decisions. 1.3. Course Learning Outcomes After the completion of this course students shall be able to: Knowledge KN1: Understand the importance of the strategic management process and formulate and implement strategic plans to achieve organizational objectives. KN2: Differentiate between types of competitive advantage at the business level. Skills SK1: Measure an organization’s internal environment using management tools and assess internal strengths and weaknesses. Competency Autonomy & Responsibility AR1: Appraise the benefits and limitations of traditional organizational structures and create an organizational direction that lead to an ethical and learning organization. Role in Context RC1: Formulate a firm’s external environment and contrast the general and competitive environments. Self Development SD1: Evaluate the impact of corporate level strategies on the direction of an organization and distinguish between different types of diversification.


Bachelor of Human Resource Management Alignment with QF-Emirates CLOs with PLOs- Level 7 Descriptors Strategic Management-MGT 450 Competence

SD7-1 SD7-2 SD7-3

SelfDevelopme nt


7-4 SK7-5 SK7-6 SK7-7 SK7-8 AR7-1 ARAR7-2 RC7-2 7-1 RC-

7-2 SK7-3 SK-


7-3 KNKN7-4 KN7-5 KN7-6 7-7 KNKN7-8 7-9 SK7-1 SK-


KN7-1 KN7-2 KN-


Autono my and Role in Respons Context ibility









1.4. Attendance Requirements Students are required to attend all classes and arrive on time. If a student is absent more than 20% of the time in any class, he/she will receive an F in the course unless an acceptable reason was submitted to student’s affairs. A student shall not be allowed in the classroom if they more than 10 minuted late and will be considered absent.

1.5. Required Texts Author Dess, Gregory,

Title Strategic Management: Text and Cases


Edition 6th Edition, 2011

Publisher McGrawHill



1.6. Additional Resources Type of Resource




1. Thompson, Arthur, Crafting and Executing Strategy: Concepts and Readings, McGraw Hill, 19th Edition, 2013


2. Hitt, Michael A., Ireland, R. Duane, Strategic Management: Concept and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization, Cenage Learning, 10th Edition, 2012

1.7. Course Delivery Strategy Class Discussion Students are encouraged to learn actively and cooperatively in teams. Students in groups of four to five should undertake a group project. Lectures Class sessions will involve lectures, video shows, case studies, discussions and debates, and presentations of related topics and current issues related to course contents. In addition, practitioners will be invited to share with the students their experience and techniques. Readings This is the responsibility of all students. Students should read the relevant chapters of the textbook and materials before class. They should be prepared to raise questions and arguments in class on related topics in the class schedule

SECTION 2: Assessment Strategy 2.1 Ongoing Coursework Assessment Tasks* (60%) Assessment No.

Assessment Type, Description of Assessment

Assessment Guidelines



Link to Learning Outcomes



Multiple choice,





Midterm Exam

short essays, cases situations






Wrtten Individual Report and presentation



Ar1 RC1



*On-going assessment should occur at least through three well-planned different intervals to adequately assess students’ progress and take necessary measures for improvement.


2.2 Final Coursework Assessment Tasks (40%) Assessment Assessment Type, No. Description of Assessment 1

Final Exam

Assessment Guidelines Multiple choice, short essays, cases situations

Week Weighting

Link to Learning Outcomes






2.3 Grades Awarded Marks 95% - 100% 90% - 94% 85% - 89% 80% - 84% 75% - 79% 70% - 74% 60% - 69% 50% - 59% 0% - 49%

Grade A AB+ B BC+ C D F I W P

Credit Points 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.0 0.0

Description Excellent Excellent Very good Very good good fair Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Failure incomplete Withdrawn Pass

2.4 Plagiarism/ Collaboration Rule Plagiarism is a serious offense that can lead to expulsion from the college if repetitive. Students must be familiar with the Academic Integrity policy outlined in the student handbook. All reports based assignments/ projects/ case studies etc.., will be accepted through the plagiarism checking process/ Turnitin only. Faculty members are advised to counsel and coach all such students whose assessment component exceed the acceptable limit of plagiarism and may decide to conduct marks from the assessment item. Plagiarism panelties are :


Up to 20%- Acceptable limit. 21% to 30%- Resubmit with verbal warning 31% to 45% - Resubmit + Reduce the marks by 20% + written warning by HOD/ Academic Dean. 61% and above- Refer to Disciplinary Committee

2.5 Late Assignment Penalties Delay in submitting assignments and other assessment work without previous approval from the instructor may result in a zero mark for that specific assessment component. However, if the reason for not submitting that assessment component is a valid one in the judgement of the faculty concerned, the student may be given another opportunity to submit that coursework component.

2.6 Special Consideration – Ongoing Coursework Assessment Special means that the submitted work will be re-considered or addiotional work may be submitted. Special consideration for ongoing assessment is granted by the instructor for serious illness or circumstances beyond the student’s control. Pressure of work , either from employment or other subjects is not an acceptable reason for seeking extension. A written application must be sumitted to the Chairperson of the Department no later tan 5 days from the assessment date.

2.7 Special Consideration - Final Coursework Assessment Students seeking special consideration for final coursework assessment must apply in writing to the Chairperson of the Department no later than 5 days from the date for final assessment. Evidence must be provided to support the application. The Chairperson of the Department in consulation with Assistant Dean for Academic Affair will advise on the outcome of the application within 5 days from the application date.


Section 3: Semester Teaching Plan Week

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Topic Unit 1: Introduction to Strategic Management Defining strategic management Four key attributes of strategic management

Related reading materials** Ch 1 P 4-33 Handout # 1

Unit 1: Introduction to Strategic Management Ch 1 Strategic management process P 4-33 Strategy analysis Handout # 1 Strategy formulation Strategy implementation Unit 1: Introduction to Strategic Management Ch 1 Ensuring coherence in strategic management P 4-33 Organizational vision Handout # 1 Mission statements Strategic objectives Role of stakeholder management model of industry competition Unit 2: Analyzing the External Environment Ch 2 Creating the environmentally aware organization P 34-63 Scanning, monitoring and competitive Handout # 2 intelligence Scenario planning and creating a viable vision SWOT analysis Test Unit 2: Analyzing the External Environment Ch 2 General environment vs. competitive environment P 34-63 Political and legal segment Handout # 2 Technological segment Global segment Porter’s five force Unit 3: Analyzing the Internal Environment Ch 3 Resource-based view of the firm P 64-103 Types of firm resources Handout # 3 Resources and sustainable competitive advantage 7

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Evaluating firm performance Financial ratio analysis The balanced scorecard Conducting a value chain analysis Unit 4: Business Level Strategy Types of competitive advantage Low cost leadership Differentiation Stages of industry life cycle Introduction stage Growth stage Maturity stage Decline stage Sustaining competitive advantage

Units 1,2,3 Ch 5 P 138-171 Handout # 4

Midterm Exam Unit 5: Corporate Level Strategy Ch 6 Creating value through diversification P 172-205 Related diversification Handout # 5 Economies of scope and revenue enhancement Market power Unrelated diversification Means to achieve diversification Impact of managerial motives on value creation Unit 6: International Strategy Creating value in global markets Factors affecting a nation’s competitiveness Demand conditions Related and supporting industries Firm strategy, structure and rivalry

Ch 7 P 206-237 Handout # 6


Week 11

Unit 6: International Strategy International expansion and risks Achieving competitive advantage in global markets Entry modes of international expansion

Ch 7 P 206-237 Handout # 6

Week 12

Unit 7: Creating Effective Organizational Designs Traditional forms of organizational structure Functional structure Assignment

Ch 10 P 300-327 Handout # 7

Unit 7: Creating Effective Organizational Designs Divisional structure Matrix structure Boundaryless organizational designs Unit 8: Creating a Learning and Ethical Organization Setting an organizational direction Designing the organization Developing a learning organization Empowering employees Unit 8: Creating a Learning and Ethical Organization Accumulating and sharing knowledge Gathering and integrating external information Creating an ethical organization

Ch 10 P 300-327 Handout # 7

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

Week 16

Ch 11 P 328-353 Handout # 8

Ch 11 P 328-353 Handout # 8

Final Exam

*Reading material might include either Chapters of the required text or other resources available through the college library or online



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