Metrics Gap Analysis V0

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 11,770
  • Pages: 36


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Annual revenue 1 growth

2 Revenue


Parent page analysis

((Revenue for measurement period for current FY / Revenue for measurement period for previous FY) -1)%

Revenue growth for each quarter against target

Revenue current period

Trend of month on month actual revenue vs. internal budgeted revenue vs. revenue budgeted for board


For the month & YTD, revenue breakup by Industry


For the month & YTD, revenue breakup by SL

Level 1 drill down

(revenue from new clients in current measurement period / total revenue in % revenue from new current measurement YTD % revenue from new 3 clients period)% clients vs. YTD target % Revenue from top 5 clients for current month Revenue % from top 5 to know client Historical % Revenue 4 Client concentration clients concentration from top 5 clients For the month & YTD, comparison of revenue budgeted vs. 4.1 actual by client

5 Sales (bookings)

Contracted sales - Total Contract Value of opportunities that are successfully closed

Monthly trend of sales

Level 2 drill Data Source - HK, down SG, JP, UK and AU Issues

What is the difference between the budgeted and the target revenue and revenue budgeted for board?

Issue Resolution It is what Viker bills to the clients, stored in Oracle. We need to get the data for HK, etc manually entered in some spreadsheet and not the ppt document. Also the 2002 data needs to be manually entered if required. Baseem can clarify more about the other data sources. Ken budget(quaterly) is a fixed figure where as forecasting(monthw ise) is based on real time market information and keeps getting updated. revenue budgeted for board is manual by CEO for the board presentation, less than the target revenue which is given to the functional heads ( GSD, GDB, etc) Ken

Do all the projects have a link to the industry?

Yes, they have the link to IL, SL and Account Ken

Is revenue what we bill to Viker US or what Viker bills to the clients? Where is this information stored? What is the ppt Monthly Finance ppt. document?

Spreadsheet. Ppt. document



Resp Detailed onsibi Source - US Missing Measurement lity and Kec Data Period

Ken The customer creation date would give us that and we link the customer code in the project with the customer name. Client will remain new for the How do we determine period considered, the new clients? Doess eg for month then a client remain new till next month he is no 12 months from when longer new, he is created? clarified by Ken Ken



Project Source &

Financial Year, are we taking it as Jan 01 - Dec 03? Based on that the quarters will be Jan-Mar, Apr-June, etc The measurement Revenue periods would be Closed Budget Jan01-Dec31

Project Source &

Revenue Monthly, Jan1Budget Jan31


Project Source

Monthly, Jan1Jan31


Project Source

Monthly, Jan1Jan31


New Client target Monthly, Q and revenue YTD


Monthly, Q and YTD


Revenue Budget Monthly, Q and by client YTD


Project Source & Customer Creation & Project Source

Is this a drill down of any sort as in we show only for the top 5 Project clients? yes Ken Source & Sales is based on the contracts, the What is the diff entire value being between sales and realized in that revenue here? What period, this gets are contracted sales? converted to What is the total revenue as and contract value? Need when realized from walkthrough of the client. It is the sales figure. Sales



Month on month sales booked against revenue forecasted for future months

10 GSD Utilization%

Total hours billed / Total available hours for current period Total available hours are assumed as 2080 hrs / resource / year

Baseem to give detailed Sales walkthrough. Backlog is the difference between Forecasting sales and revenue. spreadsheet what is backlog? Need Baseem to give (mainained by walkthrough of detailed Monthly trend of backlog Finance) walkthrough. Sales I am taking Operating profit as Gross Profit – Operating expenses (which include SGA expenses), is this correct - Correct. Monthly Operating profit Operating profit is SGA Budget vs. budgeted Finance ppt. EBIT Ken Summary & How do we know the expense heads? Are they maintained in Oracle and the spreadsheet? • Are the functions for the SGA break up same as the department mentioned in the SGA summary Historical sheet in the data Current month SG&A SG&A cost by The SGA summary Monthly total SGA cost vs. cost by function vs function vs sources excel sheet has been SGA Budget budget as % of revenue budget budget SG& A spreadsheet document sent by Ken. Ken Summary & We have to get these through the project codes. By the term project expenses in the definition, we mean client how do we get the SL projects.Given the break up of SL and Monthly actual vs. Gross Margin and GSD level Project GSD OH. Ken Source & budgeted GSD GM% Spreadsheet expenses Where are the total available resources being used in this definition? The How are the total utilization definition avaible resources and a ready report Month on month utilization taken? Is that the total is being taken care at GSD level vs. target headcount for GSD? of by Ken Ken Utilization &

11 % billable ratio

Billable headcount / Total headcount for current period

Trend of month on month billable ratio

Billable ratio % 12 (cost)

(cost of total billable resources/cost of all resources) for the measurement period %


6 Backlog

7 Profitability

Contracted sales that have not been recognized as revenue

Operating profit / revenue for current period %

8 SG&A %

SG&A expenses / revenue for current period


(Total revenue – project expenses – SL expenses – GSD level expenses) for current period / Revenue for current period

Do we give only India and US figures as of now?

Monthly trend

Average billing rate =total revenue/total billable Monthly trend of average 16 realized hours for the period billing rate realized Trend by IL


1 Revenue

Revenue current period

Monthly actual revenue vs. budgeted revenue

Need walkthrough of

Trend by SL

Current month revenue vs. budgeted Monthly detail Finance ppt. revenue for each IL by A/C

Do we give only India and US figures as of now? Do we give only India and US figures as of now? Total billable hours for the period available?





No Ken I clarified this in the call yesterday. For GBD dashboard, we have to exclude Is this revenue only for BPO, AMO and Australia Ken GBD?



Exchang e Rate table & Parent Departm ent look up M, Q and YTD


Exchang e Rate table & Parent Departm ent look up Month.


Budgete d GM % Monthly


Utilizatio n Targets Still an Open decision as to where the data pulls Still an Open decision as to where the data pulls

Project Source

Project Source &





Closed Revenue Budget by Industry Month Line


2 Sales (bookings)

Contracted sales - Total Contract Value of opportunities that are successfully closed


Monthly trend of sales

Monthly trend of sales by IL

Month on month sales booked against revenue forecasted for future months

Month on month sales booked against revenue forecasted for future months by Monthly trend IL by A/C

Sales information to be given by Ken and Baseem

Monthly trend of backlog by IL

Monthly trend by A/C

Sales information to be given by Ken and Baseem

Monthly trend Spreadsheet by A/C

Sales information to be given by Ken and Baseem

3 Backlog

Contracted sales that have not been recognized as revenue Monthly trend of backlog

4 Sales per client

=total sales/total no. of clients

5 Revenue per client Number of new 6 clients

Sales per client Sales per client - monthly monthly trend - for trend each IL

=total revenue/total no. of Monthly Revenue per active clients client No. of new clients during the measurement period

YTD number of new clients by month against the annual target

Monthly Revenue per Monthly trend client - IL by A/C number of new clients by month against the annual target A/C names

% sales from new clients

=total sales from new clients/total no. of new 9 Sales per new client clients

Revenue per new 10 client

Sales per sales 11 associate

=total revenue from new clients/total no. of new clients

=Total sales/total no. of sales associates

Forecasting Spreadsheed (cal.required)

If we are calculating for a particluar month and the client has become inactive in the middle of that month how we account for that?

Forecasting Spreadsheed (cal.required)















Forecasting Spreadsheed Detail by A/C (cal.required)

If we are calculating for a particluar month and the client has become inactive in the middle of that month how we account for that?

Detail by A/C

Sales information to be given by Ken and Baseem

Sales per new client monthly trend - for Detail by A/C each IL

Sales information to be given by Ken and Baseem

(revenue from new clients in current measurement period / total revenue in % revenue from new current measurement YTD % revenue from new 7 clients period)% clients vs. YTD target Detail by IL

% sales from new 8 clients

Forecasting spreadsheet(spread Sales information to be Monthly trend sheet mainted by given by Ken and by A/C Finance) Baseem

There is a forecasting spreadsheet being used by Finance where we can get the bookings and backlog figures There is a forecasting spreadsheet being used by Finance where we can get the bookings and backlog figures There is a forecasting spreadsheet being used by Finance where we can get the bookings and backlog figures There is a forecasting spreadsheet being used by Finance where we can get the bookings and backlog figures An active client definition is over a 12 month horizon. Please refer the Baselined URR excel doc. for the definition

Project Source



Customer Creation &

Target customer s month


Project Source & Customer Creation &

New Client target revenue month


Monthly Revenue per new Monthly Revenue per client new client - IL Detail by A/C

If we are calculating for a particluar month and the client has become inactive in the middle of that month how we account for that?

Ken There is a forecasting spreadsheet being used by Finance where we can get the bookings and backlog figures Sales There is a forecasting spreadsheet being used by Finance where we can get the bookings and backlog figures Sales An active client definition is over a 12 month horizon. Please refer the Project Source & Baselined URR excel doc. for the Customer definition Ken Creation

Sales per sales Sales per sales associate - monthly associates - Monthly trend trend - by IL

Is sales assocaite a designationin Oracle? Sales information to be given by Ken and Baseem

Sales associate is a Viker associate working in Sales - a Sales guy Sales

% sales from new % sales from new clients, clients for each IL monthly trend monthly trend

Sales per new client monthly trend







=Total sales value of lost deals % revenue from top 5 13 Client concentration clients 12 Sales lost


Sales lost - IL break- Reason for Sales lost - monthly trend up - monthly trend loss % Revenue from top 5 Historical % Revenue clients for current month from top 5 clients For the month & YTD, comparison of revenue budgeted vs. actual by client

Deviation of actual revenues from forecasted Revenue forecasting nos. in the quarterly Monthly Forecasting 18 accuracy forecasting exercise accuracy - Revenue

Monthly detail by IL

Current month Trend of monthly accounts accounts receivable receivable in DSO against in DSO against upper upper limit limit for each IL Break-up for current Break-up for current period DSO in less period DSO in less than than 45 days, 45-60 Ageing of accounts 45 days, 45-60 days, 60- days, 60-90 days and receivables in different age 90 days and more than 90 more than 90 days (days) slots days for each IL Average GM% calculated in pricing sheets during selling phase for new projects/deals closed during measurement Monthly trend chart for Monthly trend for period overall sold GM Sold GM by IL =GBD cost - cost of GBD resources working on delivery activities + cost of GSD resources working on Sales activities Detail by IL

Accounts receivables at the end of measurement 19 Accounts receivable period in DSO

20 AR ageing

21 Sold margin %

22 Cost of sales

Monthly detail by Core A/C Current month DSO by A/C

Ageing by A/C Data table showing project, deal closure date, sold GM%, revenue


What is DSO ?

Actual GBD expenses

24 GSD Utilization%

Total hours billed / Total available hours for current Month on month utilization period at GSD level vs. target Monthly detail by IL

Billing - plan vs 27 actual

Monthly billing - plan vs actual

Monthly billing - plan vs actual

Monthly billing - plan vs actual - AC detail

Monthly detail by SL

Monthly revenue and GM for productized services Monthly revenue and detail by Monthly revenue and GM GM for productized productized for productized services services - detail by IL services Finance ppt.

Day sales outstanding? Yes





Project Source &


Project Source &

Forecast ed Revenue Month



Noetix View USAR_Recei vables_Bala nces




Noetix View USAR_Recei vables_Bala nces

Ageing slots






Need clarification.

The sold GM is captured in the pricing sheets when any new deal is signed.Clarified. Sales

Does Oracle projects have all this information. Need clarification.

yes. Ken for more clarification. SGA for GBD is what it contains.


Need clarification.

Ken No. Utilization is only measured for the GSD organization Ken Billing is the invoicing that is done to a client in any given month. Let me know if you need any more clarifications Ken

What are the productized services and where is the info stored?

Productized services are currently being formed. They are not yet operational Rahul

Shouldn’t it be GDB utilization?

Project Source

Revenue Budget by client month

Ken This may not be an issue. Ken needs to clarify on this. I guess he entered the gap in error. Why do we need yearly Clarified, we don’t need that. Ken budgets by client?

Cost breakup by category Monthly actual vs. Monthly detail by IL, monthly GBD Finance SG &A budgeted GBD expenses Marketing, Core-A/Cs expenses spreadsheet

23 GBD expenses

Productized services Revenue and GM for 29 performance productized services

There is a forecasting spreadsheet being used by Finance Sales information to be where we can get the bookings and given by Ken and Baseem backlog figures Sales

Project Source

Exchang e Rate table & Parent Departm SGA Budget ent look Month Summary & up


Target Utilizatio Utilization & n Month


Invoice Summary &

Planned Billing Month


Not sure what Producti zed Services represen t Month


Sales (bookings) and sold Monthly sales (bookings) GM for productized and sold GM for services productized services Monthly chart on no. of 30 No. of active clients No. of active clients active clients




31 Repeat business%

% of revenues in measurement month from Monthly chart on repeat repeat clients biz

GBD timesheet 32 compliance

No. of missing timecards for the month for the function

Monthly trend

Monthly sales (bookings) and sold GM for productized Monthly sales services (bookings) and sold detail by GM for productized productized services - detail by IL services Monthly detail by IL

Monthly detail by IL compliance by GBD group/projects (Missing time, late/not approved timecards)

Current month revenue and GM% by SL vs budget

Revenue & GSD GM%

A/C names

A/C names

Historical Monthly Project revenue and spreadsheet from GM by SL Finance

Historical revenue and GM by AC

Current month project direct costs, SL OH and bench costs, SL gross margin for each SL vs budget

Historical project direct costs, SL OH and bench costs, SL gross margin for each SL

Current month project direct costs, AC OH and bench costs and AC gross margin for each AC vs budget

Monthly volume of effort billed in FTE equivalent

Current month volume of effort billed in FTE equivalent for each SL Current month volume of effort billed in FTE equivalent for each AC

Monthly leverage ratio = Offshore billable hours/Onsite billable hours

Monthly leverage ratio = Offshore billable hours/Onsite billable hours - SL detail

Historical project direct costs, AC OH and bench costs and AC gross margin for each AC Historical volume of effort billed in FTE equivalent for each SL Historical volume of effort billed in FTE equivalent for each AC Monthly leverage ratio = Offshore billable hours/Onsite billable hours - Project detail

Rahul Ken










Project Source Project Source & Customer Creation KC New (v1) Missing Time Report From Oracle Reports

How do we define the repeat client?

repeat client has been defined in the Baselined URR doc Ken

Is this only GSD revenue? Which all data is missing? Not clear?

I clarified this in the call yesterday. Let me know if we need to discuss more Ken

Project Source &

Budget by Service Line


Project Source &

Budget by Account Month


Project Source &

Budget by Service Line



Project Source &

Budget by Account Month


Days per Month Mapping Month


Days per Month Mapping Month




Associates not complying

Current month Monthly revenue and GSD revenue and GM% GM % vs budget by AC vs budget

Monthly Project direct costs, SL OH and bench costs, GSD mgmt costs and GSD gross margin vs budget

Sold GM and sold margin are the same? Yes Forecasting spreadsheet

Not sure what Producti zed Services represen Month t


Yes. They have to be consolidated/tracke d by the project code that is used in Oracle. They are three types of costs - Project direct costs, SL OH costs and GSD OH costs. Please look at the GSD pilot prototype to get an DO we have the SL OH understanding of and bench costs? Ken they they add up

What is FTE?

What is FTE?

Ken equivalent, say you put in 100 hrs billable and total available is 176 then 100/176 is Project FTE. Rahul Source & equivalent, say you put in 100 hrs billable and total available is 176 then 100/176 is Project FTE. Rahul Source &


Project Source

Monthly leverage ratio = Offshore billable hours/Onsite billable hours - AC detail

Monthly break-up of costs in categories - Salary costs, travel costs and other costs for GSD vs budget

Current month breakup of costs in categories - Salary costs, travel costs and other costs for each SL

Current month breakup of costs in categories - Salary costs, travel costs and other costs for each AC

Current month, QTD and YTD variance analysis against forecast - Revenue, Monthly variance analysis Total SL cost, Salary against forecast costs, Travel costs, Revenue, Total GSD cost, other costs, SL GM GSD GM for each SL

Current month, QTD and YTD variance analysis against forecast - Revenue, Total AC cost, Salary costs, Travel costs, other costs, AC GM for each AC


6 GSD Utilization

(Total revenue – project expenses – SL expenses – GSD level expenses) for current period / Revenue Month on month actual vs. for current period budgeted GSD GM% Total hours billed / Total available hours for current period Total available hours are assumed as 2080 hrs / resource / year

Monthly leverage ratio = Offshore billable hours/Onsite billable hours - Project detail Historical break-up of costs in categories Salary costs, travel costs and other costs for each SL Historical break-up of costs in categories Salary costs, travel costs and other costs for each AC Historical, QTD and YTD variance analysis against forecast Revenue, Total SL cost, Salary costs, Travel costs, other costs, SL GM for each SL Historical, QTD and YTD variance analysis against forecast Revenue, Total AC cost, Salary costs, Travel costs, other costs, AC GM for each AC

Current month utilization for each SL against target vs. expected utilization

Historical utilization for each SL against target

Current month Monthly utilization for GSD utilization for each vs. target vs expected AC against target vs utilization expected utilization

Historical utilization for each AC against target

Project Source


Project Source &


Project Source



Monthly Gross Margin Spreadsheet by Finance

Covered above


Ken Good point. Please include expected utilization and no expected utilization target utilization in or target utilizaiton for the Level 2 and 3 others? drilldowns too Ken








Project Source &

Revenue Budget by Service Month Line


Project Source &

Revenue Budget by Account Month


Project Source &

Budgete d GM % Month


Target Utilizatio n by Service Utilization & Line Month


Target Utilizatio n by Utilization & Account Month


Budget by Service Line

22 Client retention %

(Actual GSD expenses budgeted GSD expenses)/Budgeted GSD expenses in pricing sheets during selling phase for new projects/deals closed during measurement period (No. of active clients from the previous measurement period who are still with us in the current measurement period) / (Total no. of active clients we had in the previous measurement period) %

24 Revenue per client

=total revenue/total no. of Monthly Revenue per active clients client

GSD Expense 8 variance

16 Sold GM%

GSD timesheet 25 compliance

No. of missing timecards for the month for the function

Covered in 1 above Trend chart for sold margin against target for each deal

Month on month trend of client retention %

Monthly trend



Data table showing project, deal closure date, sold GM%, revenue

Revenue from 1 process consulting

Revenue from process consulting engagements

7 Budget variance

(Actual GPM expenses – Planned GPM expenses) / Planned GPM expenses (each for the Month on month actual vs. measurement period) budgeted GPM expenses

Timesheet compliance by Projects

Timesheet compliance by AC

Timesheet compliance by Projects

Quarterly revenue from process consulting engagements

Monthly budgeted vs. actual expenses for GPM by expense categories





Closed Closed

No global expense budgets for all GSDs


What is sold margin?When can we Pricing sheets know about the pricing (currently rolling out) sheets mentioned?


Process needs to be developed to capture that


Project Source


Project Source


KC New (v1) Missing Time Report From Oracle Reports


KC New (v1) Missing Time Report From Oracle Reports

Month link to project memebe rs view in Noetix in order to bring in Custome r and Project informati on Month link to project memebe rs view in Noetix in order to bring in Custome r and Project informati on Month

Right now there are no process consulting engagements. We might have identify How do we know which a method thru projects are the which project codes process consulting can be linked to GAP - Not captured engagements? engagement types Ken

Project Source &

Process consulitn g revenue identified Quarter

Expense category GAP - Not captured details available?

Exchang e Rate table & Parent Departm SGA Budget ent look Month Summary & up

Monthly Revenue per client - SL

Timesheet compliance by SL

Exchang e Rate table & Parent Departm SGA Budget ent look Summary & up Month

Global information not available

Yes, clarified by Ken






Process group timesheet 12 compliance



No. of missing timecards for the month for the function

Monthly trend

Detail by Process group Projects/groups

1 GAP expenses

Actual GAP expenses

Monthly budgeted vs. actual expenses for Month on month actual vs. GAP by expense budgeted GAP expenses categories

2 Cost per hire

=Total recrutment cost/Total no. of hires

Trend of cost per hire by month

Cost per hire by region for the month

GAP timesheet 9 compliance

No. of missing timecards for the month for the function

Monthly trend

Timesheet compliance by GAP verticals/projects

1 Budget variance

(Actual GIT expenses – Planned GIT expenses) / Planned GIT expenses (each for the measurement period)

IT support cost per 2 associate

Total IT salary costs / No. Trend of IT support cost of associates for per associate by month measurement period against upper limit

Associate names not complying


Associate names not complying

Exchang e Rate table & Parent Departm SGA Budget ent look Ken Summary & up Month How is recrutim ent cost Rahul defined? Month KC New (v1) Missing Time Report From Oracle Vijay Reports Month

Monthly SG&A file (finance)

Monthly budgeted vs. actual expenses for Month on month actual vs. GIT by expense budgeted GIT expenses categories

Monthly SG&A file (finance) Where are the upper limit numbers stored?

Total cost of Link and internet / No. of associates Trend of Link and internet Link and IT internet for the measurement costs per associate by 3 costs / associate period month against upper limit

Project IT expense 4 variance

Average of variance in IT expenses on projects during the measurement period (Actual IT expenses – planned IT expenses) Trend of IT expense Expenses include H/w, s/w variance by projects and link costs on projects supported

Revenue from Revenue from 12 infrastructure group infrastructure group

13 Capital expenses

Timesheet 17 compliance - GIT

Capital expenditure by Global IT No. of missing timecards for the month for the function

KC New (v1) Missing Time Report From Oracle Reports

Nowhere. It is a gap

Exchang e Rate table & Parent Departm SGA Budget ent look Ken Summary & up Month Number of HR SGA Budget Resourc Ken Summary & es Month How is the informati on captured Rahul ? Month

Monthly revenue from Infrastructure group

Rahul What entity is the Project infrastructure group? See project source Something like a GBA? sheet Ken Source

Budget vs. actual capital expenditure by Global IT

What is the capital expenditure? How to identify this?

Monthly trend

Timesheet compliance by GIT groups/projects

Associates not complying


See project source sheet Rahul


KC New (v1) Missing Time Report From Oracle Reports








Not sure if we budget this why? Month




Not sure if finance captures this. Month




Core ACs

Revenue (HH and 1 MSDW)

Monthly actual vs. Current month forecasted revenue trend Revenue by SL for HH and MSDW actual vs forecast


2 Backlog

Current month Revenue by BU (HH and MSDW) - actual Historical BU vs forecast revenues

Revenue recognized for the period

Revenue backlog (Total contracted sales not yet converted as revenue)

Monthly backlog (HH and MSDW) Backlog by BU

5 Revenue forecast

Monthly pipeline (HH and Sales pipeline Pipeline by BU MSDW) Revenue forecast for the next 12 months (HH and Revenue forecast by 12 month revenue forecast MSDW) BU

6 Account margin

Profit margin for the core accounts = Account revenue - all costs for the account

4 Sales Pipeline

7 AR (DSO)

Accounts receivables in DSO

Planned vs actual 14 billed amount

Monthly Rev. forecast sheet

What is backlog?

Explained in the call last night

Project Source &


Project Source &









Monthly Rev. forecast sheet


Month Forecast ed GM by Business Unit Month Forecast ed GM by Service Line Month


Current month margin by BU forecast vs actual

Historical BU margin


Project Source &

Monthly forecasted vs Current month actual account margin for margin by SL HH and MSDW forecast vs actual

Historical SL margin


Project Source &


Noetix View USAR_Recei vables_Bala nces




Noetix View USAR_Recei vables_Bala nces

Ageing slots



Planned Month Billing


Monthly trend in DSO for AR (HH and MSDW)

AR by BU (HH and MSDW)

Ageing for outstanding receivables (<45 days, 4560 days, 60-90 days, >90 Latest ageing information Ageing information by 8 Receivables ageing days) for HH and MSDW BU (HH and MSDW)

Account S&M 9 expenses

Historical revenue by SL


Forecast ed Revenue by Business Unit Month Forecast ed Revenue by Service Line Month

Info. On regional systems only

Info. On regional systems only



Monthly forecasted vs Sales and marketing costs actual S&M expenses (HH Cost break-up by for the core accounts and MSDW) category

How do we get this information if its not broken by account?


Exchang e Rate table & Parent Departm SGA Budget ent look Summary & up Month

Monthly planned vs actual amount billed to the client Amount billed to the client (HH and MSDW) Project-wise detail

Is the forecasted billing information stored in Oracle?


Invoice Summary &


Project Source




Project Source



Average billing rate =Total revenue/Total 15 realized - blended billable hours

Monthly average billing rate realized (HH and MSDW)

Monthly average billing rate realized by BU (HH and MSDW)

=Total onsite Average billing rate revenue/Total onsite 16 realized - onsite billable hours

Monthly average onsite billing rate realized (HH and MSDW)

Monthly average onsite billing rate realized by BU (HH and MSDW)

Location information enough to identify onsite?

=Total offshore Average billing rate revenue/Total offshore 17 realized - offshore billable hours

Core A/C's timesheet 23 compliance



No. of missing timecards for the month for the function

Monthly average Monthly average offshore offshore billing rate billing rate realized (HH realized by BU (HH and MSDW) and MSDW)

Monthly trend

Timesheet compliance by BU's

1 GBA costs

GBA costs

Monthly forecasted vs. actual costs for Month on month actual vs. GBA by expense forecast GBA costs categories

GBA Timesheet 7 compliance

No. of missing timecards for the month for the function

Monthly trend

1 Budget variance

(Actual GFA expenses – Planned GFA expenses) / Planned GFA expenses (each for the Month on month actual vs. measurement period) budgeted GFA expenses

1. Trend of month on month bugeted vs. actual expenses

2. YTD budgeted vs. actual expenses for GFA by expense categories

Timesheet compliance by projects




Cannot be done by BU since this is stored at Task level and KC New (v1) people Missing Time are Report assigned From Oracle at project Month Reports level




Exchang e Rate table & Parent Departm SGA Budget ent look Summary & up Month


how is this different from the above metric (Row 99)? Is this the Same, can remove overall expense figure? this Ken

Exchang e Rate table & Parent Departm SGA Budget ent look Summary & up Month


Exchang e Rate table & Parent Departm SGA Budget ent look Month Summary & up



Names of associates not complying

Finane SG&A Spreadsheet

Only high-level numbers available globally

Project Source

Exchang e Rate table & Parent Departm SGA Budget ent look Summary & up Month KC New (v1) Missing Time Report From Oracle Reports Month

SG&A spreadsheet

Finane SG&A Spreadsheet


High level numbers? Clarify.

Ken needs to clarify. Expense categories are Salary cost, travel costs and other costs. Clarified.




Bad debt – write2 off/provisions 3 DSO

4 Ageing



3. Budgeted vs. actual expenses for the month by expense category for GFA Write-offs / provisions made for bad debt during the measurement period

Write-offs / Provisions made for bad debt AR/Sales * days (Days = 360 for the year, 90 for the quarter) DSO for Viker

Ageing details for AR (<45 days, 45-60 days, 60-90 Ageing details for Viker days and >90 days) =PBIT/Average capital employed Captial employed = Total assets - Current liabilities ROCE for Viker


Ageing by IL


Ageing by A/C

Rev & forecasting spreadsheets

Timeliness of book closing and 8 reporting

Date on which books got closed and nos. got reported

Date on which books got closed and nos. got reported

Need to define the process

Budget vs. actual costs for F&A department

11 Sold GM%

Month on month sold GM% as captured in the approved pricing sheets

Tax management 12 efficiency

Tax outgo as percent of revenue

Tax outgo as a % of revenue

Timesheet 14 compliance

No. of missing timecards for the month for Global F&A

No. of missing timecards for the month for Global F&A



Ageing Slots


Basee m

Q and Y


Basee m

Q and Y






Vijay I think we can also do it quarterly This is an yearly (annualized return update? during the quarter) This is an yearly I think we can also update? Do we have do it quarterly profit figures for every (annualized return month? during the quarter)

Forecasting accuracy Revenue and margins (GM and EBIT)

Trend of sold GM% as captured in the approved pricing sheets


Basee m

Forecasting accuracy – Revenues and 7 margins

Performance against SLAs Performance against SLAs


Basee m

ROE for Viker

SLAs (e.g. Timeliness of expense reimbursement, 10 Admin SLAs)



=PAT/Average equity Deviation of actual revenues and margins from forecasted nos. in the quarterly forecasting exercise

Costs (budget vs. 9 actual) for F&A dept

Exchang e Rate table & Parent Departm SGA Budget ent look Summary & up Month

SG&A spreadsheet

Nos reported and books closed on the same date?

Basee m No. Baseem can throw some more light. Need process Basee for reporting date. m

Yes. We would have to sit with Finance and understand if they Target have any SLA's for resolution/payoff date - expense actual payoff date (in reimbursement. terms of number of Yes can use days)? Could this be a resource metric measure? formula here. Explained earlier. It is captured in the pricing sheets. Definitio of sold GM also exists in the Pricing sheets (currently rolling out) What is sold GM? Baselined URR doc Y- monthly tax need to be calculated for the regions Timesheet compliance by Finance Groups/projects

Associate names not complying

Noetix View USAR_Recei vables_Bala nces


Exchang e Rate table & Parent Departm SGA Budget ent look Summary & up Monthly


Basee m



Basee m







Basee m


KC New (v1) Missing Time Report From Oracle Reports

Organization timesheet 16 compliance

No. of missing timecards for the month for Viker

Timesheet compliance for Viker


KC New (v1) Missing Time Report From Oracle Reports



Dashb Cross oard Ref




Parent page analysis

13 Client satisfaction score

Average client satisfaction score from the half yearly satisfaction surveys

Client satisfaction score for each client

14 Client retention %

(No. of active clients from the previous measurement period who are still with us in the current measurement period) / (Total no. of active clients we had in the previous measurement period) % Month on month trend of client retention %

15 Customer complaints GBD

14 Client satisfaction score

No. of customer complaints of severity 1&2 Average client satisfaction score from the half yearly satisfaction surveys

14.1 14.2 15 Customer complaints


Level 1 drill down

Level 2 drill down

Detail by IL

Detail by A/C

1. Pareto chart for average score by attributes Detail by IL 2. Comparison of average score for current period vs. previous period by client Detail by IL Month on month trend of no. of customer complaints Detail by IL

Detail by A/C

Month on month trend of no. of customer complaints Client satisfaction score for each client

16 Client retention %

No. of customer complaints of severity 1&2 (No. of active clients from the previous measurement period who are still with us in the current measurement period) / (Total no. of active clients we had in the previous Month on month trend of client retention % measurement period) %

% clients having monthly 17 account dashboard

No. of clients having monthly account dashboard / total no. of clients at the end of the Monthly % clients having account dashboard measurement period target of 100%

Distribution of projects in 9 R/Y/G

% of projects in R/Y/G status Trend of month on month distribution of project status as R/Y/G

% projects meeting the 10 quality goals

(No. of projects meeting the quality goals / Total no. of projects)% A project is a unit (project or a BU for an % projects meeting quality goals by the 5 quality ongoing engagement) for which project plan can metrics (Sch. Var, effort var, productivity, DD, be created and quality goals can be defined DRE) for GSD

Detail by A/C Detail by A/C

Detail by IL

Detail by IL

Data table listing clients that do not have the dashboard published for the month

Current month distribution of projects in R/Y/G by SL Current month distribution of projects in R/Y/G by AC

Historical distribution of projects in R/Y/G by SL Historical distribution of projects in R/Y/G by AC

% projects meeting quality goals by the 5 quality metrics (Sch. Var, effort var, productivity, DD, DRE) for each SL Trend of month on month distribution Trend of month on month distribution of % of % projects meeting the quality projects meeting the quality goal, not meeting and goal, not meeting and not measured not measured for GSD for each SL

12 Client satisfaction score

No. of Projects fulfilling L5 requirements / Total no. of projects Average client satisfaction score from the half yearly satisfaction surveys

15 Customer complaints

No. of customer complaints of severity 1&2

11 % projects at CMM L5

A matrix showing current month R/Y/G status for each CMM level by SL Pareto chart for client satisfaction score by clients detail by SL Month on month trend of no. of customer complaints Detail by SL

(PDD for current measurement period – PDD for prior measurement period) / PDD for prior % reduction in post delivery measurement period % Quarter on quarter reduction in PDD for each LC 17 defect density This is by life-cycle type type against target

% improvement in 18 productivity

% projects meeting the 19 quality goals


Core ACs

Detail by SL

Detail by Projects

Quarter on quarter improvement in productivity by LC type against target Detail by SL

Detail by Projects

% projects meeting quality goals by the 5 quality metrics (Sch. Var, effort var, productivity, DD, DRE) for each SL and AC Trend of month on month distribution Trend of month on month distribution of % of % projects meeting the quality projects meeting the quality goal, not meeting and goal, not meeting and not measured not measured for GSD for each SL and AC A matrix showing current month R/Y/G status for each CMM level by SL % projects meeting quality goals by the 5 quality metrics (Sch. Var, effort var, productivity, DD, DRE) for GSD

% projects meeting the 8 quality goals

No. of Projects fulfilling L5 requirements / Total no. of projects (No. of projects meeting the quality goals / Total no. of projects)% A project is a unit (project or a BU for an % projects meeting quality goals by the 5 quality ongoing engagement) for which project plan can metrics (Sch. Var, effort var, productivity, DD, be created and quality goals can be defined DRE) for GSD

9 % projects at CMM L5

No. of Projects fulfilling L5 requirements / Total no. of projects

20 % projects at CMM L5


(Productivity for current measurement period – that for prior measurement period) / that for prior measurement period % This is by life-cycle type (No. of projects meeting the quality goals / Total no. of projects)% A project is a unit (project or a BU for an ongoing engagement) for which project plan can be created and quality goals can be defined

% projects meeting quality goals by the 5 quality metrics (Sch. Var, effort var, productivity, DD, DRE) for each SL Trend of month on month distribution of % projects meeting the quality Trend of month on month distribution of % projects meeting the quality goal, not meeting and goal, not meeting and not measured not measured for GSD for each SL A matrix showing current month R/Y/G status for each CMM level by SL

% projects meeting quality goals by the 5 quality (No. of projects meeting the quality goals / Total metrics (Sch. Var, effort var, productivity, DD, no. of projects)% DRE) for GIT Trend of month on month distribution of % projects meeting the quality goal, not meeting and 15.1 not measured for GIT Average client satisfaction score from the half 10 Customer satisfaction score yearly satisfaction surveys Client satisfaction score for each client % GA projects meeting the 15 quality goals

10.1 10.2

Detail by Projects

1. Pareto chart for average score by attributes 2. Comparison of average score for current period vs. previous period by client

11 Customer complaints % projects meeting the 18 quality goals 19 % projects at CMM L5

Month on month trend of no. of customer complaints % projects that meet quality goals by the 5 quality metrics (Sch. Var, effort var, productivity, DD, (No. of projects meeting the quality goals / Total DRE), % projects that do not have quality metrics no. of projects)% tracked, % projects that do not meet quality goals Detail by BU No. of Projects fulfilling L5 requirements / Total A matrix showing R/Y/G status for each CMM no. of projects level by SL Detail by BU No. of customer complaints of severity 1&2

Level 3 drill down

Data Items

Data Source

1. Time period, Client name, overall CS score 2. Time period, Client name, CS score for each attribute 3. 1 & 2 above for prior 8 periods

1. Manual with Susan Melgard for June 2003 2. Present for HI in a different format for Jun 2002, Jan 2003 with HI core team What are the various attributes 3. Data is not present for all other clients mentioned in pt 2? What is the for prior period tenure of a period?

1. Oracle for current FY 2. Need to check how this will be 1. Month, Client name available for past 24 months. Data not 2. Data in 1 should be present for rolling present for the past 24 months. Good 24 months data available only from Jan 2003. 1. Project name, Account, SL, IP, date, 1. Procedure needs to be developed to Customer complaint, Severity centralise the tracking 2. Data in 1 should be present for rolling 2. Review feasibility to implementing 12 months Dimensions workflow for this

Same as that on CEO dashboard

Same as that on CEO dashboard

Same as that on CEO dashboard

Same as that on CEO dashboard

Same as that on CEO dashboard Same as that on CEO dashboard 1. Month, Client name, Account dashboard produced flag (Y/N) 2. Client list here should be tallied with that in Oracle 3. Data in 1 should be present for rolling 12 months Need to define a procedure for this

Top project status? Top project status?

1. Week ending date, Client Name, BU Name, Project Name, Account, SL, IP, Project Status (R/Y/G) 2. Data in 1 should be available for rolling 52 weeks complete, effort variance goal c. Productivity for releases complete, productivity goal d. Defect density for milestones delivered, DD goal e. DRE for milestones complete, DRE goal 2. Data in 1 should be available for rolling 52 weeks for each project

Currently, manual with Sujata Patil, assistant to Head GSD. Need to define a procedure for this


How do we know the active clients? Any status flag?

Issue Resolution CSS template has the details, it is 6 monthly only from HH at BU level. Two such numbers exist. Susan has the files, to be got by Ajay through to us. Terjinder has sent the draft format. We need to go through this and make sure if this meets our requirements Ajay to get back with Srini on this regarding how the information about active clients is stored. An active can be derived from Oracle projects. Refer active client definition in Baseline URR doc

What do we mean by rolling 12 months?

Clarified, calculated month on month by snapshot dates. Stored in Customer Incident Log (excel).

Do we not have pareto chart for CEO dahsboard?

It is the same


Discard the metric as of now. Ajay to come up with a process for getting the information. Need to also work with Sujata on a better process since she does some consolidation at her end

Every project does not have a mapping to the IP. If we have a mapping to the SL it should suffice

Need to define a procedure for this

Measurement Period

For all measurement periods, mostly they are monthly. Also, you can refer to the Frequency column in the Baselined URR metrics doc

1. Week ending date, Client Name, BU Name, Project Name, Account, SL, IP R/Y/G status of each L2, L3, L4, L5 implementation 2. Data in 1 should be available for rolling 52 weeks

Need to define a procedure for this

Same as that on CEO dashboard

Same as that on CEO dashboard

Same as that on CEO dashboard Same as that on CEO dashboard 1. Quarter no., Client Name, BU Name, Project Name, Account, SL, IP, LC type, date, delivery name, size of delivery, list of all post delivery defects 2. Data in 1 should be available for all deliveries made in 2 quarters (rolling 2 qtr data to be maintained) Need to define a procedure for this 1. Quarter no., Client Name, BU Name, Project Name, Account, SL, IP, LC type, date, delivery name, size of delivery, Actual effort corresponding to the delivery 2. Data in 1 should be available for all deliveries made in 2 quarters (rolling 2 qtr data to be maintained) Need to define a procedure for this

Quality Manager generates the report to the SQA head. Need to define process to capture this.

date, delivery name, size of delivery? What are these?Why do month needed instead of date. we need this: list of all post delivery Size of delivery for DD. Count(list defects? of PDD) needed.

17, 18 and 19 present in PMO in PWR, by projects (not consolidated)

Arent these same as pt 10 in GSD? Only A/c is added here. Yes

Duplicated in GSD dashboard Duplicated in GSD dashboard

Duplicated in GSD dashboard Duplicated in GSD dashboard

Present in GSD dashboard

Present in GSD dashboard

Present in GSD dashboard

Present in GSD dashboard

Same as that in GSD dashboard, except that the scope is internal GA projects Needs to be defined

Same as that in CEO dashboard

Arent these same as pt 10 in GSD? Only A/c is added here. Yes

Same as that in CEO dashboard

Need to break this into 5 metrics, Rahul can you do that?

Why 5 metrics. This will be one chart with the 5 quality metrics on it. Please refer the current GSD pilot website which has this chart

What are internal GA projects?

Global Applications, these are the internal projects (SRMS, Oracle, PWR), there is no quality data regarding these. We need to start capturing data on these too, just like any other delivery project

Same as that in CEO dashboard

Same as that in CEO dashboard

Same as that in CEO dashboard

Same as that in CEO dashboard

Same as that in CEO dashboard

Same as that in CEO dashboard




Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed



Closed Closed



Closed Closed Closed




Closed Closed


Closed Closed

Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed


Closed Closed

Dashbo Cross ard Ref



Parent page analysis

Level 1 drill down

Level 2 drill down

Annualised attrition % for 3 months =




19 Organization retention %

25 GBD Retention

3 % billable ratio for GSD

A. [(Resignations for three monthsx4) x100]/ Average headcount for the three months B. 100attrition rate = Three month retention rate Annualised attrition % for 3 months = A. [(Resignations for three monthsx4) x100]/ Average headcount for the three months B. 100attrition rate = Three month retention rate

Monthly retention % against target

Monthly retention for GBD, No. of employees

Historical billable population Current month billable population as as % of total SL population % of total SL population for each SL for each SL

(no. of billable resources/Total no. of resources) for the measurement period %

Monthly billable population as % of total GSD population

% billable ratio by cost for 4 GSD

Historical billable population Current month billable population as as % of total SL population % of total SL population for each SL for each SL

(cost of total billable resources/cost of all GSD resources) for the measurement period %

Monthly billable population as % of total GSD population 5 Allocation ratio Headcount forecasting 7 accuracy

(total GSD resources allocated to projects / Total of all GSD resources) for the measurement period %

Historical billable population Current month billable population as as % of total AC population % of total AC population for each AC for each AC

Monthly allocation ratio for GSD

Historical billable population Current month billable population as as % of total AC population % of total AC population for each AC for each AC

Monthly projected ramp-ups & roll-offs for GSD

Current month allocation ratio by SL Monthly projected ramp-ups & rolloffs for SL

Current distribution of headcount by location for GSD - US, India, UK, APR

Current distribution of headcount by location for SL - US, India, UK, APR

Historical allocation ratio for each SL

Annualised attrition % for 3 months =

14 GSD retention % GPM

2 %QLs billable

12 Retention GAP

2 Cost per hire

A. [(Resignations for three monthsx4) x100]/ Average headcount for the three months B. 100attrition rate = Three month retention rate Monthly retention % against target for GSD, no. of Current month retention % against Historical retention % employees target for each SL, no. of employees against target for each SL No. of billable QLs / Total no. of QLs during the measurement period Trend of %QL billability by month Annualised attrition % for 3 months = A. [(Resignations for three monthsx4) x100]/ Average headcount for the three months B. 100attrition rate = Three month retention rate Monthly retention rate for Global Process group, no. of employees =Total recrutment cost/Total no. of hires

No. of hires by designation for the month YTD no. of hires by designation

Total no. of Viker associates/Total no. of GAP 3 Viker to GAP associate ratio associates Annualised attrition % for 3 months =

4 Organization retention % % of staffing requests 9 meeting the SLN


11 Retention

Monthly trend against target

A. [(Resignations for three monthsx4) x100]/ Average headcount for the three months B. 100attrition rate = Three month retention rate Monthly retention % against target, no. of employees Staffing requests that met the SLN / total number of staffing requests Annualised attrition % for 3 months =

Monthly retention for GAP, no. of employees

% staffing requests meeting the SLN by month against the target of 85%

A. [(Resignations for three monthsx4) x100]/ Average headcount for the three months B. 100attrition rate = Three month retention rate Monthly retention rate for Global IT group, no. of employees

Utilization of IT resources on 14 projects Need to define Core ACs

12 Utilization 13 Leverage ratio

leverage ratio

20 Headcount

Monthly utilization trend (HH and MSDW)

Utilization by BU

Utilization by projects

Monthly leverage ratio (HH and MSDW)

Leverage ratio by BU

Leverage ration by projects

Monthly headcount no. (HH and MSDW)


21 Bench resources

No. of resources on the bench

Monthly no. of resources on the bench (HH and MSDW)

Retention rate in core 22 accounts

Associate retention rate for core accounts

Monthly retention rate in core Acs (HH and MSDW)

Annualised attrition % for 3 months =



8 GBA retention rate

17 Retention rate

A. [(Resignations for three monthsx4) x100]/ Average headcount for the three months B. 100attrition rate = Three month retention rate Annualised attrition % for 3 months =

Monthly trend, no of employees

A. [(Resignations for three monthsx4) x100]/ Average headcount for the three months B. 100attrition rate = Three month retention rate Retention rate for Global Finance and Admin dept, no. of employees

Data Items

Region,Month, Annualized Retention(Voluntary), Annualized Retention(Voluntary, Involuntary)

Region,Month, Annualized Retention(Voluntary), Annualized Retention(Voluntary, Involuntary) Need Clarification on Billable Resource (whether(A) hired for billable work or (B)associate who is actually putting a billable time) - Assuming (A)Region, Month,Employee, Billable status(We are looking for an option to flag each associate as been hired for a billable position or non-billable position in Oracle HRMS), Organization(SL,IL). Need Clarification on Billable Resource (whether(A) hired for billable work or (B)associate who is actually putting a billable time) - Assuming (A)Region, Month,Employee, Billable status(We are looking for an option to flag each associate as been hired for a billable position or non-billable position in Oracle HRMS), Organization(SL,IL),Account(Client) billable work or (B)associate who is actually putting a billable time) - Assuming (A)Region, Month,Employee, Billable status(We are looking for an option to flag each associate as been hired for a billable position or non-billable position in Oracle HRMS), Organization(SL,IL),Account(Client), Designation, Standard Cost Need Clarification on Billable Resource (whether(A) hired for billable work or (B)associate who is actually putting a billable time) - Assuming (A)Region, Month,Employee, Billable status(We are looking for an option to flag each associate as been hired for a billable position or non-billable position in Oracle HRMS), Organization(SL,IL),Account(Client) Region, Month,Employee, Organization(SL,IL),Account(SL Bench - need to check if we have in PRM) SL, Core Account, Forecasted Count(Need more clarification) Kin,Name,Organization

Data Source


Oracle HRMS

Average headcount will be (beginning date x+ ending date z)/2. the data would be the snapshot date value. HR would provide with the target values for every month against which the actuals will be plotted. We need to give a provision to enter targets for GSD/GBD etc levels at a later date. Aashish Average headcount: will it be (x+z)/2 or (x+y+z)/3 where x,y,z to send a document with business rules for calculating are the resp snapshot date headcounts for the three months/ retention by tomorrow (which addresses issues abt transfers Where are the target figures available? Why do we need and sub contractors). For retention rate, all separations region wise figures and voluntary vs involuntary are to be considered, not just either voluntary or resignations? We are platting month wise retention figures involuntary. A better average would be a 2 point average actual vs target. Will this calculation take place every month? if the period is a month, a 4 point average if it is a quarter Need some clarification regarding the 4 point and 13 point and a 13 point average if it is a year. Start of quarter and average (Month start and end dates) end of each month and same for year.

Oracle HRMS

Do we have the data for the GBD/GSD/etc resources?

Yes, the organization information in Oracle stores this.

Oracle HRMS

What all constitute GSD? How to determine that?

Same as above. We have the KIN (region), Name, Org, DOJ and Emp Flag for every associate. Aashish to clarify by next week the billable issue.

Oralce HRMS and PRM

If a person works on two accounts what is to be done?

We take the respective fractional time spent on each project. Allocation to projects is also done on the % basis. Aashish to clarify by next week the billable issue.

Cost: will it be employee level? Do we store costs based on designations?

Cost is stored at the designation level. These costs would be variable (upadted by FIN). Aashish to clarify by next week the billable issue. By cost here, we mean the person's standard cost

Oracle HRMS, Oracle PRM, Oracle Projects

Oracle HRMS, Oracle PRM, Oracle Projects

Issue Resolution

Aashish to clarify by next week the billable issue.

Oracle HRMS, Oracle PRM Excel file - GSD Forecast Report(Date) for US and KeC Oracle HRMS, for other regions Excel - Global Associate Database

Do we have the forecasting breakup (Aggressive/Sure/etc)? Yes, all three break-ups are available and need to be shown. For India we will have Hyd and Pune for all others no such spilt up

Region,Month, Annualized Retention(Voluntary), Annualized Retention(Voluntary, Involuntary), no. of employees (end of month) Need to Clarify whether QLs hired for billing position or QLs who bill based on project deal

Oracle HRMS How do we account for part time QLs?

Region,Month, Annualized Retention(Voluntary), Annualized Retention(Voluntary, Involuntary), no. of employees (end of month) Oracle HRMS Month, Region, Total Expense, Count of Hires, Cost Per Hire(Over All), Cost Per Hire Leadership(Managers and Above) Oracle

QL is a role, stored in PRM. WIP for the clarification. Aashish to clarify by next week the part time QL issue.

Regional information also needed Regional information also needed

Month, no. of GAP associates, no. of Viker associates

Oracle HRMS

Region,Month, Annualized Retention(Voluntary), Annualized Retention(Voluntary, Involuntary), no. of employees (end of month)

Oracle HRMS

Month, No. Of Assocaites Staffed, No. of Associates Requested, Staffing Percent, Target Staffing Percent

Currently Excel, Moving to Oracle PRM

Region,Month, Annualized Retention(Voluntary), Annualized Retention(Voluntary, Involuntary), no. of employees (end of month)

Oracle HRMS

Utilization Report Develped in Oracle(Currently under Test)


Utilization Report Develped in Oracle(Currently under Test)


Need Clarification Region,Kin, Name, Account(Client), BU (need to check with Ashish if BU detail is available)

If the requisition raised in Jan is for say 4 people but 3 months down the line how do we account for that? Is the SLN not met if we take snapshot in Feb?

SLN are are individual requisition levels, calculated by the number of days (target for SLN and actual). Fixed for a quarter or 6 months.

To get a walkthrough by Ken

Aashish to clarify the definition by next week. Ken also has an idea since he is developing the report. Please look at that output too. The structure is Account-BU- Project for the core accounts. Aashish to clarify by next week.

Oracle HRMS, Oracle PRM

Region,Kin, Name, Account(Need to check if we have SLBench in PRM)

Oracle HRMS, Oracle PRM

KIN,Name,Termination Status, Account(Client)

Oracle HRMS, Oracle PRM - Currently information is available in Excel

At service line level How is this determined? A person might be in HH A/c at beginning of period but midway moves to bench and is no longer with the account (even till the snapshot date)

Aashish to clarify by next week the AC linkage. We would know the employee id of the person on the bench. We would also know his SL. We should be able to link the two? Snapshot date values will be taken since data to be shown is on a particular date.

Region,Month, Annualized Retention(Voluntary), Annualized Retention(Voluntary, Involuntary), no. of employees (end of month)

Oracle HRMS

Region,Month, Annualized Retention(Voluntary), Annualized Retention(Voluntary, Involuntary), no. of employees (end of month)

Oracle HRMS

Measurement Period







Closed Closed Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Open Closed Closed Closed

Closed Closed



Dashbo Cross ard Ref CEO






Average learning hours per 21 associate Distribution of projects in 22 R/Y/G

Average hours expended YTD in learning per associate


% of projects in R/Y/G status


Functional / technical 13 competency

Accounts / SLs / IPs meeting the pyramid for functional / technical knowledge H (No. of offerings / engagement types / project types with adequate methodology definitions in KGM) / Total no. of offerings / engagement types / project types that need a formal methodology in KGM Adequacy will be based on sign-off from GBD & GSD on process in KGM for a specific offering / need (Number of offerings with formal methodology in KGM – Offerings that need coverage)/ Number of offerings with formal methodology in KGM H

3 KGM coverage

Drill down

Parent page analysis

Level 1 drill down

Average hours expended YTD in learning per associate Trend of month on month distribution of project status as R/Y/G

Comparison of functional / technical competence pyramid across by SL


Aging in months of offerings / engagement types / project types for which KGM PIPs have been raised 1. Aging of PIPs 2. Aging of TCPs

$ saved from Process 4 Improvements


Savings from specific PIs during the measurement period (PDD for current measurement period – PDD for prior measurement period) / PDD for prior % reduction in post delivery measurement period % 5 defect density This is by life-cycle type (Productivity for current measurement period – that for prior measurement period) / that for prior % improvement in measurement period % 6 productivity This is by life-cycle type Process related training training by category (KGM, CMM, Estimation 10 hours by type etc.) Average learning hours per Average hours expended YTD in learning for a 6 associate per month given role Ratio of classroom to elearning hours per associate Total classroom learning hours expended / Total 7 per month e-learning hours for the month




Quarter on quarter reduction in PDD for each LC type against target


Quarter on quarter improvement in productivity by LC type against target



Trend of training hours by category by month Average hours expended in learning per associate by month against target



New hire orientation on organizational practices and norms within the first 2 weeks of arrival H (Total no. of approved MIS requirements – Total no. of implemented MIS requirements) / Total % requirements met through no. of approved MIS requirements during the 5 MIS measurement period L Schedule variance in Schedule variance for each MIS report during 6 publishing MIS reports the measurement period L 8 New hire induction


Trend of $ saved from PIs by month

Average hours expended in learning per associate per month by SL

Ratio by month against target 1. Ratio per month by SL % of new hires that have undergone orientation on organizational practices within 2 weeks of hire by month against target of 100% Trend of % requirements met through MIS by month against target


1. Pareto chart for $ saved through PIs for the measurement period

Schedule variance for each report published

(Help desk request completion date – Date Turn around time to provide when request was opened) for each Help desk 7 helpdesk requests request during the measurement period (Total available time – Total time LAN / WAN were down) / Total available time for each of LAN / WAN during measurement period


Average uptime by month against SLN

9 Uptime of GA

(Total available time – Total time one or more of H the GA was down) / Total available time

Average uptime by month against SLN

(Total available time – Total time voice facilities were down) / Total available time during measurement period H

Average uptime by month against SLN

16 Server and link utilization

No. of initiatives with GBA 2 using the SI framework No of strategic initiatives carried out by the organization using the SI 4 framework


Review all global initiatives on a quarterly basis and audit if they conformed to the SI framework Reactive project are those that GBA get called % of time spent on Reactive into by the functional with little or no notice but 5 initiatives have to take highest priority In the SI framework the cost / revenue impact Be involved in Sis that of the initiatives should be quantified and provide an ROI of at least 4 measured through implementation. Over the times the cost of GBA in year this should be equal 4 times the cost of the 6 2003 GBA team. 7 GBA Timesheet compliance GF&A

Average turn around time by request type against SLN

Uptime of systems 8 LAN/WAN

10 Uptime of voice facilities



18 Timesheet compliance 19 Legal dept. performance Organization timesheet 20 compliance

No. of missing timecards for the month for Global F&A GBD satisfaction with legal dept's turnaround times and help No. of missing timecards for the month for Viker

Monthly trend on server and link utilization

Quarterly trend (Target > 50%)

List of initiatives that do not have a SI framework

Quarterly trend (Target > 25%)

List of initiatives that do not have a SI framework

Monthly trend (Target <=30%)

List of reactive initiatives with time spent

Quarterly trend

List of SI with ROI details

Monthly trend No. of missing timecards for the month for Global F&A Legal dept performance Timesheet compliance for Viker

Level 2 drill down

Data Items

Data Source

Issues Data Source? Sheet with GAP?

Same as the Customer tab? 1. Account / IP Name, functional area, required distribution of associates based on 5 levels of functional kowledge (L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 - % for each) 2. Account / IP Name, functional area, date of snapshot, current distribution of associates based on 5 levels of functional knowledge 3. SL Name, technical area, required distribution of associates based on 5 levels of technical kowledge 4. SL Name, technical area, date of snapshot, current distribution of associates based on 5 levels of technical Need to define a process for rolling it out knowledge as well as data capture Clarification Needed on this.

1. All PIP Log entries 2. All TCP Log entries 3. No. of offerings/engagement types/project types with adequate methodology definitions in KGM 4. Total no. for item 3 above in Viker that need a fomal methodology in KGM

1. Process to review outstanding PIPs and TCPs with GBD and GSD for approval 2. Need to define Dimensions workflow to capture and report the data required. KGM Coverage? PIP/TCP?

Ageing information Need to define 1. All PIP Log entries. Make sure that $ saved is a data item captured in PIP Log 2. All TCP Log entries. Make sure that $ saved is a data Need to define Dimensions workflow for item captured in TCP Log this

Do we have any information regarding this?

Issue Resolution To clarify with Aashish. Sheet is maintained by L&D. Ashish can help coordinate that Yes

This is the functional and technical competency, framework is not is place except for Vision Plus technical. Correct. A framework is being developed for other competencies

Inputs based on GSD (Clients) and GBD(Market), process and tech improvements proposals are sent. What is the Viker coverage for these. WIP by Ajay. PIP - Process Improvement proposal. TCP - Technology change proposal.

This information is present in PIP/TCP log. Ajay to clarify.

Same as GSD dashboard in customer sheet

Same as GSD dashboard in customer sheet Is it the same info that Ashish (GAP) has? Is it the same info that Ashish (GAP) has?

No. of hours spent on process related training

Need to define

Total learning hours in the month, Total no. of associates

Manual with L&D.

Total learning hours in the classroom in the month, Total learning hours on e-learning for the month

Is it the same info that Ashish (GAP) Need to define has? Manual for induction information. New hires from Oracle for US/India. For other Is it the same info that Ashish (GAP) regions, manual. has?

No. of new hires, no. of hires in induction within 2 weeks

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Need to define

What requirements? (Since we are moving to the new MIS system)

The requirements for the Noetix system. DK Help desk.

Need to define

Do we need to define all these?

This would be used for K MIS system.

SLN norms for requests by type, turnaround time data for requests by type

GIT maintains some data. Probably manual. Need to define.

Do we need to define all these?

Ajay unclear on these. IT has some measures. Contact Parvez for clarification since they incorporate this as part of the IT steering committee call Ajay unclear on these. IT has some measures. Contact Parvez for clarification since they incorporate this as part of the IT steering committee call Ajay unclear on these. IT has some measures. Contact Parvez for clarification since they incorporate this as part of the IT steering committee call Ajay unclear on these. IT has some measures. Contact Parvez for clarification since they incorporate this as part of the IT steering committee call Ajay unclear on these. IT has some measures. Contact Parvez for clarification since they incorporate this as part of the IT steering committee call

Clarification with Rahul?

Data with GBA as to how many Sis follow the framework. Rahul to provide data sample.

Do we need to define all these?

GIT maintains the data. Probably manual. Do we need to define all these?

GIT maintains the data. Probably manual. Do we need to define all these?

GIT maintains the data. Probably manual. Do we need to define all these?

Need to define.

Total no. of GBA initiatives. No. of GBA initiatived with SI framework

Need to define.

No.of strategic initiatives using SI framewokr

Need to define.

Clarification with Rahul?

Data with GBA as to how many Sis follow the framework. Rahul to provide data sample.

No. of reactive initiatives. % time on reactive initiatives

Need to define.

Clarification with Rahul?

Data with GBA as to how many Ris are there. Rahul to provide data sample.

Need to define

Need to define.

Clarification with Rahul?

Oracle timesheets


Oracle timesheets


Clarification with Rahul? Do we have which resources belong to GF&A, etc?

Need to define

Need to define

Do we need to define the performance?

Oracle timesheets


Clarified. Need to come up with framework I think this was addressed as part of the financial tab I think this was addressed as part of the financial tab Needs to be defined. I think this was addressed as part of the financial tab

Status Closed Closed


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Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed

Closed Closed







Closed Closed

Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed

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