Method : Method Is Some Thing Which Is Used By

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Methods Method : Method is some thing which is used by QTP to Perform any action is called a method. Example : Click, set …. Etc 1. Capture Bit Map() : This method used for capturing a snap shot of an object during Execution and stores in a desired location. When you want to send Defect to the developer, this captured bitmap can also be sent in order to understand the error/defect easily. Syntax : Object Hierarchy. captureBitmap “path of the location with a file name .bmp extension” Example: Window("Flight Applicaiton").Dialog("Open Order").WinButton("OK").captureBitmap (“d:\fa1.bmp”) : captured snapshot / bit map will be stored in “D” drive with file name as fa1.bmp  Put the tool under recording mode  Open the flight application  Enter username an password  Click on OK  After logged in , try to open an existing order by clicking on open order.  Open order window will appears Assume that you find some errors on that window and want to capture bitmap for that window  Stop recording  At the end of present script ( or next line of the error’s window script) insert the capture method (say OH. CaptureBitmap "d:\bop.bmp" )  Run the test  After Test is executed successfully and that bitmap/ snap shot will be stored in the location d:\bop.bmp  That you can send as attachment to the developer along with defect reporting. 2. Exist () : The main purpose of this method is to check whether the object/ window is existing or NOT. Exist method is used for checking the object’s existence. If the object is existing then it will return TRUE and continue the execution. Otherwise , it will wait till the object exists or upto the maximum time. Meanwhile at any point of time the object exists it will return TRUE and continue its execution, otherwise, after the maximum time is finished it will return FALSE and continue its execution. * Exist method will make the QTP to wait till the default time Plus extra time (if any) Syntax : Object Hierarchy. Exists [(Extra time in seconds] Exaple : var = window(“flight application”).Exists (10) Msgbox var : gives True or false  Open the flight application and put tool in recoding mode  Open the order by clicking on open order, it will displays the open order window  Enter an existing order number and click on Ok. That order will be opened.  Stop recording. Now to check whether that window is available or not  put this code before that window’s script var=Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").Exist(10) msgbox var : gives True or false

 If True it will continue execution else stops 3. WaitProperty () : This method is used for make the tool to wait based on the object property’s value or up to maximum time . Syntax : Object Hierarchy. Waitproperty “propertyName”, Property value, extra time in milliseconds Example :  Open the flight application and put tool in recoding mode  Open the order by clicking on open order, it will displays the open order window  Enter an existing order number and click on Ok. That order will be opened.  Stop recording. Now , if you want to wait the tool even after clicking on OK button  take the property name ( as text),value( as OK) from object repository and put extra time in milliseconds. For example : OH.WaitProperty "text", OK,10000  And put the above code after the OK button clicked statement in the script  Run the test  Analyze the results

4. Wait () :

This method is used for making the tool to wait till the maximum time is elapsed Syntax : Object Hierarchy. Wait (Time in seconds) Example :  Open the flight application and put tool in recoding mode  Open the order by clicking on open order, it will displays the open order window  Enter an existing order number and click on Ok. That order will be opened.  Stop recording. Now , if you want to wait the tool at any point of time  Put the code any where in between the script For example : wait (10)  Run the test  Analyze the results

Simple and Regular used Methods 1. Click Method : Which is used for clicking on a specified object Syntax : Object Hierarchy. Click [ x, y [button]] 0 for Left Click 1 for Right Click 2 for Middle Click Example : VbWindow(“Emp”).VbButton(Submit).Click


2. dbl Click : which is used for double clicking on a specified object Syntax : Object Hierarchy. Click [ x, y [button]] 0 for Left Click 1 for Right Click 2 for Middle Click Example : VbWindow(“Emp”).VbButton(Submit).dblClick 3. Set Method :

Set method is used mainly to perform on 3 objects i.e a). Edit box b). Check Box c). Radio Button

a) Edit Box : Set method is used for entering any value into an edit box Syntax : Object Hierarchy. Set “value” Example :VbWindow(“Emp”).VbEdit(Ename).Set “ak” b) Check Box : Set method is used for Selecting/de-selecting the check box Syntax : Object Hierarchy. Set “ON/OFF” Example :VbWindow(“Emp”).VbCheckBox(Mstatus).Set “ON” c) Radio Button : Set method is used for selecting a Radio Button in a group Syntax : Object Hierarchy. Set Example :VbWindow(“Emp”).VbRadioButton(Location).Set


Emp Ename : Mstatus:

Married Un Married

Location: Hyderabad Delhi Chennai

4. Select Method: Which is used for selecting an item in a ComboBox or List Syntax : Object Hierarchy. Select “item” Example : 5. Set Secure Method: Which is used for setting the encrypted data into the edit box. * Encrypted string can be generated with help of a tool “password encoder”. Navigation for password encoder : Start -> Programs -> QTP -> Tools -> Password encoder Syntax : Object Hierarchy. SetSecure “encrypted String” Example :


6. Activate Method: Which is used for activating a window or a dialog box Syntax : Object Hierarchy. Activate Example : 7. Close Method: Which is used for Closing a window or browser Syntax : Object Hierarchy. Close X

Example :


8. Type Method: Which is used for performing any kind of keyboard related operations. Syntax : Object Hierarchy. Type keyvalue Example :


Important Methods RO ( Runtime Object ): Runtime object is the original object that was presented in the application (AUT). TO ( Test Object )

: Test object the Reference of original object stored in the object repository and used for identifying the original object in the AUT during the execution.

1. Get RO Property : This method is used for getting the Runtime Object property’s value Syntax : var = Object Hierarchy. getROproperty(“property name”) Text Width etc….. Note : By using getROproperty method we can avoid the standard checkpoint, because, the check points will create an “internal file” which is a over burdon the execution and takes the memory to store that files. Example : Develop the script to click on OK button if it exists.


var = VbWindow(“name”).VbButton(“OK”).Exist : to find the window existence If ( var= ture ) then var1 = VbWindow(“name”).VbButton(“OK”).getROproperty(“enabled”) if(var1= true) then VbWindow(“name”).VbButton(“OK”).Click :* else Reporter.ReporterEvent 3, “myreporter”, “OK Button is disabled” : 3=worning end if Else Reporter.ReporterEvent 3, “myreporter”, “OK Button doesn’t existing” End if

: 3=worning

* This is the only script that we generated by tool and remaining thing is the enhancement to that script done manually by test engineer.

2. Get TO Property : This method is used for getting the Test Object’s properties value. Syntax : var = Object Hierarchy. getTOproperty(“property name”) Text Width etc….. Example : var = VbWindow(“form1”).VbButton(“ADD”).GetTOproperty(“Text”) Note : The properties that are learnt during the learning time are called Test Object Properties Test Object Property = Properties presented in object Repository + Properties presented in secret place (smart brain ) if any. Test object is a Reference of runtime objects which are stored in Object Repository and in smart brain (if smart brain is enabled).  Whatever all the Properties Learnt during the learning time are called Test Object Properties. When with help of Get RO properties its self we can get all the properties in an AUT ? Why Get RO and Get TO properties? Get RO property will be used to capture the all the properties’ present values of objects in AUT during the Learning Time where as Get TO property will be used to capture the all the properties’ present value of objects in AUT during the execution time. For example : In a application OK button is disabled by default ( This RO property) but when entering some data therein the OK button will be enabled( This TO property). 3. Set TO Property : This method is used for Setting the Test Object’s properties value temporarily during the execution. Syntax : var = Object Hierarchy. SetTOproperty “property name”, “Property value” Text Width etc…..

OK Start …..

Example : for clicking on same button for Start-Stop-Start. Assume that initially the button is named with Start and want to be Stop when its clicked. And again if its clicked, it should be Start. 1St rename the button name as B1 in Object repository so as to don’t effect other buttons. VbWindow(“form1”).VbButton(“B1”).Click VbWindow(“form1”).VbButton(“B1”).SetTOproperty “text”, “stop” VbWindow(“form1”).VbButton(“B1”).Click VbWindow(“form1”).VbButton(“B1”).SetTOproperty “Text”, “Start”

Simple VB Script functions used for Calculation and Comparison :CSTR :

It is used for converting a value into String Syntax : CSTR(var1) = CSTR(var2)


It is used for converting a value into Integer Syntax : CINT(var1) = CINT(var2)


It is used for converting a value into Decimal value


It is used for converting a value into Boolean value


It is used for Trimming the Left side spaces It is used for Trimming the Right side spaces It is used for Trimming the Both sides spaces


It is used for Getting the Left substring Syntax : var = Left(string, No. of characters ) It is used for Getting the Right substring Syntax : var = Left(string, No. of characters ) It is used for Getting the Middle substring Syntax : var = Left(string, starting character number, No. of characters )


It is used for converting a string to lowercase It is used for converting a string to uppercase It is used for Rounding a value to its nearest integer.

Script : Action : Action is defined as a set of instructions to perform a specific task. Test:

Test is defined as one or more script files

Data Table Methods Data Tables are two types 1. Design Time data table 2. Run Time Data Table Data table methods are used for performing the operations on the Runtime Data table during the execution. •

All Data Table Methods are used in Runtime data table ONLY i.e we can’t do any thing with Design time data table. • For every action a corresponding Sheet will be created in both data tables but only one Global sheet for each data table. • In order to maintain test data clearly, simply and user friendly we Maintain each sheet for each corresponding action. • Sheet can be inserted along with action only. • If you want to import data to Runtime data table , you need to add sheet manually in the same. Local Sheet : In local sheet the focus will be on 1st row itself only Global sheet : In global sheet for every iteration the focus need to change on next row and so on. Methods :1. AddSheet() :- It is used for adding an extra sheet to the Run Time data table Syntax : Datatable.AddSheet “Sheet Name” 2. DeleteSheet() :- It is used for deleting a specified sheet from the Run Time data table Syntax : Datatable.Deletesheet “sheet name” 3. Import() :- It is used for importing the data presented in all the sheets in a xl file to the RTDT Syntax : Datatable.import “path of the .xls file” 4. ImportSheet() :- It is used for importing the data presented in a specified sheet in the xl file to the specified sheet in Run Time Data table. Syntax : datatable.ImportSheet “path of the xl file”, Source sheet ID, Destination Sheet ID 5. Export() :- It is used for exporting the data presented in Run time data table to a specified laction. Syntax : datatable.Export “path of the location with a file name .xls extension” 6. ExprotSheet() :- It is used for exporting the data presented in a specified sheet in Run time data table to a specified location Syntax : datatable.ExportSheet “Path of the location with a file name .xls extension” , Sheet ID to be exported 7. SetCurrentRow() :- It is used for making the QTP focus on a specified row Syntax : datatable.SetCurrentRow(Row number) 8. SetNextRow() :- It is used for making the QTP focus on the Next row of Currently focused row Syntax : datatable.SetNextRow 9. SetPreRow() :- It is used for making the QTP focus on the previous row of the currently focused row. When this method executes, the cursor will go to the last row of the table and moves upward one by one row till it reaches to 1st row in the table. Syntax : datatable.SetPrevRow 10. GetSheet() :- It is used for making the QTP focused on a specified sheet. Syntax : datatable.GetSheet( Sheet Id) 11. Value() :- It is used for getting a value from a specified sheet, specified column and currently focused row. Syntax: datatable.value(“column name”,sheet Id) 12. GetRowCount() :- It is used for getting the row count of the global sheet by default. If at all one wants

the row count of a specified sheet , then, First he needs to focus on the sheet and then get the row count. Syntax 1 : variable=datatable.GetRowCount Syntax 2 : variable= datatable.GetSheet.GetRowCount Example : For add data sheet, import data to datasheet, ADD the two values, pass the result to data sheet, export the data sheet to log folder.  Open the calculator application First we need to Capture all objects properties into Object Repository  Open the QTP  Go to Tools  Select opting Object Repository. An object repository will be opend  Click on ‘Add Objects’ button, Point to calculator application main window  ‘Object selection – Add to repository’ window will appear  Click on OK  Select option as ‘selected object and all its direct children’ on newly opened window  Click on OK  Click on OK So that we have captured all the objects properties to Object Repository.  Write the script ( copied from test pane ) ' Create a sheet in Run time data table by name Ak datatable.AddSheet"Ak" ' Import the data from TestData folder ( which we have created while design the Frame work) ' path, 1= global sheet in RTDT and 3= Just created Sheet i.e AK in RTDT datatable.ImportSheet"C:\Documents and Settings\AK\Desktop\fl_application\TestData\td1.xls",1,3 ' counting the number of rows and assigning to a variable n=datatable.GetSheet(3).GetRowCount 'taking FOR loop to check with all the rows data For i=1 to n ' focusing to 1st row datatable.SetCurrentRow(i) ' parameterizing val1 and val2 ' 3= Ak sheet in RTDT VbWindow("Form1").VbEdit("val1").Set Datatable("val1",3) VbWindow("Form1").VbEdit("val2").Set Datatable("val2",3) VbWindow("Form1").VbButton("ADD").Click ' assigning expected value of 3 sheet in RTDT expval = datatable.Value("ev",3) ' capturing actual value in result field of AUT actval = vbwindow("Form1").VbEdit("res").GetROProperty("text") ' comparing the expected value and actual value If (expval = actval ) then ' Passing the result to sheet # 3 in res column as Pass datatable("res",3) = "Pass" else ' Passing the result to sheet # 3 in res column as Fail datatable("res",3) = "Fail" End If Next ' Exporting the result to Log folder ' This is called creating Log files

datatable.ExportSheet "C:\Documents and Settings\AK\Desktop\fl_application\TestData\td2.xls",3 ' Deleting the added data sheet datatable.DeleteSheet "Ak"  Run  Analyze the result

-: The End :Pls. leave your feed back (both +ve and –ve ) at [email protected]

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