Mems The Emerging Technology

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 4,473
  • Pages: 25

- Jagan. B. R ([email protected])

- Avinash. V ([email protected])

ABSTRACT Among the most advanced technologies, MEMS technology is the emerging out with various exciting results. It finds its application in every field. This paper absorbs the concepts of MEMS. The paper is divided into three main parts. The first part is the introduction of MEMS and its merits over the conventional IC fabrication techniques. Secondly, the paper describes the methods for fabricating the MEMS device. Thirdly, the paper aims at exposing the methods for fabricating a MEMS piezoresistive differential pressure sensor and single crystal silicon fabrication using proton implantation smart cut technique.


Introduction Micro – Electro – Mechanical Systems (MEMS) is the integration of mechanical, sensors, actuators and electronics on a common silicon substrate through microfabrication technology. While the electronics are fabricated using integrated circuit (IC) process sequences (eg., CMOS, Bipolar, or BICMOS processes), the micro-mechanical components are fabricated using compatible micro-machining process that selectively etch away parts of the silicon water or add new structural layers to form the mechanical and electromechanical devices. MEMS promises to revolutionize nearly every product category by bringing together silicon- based microelectronics with micro-machining technology, making possible the realization of complete systems on a chip. MEMS is an enabling technology allowing the development of smart products, augmenting the computational ability of microelectronics with the perception and control capabilities of micro-sensors and micro-actuators and expanding the space of possible designs and applications. Microelectronic integrated circuits can be thought of as “brains” of a system and MEMS augment this decision- making capability with “eyes” and “arms”, to allow Microsystems to sense and control the environment. Sensors gather information from the environment through measuring mechanical, thermal, biological chemical, optical and magnetic phenomena. The electronics then process the information derived from the sensors and through some decisionmaking capability direct the actuators to respond by moving, positioning, regulating, pumping and filtering thereby controlling the environment for some desired outcome or purpose. Because MEMS devices are manufactured using batch fabrication techniques similar to those used for integrated circuits, 2

unprecedented levels of functionality, reliability and sophistication can be placed on a small silicon chip at a relatively low cost. MEMS devices can be used as miniature sensors, controllers, or actuators. But so far, very few commercial applications exist. Some that are presently on the market are pressure sensors and collision detectors (used for air-bag deployment). However, there us a vast amount of research attempting to make these types of MEMS devices available for commercial use:

Sensors: Pressure, chemical, motion, fluid and gas flow.

Fluid pumps and valves.

Micro - optics: Optical scanners and mirror arrays.

Why do we prefer MEMS technology ? •

MEMS devices can be so small that hundreds of them fit in the same space as one single macro-device that performs the same function.

Cumbersome electrical components are not needed, since the electronics can be placed directly on the MEMS device. This integration also has the advantage of sensors.

Using IC processes, hundreds to thousands of these devices can be fabricated on a single wafer. This mass production greatly reduces the price of individual devices. Thus, MEMS devices will be much less expensive than their macro-world counterparts.


Although MEMS devices are extremely small (eg., MEMS ha enabled electrically driven motors smaller than the diameter of a human hair to be realized), MEMS technology is not about size. Furthermore, MEMS is not about making things out of silicon, even though silicon possesses excellent materials properties making it a attractive choice for many high performance mechanical applications (eg., The strength-to-weight ratio for silicon is higher than many other engineering materials allowing very high bandwidth mechanical devices to be realized). Instead, MEMS is a manufacturing technology; a new way of making complex electromechanical systems using batch fabrication techniques similar to the way integrated circuits are made and making these electromechanical elements along with electronics. This new manufacturing technology has several distinct advantages. First, MEMS is an extremely diverse technology that potentially could significantly impact every category of commercial and military products. MEMS technology and its diversity of useful applications makes it potentially a far more pervasive technology than even integrated circuit microchips. Second, MEMS blurs the distinction between complex mechanical systems and integrated circuit electronics. Historically, sensors and actuators are the most costly and unreliable part of a macro-scale sensory-actuator-electronics system. In comparison MEMS technology allows these complex electromechanical systems to be manufactured using bath fabrication techniques allowing the cost and reliability of the sensors and actuators to be put into parity with that of integrated circuits. Interestingly, even though the performance of MEMS devices and systems is expected to be superior to macro-scale components and systems, the price is predicted to be much lower.


What is the difference between fabrication of MEMS device and ICs ? There are many similarities between fabricating ICs and MEMS products. Both usually involve silicon wafers. The suppliers of capital equipment for MEMS manufacturing generally are also suppliers of semiconductor manufacturing equipment. Both fields are facing tough technical challenges in device packaging. And both industries are witnessing an increase in the number of companies offering foundry services. Beyond those points, there are a number of dissimilarities between ICs and MEMS devices. Many MEMS processes call for the bonding of two or more wafers together to provide a sufficient depth of silicon for etching micromachines. Gold, an element that is banned from semiconductor fabrication lines because of its conductive properties is employed as a thin film in some MEMS. Because MEMS are used in harsh environments like automobile engines, they are subject to stress requirements and testing that would melt many ICs. MEMS devices and ICs are “alike and different in many ways.” In the conception and design of MEMS, there are substantial differences. Since MEMS are threedimensional products, compared with the two-dimensional world of ICs, there are design requirements that go beyond the conventional methods.

Simulation of a design is one example. In ICs, you can set down the layout of a device and be reasonably assured of first-pass success. With MEMS, we have to model and simulate in multiple domains, such as optical, atmospheric, etc. The fabrication technology is similar, but on a different scale. For MEMS, we deposit materials and remove them, essentially the same as IC s. But the films put


down are thicker by an order of magnitude, several microns thick, sometimes up to 10 microns, while IC thin-film layers are typically measured in angstroms these days. And MEMS fabrication calls for deeper etches. The whole point of MEMS is to wind up with a mechanical structure that moves. In wafer-scale testing, dicing, packaging and final test, there are significant differences between ICs and MEMS. The equipment used is similar to IC dicing, packaging and testing equipment, but used at extremes. Bulk micro-machining, which cleaves up to four substrates together, uses both wet and dry etching processes, including anisotropic etching with potassium hydroxide, while semiconductor manufacturing has generally progressed to dry plasma etching. In putting together substrates, MEMS also requires bonding silicon to silicon, silicon to glass and silicon to ceramics.

Both ICs and MEMS make use of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology. The reason they need it is dramatically different. With MEMS, the SOI layer is used for an etch stop and to control uniformity across the wafer. Packaging is another challenge in MEMS manufacturing. MEMS products often need to be hermetically sealed. MEMS devices can’t use plastic (packages), because of outgassing by the devices. While low-cost packaging is available to ICs, MEMS devices frequently resort to ceramic packaging, because of their use in environments like chemical plants and spacecraft.

Processes involved in the fabrication of MEMS device


MEMS technology is based on a number of tools and methodologies, which are used to form small structures with dimensions in the micrometer scale ( one millionth of a meter ). Significant parts of the technology has been adopted from the integrated circuit technology. For instance, almost all devices are build on wafers of silicon, like ICs. The structures are realized in thin films of materials, like Ics. They are patterned using photolithographic methods, like Ics. There are however several processes that are not derived from IC technology, and as the technology continues to grow the gap with IC technology also grows. There are three basic building blocks in MEMS technology, which are the ability to deposit thin films of material on a substrate, to apply a patterned mask on top of the films by photolithographic imaging, and to etch the films selectively to the mask. A MEMS process is usually a structured sequence of these operations to form actual devices.

1. Deposition: Deposition is a key building block in that it is the ability to deposit thin films of material. MEMS deposition technique is classified in two groups. a) Deposition resulting from chemical reactions: Chemical vapor deposition, electro-deposition, epitaxy and thermal oxidation. These processes exploit the creation of solid materials directly from chemical reactions in gas and/or liquid compositions or with the substrate material. The solid material is usually not the only product formed by the reaction. Byproducts can include gases, liquids and even other solids.


b) Depositions resulting from physical reaction: Physical vapor deposition, casting. The material deposited is physically moved on to the substrate ( a chemical byproduct is not created). 2. Etching: In order to form a functional MEMS structure on a substrate it is necessary to etch the thin film previously deposited and/or the substrate itself. In general there are two classes of etching processes: a) Wet etching: The material is dissolved when immersed in a chemical solution. b) Dry etching: The material is sputtered or dissolved using reactive ions or a vapor phase etchant.

3. Lithography: Lithography in the MEMS context is typically the transfer of a pattern to a photosensitive material by selective exposure to a radiation source such as sunlight. When a photosensitive material is selectively exposed to radiation (eg., by masking some of the radiation), the radiation pattern in the material is transformed to the material exposed( the properties of the exposed and unexposed regions differ).

Goal of Wafer fabrication The four stages of semiconductor manufacturing are materials preparation, crystal growth and wafer preparation, wafer fabrication and packaging. 8

Wafer fabrication is the series of processes used to create the semiconductor devices in and on the wafer surface. The polished starting wafer come into fabrication with blank surfaces and exit with the surface covered with hundreds of completed chips. Wafer terminology: The regions of wafer surface are 1. Chip, die, circuit, microchip or bar. All these terms are used to identify the identical patterns covering the majority of the wafer surface 2. Scribe lines, saw lines, streets and avenues, These areas are small avenues of space between the chips used to separate the chips from each other. Generally the scribe lines are black, but some companies place alignment targets in them. 3. Engineering die, test die. These chips are different from the regular device or circuit die. They contain special devices and circuit elements that can be electrically tested during the fabrication processing. 4. Edge die. The edges of the wafer contain partial die patterns. The partial die will not function. The number and area occupied by the edge die is a function of the chip size and the wafer diameter. One of the driving forces behind larger wafer diameters is to minimize the area occupied by the edge die.


5. Wafer crystal Planes. The cutaway section illustrates the crystal structure of the wafer under the circuit layers. The diagram shows that the chip edges are oriented to the wafer crystal structure. 6. Wafer flats. The depicted wafer has a major and minor flat, indicting that it is a p- type oriented wafer.

Basic Wafer fabrication operations Wafer – fabrication areas around the world produce billions of chips with thousands of different functions and designs. The variations in the manufacturing techniques are infinite, with each company exercising its own


version of a standard process. But within all this process diversity there are only four basic operations performed on a wafer in the fabrication process. They are 1. Layering 2. Patterning 3. Doping 4. Heat treatments

Layering Layering is the operation used to add thin layers to the wafer surface. These layers are either insulators, semiconductors or conductors. They are of different materials and are grown or deposited by variety of techniques. Layers are added to the surface by two major techniques, growing and deposition. Oxidation is a technique of growing a silicon dioxide layer on a silicon wafer. Common deposition techniques are chemical vapour deposition (CVD), evaporation and sputtering. The following table shows the common layer materials and layering processes.

Layers Insulators


Chemical vapour












Silicon monoxide


Epitaxial silicon,



















Patterning Patterning is the series of steps that results in the removal of selected portions of the added surface layers. After removal, a pattern of the layer is left on the wafer surface. The material removed may be in the form of a hole in the layer or just a remaining island of the material. The patterning process is known by the names photomasking, masking, photolithography, microlithography. It is the patterning operation that creates the surface parts of the devices that make up a circuit. The goal of the operation is to create in or on the wafer surface the parts of the device or circuit in the exact dimensions (feature size) required by the circuit design and to locate them in their proper location on the wafer surface.


The removal of selected portions are carried out using the process called etching. Now we shall discuss the various etching process in detail.

Etching Etching is the process of removing the top layer(s) from the wafer surface through the openings in the resist pattern. The various etching processes are 1. Wet etching 2. Dry etching

Wet etching In this process the wafers are immersed in a tank of an etchant for a specific time, transferred to a rinse station for acid removal and transferred to a station for final rinse and a spin dry step. Wet etching is used for products with feature sizes greater than 3µm. Below that level the control and precision needed requires dry etching techniques.

Etching uniformity and process control are enhanced by the addition of heaters and agitation devices, such as stirrers and ultrasonic or megasonic waves to the immersion tanks. For etching the control of the chemical composition and timing becomes critical. The problem of etchant contamination of the wafers is addressed by point-of-use filters.


These are special filters fitted to automatic chemical dispensing systems to filter clean the chemicals just prior to filling the immersion tank. This placement catches particulate contamination from the chemicals , pumps and tubing systems.

Wet etchants are selected for their ability to uniformly remove the top wafer layer without attacking the underlying material. Etch time variability is process parameter influenced by temperature variation as the boat and wafer come to temperature equilibrium in the tank and the continued etching action as the wafers are transferred to a rinse tank. Generally the process is set at the shortest time compatible wit uniform etching and high productivity. The maximum time is limited to the amount of time the resist will continue to adhere to the wafer surface.

The exactness of the image transfer is dependent on the several process factors. They include incomplete etch , over etching, under cutting, selectivity and anisotropic/isotropic etching of the side walls.

Limitations of wet etching Wet etching is limited to pattern sizes of 3µm. Wet etching is isotropic, resulting in sloped side walls. A wet etch process requires rinse and dry steps. The wet chemicals are hazardous and/or toxic.


Wet processes represent a contamination potential. Failure the resist-wafer bond causes undercutting.

Dry etching The limitations of wet etching have led to the use of dry etch processes for the definition of small feature sizes on advanced circuits. Dry etching is a generic term that refers to the etching techniques in which gases are the primary etch medium and the wafers are etched without wet chemicals or rinsing. The wafers enter and exit the system in a dry state. There are three dry etching techniques: plasma, ion milling and reactive ion etch (RIE).

Plasma etching Plasma etching, like wet etching, is a chemical process but uses gases and plasma energy to cause the chemical reaction. Comparison of silicon dioxide etching in the two systems illustrates the differences. In wet etching of silicon dioxide the fluorine in the BOE etchant is the ingredient that dissolves the silicon dioxide, converting it in to water rinseable components. The energy required to drive the reaction comes from the internal energy in the BOE solution or from an external heater. A plasma etcher requires the same elements: a chemical etchant and an energy source. Physically, a plasma etcher consists of a chamber, vacuum system, gas supply and a power supply. The wafers are loaded into the chamber and the pressure inside is reduced by the vacuum system. After the vacuum is


established, the chamber is filled with reactive gas. For the etching of silicon dioxide the gas is usually CF4 mixed with oxygen. A power supply creates a radio frequency (RF) field through electrodes in the chamber. The field energizes the gas mixture to a plasma state. In the energized state the fluorine attacks the silicon dioxide, converting it into volatile components that are removed from the system by the vacuum system.

Ion milling A second type of dry etch system is the ion beam system. Unlike the chemical plasma systems ion beam etching is a physical process. The wafers are placed on a holder in a vacuum chamber and a stream of argon is introduced into the chamber. Upon entering the chamber the argon is subjected to a stream of high energy electrons from a set of cathode –anode electrodes. The electrons ionize the argon atoms to high-energy state with a positive charge. The wafers are held on a negatively grounded holder, which attracts the ionized argon atoms. As the argon atoms travel to the wafer holder they accelerate picking up energy. At the wafer surface they crash into the exposed wafer layer a literally blast small amounts the wafer surface. This physical process is known as momentum transfer. No chemical reaction takes place between the argon atoms and the wafer material. Ion beam etching is also called sputter etching or ion milling. The material removal (etching) is highly directional (anisotropic) resulting in good definition of small openings. Being a physical process, ion milling has poor selectivity especially with photo-resist layers. Radiation damage from the ionization is also a problem.


Reactive ion etching Reactive ion etching (RIE) systems combine plasma etching and ion beam etching principles. The systems are similar in construction to the plasma systems but have a capability of ion milling. The combination brings the benefits of chemical plasma etching along with the benefits of directional ion milling. A major advantage of RIE systems is in the etching of silicon dioxide over the silicon layers. The combination etch results in a selectivity ratio of 35:1, whereas ratios of only 10:1 are available with plasma – only etching. RIE systems have become the etching system of choice for most advanced product lines. Patterning is the most critical of the four basic operations. This operation sets the critical dimensions of the devices. Error in the patterning process can cause distorted or misplaced patterns that result in changes in the electrical functioning of the device or circuit. Misplacement of the pattern can have same bad results. Another problem is defects. Patterning is a high-tech version of photography, but performed at incredibly small dimensions. This contamination problem is magnified by the facts that patterning operations are performed on the wafer from 5 to 20-plus times in the course of the wafer fabrication process.

Doping Doping is the process that puts specific amounts of dopants in the wafer surface through opening in the surface layers. The two techniques are thermal diffusion and ion implantation.


Thermal diffusion is a chemical process that takes place when the wafer is heated to the vicinity of 1000o C and exposed to vapours of the proper dopant.

Ion implantation is a physical process in which the dopant atoms are ionized, accelerated to a high speed and shot into the wafer surface.

The purpose of the doping operation is to create either n-type or p-type pockets in the wafer surface. These pockets form the n-p junctions required for operation of the transistors, diodes, capacitors and the resistors of the circuit.

Heat treatments Heat treatments are the operations in which the wafer is simply heated and cooled to achieve specific results. In the heat treatment operations, no addition of materials is added or removed from the wafer. An important heat treatment takes place after ion implantation. The implantation of the dopant causes a disruption of the wafer crystal structure which is repaired by a heat treatment,


called anneal, at 1000o C. Another takes place after the conducting stripes of metal are formed on the wafer. These stripes carry the electrical current between the devices in the circuit. To ensure good electrical conduction, the metal is alloyed to the wafer surface by a heat treatment which takes place at 450o C.

Fabrication of Piezoresistive Differential Pressure Sensor The steps involved are Anisotropic etching of top silicon wafer to realize the thin membrane. Implanting for in the regions where the resistors need to be located on the top wafer Interconnect the four resistors to form the Wheatstone’s bridge. Bond a bottom wafer with a hole to act as the pressure port. Finally packaging is done.


Single Crystal Silicon MEMS Fabrication Technology Using Proton Implantation Smart Cut Technique

Single crystal silicon material is highly desirable for implementing Micro Electro Mechanical devices and systems due to its reliable and reproducible mechanical and electrical properties. Silicon on insulator (SOI) wafers have been used to realize single crystal silicon MEMS inertial sensors, optical devices, field emission components, etc. The silicon structural layer is typically obtained through wafer bonding followed by a grinding and chemical mechanical polishing (CMP). This technique, however, results in a substantial amount of silicon material loss through the grinding and CMP process, hence increasing the substrate and processing cost.

Proton implantation smart cut technique has been proposed to produce low cost SOI wafers, with a typical silicon thickness on the order of nanometers, for low power microelectronics applications. At present most devices, however, call for silicon structural layer with a thickness of at least 1µm, sometimes a few ten micrometers, to achieve certain performance requirements. Single crystal silicon layer with micrometer thickness 20

can be obtained through increasing the proton implantation energy using the smart cut technique for MEMS applications. The silicon film thickness, critical for precision microsystem fabrication, can be accurately determined through implantation energy control. The proposed fabrication technique eliminates the grinding and CMP processes required in conventional MEMS SOI wafer preparation, potentially resulting in a significant substrate and processing cost reduction. MEMS prototype structures such as cantilever beams and clamped-clamped micro-bridges with a silicon thickness of 1.78 µm have been fabricated as demonstrated vehicles for future sensor and actuator implementations. A further increased layer thickness can be obtained through enhancing the implantation energy or silicon epitaxial growth in top of the existing layer to improve micro-system performance.

Fabrication process


A 4-inch silicon substrate(wafer A)is first passivated with 1000 angstrom thermal oxide followed by proton implantation with a dose ranging from 5 x 1016 to 7 x


1016 ions/cm2 and implant energy of 200 KeV. The implantation energy is chosen to achieve a H+ peak concentration of approximately 1.8 µm below the water surface,. The implanted hydrogen ions introduce micro-cavities along the peak concentration. After bonded to a carrier substrate, the micro-cavities cause silicon wafer to split along the peak concentration when annealed at elevated temperatures, thus forming a uniform crystal silicon layer with a thickness of 1.8 µm which can be used as structural material for MEMS sensor and actuator applications. An increased thickness can be obtained through further enhancing the implant energy or epitaxial growth. After implantation the oxide passivation layer is polished to obtain smooth surface for the subsequent wafer bonding. Another 4 inch silicon substrate (Wafer B) serving as a carrier wafer is passivated by thermal oxide. A 1.5 µm thick oxide is chosen for the prototype devices fabrication. This wafer is RCA cleaned and rinsed in DI water along with wafer A to ensure a hydrophilic surface, critical for obtaining an initial wafer bonding at low temperature required for the smart cut process. The two substrates are then bonded together through a compression bonding to eliminate the residual water vapor particles. The bonded wafers are annealed at 270oC for 12 hours to enhance the initial bonding strength, crucial for successful subsequent silicon splitting at an elevated temperature. The wafers are then heated at 485oC for 30 minutes to initiate the splitting process causing a 1.8 µm- thick single crystal silicon layer transferred from wafer A to wafer B as depicted. At this point, wafer A can be polished and reused for the same procedure thus eliminating silicon material loss due to the grinding and CMP steps required in conventional MEMS SOI wafer preparation, potentially resulting in a significant cost reduction. The split silicon layer along with the carrier substrate is then annealed over 1100oC for two hours. This


annealing step not only strengthens the chemical bonds but also removes implantation-induced defects in the transferred layer. To experiment the prototype process, sample pieces diced from wafer A are bonded to wafer B for the splitting study.


Conclusion Thus MEMS technology is enabling new discoveries in science and engineering. We come to know that MEMS is an extremely diverse technology that could affect every category of commercial and military products. The recent trends in MEMS proved that this technology would be an essential one in the progress of future fabrication science. Thus we conclude that MEMS, which is an emerging technology today, would reach a position where it would be an inevitable technique to fabricate any device without using MEMS.

Bibiliography Jack W. July and Paulo Motta, “A lecture and hands on laboratory course: Introduction to Micromachining and MEMS. Jack W. July and Paulo Motta, “Fabrication of MEMS devices”. Peter Van Zant, “ Microchip fabrication “.

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