Membrane And Separation Technology News

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Membrane & Separation Technology News A BCC, Inc. Publication • 25 Van Zant St., Norwalk, CT 06855-1781 • 203/853-4266 • FAX: 203/853-0348

Volume 23, Number 10

In This Issue… ELECTROCHEMICAL ........... 1 REVERSE OSMOSIS ............ 2 ULTRAFILTRATION ............. 5 GAS SEPARATION ............... 6 BIOMEDICAL AND BOMEMEBRANE ............... 7 INDUSTRY INSIGHT ........... 8 NON-SEPARATING .............. 12 INDUSTRY NEWS ................ 13 WHO’S WHO IN MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY ............... 14

Senior Editor: Susan Hanft Tel: 512/303-6502 E-mail: [email protected] Lead Production Editor: Jon Gomes BCC Newsletter Group Editorial Director: Alan Hall VP — Operations: Marc Favreau Regional Editor: Dr. Robert Butler President: Louis Naturman Copyright 2005 Business Communications Co., Inc. Norwalk, CT 06855. Reproduction of any material in this newsletter is strictly forbidden without express permission of the Publisher. However, authorization to photocopy items is granted by BCC, provided that the appropriate fee is paid directly to Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. ISSN: 0720-8483

July 2005

ELECTROCHEMICAL LINX Wastes Less Water Pionetics is commercializing the LINX 120 system, a home drinking water purification product that wastes less water than residential RO units and allows users to adjust the water’s taste to suit individual preference. Designed to replace bulky RO systems, the compact LINX 120 is the first product based on Pionetics’ patented LINX technology, a process that removes 90% of total dissolved solids (TDS) and numerous contaminants, using only clean electric power and proprietary ion exchange membranes. Pionetics’ Founder and Chief Technical Officer Eric Nyberg tells MST that the point of use (POU) purifier is the first residential water system to use electrically regenerable ion exchange. The watersplitting, or bipolar, membranes consist of a cation exchange layer bound to an anion exchange layer. Similar membranes already are in industrial use for converting aqueous salt solutions into acids and bases without chemical addition. At its most basic, the LINX unit comprises two cells, each cell having two electrodes, a spiral wound ion exchange membrane cartridge located between the electrodes, and a water inlet and outlet. The system additionally comprises a power supply, a flow detector, and sediment and carbon filters. The LINX technology removes ions, for example sodium and nitrate, from water flowing past the membranes. Sodium ions exchange with hydrogen ions held in the cation exchange layer; nitrate ions exchange with hydroxide ions in the anion exchange layer. Deionized water, the combined product of hydrogen and hydroxide ions in the solution, then exits the system. The rate of ion removal is greatly accelerated by the application of sufficient voltage to the two electrodes. When the cartridge’s capacity for ions is depleted, electrical regeneration is achieved by reversing the polarity of the two electrodes. Pionetics’ membranes have good selectivity for many ionic species that worry consumers. Because the membranes are regenerated in the hydrogen and hydroxide forms, they are especially effective for removing the weak acids arsenic (III) and arsenic (V). (RO cannot remove arsenic [III], sometimes present in deep well water sources.) Nitrates and nitrites are extracted selectively via the quaternary

Membrane & Separation Technology News

BUSINESS GE, Pall Expand Alliance. GE Infrastructure, Water & Process Technologies (Trevose, PA) and Pall Corp. (East Hills, NY) are expanding their strategic alliance to bring membrane technologies for desalination, water reuse and municipal water treatment to the global marketplace. Building upon a January 2004 agreement, which integrated GE’s RO and NF systems and services with Pall’s MF and UF technologies, the new alliance paves the way for collaboration on the development and sale of new proprietary technologies. Millipore to Market 3M’s SPE Plates. Millipore Corp. (Billerica, MA) and 3M Co. (St. Paul, MN) have entered into a supply and distribution agreement for 96-well Multi-SPE Extraction Plates featuring 3M’s Empore membranes. Empore membranes incorporate solid phase sorbent particles within a network of PTFE fibrils to produce clean extracts, extend LC-MS/MS column life and decrease instrument downtime. The plates also minimize solvent usage and eliminate evaporation/reconstitution steps. Under the terms of the agreement, the plates, developed by 3M, will be branded and distributed by Millipore for life science sample preparation applications. SPE is the preferred method for isolating and concentrating low levels of analytes by eliminating substances that contribute to and interfere with mass spectrometry signal detection. SPE products typically are used in the environmental and bioanalytical sample preparation markets.


July 2005

ammonium ion exchange materials used in manufacturing the membrane. Perchlorate, permanganate, chromate, and all dissolved heavy metals also are extracted by selective ion exchange. Compared to RO, which wastes five to seven gallons of water for each gallon of drinking water generated, the LINX purifier uses only one half gallon of water for every gallon produced, regardless of feed water. The system does not require a storage tank because the cartridge contains a large enough membrane surface area to produce water at a rate of 0.5 gallons per minute. In addition to permitting a more compact system, the elimination of the storage tank removes a potential breeding ground for bacteria. The LINX system delivers nearly twenty times the flow rate of RO without a tank (0.5 gpm compared to 0.03gpm at 60psi), generates one-fourth as much wastewater, and works efficiently at low water pressures, where other purifiers can require booster pumps. System operating costs are low, because power is consumed only when water flows, during deionization and the short chemical-free regeneration cycle. The LINX consumes only about $10 per year of electrical power. The POU system includes a feature called Dial-a-Taste, which allows users to select a TDS level to suit individual taste or needs. Desired TDS can be preset via a feedback loop between a conductivity sensor in the product water stream and the power supply. This allows the membrane’s ion extraction rate to be increased or decreased with incremental voltage changes. Nyberg says the average American prefers water at 60ppm TDS. For making coffee, a TDS level of 150ppm is preferred by coffee producers; while consumers wishing to increase calcium or magnesium levels for health reasons might choose a TDS of 250ppm. The purifier is fully automated so that drinking water is delivered on demand without interruption. Indicator lights display selected TDS and notify the user when membrane cartridges need replacing. The lifetime of an average cartridge is estimated at about 1,000 gallons in hard water, enough for a year or more of average use. The LINX 120 system is available now for evaluation by residential water treatment contractors and distributors. LINX technology has further application for industrial and commercial use, from wholehouse purification to industrial chemical and metals recovery. Contact: Akash Trivedi, Business Development Manager, Pionetics, 151H Old County Road, San Carlos, CA 94070; Tel: 650/551-0250, x 142, Fax: 650/551-0251.

REVERSE OSMOSIS GrahamTek Modules Refine Desalination South Africa-based GrahamTek Systems has linked a number of technical improvements: a larger diameter module, two-element

Membrane & Separation Technology News pressure vessel, an integrated flow distributor, applied electromagnetic fields, energy recovery devices and a modular skid platform, into an integrated RO system that achieves higher flux rates, reduced fouling, enhanced membrane life, diminished chemical usage and lower operating costs. According to founder William Graham, GrahamTek, the only membrane manufacturer in Africa, was the first to market with a large diameter module. The 15-inch by 50-inch element with a surface area of 1,700ft2 is equivalent to four conventional 8” x 40” membrane elements. Membranes are manufactured specifically for different raw water source types. A polymer GrahamTek membrane with a pore size of 0.0002µm is used to process seawater. The spiral wound element is constructed of 46 leaves, each 55 inches long. A flow distributor is attached on the inlet side and an anti-telescoping device fitted to the rear before the membrane is placed inside the pressure vessel. The flow distributor is incorporated at the front end of the membrane spiral to generate higher flux and better recovery. Feed water is directed towards the center of the spiral membrane, where lower velocities are found, by placing many smallangled inlet holes, positioned in concentric circle, on the flow distributor’s surface. This changes the laminar flow of the feed water under pressure, causing it to become highly turbulent and create micro-bubbles that scour the membrane surface of foulants, and improve crossflow shear force and mass transfer through the membrane. Another advantage to the flow distributor is lengthening the intervals between maintenance backwashes, to 60% less than that needed in conventional plants. Each pressure vessel in a GrahamTek system houses two modules. Up to nine pressure vessels can be mounted onto a single fully operational pre-assembled skid platform. The modular design allows skids to be linked together to provide plants of varying capacities. In a conventional vessel, users would need up to seven membranes to achieve an equivalent membrane area. The reduced requirement of two membrane elements per pressure vessel results in less pressure drop per vessel. The electro magnetic device, a conductor wound into the pressure vessel at strategic points to establish an electromagnetic field throughout the length of each vessel, prevents fouling on the membrane surface by inhibiting active crystal formation. Water within the feed channel is surrounded by the magnetic field, which generates movement in the direction of the concentrated stream. Ions within the concentrated stream become electrically charged, inducing the feed channel to act as a semiconductor moving forward in the direction of the magnetic field. The calibrated harmonic field disorientates the formation of active crystal growth by separating chemical bonds, and can be optimized by controlling the applied electric current. GrahamTek’s RO+ 403 Series incorporates the 15” diameter module, the 203 Series is designed to operate with standard 8” diameter elements. Two energy recovery devices are available for use with GrahamTek systems depending on the size of the plant. Power savings range from 37% to 42%. Both Series 403 and Series 203 products arrive pre-assembled and skid-mounted.

July 2005

Polyfuel Plans IPO. Polyfuel (Mountain View, CA) plans to go public on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange. The AIM is considered a step towards main stock market listing for small and growing companies. Polyfuel manufactures membranes for both methanol and hydrogen fuel cells using technology designed to make the cells more powerful, less expensive and withstand higher temperatures. In April, Polyfuel announced that it had developed membranes suitable for manufacturing using existing processes for fluorocarbon membranes, such as Du Pont’s Nafion. Under British regulations, Polyfuel cannot speak widely about the IPO plans. However, the company is reportedly hoping to raise $21.8 million from the offering, bringing its value to $72.8 million. Siemens Invests in inge AG. Through its venture capital division, Siemens (Munich, Germany) has invested in inge AG, developer of Multibore capillary fiber UF membranes and modules for water treatment. Since its founding, inge AG has tripled its turnover yearly. By 2008, the company is aiming for annual sales of more than $100 million. Besides Siemens Venture Capital, four additional investors are supporting inge: SAM Sustainability Private Equity Fund LP, Sustainable Performance Group N.V. RWE Venture Capital Funds and Taprogge Watertech. Total investment is slightly more than $7 million. Landec Forms Tech Division. Landec Corp.’s (Menlo Park, CA) food subsidiary, Apio, Inc., has launched a


Membrane & Separation Technology News

new technology division to advance sales of its BreatheWay membranebased food packaging. BreatheWay packaging uses membranes to regulate oxygen and carbon dioxide levels within a produce package to maintain optimum atmospheres for vegetables and fruit, and extend their shelf life. The membrane also compensates for changes in temperature that might be encountered during shipping and storage. The new division will expand the use of BreatheWay packaging to vegetables and fruit not sold by Apio and for higher volume applications such as shipping containers and palletsize uses. RGU Spins Off Second Gas Processing Firm. Robert Gordon University (RGU, Aberdeen, Scotland) has incorporated the second of its spin off companies established to commercialize inorganic gas separation membranes. The first startup, Clear Process, Ltd., was founded in late 2004 to commercialize hybrid ceramic membranes for the recovery of carbon dioxide from gas processing and power plant flue gas. The second spin off, Gas2, Ltd., was established recently to market catalytic ceramic membranes for producing synthesis gas via partial oxidation of hydrocarbon feedstocks. TriSep Joins Competitors with Price Hike. Due to increases in oil prices and materials produced from oil: polymers, plastics, and adhesives that make up the majority of spiral wound element raw materials, TriSep Corp. (Goleta, CA) has announced a 5% price increase on all membrane products


July 2005

Contact: William Graham, GrahamTek Systems, Graham House, 12 Gerber Boulevard, Gants Plaza, Strand, South Africa 7140; Tel: +27 21 853 0699, Fax: +27 21 853 0692, email: info@

Hydranautics Launches Five Improved Products Hydranautics has added five RO/NF elements to its lines of products for desalination, municipal water production and industrial water treatment. The new generations of membrane modules offer improvements such as enhanced salt rejection, higher boron removal, lower energy consumption and reduced operating costs. • The Low Fouling Composite LFC3-LD (Low Differential pressure) possesses a neutral surface charge that reduces fouling in wastewater and surface water with high fouling potential for reuse and reclaim applications. The LFC3-LD incorporates a thicker brine spacer to create a lower fouling membrane that requires less frequent cleaning, while maintaining high permeate flow. The LFC3-LD provides 11,000 gallons per day of flow at 99.7% nominal salt rejection, and is well suited for the treatment of difficult municipal and industrial feedwaters that typically require significant pretreatment. LFC3-LD elements are 8 inches in diameter, 40 inches long and incorporate 400ft2 of membrane area. • Hydranautics’ improved ESPA (Energy Saving Polyamide)-B high boron rejection membranes offer a new option for communities with high boron levels or for manufacturers with boron contamination issues. ESPA-B provides 8,600 gallons per day of flow at 99.2% nominal salt rejection and 96% boron rejection, making it the highest boron rejecting, low-pressure element in the industry. Each module contains 400ft2 of membrane area and measures 8 inches in diameter and 40 inches in length. The ESPA-B is ideal for use with Hydranautics’ new SWC5 elements for second pass filtration in seawater and brackish water RO plants with stringent boron rejection requirements. • The SWC5 combines high flow rates with superior salt and boron rejection at low operating pressures. The SWC5 provides 8,000 gallons per day of flow at 99.8% nominal salt rejection and 92% boron rejection. The 400ft2 SWC5 elements are available as 8-inch diameter and 40-inch long modules. • The latest generation of ESNA (Energy Savings Nanofiltration) technology, the ESNA1-LF2, is designed to provide high rejection of natural organic materials and moderate rejection of total hardness. The modules operate at pressures of less than 100 psi, a feature that lowers energy requirements and cuts costs. The ESNA1-LF2 provides 7,800 gallons per day of flow at 80% nominal calcium chloride rejection. Permeate from ESNA1-LF2 elements is well below current EPA regulations for trihalomethane and haloacetic acid levels as required for U.S. municipal drinking water. The 400ft2 ESNA1-LF2 membrane elements are available in an 8-inch diameter and 40-inch long configuration.

Membrane & Separation Technology News • The new ESPA2+ features exceptional salt rejection at lower pressures and higher rejection rates. ESPA2+ membranes are recommended for commercial, industrial and larger groundwater municipal projects where high active area membrane surface area translates to fewer elements and lower capital costs. The ESPA2+ offers a flow rate of 12,000 gallons per day while maintaining a nominal salt rejection of 99.6% and boron rejection of 93%. Each 8-inch by 40-inch ESPA2+ element contains 440 ft2 of membrane area. Contact: Serenity Gardner, Marketing Manager, Hydranautics, Inc., 401 Jones Rd., Oceanside, CA 92054; Tel: 760/901-2529, Fax: 760/901-2578.

ULTRAFILTRATION Pre-Engineered Systems Target Small Communities Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (KMS) introduced an expanded line of packaged HF (hollow fiber) UF systems. The pre-engineered systems are designed to provide a compact and cost-effective solution for small communities requiring easily installed potable water production capabilities to meet the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act. HF series systems now are available in five models, ranging in capacity from 10,000gpd to approximately 800,000gpd. Skid mounted, space efficient and self-contained, the units are installed easily, requiring only that the membranes be added upon delivery. Compared to conventional multi-media filtration systems; the smallest model, the HF-4, has a footprint of only 54 square feet, and the largest model, the HF-18, occupies only 200 square feet of floor space. Depending upon the production needs of each customer, the packaged units can include from 4 to 18 membrane cartridges. With the proper pretreatment, the packaged UF systems can be used for a range of applications including backwash water recovery, iron and manganese removal, arsenic removal, and color and taste removal. The small pore size of KMS’ UF membranes provides drinking water with turbidity levels of less than 0.1 NTU and act as a physical barrier to viruses and bacteria, Giardia lamblia cysts, and parasites like Cryptosporidium. A properly operated HF system prevents microorganism breakthrough to the product water side, regardless of how long the system is in service and despite any variations in feed water quality. Each packaged system includes all equipment and instrumentation needed to run the unit. Standard components include a painted steel frame, membranes, control cabinet, touch screen panel display, two pumps with variable frequency drive and a cleaning tank. All modes of system operation are controlled using a programmable logic controller. To verify the system is operating properly, a daily membrane integrity test is built into every unit. KOCHSAFE integrity

July 2005

effective June 1. TriSep has been absorbing increases in raw material prices during the last 12 months, but now is passing the increases along to customers. TriSep joins RO membrane makers Dow and Hydranautics, which raised prices earlier in the year.

PROJECTS Algiers Project Largest in Africa. GE Infrastructure, Water & Process Technologies (Trevose, PA), the Algerian Government, the Overseas Private Investment Corp. and the Algerian Energy Co. (AEC) have announced plans to build Africa’s largest seawater RO desalination plant. The Hamma build-own-operate project will supply 25% of Algeria’s capital city’s population with 53mgd of desperately needed drinking water. Because of the scarcity of clean water, the residents of Algiers currently receive water one out of every three days. Funded by GE (70%) and the AEC (30%), Hamma will be the first private RO desalination drinking water project in Algeria. The project also will be the largest membrane desalination plant in Africa, as well as one of the largest desalination plants in the entire world. Construction on Hamma has begun and is expected to last 24 months. Olympic Village to Reuse Wastewater. Zenon Environmental Inc. (Oakville, Ontario, Canada) has received a $5 million order to supply ZeeWeed membranes for tertiary wastewater treatment at China’s Olympic Village.


Membrane & Separation Technology News

July 2005

testing can identify one broken fiber out of hundreds of thousands. China has begun a massive program to improve its infrastructure as the country prepares to host the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. Among the initiatives is the treatment and reuse of municipal sewage to relieve Beijing’s growing water shortage. The membranes will treat secondary effluent from the Qinghe Wastewater Treatment Plant near the Olympic Village. Treated effluent will be reused within the village, providing water for lagoons and ponds, and for landscape irrigation. Work on the project is underway and is slated for completion in 12 to 14 months. After the Olympics, the government plans to continue operating the plant and to sell the water for either irrigation or as toilet flush water. Sri Lanka Installing RO for Water Reuse. Sewing thread manufacturer American & Efird Lanka Private Ltd. has commissioned Sri Lanka’s first state-of-the-art RO wastewater recycling unit. The new RO unit from GE Osmonics (Minnetonka, MN) will treat wastewater for reuse in the manufacturing process to conserve water and reduce discharge to the environment. Generon Contracts for Nitrogen System. Generon IGS (Houston, TX) will install a skidded membrane nitrogen generator at Mytek International’s plastic molding plant in Tijuana, Mexico. The Generon HP 6500 includes a membrane unit that will provide an uninterrupted supply of 98.5% to 99.9% purity nitrogen to the molding machines at flows up to 2,400 SCFH. The turnkey package incorporates a 35 HP air compressor with a three-stage


Contact: Koch Membrane Systems, 850 Main St., Wilmington, MA 01887-3388; Tel: 888/677-5624, Fax: 978/657-5208.

GAS SEPARATION Mobile Inerting Units Prevent Mine Explosions Air Liquide’s new Floxal inert gas generating system is an effective mobile nitrogen membrane unit that prevents gas explosions in underground mines. Compared to traditional boiler systems used in mine gas inerting, the membrane units do not need cooling water, use diesel fuel or emit carbon monoxide, clear environmental advantages. The process, which is based on Air Liquide’s Medal polymer hollow fiber gas separation membranes, has been implemented at Australia’s Dartbrook, German Creek, Oaky North and Oaky No.1 underground coalmines. Earlier in the year, a Floxal unit was used at Kestrel Mine in Queensland’s Bowen Basin to clear the mine roadway when gas readings approached the explosive range. The first two installed mobile units can clear underground at 500m3/hr with 97% inert gas purity. Since then, Air Liquide has increased the capacity of its Floxal systems to 1,934m3/hr specifically for longwall mining applications. In longwall mining, a coal seam is divided into parallel blocks intersected by underground roadways that allow access for mining equipment. As coal is mined, roof supports are moved forward leaving the region behind these braces unsupported. When the roof collapses into this area, called the goaf, methane gas is generated. If methane gas concentration in the ventilation air reaches 5%, it forms an explosive gas mixture. Because the gas presents a danger to underground workers, every mine must develop strategies to ensure that gas concentrations in the roadways are maintained below 1% to 2%. Inerting the goaf with nitrogen gas is one way to enhance mine safety and protect miners. Producing inerting nitrogen at ambient temperature without cogenerating CO or acids is a safety aspiration of coalmine managers. Air Liquide’s Floxal units filter compressed air, heated to a constant temperature of 45ºC, across the Medal hollow fibers separating nitrogen from oxygen and other components of atmospheric air. Parameters such as pressure and temperature influence the concentration of the inert gas. The system is capable of producing nitrogen at 99.9% purity, but for coalmine applications, the best results are achieved at a purity of 97%. Traditional nitrogen system mine inerting in Australia relies on combustion to generate boiler exhaust as an inert gas. In contrast to the boiler system, which produces nitrogen at about 14.5psi, the Floxal unit produces nitrogen at a pressure of 130psi, which allows the gas to be distributed throughout the mine while the unit is placed near the power source. Using a 6” pipe, nitrogen produced by

Membrane & Separation Technology News the Floxal unit can cover up to 57 miles; gas distributed in a 4” polypropylene conduit can travel up to 8 miles. While boiler systems use water and large volumes of expensive diesel fuel, up to 1600 gallons daily, Air Liquide’s 1934m3/hr Floxal system requires only 805kW of electricity for efficient operation. In addition, membrane-based gas inerting can prevent hazards to underground workers from the presence of carbon monoxide produced by diesel-powered generators. For preventive maintenance, the Floxal system is capable of operating remotely and without an operator in permanent attendance, by using a tele-monitoring system that measures nitrogen flow and performance. Contact: Air Liquide Medal, 305 Water St., Newport, DE 19804; Tel: 302/225-1100, Fax: 302/225-0411.

July 2005

booster after the membrane unit, pressuring the nitrogen up to 5,000psi. Nitrogen is used in the molding process to enable even pressure during extrusion and prevent oxidation of the plastic, leaving a clean smooth finish. On-site generated nitrogen offers cost savings, less safety concerns and fewer operational issues compared to handling heavy high-pressure gas cylinders or cryogenic liquids.


BIOMEDICAL & BIOMEMBRANE Pseudo Pores Advance Study of Living Cells A team of electrical and computer engineers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has devised a method for investigating living cell systems by embedding quantum dots, inorganic semiconductor nanocrystals, which form pseudo pores in artificial biological membranes. By observing how the tiny crystals move through the membrane layers, the researchers can examine biological systems on the molecular level. A discovery could lead to new possibilities for manipulating, imaging and understanding the inner workings of cells. Measuring only millionths of a millimeter, quantum dots are so small that the addition or subtraction of electrons changes the dots’ properties. Electrical and Computer Engineering Professors Dan van der Weide and Robert Blick with researchers Sujatha Ramachandran and George Kumar, found that by applying voltages to a solution of quantum dots and membranes similar to those of living cells, the dots would be pressed into the membranes forming rings, which in turn act as membrane pores. The artificial pores then could be used to examine living systems to confirm cell behavior that previously has been theorized, but not directly observed. “To get a feeling of why this is important,” says Blick, “you have to understand that each of our cell membranes has specific pores in them that regulate the flow of ions in and out.” Through these ions, cells build up electric potential and communicate with other cells, performing signal transduction as well as determining how chemicals react in the body. For example, when caffeine enters a cell, it stimulates the opening and closing of these ion channels. Using the quantum dots to form artificial pores enhances the flow of ions and can be controlled from the outside via voltage. The Wisconsin team initially set out to use the dots to tag membrane pores for easier visualization and measurement of the

Desalination Act Introduced in Senate. Legislation to increase the federal government’s role in building RO desalination plants has been introduced for the first time in the U.S. Senate, and has been re-introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. If passed, Senate bill S. 1016, “The Desalination Water Supply Shortage Prevention Act of 2005” would establish a program within the DOE to provide Energy Assistance Payments to desalination projects following a competitive bidding process. Financing would come from the DOE’s renewable energy program with authorization to spend $200 million over a ten-year period. The bill has been referred to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

FUNDING DOE Backing NCAT H2 Research. The DOE has awarded grants to eight institutions for energy research through the Historically Black Colleges and Universities and


Membrane & Separation Technology News

July 2005

INDUSTRY INSIGHT New Innovative UF Technologies for Membranes, Modules and Operation By P. Berg, inge AG, Flurstrasse 17, 86926 Greifenberg, Germany, Tel: 49 (0) 8192 997 700, Fax: 49 (0) 8192 997 999, email: [email protected]


he market for ultrafiltration is changing: requiring higher reliability in operation and lower operating and investment costs to open up new market segments. To match these requirements, new membrane materials have to be combined with innovative production technologies and thoroughly engineered module design. Because of the long history in research and operational experience inside the inge group, we have managed to introduce new production technologies to membrane production, significantly reducing the risk of fiber breakage. We have developed a submerged technology that is able to fulfill all requirements of wastewater treatment plant operators. And we have re-engineered the design of both external and submerged modules, to lower operating costs by improving the efficiency of backwash and cleaning. No Risk of Fiber Breakage In principle, ultrafiltration provides enormous elimination rates for particles, bacteria and even viruses, independent of the water quality. This means that highly contaminated waters can be treated effectively to produce safe drinking water. To ensure these removal rates, leakage of capillary fiber membranes must be eliminated completely. In addition to high chemical and biological resistance, the membrane fiber has to be of extraordinary stability to tolerate the backwash process. This is especially important when operating large water treatment plants transporting large volumes of water. inge AG and S. Search B.V. have therefore developed a capillary membrane which is completely fail-safe. This extraordinary stability mainly results from the use of a stronger membrane material on a polyethersulfone base and the honeycomb structure of the seven single capillary fibers combined into one fiber. Called Multibore, the structure may be used for outside-in filtration. For submerged membrane technology, e.g. the treatment of wastewater in outside-in mode, capillaries typically are arranged in parallel like a membrane plate or sheet. In the Multibore membrane design, the inner layer of the seven capillaries represents the very thin active membrane surface. The outstanding stability of the walls in between the seven capillaries is secured by a continuous foam structure located directly under the active surface. The pore size of this foam structure is larger than the active membrane surface, a fact that guarantees that


each of the seven capillaries (especially the central one) will be fed the same amount of water. In contrast, the active submerged membranes may be found on the outer side. Multibore has a molecular weight cutoff of approximately 100kD, which corresponds to a median pre size of about 10nm. Despite the small pores, the membrane has a pure water permeability of approximately 1,000l/m2/h. Furthermore, the membrane is highly resistant to cleaning chemicals, such as acids, bases, and oxidizing agents such as hydrogen peroxide and chlorine. Hydrodynamic Optimization In order to allow the high permeability of the membranes within the modules and guarantee an efficient cleaning of the membrane during backwash, a very low pressure loss within the membrane bundles on the permeate side is of great importance. Thus, it can be guaranteed that each capillary has the same transmembrane pressure, and no area within the module will receive inferior cleaning during the backwash. As a consequence, the backwash period also can be abbreviated to a large extent, increasing the recovery of the whole process of filtration. To minimize pressure loss between the capillaries, the flow velocity of the water should be constant at every position in the module. The inge modules enable this by means of a special module housing as well as the unique arrangement of capillaries in the module. When inserting the capillaries into the tubular housings, two different types of assembly are used. In the first case, the filtrate collection is accomplished with a central collection tube located in the middle of the capillary bundle. Another option is to collect the filtrate from an outer annular gap. In order to achieve an equal distribution rate between the capillaries, the cross-sectional area that has to be flowed through should be enlarged to the same extent as the flow volume. This result can be achieved only by using the construction with the outer annular gap, as the use of central filtrate collection will lead to high velocities between the capillaries and thus to substantial pressure losses. For this reason, the inge modules are produced according to the second option with the annular gap construction. The outer annular gap between the membrane bundle and the pressure vessel, which is used for filtrate collection, is built with a perforated tube. To optimize the distribution of water within the annular gap, the upper part located at the permeate connection is not perforated. Thus, a radial flow distribution can be guaranteed,

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which is especially important for a backwash conducted with higher volumes. The perforation underneath then provides an optimal axial distribution. Small openings right under the potting material allow a complete deaeration of the vertically installed module on the permeate side. The optimal solution to minimize pressure loss in the capillary bundle and to control the flow distribution is a regular arrangement of capillaries with defined spaces. To avoid a complete compaction of the capillaries during backwash, the capillaries should also be fixed and stabilized. One method to achieve the regular arrangement of the capillaries is the construction of “membrane grids.” Parallel membrane fibers are used to build one of these grids. Two of them are then crossed (Figure 1) and spiral wound, thus building an ordered structure of capillaries with regularly defined spaces. Figure 1 Multibore Grid

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separately and vertically, providing numerous advantages: Due to the fact that a complete aeration and de-aeration is possible, integrity testing can be done in a few minutes. Complete aeration guarantees that air cushions do not arise on either the feed side or permeate side. Therefore, each capillary contributes to filtration and backwash. (Air on the feed or permeate side of the module might arise through the outgassing of supersaturated water, e.g. some ground waters or biologically active waters, or during integrity testing.) The complete dewatering of modules installed vertically on the rack provides the possibility of dry installing or uninstalling the modules by one person. Each module can be handled separately without having to remove other modules first. The parallel inflow of the modules provides a constant flux through the capillaries. In addition, the transport distance for removing the cake layer from the membrane is very short. Between the racks, a space of less than one meter is sufficient for comfortable module handling. Additional pressure vessels are not necessary. Operation Modes Cut Costs

The wound grids are put into the perforated inner tube, which is then inserted into the outer module body. As described above, a circular annular gap in between the outer body and the inner tube is created, which is used for permeate collection as well as the distribution of backwash water. The grid, combined with the above-described module construction, achieves a hydrodynamic ideal result: the ratio of volumetric stream of water that flows in the spaces between the fibers changes in the same ratio as the passed area of the circle segment. To obtain a filtration unit that is immediately ready for connection, end caps are assembled at both open ends for the feed water inlet and backwash water outlet. Thus, no additional pressure vessels are necessary. Furthermore, no sealing has to be put between the raw water and the filtrate side, which guarantees an absolute barrier of the module when purifying the water. (The inner tube is glued with epoxy to the housing tube.) To be able to assemble the end caps easily and without tools, no screws are used for fixation. Instead, the end caps can be assembled and disassembled simply with the aid of a flexible plastic bar. Rack Construction The construction of the module permits a space saving, cost-efficient assembly of the rack. Modules are mounted

When operating filtration modules, the most important factor, besides a constant pressure distribution on the permeate side, is an overflow at each position of the capillaries (crossflow). If crossflow is carried out by recirculation using an additional pump, or one that is larger-dimensioned, the result will be far higher capital and operating costs. Therefore, inge modules are constructed so that also in dead end mode an overflow at each position in the module can be adjusted. During filtration this is achieved by changing the feed between the bottom and top connection. During backwash, the overflow is realized by alternating the collection of the concentrate. Furthermore, this module construction enables a forward flush that can be carried out before and after the backwash. With the first forward flush, the loose pollutants can be rinsed off, thus making the following backwash more effective. The second forward flush, carried out after the backwash period, is intended to remove the cake layer that has been released by the backwash. Besides better cleaning performance, this operation allows the installation of a smaller permeate tank and substantially increases recovery because less filtrate has to be used for backwashing. With this method, filtrate has only to be used for 15 seconds. During the remaining 30 seconds of forward flush, raw water is used. In principle, operation in crossflow mode also is possible. When filtering stronger polluted raw water, including high turbidity water, the robust Multibore membranes allow a so-called “purge operation” to prevent blocking of the capillaries. During the purge mode, the opposite valve is opened for seconds at intervals of some minutes, thus generating a crossflow cleaning.


Membrane & Separation Technology News

Other Minority Institutions program. Carried out under DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy, the projects will be managed by DOE’s National Energy Technology Laboratory. Grant recipients at North Carolina A&T State University (NCAT, Greensboro, NC) will develop a composite membrane based on palladium and palladium-silver alloy for hydrogen separation. The researchers will use steam reforming of methanol by equilibrium shift to demonstrate the membrane as a membrane reactor/separator. Used as a fuel processor, the system will provide high-purity hydrogen for use in fuel cells and could be integrated into the fuel cell system for vehicles. The DOE’s share of the 36-month project is $199,996.

RESEARCH Center to Advance Desalination Process. The University of California’s (Los Angeles, CA) Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science has formed a Water Technology Research Center to develop improved RO technologies for turning brackish or seawater into fresh water. Researchers at the center also will study methods to minimize environmental impacts associated with desalination and will seek to lower the process’ cost by integrating it with renewable energy, energy recovery and solar energy. UCLA chemical engineering professor Yoram Cohen will head the research facility, dubbed the WaTeR


July 2005

current/voltage relationship. Because quantum dots can be encoded with different colors, they are useful as fluorescent labels for staining cells. Their resistance to photobleaching and their physical size of less than 10 nanometers are making them increasingly popular in numerous biomedical applications. According to Blick, “What we found was that quantum dots formed their own pores, which in the long run could mean that we could combine optical activity and readout with direct-current recording of cellular activity.” Because these artificial pores elicit bursts of current in the artificial membranes, the team believes quantum dots could perform similarly in other excitable cells such as neurons and muscles, and looks forward to understanding how the dots behave in vivo in excitable cells. The researchers will look next into properties that cause the artificial pores to open and close. Contact: Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2414 Engineering Hall, 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1691; Tel: 608/262-3840, Fax: 608/262-1267. Dan van der Weide, 1439 Engineering Hall, 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1691; Tel: 608/265-6561, Fax: 815/371-3407, email: [email protected].

BioLung Replicates Normal Gas Exchange NovaLung GmbH is commercializing the first total artificial lung able to fully replace the gas exchange capabilities of the human lung using blood provided by the human heart. Key to the BioLung pumpless artificial lung is a tight heparin-coated, silicon-based hollow fiber diffusion membrane. NovaLung already has demonstrated the safety and feasibility of a pumpless lung device with its Novalung Interventional Lung Assist (ILA). The low resistance device, which features a hollow fiber membrane gas exchange surface area of 1.3 m2, is the first artificial lung accommodated with blood pumped by the human heart, and has been validated in more than 150 clinical applications. The membrane is essential to the ILA. Featuring very high gas exchange, but low resistance, blood can pass easily through the membrane without a lot of pressure, but can still trade oxygen for CO2 at a very high rate. The patient is attached to the ILA via a cannula in the femoral vein. It is not necessary to open the patient’s chest or even to employ a general anesthetic. The device recently received the European CE mark; the company is pursuing FDA approval for U.S. clinical trials. The BioLung, NovaLung’s second product and the first total artificial lung, is scheduled for introduction in 2006. Similar to the ILA, BioLung needs no mechanical pump, instead relying on the heart’s pumping power to send blood from the pulmonary artery through the membrane cartridge. BioLung has undergone intensive bench testing and animal trials, and is expected to be in human clinical trials within two years.

Membrane & Separation Technology News In testing on sheep, BioLung demonstrated better survival rates and less lung injury than a conventional ventilator in five-day tests on the animals’ damaged lungs. The prototype was well tolerated in series with normal sheep pulmonary circulation. Six of eight sheep with the BioLung versus one of six with mechanical ventilation survived. The device could eventually help lung transplant candidates stay healthy enough to remain at the top of lung transplant lists. It also may prove suitable for patients with end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary fibrosis or cystic fibrosis. Initially, BioLung will be used paracorporeally, with grafts connecting the patient to an extracorporeal device. This will permit safe, rapid non-surgical replacement of the lung, so that treatment intervals will not be limited by device durability. Contact: Novalung GmbH, Lotzenäcker 3, 72379 Hechingen, Germany; Tel: +49 7471 98 488-00, Fax: +49 7471 98 488-15.

July 2005

ter. The endeavor has been awarded a $1 million grant from the State of California, and $1.6 million in contributions from other donors. The Center anticipates collaborative projects enlisting multidis-ciplinary teams from several academic institutions including UCLA, UC Davis, UC Riverside, USC and the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Spain.


MARS Okayed for Liver Treatment Gambro Renal Products has received FDA 510(k) clearance for the MARS-Molecular Adsorbents Recirculating System for removing toxins from the blood in cases of drug overdose and poisoning. MARS therapy is a blood purification system, based on hollow fiber membrane cartridges. It uses a recirculating human albumin solution as the primary agent for removing liver toxins. The support device is designed to bridge liver patients to recovery of congenital liver function or preparation for liver transplant. Gambro acquired MARS technology, developed at the University of Rostock, in September 2004, with the purchase of Teraklin AG. During MARS therapy, the patient is connected to Gambro’s Prisma system, a continuous renal replacement therapy system that pumps blood through an extracorporeal circuit through a hollow fiber hemodialyzer called the MARS Flux Filter. A recirculating 20% human albumin dialysate flows on the outside of the membrane’s albumin-impregnated polysulfone fibers. Liver toxins bind to the albumin and are transported by the bound protein through the MARS membrane. Toxins detach from plasma albumin and bind to membrane-bound albumin because their affinity for polysulfone-bound albumin is higher. The membrane pores are sized at 50 kDa, so that hormones and growth factors are not removed from the patient’s blood. The dialysate then is regenerated through columns of activated charcoal and anion exchange resin in a continuous closed circuit. With its binding sites free again, the albumin solution can be recirculated. MARS therapy will be available in the U.S. toward year-end 2005. An estimated 70,000 patients per year might benefit from the treatment. Annually, about 6,000 patients with no prior history of liver disease develop acute liver failure from overdoses and blood poisoning, viral infections, multi-organ failure, underlying chronic dis-

Angled Wells Improve Yields, Reproducibility. Millipore Corp. (Billerica, MA) has been granted U.S. Patent 6,899,810 for a multiwell UF or MF filter plate that includes a mechanism to adjust the angle of the membranes within the wells relative to a line of a centrifuge. The line is perpendicular to centrifuge’s axis of rotation and passes through the center of a major plane of the filtering device, controlling the force vector tangential to the membrane. The angle can include a wedge located between the center of rotation of a centrifuge and a swinging bucket of the centrifuge, or may be located within each well, providing individually specified angles for each membrane. In either case, the angle can be adjusted in a topto-bottom orientation, a sideto-side orientation or both a top-to-bottom and a side-toside orientation. The device improves upon fixed well plates by increasing the average volume filtered and by providing a filtrate volume with little well-to-well variability. Controllable Micro-Tubular Materials. University of Michigan scientists have pat


Membrane & Separation Technology News

July 2005

eases and alcohol abuse. Cenented a process for fabricating highly porous (up to 97%), parallel, micro-tubular, oriented scaffolds from biodegradable polymers using a novel phase-separation method. The porous materials have wide applicability, including scaffolding materials for tissue regeneration, membrane-based medical devices such as dialyzers, matrix materials for reactors or bioreactors, controlled release matrices, wound dressings, packaging and separation membranes. The method comprises the steps of: mixing a polymer with a liquid to form a composition, changing the temperature to cause phase separation of the composition with a directional temperature gradient, and then removing an unnecessary phase. Porosity, micro-tube diameter, tubular morphology (polygon, circular or other geometric or non-geometric shaped cross-sections) and their orientation may be controlled by the polymer concentration, solvent system and temperature gradient. (U.S. Patent 6,899,873) Lattice Matching Minimizes Mechanical Failure. Eltron Research (Golden, CO) has received U.S. Patent 6,899,744 for improved composite hydrogen transport membranes used for extracting hydrogen from gas mixtures. The patent describes the use of supports for metal and metal alloy membranes that have high hydrogen permeability, but are too thin to be self-supporting, too weak to resist differential pressures across the membrane, or become embrittled by hydrogen. The support materials are lattice matched to the metals and metal alloys. This minimizes stress at the internal interfaces, reducing the


Contact: Gambro Renal Products, 10810 W. Collins Ave., Lakewood, CO 80215; Tel: 303/232/6800, Fax: 303/231-4032.

NON-SEPARATING Separion Suitable for HEV Batteries DeGussa researchers report that the “Holy Grail of the automotive industry — reduced weight coupled with improved performance,” could soon become reality by improving a rather neglected car component, the battery. Incorporating DeGussa’s Separion membrane as the separator could take lithium-ion batteries into entirely new applications in HEVs (hybrid electric vehicles). Used widely as a power supply for notebook computers, cell phones and other portable electronics, lithium-ion batteries have proved lighter and more powerful than conventional lead or nickel-cadmium cells. Applied as a power source in HEVs, the batteries have the potential to save gas and protect the environment. When the vehicle’s brake is applied, a generator produces power that is stored in the battery and helps to operate the engine. Gas savings from recovering braking energy is estimated at up to 25%. However, conventional large lithium ion batteries used in HEVs may present a safety hazard. In cases of voltage overload from faulty application, the batteries can overheat to 800°C and melt, sometimes causing a vehicle fire. Developed by DeGussa’s R&D arm Creavis Technologies, the thin, ceramic-coated Separion membrane can prevent such hazards. Safety tests show that when the membrane is used to separate a lithium ion battery’s positive and negative poles, the cell heats to only 77°C. In addition the membrane offers higher efficiency, which means higher output per unit weight, over a longer period. Creavis began developing flexible ceramic membranes five years ago. The first products were filtration membranes for food processing, biotech and wastewater treatment. However, the initial products were too heavy and thick for use in batteries. Separion separators now are suitable as battery separators, combining the flexibility of ultrathin polymeric membranes with the hydrophilicity and chemical/thermal resistance of ceramic materials. The membrane is manufactured by coating inorganic material onto a nonwoven support, without the use of polymeric binders. Various pore sizes are selectively obtained through the use of different inorganic suspensions. Because of its ceramic properties, Separion is more temperature-stable than conventional separators. This contributes toward preventing short circuits in batteries. The separator has long-term stability at temperatures up to 210°C and can tolerate higher temperatures for short periods. Separion’s shutdown mechanism can be set to a defined temperature point between about 80°C and 150°C.

Membrane & Separation Technology News Because of the hydrophilic character of the membrane materials, the separator has excellent wettability, exceeding that of polyolefin separators. Separion is immediately wetted in all commonly used solvents. When impregnated with an electrolyte, the separator has low ionic resistance because of its high porosity and film thinness. The separator production method is a continuous process in which an ultrathin nonwoven polymer is impregnated with a suspension, and then dried and hardened. The suspension consists of a liquid containing metal oxides and adhesion promoters, which form the ceramic coating and gives the membrane its outstanding properties. Separion production at DeGussa’s Marl, Germany plant is projected to reach two million square meters in 2005, a tenfold increase from 2004 levels. In addition to the automotive industry, DeGussa hopes to apply Separion technology to batteries for e-bikes — bicycles with an electric engine. Germany’s Deutsche Post is currently testing Separionbased batteries in a large-scale bike trial. But, the company primarily is targeting the Asian market. In China alone, 7.5 million e-bikes were sold last year. Contact: Gerhard Hörpel, Ceramic Membranes, Creavis Technologies and Innovation, DeGussa AG, Paul-Baumann-Strasse 1, D45764 Marl, Germany; Tel: +49-2365 49-01.

INDUSTRY NEWS Alliance to Cut Desalination Methods The Bureau of Reclamation and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California have entered into a cooperative research agreement to test three RO pilot projects at Reclamation’s Water Quality Improvement Center in Yuma, AZ. The processes examined in the projects have the potential to develop non-traditional water supplies; reduce the cost of desalination; and increase the amount of water available after treatment. The $3 million research agreement includes in-kind and cash contributions from both the bureau and the water district. In the first project, the research team will test replacing MF pretreatment to RO with pretreatment consisting of ozone and biofiltration processes. The research will determine if ozone/ biofiltration is cost effective in maximizing feed water quality and minimizing membrane fouling. In the second project, researchers will study the performance of 18inch RO modules, the largest currently available elements. The project will be the first demonstration of membranes of this size used as part of a complete water treatment system and will evaluate how well the membranes perform when operated at 85%, or greater, water recovery on conventionally pretreated water. Researchers also hope to determine how often the membranes must be cleaned, and the optimal cleaning strategy needed.

July 2005

formation of dislocations, leak paths and sites for crack initiation. The membrane can be latticed-matched to a porous metal or alloy support, a porous ceramic support or a porous cermet support. Lattice matching does not apply to composite membranes that employ non-crystalline organic polymers or resins as components. Particles Sorb Inactivating Agents. Baxter International (Deerfield, IL) has patented novel composite membranes consisting of particulate material immobilized within a polymeric matrix and methods for making the membranes. The 400 micron or thicker flexible composites include a selected quantity of fine activated carbon sorbent particles less than 20ìm in diameter immobilized in a polymer such as polyurethane. The membranes are useful for removing organic compounds (i.e. acridine, L-glutathione) that have been added to a biological fluid, such as blood, as part of a pathogen inactivation treatment.

PRODUCTS MP4 Filters Paint Faster. Orelis (Miribel, France) has improved its popular Pleiade membrane module, a plate and frame system used widely by auto manufacturers for the ultrafiltration of electrophoretic paints. The new MP4 module offers higher performance with lower energy requirements and can directly replace spiral wound elements on existing skids. Each long-lived membrane has a shutoff valve, which permits damaged ones to be identified and isolated. Modules are available in two versions, the MP4 50, which has a paint flow


Membrane & Separation Technology News

July 2005

WHO’S WHO IN MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY Pionetics Founder Brings Water Splitting Home Eric Nyberg is the founder and president of San Carlos, California-based Pionetics, developers of LINX technology and the first residential water purifier based on ion exchange membranes. MST: How did you become involved in membrane technology? EN: In graduate school at the University of Illinois, I was starting to use ion exchange materials, but not as membranes. Then at Raychem Corp. in the 1980s, in an electrochemistry group, I began casting ion exchange layers on electrodes. That’s what I refer to as a membrane, a layer of ion exchange material. MST: How was Pionetics established and how has the firm been funded? EN: Pionetics was founded in 1995, so that we, the two co-founders and I, could assign a licensing agreement from Raychem to the corporation. In 1997, we filed for our basic patent and assigned that to Pionetics. We were funded by the founders for the first six years. After that, we raised funds from individual private investors, 10 or 15 bridge investors. In May of 2003, five venture capital firms led by NGEN came on board with $3.2 million in our Series B round. We closed on our Series C round in November ’04 with $6.4 million. MST: Tell us briefly about Pionetics technology and product portfolio. EN: The technology is named LINX, an acronym that stands for electrically regenerable ion exchange. We are doing a classic ion exchange process using electricity to regenerate the material rather than using chemicals. In that sense, it’s probably not a membrane process in the way normally thought of, it’s more of a batch ion exchange process. But, all of our ion exchange materials are in the form of long sheets. We use electricity to accelerate the extraction of ions from water as they pass through a cartridge that we spiral wind from our membranes. The cartridge is sitting between two electrodes, which provide the electric field and a driving force such as in an electrodialysis cell, but our extraction process is fundamentally different. At some point, the ion exchange capacity of the membrane is consumed, or exhausted, and it’s time for regeneration. We reverse the polarity on the electrodes, slowly pass a solution through the cartridge, and expel the ions that were absorbed in the previous step back into the solution to make a concentrate. This is usually a waste stream, but can be something that is recovered, as well. Regeneration takes about ten minutes. The system is then ready for another deionization step. Our first product is a point of use drinking water system. We’re just starting to sell the first units now for field trials. (See “LINX Wastes Less Water,” this issue) MST: What goals do you have for the company near term (next two to three years) and longer term? EN: In the next three years, we want to firmly entrench the under sink drinking water system in a variety of geographies. We’re finding that the Asian market is really hungry for a drinking water system that doesn’t waste much water, doesn’t take much space and doesn’t use much power. We’re planning to entrench ourselves in China, India and other countries in Asia, and in Latin America, as well as penetrate the European and U.S. market with point of use. We have a relationship with a leading residential water softening company. The technology scales up well and we’ve actually built prototypes with this partner that treat up to ten gallons per minute. It would be a point of entry system that would compete with classic ion exchange systems for softening water or treating water for the whole house. MST: What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced as company president?


Membrane & Separation Technology News

July 2005

EN: It’s a brand new technology for a conservative, slow moving industry. I’ve been convinced for quite some time that our point of use application is an excellent fit given the drawbacks of RO, but getting large companies to move and to make a bet is tough, especially when you’re a startup. It’s really about finding a high quality, large partner that wants to move relatively quickly. MST: If you weren’t Pionetics’ president, what would you be doing? EN: My goal is to work in Third World countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia introducing people at a village level to our technology. I think it’s going to be a great fit.

The third project calls for a new concentrate recovery technology to be fed by the reject stream of a large-diameter RO unit. The project goal is to confirm previous pilot-scale research, which produced a 95% water recovery, a 10% increase compared to traditional RO recovery. The concentrate recovery process involves chemical removal of compounds with the greatest fouling potential, followed by treatment with a second RO system. Contact: Peter Soeth, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver Federal Center, Building 67, P.O. Box 25007 (D-8000), Denver, C) 802250007; Tel: 303/445-3615 email: [email protected].

Cranfield MBR Projects Funded Cranfield University has received a funding package of nearly $1 million to bring six water treatment technologies to commercialization. Two of the technologies are based on membrane bioreactors. The funding package includes a $271,000 investment from NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts), $271,000 from Oxford Technology 4 VCT, $96,000 from Cranfield Enterprises Ltd. and $349,000 from business angels. The technologies are in development by Water Innovate Ltd. (WIL), part of Cranfield University’s School of Water Sciences (SWS), a spin off dedicated to bringing research in water and wastewater sectors to the marketplace. Anthony Bennett, spokesperson for the spin off, tells MST that WIL currently is concentrating on commercializing three non-membrane technologies: OdorSim odor modeling software, N-Tox nitrification toxicity monitoring and a high performance chemical additive. To be developed later, the two MBR technologies include the Membrane Chemical Reactor (MCR) and the Odor Extraction Membrane Reactor (OEMR). • The MCR uses ultraviolet light combined with a titanium dioxide (TiO2) catalyst in a small footprint membrane reactor that treats high COD and colored effluents such as those produced by the dyeing industry. The system is the first practicable application of UV-TiO2 technology for pollutant removal. • The OEMR uses hollow fiber membranes that allow diffusion of hydrogen sulfide and related odor-causing molecules from the gas

rate of 16m3/h and a permeate output of 500l/h, ad the MP4 70, which has a paint flow rate of 23m3/h and a permeate output of 700l/h. Standard skids contain two, four, six, eight or ten modules. Polydisc Optimized for Groundwater Sample Prep. Whatman Inc. (Middlesex, UK) has debuted the Polydisc GW, a readyto-use in line disc filter for preparing groundwater samples prior to dissolved heavy metals analysis. Incorporating a pre-rinsed, hydrophilic cellulose acetate membrane, Polydisc GW was developed especially for sample filtration in trace analysis. Housed in durable polypropylene, the device features a pre-tested quartzfiber pre-filter and a membrane in a sandwich design for high absorption capacity of dirt. The large effective surface area, 20.4cm2, ensures rapid collection of samples. Polydisc GW meets EPA regulations for samples when analyzing dissolved or suspended metals in groundwater.

CALENDAR August 22-23, The Future of Desalination in Texas:


Membrane & Separation Technology News

July 2005

phase into an aqueous, scrubbing phase. The scrubbing phase can be undertaken using traditional chemical or biological methods. Depending on the stage of development, Water Innovate will take the technologies to market over the next 4 to 18 months.

Membrane Desalination Workshop, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. Contact: Connie Conaway, Petroleum Engineering Department, 710 Richardson Bldg., TAMU3116, College Station, TX 77843-3116; Tel: 979/ 845-2272, Fax: 979/8627407, email: connie@pe.

Contact: Steve Callister, Managing Director, Water Innovate, Ltd., School of Water Sciences, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, UK; Tel: +44 07879 870741, email: [email protected].


Company Air Products & Chemicals Commodore Separation Tech. Cuno, Inc. Hyflux, Ltd.* Millipore Corp. Mykrolis Corp. Pall Corp. Praxair, Inc. Sartorius AG* Whatman plc* Zenon Environmental


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