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Microsoft Enterprise Library 3.1 , May 2007

©2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Enterprise Library [

us/practices/default.aspx ] patterns & practices Developer Center [ ] Microsoft Corporation May 2007

Summary This page provides an overview of the Enterprise Library 3.1. The patterns & practices Enterprise Library is a library of application blocks designed to assist developers with common enterprise development challenges. Application blocks are a type of guidance, provided as source code that can be used "as is," extended, or modified by developers to use on enterprise development projects.

Contents Overview Getting Started Community Future Plans Feedback and Support Authors and Contributors Related Titles

Overview The Enterprise Library application blocks help address the common problems that developers face from one project to the next. They are designed to encapsulate the Microsoft recommended best practices for .NET applications. In addition, they can be added to .NET applications quickly and easily. For example, the Data Access Application Block provides access to the most frequently used features of ADO.NET 2.0 in simple-to-use classes, thus boosting developer productivity. It also addresses scenarios not directly supported by the underlying class libraries. Different applications have different requirements, and you will not find that every application block is useful in every application that you build. Before using an application block, you should have a good understanding of your application requirements and of the scenarios that the application block is designed to address. Enterprise Library 3.1–May 2007 contains the following general purpose application blocks:

Caching Application Block [ ] . Developers can use this application block to incorporate a local cache in their applications.

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Cryptography Application Block [ ] . Developers can use this application block to incorporate hashing and symmetric encryption in their applications.

Data Access Application Block [ ] . Developers can use this application block to incorporate standard database functionality in their applications.

Exception Handling Application Block [ ] . Developers and policy makers can use this application block to create a consistent strategy for processing exceptions that occur throughout the architectural layers of enterprise applications.

Logging Application Block [ ] . Developers can use this application block to include standard logging functionality in their applications.

Policy Injection Application Block [ ] . Developers can use this application block to implement interception policies that can be used to streamline the implementation of common features, such as logging, caching, exception handling, and validation, across an application.

Security Application Block [ ] . Developers can use this application block to incorporate authorization and security caching functionality in their applications.

Validation Application Block [ ] . Developers can use this application block to create validation rules for business objects that can be used across different layers of their applications.

Enterprise Library also includes a set of core functions, including configuration, instrumentation, and object builder services. These functions are used by all other application blocks.

Common Scenarios Enterprise Library can be useful in a variety of situations:

Enterprise Library provides enough functionality to support many common scenarios that enterprise-level applications must address.

Enterprise Library can serve as the basis for a custom library. You can take advantage of the extensibility points incorporated in each application block and extend the application block by supplying new providers. You can also modify the source code for the existing application blocks to incorporate new functionality. Finally, you can add new application blocks to Enterprise Library. You can either develop extensions for existing application blocks and new application blocks yourself, or you can use extensions and application blocks developed by others.

Enterprise Library is designed so that its application blocks can function independently of each other. You have to add only the application blocks that your application will use; you do not have to add the entire library.

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Enterprise Library includes the source code for the application blocks. This means you can modify the application blocks to merge into your existing library or you can use parts of the Enterprise Library source code in other application blocks or applications that you build.

Enterprise Library includes documentation, QuickStart samples, and source code. This means that you can use the library as a tool for learning architectural, design, and coding best practices.

Audience Requirements This guidance is intended for software architects and software developers. To get the most benefit from this guidance, you should have an understanding of the following technologies:

Microsoft Visual C# or Microsoft Visual Basic .NET

Microsoft .NET Framework

System Requirements To develop applications using Enterprise Library, you need the following:

Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Vista operating system

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or 3.0. You need .NET Framework 3.0 for:

The Application Block Software Factory

The Validation Application Block Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) adapter

The Exception Handling Application Block Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) exception shielding functionality

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 development system (any of the following editions):

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Developers

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Testers

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Architects

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite

Note Enterprise Library includes both unit test binaries and source code. You need either Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition or NUnit 2.2 to execute the unit tests. If you modify the unit test source, you will need to recompile it, which also requires either Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition or NUnit 2.2. To use the Application Block Software Factory and the Strong-Naming Guidance Package, you need the Microsoft Guidance Automation Extensions (GAX) [ ] . To modify and compile these guidance packages, you also need the Microsoft Guidance Automation Toolkit (GAT) [ ] .

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To use the Data Access Application Block, you need a database server running a database that is supported by a .NET Framework 2.0 data provider. This includes SQL Server 2000 or later, SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition [ ] , and Oracle 9i or later. The database server can also run a database that is supported by the .NET Framework 2.0 data providers for OLE DB or ODBC.

Contents of this Release The Enterprise Library 3.1–May 2007 contains the following:

Binaries. The Enterprise Library includes pre-compiled, strong-named assemblies for all the source code.

Source code. The Enterprise Library includes the source code for the application blocks, the guidance packages, the configuration tools, the unit tests, and the QuickStarts.

Unit tests. The Enterprise Library includes the unit tests that were created while the application blocks were being developed.

QuickStarts. Enterprise Library QuickStarts are brief, easy-to-understand illustrations of key application block features. Each application block includes one or more QuickStarts.

Documentation. Enterprise Library includes documentation that can be viewed with the Visual Studio Help system. The documentation includes guidance about how to use the Enterprise Library, as well as a class library reference.

What's New This release of Enterprise Library includes a new application block named the Validation Application Block, another new application block named the Policy Injection Application Block, two guidance packages, and a configuration editor that is integrated with Visual Studio. There are also additions in functionality to the Data Access Application Block and to the Logging Application Block. For information about migrating from the January 2006 release, see About the Enterprise Library 3.1 May 2007 Release [ ] .

Enterprise Library Dependencies Figure 1 illustrates the interdependencies of the application blocks that make up Enterprise Library.

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Figure 1 . Interdependence of application blocks All the application blocks are designed to have a limited number of dependencies so that they can be used individually as well as with other application blocks. All application blocks depend on the Enterprise Library Core, which is a logical grouping made up of the following subsystems:

The Common assembly, including instrumentation.

Configuration helper classes, design-time components, and the Enterprise Library Configuration Console.

The ObjectBuilder subsystem.

Getting Started Enterprise Library has been developed as a result of analyzing common enterprise development challenges and successful solutions to these challenges. However, because each application is unique, you will not find this application block suitable for every application. You should evaluate

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each application block and determine its applicability to your projects. Microsoft suggests that you dedicate at least half of a day to explore each application block. The following is a suggested evaluation approach: 1.

Download Enterprise Library.


Install Enterprise Library and compile all application blocks and tools.


Read the "Introduction" and "Scenarios and Goals" sections of the documentation.


Compile and run the QuickStart samples, and read through the related "QuickStart Walkthroughs" and "Key Scenarios" sections of the documentation.


If the application block looks like a good fit for your application, try implementing a simple use case in your application or in a throw-away prototype application using the application block.

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Microsoft Enterprise Library 3.1 , May 2007

©2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Caching Application Block May 2007

Summary This page provides an overview of the Enterprise Library Caching Application Block. An application block is reusable and extensible source code-based guidance that simplifies development of common caching functionality in .NET Framework applications.

Contents Introduction to the Caching Application Block Design of the Caching Application Block Getting Started Community Feedback and Support Related Titles

Introduction to the Caching Application Block The Enterprise Library Caching Application Block lets developers incorporate a local cache in their applications. It supports both an in-memory cache and, optionally, a backing store that can either be the database store or isolated storage. The application block can be used without modification; it provides all the needed functionality to retrieve, add, and remove cached data. Configurable expiration and scavenging policies are also part of the application block. When building enterprise-scale distributed applications, architects and developers are faced with many challenges. Caching can help them to overcome some of these challenges, including the following:

Performance. Caching improves application performance by storing relevant data as close as possible to the data consumer. This avoids repetitive data creation, processing, and transportation.

Scalability. Storing information in a cache helps save resources and increases scalability as the demands on the application increase.

Availability. By storing data in a local cache, the application may be able to survive system failures such as network latency, Web service problems, and hardware failures.

Common Scenarios The Caching Application Block is suitable if you encounter any of the following situations:

You must repeatedly access static data or data that rarely changes.

Data access is expensive in terms of creation, access, or transportation.

Data must always be available, even when the source, such as a server, is not available.

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You can use the Caching Application Block with any of the following application types:

Windows Forms

Console application

Windows service

COM+ server

ASP.NET Web application or Web service if you need features not included in the ASP.NET cache

You should deploy the Caching Application Block within a single application domain. Each application domain can have one or multiple caches, either with or without backing stores. Caches cannot be shared among different application domains. The Caching Application Block is optimized for performance and is both thread safe and exception safe. You can extend it to include your own expiration policies and your own backing store.

Example Application Code The following code shows how to add an item to a cache and retrieve an item from the cache. It creates an object of type Product and then adds it to the cache, together with a scavenging priority of 2, an instruction not to refresh the item if it expires, and an expiration date of 5 minutes from the last time the item was accessed. Note

The code does not include the Product class definition.

Copy Code

[C#] CacheManager productsCache = CacheFactory.GetCacheManager(); string id = "ProductOneId"; string name = "ProductXYName"; int price = 50; Product product = new Product(id, name, price); productsCache.Add(product.ProductID, product, CacheItemPriority.Normal, null, new SlidingTime(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))); // Retrieve the item product = (Product) productsCache.GetData(id);

[Visual Basic] Dim productsCache As CacheManager = CacheFactory.GetCacheManager() Dim id As String = "ProductOneId" Dim name As String = "ProductOneName" Dim price As Integer = 50 Dim newProduct As Product = New Product(id, name, price) productsCache.Add(newProduct.ProductID, newProduct, CacheItemPriority.Normal, Nothing, New SlidingTime(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)))

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' Retrieve the item product = DirectCast(productsCache.GetData(id), Product)

Design of the Caching Application Block The Caching Application Block is designed to do the following:

It provides a set of APIs that are manageable in size.

It allows developers to incorporate the standard caching operations into their applications without having to learn the internal workings of the application block.

It uses the Enterprise Library Configuration Console for easy configuration.

It performs efficiently.

It is thread safe. Something is considered thread safe when it can be called from multiple programming threads without unwanted interaction among those threads.

It ensures that the backing store remains intact if an exception occurs while it is being accessed.

It ensures that the states of the in-memory cache and the backing store remain synchronized.

Design Highlights Figure 1 shows the interrelationships between the key classes in the Caching Application Block.

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Figure 1. Design of the Caching Application Block When you initialize an instance of the CacheManager using the CacheFactory, it internally creates a CacheManagerFactory object, which in turn creates a Cache object. After the Cache object is created, all data in the backing store is loaded into an in-memory representation that is contained in the Cache object. Applications can then make requests to the CacheManager object to retrieve cached data, add data to the cache, and remove data from the cache.

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When an application uses the GetData method to send a request to the CacheManager object to retrieve an item, the CacheManager object forwards the request to the Cache object. If the item is in the cache, it is returned from the in-memory representation in the cache to the application. If it is not in the cache, the request returns the value NULL. If the item is expired, the item also returns the value NULL. When an application uses the Add method to send a request to the CacheManager object to add an item to the cache, the CacheManager object again forwards the request to the Cache object. If there is already an item with the same key, the Cache object first removes it before adding the new item to the in-memory store and the backing store. If the backing store is the default backing store, NullBackingStore, the data is written only to memory. If the number of cached items exceeds a predetermined limit when the item is added, the BackgroundScheduler object begins scavenging. When adding an item, the application can use an overload of the Add method to specify an array of expiration policies, the scavenging priority, and an object that implements the ICacheItemRefreshAction interface. This object can be used to refresh an expired item from the cache. When adding an item that is not already in the in-memory hash table, the Cache object first creates a dummy cache item and adds it to the in-memory hash table. It then locks the cache item in the in-memory hash table, adds the item to backing store, and finally replaces the existing cache item in the in-memory hash table with the new cache item. (In the case where the item was already in the in-memory hash table, it replaces the dummy item.) If there is an exception while writing to the backing store, it removes the dummy item added to the in-memory hash table and does not continue. The Caching Application Block enforces a strong exception safety guarantee. This means that if an Add operation fails, the state of the cache rolls back to what it was before it tries to add the item. In other words, either an operation is completed successfully or the state of the cache remains unchanged. (This is also true for the Remove and Flush methods.) The BackgroundScheduler object periodically monitors the lifetime of items in the cache. When an item expires, the BackgroundScheduler object first removes it and then, optionally, notifies the application that the item was removed. At this point, it is the responsibility of the application to refresh the cache.

Getting Started The Caching Application Block has been developed as a result of analyzing common enterprise development challenges and successful solutions to these challenges. However, because each application is unique, you will not find this application block suitable for every application. To evaluate this application block and determine its applicability to your projects, Microsoft suggests you dedicate at least half of a day to explore the application block. The following is a suggested evaluation approach: 1.

Download Enterprise Library.


Install Enterprise Library and compile all application blocks and tools.


Read the "Introduction" and "Scenarios and Goals" sections of the documentation.


Compile and run the QuickStart samples, and read through the related "QuickStart Walkthroughs" and "Key Scenarios" sections of the documentation.


If the application block looks like a good fit for your application, try implementing a simple use case in your application or in a throw-away prototype application using the application block.

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Microsoft Enterprise Library 3.1 , May 2007

©2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Cryptography Application Block Microsoft Corporation May 2007

Summary This page provides an overview of the Enterprise Library Cryptography Application Block. An application block is reusable and extensible source code-based guidance that simplifies development of common cryptographic functionality in .NET Framework applications.

Contents Introduction to the Cryptography Application Block Design of the Cryptography Application Block Getting Started Community Feedback and Support Related Titles

Introduction to the Cryptography Application Block The Microsoft Enterprise Library Cryptography Application Block simplifies how developers incorporate cryptographic functionality in their applications. Applications can use the application block for a variety of tasks, such as encrypting information, creating a hash from data, and comparing hash values to verify that data has not been altered. The Cryptography Application Block has the following features:

It reduces the requirement to write boilerplate code to perform standard tasks, providing implementations that you can use to solve common application cryptography problems.

It helps maintain consistent cryptography practices, both within an application and across the enterprise.

It eases the learning curve for developers by using a consistent architectural model across the various areas of functionality that are provided.

It provides implementations that you can use to solve common application cryptography problems.

It is extensible; it supports additional implementations of cryptography providers.

Common Scenarios Developers frequently write applications that require encryption and hashing capabilities to meet the security requirements of their organization. Data that is created and maintained by applications, as

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well as configuration information, often needs to be encrypted. Additionally, passwords that are used to access application functionality or data need to be hashed. The Cryptography Application Block simplifies the work of developers by abstracting application code from specific cryptography providers. You can change underlying providers through configuration changes without changing the underlying application code. The Cryptography Application Block supports only symmetric algorithms. Symmetric algorithms use the same key for both encryption and decryption. The application block does not support asymmetric (also known as public-key) encryption, which uses one key to encrypt a message and another to decrypt the message.

Example Application Code The following code shows how to encrypt and decrypt data. This code shows how to use the overloads that accept a string. Copy Code

[C#] string encryptedContentsBase64 = Cryptographer.EncryptSymmetric("symmProvider", "SensitiveData"); // Decrypt the base64 encoded string string readableString; readableString = Cryptographer.DecryptSymmetric("symmProvider", encryptedContentsBase64);

[Visual Basic] Dim encryptedContentsBase64 As String encryptedContentsBase64 = Cryptographer.EncryptSymmetric("symmProvider", "SensitiveData") ' Decrypt the base64 encoded string Dim readableString As String readableString = Cryptographer.DecryptSymmetric("symmProvider", encryptedContentsBase64)

Design of the Cryptography Application Block The Cryptography Application Block was designed to achieve the following goals:

Provide a simple and intuitive interface to the commonly required functionality.

Encapsulate the logic that is used to perform the most common application cryptography tasks.

Present a standard consistent model for common cryptography tasks.

Make sure the application block is extensible.

Make sure minimal or negligible performance impact compared to manually written cryptography code that accomplishes the same functionality.

Provide a key protection model that can be customized to satisfy your organization's security requirements.

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Design Highlights The following diagram illustrates the design of the Cryptography Application Block:

Figure 1. Design of the Cryptography Application Block The Cryptography Application Block separates decisions about how cryptographic functions are implemented from how an application uses them. The application block is designed so you change the behavior of a cryptography provider without changing the application code. The Cryptographer class is a façade that mediates between the client code and the Cryptography Application Block's cryptographic functions. The client code calls static methods on the

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Cryptographer class to create hashes, compare hashes, encrypt data, and decrypt data. Each static method instantiates a factory class and passes the configuration source to the factory class's constructor. The factory uses the configuration data to determine the type of the provider to create. The DpapiCryptographer class uses DPAPI to encrypt and decrypt data. DPAPI uses logon credentials to encrypt data. The logon credentials can either be a user's logon credentials or the local computer's logon credentials. If you use the local computer's logon credentials, DPAPI allows all applications that run under those credentials to decrypt that data. To counteract this, you can use an additional secret to protect the data. This additional secret is named entropy. The DpapiCryptographer class has overloads of the Encrypt and Decrypt methods that accept an entropy value. Note Developers should be careful about how they store the entropy value. If it is simply saved to an unprotected file, attackers can access the file, retrieve the entropy value, and use it to decrypt an application's data. The SymmetricCryptographer class encapsulates provider implementations that derive from the abstract base class SymmetricAlgorithm, which is located in the .NET Framework's System.Security.Cryptography namespace. This means that you can use the SymmetricCryptographer class with any of the .NET Framework symmetric algorithms, such as the Rijndael symmetric encryption algorithm. The application block uses DPAPI to encrypt and decrypt the symmetric algorithm key.

Getting Started The Cryptography Application Block has been developed as a result of analyzing common enterprise development challenges and successful solutions to these challenges. However, because each application is unique, you will not find this application block suitable for every application. To evaluate this application block and determine its applicability to your projects, Microsoft suggests you dedicate at least half of a day to explore the application block. The following is a suggested evaluation approach: 1.

Download Enterprise Library.


Install Enterprise Library and compile all application blocks and tools.


Read the "Introduction" and "Scenarios and Goals" sections of the documentation.


Compile and run the QuickStart samples, and read through the related "QuickStart Walkthroughs" and "Key Scenarios" sections of the documentation.


If the application block looks like a good fit for your application, try implementing a simple use case in your application or in a throw-away prototype application using the application block.

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Microsoft Enterprise Library 3.1 , May 2007

©2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Data Access Application Block Microsoft Corporation May 2007

Summary This page provides an overview of the Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block. An application block is reusable and extensible source code-based guidance that simplifies development of common data access functionality in .NET Framework applications.

Contents Introduction to the Data Access Application Block Design of the Data Access Application Block Getting Started Community Feedback and Support Related Titles

Introduction to the Data Access Application Block The Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block simplifies development tasks that implement common data access functionality. Applications can use this application block in a variety of situations, such as reading data for display, passing data through application layers, and submitting changed data back to the database system. The application block includes support for both stored procedures and in-line SQL. Common housekeeping tasks, such as managing connections and creating and caching parameters, are encapsulated in the application block's methods. In other words, the Data Access Application Block provides access to the most often used features of ADO.NET in simple-to-use classes; this boosts developer productivity. ADO.NET 2.0 provides classes such as the DbCommand class and the DbConnection class; these classes help to abstract the data provider from any particular database implementation. The Data Access Application Block takes advantage of these classes and provides a model that further supports encapsulation of database type-specific features, such as parameter discovery and type conversions. Because of this, applications can be ported from one database type to another without modifying the client code. The Data Access Application Block includes an abstract base class that defines a common interface and that provides much of the implementation needed by the data access methods available in ADO.NET 2.0. The application block also includes classes that are specific to Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Server CE, and Oracle. These classes perform operations that are particular to the database type. The code for applications written for one type of database, such as SQL Server, looks much the same as the code for applications written for another type of database, such as Oracle. Another feature of the Data Access Application Block is that application code can refer to particular databases by an ADO.NET connection string name, such as "Customer" or "Inventory." The application code can specify a named instance of a database and pass this parameter to the DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase method. Each named database has its connection information stored in a configuration file. By changing the settings in the configuration file, developers can use their applications with different database configurations without recompiling their code.

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The Data Access Application Block provides the following benefits:

It uses the functionality provided by ADO.NET 2.0 and with it, you can use ADO.NET functionality along with the application block's functionality.

It reduces the need to write boilerplate code to perform standard tasks.

It helps maintain consistent data access practices, both within an application and across the enterprise.

It reduces difficulties in changing the database type.

It relieves developers from learning different programming models for different types of databases.

It reduces the amount of code that developers must write when they port applications to different types of databases.

Common Scenarios Developers often write applications that use databases. Because it is so common, developers may find themselves repeatedly writing the same code for each application. In addition, these applications may need to work with different types of databases. Although the tasks are the same, the code must be adapted to suit the programming model of each database. The Data Access Application Block solves these problems by providing the logic to perform the most common data access tasks. Developers only need to do the following:

Create the database object.

Supply the parameters for the command, if they are needed.

Call the appropriate method(s). These methods are optimized for performance. They are also portable.

The Data Access Application Block works transparently with SQL Server, SQL Server CE, and Oracle databases.

Example Application Code The following code shows how to call a stored procedure that returns a DataSet. Copy Code

[C#] Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand("GetProductsByCategory"); // Retrieve products from category 7. db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "CategoryID", DbType.Int32, 7); DataSet productDataSet = db.ExecuteDataSet(dbCommand);

[Visual Basic]

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Dim db As Database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() Dim dbCommand As DbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand("GetProductsByCategory") ' Retrieve products from the category 7. db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "CategoryID", DbType.Int32, 7) Dim productDataSet As DataSet = db.ExecuteDataSet(dbCommand)

What's New Changes in Enterprise Library 3.1 – May 2007 In addition to the changes in the Enterprise Library 3.0 release, connection strings for OLEDB and ODBC connections in the May 2007 release of the Data Access Application Block can now be edited using custom dialog boxes from the configuration tools. Changes in Enterprise Library 3.0 – April 2007 Enterprise Library 3.0 – April 2007 supports SQL Server Compact Edition (CE). SQL Server CE provides the essential features of a relational database and is intended for desktop and mobile applications that need a local data store but do not require the full functionality of SQL Server. There have been changes to some of the Database class methods in order to take advantage of the .NET Framework 2.0 TransactionScope class. This class automatically enlists database calls into an ambient transaction. In this release of the Data Access Application Block, the Database class methods, such as ExecuteDataSet, recognize when a TransactionScope instance is active and they enlist database calls in this transaction There is a new overload of the Database.UpdateDataSet method that takes an updateBatchSize parameter. Setting the UpdateBatchSize parameter to a positive integer value causes the DataAdapter object to send updates to the database as batches of the specified size. This reduces the number of database round trips.

System Requirements To run the Data Access Application Block, you need a database server running a database that is supported by a .NET Framework 2.0 data provider (in addition to the system requirements described on the Enterprise Library page). This includes SQL Server 2000 or later and Oracle 9i. The database server can also run a database that is supported by the .NET Framework 2.0 data providers for OLE DB or ODBC.

Design of the Data Access Application Block The application block was designed to achieve the following goals:

Encapsulate the logic used to perform the most common data access tasks.

Eliminate common coding errors, such as failing to close connections.

Relieve developers of the need to write duplicate code for common data access tasks.

Reduce the need for custom code.

Incorporate best practices for data access, as described in the .NET Data Access Architecture Guide [ ] .

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Ensure that, as far as possible, the application block functions work with different types of databases.

Ensure that applications written for one type of database are, in terms of data access, the same as applications written for another type of database.

Design Highlights Figure 1 illustrates the interrelationship between the key classes in the Data Access Application Block.

Figure 1. Design of the Data Access Application Block Assuming that the client code is using the application block configuration information, it calls the static CreateDatabase method on the DatabaseFactory class to create instances of the Database object. The DatabaseFactory class uses configuration information found in the configuration file to determine the specific Database object type to construct and return to the application. The factory uses the following criteria to determine the Database object type to construct:

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If the client code passes a database instance name that identifies a connection string in the configuration file, the factory uses that string to create the Database object. Note

The .NET Framework classes now maintain the connection strings in the

connectionStrings section of the configuration file. This means that connection string definitions can be shared among all applications that access the connectionStrings section.

If the client code does not pass a database instance name, the factory identifies the connection string by the default instance setting in the configuration file. The defaultDatabase attribute in the dataConfiguration configuration section controls the default instance. The following XML fragment from a configuration file shows a default instance that corresponds to the Production connection string. Copy Code

The section in the configuration file maps logical identifiers (names) to connection strings and DbProviderFactory types. The DatabaseFactory object obtains the logical name of the ADO.NET data provider from the connection string. The DatabaseFactory object then calls the .NET Framework DbProviderFactory class to obtain the fully qualified type name for the ADO.NET data provider. The DatabaseFactory object uses this information to determine the type of Database object to construct. Although the .NET Framework considers database provider names in connection strings to be optional, the Data Access Application Block requires them. The application block configuration code contains default mappings. These map a SqlDatabase object to a System.Data.SqlClient data provider, an OracleDatabase object to a System.Data.OracleClient data provider, and a GenericDatabase object to all other data providers. You can use the configuration console to override the default mappings. Changing the default mappings or using the configuration console to add new mappings creates a providerMappings section in the configuration file. The providerMappings section maps the DbProviderFactory type to the Database type. You can add your own mapping by creating your own database class and mapping it a DbProviderFactory object. The abstract base class Database defines the common interface and provides much of the implementation for the data access methods. The SqlDatabase class and OracleDatabase class derive from the Database class. They provide methods to their respective database server systems, which include common functionality that is implemented differently from database to database, as well as functionality unique to that database system. The application block also includes a GenericDatabase class. This class does not provide any database-specific features but operates with any ADO.NET data provider. The application block supports the dynamic discovery of parameters for stored procedures. This discovery requires a round trip to the database system. The ParameterCache class allows parameter information to be cached, thus avoiding round trips for subsequent invocations of the same stored procedure. (The GenericDatabase class does not support parameter discovery).

Getting Started The Data Access Application Block has been developed as a result of analyzing common enterprise development challenges and successful solutions to these challenges. However, because each application is unique, you will not find this application block suitable for every application. To

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evaluate this application block and determine its applicability to your projects, Microsoft suggests you dedicate at least half of a day to explore the application block. The following is a suggested evaluation approach: 1.

Download Enterprise Library.


Install Enterprise Library and compile all application blocks and tools.


Read the "Introduction" and "Scenarios and Goals" sections of the documentation.


Compile and run the QuickStart samples, and read through the related "QuickStart Walkthroughs" and "Key Scenarios" sections of the documentation.


If the application block looks like a good fit for your application, try implementing a simple use case in your application or in a throw-away prototype application using the application block.

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Microsoft Enterprise Library 3.1 , May 2007

©2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Exception Handling Application Block Microsoft Corporation May 2007

Summary This page provides an overview of the Enterprise Library Exception Handling Application Block. An application block is reusable and extensible source code-based guidance that simplifies development of common exception handling functionality in .NET Framework applications.

Contents Introduction to the Exception Handling Application Block Design of the Exception Handling Application Block Getting Started Community Feedback and Support Related Titles

Introduction to the Exception Handling Application Block The Enterprise Library Exception Handling Application Block lets developers and policy makers create a consistent strategy for processing exceptions that occur in all architectural layers of an enterprise application. It does this in the following ways:

It supports exception handling in all architectural layers of an application and is not limited to service interface boundaries.

It allows exception handling policies to be defined and maintained at the administrative level so that policy makers, who might be system administrators as well as developers, can define how to handle exceptions. They can maintain and modify the rules that govern exception handling without changing the application block code.

It provides commonly used exception handling functions, such as the ability to log exception information, the ability to hide sensitive information by replacing the original exception with another exception, and the ability to maintain contextual information for an exception by wrapping the original exception inside of another exception. These functions are encapsulated in .NET classes named exception handlers.

It can combine exception handlers to produce the desired response to an exception, such as logging exception information followed by replacing the original exception with another.

It lets developers create their own exception handlers.

It invokes exception handlers in a consistent manner. This means that the handlers can be used in multiple places within and across applications.

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Common Scenarios The Exception Handling Application Block is designed to support the typical code contained in catch statements in application components. Instead of repeating this code (such as logging exception information) throughout identical catch blocks in an application component, the application block allows developers to encapsulate this logic as reusable exception handlers. Exception handlers are .NET Framework classes that encapsulate exception handling logic and implement the Exception Handling Application Block interface named IExceptionHandler. The Exception Handling Application Block includes four exception handlers:

Wrap handler. This exception handler wraps one exception around another.

Replace handler. This exception handler replaces one exception with another.

Logging handler. This exception handler formats exception information, such as the message and the stack trace. Then the logging handler gives this information to the Enterprise Library Logging Application Block so that it can be published.

Fault Contract Exception Handler. This exception handler is designed for use at Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service boundaries, and generates a new Fault Contract from the exception.

Example Application Code The following code shows how to execute the policy named "Data Access Policy" when an exception occurs Copy Code

[C#] try { // Run code. } catch(Exception ex) { bool rethrow = ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, " Data Access Policy"); if (rethrow) throw; } Try ' Run code. Catch ex As Exception Dim rethrow As Boolean = ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, " Data Access Policy") If (rethrow) Then Throw

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End If End Try

What's New This release of the Exception Handling Application Block includes the following improvements:

The Exception Handling Application Block can be used to implement exception shielding at the service interface of a WCF application. The ExceptionShieldingAttribute can be defined on a service implementation class to invoke an exception policy at the service boundary. The FaultContractExceptionHandler can be used to map exceptions to fault contracts and to prevent sensitive information from being returned to untrusted callers.

The ExceptionPolicy.HandleException method includes a new overload that calls the exception policy and returns the resulting exception in an out parameter instead of throwing the resulting exception.

The Wrap and Replace exception handlers include additional configuration properties that allow you to specify exception messages in external resources instead of directly in the configuration file. This capability can be used to support localization of exception messages.

Design of the Exception Handling Application Block The Exception Handling Application Block is designed to achieve the following goals:

Encapsulate the logic used to perform the most common exception handling tasks into minimal application code.

Relieve developers of the requirement to write duplicate code and custom code for common exception handling tasks.

Allow exception handling policies to be changed after they have been deployed and to ensure that changes happen simultaneously and consistently.

Incorporate best practices for exception handling, as described in the Exception Management Architecture Guide [ ] .

Design Highlights Figure 1 shows the interrelationships between the key classes in the Exception Handling Application Block.

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Figure 1. Design of the Exception Handling Application Block The client code interacts with the Exception Handling Application Block through the static method HandleException. This method is on the ExceptionPolicy class. The HandleException method uses a factory to create an object of type ExceptionPolicyImpl for the named policy. The ExceptionPolicyImpl object has a collection of ExceptionPolicyEntry objects. There is one object for each exception type that is specified in the configuration file for the named policy. For each exception type, the ExceptionPolicyEntry object contains a collection of objects that implements the IExceptionHandler interface. The collection is ordered and provides the sequence that the Exception Handling Application Block uses when executing the policy. Each object that

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implements the IExceptionHandler interface has associated configuration information that is specific to each type of handler.

Getting Started The Exception Handling Application Block has been developed as a result of analyzing common enterprise development challenges and successful solutions to these challenges. However, because each application is unique, you will not find this application block suitable for every application. To evaluate this application block and determine its applicability to your projects, Microsoft suggests you dedicate at least half of a day to explore the application block. The following is a suggested evaluation approach: 1.

Download Enterprise Library.


Install Enterprise Library and compile all application blocks and tools.


Read the "Introduction" and "Scenarios and Goals" sections of the documentation.


Compile and run the QuickStart samples, and read through the related "QuickStart Walkthroughs" and "Key Scenarios" sections of the documentation.


If the application block looks like a good fit for your application, try implementing a simple use case in your application or in a throw-away prototype application using the application block.

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©2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Logging Application Block Microsoft Corporation May 2007

Summary This page provides an overview of the Enterprise Library Logging Application Block. An application block is reusable and extensible source code-based guidance that simplifies development of common logging functionality in .NET Framework applications.

Contents Introduction to the Logging Application Block Design of the Logging Application Block Getting Started Community Feedback and Support Related Titles

Introduction to the Logging Application Block The Enterprise Library Logging Application Block simplifies the implementation of common logging functions. Developers can use the Logging Block to write information to a variety of locations:

The event log

An e-mail message

A database

A message queue

A text file

A WMI event

Custom locations using application block extension points

The application block provides a consistent interface for logging information to any destination. Your application code does not specify the destination for the information. Configuration settings determine whether the application block writes the logging information and the location for that information. This means that operators as well as developers can modify logging behavior without changing application code. The Logging Application Block helps with application development in a number of ways:

It helps maintain consistent logging practices, both within an application and across the enterprise.

It eases the learning curve for developers by using a consistent architectural model.

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It provides implementations that you can use to solve common application logging tasks.

It is extensible, supporting custom implementations of components that format and write event information.

Common Scenarios Developers frequently write applications that require logging functionality. Typically, these applications format and log information in response to application events. For example, developers often write code to log information in response to unexpected conditions, such as an application exception, or failure to connect to a database. Developers also write code to trace application flow through components during the execution of an application use case or scenario. Applications need to write information either locally or over the network. In some cases, you may have to collate events from multiple sources into a single location. The Logging Application Block simplifies application development by providing a small set of easyto-use classes and methods that encapsulate many of the most common logging scenarios. These scenarios include:

Populating and logging event information.

Including context information in the event.

Tracing application activities.

Each task is handled in a consistent manner, abstracting the application code from the specific logging providers.

Example Application Code The following code shows how to populate and raise an event in your application. The LogEntry object has a priority of 2 and belongs to both the Trace and UI Events categories. Copy Code

[C#] LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry(); logEntry.EventId = 100; logEntry.Priority = 2; logEntry.Message = "Informational message"; logEntry.Categories.Add("Trace"); logEntry.Categories.Add("UI Events"); Logger.Write(logEntry);

[Visual Basic] Dim logEntry As New LogEntry() logEntry.EventId = 100 logEntry.Priority = 2

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logEntry.Message = "Informational message" logEntry.Categories.Add("Trace") logEntry.Categories.Add("UI Events") Logger.Write(logEntry)

What's New This release of the Logging Application Block includes the following new features:

The RollingFlatFileTraceListener class. This class allows you to control the size and age of a text log file. It either overwrites the existing file or creates a new file depending on criteria that you configure.

Integration with WCF. You can now integrate the Logging Application Block with applications that use WCF.

An enhanced version of the TimeStampToken class. Earlier releases of the Logging Application Block only allowed timestamps to be logged in UTC time. In this release, the timestamp token now supports a local: prefix that indicates that the timestamp should be displayed in local time.

The ReflectedPropertyToken class. This release of the Logging Application Block supports a new formatting token that allows you to log custom properties on custom classes that either derive from the LogEntry class or modify it.

System Requirements To use the Logging Application Block, you need stores to maintain log messages. If you are using the MsmqTraceListener trace listener to store log messages, you need a message queue. If you are using the DatabaseTraceListener trace listener to store log messages, you need a database server. If you are using the EmailTraceListener trace listener to store log messages, you need an SMTP server.

Design of the Logging Application Block The Logging Application Block was designed to achieve the following goals:

Meet the performance requirements for the application block by ensuring that the application block's code has minimal overhead compared to custom code that uses the System.Diagnostics namespace directly.

Take advantage of the capabilities provided by the .NET Framework's System.Diagnostics namespace.

Make message routing more flexible than in earlier releases by simplifying the model for distributing log entries.

Encapsulate the logic that performs the most common application logging tasks, minimizing the need for custom logging-related code.

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Make sure that the application block is easily and highly configurable.

Make sure that the application block is extensible.

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Design Highlights Figure 1 illustrates the design of the Logging Application Block.

Figure 1. Design of the Logging Application Block Log Information The LogEntry class encapsulates content and associated properties for the information an application sends to the application block for logging. Your client code creates new log entries and sets properties such as the message, title, priority, severity, and event ID. Other properties, such as the process name, process ID, and ThreadId, are populated by the application block. A LogEntry object also contains the ExtendedProperties property. This property is a collection of name/value

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pairs that allows you to place arbitrary string information into the LogEntry object. You can also create a custom LogEntry object by creating a class that derives from the LogEntry class. Note You must either create new formatters and trace listeners or modify the existing ones to support your custom LogEntry class. A LogEntry object has a collection of categories. The application block determines the destination for the log entry by its categories. You can also prevent the application from writing log entries with a designated category by using category filters. Note Client code can also pass information to the Logging Application Block without constructing a LogEntry object by using overloads of the Logger.Write method that do not require a LogEntry object. The application block will construct a LogEntry object for its internal use. Logging Façade The Logger class is a façade that sends a log entry to one or more destinations. The client code sends the information to the Logger instance, which then sends the LogEntry to an instance of the LogWriter class. The LogWriter instance checks the filters to see if the LogEntry object should be discarded or sent to any of the trace sources. The filters are implementations of the ILogFilter interface. You specify the filter implementations in the configuration information. If the LogEntry object passes through the filters, the LogWriter instance sends it to each trace source identified by a name that matches one of the LogEntry object's categories. Note Whenever a LogEntry object fails within the LogWriter instance, the LogWriter instance writes a LogEntry object to the ErrorSource special trace source. The EventID is always the LogWriterFailureEventID. The EventID number is 6352. The application block relies on the LogSource class to route LogEntry objects. The LogWriter instance has a collection of LogSource objects that correspond to the sources defined in the configuration file. The application block uses the collection of categories in a LogEntry object to determine the LogSource object to use for writing the LogEntry. Categories map directly to LogSource object names. The LogWriter object also has three special LogSource objects. The AllEventsLogSource object receives all LogEntry objects. The NotProcessedLogSource object receives any LogEntry object that contains a category that does not have an associated LogSource object. The ErrorsLogSource object receives information about errors or warnings that occur while the Logging Application Block code is executing. It does not process errors or warnings from the application code. Trace Listeners Each trace source contains a (potentially empty) collection of trace listeners. A trace listener is a class that derives from the abstract class TraceListener in the System.Diagnostics namespace. Examples of trace listeners are the event log, a text file, and Message Queuing. Although any TraceListener instance will work with the Logging Application Block, only those trace listeners that are provided with the Logging Application Block can format a LogEntry object. The trace listeners that the .NET Framework provides can be used by the Logging Application Block but they only send strings. The Logging Application Block trace listeners do not require a LogEntry object or a formatter to be instantiated. Instead, you can construct them by including the necessary information in the configuration file. The FormattedEventLogTraceListener, the FlatFileTraceListener, and the WmiTraceListener trace listeners use the same configuration information as the System.Diagnostics trace listeners. This means you can configure your application to use these three trace listeners in the <system.diagnostics> configuration section of your configuration file.

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The MsmqTraceListener, FormattedDatabaseListener, and EmailTraceListener trace listeners require more configuration information. For example, the EmailTraceListener trace listener requires the destination e-mail address, the SMTP server name, and related e-mail information. You can configure your application to use these trace listeners by including the appropriate information in the configuration file. However, because these trace listeners require more information than the System.Diagnostics trace listeners do, you cannot configure them in the <system.diagnostics> configuration section. Instead, you should use the <listeners> section located in the Logging Application Block configuration section. You can also construct these trace listeners in code and pass the required configuration information as parameters to their constructors. The application block populates the collection of trace listeners from the application configuration data. The LogSource object sends the LogEntry object to each trace listener in the collection. Log Filters You can define configuration settings that control filtering of LogEntry objects. Filtering a LogEntry object prevents the application block from sending it to any trace source. The application block includes three types of filters. The CategoryFilter filters LogEntry objects by their category collection. The PriorityFilter filters LogEntry objects by their priority property. The LogEnabledFilter is a global filter that applies to all LogEntry objects in an application. With it, you can turn on and turn off logging. You can also create your own trace sources. Use the configuration console to list them in the application block's configuration information. Log Formatters Log entry information must often be formatted before it is written to the destination. Application block trace listeners that derive from the FormattedTraceListenerBase class format the log entry information before writing it to a destination. The application block includes two classes for formatting LogEntry information. (You can also build your own formatters.) The TextFormatter class converts the LogEntry into a text string. The contents of the string are determined by replacing tokens in the template property of the TextFormatter configuration information in your application configuration file. The BinaryLogFormatter class uses the .NET Framework BinaryFormatter to serialize and deserialize the LogEntry in binary format. It should be used with the Message Queuing distributor service.

Getting Started The Logging Application Block has been developed as a result of analyzing common enterprise development challenges and successful solutions to these challenges. However, because each application is unique, you will not find this application block suitable for every application. To evaluate this application block and determine its applicability to your projects, Microsoft suggests you dedicate at least half of a day to explore the application block. The following is a suggested evaluation approach: 1.

Download Enterprise Library.


Install Enterprise Library and compile all application blocks and tools.


Read the "Introduction" and "Scenarios and Goals" sections of the documentation.


Compile and run the QuickStart samples, and read through the related "QuickStart Walkthroughs" and "Key Scenarios" sections of the documentation.


If the application block looks like a good fit for your application, try implementing a simple use case in your application or in a throw-away prototype application using the application block.

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Policy Injection Application Block Microsoft Corporation May 2007

Summary This page provides an overview of the Enterprise Library Policy Injection Application Block. An application block is reusable and extensible source code-based guidance that simplifies development of common logging functionality in .NET Framework applications.

Contents Introduction to the Policy Injection Application Block Design of the Policy Injection Application Block What's New Getting Started Community Feedback and Support Related Titles

Introduction to the Policy Injection Application Block Applications include a mix of business logic and crosscutting concerns, and the two are typically intermingled—which can make the code harder to read and maintain. Each task or feature of an application is referred to as a "concern." Concerns that implement the features of an object within the application, such as the business logic, are core concerns. Crosscutting concerns are the necessary tasks, features, or processes that are common across different objects—for example, logging, authorization, validation, and instrumentation. The purpose of the Policy Injection Application Block is to separate the core concerns and crosscutting concerns. Developers can use the Policy Injection Application Block to specify crosscutting behavior of objects in terms of a set of policies. A policy is the combination of a series of handlers that execute when client code calls methods of the class and—with the exception of attribute-based policies—a series of matching rules that select the classes and class members (methods and properties) to which the application block attaches the handlers. Attribute-based policies rely on attributes directly applied to the members of the target class to identify those to which the application block will apply policies. The result is a mechanism for declaratively applying a chain of handlers to members of the target class instance. This chain of handlers is a pipeline. Figure 1 illustrates a high-level view of the way the Policy Injection Application Block implements a handler pipeline for a specified member of a specified class.

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Figure 1. High-level view of the way the Policy Injection Application Block implements a handler pipeline The Policy Injection Application Block provides a mechanism for automatically applying policies to object instances; this helps developers to better manage crosscutting concerns and maximize separation of concerns and encapsulation of behavior. Developers define the set of policies for the target classes and their members through configuration of the Policy Injection Application Block or by applying attributes to individual members of the target class. The matching rules for each policy encompass a range of capabilities for selecting classes and members, including the name of the assembly, the namespace, the type, the member name, the member signature, attributes that are applied to the member, and more. A factory method of the Policy Injection Application Block creates a proxy for each configured class selected by the matching rules or the directly applied attributes; the method attaches the handler pipelines to each proxy and connects them to the appropriate methods and properties of a new instance of the target object. If there are no policies for the object, the application block detects this and returns the object itself instead of a proxy to that object. The handlers within each pipeline are reusable and independent of the object. Each handler can implement a specific requirement, such as validating a property value or checking a user's authorization status. In fact, many of the crosscutting tasks regularly occurring within applications that use Enterprise Library are calls to other application blocks within the library, such as the Validation Application Block, the Logging Application Block, the Exception Handling Application Block, the Security Application Block, and the Instrumentation and Performance Counters features of the Enterprise Library Core. The Policy Injection Application Block ships with pre-built handlers for these application blocks that speed up development when using the Enterprise Library to help manage crosscutting concerns. Developers can also create custom handlers and policies that carry out almost any required interception processing for methods and properties of their objects.

Design of the Policy Injection Application Block The Policy Injection Application Block provides a configurable and easy to use mechanism for applying policies to objects in order to reduce crosscutting concerns and improve object encapsulation. In particular, it makes it easy to take advantage of common features of the other Enterprise Library application blocks and core features to accomplish commonly required tasks such as validation, exception handling, logging, and more. This section describes the design and operation of the Policy Injection Application Block, showing how the interception mechanism works.

Class Hierarchy of the Policy Injection Application Block Figure 2 illustrates the interrelationships between the key classes in the Policy Injection Application Block. This diagram also shows the relative structure and hierarchy of the objects in the set of policies

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for the application block when code executes the Create or Wrap method of the PolicyInjection factory class.

Figure 2. Class diagram of the Policy Injection Application Block The Policy Injection Application Block uses .NET Framework remoting technology to perform interception and allow policies to insert handler pipelines between the client call to a method or property and the actual target object method or property. Remoting an object requires the .NET Framework to create two proxies between the client and the target object.

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The first of these proxies is an instance of the __TransparentProxy class (from the System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies namespace), which deceives all the common language runtime (CLR) code that performs casting, field access, method dispatch, and so on, into thinking that it is dealing with a local instance of the appropriate type. The second of the proxies is an instance of a class that inherits from the RealProxy class (also in the System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies namespace). This class provides an extensibility point where you can define your own proxy to perform communication across the chosen channel to the target object. In the Policy Injection Application Block, InterceptingRealProxy is the concrete class that inherits from the RealProxy class. The InterceptingRealProxy instance generates the handler pipeline and invokes the first handler in response to calls from the client code arriving through the TransparentProxy. Figure 1 also shows the hierarchy of objects that implement the set of policies for the Policy Injection Application Block. The InterceptingRealProxy instance uses these to select the appropriate classes and members for which interception will apply, and to generate the handler pipeline for matching class members. The RuleDrivenPolicy instance holds information about the matching rules and handlers for a policy defined in the application configuration. The AttributeDrivenPolicy instance holds information about the set of handlers applied to target object classes and class members through directly applied attributes, for which there is no information in the application configuration.

Runtime Behavior of the Policy Injection Application Block To understand how the application block passes client code calls to the target object at run time, you must visualize the dynamic behavior. Figure 3 illustrates how the InterceptingRealProxy invokes the first handler in the handler pipeline. Each handler invokes the next handler in the pipeline through a delegate named GetNextHandlerDelegate until the final handler in the pipeline invokes the method or accesses the property of the target object.

Figure 3. The process flows through the handler pipeline for a method call to the target object After the target method or property accessor completes, control passes back to the previous handler in the pipeline as the Invoke method calls unwind from the run-time stack. Finally, the InterceptingRealProxy passes the return value (if any) through the TransparentProxy to the client. The remoting mechanism in the .NET Framework defines interfaces named IMessage and IMethodCallMessage that can hold details of the message passed along the remoting channel. However, the Policy Injection Application Block defines two specific interfaces for classes that implement invocation and return messages transmitted over the handler pipeline:

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IMethodInvocation. This interface defines the structure of a message that passes the client call to the target object. It defines properties that expose the inputs and parameters of the call, the target object and target member (method or property), and the invocation context (a Dictionary). It also defines two methods that generate a message or an exception to return to the client.

IMethodReturn. This interface defines the structure of a message that passes back from the target object to the client and contains the result of the property access or method invocation. It defines a property that exposes the output parameters, read/write properties that expose the return value and any exception for return to the client, and the invocation context (a Dictionary).

Each handler can examine and modify the values in the messages, although they must not attempt to modify the method or property accessor signature because this will generally result in remoting failures and hard to find bugs in the handler code.

Aborted Handler Exception Figure 4 demonstrates a scenario where a handler in the handler pipeline aborts execution. In this scenario, the handler pipeline contains—in execution order—a Logging Handler, an Authorization Handler, and a Validation Handler. If, as shown in Figure 4, the Authorization Handler detects an authorization failure, it simply fails to invoke the next handler in the chain. Therefore, only the series of Invoke calls already executed will unwind from the stack. This means that only the handlers that have already executed can perform their post-processing tasks.

Figure 4. The process flows through the handler pipeline when a handler aborts the method call to the target object Also notice in Figure 4 how a handler can return an exception to the client code by adding it to the message that passes along the handler pipeline. This allows handlers earlier in the pipeline to carry out their post-processing tasks (such as, in this example, creating and writing a log message) as the Invoke stack unwinds. If, instead of passing it back through the message, a handler raises an unhandled exception, the previous handlers will not be able to execute their post-processing tasks.

What's New The interception mechanism used by the Policy Injection Application Block depends on standard .NET Framework remoting techniques. However, in the Enterprise Library 3.1 – May 2007 release, you can change the interception mechanism to one that better suits your custom requirements via configuration.

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For example, you may want to use a different communication channel for messages sent between handlers and the target object, or you may need to use a custom message type. Connecting your new interception mechanism to the rest of the Policy Injection Application Block requires that you create a class that inherits from the PolicyInjector class. For configuration support, you can implement a configuration element by deriving from the InjectorData class. After you do that, you can use the Enterprise Library Configuration Console to set the Policy Injection Application Block to use your injector as the default instead of the normal remoting proxy based interception. Additionally, this release of the Policy Injection Application Block includes the following improvements:

Call Handler attributes are now correctly honored when they are placed on interface methods.

An issue that could cause duplicate handlers where matching rules matched both a class and its interface is fixed in this release.

Classes implementing COM interfaces (including those derived from System.Windows.Forms.Form) can now be intercepted.

TraceLogEntry class is now serializable, allowing it to be used with the MSMQ Trace Listener.

Getting Started The Policy Injection Application Block has been developed as a result of analyzing common enterprise development challenges and successful solutions to these challenges. However, because each application is unique, you will not find this application block suitable for every application. To evaluate this application block and determine its applicability to your projects, Microsoft suggests you dedicate at least half of a day to explore the application block. The following is a suggested evaluation approach: 1.

Download the Enterprise Library.


Install the Enterprise Library and compile all application blocks and tools.


Read the "Introduction" and "Scenarios and Goals" sections of the documentation.


Compile and run the QuickStart samples, and read through the related "QuickStart Walkthroughs" and "Key Scenarios" sections of the documentation.


If the application block looks like a good fit for your application, try implementing a simple use case in your application or in a throw-away prototype application using the application block.

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©2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Security Application Block Microsoft Corporation May 2007

Summary This page provides an overview of the Enterprise Library Security Application Block. An application block is reusable and extensible source code-based guidance that simplifies development of common security functionality in .NET Framework applications.

Contents Introduction to the Security Application Block Design of the Security Application Block Getting Started Community Feedback and Support Related Titles

Introduction to the Security Application Block The Microsoft Enterprise Library Security Application Block helps developers implement common authorization-related functionality in their applications. Applications can use the Security Application Block to support authorization and to cache a user's authorization and authentication data. Together with the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 features, developers can easily implement common securityrelated functionality. The Security Application Block has the following features:

It reduces the requirement to write boilerplate code to perform standard tasks.

It helps maintain consistent security practices, both within an application and across the enterprise.

It eases the learning curve for developers by using a consistent architectural model across the various areas of functionality provided.

It provides implementations that you can use to solve common application security problems

It is extensible; it supports custom implementations of security providers.

Common Scenarios Developers frequently write applications that must authorize users using one or more security providers such as Microsoft Active Directory directory service, Authorization Manager, Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM), and custom authorization providers. These applications may also need to cache authentication or authorization data for the duration of a logon session. The Security Application Block simplifies these tasks by handling them in a consistent manner, abstracting the application code from the specific security providers. You can even change

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underlying providers through configuration changes without changing the underlying application code. The Security Application Block provides code that will help you with the following scenarios:


Caching security-related credentials

Example Application Code The following code shows how to determine if a user is authorized to perform a task. Copy Code

[C#] IPrincipal principal = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity("Username"), new string[]{"Manager"}); IAuthorizationProvider ruleProvider = AuthorizationFactory.GetAuthorizationProvider("RuleProvider"); // Determine whether user is authorized for the rule defined as "Print Document". bool authorized = ruleProvider.Authorize(principal, "Print Document");

[Visual Basic] Dim principal As IPrincipal = New GenericPrincipal(New GenericIdentity("Username"), New String() {"Manager"}) Dim ruleProvider As IAuthorizationProvider = AuthorizationFactory.GetAuthorizationProvider("RuleProvider") ' Determine whether user is authorized for the rule defined as "Print Document". Dim authorized As Boolean = ruleProvider.Authorize(principal, "Print Document")

Design of the Security Application Block The application block is designed to achieve the following goals:

Provide a simple and intuitive interface to the commonly required authorization functionality.

Encapsulate the logic used to perform authorization and security-related caching.

Present a standard provider model for authorization and security-related caching.

Ensure that the application block is extensible.

Ensure that there is minimal or negligible performance impact compared to manually written security code that accomplishes the same functionality.

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Incorporate best practices for application security, as described in Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures [ ]

Design Highlights The Security Application Block is designed to externalize the implementation of the authorization and caching provider from a running application. This design lets you change implementations without changing the code of the application. Figure 1 illustrates the interrelationship between the key classes in the Security Application Block.

Figure 1. Design of the Security Application Block

Getting Started

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The Security Application Block has been developed as a result of analyzing common enterprise development challenges and successful solutions to these challenges. However, because each application is unique, you will not find this application block suitable for every application. To evaluate this application block and determine its applicability to your projects, Microsoft suggests you dedicate at least half of a day to explore the application block. The following is a suggested evaluation approach: 1.

Download Enterprise Library.


Install Enterprise Library and compile all application blocks and tools.


Read the "Introduction" and "Scenarios and Goals" sections of the documentation.


Compile and run the QuickStart samples, and read through the related "QuickStart Walkthroughs" and "Key Scenarios" sections of the documentation.


If the application block looks like a good fit for your application, try implementing a simple use case in your application or in a throw-away prototype application using the application block.

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Microsoft Enterprise Library 3.1 , May 2007

©2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Validation Application Block Microsoft Corporation May 2007

Summary This page provides an overview of the Enterprise Library Validation Application Block. An application block is reusable and extensible source code-based guidance that simplifies development of common logging functionality in .NET Framework applications.

Contents Introduction to the Validation Application Block Design of the Validation Application Block What's New Getting Started Community Feedback and Support Related Titles

Introduction to the Validation Application Block Any application that accepts input either from users or from other systems must ensure that the information is valid in terms of some set of rules that you specify. For example, when processing an order, you may need to check that a customer's phone number has the correct number of digits, or that a date falls within a particular range. In addition, if the validation fails, you may need to send an error message that explains what is wrong. The Enterprise Library Validation Application Block provides a library of classes, called validators, that supplies the code for validating .NET Framework data types. For example, one validator checks for null strings and another validator checks that a number falls within a specified range. There are also special validators named AndCompositeValidator and OrCompositeValidator. If you create an AndCompositeValidator, which aggregates other validators, all validators in the composite must be true for a successful validation. If you create an OrCompositeValidator, at least one of the validators in the composite must be true for a successful validation. You can also group validators together in a rule set. A rule set allows you to validate a complex object or graph by composing different validators of different types and applying them to elements in the object graph. Examples of these elements include fields, properties, and nested objects. There are three ways to perform validation within the application block, and to create rule sets. They are:

Using configuration

Using attributes

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Microsoft Enterprise Library 3.1 , May 2007

Using code

In addition, the Validation Application Block includes adapters that allow you to use the application block with the following technologies:


Windows Forms

Windows Communications Framework (WCF)

Common Scenarios and Goals Validation has many applications. For example, you can use it to prevent the injection of malicious data by checking to see if a string is too long or if it contains illegal characters. You can also use validation to enforce business rules and to provide responses to user input. It is often important to validate data several times within the same application. For example, you may need to validate data at the UI layer to give immediate feedback when a user enters an invalid data value, and again at the service interface layer for security.

Example Application Code Copy Code

C# using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation; using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Validators; public class Customer { [StringLengthValidator(0, 20)] public string CustomerName;

public Customer(string customerName) { this.CustomerName = customerName; } }

public class MyExample { public static void Main() { Customer myCustomer = new Customer("A name that is too long"); ValidationResults r = Validation.Validate(myCustomer); if (!r.IsValid)

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{ throw new InvalidOperationException("Validation error found."); } } } Visual Basic Imports Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation Imports Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Validators Public Class Customer <StringLengthValidator(0, 20)> _ Public CustomerName As String Public Sub Customer(ByVal customerName As String) Me.CustomerName = customerName End Sub End Class Module Module1 Public Sub Main() Dim myCustomer As Customer = New Customer() myCustomer.CustomerName = "A name that is too long" Dim r As ValidationResults = Validation.Validate(myCustomer) If Not r.IsValid Then Throw New InvalidOperationException("Validation error found.") End If End Sub End Module Because the StringLengthValidator attribute is applied, the Validation Block checks that the length of the customer name is between 0 and 20 characters. The application creates a new Customer object and validates it using the Validation Block façade. In this case, the customer name is illegal because it is too long. The application throws an exception that notifies you of the error.

Highlights The Validation Application Block has the following benefits:

It helps maintain consistent validation practices.

It includes validators for validating most standard .NET data types.

It allows you to create validation rules with configuration, with attributes, and with code.

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It allows you to associate multiple rule sets with the same class and with members of that class.

It can be integrated with ASP.NET, Windows Forms, and Windows Communications Foundation (WCF).

Design of the Validation Application Block The Validation Application Block is designed to do the following:

Encapsulate the logic used to perform the most common validation tasks into minimal application code.

Relieve developers of the requirement to write duplicate code and custom code for common validation tasks.

Allow validation rules to be changed after they have been deployed and to ensure that changes happen simultaneously and consistently.

Design Highlights Figure 1 illustrates the interrelationships between the key classes in the Validation Application Block.

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Figure 1. Diagram of Validation Application Block The client code can call the Validation façade, which allows you to create a validator and validate an object with a single line of code. Alternatively, it can call the ValidationFactory class to create a validator and then call the Validate method on the Validator class to perform the check. The class diagram shows the various kinds of validators and attributes provided by the Validation Application Block. These are described in the previous sections.

What's New The May 2007 release of the Validation Application Block includes the following improvements:

An issue that prevented the PropertyComparisonValidator from working with the Windows Forms integration adapter is fixed in this release.

The message template for the PropertyComparisonValidator can now be saved using the configuration tools.

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Getting Started The Validation Application Block has been developed as a result of analyzing common enterprise development challenges and successful solutions to these challenges. However, because each application is unique, you will not find this application block suitable for every application. To evaluate this application block and determine its applicability to your projects, Microsoft suggests you dedicate at least half of a day to explore the application block. The following is a suggested evaluation approach: 1.

Download Enterprise Library.


Install Enterprise Library and compile all application blocks and tools.


Read the "Introduction" and "Scenarios and Goals" sections of the documentation.


Compile and run the QuickStart samples, and read through the related "QuickStart Walkthroughs" and "Key Scenarios" sections of the documentation.


If the application block looks like a good fit for your application, try implementing a simple use case in your application or in a throw-away prototype application using the application block.

Document Prepared by : Abhishek Maitrey Source :

Microsoft Enterprise Library 3.1 , May 2007

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