Meeting Manager User Guide

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 6,396
  • Pages: 33

Agenda Online 2.0 MEETING MANAGER’S USER GUIDE [email protected]

Table of Contents Getting Started ............................................................................................................................................. 2 Dashboard ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Left Navigation Panel ................................................................................................................................ 4 Administration .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Site Setup ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 Adding A New User ................................................................................................................................... 6 User Roles ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Governing Bodies ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Workflow Routes ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Attendance Groups ................................................................................................................................. 10 Goals........................................................................................................................................................ 12 Resources ................................................................................................................................................ 13 Notifications ............................................................................................................................................ 14 Meeting Management ............................................................................................................................... 15 Start A New Meeting ............................................................................................................................... 15 Open Meeting ......................................................................................................................................... 16 Close Meeting ......................................................................................................................................... 16 Move Back To In Development ............................................................................................................... 17 Publish Meeting ...................................................................................................................................... 17 Start Meeting .......................................................................................................................................... 18 Meetings In Progress............................................................................................................................... 18 Edit Meeting Minutes ............................................................................................................................. 23 Agenda Item Management ........................................................................................................................ 25 Submitting Agenda Items ........................................................................................................................ 25 Approve, Reject, Post Agenda Items ....................................................................................................... 28 Shelve Agenda Items ............................................................................................................................... 28 Creating A Table ...................................................................................................................................... 29 Templates ................................................................................................................................................... 31 Creating a Meeting Template ................................................................................................................. 31 Creating an Agenda Item Template ........................................................................................................ 31

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Getting Started Dashboard

Users can access the dashboard from any screen by clicking on Dashboard located on the left navigation panel. Upon logging in, the system will automatically direct a user to the Dashboard page. Below are the different areas with the Dashboard, and their descriptions. My Tasks Within the My Tasks widget, users will access any task that needs to be completed. Tasks can include approving or rejecting Agenda Items, or meetings. My tasks will list Agenda Items and meetings, meeting date, and status (Draft, Review, MM Final Review, and Posted).    

Draft – Agenda Item is still being worked on and has not yet been submitted or published to the agenda. Review – Agenda Item is in a workflow and is awaiting approval or rejection by the Meeting Manager. MM Final Review – Agenda Item requires a final approval by the Meeting Manager to be posted to the agenda. Posted – Agenda Item has been posted to the agenda.

Start New Within the Start New widget, you can start a new meeting or a new Agenda Item.

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Notifications Within the Notifications widget, you will find any notification that your Meeting Manager or CSBA sent to users. Administration As a Meeting Manager, you can click on the Administration widget to set up your Agenda Online site.

Note: Only a Meeting Manager with full administrative rights will have the ability to add users, create multiple governing bodies (if subscribed to Premium), edit user roles, create attendance groups, create goals, and create resources). All additional Meeting Managers have the ability create workflows and notifications. Meetings Within the Meetings widget, users can view all calendared, published, and archived meetings.

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Left Navigation Panel    

 

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All Tasks – Within All Tasks, you can view other Meeting Manager’s tasks. My Tasks – See My Tasks in Dashboard. Start New – See Start New in Dashboard. My Meetings – Within My Meetings, you can view all meetings that are in a Calendared, Draft, In Development, Approved, Published, and Archived status. Note: only Meeting Managers have access to My Meetings. My Items – Within My Items, you can view all Agenda Items created by yourself that are in a Draft, Posted, or Shelved status. Note: When meetings are published, posted Agenda Items will cleared from this list. Meetings In Progress – Within Meetings In Progress, you can access any live board meeting. Admin – See Administration in Dashboard. Templates – Within Templates, you can view and edit all Meeting and Agenda Item templates that have been created. Resources – Within Resources, you can view any document or web resource that has been uploaded by reference. Search – Search all published and archived agendas from your district, or all districts utilizing Agenda Online 2.0. Log out – Remember to always log out to protect the security of the system.


The Administration page gives Meeting Managers the ability to customize their Agenda Online site. The Administration page can be accessed by clicking on the Administration widget in the Dashboard, or by clicking Admin in the left navigation panel. Note that Meeting Managers with limited administrative rights will only see the Workflow Routes and Notifications widget. Within the Admin page you have the following widgets:        

Users – Add new users. Governing Bodies – Edit or create your Governing Body. (Note: Only Premium subscribers can create multiple governing bodies. User Roles – Assign or edit user roles. (Meeting Manager, Submitter, Basic User) Workflow Routes – Create and edit workflows for Agenda Item and meeting approval routes. Attendance Group – Create and edit attendance groups. Goals – Create and edit goals for your organization. Resources – Create and edit document and/or web resources to display to users. Notifications – Create and edit notifications to display to users.

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Site Set-up Adding A New User To Add A New User: 1. Select the Users widget located in the Admin tab. 2. Click the Add button located at the top right of the screen. Fill out the First Name, Last Name, Position Title, and Email Address fields. Click Add.

3. The user will receive an email that will instruct the to confirm and to set a password for Agenda Online 2.0. Note: The user will not display in Agenda Online 2.0 until the user has confirmed their Agenda Online account through the email they received.

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User Roles To Assign A User Role: 1. Click Admin on the left navigation panel, or the Administration widget within the dashboard. 2. Click on the User Roles widget in the Administration page. 3. Click the Add button located on the upper right-hand corner.

4. Select the Governing Body from the drop-down menu. 5. Select the User from the drop-down menu. 6. Select the Role from the drop-down menu: a. Meeting Manager – Can create and run meetings. Has administrative roles. b. Submitter – Submits Agenda Items, attachments, or is an approver in a workflow. c. Basic User – Board Member or any staff that requires a log in. 7. Click Save when done, or click Save And Add More to continue assigning roles to users. To Edit A User Role: 1. Click Admin on the left navigation panel, or click the Administration widget within the dashboard. 2. Click on the User Roles widget in the Administration page. 3. Check the box to the left of the User you will be editing. 4. Click the Edit button located in the upper right-hand corner. 5. Select a different role within the drop-down menu. 6. Click Update when finished. Note: The user will need to log out and log back in for the changes to take effect.

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Governing Bodies To Create A Governing Body: 1. Click Admin on the left navigation panel, or click the Administration widget within the dashboard. 2. Click the Governing Bodies widget in the Administration page. 3. Click the Add button located on the upper right-hand corner.

4. Complete the following fields: Name, Description, Subject to Brown Act, and select the Layer Formatting. 5. Optional Click Add Users to quickly add users to the Governing Body you are creating 6. Click Save when finished. Note: Only Premium subscribers have the ability to create multiple governing bodies. To upgrade to the Premium version, contact Agenda Online. To Edit A Governing Body: 1. Click Admin on the left navigation panel, or click the Administration widget within the dashboard. 2. Click the Governing Bodies widget in the Administration page. 3. Check the box for the Governing Body you wish to edit. 4. Click the Edit button located on the upper right-hand corner. 5. Make the necessary adjustments, and click Update when finished.

Note: If you make changes to the Layer Formatting, it will not reflect on any past meetings or meetings that are in process. It will reflect on new meetings moving forward. 8|Meeting Manager’s User Guide

Workflow Routes The Workflow assists districts in the approval/review process of their Agenda Items and agendas. Districts can create custom workflows to assign Agenda Items or agendas for review/editing. Each workflow can have multiple steps in the reviewing process. Tip: Some districts organize workflows based on departments, whereas others organize them by Agenda Item type or by the person submitting the item. The way that you set up a workflow is strictly dependent upon the flow of your district’s reviewing process. The best way to determine if a Workflow benefits your district is to ask yourself who reviews/approves Agenda Items before they are placed on the agenda? If the only person who edits/reviews Agenda Items is the Meeting Manager, the workflow may not fit your district. If you need department Directors or the Superintendent to review Agenda Items prior to their addition to the agenda, then the workflow would be a great way to organize that system. Please contact CSBA if you need assistance with this. To create a workflow: 1. 2. 3. 4.

From the Admin page, click the Workflow Routes widget. Click Add located on the right side of the screen. A pop-up window will appear. Select a Governing Body from the drop-down menu (see Governing Body User Guide to learn how to create multiple Governing Bodies) Reminder: Only Premium users have the ability to create multiple Governing Bodies. 5. Type in the name of your workflow.

6. You may enter a description of the workflow, but it is not required.

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7. In the Approvers tab, select the name of the contact you would like to add in this workflow from the drop-down list. Continue this step until you have all desired users added to the Workflow Route. Note: By default, the Meeting Manager is always the last step in the workflow. This is important because the individual in the last step of the workflow is the person who will have the authority to add the Agenda Item to the agenda. If Meeting Manager would like to view an item first, add Meeting Manager as first step in the workflow. 8. If necessary, rearrange the order of the workflow by dragging and dropping the names in the Selected Approvers box. Note: You may add as many people in the workflow as you would like, but they must be a user in your agency’s Agenda Online system. 9. When you are done, click Save. To delete a Workflow: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

From the Admin page, click the Workflow Routes widget. Select the box located on the left of the workflow route you want to delete. Click the Delete button located on the right side of the screen. A pop-up window will ask you to confirm that you want to delete the workflow. Click Delete or Cancel.

To edit a Workflow: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

From the Admin page, click the Workflow Routes widget. Select the box located on the left of the workflow route you want to edit. Click the Edit button located on the right side of the screen. Edit the workflow accordingly. Click Save or Cancel.

Attendance Groups Attendance Groups can be created and edited for each Governing Body, or for the organization as a whole. Utilize Attendance Groups to determine who can vote on Agenda Items and view closed session Agenda Items. To Create an Attendance Group: 7. Click Admin on the left navigation panel or click the Administration widget within the dashboard. 8. Click the Attendance Group widget in the Administration page. 9. Click the Add button located on the upper right-hand corner.

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10. You may begin to fill out the Attendance Group form. a. Select the appropriate Governing Body within the drop-down menu. Reminder: Only Premium subscribers will have the ability to create multiple governing bodies. b. Name your attendance group. i.e. Board Members, Student Board, Cabinet, etc. c. Give the attendance group a description (optional). d. Check the first box if members of this attendance group can vote on Agenda Items. e. Check the second box if members of this attendance group can view closed session items. f. Select the members of this attendance group from the drop-down menu. Note: You can drag and drop the names to place them in a specific order. g. Click Save when done. To Edit an Attendance Group: 1. Click Admin on the left navigation panel, or click the Administration widget within the dashboard. 2. Click the Attendance Group widget in the Administration page. 3. Click on the attendance group you wish to edit. 4. You may now make any desired changes to the Description, selection or order of attendance group members, etc. 5. Click Update to apply the changes you have made. To Delete an Attendance Group: 1. Click Admin on the left navigation panel, or click the Administration widget within the dashboard. 2. Click the Attendance Group widget in the Administration page. 3. Check the box for the attendance group you want to delete and click Delete. 11 | M e e t i n g M a n a g e r ’ s U s e r G u i d e

Goals To Create A Goal: 11. Click Admin on the left navigation panel, or click the Administration widget within the dashboard. 12. Click the Goals widget in the Administration page. 13. Click the Add button located on the upper right-hand corner. 14. You may begin to fill out the form.

15. 16. 17. 18.

Enter the Name. Enter a Description. Select a Goal Type. Note: You can select more than one of the LCAP Priorities. Click Save when done.

To Edit A Goal: 1. Click Admin on the left navigation panel, or click the Administration widget within the dashboard. 2. Click the Goals widget in the Administration page. 3. Check the box for the Goal you wish to edit. 4. Click the Edit button located on the upper right-hand corner. 5. Make the necessary adjustments, and then click Update.

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Resources To Add A Resource: 1. Click on Admin located on the left navigation panel or the Administration widget in the dashboard.

2. Click on the Open Resources Page link. 3. Click the Add button located on the top right-hand side to add a Document Resource, or the bottom right-hand side to add a Web Resource.

4. Fill out the required fields and select the User Roles (Meeting Manager, Submitter or Basic User) you wish to make the resources available to. 5. When finished, click Create. Note: Document resources have a size limit of 10MB. For Web resources, remember to include http:// or https://

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Notifications Notifications are a great tool for Meeting Managers to use to get messages out to their users. Upon logging into Agenda Online, a user with a new Notification will see an alert in their Notifications widget in their Dashboard. To Add A Notification: 1. Click on Admin located on the left navigation panel or the Administration widget in the dashboard. 2. Next you will click on the Notifications widget. 3. Click the Add button located on the upper right-hand corner.

4. Next you will give the notification a Title and Body. 5. Within the Roles field, select which roles will receive this notification (Meeting Manager, Submitter, Basic User). 6. Click on the Calendar icon to select a “Valid From” and “Valid Until” date for the notification. 7. Click the Save button when finished. To Edit A Notification: 1. Click on Admin located on the left navigation panel or the Administration widget in the dashboard. 2. Click on the Notifications widget. 3. Check the box next to the notification you wish to edit and click Edit. 4. Alter any of the fields as necessary or click Delete to remove the entire notification. 5. Click Save when finished.

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Meeting Management As a Meeting Manager, creating and running your meetings is extremely important. In this section, you will learn how to start a new meeting, close a meeting off from your submitters, approve meetings if they are in a workflow, and publish your meetings. Note: You can access all of your meetings by clicking on My Meetings located on the left navigation panel. Here you will find a list of all active and archived meetings, who they are assigned to, and the status.

Start A New Meeting Starting a new meeting will create a Draft meeting. When a meeting is in the Draft status, submitters will not have the option to submit Agenda Items to a Draft meeting. Learn how to open the meeting to submitters in the next section. To Start A New Meeting: 1. Click Start New on the left navigation panel, or the Start New widget located in the Dashboard. 2. Click the Meeting link within the Agenda Management widget. 3. Select a template from the drop-down menu if a template was previously created or leave blank to create a meeting from scratch. 4. Click Next to start creating a new meeting from scratch, or from a template.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Enter the Meeting Title. Click on the Calendar icon to select a meeting date. Enter the Open Session and Closed Session time. Enter the Location of the meeting. i.e. Board Room, Conference Room, etc. Enter the Address. By checking the Add to Calendar box, you will display the Title, Date, and Time of the meeting on your Public Agenda Online 2.0 site, but no other aspects. 11. If applicable, select the Agenda Workflow Route, otherwise select No Approval Required. 12. Select the Attendance group within the drop-down menu. 13. Messages typed within the Message To Participants field will be in included in the email sent to participants when the meeting is published. 15 | M e e t i n g M a n a g e r ’ s U s e r G u i d e

14. Information typed within the Preliminary Information field will display at the top of the agenda. 15. Information typed within the Closing Information field will display at the bottom of the agenda. 16. Click Save to save your information. The meeting will remain in the Draft status.

Open Meeting Opening your meeting will put the meeting in the In Development status. When a meeting is In Development, Meeting Managers and Submitters can begin to add Agenda Items. Learn how to close the meeting from Submitters in the next section. To Open A Meeting: 1. Click on My Meetings located on the left navigation panel. 2. Click on the meeting you want to put to In Development. 3. To put the meeting in In Development, click the Open Meeting button located at the top of the screen.

4. Click OK to confirm. 5. Meeting Managers and Submitters can now begin to submit Agenda Items.

Close Meeting Closing the meeting will prevent other Meeting Managers and Submitters from being able to submit Agenda Items to the meeting and will move it to the Approved status. In addition, the meeting will not appear in the drop-down menu when creating an Agenda Item. Learn how to move the meeting back into the In Development status next. To Close A Meeting: 1. Click on My Meetings located on the left navigation panel. 2. Click on the meeting you want to close. 3. Click the Close Meeting button located at the top of the screen.

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Move Back To In Development In the case that further edits need to be made (ex. Additional Agenda Items need to be added) to a closed meeting, the meeting will need to be moved back to an In Development status to be accessed by other Meeting Managers and Submitters. To Move A Meeting Back to In Development: 1. Click on My Meetings located on the left navigation panel. 2. Click on the meeting you want to move back to In Development. 3. Click the Move To In Development button.

Publish Meeting When you publish the meeting, the Agenda Outline and Board Packet Report become available to the public on your Agenda Online 2.0 public page. Note: Currently, there is no method to make changes to the agenda once it has been published. To Publish A Meeting: 1. Click on My Meetings located on the left navigation panel. 2. Click on the meeting you want to Publish.

3. Click the Publish Meeting button.

Note: Publishing a meeting can take anywhere from 5-15 minutes depending on the meeting length, number of attachments, and attachment size. During publishing, Agenda Online 2.0 is generating the Agenda Outline and Board Packet Report. During this time, Agenda Online 2.0 will automatically collate your Agenda Item attachments in the Board Packet Report.

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Start Meeting From the Published status, you may start a live meeting by utilizing the Start Meeting button. This button will allow the Meeting Manager access to features such as: assigning a leader, taking attendance, recording motions and votes, and taking meeting minutes. Learn how to run a live meeting in the Meetings In Progress section. To Start A Meeting: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Click on My Meetings located on the left navigation panel. Click on the meeting you want to start. To start the meeting, click on the Start Meeting button. Upon clicking Start Meeting, the meeting will be located in Meetings In Progress in the left navigation panel.

Meetings In Progress Agenda Online provides a seamless and efficient way to run live board meetings. With Meetings In Progress, you have the ability to assign a leader, take attendance, record motion’s and votes, and take meeting minutes. To run a live board meeting: 1. Start by selecting My Meetings on the left panel. 2. Select the appropriate meeting. Note: The meeting must be Published before you can run a live board meeting. Open meeting laws state that Regular Board Meetings be published 72 hours prior to the meeting date, and Special meetings be posted 24 hours prior to the meeting date. For more questions regarding Agenda posting requirements,, consult your district attorney. 3. As a Meeting Manager, you have a few buttons available, located at the top of the screen. a. Save: Click Save if any changes were made to the meeting. b. Assign: The assign feature gives you the option to assign the meeting to another Meeting Manager in the event that you will be out. Only the Meeting Manager that the meeting is assigned to can run the live meeting (take attendance, votes, minutes, etc.). 18 | M e e t i n g M a n a g e r ’ s U s e r G u i d e

c. Regenerate Meeting Report: If you drag and drop the order of items, click Regenerate Meeting Report to update the Agenda Outline and Board Packet Report PDF’s. d. Cancel Meeting: If your meeting has been canceled, click Cancel Meeting. Canceling the meeting, transfer it into your Archived Meetings tab. e. Start Meeting: Click Start Meeting when you are ready to begin taking minutes, votes, attendance, etc.

4. Click Start Meeting to begin running the live meeting. Confirm by clicking OK. Note: If you do not have the Start Meeting button available to you on a published meeting, and will be running it, you will first need to assign the meeting to yourself. 5. Locate the live meeting in the Meetings in Progress tab in the left navigation panel, and the name of the meeting to open.

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6. Select a meeting leader by clicking on the drop-down menu on the upper right-hand corner. Once the leader is selected, click Make Leader. Note: If users joining the meeting choose to utilize the Follow Leader option, their screen will automatically navigate through the meeting as the Leader navigates on their own screen.

7. Take attendance by clicking the Take Attendance button located at the top of the screen. This will then prompt a Take Attendance screen. a. Clicking the orange Check-In button will update the arrival time for the attendee. b. Clicking the blue Check-Out button will update the departure time for the attendee. c. If an attendee is absent, select Absent within the drop-down menu for Present/Absent. d. By selecting the All Check-out button, this will update the departure time for all attendees. e. You can also edit the time by entering the time manually into the Arrival and Departure fields. f. Select Save when done.

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8. Take meeting minutes by selecting the Agenda Item on the left-hand side and typing the minutes in to the Meeting Minutes field for that item. Note: You will have the opportunity to return to the minutes within each item for any necessary edits.

9. To take votes on an action item: a. Entering the Motion into the motion field if not previously entered.

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b. Within the drop-down menu, select the Motion By and Seconded By, and then click Open Voting.

c. Next, record the participants votes (Yes, No, Abstain, or Absent). Note: Premium subscribers have the option to allow Board Members to record their own live vote during the meeting.

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d. Finally, you will select whether the motion Passed, Failed, or was Withdrawn, and then click Record Result.

Note: Attendance, minutes and votes can be edited during the Meeting In Progress, and after the meeting has been conducted. 10. To end the meeting, you will click the Stop Meeting button located at the top left of the screen.

Editing Meeting Minutes 1. Click My Meetings on the left navigation panel. 2. Select the meeting you wish to edit minutes for. 3. Scroll down to find the list of Agenda Items and click on the item you’d like to make edits to.

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4. Edit minutes within the Meeting Minutes field, as necessary.

5. Click Save when done editing. 6. Click the Generate Minutes Report button located at the top of the page to capture your edits and update your Minutes Report. Note: If edits are made and the Generate Minutes Report is NOT utilized, the changes will not be reflected in your Minutes Report, causing the report to be inaccurate. The minutes report will be located at the bottom of the meeting page in a pdf link.

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Agenda Item Management Submitting Agenda Items To add an Agenda Item: 1. Click the Start New button located in the grey panel on the left side of the screen. 2. Click Agenda Item. 3. If applicable, select an Item Template, otherwise click Next to start a new item from scratch.

4. Enter the title of the Agenda Item in the Title line. The title has a character limit of 500, including spaces. 5. Select the meeting to which this item is attached. To place this parent/child item within the meeting, click the Item Placement button. A quick-view of the Agenda Items currently on the Agenda will open, allowing the Agenda Item to easily be placed in its correct position without having to leave the page.

6. Select the appropriate Workflow Route for the item from the drop-down menu, if applicable. Otherwise, leave select No Approval Required. 25 | M e e t i n g M a n a g e r ’ s U s e r G u i d e

7. Check the box for the appropriate Agenda Item Type for this item. Note: More than one Agenda Item Type may be selected for an Agenda Item. a. Action Item – Select this type if an action will be taken for this item. b. Consent Item – Select this Agenda Item type for all items that will appear on the consent agenda. Action on these items will take place with one vote on the consent agenda. c. Closed/Exec Session Item – Select this type of item for Closed Session Items. Only the Quick Summary/Abstract field will be viewable by the public. d. Procedural Item – Select this type if this Agenda Item is part of a procedural process (i.e. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance). e. Informational Item – Select this type if this Agenda Item is intended for information only (i.e. reports and notifications). f. Discussion Item – Select this type if this Agenda Item is intended for Discussion only. 8. If your Meeting Manager has created goals, select the goal that this Agenda Item applies to. If there are no goals created for your district, the section will appear blank. 9. To print this item within the Board Packet Report, leave the box next to Print Item in Agenda Packet checked. Otherwise, un-check the box to have it excluded from the report. 10. Fill in any information that you may have for this Agenda Item. Information that is typed in to the Quick Summary/Abstract field will appear in the Agenda Outline. The Board Packet Report will include anything that is typed in the Quick Summary/Abstract, Description, and Motion field. Note: If you selected Closed Session Item, Quick Summary/Abstract is the only field that will appear in the Board Packet Report and to the Public. Description and Motion will not appear, unless you are a Board Member. 11. Attachments Within Agenda Items: a. To add an attachment: i. Click the Add button ii. A pop-up will appear, and you will click on the blue cloud icon.

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iii. Select the file you wish to upload from your device storage. Accepted file formats include: PDF documents that are NOT password protected. Note: File size limit is 10MB. iv. Enter the name of the attachment. v. Click Save And Add More if you wish to attach more documents, or click Save when done. b. Editing/Deleting Attachments: i. Drag and drop the attachments to rearrange the order of the attachments. ii. To delete an attachment, check the box to the left of the chosen attachment, and then click Remove. iii. To edit an attachment, check the box to the left of the chosen attachment, and then click Edit.

12. After entering all necessary edits have been made to the Agenda Item, click on the applicable option located at the top the screen: a. Save – to save the item as a draft. This will save the item without submitting it to the Meeting Manager, in the event that the Submitter is not ready to submit the item. b. Assign – Assign this Item to another user. c. Send to Workflow – Use this button only if you selected a Workflow Route. d. Add to Agenda – If No Approval Required was selected for Workflow Route, use this option to add this item directly to the agenda.

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Approve, Reject, and Post Agenda Items Whether or not you utilize workflows, approving Agenda Items is crucial in the agenda creation process. Meeting Managers will have to approve items sent by Submitters if they are in a workflow, or post items that are in the MM Final Review status. To Approve or Post items: 1. Click My Tasks in the left navigation panel. 2. Items with the status of Review or MM Final Review require your attention. Note: By clicking on Status within the title bar, you can organize the item list by status. 3. When an Agenda Item is in the Review status, you can either click Reject to move the item back a step, or click Approve to move the Agenda Item forward in the workflow. 4. When an item is in the MM Final Review status, you can click Post Item to post the item on to the agenda.

Shelve Agenda Items In the event of a Posted Agenda Item needing to be taken off the Agenda, there is a Shelve option that allows the Meeting Manager to remove it from the agenda and save for a future meeting. When ready to re-post item to a meeting, the Agenda Item can be found in My Tasks or My Items. To shelve Agenda Items: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Go to My Meetings Click on the meeting containing the Agenda Item you wish to shelve. To the right of the Agenda Item, click on the three dots. Click Shelve.

Note: Agenda Items must be in the posted status before you can shelve the Agenda Item. If an item is in the workflow, you will have to move the item forward until it has been posted. Once the item is Shelved, you can access the item through My Tasks, or My Items where you can Delete the item, or save it to add to a future meeting. 28 | M e e t i n g M a n a g e r ’ s U s e r G u i d e

Creating A Table To create a table: 1. click the table icon located within the html editor.

2. Once the Table Properties screen comes up, you will enter the number of Rows and Columns as needed. You can also enter a Caption or Summary if needed. When you finish entering the information, click OK. The table will now populate within the html editor.

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3. Editing Cell Percentages (Optional) allows control of the output size of a table, resulting in a cleaner look within the Agenda Outline and Board Packet Report. To edit the Percentages of your table, follow the steps below. Otherwise, skip to step 4. a. Select Cell Properties b. Within the Cell Properties popup, click on the drop-down menu displaying “Pixels” and select Percent. Next, edit the width to your liking. Click OK when done. Repeat this step for the first cell in each column. Tip: You can begin by adding a small percentage such as 20 and adjust as needed. In addition, you can generate a Single Item Report to preview the table. To delete a cell, highlight the cell and click delete/backspace on your keyboard.

4. Type text within cells as needed and submit the Agenda Item when finished.

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Templates Creating a Meeting Template To create a Meeting Template, you will first need to create a new meeting and add the necessary Agenda Items. You can then create a Meeting Template from that meeting. To Create A Meeting Template: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Go to My Meetings in the left navigation panel. Check the box for the meeting you wish to create a template out of. Click the Actions button located on the upper right-hand corner. Click Create Template. Give your template a name and select Shared Template if you wish to share the meeting template with all Meeting Managers. 6. Click Create when finished. Note: All Agenda Items must be posted for you to create a meeting template.

Creating an Agenda Item Template To create an item template: 1. Click My Items on the left navigation panel. 2. Check the box for the item you want to create a template from and click the Actions button located in the upper-right. Click Create Template.

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Note: Your item must be in the Posted status for you to create a template. Contact your Meeting Manager to poste the item if it is not yet posted to the agenda. 3. Next, you will give your template a name. If you check the Share Template box, you will share this template with other Meeting Managers. Click Create when finished.

4. To edit your template, click on Templates on the left navigation panel. Select the template you wish to make edits to. Click Save when done.

Note: You can only edit the templates that you created. You cannot edit templates that another user has shared. 32 | M e e t i n g M a n a g e r ’ s U s e r G u i d e

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