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  • Words: 819
  • Pages: 2
Last 23 July, four days ago was the 7th anniversary of the secret meeting in London that resulted in the so-called Bush -Blair secret Iraq memo ( drawn up by the two architects of the Iraq war at a follow-on meeting shortly afterwards) that paved the way for the invasion of Iraq the following year. On 23 July 2002, a top secret meetimg was held at the office of Tony Blair to discuss proposed American suggestions on how to remove Saddam Hussein from power. The meeting was attended by British Intelligence top officials, the Foreign Secretary, the Attorney-General and the PM. The persons at the meeting were informed of the American intention to go to war regardless of whatever outcomes in the UN's dealings with Iraq. At the meeting, details were drawn up to enable the UK government to participate in the planned military attack on Iraq and to help to do everything possible to justify the need for the attack. In the meeting, it so that they would American side that move was needed in impending military

was decided to fix reports and statements reconcile with the position taken by the war against Iraq was unavoidable. Such a order to bolster justification for the attack and win over public opinion.

The options to be used by the UK governemt were laid out and discussed, including political and military or pre-invasion measures that were needed. One important measure or step was to manipulate the UN Inspection visits to Iraq. Iraq was to be systematically accused of not providing all the required 'cooperation' to allow the UN inspectors to visit the country and do their work. Those who were on the inspection team were also to be made use of. Ultimatums would then be publicly issued giving warnings of the 'inevitable'. Word would be given out that Saddam was hiding WMD (weapons of mass destruction) in secret locations, including inside his palaces and he was planning to use them shortly. All possible reasons and legal grounds for the attack were explored and discussed. Besides accusing Iraq of failing to cooperate with the UN, other reasons were to use the situation inside Iraq itself as an excuse to invade and that Saddam was deviously trying to harm his neighbours. Furthermore, UK ground forces already in the Middle East would carry out moves designed to provoke a response from the Iraqis and thereby fan the flames of war. All these were to prepare the UK public for war with Iraq. To soften the country for the coming attack, Iraq was also to be subjected to constant air interdictions. All efforts to ensure that the planned invasion of the country would be successful were explored. Baghdad was to capitulate on the very first day of the invasion if it was possible. The meeting also discussed what could possibly go wrong if the invasion did not go as planned. Could countries like

Israel and Kuwait be targeted for reprisal attacks and what if Saddam's half-starved nation actually had the ability to fight back. Could heavy casualties be acceptable and so on. Intelligence reports on the daily situation in Iraq were to be exaggerated or altered to help manipulate the international media as well as world opinion. The meeting also discussed how critical it was to ensure a total success as the Americans wanted to tie in the overthrow of Saddam to the next American Congressional and presidential elections. Failure was not seen as an option. All the suggestions and options in the meeting were drawn up and put together in a memo (since referred to as the Downing Street memo) and given to only a select few in the British Cabinet. The plans helped Tony Blair to lay out the final steps for war in a later meeting with Bush. Bush was very evil. In his meeting with Blair, he even thought of sending in a US aircraft carrying UN markings over Baghdad and allowing the Iraqis to shoot it down. Bush and Blair would then jump up to their feet and demand the UN approve war. Bush and Blair are two co-conspirators in the rape and killing of Iraq in 2003. But these criminals are completely free of all responsibility due to the political state of affairs evident today. Instead their innocent victims are left to rue their helpless misfortune to have lived in the same era as the two demons. Other countries should learn from Iraq's misfortune so that they could be spared the mindless destruction endured by Iraq. Bush and Blair surely gave new meaning to the word 'civilisation'. Now we know the real meaning of this word. Bush and Blair were true to their ancestors. Indeed they were doing exactly what their fathers and grandfathers did during their time. Killing the helpless and burying the innocent. Bush and Blair can never be forgiven. They will surely roast in Hell forever.

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