Medical Terminology

  • October 2019
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adenoma - A benign epithelial tumor having a glandular origin and structure adsorbate - An adsorbed substance. adsorbent - Capable of adsorption. agenesis - Absence or incomplete development of an organ or body part. -algia - Pain: neuralgia amenorrhea - Abnormal suppression of menstruation. amniocentesis - A procedure in whichor a absence small sample of amniotic fluid is drawn out of the uterus through a needle inserted in the abdomen. The fluid is then analyzed to detect genetic abnormalities in the fetus or to determine the sex of the fetus. analgesia A deadeningdeficiency or absence sense of pain without loss of consciousness. anemia - A- pathological in of thethe oxygen-carrying component the blood, measured in unit volume concentrations of hemoglobin, red blood cell volume, or red blood cell number angina - A condition, such as severe sore throat, in which spasmodic attacks of suffocating pain occur angiogenesis - The formation of new blood vessels. anhydrosis - abnormal deficiency or absence of sweating antiemetic - Preventing or arresting vomiting. antihistamine - A drug used to counteract the physiological effects of histamine production in allergic reactions and colds. antipyretic - Reducing or tending to reduce fever anuria - The absence of urine formation apnea - Temporary absence or cessation of breathing arteriosclerosis - A chronic disease in which thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of arrhythmia - An irregularity in the force orcirculation. rhythm of the heartbeatwith aging, and in the arterial walls result in impaired blood It develops hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and other conditions.



ascites - An abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity. asthenia - Loss or lack of bodily strength; weakness; debility. ataxia - Loss of the ability to coordinate muscular movement. bacteremia - The presence of bacteria in the blood bradycardia - Slowness of the heart rate, usually fewer than 60 beats per minute in an adult human bronchitis - Chronic or acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes carcinogen - A cancer-causing substance or agent. cardiomyopathy -A disease or disorder of the heart muscle, especially of unknown or obscure cause. cholecystitis - Inflammation of the gallbladder cholestasis - Suppression of biliary flow. colectomy - Surgical removal of part or all of the colon. colitis - Inflammation of the colon. craniotomy - Surgical incision into the skull cyanosis - A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes resulting from inadequate oxygenation of the blood. cystitis - Inflammation of the urinary bladder cytotoxic - Of, relating to, or producing a toxic effect on cells diplopia - double vision diverticulum - A pouch or sac branching out from a hollow organ or structure, such as the intestine. dysmenorrhea - Painful menstruation.



dyspepsia - Disturbed digestion; indigestion. dysphagia - Difficulty in swallowing. dyspnea in breathing, often associated with lung or or defective heart disease dystrophy- -Difficulty A degenerative disorder caused by inadequate and resulting in shortness of breath nutrition. Any of several disorders, especially muscular dystrophy, in which the muscles weaken and atrophy dysuria - Painful or difficult urination. ectopic - An abnormal location or position of an organ or a body part, occurring congenitally or as the result of injury. edema - An excessive accumulation of serous fluid in tissue spaces or a body cavity. embolism - Obstruction or occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus. emesis - The act of vomiting. encephalitis - Inflammation of the brain. endocarditis - Inflammation the endocardium. endometriosis - A condition,ofusually resulting in pain and dysmenorrhea, that is characterized by the abnormal occurrence of functional endometrial tissue outside the uterus. endoscope - An instrument for examining visually the interior of a bodily canal or a hollow organ such as the colon, bladder, or stomach. epidural - An injection into the epidural space of the spine epigastric Theofupper middle region ofdisorders the abdomen. epilepsy - -Any various neurological characterized by sudden recurring attacks of motor, sensory, or psychic malfunction with or without loss of consciousness or convulsive seizures. epistaxis - A nosebleed. erythema - Redness of the skin caused by dilatation and congestion of the capillaries, often a sign of inflammation or infection. erythropoiesis - The formation or production of red blood cells. exogenous - Derived or developed from outside the body; originating externally


exothermic-Releasing expectorant-Promotingheat or facilitating the secretion or expulsion of phlegm, mucus, or other matter from the respiratory tract. eutectic-Of, relating to, or formed at the lowest possible temperature of solidification for any mixture of spe constituents. Used especially of an alloy whose melting point is lower than that of any other alloy compose the same constituents in different proportions.

fibromyalgia-A syndrome characterized by chronic pain in the muscles and soft tissues surrounding joints, fatigue, and tenderness at specific sites in the body. filtrate-Material, especially liquid, that has passed through a filter gastroenteritis-Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

geometric dilutionglaucoma-Any of a group of eye diseases characterized by abnormally high intraocular fluid pressure, dam optic disk, hardening of the eyeball, and partial to complete loss of vision glossitis-Inflammation of the tongue. glycosuria-Excess sugar in the urine, often associated with diabetes mellitus gynecomastia-Abnormal enlargement of the breasts in a male hematolysis-The destruction or dissolution of red blood cells, with subsequent release of hemoglobin hematoma-A localized swelling filled with blood resulting from a break in a blood vessel. hematuria-The presence of blood in the urine hemo-Blood: hemacyte hemolysis-The destruction or dissolution of red blood cells, with subsequent release of hemoglobin. hemorrhage-Excessive discharge of blood from the blood vessels; profuse bleeding. hemostasis-The stoppage of bleeding or hemorrhage. The stoppage of blood flow through a blood vessel or body part

hemothorax-Blood in the pleural cavity. hepatitis-Inflammation of the liver, caused by infectious or toxic agents and characterized by jaundice, fev enlargement, and abdominal pain.


hepato-Liver hepatoma-A usually cancerous tumor occurring in the liver hepatotoxic-The quality or condition of being toxic or destructive to the liver. The capacity of a substance to have damaging effects on the liver. humectant-A substance that promotes retention of moisture. hydrolysis-Decomposition of a chemical compound by reaction with water, such as the dissociation of a dissolved salt or the catalytic conversion of starch to glucose. hyperalgia-The excessive sensitiveness or sensibility to pain. hyperemia-An increase in the quantity of blood flow to a body part; engorgement. hyperhidrosis-Excessive or profuse perspiration hyperlipidemia-An excess of fats or lipids in the blood

hyperplasia-An abnormal increase in the number of cells in an organ or a tissue with consequent enlargem hyperpnea-Abnormally deep or rapid breathing hypertension-Arterial disease in which chronic high blood pressure is the primary symptom. Abnormally elevated blood pressure.

hyperthermia-Unusually high body temperature hypertrophy-A nontumorous enlargement of an organ or a tissue as a result of an increase in the size rath than the number of constituent cells hypodermic-Of or relating to the layer just beneath the epidermis. Relating to the hypodermis. Injected be the skin hypoglycemic-Lowering the concentration of glucose in the blood hypohidrosis-Diminished perspiration. hypomenorrhea-A diminution of the flow or a shortening of the duration of menstruation hypotension-Abnormally low blood pressure hypothermia-Abnormally low body temperature.


idiopathy- disease of unknown origin or cause. A primary disease arising spontaneously with no apparent external cause.

ileostomy-Surgical construction of an artificial excretory opening through the abdominal wall into the ileum incorporation-To cause to merge or combine together into a united whole infarct-An area of tissue that undergoes necrosis as a result of obstruction of local blood supply, as by a thrombus or embolus. insomnia-Chronic inability to fall asleep or remain asleep for an adequate length of time interocular-Between, or within, the eyes; as, the interocular distance; situated between the eyes -itis-Inflammation or disease of: intradermal-Within or between the layers of the skin intrauterine-Occurring or situated within the uterus

intravenous-Within or administered into a vein ischemia-A decrease in the blood supply to a bodily organ, tissue, or part caused by constriction or obstru of the blood vessels jaundice-Yellowish discoloration of the whites of the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes caused by depos of bile salts in these tissues. laryngitis-Inflammation of the larynx. leukocytosis-An abnormally large increase in the number of white blood cells in the blood, often occurring during an acute infection or inflammation leukopenia-An abnormally low number of leukocytes in the circulating blood. levigation-To make into a smooth, fine powder or paste, as by grinding when moist. lingual-Of, relating to, or situated near the tongue or a tonguelike organ lithiasis-Pathological formation of mineral concretions in the body

lymphoma-Any of various usually malignant tumors that arise in the lymph nodes or in other lymphoid tiss mastectomy-Surgical removal of all or part of a breast, sometimes including excision of the underlying pec muscles and regional lymph nodes, usually performed as a treatment for cancer


mastitis-Inflammation of the breast -megaly-Enlargement melanoma- dark-pigmented, usually malignant tumor arising from a melanocyte and occurring most commonly in the skin meningitis-Inflammation of the meninges of the brain and the spinal cord, most often caused by a bacterial or viral infection and characterized by fever, vomiting, intense headache, and stiff neck. metastasis-Pathology. Transmission of pathogenic microorganisms or cancerous cells from an original site to one or more sites elsewhere in the body, usually by way of the blood vessels or lymphatics microcephaly-Abnormal smallness of the head. mucolytic-Breaking down or hydrolyzing mucus or mucopolysaccharides. myalgia-Muscular pain or tenderness, especially when diffuse and nonspecific myasthenia-Abnormal muscular weakness or fatigue. mycosis-A fungal infection in or on a part of the body. A disease caused by a fungus. myelitis-Inflammation of the spinal column. Osteomyelitis myeloid-Of, relating to, or derived from the bone marrow. Of or relating to the spinal cord. myocarditis-Inflammation of the myocardium. myopathy-A disease of muscle or muscle tissue. myopia-A visual defect in which distant objects appear blurred because their images are focused in front of the retina rather than on it; nearsightedness. Also called short sight narcolepsy-A disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable, though often brief, attacks of deep sleep, sometimes accompanied by paralysis and hallucinations. neonatology-The branch of pediatrics that deals with the diseases and care of newborn infants nephro-Kidney; kidneylike structure nephritis-of various acute or chronic inflammations of the kidneys, such as Bright's disease. neuralgia-Sharp, severe paroxysmal pain extending along a nerve or group of nerves


neuritis-Inflammation of amental nerveor oremotional group of nerves, characterized by pain, lossorofneurasthenia, reflexes, and arising atrophy neurosis-Any of various disorders, such as hypochondria of the affected muscles. from no apparent organic lesion or change and involving symptoms such as insecurity, anxiety, depression, and irrational fears, but without psychotic symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations. No longer in scientific use. nocturia-Urination at night, especially if excessive. oliguria-Abnormally slight or infrequent urination. oophorectomy-Surgical removal of one or both ovaries. osteo-Bone osteoarthritis-A form of arthritis, occurring mainly in older persons, that is characterized by chronic degeneration of the cartilage of the joints osteomalacia-A disease occurring mostly in adult women that results from a deficiency in vitamin D or calcium and is characterized by a softening of the bones with accompanying pain and weakness osteomyelitis- usually bacterial infection of bone and bone marrow in which the resulting inflammation can lead to a reduction of blood supply to the bone osteoporosis-A disease in which the bones become extremely porous, are subject to fracture, and heal slowly, occurring especially in women following menopause and often leading to curvature of the spine from vertebral collapse otitis-Inflammation of the ear. otomycosis-A fungous infection of the external auditory canal otosclerosis-A disease of the ear in which the movement of the stapes within the oval window becomes impeded by abnormal deposits of spongy bone, leading to a progressive loss of hearing ototoxicity-Having a toxic effect on the structures of the ear, especially on its nerve supply parenteral-Medicine. Taken into the body or administered in a manner other than through the digestive tract, as by intravenous or intramuscular injection pathogenesis-The development of a diseased or morbid condition. -penia-Lack; deficiency percutaneous-Passed, done, or effected through the skin. pericarditis-Inflammation of the pericardium pericystitis-Inflammation of the tissues surrounding the urinary bladder.


perinatal-Of, relating to, or being the period around childbirth, especially the five months before and one month after birth: periodontium-The tissues that surround and support the teeth, including the gums, cementum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar and supporting bone phagia-The eating of a specified substance or eating in a specified manner pharyngolaryngitis-Inflammation of the pharynx and the larynx. phlebitis-Inflammation of a vein polyopia-The perception of several visual images of one object. Also called multiple vision polyuria-Excessive passage of urine, as in diabetes prenatal-Existing or occurring before birth proctalgia-Pain at the anus or in the rectum. Also called proctodynia, rectalgia. proctitis-Inflammation of the rectum or anus prodrug-An inactive precursor of a drug, converted into its active form in the body by normal metabolic processes pruritis-itching ptosis- Abnormal lowering or drooping of an organ or a part, especially a drooping of the upper eyelid caused by muscle weakness or paralysis pyrexia-Fever pyrogen-A substance that produces fever rhinitis-Inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes rhinorrhea-A discharge from the nasal mucous membrane, espcially if excessive sarcoma-A malignant tumor arising from connective tissues sclerosis- thickening or hardening of a body part, as of an artery, especially from excessive formation of fibrous interstitial tissue sepsis-The presence of pathogenic organisms or their toxins in the blood or tissues


splenitis-Inflammation of the spleen stasis-A condition of balance among various forces; motionlessness stenosis-A constriction or narrowing of a duct or passage; a stricture stomatitis-Inflammation of the mucous tissue of the mouth sublingual-Situated beneath or on the underside of the tongue superficial-Of, affecting, or being on or near the surface syncope- A brief loss of consciousness caused by a temporary deficiency of oxygen in the brain tachycardia-A rapid heart rate, especially one above 100 beats per minute in an adult. thrombosis-The formation, presence, or development of a thrombus thrombolytic-Dissolution or destruction of a thrombus. thrombophlebitis-Inflammation of a vein caused by or associated with the formation of a blood clot thrombus-A fibrinous clot formed in a blood vessel or in a chamber of the heart toxemia-A condition in which the blood contains toxins produced by body cells at a local source of infection or derived from the growth of microorganisms transdermal-Through or by way of the skin trituration-The process of reducing a substance to a fine powder uremia-A toxic condition resulting from kidney disease in which there is retention in the bloodstream of waste products normally excreted in the urine urolithiasis-A diseased condition resulting from the formation of calculi in the urinary tract urticaria- skin condition characterized by welts that itch intensely, caused by an allergic reaction, an infection, or a nervous condition. Also called hives viremia-The presence of viruses in the bloodstream xerostomia-Abnormal dryness of the mouth

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