Former leniency caused problems so final leniency will renew them
two voices
Behaved dishonourably in making Angelo impose the strict new laws Cedric Watts
social engineer later
Duke's use of disguise nefarious
Distrusts Angelo
Disguise is permanent dramatic irony
Carries out a controlled experiment Works hard in disguise to avert dishonour and bloodshed Imposes final justice which is firm but merciful
wants to prove his fallibility
Although intentions kind, tone is insensitive
Cedric Watts
uses espionage
Holy friar in earlier part
wants to humble and correct him Regards Angelo as a rival ?? Morally ? seeing rather than being seen appearance rather than reality
Could have intervened sooner to stop Claudio's execution
Duke For
Told Isabella her brother was dead
Makes Mariana think Angelo will be executed Allows Isabella to beg for the life of Angelo Lets the Provost believe he has lost his job
Offended by Lucio
Out for himself
Not to be considered as a real person Combines authority of Church and State Deus ex machina
Dramatic device
Wants to impose stricter rule Gains authority at the end of the play
Weak ruler
testing Angelo
ethically questionable
Becomes a bawd - Mariana/Angelo
Two Interpretations
law fallen into disuse
Duke.mmap - 04/04/2009 - Roger Knight
Brings about happy, redemptive ending all seeing ?