Measure All Around

  • October 2019
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Katie Winsett (UARK) Ashley Williams (RHBMS) August 2008 Measurement, Measurement All Around Inquiry: Level 1.5: 1. Students are given the question and partial methods. Set up and instructions are given, but no details are given on how to do the measuring or which tools to use since the purpose of the task is to determine how well the students do with measuring tools and units. 2. Tell students before they start measuring in metric “What if I asked you to tell me the measurements in metric with nothing but your inches measurements and a foot ruler?” (Make sure the foot ruler has both standard and metric sides and the students can figure out how many cm are in an inch and multiply. We had many students figure this process out on their own, but a few directed questions will get the others on board. Concepts Measurement of length in standard and metric units Addition, multiplication, division Because measuring is a process skill for both math and science, do this activity early in the year thus preparing students for using these tools in later Inquiries. Students will use US and metric units to do each of three activities that are designed to practice using measuring tools and to compare the two sets of units. Arkansas Frameworks: Math M.12.6.1. Identify and select appropriate units and tools from both systems to measure. M.13.6.2. Make conversions within the same measurement system in real-world problems. M.13.6.3. Draw and measure distance to the nearest millimeters and 1/8in accurately. Math Inquiry in Three Parts: 1. How far will it go? 2. Are you Square? 3. What is it?

Materials Yardsticks Meter sticks Measuring tape Foot rulers Ramps (planks) Wheeled carts Butcher paper Worksheets 1. How far will it go? a) Have a worksheet for each station; this has instructions for the student groups (Measurement-worksheets.ppt) b) Students will build a ramp using a plank and textbooks. Run the carts down the ramp and measure how far it will go. c) Have measuring tools available. d) Do this on the floor 2. Are you Square? a) Students measure height and arm span b) Put butcher paper on the wall to use for measuring height. c) Have instruction worksheet taped nearby (Measurement-worksheets.ppt) d) Have measuring tools available 3. What is it? a) Students follow instructions on worksheet If instructions are done correctly, a picture is made. This station is a good opportunity for a teacher to watch students use a ruler. b) This station only needs a ruler 4. Repeat each activity for the second set of units. If you do US first, do metric the next day. Students can then compare the differences between the values. Hints 1. Set each activity up as stations with multiples of each as needed. 2. Tape the instructions to a table or wall rather than having a sheet for each student. Have students write down methods in notebook as well as answers. “If I asked you exactly how you arrived at this data next month would you be able to do this with what is written on your page?” 3. Have students write their names next to the height line on the butcher paper—you can then easily bring this out later in the year and students can check how much they’ve grown!

Notes from Experience 1. Watch during “How far it will go?”. Make sure students are measuring the ramp as well as the floor! 2. Check how the students are doing their height and arm-span predictions. Many will put 4 feet 10 (eg). This was a good opportunity to discuss conversion. 3. Watch how students measure beyond the length of the tool they are using. Ask them what the most accurate way to do this would be (eg. get another tool, mark the floor). 4. This is best done in two days. One class period was not enough! If you only have one day, do “Are you square?”. Wrap-up: Tally the number of Squares, Tall Rectangles, and Far-reaching Rectangles. Then, ask a student how he/she knows which? (You can then ask if anyone wants to change their answer) Have a student share his/her measurements in centimeters. Make another tally of shapes in centimeters. Ask the class, did anyone’s shape change? Why or why not? (of course no change should occur!) Ask students to explain why shape did not change even though the numbers changed. Compare the metric and standard measurements of one person. Ask students why you could say these numbers mean the same thing even though the digits are so different. Discuss the importance of UNITS! Always put units on your numbers. You can make the same discussions about the distance of carts. The measure of the distance doesn’t change, even though the numbers are different. (Importance of units) Talk about conversion. Have a student explain how he/she came up with the way to convert. (Where did 2.5 come from?) Ask what they would do if given cm and have to go back to inches (ie divide) Talk about methods. Can any of the students explain exactly how they came up with their measurements? Do any students think they will remember exactly how they came up with measurements in May when you pull the paper out in May to check heights and arm-spans again? Make the point that methods should be written such that if they were given to someone who didn’t know what to do could re-do the project exactly without any help.

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