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MCS-o11 o MCA (Revised) Term-End Examinatlon December, 2005


MaxitnumMarks: 10O (Weishtoge 754/0)

Note I

Question number 1 is compulsory. Attefipt an9 three questions from the rest.


Write an algorithm and draw a correspondingflow


chart to print the sum of the digits ol a given




Write a recursiveprogram to find the G.C.D. of the hro given numbers.





Write a program in 'C' to print fhe {olloqing format: 10 I I G I G N I G N O ICNOU IGNO I G N I G I




Write a program in 'C' to add the given number o{ days to the cun€nt date and print the (final) resultant date. flor e.g. idding 12 days to 22/0A/2005 \Nill resit in 03,/09/20051


Wite a program in 'C' to find all Armstrong numbersin the range of 0 and 999.


Hinf i An Armstrong number is an inieger whose sum of lhe cubes ol its digits is equai to the numberitsetf. (b)



Write a program to count the number of vowels, consonants and spaces in a given stfing.


Explain the important features of 'C' language. Mention the lypes ol applications which can be deveiop€dusing C. List any three 'C' compilers. IO

M C S0 t r @



Wril€ a Fogram in 'C' to perlorm multiplication of two matrices A and B.


lal There are 70 records ;n a file $,ith ihe ,oljowing Struct I Char itemcodel6li Clnr itemname [20); int qtyi I iierr; Write a program to read these recordsand arrange them in asc€ndingorder with respectto qiy. 10

(b) Write ihe functionsto periorm the following :




To find mn where m, n ) 0


To swap hro '"ariables


Write a program in 'C' to find and display ihe minimum and maximum values of an array of tntegers. Note : You should use "pointers" concept only.


Wnte the syntax and explain the purpose of the following lundions : (i)



Fclos€( )


(iii) Fprintf( )




Wriie a symbollc constant or a macro definition for each of the following : (i)

Define a macro called AREA, which will calculate area of circle in terms of radius. Use the constantPI in calculation.


Rewrite the macro describ€d in preceding problem so thai radius is expressed as an argument.

liii) Write a macro called "MAX" that utilizers conditional operaior (?: ) to determjne 'a' maximum of and 'b', tlrJo integer5.

M C S - 0 1@1


MCS-0l2 @

MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination December.2OO5 ORGANISATIoN MCS-o12O: COMPUTER & ASSEMBLYLANGUAGEPROGRAMMING Time : 3 hours

Moximrlm Morks : 100 (Weightase75o/o)

Not€ :

Question no. I is compulsorg ond carries 40 marks Attempt dny three questions lrom the


Simplily the followingbooleanfunction in POS form usingK-maps I


F(A,B, C, D) = >(0,2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15) Also draw a togic diasram using on{! NAND gates. (b)


Assumea compuierhaving 64 wotd MM and cache memory oI 8 blocks. Where can we Iind the main memory location26 in cachejf (i) associaiivemapping is usedi (ii) di.ect rnapping is used; (iii) 2-way set associative(2 blocks per set)mapping is used. Assume 1 word = t6 bits and block siz€ = 32 bits 10 Make suitableassumptions, if any-

M C $0 1 2 @



An instruction is stored at location 500 with its address field at location 501. The address field has the t,?lue 300. A processor regtster Rl contains the number 100. E!"luate th€ effective address if the addressing mode of the instruction is (i)




(iii) Registerindirect (iv) Index with Rt as lndex regisier Make suitableassumptions,if any. . (d)

Represent the following numbers in IEEE-?S4 floating point singleprecisionnumber format :

(i) 1011.1001 {it - 0.001r00t (e)

Explain ihe micro-instruction encoding methods with the help of su;iabje djagrams. Jl a machjne has a very large number of instructions and registers, which of the hro encoding methods is preferred ? Jusfify your answer.


Find out the errors, if any, in th€ following, and (i)



rDlv AX, cH

(iii) DEc AL {jv) A.44 .dX, BX (v) XGGH WORDI, WORD2




la) Design a decade counter using D,flipflop. Show ail the steps involved-


(b) What is an intermpt ? Explain each oI th€ condrtions under which an interrupl occurs. (c,


Explainthe working of the instructionpipelining,with the help ol a diagram.

(a) Representthe numberF 26-5)ro as a floating point binary number with 24 bjis. The normalizedfraction mantissa has 16 bits and the exponent has g bits. Make and siate suitableassumptions,if any_

(b) In RAID levels, explain the leatures of those revers whicb have poor I/O request rate lread/wnl€| RegisterA holdsthe 8-bits 11011001. Determinethe B operand and th€ logic micro,operation to b€ performed in order to change the value in A to :



(it 11111101 (d)


Write an assemblyprogram to conv€rt a 4digit BCD number to its binary equivalent.

(a) Consiructa 16-ro,1linemultiplexer with two 8,to-1 line multiplex€rsand one 2-to1 line multiplexer. Makesuirableassumpdons. if any.



(b) What is cachememory ? A two-way setassociative cache memory us€s blocks of four words. The cache can accommodate a total of 2048 words Irom the main memory. The main memory size is 128 K x 32. Whai are the si?esof the following :





(ii4 Data (iv) Cache Memory



Write a program in 8086 assemblylanguageto find whether two strings are of equal length. You can assume ihat the strings are stored in the main memory and a string is terminatedby a $ character.



computer has 32 registers, ALU has 64 operations. A1l ar€ connected to a common bus system. Formulaie a conirol word tor the computer, specily the bits in each field of the control words.

Explainthe lollowingwith the help ol a suitablediagramor an example : 20 (i)

Error detectionand correctionprocess


Any hro characteristics of video cards/adapters

(iii) Evaluationstackarchitecture (ie) Parameter passing using stack in 8086 assembly language



Mcs,o13 @ MCA (Revised) Term-End Examinatlon December,20O5 MCS-013G) ; DISGRETE MATHEMATICS Time, 2 hours

MaximumMarks. 50

Note :

Question nurnber t is compulsorg. Attempt ong thtee questionsJrom the rcst.

r. (a)

Let P = You can usethe IGNOU computer laboratory, Q = You are a compritersciencestudentof IGNOU,and R = You are a first year siudentof IGNOU. ExDressthe following statementusing P, Q, and R and logical connectives. "You can use the IGNOU computerlaboratoryonly if you are a computer sciencestudent of IGNOU and you are not a first year studentof IGNOU." Also r{rite the converseof this statementin words.

(b) Draw the circuit lor the booleanexpression (x^y)'vk ^z)v(y^z)) {c)



4 4 P.T.O.



How manv one-one functlons ar€ there from an n-elemenfset to an m'elementset (n < m) ? Justify


What is the probabiliiythat when iwo dice are rolied, the sumof the numb€rsthat appearon th€ diceis 5 or7?

\aJ L€t I(x) = sin x define a function I lrom the set of real numbersto ihe set ol real numbers.Det€rmine whether f is one-to-oneand/or onto.

ib) Constructa relaiionR on A = .7, 2, 3, 4l suchihat R is reflexiveand transiiivebut not symmetdc. ll a four-digitnumberis chosenat mndom,what is the probabiliry that the productol the digitsjs 12 ? 3.


(a) How many integers betreen 1 and 300 (both inclusive) are divisibJe by ar l€astone ol g. 5.7 ? (b)

Prove that J7 is an inational number.


L€t A = set of odd naturalnumben, and B = set ol all prim€ natual numbers. (il

Wdte A and B usingset'buildertorm.


Checkwhetherany of ih€ inclusion3A e B or B E A holds.

( i i i ) W h a jt s B _ A ? (b)

Prove that -{p v q) v [(:-p) ^ q] v p tautology-


5 is a


{a) Let | , 82 + B tp a functjon which is defined by

(0, 0) = 1, (1, 0) = 0, f(0, 1) = 0 andf{1, 1) = 1. Find the Boolean expression specjfuing the function f. wllat is the coefficient o|7y2"2 (x+y+211r?

3 3

Find the dual of (i)

ln the etpansion ol

(x ny) v {-z)^(p+d

(ii) (p-;q) ^(q+p)




MCS0r4 @

MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination Decembet 2OQ5 MCS.014@: SYSTEMSANALYSTS AND DESIGN Time : 3 hours

Maximu,h Marks : 100 (Weightose 75a/o)

Note :

Question number 7 is co',r'.pulsory. AnsLoerony ,htee questionslrcm the rest.


Define the ierm 'lnformation Sgstem'. List at l€ast five characteristics of a s!6tem. Explain real time


systemsand distributedsystems. (bl


List ai leasi 4 rules for namjng tables and fteids. The list should also include at least 6 propefties of database fi€lds that are io be s€t while designing them. 10




Dilferentiate behreen the following pairs : (i)

Batch process'ng and processing


Decision support system 3nd Expert system



(iii) Alpha testing and Beta tesling (iv) Analysis and Design


Suppose 9ou are a project ma$ag€r. You are required to develop S,^'V for a Hoiel Manag€ment System. Write the


solufionof ihjs problem in the lollowing way : Scope Data dictionary Inpuvoutput design DFD (upto at least 3 levels)


(a) Explain the rol€s of llre various participants involved in Joint Application Development.


(b) Define coupling, and explain the following types ot ccuplins : .

Data coupling


Stamp coupling


Control coupling




(a) What is an obj€ct oriented CASE tool ? List five iypes of CASE tools, and four features of CASE baseddevelopment.


(b) Explain Indexed Sequential and Hashed File



Whai is a decision suplrort ststem ? Explain the componentsof a DecisionSupport Systemwith the 10 help ol a diaya'n.

(b) Whai is an Audit sofh{'ar€ ? Explain any hro commerciaj audit solhvares. Also list four ber]efifs of auclit.




MCS-o15 0 MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination December, 2O05 MCS-015O: COMMUNICATION SKILLS Time : 2 hours Note :


MoximumMarks: 50

Ansuer sll questions.

Read the folowing passageand an$r./€fthe questions given after it : You don\ have to ba a specialkind of person to sell a product. But although successfulsalespeople often have specialtalentsand an outgoingpersonaljiy,the skillsthey employ ar€ used by us all :.we build and rhaintain relationships with diflerent kinds of people, we listen to and take note of u,bai they tell us and don'i just enjoy the sound of our own voices, and we explain things to lhem or discuss'deas wi.h l.?m A firm may depend on their own sai€s teirm and,/or on the salesmanshipof th€ir distributors,wholesalersor tetailerc. But any company needsto establisha personal


P . TO .

relationshipwith its major clients ('k€9 accounts') and potential customers ('pro5pects'). It i5 often said that 'people do businessMth people' , a firm doesn'tjust deal imper6onally with a;other

{irm. but a person in the

buying department receives personal visits from people repr€sentingihe firm's suppherson a r€gdar basis- ot in the case of departmentstores or chain stores,a team of buyersmay travel around visitingsuppliers. 'on Keeping salespeople the road is much more expensive than €mploying them to work in the office because much of their time is spent unproductively travelling. Telephone selling may use this time more productively (though in some countri€s this is illegal), but a face-to{ace meeting and discussion is much mor€ e{f€ciive. Companies involv€d in the export trad€ olten have a separate export Sales force. whose travel and accommodation expenses may be very high. So servicing overceas customers may often be don€ by phone, fax or letter with not so many personal vigits. Many fitms appoint an overseasagent or distdbutor whose own sales Iorce takes over responsibility for selling their producis in anoth€r country. A salesdepartm€ntconsistsol many people who are based in different parts o{ the country ot the wotld, who don't have the day{o day contact and opportunities for


commrmicating with each oiher that olfice,based stafl have For this reason.lirm\ hold ,egularsalesconferences where their €ntire sales lorce can meet, receive information and ask questions about- new products and tec€ive training, {i)

Mention any lwo skilLsused by both salespersonsand people dLrdng personal,/professlonal ordinary




Given below are thre€ siatements based on the passage. Say whether thev are true or false. Correct the {alsestatemeot(s). (a)

A successi.:l sal€sperson must be an extroved and a gooclcommuricator,

(b) A company need not establish a pe$onal relationshrpwirh ire prospectivp(lients (Q


Telephone selllng is mor€ expensive than sendingsale\person\lo visit orher companies

What is the advantage that office-based salespersons have over those based in diff€rent parts of ihe countr!' or the world ?

(iv) Mention any hro rgasons why lims (v)

hold sales



What does 'servicing overs€ascusto$ers' mean ?





Choose the lvord or phla,re that best completes each senience from the oplions glv€n for each : . (i)

to infomation lndividuals should hav€ in record-k€eping svstems. themselves about {a)


{b) access (cJ Foximity (d) reach iii)



of data liles should take ail Jhe reasonable precautjons for their safety. (a)





strre keeper



We shouldn't change the venue ol the meeting at (al

smali notice


short notice


little information


shod inlormaijon -

No one voted against the motion. The decision was

(a) anonymous (b) united {c) finat (d) unanlmous MCS-015@


Her secretary always _

the phone first.

(a) callsup (b)

laoks up


picks up


gets up

3 . Complete the custorner's part in the following dialogue : Receptionistr


Good morning,sir, how can I help 9ou ?

Customer :

R€c€ptionist; 1'm alraid Mr Mehta is not in his room at

Customer: Receptionist: Sure, sit. His atr€nd to you in a minute.In the meantimeyou couldpleas€ wait in the lounge.

Customer: The assistant: What can I do to help you, Sir ? customer I The assistant: I will try and locate Mr. Mehta Customer :


Thank very much.



Fill in the blank in the following sentenceswith a suitable 10

preposiiion : (i)

The letters we were waifing yesterday.


You must stay in contact -


the head oflice

for further insiructions. {iii]

We are sending you the material in accordance your request, _


The meedng rs going oni Lhetalks are -


I heard -


He was presented he retied.

this vacqncyfrom a fri€nd. a gold watch when

(viO l'll wait at the airport

{viii) The



the time she





Thursday. (ix)

We look forward -


Please send a reply -

MCS 015o

hearing from you. email at onc€.

Bead the advertisem€nt given below and wriie a letter applying {or the job. Attach your briel biodata. Sal€s Executives for a Leading MultinaiionalCompany (basedin Delhi) .

We are looking for excellent ralespersongwiih initiativ€ and drive for selling our lull mnge ol Consllmer Durabie Products. Experi€nce of sel$ng sjmilat products is desjrable.


Remunerationwill be linked to performance. Apply to Ms. Suchita l(aul Personnel Executive


ABC Co. P.O. Box : 1234



MCS-021 €)

MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination December. 20O5 MCS-021@: DATA AND FILE STRUCTURES Time: 3 hours Note.


MoximumMarks, 100 (Weishtose75%)

Question number 7 is compu|Fory. Attempt any three questions lrom the rest. All dlgorithms should be written nearcr to 'C language.


Write an algorithm for the multiplication of tv,,o polynomialsin one variable. 10


Define a Queue. Explain the operaiionsthat can be performed on a queue. How is a circular queue


implementedusing arrays? DeJine a "strongly connected component" ol a digraph. Write an algorithm for finding strongly connectedcomponentsof a graph. Soft the followlng numbersusing Quick Sort I



5 , 1 0 . 2 , 1 6 , 1 8 , 3 , 1 9 ,4 1 , 8 Cleatly write all the st€ps involved in sorting the

10 MCS.O21@



(a) Give simplifiedbigo notation loj th€ fo owing functions: (t)

10n3+ 6n2

(ii) 5n log n + 30n (b) Writean algorjihmfor ihe impl€mentation of a stack usinglinked list. 3.





What are the properti€sof a Red'BlackTree ? How do AA-trees differ hom Red-Black Trees ? Gve an exampleeach of a Red-BlackTree and an AA-tre€.


(a) Wrlte at le.astthree differences bet'.r./eena Circularly

o) 5.

Defin€ a Binary Search Tree. Write the processof insertionof a nod€ into a Binary SearchTree.

iinked list and a Doubly linked list. Write an algorithm for the creation and insettion opemtions on a Doubly linked list.


Wriie an algorithm foI the jmplementaiion oI a tre€ using arrays.


(a) ExplalnSequenhalFile Organlsation. (b) Write an algorithm for the multiplication oI h^ro



MCS-o22 o MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination December,2005


Time : 3 hours Note t '

Questicrnnumber 1 is compulsory. Attempt ony three questionsfrcm the rest.

r. (4

Write a shell script (in Linux) to calculate a faciorial of any given number.


How is mulhmedia operating system diflerent from a con€ntional opemhng system ? Elaborate.


What is the basic philosophy of X-Windows ? How is it dilferent trom the rest of GUI ?






beh,,/een lP


addresses, A, B, C. D, E ?

MCS-022 o



How will you secure a gu€st account in Windows

2000? {vi) Can more than one p€rson use ihe same user accounton a Linux system? Discuss. (vii) Discussthe \,?riouscriteria for selectinga UPS {or your system.


(viii) List ihe four compuier systemwlnerabilities.


2. \t


Explain the working schemeand d€signprinciplesol DNS through appropriaiediagrams.


Discussfile managementsubsystems ol Linw.


What are the goals of computer security ? Discuss the main issues in Windows security management.


Define the following :

4. (t (ii)





essential dilference




Briefly dercribe all the steps in installing the Linux ope.raung sysrem. What is ihe need of a lirewall ? What are its lrmrtations?



5. {t

AnsLver the following questions with respect to Windows 2000 : (a)

What is the pr.fpose of distrtbuted l e system ? What are its features? How are the rwo rypes ol distributed files-roots implemented on Windows 2000 ser,,er ?


(b) How does a domain differ from a workgroup ?


(c) When shouldsecuritygroups be used insteadol distributjongroups? (jt

Nam€ any five methodsof authenticationavailablein Windows operating system and biefly describe.


Discuss the advantagesand disadvantageso{ Bus and Mesh topologi€s.



MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination December, 2OO5 MCS-O23 O : DATABASEMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Time: 3 haurs

MaximumMorks: 100 (Weightage750/0)

Note i Quest'ion number 7 is compulsory. Attempt any thfee questions frcm the rcst. l.


Consider the following requirements ol a staff managementsystemol an organisation: .

The basic information that needs to be stored about the siaff includes staft-id, name, address, date of birth, daie of employnent, post held.


It keepsdependent informaiion of employees.An employee can have many dependents.


Pay details of the employe€sare also kept.


It also keepsirack of the various d€partments and employeesol thosedepanmenLs.

Draw the E-R diagram for the organisation.Make guitableassumptions,if any.




Consider the following relational scheme :

' stuaent{a!l name'phone'programme) . subjects{subject_id,subject_name,taught_by) . . marks (s_id, subjectjd, marks) Make any. Formulate SQL queries for the following : (i)

Find the names of studenis who have passed more thah 5 subjects. (For passing a subject, . student must get ai least 50 marks)


Find the programme ol the stirdents who have noL pas<€da singlecourse.

{iii) Find Lhesubiecithat has been passedby all ihe slud€nts who hau" dppeared lor rhal subiecl. (iv) Find the list of teachers who have taught mor€ courses than .what has been taught by teacher




Find the s_id of those students who share the sam€ phone numbers. (Assume that a maximum ol hro students can have the sam€ phone nurnber.)



Assume the following three concurrent transacijons : T1 : Reads A, B and C and wtiies modilied ',rlues of B, C and A. T2 : Read A, C and D and writes modiliedv"lue. of A and C. T3 rReads A, B, C and D only and produces a resultE. . Write the pseudo code lor the transactionsabove. Show a non-serialisable schedule for the tran.actions. Consi.r'.rcta precedence grdph Jor th€ non-serialisable schedulecreatedby you.



Write at least six admntages oJ the database approach.

ConsiderLhelollowing retation: Examination(student_id,name, subjectcode, praper-code,maximum marks, pass_fail, examination_date,exam-cenke code, marks_obtained-by_stud€nt)



Etplain at least three anomalies in the relation


Identity the functional dependencies in the reiation. Identify the primary key of the relation.


Normalisethe relation to 2NF and 3NF

(iv) Wnte the SQL commands for creating the tables. Specify the primary )rey(slalso.





(a) Explain the sequenhnl file organisation with the help ol a diagram. Write ai least one advantage and one disadvantage of this organisotion.

(b) Explain th€ foflowing relational algebraic operarlons with the help of one example each : (i)

Set Dfference

{ri) Division What is an auihorisation matrix ? Where is it used ? Explain ihe use of authorisation matrix with th€ help



ExplaiD the two phase locljng sch€rne with ibe hejp ol an example. Why is sirict tw<J phase locking needed?

(a) Which of ihe h^ro data structures, binary search tree or B tree,.would you use lor implementingan mqex in a databasesyslem? Justrlyyour answer

{b) Explain the inveded file organisation with the help of an example. How do you search on multiple keys using this organisation ? Rplain with an €xample. What are dislributed dataLEse systems ? Lisl fow advantages and six disad!€ntages. Explain fragmentation jn a distributed database system, with th€ help of an example.




e,(plain the lollowing in the context of database systems, wiih the help of an example each : 20 (0

Data independence


Data dictionarg


Issuesrelating to physical databasedesign


Three-Tier client-server architecture





MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination December,2OO5 MCS-023@: DATABASEMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Time : 3 hours

Maximun Morks: 100 (Weightose75%)

Note: Questionnumber1 is cotnpursory.Attempt ony three questionsJrom the rest. (a)

Consider the following requiremenis of a staff mdnagemenlsygremol dn organtsdtion: .

The basic information that needs to be stored about the staff includes staff-id, name, address, dateof birth, dateof employment,post h€ld.


It keepsdependent information ol employees.An emplogee can have many dependents. Pay d€tails of the employeesare also kept.


Il also keeps track of the various departments and emploveesof those depariments.

Draw the E-R diagram for the otganisation. Make $ilable dny.




Consider the following rclational scheme : . ctudenr(Lid. name. phone. programme) . subjects (subjeci,id, subject_name,taught by) . marks l!9,

subjeci,id, marks)

Make assumpljons.if any. Formulate SQL queries for the following : (i)

Find the names ot sfudents who have passed more than 5 subjects. (For passing a subject, shrdent must get at least 50 marks)


Find the progrdmmeot lhe studmrs who have not passed a single course.


Find the subject ihal has been passed by all the shldents who have appeared for that subj€ct.

(iv) Find the list of teachcrc who have tawht more courses than what has been taught by teach€r




Find the s-id o{ those students who share the same phone numbers. (Assume thai 'a maximum ot hvo students can have the same phone number.)



Assumeihe following ihree concurent transaciions: 14 T1 : Reads A, B and C and wites modified values of B, C and A. T2 : Read A, C and D and writes modified !"lues of A and C. T3 : Reads A, B, C and D only and produces a result E. Write the pseudo code {or the transactions above. Show a non-serialisable schedule for the transactions.Construct a precedencegraph for the non-serialisable schedule created by you.


Wnte at least six advantages ot the database approach.


3 z . Consider the following relation : Examination (student-id, name, subject-code, paper-code, maximum_marks,pass_fail, examination_date,exam-centre_cod€, malks_obtained-b9_studeni)



Explain at least ihree anomalies in the r€lation above.


Identily ihe functional dependenci,esin the relation. Identi&rthe primary key o{ the relation.

(iii) Normalisethe r€lation to 2NF and 3NF (iv) Write ihe SQL commandsfor creating the tables. Specily the primary key(s)also.




(a) Rplain the sequential file organisation with the h€lp of a diagram. Wfite at least one advantage and one disadvantage of this organisatlon.

(b) Explain the following relaiional algebrdjc operatjons wtth ihe help ol one example each : (i)

Set Difference





What ls an authorisation rnatrix ? Wh€re is it used ? Explain the use of authonsation matrii with the help


Explain the two phase locking schem€ with the h€lp of an example. Why is stdci hro phase jocking needed?

a. b)

Which ol the two data siructr(ss, binary search tee ot B tree, would you use for implemeniing an rndex in a database system ? Justify yout answer.

(b) Explain the inverted file organisation with the help of an example. How do you search on multiple keys using this organisaiion ? Explain with an example. (c)

What are distributed database systems ? List four adfintages and six drsadvantages. Expldin fragmeniation in a distribuied database system, with the help of an example.


Explain the following in the cont€xt of database sysiems, with the help ol an example each : li)

Data indepeodence


Data dictionary


lssuesretatingto physicaldatabasedesign


Thre€-Tier cii€nt-server archttecture





MCS-024o MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination December,2OO5 MCS-024@ : OBJECTORIENTED TECHNOLOGIES AND JAVA PROGRAMMING Time : 3 hours Note :


MaximumMarks, 100

Question number one is compulsory. any thtee questionsJrom the rest.


la) What is a global variable ? Explain two major problemsthat may occur due to globalvariables.

(b) What is inheritance ? Explain tu/o ben€fits of inherifance,with an exampleof each. "One object in Java can be assign€das relerenceto another object of the same type. ' To explain this conc€pt write a completeJava program and explain how a relerenceobjectworks. (d)

What is a construcior ? Write a Java program to explain how slrp€r class constructors are called in their subclass€s.




W1at ls multithreading ? Explain this with an example of how interthread communication takes plac€ in Java. Explaln how a string class obiect can be creaied 'String Buffer' objeci. Also, explain using an existing how can you find the location ol the last occurrence '. of 'a' in the string "Ja\,? Programming



What is a checkbox ? How would you put checkboxes on an applet ? Explain how checkbox group is cr€ated in Java.


What is a datagram ? Explain how objects of the class DatagramPacket can be created.

lal What is an instance \ariable ? Explain how an instance variable of a class can have diflereot \Ialue for each object of that class.

(b) What is encapsulation ? Explain how encapsulation provides modulari9 and information hiding.



What is a URL cornection ? Write a Java program to explain the processesoI reading lrom and writing to a URL.


What is a language paradigm ? Explain .h,,robasic features of an object oriented paradigm.

(a) List four differences behreen a Java applications program and Ja\,a applet program, with an example of each type of program-



Find the enors in tbe follo'\J,,ing Java progtam, and correct them


public classMg_String

I public vold ftain(stdng) { String sh = " Java Programming"; Str reverse()j (" Capacjty: " + str.capacity()); System.out.println

l ) Write a program in Java which cteates a file referenceand finds ihe following : (i)

Path of th€ filei


Whether file exists or not;

(iii) Wheth€r the file is writable or not; (iv) Size of the file.



What is multithrended prosramming ? Explain how threads are cr€ated in Java. Explain the n€ed lot thread synchronization,wiih an exampl€.


{b) What is a package? Explain,wiih an example,how name conflictsare resolvedduring packageimport. (c)

Write a program to explain how parameters are passed in an applet Program.




(a) What is a container ? Explain how componenisare addedto a contaiher.What is a.defaultlayout of an applet ? How can you changeit ?

(b) What is a bihxiseoperator ? II i is ini i = 32, what will ihe !"?lue oJ i be after (i) i=<<<3i (it i=i+i<<<2? What is JDBC ? Explain how SQL statementsare wriiten and €xecutedin Java. (d)

What is an exception ? w'ite an exceptionsubclass which throws an exceptionif the variableage passed as algument to a methodand the valueof age is less than 20.



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