Mcr Constitution-27 Jun 05

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muttHERTFORD COLLEGE MIDDLE COMMON ROOM CONSTITUTION Preamble The Middle Common Room is a graduate body within Hertford College which provides facilities and amenities to its members so as to promote and foster a graduate community within the College. I.


1. Unless otherwise indicated, in this Constitution the following terms have the following meanings: (a) “Associate Member” means an individual who is a member of the MCR by virtue of Articles 14 and 15 below, and “Associate Membership” shall be interpreted accordingly; (b) “College” means Hertford College; (c) “Committee” means the MCR Committee; (d) “Committee Officer” means an individual elected as an officer of the MCR Committee, other than an Interim Officer; (e) “Fixture” means any item other than consumable goods; (f) “Full Member” means an individual who is a member of the MCR by virtue of Articles 5-7 below, and “Full Membership” shall be interpreted accordingly; (g) “Full Term” means the period of time starting on Sunday of First Week and ending on Saturday of Eighth Week; (h) “General Meeting” means a general meeting of the MCR; (i) “Honorary Member” means an individual who is a member of the MCR by virtue of Article 13 below; (j) “Interim Officer” means an individual elected as a replacement for a Committee Officer under Articles 25 and 26 below; (k) “JCR” means Junior Common Room; (l) “Junior Member” means an individual deemed to be a junior member of the College by the Governing Body of the College; (m)“MCR” means the Middle Common Room; (n) “Member” means an Associate Member, Full Member or Honorary Member; (o) “Postal RO” means the Returning Officer responsible for receiving postal votes, nominations, and any other correspondence pertaining to an election; (p) “Returning Officer” means an individual designated by Article 37 below; (q) “Special Motion” means a motion which can only be passed by a two-thirds majority vote at a General Meeting; and (r) “Mature undergraduate” means an undergraduate member of college who is aged 21 or over at matriculation. 2. Any reference to an academic course means a course of academic study conducted at the University of Oxford.

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3. Unless otherwise indicated, any reference to a committee or officer is to the relevant committee or officer of the MCR. 4. All references to the masculine include the feminine. II.

Membership of the MCR Full Membership

5. The following Junior Members are entitled to Full Membership: (a) those who are graduates of any university; (b) those who are engaged in any advanced academic course; (c) those selected in accordance with Article 6 below; (d) those whom the Governing Body of the College and the MCR consider should be entitled to Full Membership; and (e) the president of the JCR. 6. A maximum of twenty fourth-year undergraduates, to be selected by the president of the JCR in consultation with the President, may be given Full Membership each academic year. The criteria for selection must be determined by the outgoing Committee, in consultation with the president of the JCR, at the end of Trinity Term. 7. Subject to Article 10 below, Junior Members entitled to Full Membership are deemed to be Full Members. Rights of Full Members 8. Subject to Articles 66, 81 and 105 below, Full Members have the following rights: (a) to exercise unrestricted access to all social, computing and other facilities of the MCR; (b) to vote in elections and at General Meetings; and (c) to attend and speak at General Meetings. 9. Full Members who fulfil the membership criteria of the JCR Constitution are entitled to membership of the JCR. Withdrawal from Full Membership 10. A Junior Member entitled to Full Membership may withdraw from Full Membership for the current academic year by informing the College secretary by Friday of Second Week in Michaelmas Term. 11. Withdrawal from Full Membership does not deprive a Junior Member of any other service provided by the College to Junior Members. Expiry of Full Membership 12. Full Membership expires at the end of the academic year in which the Full Member completes, or withdraws from, his academic course, or ceases to be a Junior Member. Last amended at a general meeting of 8 May 2005 and updated on 27 June 2005

Honorary Members 13. Any individual may become an Honorary Member if elected as such by a General Meeting. Associate Membership 14. The Committee may consider for Associate Membership: (a) any former Full Member; or (b) the spouse or partner of a Full Member. (c) postdoctural research students (d) members of the SCR who would benefit from MCR membership 15. Mature Undergraduates shall be deemed associate members on receipt of their capitation fees by the MCR. Fees for Associate Members 16. Subject to Article 17 below, any person eligible for Associate Membership who wishes to become an Associate Member must pay an annual fee for using MCR facilities. The level of the annual fee is to be determined by the Committee at the start of the academic year. 17. In cases of financial hardship, the Committee may waive the obligation for an Associate Member to pay the annual fee. Rights of Associate and Honorary Members 18. Subject to Articles 69 and 105 below, Associate and Honorary Members have the following rights: (a) to exercise unrestricted access to all social, computing and other facilities of the MCR; and (b) to attend and speak at General Meetings. Expiry of Associate Membership 19. Associate Membership expires at the end of the academic year. III.

Composition and duties of the Committee

Committee Officers 20. The Committee consists of the following Committee Officers: (a) President, Secretary, Treasurer (“Group One Officers”); (b) Bar Manager, Computer Clerk, Food and Housing Officer, Social Secretary, Welfare Officer, Women’s Officer (“Group Two Officers”); and

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(c) any other officers whom the Group One and Group Two Officers may elect to the Committee as being in their view appropriate representatives of the MCR (“Group Three Officers”). 21. The duties of the current Committee Officers are listed in Appendix 1. Appendix 1 does not form part of this Constitution, and must be amended appropriately by the Committee whenever a new Group Three Office is created. 22. The Group One Officers are expected to ensure that their academic course does not involve any significant absence from Oxford during Full Term throughout their period of office. 23. (a) A Committee Officer elected in the annual elections: (i) may, with the consent of his predecessor in office, take office after Sunday of the 9th week of the Trinity Term in which he is elected; and (ii) must take office no later than the 1st of September immediately following the Trinity Term in which he is elected, by which time the outgoing President must vacate NB7/3. (b) A Committee Officer elected in a by-election must take office immediately following his election. 24. Subject to Article 25 below, a Committee Officer who is not re-elected in the annual elections held during his term of office must leave office on or before the 31st of August following those annual elections. This does not apply to Interim Officers. 25. If the President is elected in a by-election in Trinity Term, the elected candidate may continue as President for the next academic year without re-election. Interim Officers 26. If the President resigns: (a) the Secretary must act as the Interim Officer; or (b) where the Secretary is unable for any reason to act as the Interim Officer, the Committee must elect another Committee Officer as Interim Officer. 27. (a) If any Group One Officer other than the President resigns, the Committee must elect an Interim Officer. (b) If a Group Two Officer resigns, the Committee may elect an Interim Officer. 28. An Interim Officer must carry out the duties of the vacant office for the period between the resignation and the election of a replacement by the MCR in a by-election held under Article 35 below; and, save where otherwise indicated, all provisions of this Constitution relating to a Committee Officer apply equally to an Interim Officer elected to replace that Officer. 29. Unless confirmed in office by the MCR in a by-election held under Article 35 below, an Interim Officer must leave office immediately following the election of a replacement Committee Officer in such a by-election.

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Eligibility to act as or be elected as a Committee Officer or Interim Officer 30. No-one is eligible for election as a Committee Officer or Interim Officer unless he is a Full Member whose Full Membership is not due to expire under Article 12 above during his period of office. 31. If a Committee Officer or Interim Officer: (a) ceases to be a Junior Member or a Full Member; (b) is the subject of a motion of no-confidence passed at a General Meeting under Article 84(c) below; or (c) is expelled from the Committee under Article 105 below; he shall be deemed to have resigned forthwith. 32. Except as an Interim Officer, no person can hold more than one Committee office. 33. A person who is a Committee Officer otherwise than by virtue of being an Interim Officer may not stand for a by-election. IV.

Election of Committee Officers

Elections 34. Annual elections for all Committee offices must take place in Trinity Term each year. 35. If a Committee Officer resigns, a by-election must be held to elect a replacement. A byelection may take place at any time during Full Term. Returning Officers 36. The two Returning Officers are responsible for the conduct of an election. The Returning Officers must agree between themselves which Returning Officer is to act as Postal RO. 37. A candidate in an election cannot act as a Returning Officer for that election. 38. (a) The first Returning Officer is the first individual on the following list who is eligible and able to act as Returning Officer: the President; the Secretary; the Treasurer; any other Committee Officer or Full Member elected for this purpose by the Committee. (b) The second Returning Officer is the first individual on the following list who is eligible and able to act as Returning Officer: the Welfare Officer; the Women’s Officer; the Food and Housing Officer; the Computer Clerk; the Social Secretary; the Bar Manager; any other Committee Officer or Full Member elected for this purpose by the Committee. Election procedures

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39. (a) The process for the annual elections of Group One Officers begins on Sunday of Fifth week of Trinity Term. (b) The process for the annual elections of Group Two Officers begins on Sunday of Sixth week of Trinity Term. (c) The process for a by-election begins on the Sunday of Full Term immediately following the resignation of the Committee Officer concerned, provided that the resignation occurs before Sunday of Seventh Week. If the resignation occurs on or after Sunday of Seventh Week, the process for the by-election begins on Sunday of First week of the following term. 40. The Returning Officers must notify the MCR by 7:00 p.m. on the Sunday on which the election process begins that nominations for the election of officers to specified Committee offices should be submitted in writing to the Postal RO by 9:00 a.m. on the following Friday. The notice must state that hustings for the offices will be held in the Octagon, or another suitable venue, on the Sunday following the deadline for nominations. 41. (a) Nominations for all Committee offices must include the name of the candidate, the office for which the candidate wishes to stand, the names and signatures of two Full Members as nominators, and the date of nomination. A candidate may not nominate himself. (b) Candidates for the position of Women’s Officer must be female. 42. No candidate may stand for election to more than one office within any one Group in the annual elections or in a by-election. 43. An unsuccessful candidate for a Group One office may stand for election to a Group Two office in the annual elections. 44. The Returning Officers must notify the MCR of the nominations received for the positions by 12 noon on the Friday immediately following the beginning of the election process. The notice must: (a) state the name of each candidate, the office for which he is standing, and the names of his nominators; (b) state that hustings for the offices will be held in the Octagon, or another suitable venue, on the following Sunday after Formal Hall; (c) state that ballots for the offices will continue during Lodge-opening hours from 8:00 a.m. on the following Monday to 6:00 p.m. on the following Wednesday; (d) contain instructions on the procedure for exercising a postal vote; and (e) be displayed until the balloting is completed. Hustings 45. The Returning Officers chair the hustings. Each candidate may speak for a period of time not exceeding the maximum specified for all candidates by the Returning Officer at the start of the hustings. Full Members may then ask questions, which must be directed to all candidates contesting a particular office.

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Balloting 46. (a) Subject to Article 46(b) below, voting must be conducted by a preferential voting system (i.e through a single, transferable vote). The candidate winning a majority of votes is elected. (b) “Re-open Nominations” (RoN) must be a ballot option. A vote cannot be transferred to or from RoN. 47. Votes by proxy are not permitted. 48. Postal votes must reach the Postal RO by 6:00 p.m. on the Wednesday when balloting closes. 49. If: (a) there is a tied vote; or (b) RoN obtains a majority of the votes; a new election must be commenced on the Sunday following the close of balloting in the original election. The procedure for the new election is that specified in Articles 39-51 50. After balloting closes, the Returning Officers must count the votes with the assistance of a neutral senior member of the College. The Returning Officers must notify the MCR of the results of the count within 24 hours of the close of balloting. 51. The Returning Officers must ensure that the Lodge staff is in possession of a list of eligible voters before the balloting commences. V.

Conduct of Committee Meetings

52. (a) Subject to Article 51(b) below, a Committee meeting may only be called by a Group One Officer. (b) If no Group One Officer is present in Oxford, a Committee meeting may be called by a Group Two Officer. 53. If three or more Group Two Officers request, in writing, that a meeting be called, the President, or in his absence another Group One Officer, must call the requested meeting. 54. (a) Subject to Article 54(b) below, at least 72 hours’ notice must be given of a Committee meeting, and the agenda for the meeting must be circulated 48 hours before the time of the meeting. (b) An emergency meeting may be called on 24 hours’ notice, in which case the agenda must be circulated at the same time as the notice is given. 55. In addition to notification under Article 107 below, notice of the Committee meeting must be sent to Committee Officers by electronic mail.

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56. (a) The quorum for voting at a Committee meeting is five Committee Officers. (b) Only Group One and Group Two Officers can count towards the quorum for a Committee meeting. 57. The Committee Officer calling the meeting must book a public room within the College in which to hold the meeting, and must ensure that Articles 54 and 55 above are complied with. 58. (a) Subject to Article 58(b) below, a Committee meeting must be chaired by the President; or, in his absence, by the Secretary; or, in their joint absence, by the Treasurer. (b) If no Group One Officer is present at a Committee meeting, the meeting is to be chaired by a Committee Officer elected as chair by simple majority vote of the Group Two Officers present at the meeting. 59. Subject to Article 106 below: (a) Each Group One and Group Two Officer has one vote at Committee meetings. An Interim Officer does not have a vote at Committee meetings in his capacity as Interim Officer. (b) Voting is by simple majority. If there is a tied vote, where a motion enjoys the support of at least two of the Group One Officers present, it shall be carried. 60. The minutes of the Committee meeting must be taken by the Secretary, or by a Full Member designated by the Committee. The Secretary or Full Member taking the minutes must circulate them within 72 hours of the meeting. VI.

General Meetings

Procedure for Calling a General Meeting 61. A General Meeting cannot be held on a date falling outside Full Term. 62. (a) The Committee must call at least one General Meeting in each term. (b) The MCR may request that a General Meeting be held. The request must be submitted in writing to the President and must be signed by at least two Full Members. If the request is submitted on or before Friday of Sixth Week, the Committee must call a General Meeting for a date falling within 16 days of the submission of the request; otherwise, the Committee must call a General Meeting for the Sunday of First Week of the following term. If the Committee does not call a General Meeting as requested, any fifteen Members may proceed to call a General Meeting themselves, following the procedures set out in Articles 61 above and 6383 below, and for this purpose must elect one of their number to fulfil the duties placed on the President by those procedures. 63. The President must notify the MCR of the General Meeting at least seven days before the date on which the meeting is to be held. The notice must invite Full Members to put forward motions for discussion at the meeting.

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64. Motions for discussion at a General Meeting must be submitted in writing to the President at least four days before the scheduled meeting. Each motion must bear the names and signatures of two Full Members (as proposer and seconder, respectively, of the motion). 65. The President must notify the MCR of the agenda for the General Meeting at least 72 hours before the meeting is scheduled to take place. Procedure to be followed at a General Meeting 66. (a) Subject to Article 66(b) below, the person chairing the General Meeting (“the Chair”) must be the President; or, in his absence, the Secretary; or, in their joint absence, the Treasurer. (b) The Chair may move a motion that he relinquish the chairing of the General Meeting to another Full Member. 67. The business of the General Meeting must include the following: Minutes Matters arising Reports from Officers Questions to Officers Motions submitted Any other business 68. The minutes of the last General Meeting must be approved by the General Meeting and signed by the Chair. 69. Members must respect the right of other Members to listen and to take part in discussion at a General Meeting. At the discretion of the Chair, a Special Motion may be put forward to eject from a General Meeting any Member disruptive to the proceedings of the meeting. 70. All comments and questions must be made through the Chair. 71. Points of order to draw the attention of the Chair to violations of this Constitution may be made at any time. 72. (a) If a motion is proposed, speeches for and against must be allowed. (b) The proposer of any motion may sum up before a motion is put to the vote. 73. Members may question the proposer of any motion on the purpose and scope of the motion. The answers must be minuted to aid the understanding of the motion if passed. 74. The minutes of the General Meeting must be taken by the Secretary, or by a Full Member designated by the Chair. The Secretary or Full Member taking the minutes must circulate them within 72 hours of the meeting. Amendments to Motions

Last amended at a general meeting of 8 May 2005 and updated on 27 June 2005

75. Amendments may be proposed to any motion or amended motion or to any proposed amendment. 76. An amendment must be substantive and not merely formal. 77. If the initial proposer of a motion accepts a proposed amendment, it is automatically incorporated into the motion, and the amended motion must be referred to as a motion proposed jointly by the initial proposer and by the Members who proposed the amendment. 78. Amendments which are not accepted by the initial proposer of the motion must be discussed and voted on immediately after the substantive motion is proposed. Where the amendment is accepted by the General Meeting, the proposer of the amendment becomes the proposer of the amended motion. Voting Procedures 79. A General Meeting is not quorate for the purpose of voting on motions unless fifteen Full Members are present. 80. Subject to Article 83, voting is by a show of hands. The Chair must declare whether the motion is carried or defeated. 81. The Chair only has a casting vote. 82. A simple majority is sufficient to pass any motion other than a Special Motion. 83. At the discretion of the Chair, a motion may be put forward that a secret vote be held on any substantive motion. Special Motions 84. The following motions can only be passed as Special Motions: (a) a motion under Article 69 above to eject from a General Meeting any Member disruptive to the proceedings of the meeting; (b) a motion amending the constitution; or (c) a motion of no-confidence in any Committee Officer. VII.


85. All accounting on behalf of the MCR is to be based on the principle of double-entry book-keeping. 86. The Treasurer must prepare an annual budget plan to be presented at the first General Meeting in Michaelmas Term.

Last amended at a general meeting of 8 May 2005 and updated on 27 June 2005

87. The annual budget plan must be approved by the Committee in a Committee meeting held prior to the General Meeting. 88. The annual budget plan must contain: (a) the bank balance of all the MCR accounts; (b) expected income; (c) proposals for the acquisition of items which constitute a Fixture of the MCR; (d) proposed allocation of expenditure between different MCR facilities and events; and (e) limits of individual Committee Officers’ respective budgetary allocations. 89. Each term the Treasurer must prepare an accounts’ statement of the MCR. 90. The Treasurer must notify the MCR of the accounts’ statement four days before a forthcoming General Meeting. 91. If the MCR is wound up, the cash and assets of the MCR shall be deemed to belong to the College, and may be disposed of at the discretion of the Governing Body of the College. Purchases on behalf of the MCR 92. (a) Any proposed purchase of a Fixture worth more than £200 must be authorised by a General Meeting. (b) Any proposed purchase of a Fixture worth £200 or less must be authorised by the Committee. 93. In relation to items other than Fixtures, the Committee has the power: (a) to authorise the proposed purchase of such an item; and (b) to delegate to one or more Committee Officers with or without limitations the power to authorise the proposed purchase of such an item. 94. A Committee Officer to whom is delegated the power to authorise the purchase of items on behalf of the MCR must keep a record of: (a) items ordered; (b) items in stock; and (c) items sold or batteled. 95. The Treasurer may at any time inspect the records referred to in Article 94 above. Disposal of Goods on Behalf of the MCR 96. If the sale of any Fixture of the MCR is proposed, the item must first be offered for sale to Members by auction. The auction must take place in the Octagon after Formal Hall on a Sunday during Full Term, and must be conducted by a Committee Officer, who may not bid for any item to be sold. 97. The Treasurer must notify the MCR of the proposed auction at least seven days before the date of the auction. The notice must:

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(a) announce the level of the minimum acceptable bid (the reserve price), as agreed previously by the Committee; and (b) be displayed until the auction takes place. 98. If the Fixture is not sold at the auction, it may be sold or disposed of in any manner the Committee may deem appropriate. Accounts and Signing of Cheques 99. A separate bank account may be kept by the Computer Clerk for the purpose of carrying out his duties. Cheques drawn on any such account must be signed by both the Computer Clerk and the Treasurer. Articles 94 and 95 above apply to the operation of any such account. 100.Cheques drawn on the general MCR bank account must be signed by both the President and the Treasurer. Capitation 101.The Group One and Group Two Officers and the officers of the JCR shall jointly decide by whatever process they deem advisable the distribution of dues paid by Members. The distribution must take into account the degree of participation of Members in the activities and facilities provided by the JCR and the needs of the MCR. This Article may not be amended by the MCR without the consent of the JCR. VIII. Sub-Committees 102.The Committee may from time to time appoint sub-committees to undertake such tasks as it considers appropriate. IX.


103.Non-members may use the social facilities of the MCR only when accompanied by a Member. 104.Non-members may not use the computer facilities of the MCR. X.


105.If the Committee considers that a Member has behaved or is behaving in a manner which is detrimental to the well-being of the MCR, the Committee may exclude that Member from any facility or facilities of the MCR for a period not longer than eight weeks. The Member concerned may appeal to the Tutor for Graduates, who may overturn or modify the decision if in his view the effect of the decision would result in undue hardship to the Member concerned. 106.The MCR Committee may expel a Committee Officer from office if, at a Committee meeting at which all Group One and Group Two Officers are present, all Officers other

Last amended at a general meeting of 8 May 2005 and updated on 27 June 2005

than the Committee Officer in question vote in favour of such expulsion. For the purposes of this provision, only those Committee Officers who hold a Group One or Group Two office otherwise than as Interim Officers must be present. XI.


107.Save where otherwise provided, in any case where any individual is required by this Constitution to notify the MCR or any Members thereof of any fact, such notification must be given by means of an official written notice displayed on the tea room notice board, the front door and the Octagon door. Accountability and Complaints 108.If 5% of Full Members so request, affiliation to any external organisation (including OUSU) must be reviewed; but only one such request may be made in relation to any one such organisation in any academic year. 109.Any Member may raise complaints about the management of the MCR with the President. A Member who is dissatisfied with the handling of such a complaint may take his complaint to the Tutor for Graduates.

Last amended at a general meeting of 8 May 2005 and updated on 27 June 2005

APPENDIX I. Duties of the Committee Officers The following Appendix is a non-exhaustive list of the duties of the current Committee Officers. ALL Committee Officers have an obligation to attend Committee meetings and General Meetings, unless their absence is wholly unavoidable. The general duties of the President are as follows: To convene and chair General Meetings: To convene and chair Committee meetings; To represent the MCR within the College and the University; To maintain the daily smooth running of the MCR; To ensure that Committee members are carrying out their duties as laid out in the Constitution; To act as a Returning Officer in elections; To respond to any suggestions made by Members. In the President’s absence, the duties of the President fall to the Secretary. The general duties of the Secretary are as follows: To circulate to Committee members the meetings’ agenda; To take minutes of all Committee meetings and General Meetings; To place notices of the minutes of Committee meetings and General Meetings within 72 hours of the meeting; To maintain a file of the minutes and agendas of past Committee meetings and General Meetings for reference by Members in the Octagon; To maintain a list of Members; To ensure a copy of the constitution is available on the notice board; To arrange the date and time of the MCR photograph in Trinity Term; To distribute keys for the MCR lockers; To substitute for the President when the President is absent. In the Secretary’s absence, the duties of the Secretary fall to the Treasurer. The general duties of the Treasurer are as follows: To undertake tasks as set out in Part VII; To ensure that all expenditures are reviewed and accounted for To display a notice of accounts at the end of each term; To liaise with Committee Members keeping separate accounts or having been allocated a separate budget; To ensure accurate recording of all purchases made by Members; To renew magazine subscriptions; To collect payment from the Members of the MCR community who cannot be batteled; To collect payment for and distribute MCR photographs; To liaise with the Bursar and finance committee;

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To provide advice to Members about available College and university travel grants, hardship funds, etc. The general duties of the Welfare Officer are as follows: To offer Members support and advice relating to welfare; To raise overall awareness of welfare and equity issues in the MCR; To organize meetings pertaining to welfare issues for Members; To work closely with the MCR Women’s Officer and LGBT Representative, and to liaise with the Tutor for Women and the JCR Welfare Officers; To sit on the College Advisory Panel on harassment; To sit on the College Welfare Panel; To ensure that Members are aware of the financial aid available to them, and to sit on the Student Aid Committee; To act as a Returning Officer during MCR elections; To be one of the MCR Charities Representatives. The general duties of the Women’s Officer are as follows: To offer Members support and advice relating to welfare; To raise overall awareness of women’s and equity issues in the MCR; To organize meetings pertaining to women’s issues for Members; To provide a social focus for MCR women; To work closely with the MCR Welfare Officer and LGBT Representative, and to liaise with the Tutor for Women and the JCR Welfare Officers; To sit on the College Advisory Panel on harassment; To sit on the College Welfare Panel; To liaise with OUSU Women’s Committee and advertise campaigns; To be one of the MCR Charities Representatives. The general duties of the Bar Manager are as follows: To stock and maintain the Bar; To respond to suggestions made by Members concerning stock; To maintain an accounting system for recording purchases made from the bar by Members; To submit terms accounts to the treasurer by Wednesday of 8th Week; To liaise with the Treasurer regarding budget and payment of orders; To liaise with the Social Secretary to provide drinks for MCR events and staff for Bar; To liaise with the Wine Steward regarding wine stocks and social events. The general duties of the Social Secretary are as follows: To organise the social focus of the MCR, if necessary with the help of a committee organised and chaired by the Social Secretary; To encourage Members to suggest ideas for events; To organise a freshers welcoming committee; To liaise with other colleges for joint events; To liaise with the Bar Manager for supplying drinks for MCR events;

Last amended at a general meeting of 8 May 2005 and updated on 27 June 2005

To liaise with the Food and Housing Officer in the organisation of guest dinners; To arrange for a clean up after social events; To ensure rooms are booked for events. The general duties of the Food and Housing Officer are as follows: To liaise with the Catering manager on a regular basis; To encourage Members to make suggestions concerning food and act on such suggestions; To undertake an annual food survey and discuss results with Catering Manager; To co-ordinate when necessary with the Social Secretary to organise guest dinners, menus etc.; To maintain the tea room with tea, coffee, hot chocolate and sugar facilities including provision of mugs; To co-ordinate the housing ballot each year, ensuring that all who are eligible and wish to live in College accommodation have been contacted and are included on the list in Hilary Term; To maintain a list of College rooms with their particular characteristics (e.g. dimensions, telephone extension etc.) for reference when balloting for rooms is undertaken; To liaise with the Housekeeper/Graduate caretakers on a regular basis; To ensure maintenance problems in College houses are dealt with quickly and promptly; To develop a long term plan for College house facility improvements (e.g. introduction of bike locks etc.); To undertake an annual housing survey and publish the results, indicating action to be taken on suggestions made; To maintain the video library. The general duties of the Computer Clerk are as follows: To undertake responsibility for the maintenance of the computing facilities of the MCR; To liaise with Members regarding computer requirements; To present termly accounts to the Treasurer; To present suggestions to the MCR for expenditure of annual budget in the General Meetings of Michaelmas term; To order and install new computing facilities; To dispose of unwanted computing facilities in the manner provided for in Part VII; To develop any potential for computer facilities in graduate houses; To maintain an electronic mailing list of all Members; To maintain the MCR web-pages. The general duties of the Sports Secretary are as follows: To organise and promote MCR sport-related activities; To liaise with the JCR sports representative(s) and other colleges’ MCRs; To liaise with all MCR sports representatives. The general duties of the Arts Representative are as follows: To organise and promote MCR arts-related activities (i.e. theatre trips and other cultural activities).

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The general duties of the OUSU Representative are as follows: To attend OUSU Council meetings and convey relevant OUSU information to the MCR. The general duties of the Wine Steward are as follows: To hold the key to the bar; To liaise with the Social Secretary and Bar Manager for socical events; To battel wine and liaise with the Treasurer regarding battels. The general duties of the Environment Representative are as follows: To raise awareness of environmental issues in the MCR; To organize, maintain, and promote a recycling program for the MCR and its housing facilities; To liaise with the college’s administration and housekeeping staff on the functioning of the recycling program; To undertake an annual survey of MCR members regarding the performance of the recycling program and publish the results, indicating suggestions made and/or action to be taken; To promote environmental considerations in MCR and college purchasing and construction decisions; To encourage suggestions from MCR members for new environmental campaigns or concerns to be taken up; To recruit a team of volunteers to help the Representative in her or his duties. The general duties of the LGBT Representative are as follows: To offer members support and advice relating to LGBT welfare issues; To raise overall awareness of LGBT welfare and equity issues in the MCR; To provide a social focus for LGBT members; To work closely with the MCR Welfare and Women’s Officers; To liase with the MCR OUSU Representative in conveying relevant information to members.

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APPENDIX II: Committee privileges Group One Officers President

Privilege Room in NB-7, free gratis during term Two dinners per week in term time

In the gift of The College


One free dinner



A stipend £120 per term


*To have the privileges of the Social Secretary, if duties are divided and shared equally *If not shared, then to have one free dinner and a bottle of wine.


Food and Housing

One free dinner A designated room in NB quad

The MCR The College

Computer Clerk

A stipend of £120 per term. A designated room in NB quad

The MCR The College

Social Secretary

Free meals at all MCR dinners



One free dinner



One free dinner


Four bottles of wine per term


A wage of £35 per week

The College pays the wage, but name is nominated by the Committee

Group Two Officers Bar Manager

Group Three Officers Wine Steward Non-committee members Postal Clerk

The entire committee has one free dinner per term, at a reasonable cost, paid for by the MCR, at a venue other than the College. The Committee may not vote themselves any other rights without further consulting the general body and amending this appendix.

Last amended at a general meeting of 8 May 2005 and updated on 27 June 2005

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