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MCA (Revised) Term-End E;rarnination Jur€, 2OO7 MCS-012: COMPUTER ORGANISATION & ASSEMBLY I.ANGUAGE PROGRAMMING Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 700 (Weightase 75%) Note'fr7!'!""o:;*:,""^:;r^n':':;",il1,"r::";fno" l. (a) Simplify the follouring boolean function using Karnaugh map method F(A, B, C, D) : X(1 ,2,5, 6,7,8, g,11, 12, 15) Also, draw the coffesponding logic circuit diagram. 8 (b) Design and, draw a 3 x 8 decoder using NOT gates and AND gates and explain its working. I (c) Design a circuit to interface four RAMs of L28 x 8 size and a ROM of 572 x 8 size. Draw the memory map for the same. I MCS-012 P.T.O.(d) Write an assembly language procedure for 8085 microprocessor that divides a 32-bit number by a 16-bit number. The procedure should be written in general, so that it may be defined in one module and can be called in any. other module. List all the features of the RISC architecture. Find the following : (i) 9's complement of 0342gol (ii) L0's complement of Q342110) . (iii) 2's complement of 1100110p) Explain the basic prinCiple of Quine-McCluskey method of simplifying the boolean expression with the help of an example function. Design and draw the 4-bit adder-subtractor circuit wing full adders and XOR gates. F-xplain its working in brief. 10 (e) 2. (a) 3. (a) Write an assembly language program for 8086 microprocessor to sort a given list of 5 numbers in ascending order and explain its logic. 10 (b) Design and draw a master-slave flip flop using JK flip flops. What are the advantages it offers over other flip flops ? 10 (b)

(c) MCS-0124. (a) Give the Excitation tables and Block diagrams for the following : 10 (i) D flip-flop (ii) T flip-flop (b) Write an assembly program to concatenate two strings of size 3 characters and explain its logic. rc 5. Explain the following z 5x4:20 (i) Flash memory (ii) Direct Memory Access (DMA) I t E \,, (iii) Jaz drive \ (iv) Instruction pipelining , M Hardwired control organization 3 MCS-012 13,000 MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination June, 2007 MCS-015 : COMMUNIGATION SKTLLS Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 50 Note : Answer oll questions. l !!! r ! r 1- Read the following passage and answer the questions given after it : 10 Grasses are a large family of flowering plants that grow all over the world,. It is the most important family of plants because it includes the cereals which are one of the main basic foods, and it also provides food for man's domestic animals. , There are about 10,000 species of grasses. Some species, such as star grass, also known as Bermuda grass, are very short (about 10 cm), and others such as bamboo reach a height of 30 rS.,, Most species of grasses are perennial (live for many years), and others, such as the cereals , are annual (live for one year). The roots of MCS-015 P T.Ograsses help to bind the soil together and prevent soil erosion. Most species are herbaceous, that is their stems are green and contain little wood. Bamboo and a few other species have woody stems. Most species have hollow stems, but maize has a solid stem. The stems of sugar-cane contain sugar. The stems of bamboo are used

for making furniture and houses. The stems of some species, such as esparto grass, are used for making paper. The leaves of grasses are long and narrow. The bottom of the leaf forms a covering over the stem. The flowers of grasses are very small and are not brightly coloured. They grow in large groups called "spikelets". The fruit contains a lot of starch, some protein, and traces of mineral salts and vitamins. We use the fruit of many cereals such as maize, rice, millet, sorghum, and wheat for our food. Sedges are related to grasses. There are about 3,000 species which grow all over the world. Most of 'them are not useful economically, and some species, such as nut grass, which grows in Sudan , are very troublesome weeds. The most useful sedge is papyrus, which grows on the Upper Nile River, Ethiopia, Syria and southern MCS-015Europe. It is used for making roofs and fences and was used in ancient times for making paper and boats. (i) Which group of grasses ar:e most important to man ? (ii) Mention the three types of grasses whose sterns are of great use to human beings. (iii) What is a "herbaceous" plant ? (iv) What are sedges ? (v) Why is papyrus rnost useful sedge ? I (vi) Use 'species' in t sentence of your own. 2. Fill in the blanks choosing the most suitable phrasal verb from those given below : Make changes in the form of the verb, where necessary. (There are two extra phrasal verbs) take oD, take after, look up, look after, nrn into, take off, look upto (i) He requested me to her flower pots while she was away. (ii) Why don't you dictionary ? this word in the (iii) I - an old friend in London. (iv) They always their parents for guidance. (v) She G her father.

3 1 7 2 1 MCS-015 P.T.O.4. 3- Write down the text of a group discussion between four participants on the importance of the Right to Information Act (about 300 words) 10 You are R. Chand, Branch Manager of a reputed bank in New Delhi. Draft a memo to be sent to all the staff of the bank on how to conduct themselves while on duty and to adhere to lunch hours in order to improve the work culture of the office . 10 Write a letter of application, together with your Curriculum Vitae (C.v.) for the job of Programmers,/Design Engineers with experi ence in design of software packages. Apply to Auto Service, New Delhi within 10 days. 70+5:75 5. MCS-015 1 1,000 MCA (Rwised)' Term-End Examination Jur€, 2OO7 : DATA AND FILE MCS-O21 Time : 3 hours STRUCTURES Maximum Marks : 70i0 (Weishtage 750/o) Note : Quesf ion number three questions shauld be written 1 is compulsory. Attempt any from the rest. All algorithms nearer to 'C language. Consider the matrix given below : lt 6 5l ll A:14 3 2l tl L5 9J (il Write the steps involved in calculating the rsnk of A. (ii) Write an algorithm to find the transpose of A. 10

l. (a) P.T.O. MCS-021(b) What are the preconditions for applying binary search on any list containing integer values ? Write the algorithm and manually nrn it on the following list of number : 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 What is worst case complexity of the above algorithm ? How can a polynomial be represented with the help of a linked list ? Write an algorithm to multiply two polynomials of degree'm' and degree 'n'. Write a program to implernent a static stack. Also, mention few applications of stack. Sort the following data using heapsort. Show each and every step. 40, g0, 35, 90, 45,50, 70 Find the shortest path from Vertex 5 to Vertex 1 using Dijkstra's Algorithm. 800 1200 1000 (c) 10 10 10 10 10 (d) 2. (a) (b) MCS-021 Show every step.3. (a) Find out the following in the graph shown below. (i) Min cost spanning tree (ii) The shortest path spanning tree 10 10 10 (b) 4. (a) Write an algorithm to Insert and Delete a node from a doubly-linked list. Show the working of the mergesort using the following data : [310, 285, L79, 652, 351, 423, 861, 254, 450, 520 l. Also, find its time complexity.

(b) What is the use of sparse matrix ? Show how it is implemented and draw the adjacency list of the following graph. 70 MCS-021 P.T.O.5. (a) Write an algorithm to balance a Red-Black tree after deleting a node. (b) How are the deletions performed in Binary Search Tree ? Fxplain each case of deletion with an example. (c) Differentiate between the following : (i) Space and Time complexity (ii) Indexed file organisation and Indexed sequential file organisation 70 5 5 MCS.O21 4 1 1,000 MCA (Revised) Term-End F,xamination June,2OO7 MCS -022 : OPERATING SYSTEM CONCEPTS AND NETWORKING MANAGEMENT Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 7AA Note r Qu estion number 7 fs compulsory. Ans wer any three questions from the rest. i 1- (a) what are the goals of computer security ? s (b) Describe the microkernel approach in modern operating systems. Also write the advantages of this approach i 5 (c) What is a repeater and what are its uses and characteriptics ? s (d) What are ithe offline file features in Windows XP and how would you enable them and disable them ? 5 (e) How can you change the password in Linux ? What are the iprecautions that should be taken while choosingapassword? s l MCS-022 1 P.T.O.(f) Write a Unux shell script to shift all characters in a file forward by 3 characters. (Thus 'a' becomes 'd',

while 'z' becomes 'c'.) (g) What are the different principles of user authentication and how are they used ? (h) Describe the available security features while managing pointers in Windows 2000. 2. (a) Describe the various kinds of transmission media with their characteristics, advantages and I disadvantages. (b) How does the remote access mechanism in Windows 2A00 work and how can it be configured ? I (c) What is a UPS and why is it used ? Describe the different kinds of UPS systems. 4 3. (a) Describe the working and usage of the vi editor in Linux with the help of Add, Delete, Copy, Find and Replace commands. 10 (b) Show how to configure the Apache web server for the Linux operating system (c) What are the security controls that should be implemented for access to a computer system ? 4 4. (a) Describe the structure and usage of Active Directory in Windows 2000. , MCS-022(b) How would you use an instant messaging application like Yahoo Messenger in Linux ? Explain with the help of commands. (c) What is a gateway ? Describe its purpose and working; i 5. Describe the following with suitable examples : (i) The three types of data flow (ii) Structure of Unix operating system (iii) Features of "Write" command in Linux (iv) Domains in Windows 2000 20 MCS-022 1 1,000 MCA (Revised) Term-End F,xamination June, 2OO7 MCS -ff.l : OBJECT ORIENTED TECHNOLOGIES AND JAVA PROGRAMMING

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 700 Nofe r Question number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the rest. l. (a) What is java virtual machine ? Explain. 4 (b) What is the difference between rnethod overloading and method overriding ? Explain with the help of examples. 3+3 (c) What is data abstraction ? Why are classes known as abstract data types ? 3+2 (d) When is private specifier used in a java program ? 5 Explain with suitable example. (e) What is the difference between an applet and java application program ? 5 MCS-024 P.T.O.(f) what happens if we apply final keyword to S (i) a class (ii) a function (iii) a variable (g) Write the output of the following : (i) x:-10,y:1 X X (ii) String 51 : "Hello,,; String 52 : "Hello"; String 53 : "HELLO"; System.out.println (S1 + t'equalstt + 52 + rf )f l + 51 equals (Sz)h System.out.println (S1 + "equals" + 53 + f f >f t + 51 . equals (S3)); 2 (iii) inti-150; byte b : byte (i.21; 2 (h) Write a program in java to print all the arguments in reverse order given at comrnand line. 6 2. (a) What are the differences in abstract classes and interfaces in java ? Explain. 6 (b) what is finalize( ) method in java ? Explain. 4 (c) What is a package ? How do you create a package in java ? Explain with example. s MCS-024(d) can you have two variables with the same name in

two interfaces which you are using to derive a new interface ? 3' (a) ilfT:'[;T'ffi;: ]:ililothrows ? Exp'Iain 6 (b) What are the rnethods of creating threads in java ? 6 Explain. (c) What is the use of super keyword in java ? Explain. s (d) why do we need static data in a class ? s 4- (a) Write an Applet in java to print the directory in which an HTML file containing that applet is stored . s '| (b) Explain the three different methods used to create an object of InetAddress class. S (c) What are the various colour constructors ? 4 (d) Write a program in java to copy one file to another file using command line arguments. g e.g. inti X Yinti \/ Z Explain your answer. MCS-024 P.T.O.5. (a) (b) (c) (d) Write a program in java to accept an integer number from the user. An exception is thrown if number entered is What are the JAR and Manifest files in java ? Static functions can only access static data. Explain. Differentiate between TCP client and TCP server socket with the help of an example. 8 4 4 4 MCS-024 1 1,000 MCA (Revised) Tertn-End Exarnination June, 2OO7' MCS-031 : DESIGN AND ANALYS|S OF ALGORITHMS Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 700 Note r Qu estton number I is compulsory. Attempt any

three guestions from the rest. AII algorithms shou ld be written neorer to C/C++ language. Parts of the same question should be attempted together. 1- (a) (i) What is the difference between e-notation and w-notation ? Is n2 + 4: w(nz) ? 4 (ii) Give an analysis of merge-sort. For simplicity, as$ume that the number of elements i.e., n is 6 an exact power of two. (b) (i) In a quick sort algorithm, describ e the situations when a given pair of elements will be compared to each 'other and when they will not be compa red to each other. s MCS-031 P.T.O.(c) (d) (ii) Describe whether best first search algorithm belongs to the branch of heuristic algorithms. What are the trade-offs in using best first search as compared to depth first search ? What is optimal substructure property of a dynamic programming problem ? (i) Describe tLre difference between a Deterministic Finite Automata and Non-Deterministic Finite Automata. In general, which one is expected to have less number of states ? (ii) What is the additional capability of PushDown Automata as compared to Finite Automata ? can a PDA (PushDown Automata) be used to describe regular as well as non-regular languages ? What is an NP-complete problem ? Is it necessary that every NP-complete problem must also be a NP-hard problem ? JustifY. algorithm to comPute the according to the definition : ;k=0ork=n (e) 2. (a) Write a bionomial [] = recurslve coefficient

l.1 I I 1[n-11 ll l+ LLK-UL";']' MCS-031 otherwise(b) (c) (d) Describe the white path property of depth first search. What are the limitations of Strassen's Algorithm for matrix multiplication ? Consider the following set of activities (l), their starting times (S,) and finishing times (FJ, where [= si: Fi: 10, 11, 12 (For'example, in the above set, the activity 12 starts at time 3 and finishes at time 5). Moreover, the activities are arrariged in the monotonically increasing order of finishing times. Assuming that only one activity can be scheduled at a time (i.e., oo new activity can start belore the finishing time of current activity), find the set of activities that will be selected/scheduled by a greedy activity selector whereas the job of a greedy activity selector is to schedule several competing activities that require exclusive use of a common resource i.€., it selects the maximutn number of mutually exclusive activities. 9, I z:. r Wi MCS!031 P.T.O.(a) 3. (i) Write the general algorithm for alpha-beta procedure. How does alpha-beta procedure improve the minimax-procedure ? (ii) Describe whether or not breadth first search algorithm always finds the shortest path to a selected vertex from the starting vertex Show how greedy approach is useful to find the solution to fractional knapsack problem. What is the complexity of quicksort algorithm if the input is completely sorted in ascending order or in descending order ?

Design a turing machine over the alphabet I : {a, b, *} that scans to right until two consecutive a's and then halts . (# represents a blank square on the tape) In quicksod, average case is closer to best case than worst case comment. Design a non-deterministic finite automata (NDFA) representing the language over alphabet I : la, bl in which all valid strings have bb or bab as substring. Consider the CF'G : S-+SSfXaXaXfn X-)bXln What is the language generated by this CFG ? (b) (c) (a) 4. (b) (c) (d) MCS_031rA B C D E Al o 15 10 3 7 I Bl ts o z o 5 | l--v\'l cl ro z o z o I Dl r o z o 6 | ELr 5 o 6 oJ where weight 0 means no edge, otherwise any +ve value represents the cost of the edge. (i) Draw the corresponding weighted, undirected graph. s (ii) Find the minimum spanning tree using Kruskal,s 7 (c) whutuTil:lun*rit of preconditioning a probrem space ? Explain using an example. s 5- (a) Give an analysis of Best First Search algorithm. (b) An undirected graph is given below in the form of a weighted matrix. (The graph has five nodes A, B, c, DandE): 12,0A0 MCS-031

(b) (c) (d) (e) MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination June, hOOV MCS-032 : OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 7a0 Note r Qu estion number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the rest. Explain the concept of obj ect. How is it different from class ? Show the representation of class and object in case of UML. Comp are object oriented databases with relational databases. What is meant by inheritance adjustment ? Explain the process of doing this in case of obj ect oriented model Explain the usage of five different relationships in case of UML. Explain various components used in Data Flow Diagrarn. What is the need of levels in case of DFD ? 1- (a) MCS-032 P.T.O.(0 (g) Explain three major constraints while using object oriented model. How can you implement constraints in this model ? "lnventory control systems are used to manage the stocks of companies and big distribution organizations. " Draw any two diagrams used in dynamic modelling of inventory control system. Explain the process of storing a persistent object in case of object oriented database. Write the three niajor steps required for design optimization. Show the design of different types of association, with suitable diagrams. What is the importance of collaboration diagram ? Draw a collaboration diagram for, the production management system. Write different types of models used in case of object oriented modeling. Compare the usage of generalization and inheritance with a suitable

example. What are integrity constraints ? Explain the types of integrity constraints. Identify the use of object diagrarn and deployment diagram. Explain and draw the appropriate deployment diagram for student administration system. 10 2. (a) (b) 3. (a) (c) (b) (c) MCS-0324. (a) What is encapsulation ? What are its advantages ? How can encapsulation be enforced in C+ +/Java ? 7 (b) ' Draw a state transition diagram for digital watch s (c) Explain the various considerations while using functional model. Prep are a function model for 8 university system 5. (a) Write two major aspects of implementing association. Explain uni-directional and bi-directional association with its example. g (b) Write short notes on : g (i) Concurrency identification (ii) Integrity constraints (c) What is serialization ? Where is it used and why ? s MCS-032 12,000 MCA (Revised) Term-End Enamination June, ilOOV MCS-033 : ADVANCED DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 50 Note 3 Quesf ion fiot. I is compufsory. Attempt sny three questions from the rest. l. (a) Consider the following graph G. Yr (i) (ii) (iii) MCS-033 Write the,degree sequence of the graph. What are S(G) and A(G) for the graph ?

Is the graph bipartite ? Justify your answer. Give a cycle of length 7 in the graph. 4 P.T.O.(b) A palindrome is a word that reads the same, whether read from left to right or from right to left, ROTOR for example. Let a- be the num'oe-r of words of length n, not ,,n."rrlri$ meaningful, that are palindromes. We consider a single letter also as 4 a palindrome. (i) What are al and az ? (ii) Set up a recurrence for a,r. . (iii) Check that u,, : (J 26\^ t(+] .,-1)" f 1 -'6 )l 't[ , ) lT)l is the solution to the recurrence. (c) Show that a tree has at least 2 vertices of deg ree 1. 4 (d) Find the generating function for the sequence (1, 2, 3, 4, ...1. Use it to show that 1 + i nxn = x1-xt1 and Lt (1 _ x), n=l "' 1+in2xn=1+ x=+4 ? r' r'L o -xf o-x)3 4 (e) If a planar graph has the degree sequence (2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4}, how many faces will it have ? Draw a planar graph with this degree sequence and number the faces to check your answer. 4 MCS-033,* 2. (a) Solve the recurrence 6dn+3 - 13a *, + 9an*1 2un: 2-n, n b) In the graph given below let X : {x1, xz, *s} and Y : {},r, 3. (a) MCS-033 92, Yg, 9+l 91 V2

93 Check whether there is a complete matching using the necessary and sufficient condition for a complete matching. Let {u }O be a sequence satisfying the recurr ence L nJn20 an - 3ur,_, + 2un_r:3n for n ) 3, ao: 1, a1 = 1. Find the generating function of dr,. Define the spanning tree of a graph. If G is a connected graph, show that I V(G) | < | E(G) | + 1. Further, if G has no edges and removal of any two edges in G disconnects G, show thatlV(c) l:lE(c) l. x1 9a r: h; (b) P.T.O.4. (a) Set up a recurr ence for the number of n digit natural numbers with even number of zeros. (b) Consider the following weighted complete graph. Start with the Hamiltonian cycle {a, b, c, d, e, a} and carry out the reduction step twice to get a cycle of lesser weight. I (c) If an apple costs Rs. 20, a and a banana costs Rs. 2, function for the number of these fruits with Rs. n. papaya costs Rs. 15 write the generating ways of purchasing 1: :l 'i I 1 2fl II MCS-0335. (a) Solve the recurrence un:#un-l +#,uo= + using the method of tele.scoping sums and products. 5 (b) Define X(G), the chromatic number of a graph G. Is

it true that X(G) S A(G) ? Give reasons for your 3 answer. (c) Give the order and degree of the recurr ence u2.^: u2 + 2a + 4. n+tnn Is the recurrence homogeneous ? 2 12,000 MCS-033>MCA (Revised) Terrn-End Examination June, 2OOT MCS-034 : SOFTWARE ENGINEERTNG Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Note 3 Quesf ion number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the rest. f. (a) f'The process models are.based on various s,/w development phases whereas the capability models are based on capabilities of s/w." Justify the statement. Also, explain its various maturity levels. I (b) Suppose that you were asked to develop a Student Admission Sysfem. Which SDLC model will you choose for its development if the s/w development time given is very short ? Also develop an SRS for the system. MCS-034 P.T.O.(c) (d) Explain COCOMO and Putnam's models with the help of an example for each. Explain different roles of a web application team. Also mcjntion their respective activities. What is GSM ? Explain its architecture. Briefly explain any five problems with a SRS. Explain GANTT and PERT charts with an example for each. Draw and explain the diagram that depicts the process of software design Draw and explain the positioning of CASE tools in software application development. List and explain all the attributes of s/w quality. Explain how the CASE tools help in effective Requirements Engineering. Define formal methods. What are its major concerns ? Mention the goals of formal specification. Also, list any four formal specification application

argas. Explain any two principles of Cleanroom Software Engineering. 10 15 10 10 10 10 70 (a) (b) (a) 2. 3. (b) 4. (a) MCS-034 10 10 (b) 5. (a) (b) (c) 12,000 MCA (Revised) Term-End Enamination Jur€, 2OO7 MCS-035 : AGCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 700 (Weightage 750/o) Note' ?;:::'i,!;"#!,,i' i,: :::,:isory Attempt anv 1. (a) From the following Trial Balance of Mr. Dev and other information, prepare Trading and Profit and Loss account for the year ending 31tt December 2005 and Balance sheet as on that date : 30 Trial Balance of Mr. Dev as on 31tt Dec 2005 Particulars Dr. Amount (Rs.) Cr. Amount

(Rs.) Cash at Bank Purchase A/c Sales A/e Returns'lnward 3,17 0 40,675 680 98,780 P.T.O. MCS-035Particulars Amount (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) Returns Outward Wages Power and fuel Carriage outward Carriage inward Stock (1.1.2005) Land and Building Machinery Patents Salaries Insurance Drawings Capital Debtors and Creditors 10,480 4,730 3,200 2,040 5,7 60 40,000 20,000 7,500 18,000 600 5,245 14,500 500 7 L,000 6,300 1,7 6,580 L,7 6,580

Following adjustments are to be made : (i) Write off Machinery by \00/o and Patents 20o/o. (ii) Salaries for the month of March unpaid Rs. 1,500. (iii) Unexpired insurance Rs. 85. (iv) Make a provision for doubtful debts @ 5o/o. by MCS-035F*, (v) Provide 'interest on capital Rs. 5,000. ' (vi) Commission due for the work done but not received Rs. 5,000 (vii) Wages include a sum of Rs. 2,000 spent on erection of a cycle stand for employees. (viii) Value of stock as on 31.L2.2AA5 was Rs. 6,800. Explain the following with example : (i) Accrual concept (ii) Consistency concept (iii) Conservatism (iv) Materiality concept "Operations provide funds. " Comment. Name all the internal and extemal sources of funds. The following data has been extracted from the annual accounts of a company : (Rs. in Lakhs) (i) Share capital (20,00,000 E' shares of Rs' 10 each) : 2oo'oo (ii) General Res eve : 150.00 (iii) Investment Allowance Reserve : 50.00 (iv) I5o/o long term loan : 300'00 (v) Profit betore tax : 140.00 (vi) Provision for Taxation : 84'00 (vii) Proposed dMdends : 10.00 Calculate' (i) Return on capital empl yed, (ii) Return on net worth. (b) 70 10 70 t 2. (a) (b) MCS-035 P.T.O.3. (a) What are the different types of financial ratios ? Explain the importance of liquidity ratios. 10 (b) A company can invest Rs. 10,000 in a project :i

having a life of three years. The cash flows of the project are as follows : 10' Year Rs. 1 4,000 2 5.000 3 4,000 The cost of capital is too/o P.A. Should the investment be made ? (Justify your answer) 4. (a) What do you understand by "Financial i Management" ? Discuss the main tasks and n responsibilities of a financial manager. 70 (b) Explain the various steps involved in the process of credit evaluation. to, 5. (a) Explain the concept of 'working capital'. What factors determine the quantum of working capital ? 10 (b) A manufacturing company will require 50,000 units of a product during the nexi year. The cost of processing an order is Rs. 20 and the carrying cost per unit is 50 paise per year. Lead time of an order is 5 days and the company will keep a safety stock of two days usage. (Assume 250 days in a year) r. Calculate (1) EOQ (2) Re-order period (3) Minimum ',1 inventory (4) Maximum inventory, and (5) Average inventory. 10 MCS.O35 46. Explain the following giving examples : (i) Net Current Assets forecasting method (ii) Baumol's model (iii) VED Analysis (iv) Accounting Equation 20 MCS-035 12,000 MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination June, 2OO7 MCS-041 : OPERATING SYSTEMS Maximum Marks : 700 (Weightase 75%) T'ime : 3 hours Note r Qu estion number I is compuls;ory. Attempt any

three questions from the rest. l - (a) Draw the Gantt chart for the Shortest Remaining Time Next (SRTN) scheduling policy and calculate the average turnaround time, average waiting time, throughput and processor utilization for the following set of processes that arrive at a given arrival time shown in the following table : 10 Process Arrival time Processing time (Milliseconds) P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 0 1 3 4 6 2 1 2 3 5 MCS-041 P.T.O.(b) (c) Explain the concept of Virtual memotg, List any two methods for implementation and explain any one of them with the help of a diagram. Define mutual exclusion in distributed systems and give an example. Also write and explain the Ricart and Agrawala's mutual exclusion algorithm in distributed systems. With the help of a diagram, explain the distributed shared memory application model. Mention, for which of the applications, is this particular model suitable. The following is the sequence of page requests. : 1, 2,3, 5, 4, 1, 2, 5, 3, 2, 4,3 Assume that there are threeframes. Now, how many page faults will occur if a LRU algorithm is used to replace pages. List and explain any five system calls for the process management.

Explain systems. Explain give an any five design goals of the distributed the SCAN disk scheduling algorithm. Also, example. 10 10 10 10 10 (d) 2. (a) 3. (a) ,(b) MCS-041 (b) 70 104. (a) Explain the. memory management scheme in WINDOWS 2OOO 10 (b) Write and explain the Reader's and Writer's problem. Also provide the solution for the problem using semaphores 10 5. (a) What is the difference 'between security policy and security model ? Explain the access matrix model . 10 (b) List and explain the four necessary conditions that must hold simultaneousty for, a deadlock to occur. 10 MCS.O41 6,000 MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination June, 2OO7 lvlcs-042: DATA coMMUNtcATtoN AND COMPUTER NETWORKS Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 700 Note : Quesf ion number I is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the rest. l. {u) What is meant by a Pure ALOHA and a Slotted ALOHA channel ? Also, explain why the channel throughput is double in Slotted ALOHA compared

to Pure ALOHA 6 (b) Consider the following network. With the indicated link cost, use Dijkstra's shortest-path algorithm to compute the shortest path from E to itt other network nodes. Show the cornpl ete calculation . T MCS-042 P.T.O.(c) (d) (e) (f) Explain QPSK system by means of a block diagram. Explain its operation and draw the constellation diagram. In Stop and Wait ARQ, why should the receiver always send an ACK message each time it receives a frame with wrong sequence number ? Differentiate between Subnet and Classless addressing. Computing the checksum for the following data frame, find the complete transmitted frame bit pattern : Data 1 1 0101 101 1 Generated polynomial *4+x+1 Write a note on error detection and correction rnethods. Construct the Hamming Cpde for the bit sequence 10011101. Show by calculation how many hosts per network each IP address A, B and C can have. For 2O devices in a network, calculate the number of cable links needed for the following topologies : (i) Mesh (iil Star l (iii) Ring (iv) Bus (g) (h) 2- (a) MCS-042(b) (c) Explain diffeient methods of broadcast routing. What is the difference between network layer delivery and transport layer delivery ? Show the differences between Manchester encoding and differential Manchester encoding for the bit stream 10000101111. Explain the problems of hidden station and exposed station in a wireless LAN. Also, discuss the

MACAW algorithm. Write the differences between parallel and serial transmission Explain the following cryptography function and give algorithm name : (i) Digital Signature (ii) Public key encryption (iii) Private key enc4ption (iv) Key exchange Explain the need of multiplexing in data communicaiion. Also, €Xplain different types of multiplexing techniques used for analog signals. Explain the difference betwe en connectionless unacknowledged service and connectionless ! acknowleged service. Also write the protocol that supports these services. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) (b) (c) (b) P.T.O. MCS-042(c) What is congestion ? How algorithm control congestion drawbacks of this overcome algorithm ? does leaky bucket ? How are the in a token bucket I 5. (a) (b) (c) What is routing ? Discuss distance vector routing with the help of a subnet topology. Explain what are the different matrices used in the algorithm. Explain, how the NFS works by invoking the remote procedure call. What is IEEE 802.11 ? Explain the role and functions of each layer in IEEE 802. 11 protocol stack. 6,000 MCS-042 MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination

June,2OO7 MCS-043 : ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 700 Nofe : Ques tion number 1 is compulsory. Ans wer any z-L-^^ tl t three questions from the rest. l. (a) What is rnultivalued dependency ? How is 4NF' 'related to multivalued dependency ? Is 4NF 'dependency preserving in nature ? Justify your answer. s What are Assertions ? What is the utility of assertions ? How are Assertions different from Views ? Describe both Assertions and Views with the help of example. What is UML ? How does UML have an edge over other database designing tools ? With the help of an example, describe the designing of database by using a UML class diagram. (b) (c) MCS_043 P.T O.(d) With the help of a block diagram describe the phases of Query processing. How do we optimize a Query under consideration ? Does Query optimisation contribute to the measurement of Query cost ? Support your answer with suitable explanation. What do you mean by transaction ? What are the properties of a transaction ? Violation of which property causes Lost Update problem ? Justify your answer with suitable example. Access control is the feature of which category of language (DSDL, DDL,' DML, DCL) ? At which level of ANSI-SPARC 3 level architecture does Access control work ? Describe the commands used for Access control. Give an example in support of operation of each command Describe the reference architecture of a distributed DBMS, with the help of a block diagram. ;. Comp are and contrast the following : Inclusion dependencies and Template dependencies XML and HTML Centralised zPLand Distributed zPL Partitioning Clustering and Nearest Neighbour

Clustering (e) (0 (g) 2. (a) I (i) (ii1 (iii) (iv) MCS-043(b) (c) (a) (b) (b) (c) (c) Describe the architecture of Datawarehouse with the help of a block diagram. Briefly discuss the role oI, each component of the datawarehouse architecture. What do you maan by Data mining ? How does Database processing differ from Data mining processing ? What do you mean by clustering ? Briefly describe the concept of Hierarchicai clustering. How is clustering related to Data mining ? I Write short notes on the following : 6 (i) JDBC (ii) SPATIAL DATABASES (iii) PJNF What is Datagrid ? What is the requirement of datagrid (give at least 3 requirements) ? Describe the structure of datagrid with the help of a block diagram. How does PostgreSQL perform storage and indexing of table's ? Briefly discuss the type of 7 indexes involved in PostgreSQl. What do you mean by tuning of SQL ? What are the steps involved in tuning of SQL ? Discuss each step 6 briefly. What is SQLJ ? What are the requirements of SQLJ ? Briefly describe the working of SQLJ. Can SQLJ use dynamic SQL ? If yes, then how ? Otherwise specify what type of SQL it can use 7 4. (a) MCS-043 PTO.(a) 5. (b)

(c) (d) What do you mean by Multiversioning ? What are the various schemes available for multiversioning ? f)escribe any one scheme in detail. What is Audit trail ? Give four benefits provided by Audit trail to DBMS. What do you mean by Multilevel Security ? Discuss the techniques involved in support of multilevel security. What are Distributed databases ? How is data distribution performed in DDBMS ? Give two advantages and two disadvantages of ,DDBMS. MCS_043 6,000 MCA (Revised) Term-End Enamination June,2OO7 MCS-051 : ADVANCED INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 700 Nofe r Qu estion number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any ' three questions from the rest. 1. (i) Write a servlet program that takes your name and addresses from an HTML form and displays it. 10 (ii) What is a scriplet in JSP ? Show the use of JSP scriplets with the help of an example. 5 (iii) Write step-by-step processes to connect a database using JDBC driver and explain. 10 (iv) Describe all the three types of entities with the help of an example. 9 (v) What is a digital certificate ? What does it include ? Describe. 6 MCS-051 P.T.O.2. (i) Describe the issues related to form based authentication and HTTPS client authentication. 70 (iil Draw a presentation layer software context diagram and describe it in detail. 10 3. (il Why do we need XML ? Also list the advantages of XML over HTML and SGML. (ii) Give an example of a Message-Driven Bean and zxplain. 10 10 4. (i) How does the Session-bean differ from the 3,'::-T::"I"5ffi":j ,tr#';"'object

state' rc (iil Draw a diagram to show security objects dependencies and explain each security object with the help of examples. 10 5' (il Ht'r*i;"*,.J;,ffi;;'""1";llt servret rc (ii) With the help of an exarnple, explain how does JSP connect to a database. 70 7,000 MCS-051 MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination Jur€, 2OO7 MCS-052 : PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Time : 2 haurs Maximum Marks : 50 Note r Qu estion number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the rest. 1. (a) Why are management systems required ? List any five management systems. 4 (b) What are vertical and horizontal organisations ? Explain their organisational structures and the 6 benefits. (c) How are culture and information systems related ? 4 (d) What is portfolio management ? Explain the steps for implementation of portfolio management . 6 2. (a) What is the importance of requirement analysis ? Explain the tools and methods for requirement analysis. I (b) What is meant by "Total Cost of Ownership" ? 2 MCS-052 P.T.O.\ 3. (a) Why do companies need to implement BI ? Explain the need of 'BI Reports'. 6 (b) Explain the knowledge flow using the knowl edge ' model. Also, €Xplain the activities performed in \ knowledge creation and transfer. 4 4. (a) What are the main functional requirements which must be available in the portfolio managernent solutions ? 4

(b) Explain the different information systems required at different levels of management to support an organisation . 6 5. Write short notes on the following : 4x2 * :lO 2 (i) Types of computer crimes (ii) Discounted cash flow (iii) Customer relationship management (iv) Decision Support System \ MCS-052 7,000 MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination June, 2OO7 MCS-{IS3 : COMPUTER GRAPHTCS AND MULTIMEDIA Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 700 Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Attempt sny three questions from the rest. l - (a) What is the number of memory bits required for a 3-bit plane frame buffer for a 2,56 x 256 raster ? 5 (b) What do you mean by staircase effect ? How does this staircase effect, affect the generation of gralJhic primitives ? What was the proposed solution to this 5 effect ? (c) What are the demerits of Euclidean coordinate system ? How can Hornogeneous coordinate system overcomes these demerits ? What should be the factor of Homogeneity if the situation of horizon is to be visu alized ? s MCS-053 P.T.O.(d) (e) Draw the tree structure to describe the taxonomy of projection ? For a Bezier cutve P(u) prove the following properties : (i) P(u:0) = (ii) P(u: 1) : What is the maximum number of objects that can be handled by Z-buffer algorithm ? What happens when two polygons have same Z*alue and Z-buffer algorithm is used ? How many key frames does a five minutes animation film sequence with no duplicates require ? How is the

result affected { we provide 5 in between frames in between each pair of key frames ? What is the difference between Hypertext and Hypermedia ? Briefly describe various links used in Hypermedia ? Derive the conditions of generating line by using DDA line generation algorithrnm for both cases (i.e. when slope DDA line generation algorithm and use the same to produce line segment from (2, 4l to (9, 9],. po pn (g) (h) 2. (a) 10 MCS-053(b) Use Cyrus Beck Line Clipping algorithm to clip the line segment PQ passing through a non convex window ABCDE shown below : Differentiate between the following : (i) Bitmap Graphic and Vector Graphic (ii) Drawing and Painting Softwares Perform a 45" rotation of a triangle A(0, 0); B(1, th C(5 , 2l about an arbitrary point (- 1, - 1). Obtain the perspective projection of a point (x, g, zl on z : d plane, where the centre of projection is at origin ? Show the results obtained in the form of a projection matrix. Differentiate between following : (i) ' Perspective projection and Parallel projection (ii) Scaling transformation and Reflection transformation (c) 3. (a) (b) (c) MCS-053 P.T.O.4. (a) Given p0(1, 1); pr(z,3h pz(4,3); p3(3, L) as control points of a Bezier curve, determine 3 arbitrary points on this Bezier curve, (b) Write short notes on following : (i) Depth-Buffer method (ii) Scan-Line method

(iii) Area sub division method (c) Comp are and contrast following : (i) Phong shading and Gouraud shading (ii) Diffused reflection and Specular reflection 5. (a) What do you mean by animation ? What are various techniques of producing animation ? Which animation technique is better and why ? (b) How do we simulate motion in any animation ? With the help of a graph, describe and justify, how the frame spacing controls the motion simulated in an animation scene ? (c) Write short notes on following : (i) Authoring tools (ii) Audio file formats (iii) Interactive multimedia (iv) Video file formats 5 9 7 8 MCS-053 7,000

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