Master Thesis On Master Of Science In Information Technology (mscit) On Online Banking - Rajendra Man Banepali

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Sikkim Manipal University of Health Medical and Technological Sciences Directorate of Distance Education

University Study Centre (Code: 1537)

College for Professional Studies Opp. Maitidevi Temple, Kathmandu, Nepal

Study of Online Banking By Rajendra Man Banepali Roll No.: 52078163

A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for

Master of Science in Information Technology of Sikkim Manipal University, India

Sikkim Manipal University of Health, Medical and Technological Sciences Distance Education Wing Syndicate House Manipal – 576119

Online Banking Final Project Report

Master of Science in Information Technology M.Sc. IT

Manipal Universal Learning

Examiner’s Certificate

The project of Rajendra Man Banepali On Online Banking Is approved and is acceptable in quality and form

Internal Examiner

External Examiner

(Name and Qualification)

(Name and Qualification)

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Master of Science in Information Technology M.Sc. IT

Online Banking Final Project Report

Manipal Universal Learning

University Study Centre Certificate This is to certify that the project entitled

Online Banking submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Master of Science in Information Technology of Sikkim Manipal University of Health, Medical and Technological Sciences Rajendra Man Banepali has worked my supervision and guidance and that no part of this report has been submitted for the any award of other Degree, Diploma, Fellowship or other similar titles or prizes and that the work has not been published in any journal or magazine.

Certified By

Udaya Kan Jha Programme Coordinator College for Professional Studies Maitidevi, Kathmandu

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Manipal Universal Learning

Student Declaration

I here by declare that the project report entitled

Online Banking submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Master of Science in Information Technology of Sikkim Manipal University of Health, Medical and Technological Sciences, India, is my original work and not submitted for the award of any other degree, diploma, fellowship, or any other similar title or prized.

Rajendra Man Banepali Roll. No. .: 52078163

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Online Banking Final Project Report

Master of Science in Information Technology M.Sc. IT

Manipal Universal Learning

Certificate from Managing Director This is to certify that Mr. Rajendra Man Banepali of MSCIT has worked on the project as per the course curriculum of MSCIT-IV. This project entitled "Online Banking" is the original work of Mr. Banepali was carried out under the supervision of Mr. Uday Kant Jha as per the guidelines provided by the university. As per the student's declaration this is certify that project "Online Banking" has not been presented anywhere as a part of any other academic work. The Detail of student is as follow:


Rajendra Man Banepali


MSCIT 4 th Semester

Subject Code:


Project Title:

Online Banking

-------------------------------------P. Kejriwal Managing Director

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Online Banking Final Project Report

Master of Science in Information Technology M.Sc. IT

Manipal Universal Learning

Certificate from Director (Administration) This is to certify that Mr. Rajendra Man Banepali of MSCIT has worked on the project as per the course curriculum of MSCIT-IV. This project entitled "Online Banking" is the original work of Mr. Banepali was carried out under the supervision of Mr. Uday Kant Jha as per the guidelines provided by the university. As per the student's declaration this is certify that project "Online Banking" has not been presented anywhere as a part of any other academic work. The Detail of student is as follow:


Rajendra Man Banepali


MSCIT 4 th Semester

Subject Code:


Project Title:

Online Banking

-------------------------------------ER. Pankaj Jalan Director (Administrator)

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Online Banking Final Project Report

Master of Science in Information Technology M.Sc. IT

Manipal Universal Learning

Certificate from Director (Academics) This is to certify that Mr. Rajendra Man Banepali of MSCIT has worked on the project as per the course curriculum of MSCIT-IV. This project entitled "Online Banking" is the original work of Mr. Banepali was carried out under the supervision of Mr. Uday Kant Jha as per the guidelines provided by the university. As per the student's declaration this is certify that project "Online Banking" has not been presented anywhere as a part of any other academic work. The Detail of student is as follow:


Rajendra Man Banepali


MSCIT 4 th Semester

Subject Code:


Project Title:

Online Banking

-------------------------------------Er. Prakash Kumar Director (Academics)

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Online Banking Final Project Report

Master of Science in Information Technology M.Sc. IT

Manipal Universal Learning

Certificate from Head of Department This is to certify that Mr. Rajendra Man Banepali of MSCIT has worked on the project as per the course curriculum of MSCIT-IV. This project entitled "Online Banking" is the original work of Mr. Banepali was carried out under the supervision of Mr. Uday Kant Jha as per the guidelines provided by the university. As per the student's declaration this is certify that proje ct "Online Banking" has not been presented anywhere as a part of any other academic work. The Detail of student is as follow:


Rajendra Man Banepali


MSCIT 4 th Semester

Subject Code:


Project Title:

Online Banking

-------------------------------------K.M. Dikshit Head of Department

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Acknowledgements It is my pleasure to present this project report. "Online Banking". As Management Development in financial transaction such as efficiency of management development has a vital role for the economic stability and development of country. In today's, modern life one should know a bit more than past about email. It has great stability among all the past public not only businessman & professionals. Nepal being a developing coun try it is not getting able to develop communication only by the national or domestic communication. One who wants to know about "Online Banking" can be taken this work as a reference. He / she can gather necessary information from it. I obliged to my family members & my companions for their suggestions, support & feedback of great value. I would like to my heart thanks humble gratitude to the state of office of some organization like College for Professional Studies (CPS) and Standard Charters Bank Ltd. for their valuable suggestion & guidance & I'm also grateful for its co-operation & co-ordination in providing necessary information. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude & respect to the teachers and all friends for his contribution & suggestions at different step to prepare the report. Rajendra Man Banepali Bhaktapur-17

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Manipal Universal Learning

Abbreviation OB

Online Banking


Master of Science in Information Online Banking


Microsoft SQL

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Master of Science in Information College for Professional Studies Highly Technical College for Professional Studies Dynamic Menu System Highly Technical Standard Charter Bank Dynamic Menu System System Design Standard Charter Bank Structure Query Language System Design Microsoft SQL Structure Query Language

Online Banking | OB

Online Banking Final Project Report

Master of Science in Information Technology M.Sc. IT

Manipal Universal Learning

Table of Content 1



1.1 The course has the following objective: 13








Area and Limitation 16 4.1 Account Management


4.1.1 Opening account (Client Registration) 4.1.2 Closing account 16

4.2 Online Reports and Transaction



4.2.1 Client account statement 16 4.2.2 Account transfer 16

4.3 Security Management


4.3.1 User management and Security and accessibility assignment 4.3.2 Application settings configuration 17



Project outline 18 5.1 Problem Definition 18 5.2 Conceptual Framework 5.2.1 Programme Framework 5.2.2 Architectural Framework

18 18 19

5.3 Project Timeline and system planning 5.4 Tools Environment used



5.4.1 Hardware specification of machine used 21 5.4.2 Software used along With the version 21


Software Engineering and Design22 6.1 Analysis and Design 22 6.1.1 Project Analysis along with user requirements 22 6.1.2 Feasibility Study and Cost-Benefit Analysis 23 6.1.3 Programming Language and Platform 23 6.1.4 System Design: 24 Input Design 24 Output Design 25 Database Design 25 Module level Design 26 6.1.5 Design Methodology 26 Information System Design and Optimization System (ISDOS) : Pseudo-code 26 Structured Design (SD)27 Jackson Design Methodology (JDM) 27 Hierarchy Plus Input, Process, and Output (HIPO) 27 6.1.6 Specific Data Abstraction, Information Hiding 27 6.1.7 Table structure 28 6.1.8 DFDs, Data Dictionary, Pert chart etc. 28 6.1.9 Form Design30

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6.2 Testing & Debugging (Methodology use for Testing) 6.2.1 Error Fault and Reliability 6.2.2 Functional Testing 40

6.3 User Operation Manual


6.3.1 Security of the System 40 Physical Security 40 Operating System Level Security Database Security 41 Application Security 41 Transaction Security 41 6.3.2 Backup and Restore Database 41




Opportunity and Future Expansion



7.1 Practical Implementation 44 7.2 Double Entry Accounting System 44 7.3 Technology Enabled – Ajax


7.3.1 Multi Brach Banking – Using three tier Software Architecture


Conclusion (Thesis) 47


Bibliography 48

10 Annex 49 10.1 Database SQL Statement


10.2 Software Application Code


10.2.1 10.2.2 10.2.3 10.2.4 10.2.5 10.2.6 10.2.7 10.2.8 10.2.9 10.2.10 10.2.11 10.2.12 10.2.13 10.2.14 10.2.15 10.2.16 10.2.17 10.2.18 10.2.19 10.2.20 10.2.21 10.2.22 10.2.23 10.2.24 10.2.25

Code: netSystem.VB 56 Style Sheet: Style.css / Template.css 79 Page: account_heading.aspx 95 Code: account_heading.aspx.vb 99 Page: menu.aspx 104 Code: menu.aspx.vb 108 Page: system_config.aspx 113 Code: system_config.aspx.vb 117 Page: open_account.aspx 121 Code: open_account.aspx.vb 127 Page: voucher.aspx 133 Code: voucher.aspx.vb 140 Report Page: ledger.aspx 151 Report Code: ledger.aspx.vb 154 Report Page: trial_balance.aspx 157 Report Code: trial_balance.aspx.vb 160 Report Page: voucher.aspx163 Report Code: voucher.aspx.vb 169 Page: Defult.aspx 175 Page Code: Default.aspx.vb 177 Page: Default2.aspx 178 Page Code: Default2.aspx.vb 179 Master Page: MasterPageFrontScreen.aspx 180 Master Page Code: MasterPageFrontScreen.aspx.vb 181 WEB Configuration: web.config 184

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Master of Science in Information Technology M.Sc. IT

Online Banking Final Project Report

Manipal Universal Learning

1 Foreword The Master of Science in Information Technology (M.Sc. IT) Course is aimed at designing and implementing advanced compared traditional computing environment. It architecture is an integrated framework for acquiring and evolving IT to achieve strategic goals. It has both 'Logical' and 'Technical' components. The logical components include mission, functional and information requirements, system configurations, and information flows. The technical components include IT standards and rules that will be used to implement the logical architecture, it therefore includes both computing and communication net work technology in the same world.

1.1 The course has the following objective: •

To equip post graduate students with an integrated set of skills that will allow them to develop their professional careers in this area of informatio n technology.

To equip students with theoretical and practical that is necessary to enable them to participate in the design of complex computer applications/Science.

The program also prepares students to embrace future developments in the field and has a demonstrated professional relevance.

The program helps the students to acquire the latest skills and build their future capabilities using world-class technology. At the end of this program the student will posses strong foundation of computer system and information technology.

Dexterity in advance programming languages, power to build sophisticated software for wide area of applications.

Skills to work with higher end applications in internet technologies; also managerial ability to analyze, design, develop and to maintain software development.

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Manipal Universal Learning

2 Introduction The






financial term and transaction is called Bank. Bank deals with public interest in the term of economic activities such as opening account, saving, withdraw, loan financing in different ways. Opening account is the term of registration of potential client and future assets. Saving is the term of depositing amount into the registered account. Withdraw is the term of get the amount from the deposited account. Bank has very interesting mechanism to make credit amount the people and investors. The system we are going to developed is called OB. This includes the limited functionality for banking process as shown in OB's area and limitation section. OB tries to demonstrate sample processes of online banking transaction.

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Manipal Universal Learning

3 Objective The aim of OB is to lead the sample of processes and functionality of online backing based on web base. The initial demonstration of banking system is this system which include and limitation for real client. It is the template and sample piece of banking software which should include much functionality according to reality and end of user. Since this is academic project for university, the system has basic principle of implementation software engineering in software design and implementation of programming, platform and its architecture.

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4 Area and Limitation 4.1 Account Management 4.1.1 Opening account (Client Registration) This section processes the customer care centre including client registration for different types of account like saving, current, deposit and it should have flexibility on types of account that user can create new type of account type for specific group. Deposit and Withdraw This section is responsible for deposit process and withdraws processes only.

4.1.2 Closing account The termination of account in the bank is called closing of account. This section is responsible for the closing of account. At that time the hold data is not deleted just the account is disable for any further process.

4.2 Online Reports and Transaction 4.2.1 Client account statement This section is responsible for client accounts reporting of withdraw and deposit statement in which Debit and Credit parts are clearly shown into the report and total account balance is show n into this report.

4.2.2 Account transfer This is section causes to transfer amount from one account to another account. This process need authentication and implements the transaction process in which two phase committee strategy is used so that complete transaction is done without any exception.

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4.3 Security Management 4.3.1 User management and Security and accessibility assignment This is section manage the user and password security along with user menus and layout of software system. The accessibility is also control by security management. Basically, user management, menu management and accessibility management with grouping of user is control by this room.

4.3.2 Application settings configuration Global variables are configured by this section. Basically, fixed variable for application are set by this room.

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Manipal Universal Learning

5 Project outline Project outline contains introduction of project summary which describes about project development related details. The review of project outline is bellow.

5.1 Problem Definition Here the report tries to show computerized solution of online banking skeleton for two specific areas such as client account management and transaction of amount deposit and withdraw. The software solutions are already described into areas and limitation section 4.

5.2 Conceptual Framework 5.2.1 Programme Framework

Transaction (Withdraw &

Report (Account Statement )

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User and Security Managment

Registrati on


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Online Banking Final Project Report

Manipal Universal Learning

5.2.2 Architectural Framework



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Manipal Universal Learning

5.3 Project Timeline and system planning Timeline in weeks for 5 months Total Sn 1



Proposal Preparation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9












Fesibility Study/ Information 2



System Requirement Specification 3



Design (Database, Concept, 4




Programming Code









Project Report Writing


Total Weeks for Project Development

Project Report Writing 18%

Proposal Preparation 6%

Fesibility Study/ Information Collection 6% System Requirement Specification (SRS) 18%

Implementing 13%

Design (Database, Concept, Functions) 13%

Testing 13%

Programming Code 13%

- Pie Chart of Project Development timeline or pert chart 20 of 185 | Page

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5.4 Tools Environment used 5.4.1 Hardware specification of machine used •

Pentium 4, Intel Micro Processor

RAM 128 MB


Sound System

5.4.2 Software used along With the version •

Dream Weaver MX

Edit Plus 2.0.1

Languages: - Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) 4.0.0, Active Server Page .NET (ASP.NET with VB) 3.0, Java script, VB script

Database: - Microsoft SQL Server , Text Files, XML

Microsoft Visio 2003

Microsoft Word 2000

OS - Windows XP or higher

WEB Server - Internet Information System (IIS) or IIM

Microsoft Access SQL Client from Microsoft SQL Server

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6 Software Engineering and Design Review Software Engineering and Design 1. Analysis and Design 2. Testing & Debugging 3. User Operation Manual

6.1 Analysis and Design This section should be included and depicted clearly in the project file such as flow charts, Data flow Diagrams, Use of Decision table, Structural Analysis, ER Diagram etc. This chapter deals with techniques applied in information system analysis, data modeling and normalization. This chapter shows a process of providing full specification of systems to users to help them consider and accept. This specification is also a major information source for designers of the new system. It not only specifies the system's objectives but also describes the work and its constraints to which designers have to comply.

6.1.1 Project Analysis along with user requirements Project Analysis, in software engineering, has included project design part analyzing manual work and documents prepared by manual workers in prior working style. To make effective and more practical in daily life of OB is very essential for doing financial transaction online. Manual record keeping and verifying signature is very hard and time consuming so electronics system like OB deducts the time and makes our work efficiency in office. We can search the bank account and any record of transaction of candidates within a couple minute and compares these transactions for further process. Not only time saving but also we could get up-to-date information about potential candidates. It is the strength of the OB. This is man-made system category if we see the system definition. Let’s see the definition of Man-made System from text book. 22 of 185 | Page

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Man-made systems Man-made systems include such things as: 1. Social systems: organizations of laws, doctrines, customs, and so on. 2. An organized, disciplined collection of ideas. 3. Transportation systems: networks of highways, canals, airlines and so on. 4. Communication systems: telephone, telex, and so on. 5. Manufacturing systems: factories, assembly lines, and so on. 6. Financial systems: accounting, inventory, general ledger and so on. Most of these systems include computers today. As a systems analyst, you will naturally assume that every system that you come in contact with should be computerized. And the customer or user, with whom you interact will generally assume that you have such a bias. A systems analyst will analyze, or study, the system to determine its essence: and understand the system's required behavior, independent of the technology used to implement the system. In most case, we will be in a position to determine whether it makes sense to use a computer to carry out the functions of the system only after modeling its essential behavior.

6.1.2 Feasibility Study and Cost-Benefit Analysis Here, for OB we can simply use net cost benefit analysis tool which give the overall cost of the project. It shows cash follow of budget against the work in progress. We can use simple formula for cast estimated, For example: Net Cost = {working days (analyst + programmer + data entry)} * {(man/day rate )}

6.1.3 Programming Language and Platform Microsoft .NET platform is used in OB for programming platform. It has very good frame of web programming in the case of change management, template and object oriented programming language. OB has used framework 2.0 which is extended version of framework 1.0. We can use both

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of framework 1.0 and framework 2.0 in single a computer simultaneously. Let’s see some of important thing in Microsoft .NET framework from text book Microsoft Says, The .NET Framework is a development and execution environment that allows different programming languages & libraries to work together seamlessly to create Windows-based applications that are easier to build, manage, deploy, and integrate with other networked systems. Is .NET a runtime service or a development platform? Answer It’s both hand actually a lot more. Microsoft .NET is a company-wide initiative. It includes a new way of delivering software and services to businesses and consumers. A part of Microsoft.NET is the .NET Frameworks. The .NET frameworks consist of two parts: the .NET common language runtime and the .NET class library. These two components are packaged together into the .NET Frameworks SDK which will be available for free download from Microsoft’s MSDN web site later this month. In addition, the SDK also includes command-line compilers for C#, C++, JScript, and VB. You use these compilers to build applications and components. These components require the runtime to execute so this is a development platform. When Visual Studio.NET ships, it will include the .NET SDK and a GUI editor, wizards, tools, and a slew of other things. However, Visual Studio.NET is NOT required to build .NET applications.

6.1.4 System Design: Life Cycle of the project: Let’s see below, Life Cycle, design methodology and principles are use when OB is developed. Prototype modeling is used for OB life cycle. While using prototype modeling is used some of these system design and methodologies are used which are listed bellow. Design 24 of 185 | Page

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Manipal Universal Learning

While deigning system, input design is very conscious thing that we have to analyze because it is end-user interface. It is important for in case of data consistency and data integrity. We have to design input screens and layout in such a way that end-user can enter data and information easily and in limited time for efficiency. We have to conscious in data entry of option values while we are in main form for editing and new data entry. It helps the user to reduce the half of the data entry time and management. Some of

Login Form Basically, for security purpose to view mails we should login site and can see our personal mails only. the essential data entry forms are bellow. Design A number of basic design principles ensure that the output is presented in a way that is easy to understand and interpret. Notes, headings, and output








consistency is an attribute of ‘user-friendly’ output. Users feel comfortable with familiar layouts. Acronyms and abbreviations in output should be avoided especially when the output will serve novice users. Define words that may be unfamiliar to the user. Algorithms and assumptions on which calculations are based should be available to users of the output. This assures correct interpretation of output. Design A specialized set of programs, called a Data Base Management System (DBMS) is generally acquired to help computer users’ access and manipulate the data in a data base system. Most DBMS include a special query language that allow users to access the data base, retrieve information from data base without h aving to write a program. Data can be added, retrieved, updated, and deleted from data base using DBMS functions. If writing an application program for a transactional system n batch, the programmer 25 of 185 | Page

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accesses and uses the data base by writing the program in a record-level language provided by the DBMS, which is called the host language. An important function provided by a DBMS is data independence. Data independence means that users and programmers are insulated from database. They do not know how the physical database is stored. Since all access to data is made via the DBMS, data base management systems can perform another important function- data access protection. For example, the DBMS might be programmed to refer to an internal security matrix to determine which data elements a particular user is permitted to access and what type of operations that users can perform- read only, write only, or read, write and delete. level Design While designing modules, OB has been considered as having independent module concept. Any module has no dependency with other module even with data of programming and configuration along with database system. This concept reduces the error raise on transit period of switch in modules and running modules independently.

6.1.5 Design Methodology There are many ways to approach system design and many tools and techniques that contribute to the design process. In this part we will find a discussion of still other methodologies that are comely used by analysts. System Design and Optimization System (ISDOS) :It will be able to generate system specifications from user requirements recorded in a machine-readable form, design an optimal system to meet these specifications, and construct code for operational system. Pseudo-code can be used to describe an algorithm. Although pseudocode resembles structured English (SE) in using a restricted subset of English, it may be coded and more closely resemble a programming language. 26 of 185 | Page

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Manipal Universal Learning Design (SD) Nature of SD is achieved (implemented) by dividing the system in independent








implemented and modified with no (or little) effect on other modules of the system. Coarse (tho) program structure, based on DFD, is depicted by means of a structure chart.

This structure chart, which resembles an organization chart, shows relationships between units or modules, and how modules are combined to achieve systems (organization) and design goals. SD is user for OB when developed. Design Methodology (JDM) The JDM is a three-step design technique. In essence, it decomposes the design process itself. Plus Input, Process, and Output (HIPO) HIPO is a graphic technique that can be used to describe a system. A series of drawings are prepared by analysts that show the function of the system starting with general overview diagrams, then proceeding to detailed diagrams of each specific function.

6.1.6 Specific Data Abstraction, Information Hiding OB has used completely object oriented programming language (OOP) concept. It is implemented by Microsoft .NET. OB has used Visual Basic (VB) for programming interface which is absolutely OOP language. There is class for data or information hiding whereas method and function are used for complexity hiding for process and data. Please see the one example of the project which shows the completely reduce complexity of process and data hiding for configuration of database in Annex ….

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6.1.7 Table structure Table Diagram

About SQL Server and database code we can refer annex #10.1. OB has implemented Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft Access Database and its facilities.

6.1.8 DFDs, Data Dictionary, Pert chart etc. In the late 1970s data-flow diagrams (DFDs) were introduced and popularized for structured analysis and design (Gane and Sarson 1979). DFDs show the flow of data from external entities into the system, showed how the data moved from one process to another, as well as its logical storage. Section 5.2.1 presents an example of a DFD using the Gane and Sarson notation. There are only four symbols: •

Squares representing external entities, which are sources or destinations of data.

Rounded rectangles representing processes, which take data as input, do something to it, and output it.

Arrows representing the data flows, which can either, be electronic data or physical items.

Open-ended rectangles representing data stores, including electronic stores such as databases or XML files and physical stores such as or filing cabinets or stacks of paper.

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OB Application Data Follow:


#1 Registration

#2 Transaction (Dep/Draw)

Client DB

Transaction DB

#3 Report Processing

Customized Reports

Process Details Here, we can see Client is element of our external input and going for internal input in our system as application in OB in process #1. If client is valid then it is process for Transac tion into OB in process #2 otherwise client is registered and save into client database. Process #2 show the processing of detail information of transaction to store into transaction database which indicates the deposit and withdraw database. And all these are prepared by reports module and it is disseminated by our process of #3 to essential unit and department. It is used for communicating the applicant too. 29 of 185 | Page

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6.1.9 Form Design ::: Login

::: Home Page

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::: Search Bank Account

::: Account Search Result

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Online Banking Final Project Report

::: Add New/Edit Bank Account

::: Client Signature Verification – Image Box

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::: Search Voucher

::: Search Voucher Result

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::: Add New\Edit Voucher

::: Search Ledger for Report Preview

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::: Ledger for Report Preview and Print

::: Setting for Trial Balance Preview and Print

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::: Preview Trial Balance and Print

::: Search System Configuration Key

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::: Search Result System Configuration Key

::: New/Edit System Configuration Key

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::: Search System Menu Configuration

::: Search Result System Menu Configuration

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::: New\Edit System Menu Configuration

:::::::::: End of This Screen :::::::::

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OB has use Microsoft .NET framework 2.0 which reduces more than 70% of C# code than framework 1.0. It has very good libraries like SqlDataSource which works for connection, command object and reader for Grid view. We can see this entire thing in project source code. Please see annex p rofile from #10.2 for project source code.

6.2 Testing & Debugging (Methodology use for Testing) 6.2.1 Error Fault and Reliability This project has very good testing period. It is conducted while it is implemented. System development phase and implementation are goes parallel along with comments.

6.2.2 Functional Testing OB has centralized code system which controls the informality of functions and procedures. Most of the time is devoted for functional testing in development of OB.

6.3 User Operation Manual 6.3.1 Security of the System OB has implemented the .NET security layer of database connection for data security and APSP.NET user security for web server. While we have to user network Microsoft SQL Server database, we should have permission of computer (WEB Server) user of the computer for the Microsoft SQL Server computer. Only ASP.NET assigned user can access the data and information of the SQL Server which is implemented by OB. Security Source file is existed in web server so client computer can just access a copy of web page allotted by web server.

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Manipal Universal Learning System Level Security Use name and password project the data of individual and session object control the session which is highly used fro session security. After finishing the session data can not be accessed. Security Database has its own username and password which save the data of database. Database consists of all the data and information of roster in OB. Security It’s a web base application and it depends upon the web server security. It can get all the security provided by web server like Internet Information Service (IIS). Security Session is used to make more secure the transaction with ADO.NET Trascation facilities.

6.3.2 Backup and Restore Database OB has implemented Microsoft SQL Server Database. So, before backup and recovery system we should know about Microsoft SQL Server. Let’s see some about SQL Sever.

SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS)

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produced by Microsoft. Its primary query language is Transact-SQL, an implementation of the ANSI/ISO standard Structured Query Language (SQL) used by both Mic rosoft and Sybase. SQL Server is commonly used by businesses for small- to medium-sized databases, but the past five years have seen greater adoption of the product for larger enterprise databases.

Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2005 provides support for creating snapshots from SQL Server data using Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS). This is accomplished by providing a VSS compliant writer (the SQL writer) so that a third-party backup application can use the VSS framework to back up database files. This paper describes the SQL writer component and its role in the VSS snapshot creation and restores process for SQL Server databases. It also captures details on how to configure and use the SQL writer to work with backup applications in the context of the VSS framework. How to get Backup? See the picture bellow;

This is first screen to get the complete backup of OB which do backup with all the component of the database and schema of users with log. There are four type of backup in SQL Server. They are:1. Database – Complete 2. Database Differential 3. Transaction Log 42 of 185 | Page

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4. File and filegroup

As we do backup, we have to restore the database. Simply we user Database -Complete Backup for complete backup of database in which we can restore all database with user schema. There are four type of restoring database as Backup type. They are; 5. Database – Complete 6. Database Differential 7. Transaction Log 8. File and filegroup

Note: We have to give new database name for restoring database otherwise the database is not restoring into the database. The physical database is store with its real name not according to given name when we store the database. 43 of 185 | Page

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7 Opportunity and Future Expansion The OB is the skeleton on of transaction framework of Online Banking and Accounting. Some of them are as follows which is the opportunities and future expansion of the software.

7.1 Practical Implementation OB, academic student project, is one of the project which is developed with professional skill of DOT.NET technology. It is now just academic project and now somewhere we can use them in out practical business work with some training and manual. It is hard to implement in real world but it has it own dignity so that it can carry for next change too. OB should include many modules for easy and integrated online banking system. Some of them are Loan Department, Marketing, Human Resource, Management, Financial, Planning and etc. The OB should be integrated all these modules for new innovation of integrated software as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).

7.2 Double Entry Accounting System OB has very good module of accounting with some of important features. This module has enabled the system for double entry system in which use has to enter only voucher and rest of th e report of financial transactions are prepared by the system; for example detail ledger, trail balance and reverse data zooming from trail balance. OB has to expand to the financial planning and reports which can help to top management and middle management such as profit and lost account, cash follow, cash and bank book and etc.

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7.3 Technology Enabled – Ajax OB has been used Ajax in-built of Dot.NET only. It is better is the overall project is developed in Ajax framework of Dot.NET technology. The Ajax enables the system as if END-USER is working in the desktop software. It reduce s the time to do transactions because why the system has to refresh only the portion that is essential on the screen.

7.3.1 Multi Brach Banking – Using three tier Software Architecture It is the question how multi branch banking is possible in the real world. Most of application end user demand on this basis to fulfill the online banking for multi branch and any time money from any branch. It is the computational market in which every su bscriber wants high and productivity products from vendor. OB has been implemented in web base application so; automatically three tier software architecture has been enabled for end user facility from the three tier architecture. Database and code of OB has to be designed with multi branch online banking. Only the server code should be changed and the most of work of implementation for multi branch have been finished for this purpose except the intranet or internet implementation for the sub branch of the bank to access the application. In the context of Nepal; Standard Charter Bank Ltd has been implemented intranet for sub multi branch. They have used VSAT connectivity for accessing the application which might be very costly for small or median invested bank. There is alternate of this VSAT. That is to publish the OB application online and the security is also to be maintained in such a way for the internet security which might be very high risk. If the any select statement is used then it should have condition for specific branch and authentication. And the login should be for any branch any authentication too. Let’s see the one example of this statement. 45 of 185 | Page

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SELECT SQL Statement for any branch condition with Authentication SELECT { [*], Columns, Cols N } FROM Table_Name [ WHERE Clause with authentication statement ] SELECT * FROM Tbl_Clients WHERE BranName = “Kathmandu” AND SecurityLevel = 3

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8 Conclusion (Thesis) OB will be best academic practice of Microsoft .Net framework in ASP.NET with Visual Basic (VB). OB has implement dynamic component with new Microsoft technology for faster and well being ranking. Technology: This present project report has been undertaken to examine and evaluate the OB in web base application. Web base application has so many advantages that we can get through that application such as tree-tier software architecture which implements dynamic client support function for platform independent. Any END-USER can browse the system for their daily users or specific use. Security: About the issue of security, this project is built on Microsoft .NET framework so, all the security and protection have been inherited automatically when we use this system. In additional we have implement session approach which make more secured. Lastly, it’s better system for financial transaction like bank. The session has control the overall system. Invalid session is not allowed due to its security reason. So, the error or restricted are message box is displayed for prevention from invalid users.

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9 Bibliography •

Introduction of Microsoft .NET Framework, website: ,

System Analysis and Design, Author: Elias M. Awad,

ASP 3 Instant Reference, Author: Evangelos Petroutsos (BPB Publication),

System Analysis and Design, downloaded from Internet,

DFDs and flow chart, Author:

SQL Server and other information,

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10 Annex 10.1 Database SQL Statement

/****** Object: User [ganapati] Script Date: 12/14/2008 11:50:23 ******/ CREATE USER [ganapati] FOR LOGIN [ganapati] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[dbo]

GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Tbl_Client] 11:50:24 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON

Script Date: 12/14/2008



GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tbl_Client]( [ClientID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ClientCode] [varchar](50) NULL, [FirstName] [varchar](50) NULL, [LastName] [varchar](50) NULL, [UserName] [varchar](50) NULL, [UserPassword] [varchar](50) NULL, [Address] [varchar](50) NULL, [Sex] [varchar](50) NULL, [MaritalStatus] [varchar](50) NULL, [Occupation] [varchar](50) NULL, [SignatureFile] [varchar](255) NULL, [Remark] [varchar](255) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Tbl_Client] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ClientID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] 49 of 185 | Page

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/****** Object: Table [dbo].[Tbl_Configuration] 12/14/2008 11:50:24 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON

Script Date:







/****** Object: Table [dbo].[Tbl_VoucherType] 12/14/2008 11:50:24 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON



GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tbl_VoucherType]( [VoucherType] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, 50 of 185 | Page

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GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Tbl_Account] 11:50:24 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON

Script Date: 12/14/2008





CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tbl_Account]( [AccountID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [AccountCode] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [ParentCode] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [ReferenceID] [int] NULL, [Account] [varchar](255) NOT NULL, [Description] [varchar](255) NULL, [Remark] [varchar](255) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Tbl_Account_1] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [AccountCode] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]



/****** Object: Table [dbo].[Tbl_Voucher_Detail] 51 of 185 | Page

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12/14/2008 11:50:24 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON




CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tbl_Voucher_Detail]( [VoucherDetailID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [VoucherMasterID] [int] NULL, [AccountCode] [varchar](50) NULL, [Description] [varchar](255) NULL, [Debit] [numeric](18, 2) NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Tbl_Voucher_Debit] DEFAULT ((0)), [Credit] [numeric](18, 2) NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Tbl_Voucher_Credit] DEFAULT ((0)), [Flag] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Tbl_Voucher_Flag] DEFAULT ((0)), [Remark] [varchar](50) NULL, [LastUser] [varchar](50) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Tbl_Voucher] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [VoucherDetailID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]


GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Tbl_Voucher_Master] 12/14/2008 11:50:24 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON



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CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tbl_Voucher_Master]( [VoucherMasterID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [VoucherType] [varchar](50) NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Tbl_Voucher_Master_VoucherType] DEFAULT ('Journal'), [VoucherNo] [varchar](50) NULL, [VoucherDate] [varchar](10) NULL, [Description] [varchar](50) NULL, [Flag] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Tbl_Voucher_Master_Flag] DEFAULT ((0)), [LastUser] [varchar](50) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Tbl_Voucher_Master] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [VoucherMasterID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATI STICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]



/****** Object: Table [dbo].[Tbl_Menu] 11:50:24 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON

Script Date: 12/14/2008



GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tbl_Menu]( [MenuID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [MenuCode] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [ParentCode] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [MenuTitle] [varchar](50) NULL, [Link] [varchar](255) NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Tbl_Menu_Link] DEFAULT (' -'), [Param] [varchar](255) NULL, [Active] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Tbl_Menu_Active] DEFAULT ((1)), CONSTRAINT [PK_Tbl_Menu] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( 53 of 185 | Page

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/****** Object: View [dbo].[View_Client] 11:50:25 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON

Script Date: 12/14/2008



GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].[View_Client] AS SELECT ClientID, LEFT(ClientCode, 2) AS LeadingCode, SUBSTRING(ClientCode, 4, 6) AS Code, RIGHT(ClientCode, 2) AS RunningCode, ClientCode, FirstName + ' ' + LastName AS Name, UserName, UserPassword, Address, Sex, MaritalStatus, Occupation, SignatureFile, Remark FROM dbo.Tbl_Client

GO /****** Object: View [dbo].[View_Voucher_Master_Detail] Date: 12/14/2008 11:50:25 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON


GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].[View_Voucher_Master_Detail] AS SELECT dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Master.VoucherMasterID, dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Master.VoucherNo, dbo.Tbl_VoucherType.VoucherType, dbo.Tbl_VoucherType.VoucherTypeCode, dbo.Tbl_Vo ucher_Master.VoucherDate, dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Master.Description AS MDescription, dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Master.Flag AS MFlag, dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Detail.VoucherDetailID, dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Detail.AccountCode, 54 of 185 | Page

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dbo.Tbl_Account.ParentCode, dbo.Tbl_Account.ReferenceID, dbo.Tbl_Account.Account, dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Detail.Description, dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Detail.Debit, dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Detail.Credit, dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Detail.Flag FROM dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Master INNER JOI N dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Detail ON dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Master.VoucherMasterID = dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Detail.VoucherMasterID INNER JOIN dbo.Tbl_Account ON dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Detail.AccountCode = dbo.Tbl_Account.AccountCode INNER JOIN dbo.Tbl_VoucherType ON dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Master.VoucherType = dbo.Tbl_VoucherType.VoucherType

GO /****** Object: View [dbo].[View_Voucher_Master] 12/14/2008 11:50:25 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON

Script Date:


GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].[View_Voucher_Master] AS SELECT dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Master.VoucherMasterID, dbo.Tbl_VoucherType.VoucherType, dbo.Tbl_VoucherType.VoucherTypeCode, dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Master.VoucherNo, dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Master.VoucherDate, dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Master.Description AS MDescription, dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Master.Flag AS MFlag, dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Master.LastUser FROM dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Master INNER JOIN dbo.Tbl_VoucherType ON dbo.Tbl_Voucher_Master.VoucherType = dbo.Tbl_VoucherType.VoucherType

GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[deleteVoucherDetail] Date: 12/14/2008 11:50:25 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON 55 of 185 | Page

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CREATE procedure [dbo].[deleteVoucherDetail] (@vdid bigint = -1) as begin DELETE FROM Tbl_Voucher_Detail WHERE VoucherDetailID = @vdid end

GO /****** Object: View [dbo].[View_1] ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON

Script Date: 12/14/2008 11:50:24


GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].[View_1] AS SELECT VoucherMasterID, Description, SUM(Debit) AS Debit, SUM(Credit) AS Credit, SUM(Debit - Credit) AS Balance FROM dbo.View_Voucher_Master_Detail GROUP BY VoucherMasterID, Description


10.2 Software Application Code 10.2.1

Imports Imports Imports Imports

Code: netSystem.VB

Microsoft.VisualBasic System.Configuration System.Data.SqlClient System.Web.UI.Page

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Public Class _netSystem '******* Other Variables Public rootPath As String Private currentPage As New Web.UI.Page() Public imagePath As String = "images/" Public iSql As String = "" Public iD As Integer '******* Object Variables Public netDatabase As New _Database() Public netRecord As New _Record("") 'Public netClientService As New _ClientService(netDatabase) Public netImage As New _Image(netDatabase) Public Shared inFo As String Public Shared netErrorLevel As New _ErrorLevel() Private Shared _errObject As Exception

'****************************************************************** '**************** System Function Interface *********************** '****************************************************************** Public Sub _CalculateGridViewDebitCreditBalance(ByRef grid As GridView) '****** Calculating Running balance Dim row As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim d As Double Dim c As Double Dim b As Double row = grid.Rows.Count For i = 0 To row - 1 If IsNumeric(grid.Rows(i).Cells(_getGridViewColumnIndex(grid, "Debit")).Text) = True Then d = d + CType(grid.Rows(i).Cells(_getGridViewColumnIndex(grid, "Debit")).Text, Double) End If If IsNumeric(grid.Rows(i).Cells(_getGridViewColumnIndex(grid, "Credit")).Text) = True Then c = c + CType(grid.Rows(i).Cells(_getGridViewColumnIndex(grid, "Credit")).Text, Double) End If grid.Rows(i).Cells(_getGridViewColumnIndex(grid, "Balance")).Text = (d - c) Next End Sub Public Function _getGridViewColumnIndex(ByVal grid As GridView, ByVal colName As String) As Integer '**** Date: 2008-11-18 Dim colIndx As Integer = -1 Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To grid.Columns.Count - 1 If (grid.Columns(i).HeaderText = colName) Then colIndx = i 57 of 185 | Page

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End If Next Return colIndx End Function Public Function _getNewItemCode(ByVal parentCode As String, ByVal tableName As String, ByVal itemField As String, ByVal itemParentField As String) As String '********** Date 13-Nov-2008 Dim newCode As String = "" Dim lastCode As String = "" Dim lastNo As Integer = 0 Dim reader As SqlDataReader Dim startNo As Integer = 1 Dim arr As Array Dim Seperator As String = "." '**** , b.Account, a.Account Parent iSql = _ " SELECT max(b." + itemField + ") lCode" + _ " FROM " + tableName + " a INNER JOIN " + tableName + " b " + _ " ON a." + itemField + " = b." + itemParentField + _ " WHERE (a." + itemField + "='" + parentCode + "')" reader = netDatabase.getReader(iSql) If (reader.Read()) Then lastCode = reader("lCode").ToString().Trim() If (lastCode <> "") Then '***** child found arr = lastCode.Split(".") Dim i As Integer Dim oneChar As String For i = 0 To arr.Length - 1 oneChar = arr(i) '*** First seperator eliminator If i = 0 Then Seperator = "" Else Seperator = "." End If '*** Connecting new code If (i = (arr.Length - 1)) Then newCode = newCode.Trim + Seperator.Trim + (oneChar + 1).ToString().Trim Else newCode = newCode.Trim + Seperator.Trim + oneChar.Trim End If 'currentPage.Response.Write("
" + arr(i)) Next Else '**** if no max child is found newCode = parentCode.Trim + Seperator.Trim + startNo.ToString().Trim End If End If Return newCode End Function 58 of 185 | Page

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Public Property _setInfo() Get Return "" End Get Set(ByVal value) Dim introSec As Integer = netDatabase.getConfigValue("infoDisplaySec") value = value.ToString.Replace("'", "") If value.ToString.StartsWith("@") Then value = value.ToString.Substring(1) netErrorLevel._setInfo(value, False, introSec) Else netErrorLevel._setInfo(value, True, introSec) End If End Set End Property Public Function _deleteRecord(ByVal tableName As String, ByVal where As String) As Integer '********* 5-Oct-2008 Dim n As Integer = -1 Try iSql = "DELETE FROM " + tableName + " " + where n = netDatabase._excuteCommand(iSql) Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex End Try Return n End Function Public Function _getNewClientCode() As String Dim reader As SqlDataReader Dim newCode As String Try iSql = "SELECT Max(LeadingCode) LeadingCode, Max(Code) Code, Max(RunningCode) RunningCode FROM View_Client" reader = netDatabase.getReader(iSql) If (reader.Read()) Then newCode = reader("LeadingCode").ToString() + "-" + (reader("code") + 1).ToString + "-" + reader("RunningCode").ToString() Else newCode = "" End If Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex End Try Return newCode End Function Public Function _getNewVoucherNo(ByVal voucherType As String) As String '********** Date 3-Nov-2008 Dim newCode As String = "" Dim lastCode As String = "" Dim lastNo As Integer = 0 Dim reader As SqlDataReader Dim startNo As Integer = 1 Dim arr As Array Dim Seperator As String = "-" Dim oneChar As String '**** , b.Account, a.Account Parent 59 of 185 | Page

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iSql = _ " SELECT VoucherType, VoucherTypeCode, Max(VoucherNo) VoucherNo " + _ " FROM View_Voucher_Master " + _ " WHERE VoucherType='" + voucherType + "'" + _ " Group By VoucherType, VoucherTypeCode" '_setInfo = voucherType reader = netDatabase.getReader(iSql) If (reader.Read()) Then lastCode = reader("VoucherNo").ToString().Trim() If (lastCode <> "") Then '***** child found arr = lastCode.Split("-") Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To arr.Length - 1 oneChar = arr(i) '*** First seperator eliminator If i = 0 Then Seperator = "" Else Seperator = "-" End If '*** Connecting new code If (i = (arr.Length - 1)) Then newCode = newCode + Seperator + (oneChar + 1).ToString() Else newCode = newCode + Seperator + oneChar End If 'currentPage.Response.Write("
" + arr(i)) Next End If Else '**** if no max child is found oneChar = netDatabase.getTableValue("Tbl_VoucherType", "VoucherTypeCode", " Where VoucherType='" + voucherType + "'") newCode = oneChar + Seperator + startNo.ToString() End If Return newCode End Function 'Public Function _getNewAccountCode(ByVal parentCode As String) As String ' '********** Date 3-Nov-2008 ' Dim newCode As String = "" ' Dim lastCode As String = "" ' Dim lastNo As Integer = 0 ' Dim reader As SqlDataReader ' Dim startNo As Integer = 1 ' Dim arr As Array ' Dim Seperator As String = "." ' ' ' ' ' ' '

'**** , b.Account, a.Account Parent iSql = _ " SELECT max(b.AccountCode) lCode" + _ " FROM tbl_account a INNER JOIN tbl_account b " + _ " ON a.accountcode = b.parentcode" + _ " WHERE (a.AccountCode='" + parentCode + "')" reader = netDatabase.getReader(iSql)

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If (reader.Read()) Then lastCode = reader("lCode").ToString().Trim() If (lastCode <> "") Then '***** child found arr = lastCode.Split(".") Dim i As Integer Dim oneChar As String For i = 0 To arr.Length - 1 oneChar = arr(i)

' ' ' ' ' '

'*** First seperator eliminator If i = 0 Then Seperator = "" Else Seperator = "." End If

' '*** Connecting new code ' If (i = (arr.Length - 1)) Then ' newCode = newCode + Seperator + (oneChar + 1).ToString() ' Else ' newCode = newCode + Seperator + oneChar ' End If ' 'currentPage.Response.Write("
" + arr(i)) ' Next ' Else ' '**** if no max child is found ' newCode = parentCode + Seperator + startNo.ToString() ' End If ' End If ' Return newCode 'End Function Public Function _saveRecord(ByRef record As _Record, ByVal iCommandType As _Record.commandType) As Boolean '***** Date 2-Nov-2008 Try '_write("Table" + record.tableName) If iCommandType = _Record.commandType.insertCommand Then iSql = record.getIsql(record, record.tableName, _Record.commandType.insertCommandPreparationOnly) Dim cmd As SqlCommand = netDatabase.getPreparedCommandParameter(record, netDatabase.getCommand(iSql)) If (cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() >= 1) Then iD = netDatabase.getMaxID(record.tableName, record.getKeyName(0), "") record.updateRecordValue(record.getKeyName(0), iD) Return True Else Return False End If ElseIf (iCommandType = _Record.commandType.updateCommand) Then iSql = record.getIsql(record, record.tableName, _Record.commandType.updateCommandPreparationOnly) Dim cmd As SqlCommand = netDatabase.getPreparedCommandParameter(record, netDatabase.getCommand(iSql)) If (cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() >= 1) Then 61 of 185 | Page

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Return True Else Return False End If End If Catch ex As Exception Dim e As New Exception(ex.Message + " ISQL: " + iSql) _setError = e End Try

End Function

Public Sub _fillComboList(ByVal dDList As DropDownList, ByVal iSql As String) '*** Date: 2-Nov-2008 *** 'Dim dDList As New DropDownList() Dim list As ListItem Dim reader As SqlDataReader reader = netDatabase.getReader(iSql) dDList.Items.Clear() While (reader.Read()) list = New ListItem(reader(1).ToString.Trim, reader(0).ToString.Trim) dDList.Items.Add(list) End While '_fillComboList = dDList 'Return dDList End Sub Public Shared Property _setError() Get Return _errObject End Get Set(ByVal value) netErrorLevel.doErrorAction(value) End Set End Property Public Sub _showDialog(ByVal mess As String, ByVal iStyle As _ErrorLevel.ajaxMessageBoxStyle) Dim ex As New Exception(mess) netErrorLevel.doErrorAction(ex, iStyle) End Sub

Function _addNode(ByRef tree As TreeView, ByRef node As TreeNode, Optional ByRef parent As TreeNode = Nothing) As Boolean Dim isExistNode As Boolean = False 'Try Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To tree.Nodes.Count - 1 'Me._writeLine(tree.Nodes(i).ValuePath + " and " + node.Value + " = " + tree.Nodes(i).Value.CompareTo(node.Value).ToString()) If tree.Nodes(i).Value.CompareTo(node.Value) = 0 Then isExistNode = True Exit For 62 of 185 | Page

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End If Next 'Me._writeLine("
") 'Catch ex As Exception 'End Try If isExistNode = False Then If (parent Is Nothing) Then tree.Nodes.Add(node) Else parent.ChildNodes.Add(node) End If End If Return isExistNode End Function Function _getLoadedTree(ByRef tree As TreeView, ByVal tableName As String, ByVal idField As String, ByVal parentIdField As String, _ ByVal titleField As String, ByVal linkField As String, Optional ByVal where As String = "", Optional ByVal showCode As Boolean = True) As TreeView 'Dim tree As New TreeView() Try '**** Adding where clause if exists Dim myWhere As String = "" If (where <> "") Then If where.Trim.ToUpper.StartsWith("WHERE") Then myWhere = where Else myWhere = " WHERE " + where End If End If Dim isql As String = _ " SELECT DISTINCT " + idField + ", " + titleField + ", " + parentIdField + ", " + linkField + _ " FROM " + tableName + " WHERE " + idField + " IN " + _ " (SELECT DISTINCT " + parentIdField + " FROM " + tableName + " " + myWhere + " ) ORDER BY " + idField Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim

readerParent As SqlDataReader readerChild As SqlDataReader nodeChild As TreeNode nodeParent As TreeNode n As Integer bool As Boolean nodeText As String = "" linkText As String = ""

readerParent = netDatabase.getReader(isql) tree.Nodes.Clear() '**** Removing where clause if exists If (where <> "") Then If where.Trim.ToUpper.StartsWith("WHERE") Then myWhere = " AND (" + where.Trim.Substring(6) + ")" '**** remove the 'where' Else myWhere = " AND (" + where + ")" 63 of 185 | Page

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End If End If While (readerParent.Read()) If (showCode = True) Then nodeText = readerParent(idField) + " " + readerParent(titleField) Else nodeText = readerParent(titleField) End If If (readerParent(linkField).ToString.Trim = "" Or readerParent(linkField).ToString.Trim = "-") Then linkText = "javascript:void(0)" Else linkText = readerParent(linkField) End If '**** Parent Node nodeParent = New TreeNode(nodeText, readerParent(idField), "", linkText, "") n = _getNodeID(tree, readerParent(parentIdField)) If (n.Equals(-1) = True) Then '****tree.Nodes.Add(nodeParent) bool = _addNode(tree, nodeParent) Else '*****Me._write("P- Hello : " + tree.Nodes(n).Text) '*****tree.Nodes(n).ChildNodes.Add(nodeParent) bool = _addNode(tree, nodeParent, tree.Nodes(n)) End If 'Me._writeLine(nodeParent.Text + " " + tree.Nodes.Count.ToString()) 'Me._writeLine(nodeParent.Text + " Exist:" + bool.ToString()) 'Me._write("
*" + nodeParent.Text) '***** Child Node isql = "select " + idField + ", " + titleField + ", " + parentIdField + ", " + linkField + " FROM " + tableName + _ " WHERE (" + parentIdField + "='" + readerParent(idField) + "') " + myWhere + " ORDER BY " + idField readerChild = netDatabase.getReader(isql) While (readerChild.Read()) If (showCode = True) Then nodeText = readerChild(idField) + " " + readerChild(titleField) Else nodeText = readerChild(titleField) End If If (readerChild(linkField).ToString.Trim = "" Or readerChild(linkField).ToString.Trim = "-") Then linkText = "javascript:void(0)" Else linkText = readerChild(linkField) End If nodeChild = New TreeNode(nodeText, readerChild(idField), "", linkText, "") 'Me._writeLine("----" + nodeChild.Text) n = _getNodeID(tree, readerChild(parentIdField)) If (n.Equals(-1) = True) Then 'nodeParent.ChildNodes.Add(nodeChild) 64 of 185 | Page

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_addNode(tree, nodeChild, nodeParent) Else 'nodeChild = New TreeNode("Hello Node " + n.ToString(), "k" + readerChild(idField)) 'Me._write("C- Hello : " + tree.Nodes(n).Text + " Child: " + nodeChild.Text) 'tree.Nodes(n).ChildNodes.Add(nodeChild) _addNode(tree, nodeChild, tree.Nodes(n)) End If 'Me._writeLine("------" + nodeChild.Text + " " + tree.Nodes.Count.ToString()) End While End While tree.ParentNodeStyle.Font.Bold = True tree.ParentNodeStyle.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Green tree.ExpandAll() Return tree Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex Return tree End Try End Function Function _getNodeID(ByRef tree As TreeView, ByVal key As String) As Integer Dim n As Integer = -1 Dim i As Integer If tree.Nodes.Count >= 1 Then For i = 0 To tree.Nodes.Count - 1 'Me._write("
KEY NODE: " + tree.Nodes(i).Value + " KEY:" + key + " Text: " + tree.Nodes(i).Text + " C:" + tree.Nodes.Count.ToString()) If tree.Nodes(i).Value = key Then 'Me._write("
--+-- KEY NODE: " + tree.Nodes(i).Value + " KEY:" + key + " Text: " + tree.Nodes(i).Text) n = i Exit For End If Next 'Me._write("
") End If Return n End Function Public Function _write(ByVal x As String) As Boolean Try 'If Not currentPage Is Nothing Then currentPage.Response.Write(x) 'End If Return True Catch ex As Exception Return False End Try End Function Public Function _writeLine(ByVal x As String) As Boolean Try currentPage.Response.Write("
" + x) Return True Catch ex As Exception 65 of 185 | Page

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Return False End Try End Function Public Property currentWebPage() Get Return currentPage End Get Set(ByVal value) 'Try currentPage = value currentPage.Title = netDatabase.getConfigValue("projectTitle") netDatabase.currentWebPage = currentPage netRecord.currentWebPage = currentPage 'netClientService.currentWebPage = currentPage netImage.currentWebPage = currentPage netErrorLevel.currentWebPage = currentPage rootPath = "/" + netDatabase.getConfigValue("virtualApplicationName") 'currentPage.MapPath("").Substring(0, currentPage.MapPath("").IndexOf("components")) '************ Checking Security ****************** Dim currSession As String = currentPage.Session().Item("currSessionId") 'currentPage.Response.Write(currentPage.Items("Name")) If (currSession <> currentPage.Session().SessionID) Then 'currentPage.Response.Write("CUR SESS: " + currentPage.Session().Item("currSessionId")) Dim ex As New Exception( _ " Sorry! This area is the unaccessible area due to limitation of session authentication. The Session has been finished. " + _ " Please logoin again .

- Rajendra Man Banepali") _showDialog(ex.Message, _ErrorLevel.ajaxMessageBoxStyle.noCloseBox) End If '************ Checking Security ****************** '*** Error Handling If Not (_errObject Is Nothing) Then _setError = _errObject End If 'Catch ex As Exception ' 'End Try End Set End Property Public Sub New(ByRef _page As Web.UI.Page) currentPage = _page 'currentPage.MasterPageFile = "_new.master" 'currentPage.Response.Write("Hello") End Sub Public Sub New() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() _errObject = Nothing 66 of 185 | Page

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MyBase.Finalize() End Sub '****************************************************************** '**************** System Function Interface *********************** '******************************************************************

'********* System error Class _ErrorLevel Private currentPage As New Web.UI.Page() Public Enum ajaxMessageBoxStyle hasCloseBox = 1 noCloseBox = 2 End Enum Public Property currentWebPage() Get Return currentPage End Get Set(ByVal value) currentPage = value 'currentPage.Response.Write("Hello") End Set End Property

Public Sub _setInfo(ByVal x As String, Optional ByVal doClear As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal intervalSec As Integer = 3000) Try '

Dim header As String = "<span id=infoAlert> Alert:
<span id=infoText>" Dim footer As String = "<span id=infoAlertFooter> [ Hide Me ]   This automatic fading message. " 'x = "<span id=infoAlert> Alert: " + x Dim formateMessageBg As String = "
" + header + x + footer + "
" '" = 'hidden'; " & _ 'currentPage.Response.Write(formateMessageBg) Dim doClearText As String = ""

If doClear = False Then doClearText = " msg.innerHTML=msg.innerHTML + '
" + x + "'; " Else doClearText = " msg.innerHTML='" + header + x + footer + "
'; " End If Dim checkExistingMsgbox = _ " <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'> " & _ 67 of 185 | Page

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" var msg = document.getElementById('infoBackScreen'); " & _ " if (msg != '[object]') { " & _ " document.write('" + formateMessageBg + "'); " & _ " }else{" & _ doClearText & _ "};" & _ " "

Dim scriptText As String = _ "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>" & _ " var opact = 100; " & _ " " & _ "function hideMessage(){" & _ " opact--; " & _ " var msgbox = document.getElementById('infoBackScreen'); " & _ " = 'Alpha(Opacity=' + opact + ', FinishOpacity=0, Style=fade)'; " & _ " if (opact <= 0 ) { " & _ " var msgbox = document.getElementById('infoBackScreen'); " & _ " = 'hidden'; " & _ " return(0); " & _ " }else{ " & _ " setTimeout(hideMessage, 1); " & _ " } " & _ "} " & _ " " & _ "function clickMessage(){ " & _ " opact = 50; " & _ " setTimeout(hideMessage, 1); " & _ " } " & _ " " & _ " function stopMe(){ " & _ " opact = opact - 50; " & _ " setTimeout(hideMessage, 1); " & _ " } " & _ "" Dim callFunctionScript As String = _ "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>" & _ " opact = 100; " & _ " setTimeout(hideMessage, " + intervalSec.ToString + "); " & _ ""

" + x + "

'Dim formateMessage As String = "

currentPage.Response.Write(checkExistingMsgbox) currentPage.Response.Write(scriptText) currentPage.Response.Write(callFunctionScript) 'currentPage.Response.Write("Hello <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>" & _ ' " var msgbox = 68 of 185 | Page

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document.getElementById('infoBackScreen'); " & _ ' "") Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub Public Sub doErrorAction(ByVal ex As Exception, Optional ByVal iStyle As ajaxMessageBoxStyle = ajaxMessageBoxStyle.hasCloseBox) 'currentPage.Response.Redirect("components\com_offline\offline.aspx?emess=" + ex.Message) Try Dim formateMessage As String = "" Dim errMessage = ex.Message Dim scriptText As String = _ "<script language='javascript'>" & _ "function closeMessage(){" & _ " var msgbg = document.getElementById('backScreen'); " & _ " var msgbox = document.getElementById('messageBox'); " & _ " = 'hidden'; " & _ " = 'hidden'; " & _ "} " & _ "" '" '" '" '"

'alert( = 'hiddel'); " & _ //} " & _ //if ({" & _ alert(document.getElementById('messageBox').style) " & _

Dim formateMessageBg As String = "
" If (iStyle = ajaxMessageBoxStyle.hasCloseBox) Then formateMessage = "
System Alert
" + errMessage + "
" ElseIf (iStyle = ajaxMessageBoxStyle.noCloseBox) Then formateMessage = "
System Alert
" + errMessage + "
" End If '_write(scriptText + " " + formateMessageBg + " " + formateMessage) currentPage.Response.Write(scriptText) currentPage.Response.Write(formateMessageBg) currentPage.Response.Write(formateMessage) Catch e As Exception 'currentPage.Response.Write(ex.Message) End Try End Sub End Class '********* System error

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'********** Class Image for Image Procedure Class _Image Public currentFileName As String Private currentPage As New Web.UI.Page() Public db As _Database Public Property currentWebPage() Get Return currentPage End Get Set(ByVal value) currentPage = value 'currentPage.Response.Write("Hello") End Set End Property Public Sub New(ByVal _db As _Database) db = _db End Sub Public Sub _showPicture(ByVal img As String) Dim scriptText As String = _ "<script language='javascript'>" & _ "function closeMessage(){" & _ " var msgbg = document.getElementById('backScreen'); " & _ " var msgbox = document.getElementById('messageBox'); " & _ " = 'hidden'; " & _ " = 'hidden'; " & _ "} " & _ "" '" '" '" '"

'alert( = 'hiddel'); " & _ //} " & _ //if ({" & _ alert(document.getElementById('messageBox').style) " & _

Dim formateMessageBg As String = "
" Dim formateMessage As String = "
Image Display
" currentPage.Response.Write(scriptText) currentPage.Response.Write(formateMessageBg) currentPage.Response.Write(formateMessage) End Sub

Public Function getSignatureFile(ByVal ClientCode As String) As String Try 70 of 185 | Page

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Dim sourceDirectory = db.getConfigValue("signatureDirectory") Dim rootPath As String = currentPage.MapPath("") rootPath = rootPath.Substring(0, rootPath.IndexOf("components") - 1) rootPath.Replace("/", "\") 'Dim sourcePath As String = sourceDirectory Dim sourcePath As String = rootPath + "\" + sourceDirectory Dim fileExtension As String = db.getConfigValue("signatureFileExtension") Dim sourceFile As String = sourcePath + "\" + ClientCode + "." + fileExtension Return sourceFile Catch ex As Exception Return ex.Message End Try End Function Public Function copySignature(ByVal destinationFile As FileUpload, ByVal ClientCode As String) As Boolean Try destinationFile.SaveAs(getSignatureFile(ClientCode)) Return (True) Catch ex As Exception 'currentPage.Response.Write(ex.Message) Return (False) End Try End Function End Class

'*********** Class Client Service '******************************** 'Class _ClientService 'Public isql As String 'Public db As _Database 'Public ClientID As Integer 'Private currentPage As New Web.UI.Page() 'Public Property currentWebPage() ' Get ' Return currentPage ' End Get ' Set(ByVal value) ' currentPage = value ' 'currentPage.Response.Write("Hello") ' End Set 'End Property 'Public Sub New(ByVal _db As _Database) ' db = _db 'End Sub 'Public Function saveClientRegistration(ByRef record As _Record, ByVal 71 of 185 | Page

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iCommandType As _Record.commandType) As Boolean ' If iCommandType = _Record.commandType.insertCommand Then ' isql = record.getIsql(record, "tbl_client", _Record.commandType.insertCommandPreparationOnly) ' Dim cmd As SqlCommand = db.getPreparedCommandParameter(record, db.getCommand(isql)) ' If (cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() >= 1) Then ' ClientID = db.getMaxID("tbl_client", "ClientID", "") ' record.updateRecordValue("ClientID", ClientID) ' Return True ' Else ' Return False ' End If ' ElseIf (iCommandType = _Record.commandType.updateCommand) Then ' isql = record.getIsql(record, "tbl_client", _Record.commandType.updateCommandPreparationOnly) ' Dim cmd As SqlCommand = db.getPreparedCommandParameter(record, db.getCommand(isql)) ' If (cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() >= 1) Then ' Return True ' Else ' Return False ' End If ' End If 'End Function

' Public Function saveRecord(ByRef record As _Record, ByVal iCommandType As _Record.commandType) As Boolean ' '***** Date 2-Nov-2008 ' If iCommandType = _Record.commandType.insertCommand Then ' iSql = record.getIsql(record, record.tableName, _Record.commandType.insertCommandPreparationOnly) ' Dim cmd As SqlCommand = db.getPreparedCommandParameter(record, db.getCommand(iSql)) ' If (cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() >= 1) Then ' ClientID = db.getMaxID(record.tableName, record.getKeyName(0), "") ' record.updateRecordValue(record.getKeyName(0), ClientID) ' Return True ' Else ' Return False ' End If ' ElseIf (iCommandType = _Record.commandType.updateCommand) Then ' iSql = record.getIsql(record, record.tableName, _Record.commandType.updateCommandPreparationOnly) ' Dim cmd As SqlCommand = db.getPreparedCommandParameter(record, db.getCommand(iSql)) ' If (cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() >= 1) Then ' Return True ' Else ' Return False ' End If ' End If ' End Function 'End Class '******** end of Client Service 72 of 185 | Page

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'*********** Class Database Engine '******************************** Class _Database Public connString As String Public sqlConn As SqlConnection Private currentPage As New Web.UI.Page() Public Property currentWebPage() Get Return currentPage End Get Set(ByVal value) currentPage = value 'currentPage.Response.Write("Hello") End Set End Property Public Sub New() Try connString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DSN") sqlConn = New SqlConnection(connString) sqlConn.Open() Catch ex As Exception 'Err().Raise(101, "", "Hello message from Rajendra") _errObject = ex '_setError = ex End Try End Sub Public Function _excuteCommand(ByVal iSql As String) As Integer '******* 5 Nov 2008 Dim n As Integer Try Dim sqlConn1 As New SqlConnection() sqlConn1 = New SqlConnection(connString) sqlConn1.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(iSql, sqlConn1) n = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex End Try Return (n) End Function Public Function getReader(ByVal iSql As String) As SqlDataReader Dim reader As SqlDataReader Try Dim sqlConn1 As New SqlConnection() sqlConn1 = New SqlConnection(connString) sqlConn1.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(iSql, sqlConn1) reader = cmd.ExecuteReader() Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex End Try Return (reader) 73 of 185 | Page

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End Function Public Function getSqlDataSource(ByVal isql As String, ByVal sqlDS As SqlDataSource) As SqlDataSource sqlDS.ConnectionString = connString sqlDS.SelectCommand = isql Return (sqlDS) End Function Public Function getNewID(ByVal tableName As String, ByVal fieldName As String, ByVal where As String) As Integer Dim isql As String Dim reader As SqlDataReader isql = "SELECT (max(" + fieldName + ")+1) as " + fieldName + " FROM " + tableName + " " + where reader = getReader(isql) If (reader.Read) Then Return reader(fieldName) Else Return reader(-1) End If End Function Public Function getMaxID(ByVal tableName As String, ByVal fieldName As String, ByVal where As String) As Integer Dim isql As String Dim reader As SqlDataReader isql = "SELECT max(" + fieldName + ") as " + fieldName + " FROM " + tableName + " " + where reader = getReader(isql) If (reader.Read) Then Return reader(fieldName) Else Return reader(-1) End If End Function Public Function isRecordExist(ByVal tableName As String, ByVal where As String) As Boolean Dim isql As String Dim reader As SqlDataReader isql = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " " + where reader = getReader(isql) If (reader.Read) Then Return True Else Return False End If End Function Public Function getTableValue(ByVal tableName As String, ByVal fieldName As String, Optional ByVal where As String = "") As String Try Dim isql As String Dim reader As SqlDataReader isql = "SELECT " + fieldName + " as " + fieldName + " FROM " + tableName + " " + where reader = getReader(isql) If (reader.Read) Then Return reader(fieldName) Else 74 of 185 | Page

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Return reader("") End If Catch ex As Exception Return ex.Message End Try End Function Public Function getConfigValue(ByVal key As String) As String 'Dim isql As String 'Dim reader As SqlDataReader 'isql = "SELECT configValue FROM tbl_configuration WHERE configKey='" + key + "'" 'reader = getReader(isql) 'If (reader.Read) Then ' Return reader("configValue") 'Else ' Return reader("") 'End If Try Return (getTableValue("tbl_configuration", "configValue", "where ConfigKey='" + key + "'")) Catch ex As Exception Return ex.Message End Try End Function Public Function getCommand(ByVal isql As String) Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(isql, sqlConn) Return (cmd) End Function Public Function getPreparedCommandParameter(ByVal record As _Record, ByVal cmd As SqlCommand) As SqlCommand Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim fieldName As String = "" Dim fieldValue As String = "" For i = 0 To record.Count - 1 For j = 0 To record.row.GetLength(0) record.row = record.readRecord(i) If j = 0 Then fieldName = record.row(0, j) ElseIf j = 1 Then fieldValue = record.row(0, j) End If Next cmd.Parameters.Add("@" + fieldName, Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = fieldValue Next Return (cmd) End Function End Class '********* end of Database Class

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'***** User defined records '*************************** Public Class _Record Inherits ArrayList Public row(0, 1) As String Public tableName As String Public Enum commandType As Integer insertCommand = 0 insertCommandPreparationOnly = 1 updateCommand = 2 updateCommandPreparationOnly = 3 End Enum Private currentPage As New Web.UI.Page() Public Property currentWebPage() Get Return currentPage End Get Set(ByVal value) currentPage = value 'currentPage.Response.Write("Table: " + tableName) 'currentPage.Response.Write("Hello") End Set End Property Public Sub New(ByVal name As String) tableName = name End Sub Public Function getKeyName(ByVal index As Integer) As String Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim fieldName As String = "" Dim fieldValue As String = "" Dim findValue = "" For i = 0 To Me.Count - 1 For j = 0 To Me.row.GetLength(0) Me.row = Me.readRecord(i) If j = 0 Then fieldName = Me.row(0, j) ElseIf j = 1 Then fieldValue = Me.row(0, j) End If Next If (i = index) Then findValue = fieldName Exit For End If Next Return (findValue) End Function Public Function getRecordValue(ByVal key As String) As String '****** get exiting value accordint to key '****** key is never changed by secondary process Dim i As Integer 76 of 185 | Page

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j As Integer fieldName As String = "" fieldValue As String = "" findValue = ""

For i = 0 To Me.Count - 1 For j = 0 To Me.row.GetLength(0) Me.row = Me.readRecord(i) If j = 0 Then fieldName = Me.row(0, j) ElseIf j = 1 Then fieldValue = Me.row(0, j) End If Next If (fieldName = key) Then findValue = fieldValue Exit For End If Next Return (findValue) End Function Public Function updateRecordValue(ByVal key As String, ByVal newValue As String) As Boolean '****** update value accordint to key '****** key is never changed by secondary process Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim fieldName As String = "" Dim fieldValue As String = "" Dim isFindObject As Boolean = False For i = 0 To Me.Count - 1 For j = 0 To Me.row.GetLength(0) Me.row = Me.readRecord(i) If j = 0 Then fieldName = Me.row(0, j) ElseIf j = 1 Then fieldValue = Me.row(0, j) End If Next If (fieldName = key) Then Me.row(0, 1) = newValue '***** Value replace by newValue Me.RemoveAt(i) Me.Insert(i, row) isFindObject = True Exit For End If Next Return (isFindObject) End Function Public Function getIsql(ByVal record As _Record, ByVal tableName As String, ByVal iType As commandType) As String Dim tmpIsql As String = "" Dim i, j As Integer Dim fieldName As String = "" Dim fieldValue As String = "" 77 of 185 | Page

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Dim valueList As String = "" Dim fieldList As String = "" Select Case iType Case Is = commandType.insertCommand Or commandType.insertCommandPreparationOnly '**** Skiping Iddentity Fild as Primary key not to be inserted '**** Loop start Field from second only For i = 1 To record.Count - 1 'info = info + i.ToString() + " - " For j = 0 To record.row.GetLength(0) record.row = record.readRecord(i) If j = 0 Then 'info = info + record.row(0, j) fieldName = record.row(0, j) Else fieldValue = record.row(0, j) 'info = info + " = " + record.row(0, j) End If Next '*** loop end J If (i = 1) Then fieldList = fieldName Else fieldList = fieldList + ", " + fieldName If (iType = commandType.insertCommandPreparationOnly) Then If (i = 1) Then valueList = "@" + fieldName Else valueList = valueList + ", @" + fieldName ElseIf (iType = commandType.insertCommand) Then If (i = 1) Then valueList = "'" + fieldValue + "'" Else valueList = valueList + ", '" + fieldValue + "'" End If Next '***** loop end I tmpIsql = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + "(" + fieldList + ") VALUES(" + valueList + ")" Case commandType.updateCommand Or commandType.updateCommandPreparationOnly '**** not Skiping Iddentity Fild as Primary key not to be update and it's used for update key '**** Loop start Field from second only Dim where As String = "" Dim updateList As String = "" For i = 0 To record.Count - 1 'info = info + i.ToString() + " - " For j = 0 To record.row.GetLength(0) record.row = record.readRecord(i) If j = 0 Then 'info = info + record.row(0, j) fieldName = record.row(0, j) Else fieldValue = record.row(0, j) 'info = info + " = " + record.row(0, j ) End If Next '*** loop end J If (i = 0) Then where = " Where " + fieldName + "=@" + fieldName Else If (i = 1) Then updateList = fieldName + "=@" + fieldName 78 of 185 | Page

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+ "=@" + fieldName End If End If Next '***** loop end I tmpIsql = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET " + updateList + " " + where End Select Return tmpIsql End Function Public Function addRecord(ByVal col1 As Object, ByVal col2 As Object) As ArrayList Dim rs(0, 1) As String rs(0, 0) = col1 : rs(0, 1) = col2 : Add(rs) Return (Me) End Function Public Function readRecord(ByVal rowNo As Integer) Return Me(rowNo) End Function End Class '******** End of Record class End Class 'END OF System Class


Style Sheet: Style.css / Template.css

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.small { color : #FF9900; font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 10px; text-decoration : none; } .smallgrey { color : #999; font-size : 10px; } .error { color : #C40000; font-size : 11px; font-weight : bold; } .contentheading, .componentheading, .moduleheading { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; } table.menubar { width: 100%; } td { font-size: 12px; } /* header block */ table.messagebox { background-color: #FFF; font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; width: 60%; color: #C64934; font-size : 18px; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; } table.messagebox th { background: url(../../images/generic.png) no-repeat left; text-align: left; height: 50px; width: 99%; padding-left: 50px; } table.messagebox td { color: Black; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; text-align: justify; background: ghostwhite; padding: 10px; border-top: gainsboro 1px solid; }

/* header block */ 82 of 185 | Page

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table.adminheading { background-color: #FFF; font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; color: #C64934; font-size : 18px; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; } table.adminheading th { background: url(../../images/generic.png) no-repeat left; text-align: left; height: 50px; width: 99%; padding-left: 50px; border-bottom: 5px solid #fff; } table.adminheading th.checkin { background: url(../../images/checkin.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.cpanel { background: url(../../images/cpanel.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.config { background: url(../../images/config.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.modules { background: url(../../images/module.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.menus { background: url(../../images/menu.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.trash { background: url(../../images/trash.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.user { background: url(../../images/user.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.inbox { background: url(../../images/inbox.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.msgconfig { background: url(../../images/message_config.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.langmanager { background: url(../../images/langmanager.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.mediamanager { background: url(../../images/mediamanager.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.impressions { background: url(../../images/impressions.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.browser { background: url(../../images/browser.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.searchtext { 83 of 185 | Page

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background: url(../../images/searchtext.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.templates { background: url(../../images/templatemanager.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.massemail { background: url(../../images/massemail.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.frontpage { background: url(../../images/frontpage.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.sections { background: url(../../images/sections.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.edit { background: url(../../images/addedit.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.categories { background: url(../../images/categories.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.install { background: url(../../images/install.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.dbbackup { background: url(../../images/backup.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.dbrestore { background: url(../../images/dbrestore.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading th.dbquery { background: url(../../images/query.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading { background: url(../../images/systeminfo.png) no-repeat left; } table.adminheading td { color : #000; } /* standard list style table */ table.adminlist { background-color: #FFFFFF; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 1px solid #ddd; border-spacing: 0px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } table.adminlist th { margin: 0px; padding: 6px 4px 2px 4px; height: 25px; background: url(../../images/background.jpg); background-repeat: repeat; font-size: 15px; color: #000; } 84 of 185 | Page

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table.adminlist th.title { text-align: left; } table.adminlist th a:link, table.adminlist th a:visited { color: #c64934; text-decoration: none; } table.adminlist th a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } table.adminlist tr.row0 { background-color: #F9F9F9; } table.adminlist tr.row1 { background-color: #FFF; } table.adminlist td { border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; padding: 5px; } table.adminlist tr.row0:hover { background-color: #f1f1f1; } table.adminlist tr.row1:hover { background-color: #f1f1f1; } table.adminlist td.options { background-color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; } select.options, input.options { font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; border: 1px solid #999999; } /* standard form style table */ table.adminform { background-color: #f9f9f9; border: solid 1px #d5d5d5; width: 100%; padding: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; } table.adminform tr.row0 { background-color: #f9f9f9; } table.adminform tr.row1 { background-color: #eeeeee; } table.adminform th { font-size: 12px; padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 2px; padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; text-align: left; height: 25px; background: url(../../images/background.jpg); 85 of 185 | Page

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color: #000; background-repeat: repeat; } table.adminform td { padding: 3px; text-align: left; } table.adminform td.editor { font-size: 9px; } table.cpanel td { text-align: center; } form { margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } /* Styles for dhtml tabbed-pages */ .ontab { font-size: 12px; background-color: #ffae00; border: 1px solid #cccccc; width: 14%; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF; } .offtab { font-size: 12px; background-color : #e5e5e5; border: 1px solid #cccccc; width: 14%; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; font-weight: normal; } .tabpadding { /*border-bottom: solid 1px #D5D5D5;*/ } .tabheading { background-color: #FFAE00; color: #FFF; font-size: 10px; text-align: left; } .pagetext { visibility: hidden; display: none; position: relative; top: 0; } .menubackgr { background: #F1F3F5; border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc; } .menudottedline { border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc; border-top: 1px solid #ffffff; 86 of 185 | Page

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background-color: #F1F3F5; } .pathway { margin-left: 15px; } .adminheader { color : #c30; font-size : 24px; font-weight:bold; } /* Text passed with mosmsg url parameter */ .message { font-family : "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size : 14px; color : #c30; text-align: center; } div.centermain { padding: 0 10px; } div.main { width: 99%; padding: 0; } .quote { margin: 4px; border: 1px solid #cccccc; background-color: #E9ECEF; padding: 10px; font-size: 12px; color: #254D78; }

/* mod_quickicon */ #cpanel {

text-align: center;

vertical-align: middle; }

#cpanel div.icon { margin: 3px; } #cpanel div.icon a { display: block; float: left; height: 97px !important; height: 100px; width: 108px !important; width: 110px; vertical-align: middle; text-decoration : none; border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 2px 5px 1px 5px; } #cpanel div.icon a:link { color : #808080; #cpanel div.icon a:hover { color : #333; background-color: #f1e8e6; border: 1px solid #c24733; padding: 3px 4px 0px 6px; } 87 of 185 | Page

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#cpanel div.icon a:active { #cpanel div.icon a:visited {

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} }

#cpanel div.icon img { margin-top: 13px; } #cpanel div.icon span { display: block; padding-top: 3px;} /* Tooltips */ a.tooltip, a.tooltip:hover { color: black; text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px dashed #aaa; } a.tooltiplink { display: block; width: 100%; } a.tooltiplink:hover { text-decoration: }


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#datacellfull { width: 98%; display: block; float: left; margin: 0; padding: 2px; } #treecell fieldset { } #datacell fieldset { border: 1px #ccc solid; } span.editlinktip { text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px dashed #aaa; } table.paramlist td { height: 30px; } div.footer { clear: both; margin-top: 10px; } a.back { float: left; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background: url(../../images/restoredb.png) fixed no-repeat; height: 48px; width: 48px; }

/*************** Rajendra Man Banepali **************/ /****** 8 Octo 2008****/ /**** 1_filter: Alpha(Opacity=100, FinishOpacity=0, Style=fade, StartX=50, StartY=0, FinishX=300, FinishY=500); */ #infoBackScreen { filter: Alpha(Opacity=100, FinishOpacity=0, Style=fade); background-color: #11cbff; z-index: 100000; left: 0px; width: 60%; position: absolute; top: 0px; margin-left: 20%; margin-right: 20%; margin-top: 0px; padding: 10px; visibility: visible; border-bottom: #000099 1px solid; } 89 of 185 | Page

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#infoAlert { color: red; font-size: 150%; font-weight:bold; } #infoAlertFooter { color: White; font-weight: normal; text-align: right; } #infoText { color: Black; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; font-size: 120%; display: block; background-color: #d2ebff; margin: 0px; border-top: #608fc8 1px solid; padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 5px; } #infoMessageBox{ background-color: #999999; z-index: 200000; height: 100px; width: 50%; margin: 0 auto; padding: 5px; display: block; color: #FFFFFF; position: absolute; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-left-width: 1px; border-top-style: solid; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; border-left-style: solid; border-top-color: #000000; border-right-color: #000000; border-bottom-color: #000000; border-left-color: #000000; }

#backScreen { filter: Alpha(Opacity=60, FinishOpacity=10, Style=fading, StartX=10, StartY=10, FinishX=300, FinishY=500); 90 of 185 | Page

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background-color: black; z-index: 100000; left: 0px; width: 101%; position: absolute; top: 0px; height: 100%; margin:0px; padding: 10px; visibility: visible; } #messageBox{ background-color: #999999; z-index: 200000; height: 250px; width: 350px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0px; display: block; color: #FFFFFF; position: absolute; left: 300px; top: 100px; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-left-width: 1px; border-top-style: solid; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; border-left-style: solid; border-top-color: #000000; border-right-color: #000000; border-bottom-color: #000000; border-left-color: #000000; } #messageBox-Title{ background-color: #666666; display: block; padding: 5px; height: 35px; width: 80%; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: #333333; font-weight: bold; color: white; background-image: url(../../images/nav_bg.png); background-repeat: repeat; float: left; } #messageBox-Title-noClose{ background-color: #666666; display: block; padding: 5px; height: 35px; width: 100%; border-bottom-width: 1px; 91 of 185 | Page

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border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: #333333; font-weight: bold; color: white; background-image: url(../../images/nav_bg.png); background-repeat: repeat; float: left; } #messageBox-Title-ControlBox{ background-color: #FF8033; display: block; padding: 5px; height: 35px; width: 20%; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: #C65E00; font-weight: bold; color: white; background-image: url(../../images/cancel_f2.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; float: right; text-align: center; background-position: center center; }

#messageBox-TextArea{ display: block; padding: 10px 10px 10px 40px; font-weight: normal; color: black; background-color: #B5B6BB; float: left; height: 100%; width: 100%; border-top: 4px solid #CCCCCC; border-right: 2px solid #CCCCCC; border-bottom: 2px solid #CCCCCC; border-left: 2px solid #CCCCCC; background-image: url(../../images/help_f2.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left top; }

#messageBox-ImageArea{ display: block; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; font-weight: normal; color: black; background-color: #B5B6BB; float: left; height: 100%; width: 100%; border-top: 4px solid #CCCCCC; border-right: 2px solid #CCCCCC; border-bottom: 2px solid #CCCCCC; border-left: 2px solid #CCCCCC; background-repeat: no-repeat; 92 of 185 | Page

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background-position: left top; }

table#Login1 { font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial,Arial Baltic; background-color: whitesmoke; border-bottom: firebrick 2px solid; border-right: lightgrey 1px solid; border-top: lightgrey 1px solid; border-left: lightgrey 1px solid; border-collapse: collapse; table-layout: auto; margin: 0px auto; } table#Login1 td { font-size: 12px; padding: 10px; } table#Login1 table td { font-size: 12px; padding: 7px; border: 0px; } table#Login1 input { font-size: 12px; } .frontTime { width: 100%; color: Red; font-size:130%; border-bottom: solid 1px green; padding: 5px; text-align:center; } .frontUserName { color: Green; text-align:right; width:100%; } .panelWindow { border-bottom: gainsboro 1px solid; border-top: gainsboro 1px solid; }

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body { margin: 0px 5px 5px 5px; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial,Arial Baltic; background-image: none; background-color: white; } *{ font-size: 12px; }

#bank-screen { width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; background: white; }

#bank-screen #heading { width: 960px; height: 50px; } #bank-screen #heading #logo { float: left; width: 500px; height: 49px; background: url(../../images/banner.jpg) whitesmoke; border-bottom: #3399cc 1px solid; text-align: center; font-family: Arial,Arial Baltic; font-size: 20pt; color: Green; } #bank-screen #heading #top-menu { float: left; width: 450px; height: 98%; background: #e7f0e6; padding: 5px; text-align: right; border-bottom: #009900 1px solid; } #bank-screen #left-band { float: left; width: 220px; background: #f5fff7; border-right: #b0cabb 1px solid; padding: 5px; } 94 of 185 | Page

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#bank-screen #main-board { float: left; width: 719px; height: 100%; padding: 5px; background-image: none; background-color: white; } #bank-screen #main-board #banner { float: left; width: 715px; padding: 5px; background-image: none; background-color: #e2f9ff; border-bottom: #0099ff 1px solid; } #bank-screen #footer { float: left; width: 940px; height: 100%; background: whitesmoke; padding: 10px; border-bottom: gainsboro 1px solid; border-top: gray 1px solid; font-family:Arial,Arial Baltic; color: gray; }


Page: account_heading.aspx

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPageFontScreen.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="account_heading.aspx.vb" Inherits="open_account" title="Untitled Page" Theme="ThemeOnline" StylesheetTheme="ThemeOnline" %>
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Search Account Head
Account Name  
Account Head Editor
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     <strong style="color: red">Note:  **  -  Required Field
Account Code   ** Parent **
Reference No.  
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runat="server" CssClass="inputbox" rel="nofollow">
Account Name **
Description   Ramark
Account Search Result
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<EditRowStyle BackColor="#999999" /> <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#E2DED6" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#333333" /> <PagerStyle BackColor="#284775" ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Center" />


Code: account_heading.aspx.vb

Imports _netSystem Imports System.Data.SqlClient Partial Class open_account Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Public netSystem As New _netSystem(Me) Public isql As String 99 of 185 | Page

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Dim cID As String Dim info As String Dim signatureFile As String Protected Function searchAccount(ByVal accountName As String) Try isql = _ " SELECT b.AccountCode, b.Account, a.Account Parent, a.Description " + _ " FROM tbl_account a INNER JOIN tbl_account b " + _ " ON a.accountcode = b.parentcode" + _ " WHERE (b.Account LIKE '%" + accountName + "%')" SqlDataSource1 = netSystem.netDatabase.getSqlDataSource(isql, SqlDataSource1) SqlDataSource1.DataBind() info = "Data loaded." netSystem._setInfo = info Return (1) Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex End Try Return (0) End Function Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load netSystem.currentWebPage = Me 'Session.Clear() 'If Not (Session("appWorld") = Session.SessionID.ToString()) Then ' 'Response.Redirect(Request.ApplicationPath() + "/Default.aspx") ' '****Response.Write(Request.ApplicationPath() + "/Default.aspx") 'End If netSystem._getLoadedTree(TreeViewAccountHead, "tbl_account", "AccountCode", "ParentCode", "Account", "account", "") TreeViewAccountHead.CollapseAll() End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.SelectedIndexChanged Try cID = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text Catch ex As Exception End Try info = "'" + GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(2).Text + "' selection process is complated." netSystem._setInfo = info End Sub Protected Sub ButtonEditClient_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonEditClient.Click Try If Not (GridView1.SelectedIndex = -1) Then cID = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 loadAccountDetailForm(cID) Else 100 of 185 | Page

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info = "Please select a record from the list." End If netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception info = ex.Message netSystem._setInfo = info End Try End Sub Protected Sub loadAccountDetailForm(ByVal cID As String) Try Dim reader As SqlDataReader isql = "SELECT * FROM Tbl_Account WHERE AccountCode='" + cID.ToString() + "'" reader = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) If (reader.Read()) Then '****** loading Parent Code Combo loadComboParentCode() '****** Loading data TextBoxAccountID.Text = reader("AccountID").ToString() TextBoxAccountCode.Text = reader("AccountCode").ToString() DropDownListParentCode.SelectedValue = reader("ParentCode").ToString() TextBoxReferenceNo.Text = reader("ReferenceID").ToString() TextBoxAccountName.Text = reader("Account").ToString() TextBoxDescription.Text = reader("Description").ToString() TextBoxRemark.Text = reader("remark").ToString() '****** Loading data info = "Record Else info = "Record End If netSystem._setInfo Catch ex As Exception info = ex.Message netSystem._setInfo End Try

loaded for editing." not found." = info

= info

End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonShowSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonShowSearch.Click MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 0 End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonShowClientRegistrationForm_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonShowClientRegistrationForm.Click MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 ImageButtonNewAccountHeading_Click(sender, e) End Sub 101 of 185 | Page

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Protected Sub ButtonSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSearch.Click searchAccount(TextBoxSearchAccountName.Text) MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 2 'Dim ex As New Exception("Rajendra Man Banepali. Sahara Banepali and Rabina Gorkhali...") 'netSystem._setError = ex End Sub

Protected Sub ImageButtonNewAccountHeading_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonNewAccountHeading.Click newAccountHeading() DropDownListParentCode_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e) End Sub Protected Sub saveAccount() Try Dim record As New _netSystem._Record("Tbl_Account") record.Clear() record = record.addRecord("AccountID", Val(TextBoxAccountID.Text)) record = record.addRecord("AccountCode", TextBoxAccountCode.Text) record = record.addRecord("ParentCode", DropDownListParentCode.SelectedItem.Value) record = record.addRecord("ReferenceID", TextBoxReferenceNo.Text) record = record.addRecord("Account", TextBoxAccountName.Text) record = record.addRecord("Description", TextBoxDescription.Text) record = record.addRecord("Remark", TextBoxRemark.Text) If TextBoxAccountID.Text = "-1" Then '***** Check the existing record of Client Code only If Not (netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist("tbl_account", " WHERE AccountCode='" + Me.TextBoxAccountCode.Text + "'") = True) Then If (netSystem._saveRecord(record, _Record.commandType.insertCommand)) Then TextBoxAccountID.Text = record.getRecordValue("AccountID") info = "New record inserted first time." End If Else info = "The CODE is already exist. Please assign new CODE." End If Else '***** Check the existing record of Client Code only If Not (netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist("tbl_account", " WHERE (AccountID<>'" + Me.TextBoxAccountID.Text + "' and AccountCode='" + Me.TextBoxAccountCode.Text + "')") = True) Then If (netSystem._saveRecord(record, _Record.commandType.updateCommand)) Then info = "Existing record updated." ' + "
" + netSystem.netClientService.isql 102 of 185 | Page

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End If Else info = "The CODE is already exist. Please assign new CODE." End If End If 'LabelInfo.Text = info '+ "
" + netSystem.netClientService.isql netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception info = ex.Message + "
" + netSystem.iSql '+ _Record.commandType.insertCommandPreparationOnly.GetHashCode().ToString() netSystem._setInfo = info End Try End Sub Protected Sub loadComboParentCode() '****** loading Parent Code Combo isql = "SELECT AccountCode, AccountCode + '-' + Account FROM Tbl_Account" netSystem._fillComboList(DropDownListParentCode, isql) End Sub Protected Sub newAccountHeading() '**** making Empty Fields '****** loading Parent Code Combo 'loadComboParentCode() TextBoxAccountID.Text = "-1" TextBoxAccountCode.Text = "" 'DropDownListParentCode.Text = "" TextBoxReferenceNo.Text = "" TextBoxAccountName.Text = "" TextBoxDescription.Text = "" TextBoxRemark.Text = "" 'DropDownListParentCode_SelectedIndexChanged(DropDownListParentCode, New EventArgs()) info = "Add new" netSystem._setInfo = info End Sub Protected Sub ImageButton2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton2.Click saveAccount() End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_PageIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.PageIndexChanged searchAccount(Me.TextBoxSearchAccountName.Text) End Sub

Protected Sub DropDownListParentCode_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DropDownListParentCode.SelectedIndexChanged If (Me.TextBoxAccountID.Text = "-1" Or Me.TextBoxAccountID.Text = "") Then Me.TextBoxAccountCode.Text = 103 of 185 | Page

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netSystem._getNewItemCode(DropDownListParentCode.SelectedValue, "tbl_account", "accountCode", "parentCode") End If End Sub Protected Sub View2_Activate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles View2.Activate loadComboParentCode() End Sub Protected Sub TreeViewAccountHead_SelectedNodeChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TreeViewAccountHead.SelectedNodeChanged Try If (TreeViewAccountHead.SelectedValue <> "") Then cID = TreeViewAccountHead.SelectedValue MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 loadAccountDetailForm(cID) Else info = "Please select a record from the list. " End If netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception info = ex.Message netSystem._setInfo = info End Try End Sub Public Sub New() End Sub End Class


Page: menu.aspx

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPageFontScreen.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="menu.aspx.vb" Inherits="open_account" title="Untitled Page" Theme="ThemeOnline" StylesheetTheme="ThemeOnline" %>
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/ rel="nofollow">  
Menu Search 
Menu Title  
Account Head Editor
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Menu Code   ** Parent **
Menu Title
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runat="server" CssClass="inputbox" Width="500px" rel="nofollow">
Menu Search Result

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Bold="True" ForeColor="White" /> <EditRowStyle BackColor="#999999" /> <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#E2DED6" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#333333" /> <PagerStyle BackColor="#284775" ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Center" />


Code: menu.aspx.vb

Imports _netSystem Imports System.Data.SqlClient Partial Class open_account Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Public netSystem As New _netSystem(Me) Public isql As String Dim menuID As String 'Dim info As String Dim signatureFile As String Protected Function searchMenu(ByVal menuTitle As String) Try isql = _ " SELECT b.MenuID ID, b.MenuTitle Menu, a.MenuTitle Parent, 108 of 185 | Page

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b.Link, b.Active " + _ " FROM tbl_menu a INNER JOIN tbl_menu b " + _ " ON a.menuCode = b.ParentCode " + _ " WHERE (b.menuTitle LIKE '%" + menuTitle + "%') " SqlDataSource1 = netSystem.netDatabase.getSqlDataSource(isql, SqlDataSource1) SqlDataSource1.DataBind() inFo = "Menu configuration data loaded." netSystem._setInfo = inFo Return (1) Catch ex As Exception 'inFo = ex.Message 'netSystem._setInfo = inFo _setError = ex End Try Return (0) End Function Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load netSystem.currentWebPage = Me 'Session.Clear() 'If Not (Session("appWorld") = Session.SessionID.ToString()) Then ' 'Response.Redirect(Request.ApplicationPath() + "/Default.aspx") ' '****Response.Write(Request.ApplicationPath() + "/Default.aspx") 'End If netSystem._getLoadedTree(TreeViewMenu, "tbl_menu", "MenuCode", "ParentCode", "MenuTitle", "Link", "", False) TreeViewMenu.CollapseAll() End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.SelectedIndexChanged Try menuID = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text inFo = "'" + GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(2).Text + "' selection process is complated." netSystem._setInfo = inFo Catch ex As Exception 'inFo = ex.Message 'netSystem._setInfo = inFo _setError = ex End Try End Sub Protected Sub ButtonEditClient_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonEditMenu.Click Try If Not (GridView1.SelectedIndex = -1) Then menuID = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 loadMenuDetailForm(menuID) Else inFo = "Please select a record from the list." End If netSystem._setInfo = inFo Catch ex As Exception 109 of 185 | Page

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'inFo = ex.Message 'netSystem._setInfo = inFo _setError = ex End Try End Sub Protected Sub loadMenuDetailForm(ByVal menuID As String) Try Dim reader As SqlDataReader isql = "SELECT * FROM Tbl_menu WHERE menuID='" + menuID.ToString() + "'" reader = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) If (reader.Read()) Then '****** loading Parent Code Combo loadComboParentCode() '****** Loading data TextBoxMenuID.Text = reader("MenuID").ToString() TextBoxMenuCode.Text = reader("MenuCode").ToString() DropDownListParentCode.SelectedValue = reader("ParentCode").ToString().Trim TextBoxMenuTitle.Text = reader("MenuTitle").ToString() TextBoxLink.Text = reader("Link").ToString() TextBoxParam.Text = reader("param").ToString() CheckBoxActive.Checked = CType(reader("active").ToString(), Boolean) '****** Loading data inFo = "Menu record loaded for editing." Else inFo = "Menu record not found." End If netSystem._setInfo = inFo Catch ex As Exception 'inFo = ex.Message _setError = ex End Try End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonShowSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonShowSearch.Click MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 0 End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonShowClientRegistrationForm_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonShowClientRegistrationForm.Click MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 ImageButtonNewAccountHeading_Click(sender, e) End Sub Protected Sub ButtonSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonMenu.Click searchMenu(TextBoxSearchMenuTitle.Text) MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 2 'Dim ex As New Exception("Rajendra Man Banepali. Sahara Banepali 110 of 185 | Page

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and Rabina Gorkhali...") 'netSystem._setError = ex End Sub

Protected Sub ImageButtonNewAccountHeading_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonNewAccountHeading.Click newMenu() DropDownListParentCode_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e) End Sub Protected Sub saveMenu() Try Dim record As New _netSystem._Record("Tbl_Menu") record.Clear() record = record.addRecord("MenuID", Val(TextBoxMenuID.Text)) record = record.addRecord("MenuCode", TextBoxMenuCode.Text) record = record.addRecord("ParentCode", DropDownListParentCode.SelectedItem.Value) record = record.addRecord("MenuTitle", TextBoxMenuTitle.Text) record = record.addRecord("Link", TextBoxLink.Text) record = record.addRecord("Param", TextBoxParam.Text) record = record.addRecord("Active", CType(CheckBoxActive.Checked, Integer)) If TextBoxMenuID.Text = "-1" Then '***** Check the existing record of Client Code only If Not (netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist("tbl_menu", " WHERE MenuCode='" + Me.TextBoxMenuCode.Text + "'") = True) Then If (netSystem._saveRecord(record, _Record.commandType.insertCommand)) Then TextBoxMenuID.Text = record.getRecordValue("MenuID") inFo = "New record inserted first time." End If Else inFo = "The CODE is already exist. Please assign new CODE." End If Else '***** Check the existing record of Client Code only If Not (netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist("tbl_menu", " WHERE (MenuID<>'" + Me.TextBoxMenuID.Text + "' and MenuCode='" + Me.TextBoxMenuCode.Text + "')") = True) Then If (netSystem._saveRecord(record, _Record.commandType.updateCommand)) Then inFo = "Existing record updated." ' + "
" + netSystem.netClientService.isql End If Else inFo = "The CODE is already exist. Please assign new CODE." End If End If 'LabelInfo.Text = inFo '+ "
" + netSystem.netClientService.isql netSystem._setInfo = inFo 111 of 185 | Page

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Catch ex As Exception 'inFo = ex.Message + "
" + netSystem.iSql '+ _Record.commandType.insertCommandPreparationOnly.GetHashCode().ToString() 'netSystem._setInfo = inFo _setError = ex End Try End Sub Protected Sub loadComboParentCode() '****** loading Parent Code Combo isql = "SELECT menuCode, menuCode + ' - ' + menutitle FROM Tbl_menu" netSystem._fillComboList(DropDownListParentCode, isql) End Sub Protected Sub newMenu() '**** making Empty Fields '****** loading Parent Code Combo 'loadComboParentCode() TextBoxMenuID.Text = "-1" TextBoxMenuCode.Text = "" 'DropDownListParentCode.Text = "" TextBoxMenuTitle.Text = "" TextBoxLink.Text = "-" TextBoxParam.Text = "" 'DropDownListParentCode_SelectedIndexChanged(DropDownListParentCode, New EventArgs()) inFo = "Add new" netSystem._setInfo = inFo End Sub Protected Sub ImageButton2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton2.Click saveMenu() End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_PageIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.PageIndexChanged searchMenu(Me.TextBoxSearchMenuTitle.Text) End Sub Protected Sub DropDownListParentCode_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DropDownListParentCode.SelectedIndexChanged If (Me.TextBoxMenuID.Text = "-1" Or Me.TextBoxMenuID.Text = "") Then Me.TextBoxMenuCode.Text = netSystem._getNewItemCode(DropDownListParentCode.SelectedValue, "tbl_menu", "MenuCode", "ParentCode") End If End Sub Protected Sub View2_Activate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles View2.Activate loadComboParentCode() End Sub Protected Sub TreeViewAccountHead_SelectedNodeChanged(ByVal sender As 112 of 185 | Page

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Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TreeViewMenu.SelectedNodeChanged Try If (TreeViewMenu.SelectedValue <> "") Then menuID = TreeViewMenu.SelectedValue MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 loadMenuDetailForm(menuID) Else inFo = "Please select a record from the list. " End If netSystem._setInfo = inFo Catch ex As Exception 'inFo = ex.Message 'netSystem._setInfo = inFo _setError = e x End Try End Sub End Class


Page: system_config.aspx

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPageFontScreen.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="system_config.aspx.vb" Inherits="open_account" title="Untitled Page" Theme="ThemeOnline" StylesheetTheme="ThemeOnline" %>
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Search Config Key
Config Key
System Configuration Form
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ImageUrl="~/images/cancel_f2.png" ToolTip="Cancel" OnClientClick=" " / rel="nofollow">
<strong style="color: red">Note:  **  -  Required Field
Config Key   **  
Config Value   **
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Account Search Result
<EditRowStyle BackColor="#999999" /> <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#E2DED6" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#333333" /> <PagerStyle BackColor="#284775" ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Center" />

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Bold="True" Font-Size="Large" ForeColor="Red" rel="nofollow">


Code: s ystem_config.aspx.vb

Imports _netSystem Imports System.Data.SqlClient Partial Class open_account Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Public netSystem As New _netSystem(Me) Public isql As String Dim cID As Integer Dim info As String Dim signatureFile As String Protected Function searchConfigKey(ByVal key As String) Try isql = "SELECT ConfigID ID, ConfigKey 'Config -Key', ConfigValue 'Config-Value' FROM Tbl_Configuration " + _ " WHERE (" + _ " ConfigKey like '%" + key + "%'" + _ " )" SqlDataSource1 = netSystem.netDatabase.getSqlDataSource(isql, SqlDataSource1) SqlDataSource1.DataBind() netSystem._setInfo = "Data loaded." Return (1) Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex End Try Return (0) End Function Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load 'Session.Clear() 'If Not (Session("appWorld") = Session.SessionID.ToString()) Then ' 'Response.Redirect(Request.ApplicationPath() + "/Default.aspx") 'End If netSystem.currentWebPage = Me End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.SelectedIndexChanged Try cID = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text info = "'" + GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(2).Text + "' selection process is complated." netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception 117 of 185 | Page

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_setError = ex End Try End Sub Protected Sub ButtonEditConfiguration_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonEditConfiguration.Click Try If Not (GridView1.SelectedIndex = -1) Then cID = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 loadConfigurationForm(cID) Else info = "Please select a record from the list." End If netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception 'LabelInfo.Text = ex.Message _setError = ex End Try End Sub Protected Sub loadConfigurationForm(ByVal cID As Integer) Try Dim reader As SqlDataReader isql = "SELECT * FROM Tbl_Configuration WHERE ConfigID=" + cID.ToString() reader = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) If (reader.Read()) Then '****** Loading data TextBoxConfigID.Text = reader("ConfigID").ToString() TextBoxConfigKey.Text = reader("ConfigKey").ToString() TextBoxConfigValue.Text = reader("ConfigValue").ToString() '****** Loading data info = "Record loaded for editing." Else info = "Record not found." End If netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception LabelInfo.Text = ex.Message End Try End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonShowSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonShowSearch.Click MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 0 End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonShowClientRegistrationForm_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonShowClientRegistrationForm.Click MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 ImageButtonNewClientRegistration_Click(sender, e) End Sub Protected Sub ButtonMemberSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal 118 of 185 | Page

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e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonMemberSearch.Click searchConfigKey(TextBoxSearchConfigKey.Text) MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 2 'Dim ex As New Exception("Rajendra Man Banepali. Sahara Banepali and Rabina Gorkhali...") 'netSystem._setError = ex End Sub

Protected Sub ImageButtonNewClientRegistration_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonNewClientRegistration.Click newConfiguration() End Sub Protected Sub saveConfiguration() Try Dim record As New _netSystem._Record("Tbl_Configuration") record.Clear() record = record.addRecord("ConfigID", Val(TextBoxConfigID.Text)) record = record.addRecord("ConfigKey", TextBoxConfigKey.Text) record = record.addRecord("ConfigValue", TextBoxConfigValue.Text) If TextBoxConfigID.Text = "-1" Then '***** Check the existing record of Client Code only If Not (netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist(record.tableName, " WHERE ConfigKey='" + Me.TextBoxConfigKey.Text + "'") = True) Then If (netSystem._saveRecord(record, _Record.commandType.insertCommand)) Then cID = record.getRecordValue("ConfigID") TextBoxConfigID.Text = cID info = "New record inserted first time." End If Else info = "The Config Key is already exist. Please assign new Config Key." End If Else '***** Check the existing record of Client Code only If Not (netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist(record.tableName, " WHERE (ConfigID<>'" + Me.TextBoxConfigID.Text + "' and ConfigKey='" + Me.TextBoxConfigKey.Text + "')") = True) Then If (netSystem._saveRecord(record, _Record.commandType.updateCommand)) Then cID = record.getRecordValue("ConfigID") info = "Existing record updated." ' + "
" + netSystem.netClientService.isql End If Else info = "The Config Key is already exist. Please assign new Config Key." End If End If netSystem._setInfo = info '+ "
" + netSystem.netClientService.isql 119 of 185 | Page

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Catch ex As Exception LabelInfo.Text = ex.Message + "
" + netSystem.iSql '+ _Record.commandType.insertCommandPreparationOnly.GetHashCode().ToString() End Try End Sub Protected Sub newConfiguration() Try '**** making Empty Fields TextBoxConfigID.Text = "-1" '***** get new id TextBoxConfigKey.Text = "" TextBoxConfigValue.Text = "" netSystem._setInfo = "Add new" Catch ex As Exception LabelInfo.Text = ex.Message End Try

End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonSaveClientRegistration_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonSaveClientRegistraion.Click saveConfiguration() End Sub Protected Sub ButtonDeleteConfiguration_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonDeleteConfiguration.Click Try If Not (GridView1.SelectedIndex = -1) Then cID = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text netSystem._deleteRecord("Tbl_Configuration", " WHERE ConfigID=" + cID.ToString) ButtonMemberSearch_Click(sender, e) info = "Record Deleted." Else info = "Please select a record from the list." End If netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message _setError = ex End Try End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonCancel_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonCancel.Click 'Validators.Item(0).IsValid = True 'Validators.Item(1).IsValid = True 'Validators.Item(2).IsValid = True End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_PageIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.PageIndexChanged ButtonMemberSearch_Click(sender, e) End Sub 120 of 185 | Page

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Protected Sub GridView1_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.DataBound netSystem._setInfo = "@" + GridView1.Rows.Count.ToString + " Row(s) effected." End Sub End Class


Page: open_account.aspx

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPageFontScreen.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="open_account.aspx.vb" Inherits="open_account" title="Untitled Page" Theme="ThemeOnline" StylesheetTheme="ThemeOnline" %>
Search Bank Account
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Client Code
Client Name  
Account Registration
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valign="top"> <strong style="color: red">Note:  **  -  Required Field
Client Code   **
Require: xx-xxxxxx-xx
(ie. 12-123456-12)
Sex Male Female
First Name   ** Marital Status
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ID="DropDownListMaritalStatus" runat="server" rel="nofollow"> Married Single Divorced Seperated
Last Name   ** Occupation
Address Ramark
<strong>Official Essential
Signature Copy 124 of 185 | Page

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Account Search Result
<EditRowStyle BackColor="#999999" /> <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#E2DED6" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#333333" /> <PagerStyle BackColor="#284775" ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Center" />

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Code: open_account.aspx.vb

Imports _netSystem Imports System.Data.SqlClient Partial Class open_account Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Public netSystem As New _netSystem(Me) Public isql As String Dim cID As Integer Dim info As String Dim signatureFile As String Protected Function searchClient(ByVal clientCode As String, ByVal firstName As String, ByVal lastName As String) Try isql = "select ClientID as ID, " + _ " ClientCode as 'A/C Code', (FirstName + ' ' + LastName) as Name, " + _ " Address, Sex, MaritalStatus as MS, Occupation from tbl_client" + _ " where (" + _ " ClientCode like '%" + clientCode + "%' and " + _ " FirstName like '%" + firstName + "%' and LastName like '%" + lastName + "%')" SqlDataSource1 = netSystem.netDatabase.getSqlDataSource(isql, SqlDataSource1) SqlDataSource1.DataBind() info = "Data loaded." netSystem._setInfo = info Return (1) Catch ex As Exception netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message End Try Return (0) End Function Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load 'Session.Clear() 'If Not (Session("appWorld") = Session.SessionID.ToString()) Then ' 'Response.Redirect(Request.ApplicationPath() + "/Default.aspx") 'End If netSystem.currentWebPage = Me End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.SelectedIndexChanged Try cID = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text info = "'" + GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(2).Text + "' selection process is complated." netSystem._setInfo = info 127 of 185 | Page

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Catch ex As Exception netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message End Try End Sub Protected Sub ButtonEditClient_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonEditClient.Click Try If Not (GridView1.SelectedIndex = -1) Then cID = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 loadClientDetailForm(cID) Else info = "Please select a record from the list." End If netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception LabelInfo.Text = ex.Message _setError = ex End Try End Sub Protected Sub loadClientDetailForm(ByVal cID As Integer) Try Dim reader As SqlDataReader isql = "select * from tbl_client where clientid=" + cID.ToString() reader = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) If (reader.Read()) Then '****** Loading data TextBoxClientID.Text = reader("clientid").ToString() TextBoxClientCode.Text = reader("clientcode").ToString() TextBoxFirstName.Text = reader("firstname").ToString() TextBoxLastName.Text = reader("lastname").ToString() TextBoxAddress.Text = reader("address").ToString() DropDownListSex.Text = reader("sex").ToString() DropDownListMaritalStatus.Text = reader("maritalstatus").ToString() TextBoxOccupation.Text = reader("occupation").ToString() TextBoxRemark.Text = reader("remark").ToString() TextBoxUsername.Text = reader("UserName").ToString() TextBoxPassword.Text = reader("UserPassword").ToString() signatureFile = reader("signatureFile").ToString().Trim() 'signatureFile = signatureFile.Replace("\", "/") 'If (signatureFile <> "") Then ' ImageSignature.ImageUrl = signatureFile ' netSystem._write(signatureFile + "
" + ImageSignature.ImageUrl) ' MultiViewSignature.ActiveViewIndex = -1 ' ButtonShowSignature.Text = "Show Signature" 'Else ' ImageSignature.ImageUrl = netSystem.netImage.getSignatureFile("noSignature") ' MultiViewSignature.ActiveViewIndex = 0 128 of 185 | Page

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' ButtonShowSignature.Text = "Hide Signature" 'End If '****** Loading data 'ButtonShowSignature_Click(Me, New EventArgs()) info = "Record loaded for editing." Else info = "Record not found." End If netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message End Try End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonShowSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonShowSearch.Click MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 0 End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonShowClientRegistrationForm_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonShowClientRegistrationForm.Click MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 ImageButtonNewClientRegistration_Click(sender, e) End Sub Protected Sub ButtonMemberSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonMemberSearch.Click searchClient(TextBoxSearchClientCode.Text, TextBoxSearchFirstName.Text, TextBoxSearchLastName.Text) MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 2 'Dim ex As New Exception("Rajendra Man Banepali. Sahara Banepali and Rabina Gorkhali...") 'netSystem._setError = ex End Sub

Protected Sub ImageButtonNewClientRegistration_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonNewClientRegistration.Click newClientRegistration() End Sub Protected Sub saveClientIntoAccountHead(ByVal where As String) Dim reader As SqlDataReader Dim record As New _Record("Tbl_Account") Dim aCode As String Dim pCode As String Dim c As Integer = 0 Try isql = "SELECT ClientID, Name FROM View_Client " + where reader = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) pCode = netSystem.netDatabase.getTableValue(record.tableName, "AccountCode", " WHERE ReferenceID=1996") While (reader.Read()) c = c + 1 record.Clear() 129 of 185 | Page

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If (netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist(record.tableName, " WHERE (ReferenceID=" + reader("ClientID").ToString + " AND ParentCode='" + pCode + "')") = False) Then aCode = netSystem._getNewItemCode(pCode, "tbl_account", "accountCode", "parentCode") record.addRecord("AccountID", netSystem.netDatabase.getNewID(record.tableName, "AccountID", "").ToString) record.addRecord("AccountCode", aCode) record.addRecord("ParentCode", pCode) record.addRecord("ReferenceID", reader("ClientID").ToString) record.addRecord("Account", reader("Name")) record.addRecord("Description", "This is auto posting while registering client.") netSystem._saveRecord(record, _Record.commandType.insertCommand) End If End While info = c + " Client(s) information are configured into account head." netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex End Try End Sub

Protected Sub saveClientRegistration() Dim signatureFile As String = "" Try Dim record As New _netSystem._Record("Tbl_Client") record.Clear() record = record.addRecord("ClientID", Val(TextBoxClientID.Text)) record = record.addRecord("ClientCode", TextBoxClientCode.Text) record = record.addRecord("FirstName", TextBoxFirstName.Text) record = record.addRecord("LastName", TextBoxLastName.Text) record = record.addRecord("Address", TextBoxAddress.Text) record = record.addRecord("Sex", DropDownListSex.SelectedItem.Text) record = record.addRecord("MaritalStatus", DropDownListMaritalStatus.SelectedItem.Text) record = record.addRecord("Occupation", TextBoxOccupation.Text) record = record.addRecord("Remark", TextBoxRemark.Text) record = record.addRecord("UserName", TextBoxUsername.Text) '***** if Password is reset If (TextBoxPassword.Text <> "") Then record = record.addRecord("UserPassword", TextBoxPassword.Text) End If '**** If Signature file is exist to upload on the server If (Me.FileUploadSingature.FileName <> "") Then 130 of 185 | Page

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signatureFile = netSystem.netImage.getSignatureFile(TextBoxClientCode.Text) 'signatureFile = signatureFile.Replace("\", "\\") 'netSystem._write(signatureFile) record = record.addRecord("SignatureFile", signatureFile) End If If TextBoxClientID.Text = "-1" Then '***** Check the existing record of Client Code only If Not (netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist("tbl_client", " WHERE ClientCode='" + Me.TextBoxClientCode.Text + "'") = True) Then If (netSystem._saveRecord(record, _Record.commandType.insertCommand)) Then cID = record.getRecordValue("ClientID") TextBoxClientID.Text = cID info = "New record inserted first time." '***** Saving into account heading saveClientIntoAccountHead(" WHERE (ClientID=" + cID.ToString + ")") End If Else info = "The Client CODE is already exist. Please assign new Client CODE." End If Else '***** Check the existing record of Client Code only If Not (netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist("tbl_client", " WHERE (ClientID<>'" + Me.TextBoxClientID.Text + "' and ClientCode='" + Me.TextBoxClientCode.Text + "')") = True) Then If (netSystem._saveRecord(record, _Record.commandType.updateCommand)) Then cID = record.getRecordValue("ClientID") info = "Existing record updated." ' + "
" + netSystem.netClientService.isql End If Else info = "The Client CODE is already exist. Please assign new Client CODE." End If End If '**** Saving Signature in Physical location If (Me.FileUploadSingature.FileName <> "") Then If (netSystem.netImage.copySignature(Me.FileUploadSingature, TextBoxClientCode.Text)) Then 'signatureFile = netSystem.netImage.getSignatureFile(TextBoxClientCode.Text) ImageSignature.ImageUrl = signatureFile info = info + " Signature is uploaded to server." Else info = info + " Error raised while coping signature to server." End If End If '**** end of file upload 'LabelInfo.Text = info '+ "
" + 131 of 185 | Page

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netSystem.netClientService.isql netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception info = ex.Message + "
" + netSystem.iSql '+ _Record.commandType.insertCommandPreparationOnly.GetHashCode().ToStrin g() netSystem._setInfo = info End Try End Sub Protected Sub newClientRegistration() Try '**** making Empty Fields TextBoxClientID.Text = "-1" '***** get new id TextBoxClientCode.Text = netSystem._getNewClientCode() TextBoxFirstName.Text = "" TextBoxLastName.Text = "" TextBoxAddress.Text = "" TextBoxOccupation.Text = "" TextBoxRemark.Text = "" info = "Add new client registration." netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception info = ex.Message netSystem._setInfo = info End Try End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonSaveClientRegistration_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonSaveClientRegistraion.Click saveClientRegistration() 'loadClientDetailForm(Me.TextBoxClientID.Text) End Sub Protected Sub ButtonShowSignature_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonShowSignature.Click netSystem.netImage._showPicture(netSystem.netImage.getSignatureFile(Me .TextBoxClientCode.Text)) 'If MultiViewSignature.ActiveViewIndex = -1 Then ' MultiViewSignature.ActiveViewIndex = 0 ' ButtonShowSignature.Text = "Hide Signature" 'Else ' MultiViewSignature.ActiveViewIndex = -1 ' ButtonShowSignature.Text = "Show Signature" 'End If End Sub Protected Sub View2_Activate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles View2.Activate 'If (TextBoxClientID.Text = "-1") Then ' Me.ImageButtonSaveClientRegistraion.Enabled = False 'Else ' Me.ImageButtonSaveClientRegistraion.Enabled = True 'End If End Sub 132 of 185 | Page

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Protected Sub ButtonDeleteBankAccount_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonDeleteBankAccount.Click Try If Not (GridView1.SelectedIndex = -1) Then cID = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text netSystem._deleteRecord("tbl_client", " WHERE ClientID=" + cID.ToString) ButtonMemberSearch_Click(sender, e) info = "Record Deleted." Else info = "Please select a record from the list." End If netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message _setError = ex End Try End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_PageIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.PageIndexChanged ButtonMemberSearch_Click(sender, e) End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonSendBankAccToLedger_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonSendBankAccToLedger.Click saveClientIntoAccountHead("") Dim ex As New Exception("

All Bank Accounts are registered as Account Heading for bill payable.

") _setError = ex End Sub Protected Sub ButtonUserSecurity_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonUserSecurity.Click If MultiViewUserSecurity.ActiveViewIndex = 0 Then MultiViewUserSecurity.ActiveViewIndex = -1 Else MultiViewUserSecurity.ActiveViewIndex = 0 End If End Sub End Class


Page: voucher.aspx

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPageFontScreen.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="voucher.aspx.vb" Inherits="open_account" title="Untitled Page" Theme="ThemeOnline" StylesheetTheme="ThemeOnline" %> 133 of 185 | Page

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Search Voucher
Voucher Date
YYYY-MM-DD   (Please enter into the formate of YYYY-MM-DD)
Voucher No.
    <strong><span style="color: #ff0000">Note:  **  -  Required Field
<span style="color: #000000"> [ Print <span style="color: #000000">]
Voucher No.  
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ControlToValidate="TextBoxVoucherNo" ErrorMessage="Account Code is required." Font-Bold="True" rel="nofollow">**

At the first Master Voucher must be saved before detail of voucher.
Voucher Type   
Date **

ControlToValidate="TextBoxVoucherDate" Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="Voucher Date should be in format like : YYYY-MM-DD (ie. 2008-11-15)" ValidationExpression="\d{4}-\d{2}\d{2}" rel="nofollow">
Require: YYYY-MM-DD
(ie. 2008-1115)
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A/C Code Account Description Debit Credit
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HorizontalAlign="Left" />
<EditRowStyle BackColor="LightSkyBlue" BorderColor="CornflowerBlue" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" /> <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#E2DED6" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#333333" /> <PagerStyle BackColor="#284775" ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Center" />
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ForeColor="#284775" / rel="nofollow">
Searched Voucher(s)
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ForeColor="#333333" /> <EditRowStyle BackColor="#999999" /> <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#E2DED6" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#333333" /> <PagerStyle BackColor="#284775" ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Center" />


Code: voucher.aspx.vb

Imports _netSystem Imports System.Data.SqlClient Partial Class open_account Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Public netSystem As New _netSystem(Me) Public isql As String Dim voucherMasterID As String Dim info As String = "" Dim signatureFile As String 140 of 185 | Page

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Protected Function searchVoucher(ByVal vDate As String, ByVal voucherNo As String) Try Dim where As String = "" Dim tmpWhere As String = "" If IsDate(vDate) Then where = " (VoucherDate LIKE '%" + vDate + "%')" End If If voucherNo <> "" Then tmpWhere = " (VoucherNo LIKE '%" + voucherNo + "%') " If where <> "" Then where = where + " AND " + tmpWhere Else where = tmpWhere End If End If If where <> "" Then where = " WHERE " + where End If isql = _ " SELECT VoucherMasterID ID, VoucherDate VDate, VoucherNo '#VNo', MDescription Description " + _ " FROM View_Voucher_Master " + _ where 'Response.Write(isql) SqlDataSource1 = netSystem.netDatabase.getSqlDataSource(isql, SqlDataSource1) SqlDataSource1.DataBind() Return (1) Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex End Try Return (0) End Function Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load netSystem.currentWebPage = Me 'Session.Clear() 'If Not (Session("appWorld") = Session.SessionID.ToString()) Then ' 'Response.Redirect(Request.ApplicationPath() + "/Default.aspx") ' 'Response.Write(Request.ApplicationPath() + "/Default.aspx") 'End If LabelTitle.Text = Request.QueryString("VoucherType") + " Voucher Form" 'If (IsPostBack = False) Then ' 'at the first time ' If (Request.QueryString("vm") <> "") Then ' voucherMasterID = Request.QueryString("vm") ' loadVoucherForm(Request.QueryString("vm")) ' MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 ' End If 'End If

End Sub 141 of 185 | Page

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Protected Sub GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.SelectedIndexChanged Try 'voucherMasterID = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(0).Text netSystem._setInfo = " Voucher No. " + GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(3).Text + " selection process is complated." Catch ex As Exception netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message End Try End Sub Protected Sub ButtonEditClient_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonEditClient.Click Try If Not (GridView1.SelectedIndex = -1) Then voucherMasterID = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text.Trim() MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 loadVoucherForm(voucherMasterID) Else info = "Please select a record from the list. " netSystem._setInfo = info End If Catch ex As Exception netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message End Try End Sub Protected Sub loadVoucherMaster(ByVal masterID As Integer) Try Dim reader As SqlDataReader isql = "SELECT * FROM View_Voucher_Master WHERE VoucherMasterID=" + masterID.ToString() reader = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) If (reader.Read()) Then '****** loading Vouher Type loadComboVoucherType() '****** Loading Master data TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text = reader("VoucherMasterID").ToString() TextBoxVoucherNo.Text = reader("VoucherNo").ToString() DropDownListVoucherType.SelectedValue = reader("VoucherType").ToString() TextBoxVoucherDate.Text = reader("VoucherDate").ToString() TextBoxDescription.Text = reader("MDescription").ToString() '****** Loading Master data LabelTitle.Text = reader("VoucherType").ToString() + " Voucher Form" info = "@Voucher master data loaded." Else SqlDataSourceVoucherDetail.DataBind() info = "Voucher master record not found." End If Catch ex As Exception 142 of 185 | Page

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netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message End Try netSystem._setInfo = info End Sub

Protected Sub loadVoucherDetail(ByVal masterID As Integer) Try Dim reader As SqlDataReader Dim dTotal As Double = 0 Dim cTotal As Double = 0 TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text = masterID isql = _ " SELECT VoucherDetailID, AccountCode ACode, Account, Description, " + _ " 'Debit' = ( CASE WHEN Debit >= 1 THEN Debit ELSE NULL END), " + _ " 'Credit' = ( CASE WHEN Credit >= 1 THEN Credit ELSE NULL END) " + _ " FROM View_Voucher_Master_Detail " + _ " WHERE VoucherMasterID=" + masterID.ToString() reader = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) If (netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist("View_Voucher_Master_Detail", " WHERE VoucherMasterID=" + masterID.ToString())) Then '***** if record found If (reader.Read()) Then SqlDataSourceVoucherDetail = netSystem.netDatabase.getSqlDataSource(isql, SqlDataSourceVoucherDetail) SqlDataSourceVoucherDetail.DataBind() Dim rs As SqlDataReader '**** Debit Calculation isql = "SELECT sum(Debit) d FROM View_Voucher_Master_Detail WHERE VoucherMasterID=" + masterID.ToString() rs = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) If (rs.Read()) Then If (IsNumeric(rs("d"))) Then dTotal = rs("d") End If End If '**** Credit Calculation isql = "SELECT sum(Credit) c FROM View_Voucher_Master_Detail WHERE VoucherMasterID=" + masterID.ToString() rs = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) If (rs.Read()) Then If (IsNumeric(rs("c"))) Then cTotal = rs("c") End If End If Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns.Count - 1 If GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(i).HeaderText = "Debit" Then GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(i).FooterText = Format(dTotal, "###,##.#0") ElseIf GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(i).HeaderText = "Credit" Then 143 of 185 | Page

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GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(i).FooterText = Format(cTotal, "###,##.#0") End If Next 'GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(4).FooterText = Format(dTotal, "000,00.00") 'GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(5).FooterText = Format(cTotal, "000,00.00") info = "@Voucher details loaded. " End If Else '*** if record is not found SqlDataSourceVoucherDetail = netSystem.netDatabase.getSqlDataSource(isql, SqlDataSourceVoucherDetail) SqlDataSourceVoucherDetail.DataBind() PanelDetail.Visible = True info = "@Voucher detail record not found. " End If Catch ex As Exception netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message End Try netSystem._setInfo = info End Sub Protected Sub loadVoucherForm(ByVal masterID As Integer) Try loadVoucherMaster(masterID) loadVoucherDetail(masterID) Catch ex As Exception netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message End Try 'netSystem._setInfo = info End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonShowSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonShowSearch.Click MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 0 End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonNewVoucher1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonNewVoucher1.Click MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 ImageButtonNewVoucher_Click(sender, e) End Sub Protected Sub ButtonSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSearch.Click Dim dt As String = "" Dim vn As String = "" If (IsDate(TextBoxSearchVoucherDate.Text) = True) Then dt = TextBoxSearchVoucherDate.Text End If If (TextBoxSearchVoucherNo.Text <> "") Then vn = TextBoxSearchVoucherNo.Text End If searchVoucher(dt, vn) MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 2 144 of 185 | Page

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'Dim ex As New Exception("Rajendra Man Banepali. Sahara Banepali and Rabina Gorkhali...") 'netSystem._setError = ex End Sub

Protected Sub ImageButtonNewVoucher_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonNewAccountHeading.Click voucherMasterID = -1 newVoucherMaster() newVoucherDetail() loadVoucherDetail(voucherMasterID) DropDownListVoucherType_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e) PanelDetail.Visible = True End Sub

Protected Sub saveVoucherDetail() Try Dim record As New _netSystem._Record("Tbl_Voucher_Detail") Dim userName As String If Session("UserName") <> "" Then userName = Session("UserName") Else userName = "Unknown" End If record.Clear() record = record.addRecord("VoucherDetailID", "-1") record = record.addRecord("VoucherMasterID", Val(TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text)) record = record.addRecord("AccountCode", TextBoxDetailAccountCode.Text) record = record.addRecord("Description", TextBoxDetailDescription.Text) record = record.addRecord("Debit", Val(TextBoxDetailDebit.Text)) record = record.addRecord("Credit", Val(TextBoxDetailCredit.Text)) record = record.addRecord("LastUser", userName) 'If TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text = "-1" Then '***** Check the existing record of Client Code only 'If Not (netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist(record.tableName, " WHERE VoucherNo='" + Me.TextBoxVoucherNo.Text + "'") = True) Then If (netSystem._saveRecord(record, _Record.commandType.insertCommand)) Then 'TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text = record.getRecordValue("AccountID") info = "New voucher detail record inserted first time. " Else info = "Error raise while saving voucher detail record." End If 'Else 'info = "The Voucher No. is already exist. Please assign new Voucher No. " 'End If 145 of 185 | Page

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'Else '***** Check the existing record of Client Code only 'If Not (netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist(record.tableName, " WHERE (VoucherMasterID<>'" + Me.TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text + "' and VoucherNo='" + Me.TextBoxVoucherNo.Text + "')") = True) Then 'If (netSystem._saveRecord(record, _Record.commandType.updateCommand)) Then 'info = info + "Existing record updated. " ' + "
" + netSystem.netClientService.isql 'End If 'Else 'info = "The Voucher No. is already exist. Please assign new Voucher No. " 'End If 'End If loadVoucherDetail(TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text) Catch ex As Exception info = ex.Message + "
" + netSystem.iSql '+ _Record.commandType.insertCommandPreparationOnly.GetHashCode().ToString() netSystem._setInfo = info PanelDetail.Visible = True End Try netSystem._setInfo = info End Sub Protected Sub saveVoucherMaster() Try Dim record As New _netSystem._Record("Tbl_Voucher_Master") Dim userName As String If Session("UserName") <> "" Then userName = Session("UserName") Else userName = "Unknown" End If record.Clear() record = record.addRecord("VoucherMasterID", Val(TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text)) record = record.addRecord("VoucherNo", TextBoxVoucherNo.Text) record = record.addRecord("VoucherType", DropDownListVoucherType.SelectedItem.Value) record = record.addRecord("VoucherDate", TextBoxVoucherDate.Text) record = record.addRecord("Description", TextBoxDescription.Text) record = record.addRecord("LastUser", userName) If TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text = "-1" Then '***** Check the existing record of Client Code only If Not (netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist(record.tableName, " WHERE VoucherNo='" + Me.TextBoxVoucherNo.Text + "'") = True) Then If (netSystem._saveRecord(record, _Record.commandType.insertCommand)) Then voucherMasterID = record.getRecordValue("VoucherMasterID") TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text = voucherMasterID info = "New voucher master record inserted first time. " 146 of 185 | Page

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End If Else info = "The Voucher No. is already exist. Please assign new Voucher No. " End If Else '***** Check the existing record of Client Code only If Not (netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist(record.tableName, " WHERE (VoucherMasterID<>'" + Me.TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text + "' and VoucherNo='" + Me.TextBoxVoucherNo.Text + "')") = True) Then If (netSystem._saveRecord(record, _Record.commandType.updateCommand)) Then info = info + "Existing record updated. " ' + "
" + netSystem.netClientService.isql End If Else info = "The Voucher No. is already exist. Please assign new Voucher No. " End If End If Catch ex As Exception LabelInfo.Text = ex.Message + "
" + netSystem.iSql '+ _Record.commandType.insertCommandPreparationOnly.GetHashCode().ToString() End Try netSystem._setInfo = info End Sub Protected Sub loadComboVoucherType() '****** loading Parent Code Combo isql = "SELECT VoucherType, VoucherType FROM Tbl_VoucherType" netSystem._fillComboList(DropDownListVoucherType, isql) End Sub Protected Sub newVoucherDetail() TextBoxDetailAccountCode.Text = "" TextBoxDetailAccount.Text = "" TextBoxDetailDescription.Text = "" TextBoxDetailDebit.Text = "" TextBoxDetailCredit.Text = "" info = "Add new voucher detail. " netSystem._setInfo = info End Sub

Protected Sub newVoucherMaster() '**** making Empty Fields '****** loading Parent Code Combo Try loadComboVoucherType() voucherMasterID = -1 TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text = voucherMasterID TextBoxVoucherNo.Text = "" TextBoxVoucherDate.Text = "" TextBoxDescription.Text = "" info = "Add new voucher master. " netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception 147 of 185 | Page

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netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message End Try End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonSaveVoucher_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonSaveVoucher.Click saveVoucherMaster() End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_PageIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.PageIndexChanged ButtonSearch_Click(sender, e) End Sub

Protected Sub DropDownListVoucherType_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DropDownListVoucherType.SelectedIndexChanged If (Me.TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text = "-1" Or Me.TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text = "") Then Me.TextBoxVoucherNo.Text = netSystem._getNewVoucherNo(DropDownListVoucherType.SelectedValue) End If End Sub Protected Sub View2_Activate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles View2.Activate loadComboVoucherType() End Sub Protected Sub GridViewVoucherDetail_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewCommandEventArgs) Handles GridViewVoucherDetail.RowCommand Try '**** column index configuration Dim paddingIndx As Integer = 1 Dim ACodeIndx As Integer = 0 + paddingIndx '************* DElETE Command If (e.CommandName = "Delete") Then 'If Not (GridViewVoucherDetail.SelectedIndex = -1) Then Response.Cookies("VoucherDetailID").Expires = Now() '**** Primary Key in Database as VD ID Response.Cookies("VoucherDetailID").Value = GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.SelectedIndex).Cells(net System._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridViewVoucherDetail, "#")).Text netSystem._write("### " + GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.SelectedIndex).Cells(net System._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridViewVoucherDetail, "#")).Text) 'End If info = "Voucher detail record deleted. " '************* Update Command ElseIf (e.CommandName = "Update") Then '***** Deleting existing cookies.... Response.Cookies("AccountCode").Expires = Now() Response.Cookies("Description").Expires = Now() Response.Cookies("Debit").Expires = Now() Response.Cookies("Credit").Expires = Now() Response.Cookies("VoucherDetailID").Expires = Now() 148 of 185 | Page

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'***** Assigning existing cookies.... Response.Cookies("AccountCode").Value = CType(GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex).Cells(n etSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridViewVoucherDetail, "A/C Code")).Controls(0), TextBox).Text Response.Cookies("Description").Value = CType(GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex).Cells(n etSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridViewVoucherDetail, "Description")).Controls(0), TextBox).Text Response.Cookies("Debit").Value = CType(GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex).Cells(n etSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridViewVoucherDetail, "Debit")).Controls(0), TextBox).Text Response.Cookies("Credit").Value = CType(GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex).Cells(n etSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridViewVoucherDetail, "Credit")).Controls(0), TextBox).Text '**** Primary Key in Database as VD ID Response.Cookies("VoucherDetailID").Value = GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex).Cells(netSyst em._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridViewVoucherDetail, "#")).Text 'GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex).Cells(ACodeI ndx + 5).Text 'Response.Write("A:" + Request.Cookies("AccountCode").Value + " V:" + Request.Cookies("VoucherDetailID").Value + " EI: " + GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex.ToString + " CELL: " + Request.Cookies("VoucherDetailID").Value) GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(netSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridVi ewVoucherDetail, "[AC]")).Visible = False info = "Voucher Detail record updated. " ElseIf (e.CommandName = "Edit") Then GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(netSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridVi ewVoucherDetail, "[AC]")).Visible = True info = "Voucher detail record editing. " ElseIf (e.CommandName = "Cancel") Then info = "Voucher detail record editing canceled." GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(netSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridVi ewVoucherDetail, "[AC]")).Visible = False ElseIf (e.CommandName = "New") Then '************* New Command newVoucherDetail() PanelDetail.Visible = True info = "Add new voucher detail record." 'GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex = GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows.Count End If Dim m As String = info ButtonEditClient_Click(sender, e) netSystem._setInfo = m Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex End Try End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As 149 of 185 | Page

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System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.DataBound netSystem._setInfo = GridView1.Rows.Count.ToString + " Row(s) effected." End Sub Protected Sub ButtonDetailCancel_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonDetailCancel.Click PanelDetail.Visible = False End Sub Protected Sub ButtonDetailSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonDetailSave.Click If Me.TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text = "-1" Then info = "At the first Master Voucher must be saved before detail of voucher." netSystem._setInfo = info Else saveVoucherDetail() PanelDetail.Visible = False End If End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonAddDetail_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonAddDetail.Click newVoucherDetail() PanelDetail.Visible = True End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonDeleteDetail_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonDeleteDetail.Click Try If Not (GridViewVoucherDetail.SelectedIndex = -1) Then netSystem._deleteRecord("Tbl_Voucher_Detail", " WHERE VoucherDetailID=" + GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.SelectedIndex).Cells(net System._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridViewVoucherDetail, "#")).Text) loadVoucherDetail(Me.TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text) info = "Voucher Detail Deleted." netSystem._setInfo = info Else info = "Select Voucher Detail Record to delete." netSystem._setInfo = info End If Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex End Try End Sub

End Class

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Report Page: ledger.aspx

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPageFontScreen.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="ledger.aspx.vb" Inherits="open_account" title="Untitled Page" Theme="ThemeOnline" StylesheetTheme="ThemeOnline" %>
Search Config Key
Account Head
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Width="69px" rel="nofollow">
(Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD ie. 200811-09)
Ledger Report
[ Print ]
<strong>Ledger Name:

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GridLines="Horizontal" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" AllowPaging="True" CssClass="adminlist" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ShowFooter="True" rel="nofollow"> <EditRowStyle BackColor="#999999" /> <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#E2DED6" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#333333" /> <PagerStyle BackColor="#284775" ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Center" />
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Report Code: ledger.aspx.vb

Imports _netSystem Imports System.Data.SqlClient Partial Class open_account Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Public netSystem As New _netSystem(Me) Public iSql As String Dim cID As Integer Dim info As String Dim signatureFile As String Protected Function previewReport(ByVal accountCode As String, ByVal dateFrom As String, ByVal dateTo As String) Try Dim dTotal As Double Dim cTotal As Double LabelAccuntName.Text = netSystem.netDatabase.getTableValue("Tbl_Account", "Account", " WHERE AccountCode='" + accountCode + "'") LabelDateDuration.Text = "From " + dateFrom + " To " + dateTo iSql = _ " SELECT * FROM (" + _ " SELECT NULL as VoucherDetailID, NULL VoucherMasterID, NULL VDate, NULL VNo, '*** Balance Carry Down ***' as Description, " + _ " 'Debit' = SUM(CASE WHEN Debit >= 1 THEN Debit ELSE NULL END), " + _ " 'Credit' = SUM(CASE WHEN Credit >=1 THEN Credit ELSE NULL END), " + _ " 'Balance' = NULL " + _ " FROM View_Voucher_Master_Detail " + _ " WHERE (" + _ " AccountCode='" + accountCode + "'" + _ " ) AND ( VoucherDate<'" + dateFrom + "')" + _ " ) as A " + _ " UNION " + _ " SELECT * FROM " + _ " (SELECT VoucherDetailID, VoucherMasterID , VoucherDate VDate, VoucherNo VNo, ('
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Convert(varchar,VoucherMasterID) + ' rel="nofollow">' + Description + '
') Description, " + _ " 'Debit' = SUM(CASE WHEN Debit >= 1 THEN Debit ELSE NULL END), " + _ " 'Credit' = SUM(CASE WHEN Credit >=1 THEN Credit ELSE NULL END), '-' Balance " + _ " FROM View_Voucher_Master_Detail " + _ " WHERE (" + _ " AccountCode='" + accountCode + "'" + _ " ) AND ( VoucherDate>='" + dateFrom + "' AND VoucherDate<='" + dateTo + "')" + _ " Group By VoucherDetailID, VoucherMasterID, VoucherDate, VoucherNo, Description" + _ " ) as B " '" Order By VoucherDetailID" + _ SqlDataSource1 = netSystem.netDatabase.getSqlDataSource(iSql, SqlDataSource1) SqlDataSource1.DataBind() Dim rs As SqlDataReader iSql = _ " SELECT sum(Debit) d, sum(Credit) c FROM View_Voucher_Master_Detail WHERE (AccountCode='" + accountCode + "') " + _ " AND ( VoucherDate<='" + dateTo + "')" rs = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(iSql) If (rs.Read()) Then '**** Debit Calculation If (IsNumeric(rs("d"))) Then dTotal = rs("d") End If ''**** Credit Calculation If (IsNumeric(rs("c"))) Then cTotal = rs("c") End If End If Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To GridViewLedger.Columns.Count - 1 If GridViewLedger.Columns(i).HeaderText = "Debit" Then GridViewLedger.Columns(i).FooterText = Format(dTotal, "#,##.#0") ElseIf GridViewLedger.Columns(i).HeaderText = "Credit" Then GridViewLedger.Columns(i).FooterText = Format(cTotal, "#,##.#0") ElseIf GridViewLedger.Columns(i).HeaderText = "Balance" Then GridViewLedger.Columns(i).FooterText = Format(dTotal - cTotal, "#,##.#0") End If Next '****** Calculating Running balance netSystem._CalculateGridViewDebitCreditBalance(GridViewLedger)

netSystem._setInfo = "Report loaded." 155 of 185 | Page

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Return (1) Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex End Try Return (0) End Function Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load 'Session.Clear() 'If Not (Session("appWorld") = Session.SessionID.ToString()) Then ' 'Response.Redirect(Request.ApplicationPath() + "/Default.aspx") 'End If netSystem.currentWebPage = Me '****** load at the first time If Not IsPostBack Then loadSearchAccountDropDownList() If (Request.QueryString("acCode") <> "" And Request.QueryString("dateFrom") <> "" And Request.QueryString("dateTo") <> "") Then previewReport(Request.QueryString("acCode"), Request.QueryString("dateFrom"), Request.QueryString("dateTo")) MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 End If End If End Sub Sub loadSearchAccountDropDownList() iSql = _ " SELECT DISTINCT a.AccountCode, (a.AccountCode + '-'+ a.Account) Account " + _ " FROM Tbl_Account a INNER JOIN Tbl_Voucher_Detail b " + _ " ON a.AccountCode = b.AccountCode ORDER BY a.AccountCode" netSystem._fillComboList(DropDownListSearchAccount, iSql) Dim reader As SqlDataReader iSql = "SELECT MAX(VoucherDate) Ma, MIN(VoucherDate) Mi FROM Tbl_Voucher_Master" reader = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(iSql) If (reader.Read()) Then Me.TextBoxSearchDateFrom.Text = reader("Mi") Me.TextBoxSearchDateTo.Text = reader("Ma") End If End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridViewLedger.SelectedIndexChanged Try cID = GridViewLedger.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text info = "'" + GridViewLedger.SelectedRow.Cells(2).Text + "' selection process is complated." netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex End Try End Sub 156 of 185 | Page

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Protected Sub ButtonMemberSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonPreviewReport.Click 'Response.Write(DropDownListSearchAccount.SelectedValue) previewReport(DropDownListSearchAccount.SelectedValue, TextBoxSearchDateFrom.Text, TextBoxSearchDateTo.Text) MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 'Dim ex As New Exception("Rajendra Man Banepali. Sahara Banepali and Rabina Gorkhali...") 'netSystem._setError = ex End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_PageIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridViewLedger.PageIndexChanged ButtonMemberSearch_Click(sender, e) End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridViewLedger.DataBound netSystem._setInfo = "@" + GridViewLedger.Rows.Count.ToString + " Row(s) effected." End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonShowSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonShowSearch.Click MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 0 End Sub

End Class


Report Page: trial_balance.aspx

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class="back" rel="nofollow">
Search Config Key
<span style="color: appworkspace"> Account Head
Date (Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD ie. 200811-09)
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[ Print ]
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Imports _netSystem Imports System.Data.SqlClient Partial Class open_account Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Public netSystem As New _netSystem(Me) Public iSql As String Dim cID As Integer Dim info As String Dim signatureFile As String Protected Function previewReport(ByVal dateFrom As String, ByVal dateTo As String) 'Try Dim dTotal As Double Dim cTotal As Double LabelAccuntName.Text = "Trial Balance" '****netSystem.netDatabase.getTableValue("Tbl_Account", "Account", " WHERE AccountCode='" + accountCode + "'") 160 of 185 | Page

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LabelDateDuration.Text = "From " + dateFrom + " To " + dateTo iSql = _ " SELECT AccountCode, ('' + Account + '') Account, " + _ " 'Debit' = (CASE " + _ " WHEN (SUM(Debit-Credit)) IS NULL THEN NULL " + _ " WHEN (SUM(Debit-Credit)) <= 0 THEN NULL " + _ " ELSE SUM(Debit-Credit) END), " + _ " 'Credit' = (CASE " + _ " WHEN (SUM(Debit-Credit)) IS NULL THEN NULL " + _ " WHEN (SUM(Debit-Credit)) <= 0 THEN SUM(Credit-Debit) " + _ " ELSE NULL END) " + _ " FROM View_Voucher_Master_Detail " + _ " WHERE " + _ " ( VoucherDate>='" + dateFrom + "' AND VoucherDate<='" + dateTo + "') " + _ " Group By AccountCode, Account " + _ " Order By AccountCode, Account " SqlDataSource1 = netSystem.netDatabase.getSqlDataSource(iSql, SqlDataSource1) SqlDataSource1.DataBind() Dim rs As SqlDataReader '**** Debit Calculation iSql = _ " SELECT SUM(Debit) d, SUM(Credit) c " + _ " FROM (SELECT AccountCode, Account, " + _ " 'Debit' = (CASE " + _ " WHEN (SUM(Debit-Credit)) IS NULL THEN 0 " + _ " WHEN (SUM(Debit-Credit)) <= 0 THEN 0 " + _ " ELSE SUM(Debit-Credit) END), " + _ " 'Credit' = (CASE " + _ " WHEN (SUM(Debit-Credit)) IS NULL THEN 0 " + _ " WHEN (SUM(Debit-Credit)) <= 0 THEN SUM(Credit-Debit) " + _ " ELSE 0 END) " + _ " FROM View_Voucher_Master_Detail " + _ " WHERE " + _ " ( VoucherDate>='" + dateFrom + "' AND VoucherDate<='" + dateTo + "') " + _ " Group By AccountCode, Account) as A" rs = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(iSql) If (rs.Read()) Then If (IsNumeric(rs("d"))) Then dTotal = rs("d") End If If (IsNumeric(rs("c"))) Then cTotal = rs("c") End If End If Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To GridViewLedger.Columns.Count - 1 If GridViewLedger.Columns(i).HeaderText = "Debit" Then GridViewLedger.Columns(i).FooterText = Format(dTotal, "#,##.#0") ElseIf GridViewLedger.Columns(i).HeaderText = "Credit" Then GridViewLedger.Columns(i).FooterText = Format(cTotal, 161 of 185 | Page

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"#,##.#0") 'ElseIf GridViewLedger.Columns(i).HeaderText = "Balance" Then ' GridViewLedger.Columns(i).FooterText = Format(dTotal - cTotal, "#,##.#0") End If Next netSystem._setInfo = "Report loaded." Return (1) 'Catch ex As Exception '_setError = ex 'End Try Return (0) End Function Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load 'Session.Clear() 'If Not (Session("appWorld") = Session.SessionID.ToString()) Then ' 'Response.Redirect(Request.ApplicationPath() + "/Default.aspx") 'End If netSystem.currentWebPage = Me '****** load at the first time If Not IsPostBack Then loadSearchAccountDropDownList() End If End Sub Sub loadSearchAccountDropDownList() iSql = _ " SELECT DISTINCT a.AccountCode, (a.AccountCode + '-'+ a.Account) Account " + _ " FROM Tbl_Account a INNER JOIN Tbl_Voucher_Detail b " + _ " ON a.AccountCode = b.AccountCode ORDER BY a.AccountCode" netSystem._fillComboList(DropDownListSearchAccount, iSql) Dim reader As SqlDataReader iSql = "SELECT MAX(VoucherDate) Ma, MIN(VoucherDate) Mi FROM Tbl_Voucher_Master" reader = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(iSql) If (reader.Read()) Then Me.TextBoxSearchDateFrom.Text = reader("Mi") Me.TextBoxSearchDateTo.Text = reader("Ma") End If End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridViewLedger.SelectedIndexChanged Try cID = GridViewLedger.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text info = "'" + GridViewLedger.SelectedRow.Cells(2).Text + "' selection process is complated." netSystem._setInfo = info Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex 162 of 185 | Page

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End Try End Sub Protected Sub ButtonPreviewReport_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonPreviewReport.Click 'Response.Write(DropDownListSearchAccount.SelectedValue) previewReport(TextBoxSearchDateFrom.Text, TextBoxSearchDateTo.Text) MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 'Dim ex As New Exception("Rajendra Man Banepali. Sahara Banepali and Rabina Gorkhali...") 'netSystem._setError = ex End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_PageIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridViewLedger.PageIndexChanged ButtonPreviewReport_Click(sender, e) End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridViewLedger.DataBound netSystem._setInfo = "@" + GridViewLedger.Rows.Count.ToString + " Row(s) effected." End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonShowSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonShowSearch.Click MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 0 End Sub

End Class


Report Page: voucher.aspx

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPageFontScreen.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="voucher.aspx.vb" Inherits="open_account" title="Untitled Page" Theme="ThemeOnline" StylesheetTheme="ThemeOnline" %>
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Search Voucher
Voucher Date
YYYY-MM-DD   (Please enter into the formate of YYYY-MM-DD)
Voucher No.
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        <strong><span style="color: #ff0000">Note:  **  -  Required Field
<span style="color: #000000"> [ Print <span style="color: #000000">]
Voucher No.    Voucher Type   
Date   Description  
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HorizontalAlign="Right" />
<EditRowStyle BackColor="LightSkyBlue" BorderColor="CornflowerBlue" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" /> <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#E2DED6" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#333333" /> <PagerStyle BackColor="#284775" ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Center" />
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Searched Voucher(s)
<EditRowStyle BackColor="#999999" /> <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#E2DED6" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#333333" /> <PagerStyle BackColor="#284775" ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Center" />

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Imports _netSystem Imports System.Data.SqlClient Partial Class open_account Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Public netSystem As New _netSystem(Me) Public isql As String Dim voucherMasterID As String Dim info As String = "" Dim signatureFile As String Protected Function searchVoucher(ByVal vDate As String, ByVal voucherNo As String) Try Dim where As String = "" Dim tmpWhere As String = "" If IsDate(vDate) Then where = " (VoucherDate LIKE '%" + vDate + "%')" End If If voucherNo <> "" Then tmpWhere = " (VoucherNo LIKE '%" + voucherNo + "%') " If where <> "" Then where = where + " AND " + tmpWhere Else where = tmpWhere End If End If If where <> "" Then where = " WHERE " + where End If isql = _ " SELECT VoucherMasterID ID, VoucherDate VDate, VoucherNo '#VNo', MDescription Description " + _ " FROM View_Voucher_Master " + _ where Response.Write(isql) SqlDataSource1 = netSystem.netDatabase.getSqlDataSource(isql, SqlDataSource1) SqlDataSource1.DataBind() Return (1) Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex End Try Return (0) End Function Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load netSystem.currentWebPage = Me 'Session.Clear() 'If Not (Session("appWorld") = Session.SessionID.ToString()) Then ' 'Response.Redirect(Request.ApplicationPath() + "/Default.aspx") 169 of 185 | Page

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' 'Response.Write(Request.ApplicationPath() + "/Default.aspx") 'End If LabelTitle.Text = Request.QueryString("VoucherType") + " Voucher Form" If (IsPostBack = False) Then 'at the first time If (Request.QueryString("vm") <> "") Then voucherMasterID = Request.QueryString("vm") If netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist("Tbl_Voucher_Master", " WHERE VoucherMasterID='" + voucherMasterID.Trim() + "'") = True Then loadVoucherForm(Request.QueryString("vm")) MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 Else MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = -1 netSystem._setInfo = "Voucher is not found." End If End If End If

End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.SelectedIndexChanged Try 'voucherMasterID = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(0).Text netSystem._setInfo = " Voucher No. " + GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(3).Text + " selection process is complated." Catch ex As Exception netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message End Try End Sub Protected Sub ButtonEditClient_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonEditClient.Click Try If Not (GridView1.SelectedIndex = -1) Then voucherMasterID = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text.Trim() MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1 loadVoucherForm(voucherMasterID) Else info = "Please select a record from the list. " netSystem._setInfo = info End If Catch ex As Exception netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message End Try End Sub Protected Sub loadVoucherMaster(ByVal masterID As Integer) Try Dim reader As SqlDataReader isql = "SELECT * FROM View_Voucher_Master WHERE VoucherMasterID=" + masterID.ToString() 170 of 185 | Page

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reader = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) If (reader.Read()) Then '****** loading Vouher Type loadComboVoucherType() '****** Loading Master data TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text = reader("VoucherMasterID").ToString() TextBoxVoucherNo.Text = reader("VoucherNo").ToString() DropDownListVoucherType.SelectedValue = reader("VoucherType").ToString() TextBoxVoucherDate.Text = reader("VoucherDate").ToString() TextBoxDescription.Text = reader("MDescription").ToString() '****** Loading Master data LabelTitle.Text = reader("VoucherType").ToString() + " Voucher Form" info = "@Voucher master data loaded." Else SqlDataSourceVoucherDetail.DataBind() info = "Voucher master record not found." End If Catch ex As Exception netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message End Try netSystem._setInfo = info End Sub

Protected Sub loadVoucherDetail(ByVal masterID As Integer) Try Dim reader As SqlDataReader Dim dTotal As Double = 0 Dim cTotal As Double = 0 TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text = masterID isql = _ " SELECT VoucherDetailID, AccountCode ACode, Account, Description, " + _ " 'Debit' = ( CAS E WHEN Debit >= 1 THEN Debit ELSE NULL END), " + _ " 'Credit' = ( CASE WHEN Credit >= 1 THEN Credit ELSE NULL END) " + _ " FROM View_Voucher_Master_Detail " + _ " WHERE VoucherMasterID=" + masterID.ToString() reader = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) If (netSystem.netDatabase.isRecordExist("View_Voucher_Master_Detail", " WHERE VoucherMasterID=" + masterID.ToString())) Then '***** if record found If (reader.Read()) Then SqlDataSourceVoucherDetail = netSystem.netDatabase.getSqlDataSource(isql, SqlDataSourceVoucherDetail) SqlDataSourceVoucherDetail.DataBind() Dim rs As SqlDataReader '**** Debit Calculation isql = "SELECT sum(Debit) d FROM 171 of 185 | Page

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View_Voucher_Master_Detail WHERE VoucherMasterID=" + masterID.ToString() rs = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) If (rs.Read()) Then If (IsNumeric(rs("d"))) Then dTotal = rs("d") End If End If '**** Credit Calculation isql = "SELECT sum(Credit) c FROM View_Voucher_Master_Detail WHERE VoucherMasterID=" + masterID.ToString() rs = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) If (rs.Read()) Then If (IsNumeric(rs("c"))) Then cTotal = rs("c") End If End If Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns.Count - 1 If GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(i).HeaderText = "Debit" Then GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(i).FooterText = Format(dTotal, "###,##.#0") ElseIf GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(i).HeaderText = "Credit" Then GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(i).FooterText = Format(cTotal, "###,##.#0") End If Next 'GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(4).FooterText = Format(dTotal, "000,00.00") 'GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(5).FooterText = Format(cTotal, "000,00.00") info = "@Voucher details loaded. " End If Else '*** if record is not found SqlDataSourceVoucherDetail = netSystem.netDatabase.getSqlDataSource(isql, SqlDataSourceVoucherDetail) SqlDataSourceVoucherDetail.DataBind() info = "@Voucher detail record not found. " End If Catch ex As Exception netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message End Try netSystem._setInfo = info End Sub Protected Sub loadVoucherForm(ByVal masterID As Integer) Try loadVoucherMaster(masterID) loadVoucherDetail(masterID) Catch ex As Exception netSystem._setInfo = ex.Message End Try 'netSystem._setInfo = info End Sub Protected Sub ImageButtonShowSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, 172 of 185 | Page

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ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButtonShowSearch.Click MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 0 End Sub Protected Sub ButtonSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSearch.Click Dim dt As String = "" Dim vn As String = "" If (IsDate(TextBoxSearchVoucherDate.Text) = True) Then dt = TextBoxSearchVoucherDate.Text End If If (TextBoxSearchVoucherNo.Text <> "") Then vn = TextBoxSearchVoucherNo.Text End If searchVoucher(dt, vn) MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 2 'Dim ex As New Exception("Rajendra Man Banepali. Sahara Banepali and Rabina Gorkhali...") 'netSystem._setError = ex End Sub

Protected Sub loadComboVoucherType() '****** loading Parent Code Combo isql = "SELECT VoucherType, VoucherType FROM Tbl_VoucherType" netSystem._fillComboList(DropDownListVoucherType, isql) End Sub

Protected Sub GridView1_PageIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.PageIndexChanged ButtonSearch_Click(sender, e) End Sub

Protected Sub DropDownListVoucherType_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DropDownListVoucherType.SelectedIndexChanged If (Me.TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text = "-1" Or Me.TextBoxVoucherMasterID.Text = "") Then Me.TextBoxVoucherNo.Text = netSystem._getNewVoucherNo(DropDownListVoucherType.SelectedValue) End If End Sub Protected Sub View2_Activate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles View2.Activate loadComboVoucherType() End Sub Protected Sub GridViewVoucherDetail_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewCommandEventArgs) Handles GridViewVoucherDetail.RowCommand Try '**** column index configuration Dim paddingIndx As Integer = 1 Dim ACodeIndx As Integer = 0 + paddingIndx 173 of 185 | Page

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'************* DElETE Command If (e.CommandName = "Delete") Then 'If Not (GridViewVoucherDetail.SelectedIndex = -1) Then Response.Cookies("VoucherDetailID").Expires = Now() '**** Primary Key in Database as VD ID Response.Cookies("VoucherDetailID").Value = GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.SelectedIndex).Cells(ne tSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridViewVoucherDetail, "#")).Text netSystem._write("### " + GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.SelectedIndex).Cells(ne tSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridViewVoucherDetail, "#")).Text) 'End If info = "Voucher detail record deleted. " '************* Update Command ElseIf (e.CommandName = "Update") Then '***** Deleting existing cookies.... Response.Cookies("AccountCode").Expires = Now() Response.Cookies("Description").Expires = Now() Response.Cookies("Debit").Expires = Now() Response.Cookies("Credit").Expires = Now() Response.Cookies("VoucherDetailID").Expires = Now() '***** Assigning existing cookies.... Response.Cookies("AccountCode").Value = CType(GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex).Cells( netSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridViewVoucherDetail, "A/C Code")).Controls(0), TextBox).Text Response.Cookies("Description").Value = CType(GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex).Cells( netSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridViewVoucherDetail, "Description")).Controls(0), TextBox).Text Response.Cookies("Debit").Value = CType(GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex).Cells( netSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridViewVoucherDetail, "Debit")).Controls(0), TextBox).Text Response.Cookies("Credit").Value = CType(GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex).Cells( netSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridViewVoucherDetail, "Credit")).Controls(0), TextBox).Text '**** Primary Key in Database as VD ID Response.Cookies("VoucherDetailID").Value = GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex).Cells(netSys tem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridViewVoucherDetail, "#")).Text 'GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows(GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex).Cells(ACode Indx + 5).Text 'Response.Write("A:" + Request.Cookies("AccountCode").Value + " V:" + Request.Cookies("VoucherDetailID").Value + " EI: " + GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex.ToString + " CELL: " + Request.Cookies("VoucherDetailID").Value) GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(netSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridV iewVoucherDetail, "[AC]")).Visible = False info = "Voucher Detail record updated. " ElseIf (e.CommandName = "Edit") Then GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(netSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridV iewVoucherDetail, "[AC]")).Visible = True info = "Voucher detail record editing. " 174 of 185 | Page

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ElseIf (e.CommandName = "Cancel") Then info = "Voucher detail record editing canceled." GridViewVoucherDetail.Columns(netSystem._getGridViewColumnIndex(Me.GridV iewVoucherDetail, "[AC]")).Visible = False ElseIf (e.CommandName = "New") Then '************* New Command info = "Add new voucher detail record." 'GridViewVoucherDetail.EditIndex = GridViewVoucherDetail.Rows.Count End If Dim m As String = info ButtonEditClient_Click(sender, e) netSystem._setInfo = m Catch ex As Exception _setError = ex End Try End Sub Protected Sub GridView1_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.DataBound netSystem._setInfo = GridView1.Rows.Count.ToString + " Row(s) effected." End Sub

End Class


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Page Code: Default.aspx.vb

Imports System.Data.SqlClient Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Public netSystem As New _netSystem() Protected Sub form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles form1.Load Session("currSessionId") = Session.SessionID netSystem.currentWebPage = Me Session("currSessionId") = "" 'Response.Write(netSystem.netDatabase.errorObj.Message()) configSession() End Sub Protected Sub configSession() 'Response.Write(GetGlobalResourceObject("Resource", "projectTitle")) 'Response.Write("
" + Request.MapPath("")) '********** Configuration Managment ************** Session("sessionID") = Session.SessionID() Session("rootPath") = Request.MapPath("") Session("imageRootPath") = Request.MapPath("images") Session("defaultIndexPage") = "Default.aspx" Session("defaultRedirectURL") = Session("rootPath") + "\" + Session("defaultIndexPage") 'Response.Write(Session("defaultRedirectURL")) '********** Configuration Managment ************** End Sub Protected Sub Login1_Authenticate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.AuthenticateEventArgs) Handles Login1.Authenticate Dim isql As String = "select * from tbl_client where username='" + Login1.UserName + "' and userpassword='" + Login1.Password + "'" Dim reader As SqlDataReader reader = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) If reader.Read() Then Session("currSessionId") = Session.SessionID Session("UserName") = Login1.UserName Response.Redirect("Default2.aspx") End If End Sub 177 of 185 | Page

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End Class


Page: Default2.aspx

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPageFontScreen.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default2.aspx.vb" Inherits="Default2" title="::: Sahara Online Banking" Theme="ThemeOnline" Debug="true" StylesheetTheme="ThemeOnline" %> <strong>
<span style="font-size: 16pt; color: #ff0000"><span style="font-size: 8pt">License to:
<span style="font-size: 24pt">Shress Ganesh Saving and Cooperative Ltd.
Itachhen, Bhaktapur-17

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Page Code: Default2.aspx.vb

Imports _netSystem Partial Class Default2 Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected fs As New FileIO.FileSystem() Protected netSystem As New _netSystem(Me) Protected info As String Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load netSystem.currentWebPage = Me 'Dim ex As New Exception("Hello from rajendra") 'netSystem._setError = ex 'Response.Write(" *** " + netSystem.rootPath) 'If Not (Session("appWorld") = Session.SessionID.ToString()) Then ' 'Response.Redirect("Default.aspx") 'End If If (getPageRedirected() = False) Then info = "The Requested service [" + Request.QueryString("task") + "] is not currently available." netSystem._setInfo = info Dim ex As New Exception(info) _setError = ex netSystem._setInfo = info Else 'info = "The request service is successfully started." 'netSystem._setInfo = info End If '***************** Assigning Settings of page ImageHome.ImageUrl = netSystem.imagePath + "/ob_banking.jpg"

End Sub Function getPageRedirected() As Boolean Dim _com As String Dim _task As String _com = Request.QueryString("com") _task = Request.QueryString("task") '****** Eliminating Com and Task Dim i As Integer Dim query As String = "" For i = 0 To Request.QueryString.Count - 1 If Not (Request.QueryString.Keys(i) = "com" Or Request.QueryString.Keys(i) = "task") Then query = query + "&" + Request.QueryString.Keys(i) + "=" + Request.QueryString(i) End If Next If (query.StartsWith("&")) Then query = "?" + query.Substring(1) 179 of 185 | Page

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End If

If (_com <> "" And _task <> "") Then Dim com As String = "components/com_" + _com Dim page As String = com + "/" + _task + ".aspx" If fs.FileExists(Request.MapPath(page)) = True Then Response.Redirect(page + query) getPageRedirected = True Else getPageRedirected = False End If Else getPageRedirected = True End If End Function End Class


Master Page: MasterPageFrontScreen.aspx

<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="MasterPageFontScreen.master.vb" Inherits="MasterPageFontScreen" Debug="true" %> ::: Sahara Online Banking

<ParentNodeStyle Font-Bold="False" /> 180 of 185 | Page

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<SelectedNodeStyle Font-Underline="True" ForeColor="#DD5555" HorizontalPadding="0px" VerticalPadding="0px" />

10.2.24 Master Page Code: MasterPageFrontScreen.aspx.vb

Imports System.Data.SqlClient Partial Class MasterPageFontScreen Inherits System.Web.UI.MasterPage Public netSystem As New _netSystem()

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Protected Sub ButtonLogout_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonLogout.Click Session.RemoveAll() Response.Redirect(Request.ApplicationPath() + "/Default.aspx") End Sub Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim userName As String = "" If Session("userName") <> "" Then userName = Session("userName").ToString.ToUpper() Else userName = "Unkwown" End If 'loadMenu() netSystem._getLoadedTree(TreeView1, "tbl_menu", "MenuCode", "ParentCode", "MenuTitle", "Link", " Active=-1 ", False) LabelFrontTime.Text = Format(Now, "dddd, d MMMM yyyy") LabelFrontUserName.Text = "Welcome to " + userName End Sub 'Protected Sub loadMenu() ' Dim isql As String = "select distinct parentid from tbl_menu order by parentid" ' where username='" + Login1.UserName + "' and userpassword='" + Login1.Password + "'" ' Dim readerParent As SqlDataReader ' Dim readerChild As SqlDataReader ' Dim nodeChild As TreeNode ' Dim nodeParent As TreeNode ' '

readerParent = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) TreeView1.Nodes.Clear()


While (readerParent.Read())

' '**** Parent Node ' isql = "select menuid, menutitle, parentid from tbl_menu where menuid='" + readerParent("parentid") + "'" ' Dim rs As SqlDataReader = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) ' If (rs.Read()) Then '*** if parent available ' nodeChild = New TreeNode(rs("MenuTitle"), Trim(rs("menuid"))) ' 'nodeParent = TreeView1.FindNode(Trim(rs("parentid"))) ' 'Response.Write("= " + rs("parentid")) ' nodeParent = getNode(TreeView1, Trim(rs("parentid"))) ' If Not (nodeParent Is Nothing) Then ' nodeParent.ChildNodes.Add(nodeChild) ' Else ' TreeView1.Nodes.Add(nodeChild) ' End If '

End If

' '***** Child Node ' isql = "select * from tbl_menu where parentid='" + Trim(readerParent("parentid")) + "'" ' readerChild = netSystem.netDatabase.getReader(isql) 182 of 185 | Page

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' While (readerChild.Read()) ' nodeChild = _ ' New TreeNode(readerChild("MenuTitle"), Trim(readerChild("menuid")), _ ' "", (Trim(readerChild("link"))), "") ' 'nodeParent = TreeView1.FindNode(Trim(readerChild("parentid"))) ' nodeParent = getNode(TreeView1, Trim(readerChild("parentid"))) ' 'Response.Write("
" + Trim(readerChild("menutitle")) + " | " + Trim(readerChild("menuid")) + " | " + Trim(readerChild("parentid"))) ' If Not (nodeParent Is Nothing) Then ' nodeParent.ChildNodes.Add(nodeChild) ' End If '

End While

' End While ' TreeView1.ExpandAll() 'End Sub 'Function getNode(ByVal tree As TreeView, ByVal key As String) As TreeNode ' Dim n As TreeNode ' Dim i As Integer ' For i = 1 To tree.Nodes.Count - 1 ' 'Response.Write("
" + tree.Nodes(i).Text + " " + tree.Nodes(i).Value) ' If tree.Nodes(i).Value = key Then ' n = tree.Nodes(i) ' End If ' Next ' getNode = n 'End Function Protected Sub ButtonHome_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonHome.Click Response.Redirect(Request.ApplicationPath() + "/Default2.aspx") End Sub End Class

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WEB Configuration: web.config

Asp.Net Configuration option in Visual Studio. A full list of settings and comments can be found in machine.config.comments usually located in \Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v2.x\Config --> <system.web> --> <pages> 184 of 185 | Page

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section enables configuration of the security authentication mode used by ASP.NET to identify an incoming user. --> section enables configuration of what to do if/when an unhandled error occurs during the execution of a request. Specifically, it enables developers to configure html error pages to be displayed in place of a error stack trace. <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="GenericErrorPage.htm"> <error statusCode="403" redirect="NoAccess.htm" /> <error statusCode="404" redirect="FileNotFound.htm" /> -->

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