Mashiach's Arrival And Purim

  • May 2020
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Mashiach’s Arrival and Purim

Preface With fear and trepidation I sit here, embarking on a completely unknown mission. Having absolutely no credentials to write a Sefer of any kind, I embark on this as a mission. My only reliance is only on Bore Olam, for His kindliness is unlimited. He promised us in our Torah, that words that originate in the heart will be taken to heart by the receiver. I hope that what results from a feeling that has been deep within my heart can be conveyed as such and this mission fulfilled. The exact direction of this mission is unknown even to me. Yet, as I have witnessed first-hand, we only have Him to rely on and He will never ever fail us. My prayer is only to Him, that whatever results from this mission be to make His great name known on this earth. May He be with us all, always! Amen Brooklyn, Chanuka 5769

History Jewish history is replete with events and accountings that were preserved for us to read and learn from. The lessons are great and the meaning invaluable. To the casual reader, we have a bunch of stories, yet in reality the messages are forever. We sit here, in the year 5769. A new year is upon us and its decrees already set. We all prayed for peace, happiness, health, wealth and all good things. Hashem took into account all of our prayers, those of our forebears as well as the infinite calculations that only He knows. He then set up the whole world’s direction for the year. As we all sat there this past Rosh Hashana, we had already begun to see major shifts in the world. The summer had gone through with non-stop talk of the “oil prices”. The “green” team got on board and tried to convince the world that we needed to be worried more about the environment than our current state of affairs. Election talk abounded and finally we witnessed the collapse of two of the biggest mortgage lenders with its aftershocks just beginning. As the financial market began its quick descent, we sat in Shul, praying and asking for Hashem to show us the way for the upcoming year. We asked for Him to clear the obstacles in our path, to help us be able to live life normally. For some, it was to guard their current situation from taking a turn for the worse. Others asked for at least an upturn in their standing. And finally, there were those whose situation had reached rockbottom and they had nowhere to turn except to Him. This group surely cried out their hearts to Hashem and asked Him to raise them up miraculously. They were hoping and waiting for a miracle – one which only Rosh Hashana can decree. Hope for Mashiach to come and redeem us was increased in many hearts. The almost 2000 years of waiting has made us all so eager to be saved; and daily, everyone seems to be waiting for his arrival – may he come speedily in our days Amen. Our belief in Mashiach is great and our need for him to arrive has never been greater. While historically, our nation has suffered major blows, the Holocaust topping the list on most people’s minds (mostly due to its close proximity to our generation), we have never all been in as much danger collectively as we are now, since the days of the wicked Haman. Since then, there has also never been so much of a need for salvation for our entire nation.

Purim The holiday of Purim is of special importance. It is actually one of the most beloved holidays our nation possesses. Beloved by young and old, it holds a special place in our hearts. It’s a day that symbolizes the immediate and complete turnaround only possible by Divine Providence and intervention. It reminds us, that while the situation may be bleak as ever, there is always hope in Hashem and He will ultimately save us, albeit at a time when we have reached the ultimate rock-bottom. The miracle of Purim was clear to us, yet hidden from clear sight in Hashem’s mastery. It is a well known fact that the name of Hashem does not appear even a single time in the entire Megillah. The allusion to Hashem, however is not hidden. The word “Hamelech” – the king, often is alluding to Hashem, the King of Kings, while on the surface seemingly discussing the wicked king Ahashverosh. To the reader, the entire

story seems like a completely chance arrangement, from beginning to end. But as we all know, the story of our miraculous rescue is on a totally different plane, one which we need to learn from. Our Rabbis tell us that the danger we were in was so great, that Queen Esther, being a prophetess in her own right, decreed a 3-day long fast, which included the first day of Pesah. While commanded explicitly from the Torah to eat Matzah and Marror on Pesah, the danger was so clear and tangible, that fasting and supplication was our only option. It was a classic case of life-and-death which we all know overrides almost any commandment in the entire Torah except the three cardinal sins of murder, denial of Gd/idol worship and adultery). The question asked by many, including Esther herself is what was the clear and present danger? It was only the 14th day of Nisan (Ereb Pesah) and the horrible decree against our nation was 11 months away, in the next year’s Adar. So what was the need to decree a fast on a holiday as important as Pesah? The answer was given to Esther by Mordechai. He told her that she cannot assume that her rise to position of Queen is one of chance (this is a recurring theme throughout the Megillah). If Esther was placed in the position of queen, there was surely a reason from Hashem. Swift action is the only way to ensure safety of the Jewish People. A problem that is left, even for a single extra day is in danger of getting worse and being that Esther was in a position of capability, she must take action immediately. Should she not take action, Hashem will send another messenger and her entire ascent to position of Queen, and being “married” to the evil Ahashverosh would be in vain. [There’s no question that she was not interested in being married to him, as the Megilla points out, “Esther was taken”, meaning against her will.] However, if she used her influential position to attempt to save our nation, Hashem would immediately send the salvation through her efforts and she would be credited with being the heroine. Interestingly, the Megillah is named after her as a testament to her fulfillment of her duty while risking her own life to save our nation.

Future Purim

Our Rabbis tell us that “in the future, all the holidays will be foregone, except for Purim”. While the statement is intriguing in its own right, we must analyze it further. Rabbi Yehoshua says “…rather the Holy one Blessed be He will cause a king to arise who will make decrees as difficult as Haman’s and Israel will repent and return to the right path” (Sanhedrin 97b). A cursory glance at the world situation is clearly showing us what danger we are in. While all the nations of the world are in turmoil, most financially, trying to deal with their economic problems, one nation stands out in particular as a sore thumb among the others. As you have probably guessed, I refer to Iran. Does any other nation’s public representative consistently attack our People’s right to live? Our right to have a homeland? Our right to keep our homeland? Can another nation be found that publicly sponsors large scale terrorism financially and provides weapons to our sworn enemies? Have any other nations outlined plans to destroy our People and homeland with the use of nuclear warfare? Is anyone so insane standing up on the world stage spewing rhetoric against our people in a manner which is unheard of for over 60 years? The media broadcasts on almost a daily basis, another venomous call by that despicable “leader” to destroy our nation and homeland. Has nuclear warfare ever been so close? Has the entire world ever been in such peril?

Some modern History

Let’s analyze this even further. When America was attacked on September 11, 2001, President Bush firmly committed to root out terrorism worldwide. He acted swiftly, sending troops to Afghanistan trying to seek out and destroy the terrorist leaders. The American people were with President Bush and were satisfied by his quick and decisive action. As the “war on terrorism” continued, Congress started to investigate Iraq for harboring and training terrorists as well as for having weapons of mass destruction. The decision was made to invade Iraq and uproot the evil leader from his position. Alas, victory was quick and the leadership of Iraq replaced. American and international forces have stayed in Iraq for over 7 years now. Many casualties have befallen troops due to the terrorists who continue to train and operate in Iraq. In addition to the casualties, the war has been extremely costly. The large coffers of America have been largely depleted by this war in terrorism. Nobody agrees that terrorism should be left to fester worldwide. Everyone agrees that something has to be done, but people have questioned the benefit of such a large presence in Iraq and the costs have largely become unbearable to the American public. As the years progressed in Iraq and weapons of mass destruction were not discovered, the American public prodded by the media began to question and finally distrust the Bush administration. They believed that the war was uncalled for and the reasons behind it unfounded. The whole “war on terrorism” became suspect and conspiracy theories of September 11th became more and more commonplace. Many were led to believe that the whole war was a complete fraud. With Obama now in power, we have seen a complete shift in foreign policy. A policy met with “stretching out a hand” to the terrorist leaders of Syria, Iran and North Korea. Terrorist acts that used to be immediately condemned by Bush’s White House are now ignored. Hillary Clinton’s appointment to Secretary of State is seen as a victory to the terrorists. Her interest in taking sides of the terrorists who have abused every attempt at peace is quite scary. Indeed the American Jew has what to worry about.


As we have seen from the Megillah and countless other historical events, Hashem operates under a veil of secrecy. He acts behind the scenes, allowing the world to attribute events to anything but His direct role in them. To paraphrase Rabbi Pinchas Winston (a noted lecturer and author, director of, the strength of a master chess player lies in the fact that his opponent can see every move, yet be completely unprepared for his final destruction. So too, Hashem is playing with the world. He allows the world to continue to believe that He is not directing the play. Yet, we are expected to not only know better, but to try to understand His messages to us and head off our own troubles. It would be a very unfortunate should we all ignore His messages. Just as Esther was told that she must act immediately or face being replaced; so too, we must act swiftly and pay attention to Hashem’s signs to us. “Tragedy does not come to the world, except for Israel”. If we do not heed that message, we are Heaven forbid destined to tragedy ourselves. For just as in the time of Haman our lives were in peril and we repented more than ever before; so too in our times. Hashem can turn the tables around rather quickly and make us beg Him for our lives. Even the furthest from belief in

Hashem will quickly call out to Him when their life is in danger, as the famous quote says “there is no atheist in a foxhole”. Indeed our Rabbis have warned us of dire consequences should we not make Teshuva before Mashiach’s arrival. The Holocaust already happened and if that did not cause us to repent, it would make our hair stand if we have to imagine how much worse it would have to be for us to change. As Jews we have a higher purpose. Our purpose is singular, to further the knowledge and love of G-d on this planet. The nations too, have a purpose – to prevent us from doing our job. We need to become steadfast in our mission; we need to pay attention to the danger we are all in; and we need to realize that Hashem is putting is in danger for our own good. If one Heaven forbid is not properly doing his job on Earth, there truly is no purpose for them in creation. Hashem is warning us by threatening our very existence. We need to heed His warnings and get back on track. The question is what do we do and how?


The Megillah records a seemingly insignificant event, from which our Rabbis learn a profound message. That was the record of Ahashverosh giving over his signet ring to the wicked Haman for him to do as he wished with it. Our Rabbis declare “greater was the transfer of the [signet] ring to Haman than 48 prophets and 7 prophetesses, for they were unable to return the Jew’s hearts to their Father in Heaven as the fear for their lives”. Our lives were in danger, we returned to Hashem. We officially accepted the yoke of the Oral Torah as well as reaffirmed our original acceptance of the Written Torah at Mt. Sinai. What was not done since was accomplished by a trivial transfer of power from one evil man to another. What is more amazing in this statement by the Rabbis is their choice of words. Why did they specifically choose the transfer of the ring as the basis for their lesson? Wouldn’t it have been more correct to say “the evil decree of Haman did more…”? Wasn’t that really the truth? So why did they choose to use the hidden event of the ring being transferred as the basis of their statement? I believe that this was due to the fact that the ring was transferred in secret. Just as the rest of the Megillah was one big secret, Hashem directing it all throughout, so too the ring which was transferred in secret is given credit for bringing us back to our Father in Heaven, more than the actual decree. Still, the question is why? What significance do a clandestine meeting and transfer of power between these two evil men signify? It signifies the fact that the nations of the world are always plotting to destroy us, albeit in secret. It signifies that we are always in danger. It also comes to teach us that should we only analyze external events, we would see the hidden hand of Hashem directing throughout. As the Megillah states “and Mordechai knew all that which had occurred”. Meaning, he knew about the ring being transferred and the secret deal between Haman and Achashverosh. The secret was out. Hashem was unhappy with our behavior and wanted us to change. Evil decrees are not borne out of the minds of madmen; rather those same madmen are directed by Hashem through His secret channels to send us a message. Today, those very messages are being broadcast by the same media networks that despise us; the messages that are being proclaimed publicly for us to hear. The messages are really the public revelation of

secrets hidden deep in G-d’s plans. We are supposed to pay attention to and direct ourselves to the True source of the message.


Our nation is borne of 12 tribes and as a result quite diverse. Ten of the tribes were led away by Sannherib and are hidden from us for the time being. The remaining two and a half tribes are what all Jews can trace themselves back to. Considering this, our diversity is amazing. Yet, considering the effects of the nations during the 1942 long and arduous years in exile, the diversity is understood. We know from the Megillah that Achashverosh ruled over the entire world. Therefore, the entire Nation of Israel had been subject to Haman’s evil decree – to wipe out, kill and destroy all Jews from lad to old, children and women on one day. Never before had our entire nation been in mortal danger. Yet, our diversity was overshadowed by our danger. We put aside our issues with others and prayed for our survival. We fasted and prayed together as one nation. Just as we accepted the Torah together “like a single man with a single heart” at Mt. Sinai, we again accepted it as one complete nation. We did not have factions we did not harbor animosity. When one’s life is in danger, the heart has little room for such trivial matters. The singular national approach is one that Hashem desires and loves. It is something He is waiting for. It is something He expects of us. As history has shown us, we can do it voluntarily, or while under the sword, but we will indeed do it. Hashem will make us. Just as it was in those days, it needs to be in ours as well. As the world events will continue to unfold, it will become ever clearer. We need to latch on to love our fellow Jews and stop the incessant bickering. Yes, we are diverse, but we need to accept that diversity and pay attention to what really matters. We know that our Second Bet Hamikdash was destroyed due to baseless hatred of our fellow Jew. Our Rabbis tell us that just as it was destroyed for that reason; it would take baseless uninhibited love toward our fellow Jew to rectify the former and rebuild the third and final Bet Hamikdash. The Chafetz Chaim says that we will need to rectify this sin in order to complete the redemption. We do however have two options. We can do this voluntarily and bring on the final redemption or we can wait until we are forced and do it under duress. Indeed the Halacha stated in the Rambam, Hilchot Teshuva is clear as well, “Yisrael will not be redeemed, unless they do Tehuva”. During the times that the Mishkan and First Bet Hamikdash stood, we had the Aron (Ark of Tabernacle). Standing atop, made from pure gold, were two cherubic figures with wings of angels and faces of children. Our Rabbis explain that these cherubs were miraculous and acted as a barometer of the collective love between our nation. Our Rabbis tell us that at times they faced each other (as they were supposed to) and at times they turned their back on each other (when there was infighting). Yet, the most stunning revelation was at the time of the destruction of the Bet Hamikdash. Our enemies entered and saw the cherubs hugging one another. Amazing, yes; but what does it signify? That when our lives are at stake, we forget all trivialities and focus on loving our fellow Jew. What 48 prophets and 7 prophetesses could not compel us to do, the enemy sword did. As it was in the time of Mordechai and Esther, our Torah records the prophecies for our future as well. The Prophets spare no words in describing the suffering and destruction of the future. A cursory glance at the prophecies of Yehezkel, Yirmiyahu, Zecharia, Yoel and others make the Holocaust pale in comparison. Yet, we seem to ignore their word as well. Apparently the “stiff-neck” characterizing our nation can also be self-destructive.

All hope is not lost, however. As our Rabbis point out, any negative prophecy that still did not occur can be annulled. If we pray for it to be annulled and do our part to prevent it, it surely will not come true. It would suffice for it to have inspired us to return to our Father in Heaven.


The recent terrorist attack in Mumbai has taught us an unbelievable lesson. The most common theme to be learned from the events that occurred was that we need to all join together and forget our differences. Amazing what tragedy can do to us. A group of fellow Jews in danger, thousands of miles away somehow made us forget everything. The Rabbis all seemed to dispel the message of Achdut from this unfortunate tragedy. It does seem to be a very interesting event that surely has more lessons to be learned than is gleaned on the surface alone. It was not only our people that were transfixed on the events that transpired, but the whole world too. The media coverage of the Chabad house was incessant. The media broadcast and the world watched, on the edge of their seats. What was the lesson to us? What was the secret? It seems that the message was Achdut but there were more signs. Why was Chabad targeted? Because they represent Achdut to the world. They truly love and care for every Jew. The Holtzberg’s embodied that. They moved into exile in a foreign country to care for their fellow Jews. Jews that passed by on their spiritual searches had a place to call home; a place to be loved just because they were Jewish; a place that represented Achdut. If such a place, run by people who embodied limitless love of their fellow Jews was brought to the world’s attention, maybe we would get the message. Maybe if we saw the faces of Rabbi and Rebitzen Holtzberg on the cover of the world media outlets and discussions about Chabad and their worldwide endeavors, we would pay attention. Maybe we would understand the secret message from Hashem. Hopefully we would take it to heart so that the Holy sacrifices that were made are Chas Veshalom not in vain.

Pesah As we approach Pesah this year, we are all aware of a unique experience that will take place on Ereb Pesah - the once in 28 year opportunity to bless Hashem for the sun, upon its return to its initial position on the 4th day of creation 5769 years ago. Rumors have spread like wildfire about Mashiach’s imminent arrival because of this event. It has been said by the Rabbi Meir Einei Hachamim that this also occurred on the year of redemption from Egypt and during the times of Mordechai and Esther. However, the Rabbi from Ostrovzka was unable to understand how, as those years did not fall out on the proper times. It has been noted however, that this year is the last possible time that the blessing on the sun will ever fall out on Ereb Pesah, prior to the year 6000. Either way, we need to understand that Mashiach is supposed to arrive on Pesah. Just as it was when we left Egypt, so too it will be on the same day when Mashiach comes. This however, should not take away from our belief that Mashiach can come any day. Indeed, the Rambam writes that one who does not believe that Mashiach can come any day does not have a portion in the world to come, as it is one of the 13 principles of our faith. Predictions regarding Mashiach’s arrival have never been a good idea. I therefore am not getting involved in that. However, we must all realize that many of our Rabbis

have predicted this year as being the final Redemption. It has been quoted from Rav Elchanan Wasserman, who heard from the Chafetz Chaim, with a tradition all the way back to the Vilna Gaon that Mashiach will arrive this year. It was said that 1939 was the beginning of the 70 Year period called “chevle Mashiach” – the pangs of Mashiach, which culminates in his arrival, in 2009. In addition, the Chesed Le’Abraham, the great Rabbi Abraham Azulai, grandfather of the famous Rav CHiDA stated (based on a detailed calculation of the volume of water required for a Mikve) that the Mashiach will arrive in 5760. Rabbis have explained that while the year may have passed, the actual date of 5760 includes the time period of 5760-5769, this year being the last year of that decade. There is a strong relationship, however between the position of the sun and our redemption. Our Rabbis explain that the nations of the world are compared to the sun and Am Yisrael to the moon. It may be possible to say that the sun, meaning the nations of the world will be returned to their original positions on that day. This can be a position of subservience to the Jewish people as being true representatives of Hashem. The other possibility is one where the nations of the world are in their full strength on that day, just as the moment the sun came into existence. The second possibility being played out as the nations gathering upon Jerusalem to fight against us, c”v, as mentioned in the Nevi’im. The question still is not whether or not we will see Mashiach on Ereb Pesah, but rather are we prepared for that eventuality? Are we sure that we will not cause Hashem to send us a wicked king to make us repent? If not, then what are we waiting for?

World Events

As Jews, we must never forget that world events are not really for the world, but truly messages for us. When a day does not pass that we are not informed of a country’s deepening crisis; when the entire world is in an uproar; when it seems that there isn’t a truly stable economy in the world; when tens of thousands of terrorists march and protest throughout the world and even in our backyard of America, maybe it’s time to open our eyes. Our ancestor and King, David already gave us the answer. It says in Tehillim “G-d has ruled as king, nations will tremble”. When G-d is taking over the show and coming out of “hiding”, things start to change. The world starts to change- dramatically. Nations literally tremble as we are witnessing today. Have the world markets undergone such dramatic change in the last 60 years? Has America ever spoken about becoming bankrupt? Could 61% of Americans truly believe that it can happen? Could the world economy continue to survive with major financial institutions being kept afloat only with emergency government funds? How much paper money will the government continue to issue? Is it really possible for America to get out of debt ever? Can the citizens of the country survive this economic meltdown? The word in Tehillim mentioning the nations’ trembling is “Yirgezu”. It can also be a reference to anger. We are witnessing growing animosity between nations and the world is clearly becoming more and more unstable as economies collapse and panic ensues. Nations are threatening one another in a manner unheard of since the last World War. It doesn’t take much to notice the pattern correlating the pre-war world “noise-level” and todays. Is Iran’s obsession with Nuclear power not scaring the rest of the sane, civilized world? How about their threat to disrupt the flow of oil in the Straits of Hormuz if attacked? Does Russia’s taking issue with America defensive missiles in

Europe not smell of something far more sinister? Are not Somalian pirates threatening the entire flow of world trade? Are the new American administration’s views on terrorists and “peace” with the Palestinians not frightening us? Are the threats from the Arab terrorists broadcast constantly not sending chills down our spines? Have they not done it before? Can we be sure they aren’t planning it again? We must realize that at this late stage in history, G-d is continuously revealing Himself in the world. As we mentioned, this is done with mastery and cunning, never clear enough to be irrefutable, yet clearly a direct intervention and not merely “chance”. No wonder that one pre-requisite to the redemption is the destruction of Amalek; a nation who’s purpose is to create doubt of G-d in the world to the level that it’s Hebrew numerical value is equal to that of doubt – “Saffek”. The doubt of G-d’s direct control of worldly events is rooted in Amalek, yet we need to combat this by realizing that when analyzed properly, it is actually impossible that such events could possibly be attributed to “chance”. [The destruction of the American Dollar is also related to Amalek – as it’s Hebrew numerical value is also the same as Amalek, 240.] As G-d continues to reveal Himself in ways never seen before, the world will continue to show us this revelation. It will become more apparent, until the truth is selfevident and all nations proclaim “Hashem, the G-d of the Jews has ruled and His kingdom rules everything”. The last remaining question is then will we herald Hashem into our lives and the world by making mass Teshuva and returning to Hashem, or Chas Veshalom not? Are we ready to accept that we have been wrong? That we are obsessed with money and power? That our “showing off” causes others to become jealous, possibly leading to marital harmony problems? That we have strayed way off course and have lost sight of what it means to be a Jew? If we answer that question truthfully and make a massive turnaround, then we can surely hope to see Mashiach arrive very soon. If we c”v continue ignoring Hashem’s messages, we can honestly expect to see the ascent of the wicked “Haman” of our times, who will cause us to return to Hashem out of sheer fear. I am sure that nobody wants the latter option, yet that precisely is the one written in our Holy Torah, by our Holy Nevi’im. It’s time for us to realize that those words are almost ready to materialize. Our actions are the only thing that can stop them. Hashem is waiting for us to make that choice, yet time is running out. The world is clearly headed in that direction. Let’s make the right choice. We’re going to need to do it TOGETHER! We encourage you to visit our websites at:

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