MOSCOW, Nov. 10. Alarming reports are in circulation that anti-Jewish outbreaks willoccur simultaneously here Marquis Ito Arrives From and at St. Petersburg Sunday next. Foreigners and Jews have received threatening letters and have asked the au- Japan § to:. Establisli the Protectorate Over Country thorities for protection, but thus far no step has been taken toward granting the request.
Attack Is Planned to Occur on
Steps Being Taken to Prevent an Uprising.
Police Instructed to of Disorder. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 11, 2:05 a. m.— Excepting the kingdom of Poland, where Nationalist inovtment and the state of tension among the proletariat
will soon of a state
and Moscow,
the better classes
l"ul submission
to the Inevitable loss of
plans : of
willbe backed; by army occupation cruisers at Cheand the presence of two ' Japan
Rowdies Gut the Tartar and Jeftv Markets, Destroy Ten Business Blocks and Pillage the Smaller Stores
of the
LONDON, Nov. H.—The correspondent of the Daily 3lnll at Bucharest «:iy» that the sailors :, of the. Russian Ismarl, bouml out from steamship Odessa, November 8, with refugee*, mutinied nt sen nnd threatened the passengers with death unless they gave them money and Jewelry. Those unable to do' so -were, thrown overboard. :
bearers followed with chairs and rick-
carrying his distinguished suite. as He was lodged* ut the imperial palace ' a guest.: \%:.'-.\u25a0"-..-.-.,. '-.-'::
NEW KEGULATIpNS IN CONSULAR SERVICE President and Secretary of State Hoot Alter the
WASHINGTON, Nov. j10. With the purpose of 'offering -.a permanent at double diplomatic the sercareer, in; and consular to-day. The -mutinous sailors Kronstadt' have all submitted and the leaders ito vice to- competent young :men, and of imthe number of several hundred have been proving' those branches of the Governdeported from the Island. The others are ment service so as to make - them more than now ;to the business thoroughly, repentant. ;.Troops are pouring valuable the President at into the city from all directions by. water. interests of the country, Secretary :Root to-day Besides machine guns, other street artil- the instance of ; lery and a battery of quick-firing field announced two new rules. VThe first ot guns arrived here ]on scows from St. Pe- these "has :not yet' taken .concrete form, as made public, was tersburg and were debarked at the steam- but its substance, that hereafter any applicant Ifor appointboat landing. legav Arfy further disorder at present is ut- ment as secretary of embassy, or of, at tion must possess, a \ knowledge terly out of the question. The mutineers and rowdies gutted the Tartar; and Jew least" one more language than English, markets, and on Pavloff street, near the and must be ;otherwise ,examined as to barracks, the "Seventh; Fort Equipage," his. competency. This rule is closely, in line with the to which : the mutinous belonged/ deand its; development stroyed ten modern business blocks and English .practice," ' of the a- number; of"'smaller stores. . The fires will involve the promotiondiplomatic young men in the burned themselves out during the night, bright justify f and . to-day the buildings!• are only heaps service in the degree> that they of smoking ruins. The fires burned al- it by hard study, fitting them for new
-KRONSTADT. ; Nov. 10.— AH is -quiet
crated him.
Count Witte's Cabinet may now be re-
as constituted as Count LamsdorJT. Minister of Foreign Affairs, and M. Manukhin. Minister of Justice, will retain their positions, leaving only the posts of Ministers of the Interior and Minister cf Education to be filled. Dmitri Shipcff of Moscow, who was president of the first Zemstvo Congress, has definitely declined to accept any position in the Cabinet. GOVKKXMBXT is ACTIVE. A long official programme published morning this denies that disorders in any part Ot the country have been fomented by the Government and promises a most careful inquiry into the outrages against life and property and the adoption of measures to prevent their recurrence. It says that even were the accusations against the Government confirmed they would not form a pretext for the recent terrible occurrences. ;The Government recognizes that it is Its duty to remain quite impartial and to give its protec| RUSSIAN NAVAL OFFICER NOW 'POSING AS A MARTYR IN ST PETERStion to all persons requiring it. WHO SAYS THAT HE SURRENDERED BURG. TO THE JAPANESE TO I The Government will strive to fulfillthe SAVE THE LIVES OF HIS SAILORS. Emperor's will regarding the freedom of says: citizenship, the communication "The hostile relations of different parties to be represented at the second peace China .arising from the peace treaty non-participation of the Moder- conference, and the programme which signed at Portsmouth. and the The questions cover, the future of Manchuria, will submit for consideration ates may result in a situation unsuitable Russia Rusfor the introduction of reforms, but the of the delegates at The Hague is being sian leases of the railroad and all matGovernment cannot think that any con- elaborated at the foreign office. The ters to which the assent of China is residerable part of the Russian people pre- date of the conference, has been tenta- quired by the treaty. The Impression here is that Baron Komura, who is now fers disorder to order and internal strife tively fixed for next :May. at. Peking, in charge of the., Japanese to peaceful development. The Council of ANXIETY AT ODESSA. side Of the negotiations, will seek to th* Ministers is therefore ready to exesell the railroad .below Kuancheng Tsi, cute the imperial command to the utShips rn Board the of Their Forclenr except the Liaotung branch to China. most." Respective Nationalities. Russia has not yet agreed to the JapMINISTERS ARE BUREAUCRATS. ODESSA, Nov. 10. Apprehensive of a anese proposition to raise the Tokio Count de Witte's Ministry as thus far here, many legation to ,the rank of an embassy. announced is a practical agreement that renewal of the outbreaks foreigners night last went on board hope securing abandoned of the be has POSES AS A MARTYR. active co-operation of the Constitutional ships of their respective nationalities. Democrats or other parties of the Center. The Governor . General has given the Rear Admiral Nebogatoff Explains Why only The Minister who is not a bureau- Consuls assurances that he will not He Surrendered to Japanese. crat is M. Nemechaicff, who succeeds permit further disorders, but the forST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 10.—Rear Khilkoff as Minister of Communica- eigners will feel safer on board ship Prince Nebogatoff, who has arrived tions. The Constitutional Democrats con- until affairs have settled down. Admiral sider that they have won a great victory Prefect Nledhardt. to whom is attrib- here from Japan, is posing as a martyr any preventing in leaders of the Consti- uted the responsibility for the out- in the claim that he deliberately sacritutional group from accepting office, say- rages, is still in office. ficed his name and honor by surrendering that Count de Witte's Ministry is Ithas been. officially ascertained that ing at the battle of the Sea of Japan thus stamped as purely temporary, and upward sufferers in order to save the lives of :*he2ooo of 40.000 there were must give way, immediately upon the from the recent reign of anarchy. • sailors of his division. The admiral convening of the National Assembly, to . Joy prevails here at the removal of says he has been forced by the derision a Cabinet in full sympathy with the Par- General Trepoff from the post of Min- of his companions at the Naval' Acaliamentary majority. The Count is greatdemy to leave that; institution. • ister of the Interior. ly disappointed at the refusal of the Constitutionalists to support him, since it POLAND WANTS FULL AUTONOMY. Protects Rights of Holders «of Bills. forces him to fight on two fronts, -with ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 10.— An imtne Reactionaries on his right and the Cltixens Decide to Send n Delegation perial ukase has been- issued designed Social Democrats and Revolutionaries to the Emperor. clamoring for a republic on his left. to protect the rights of holders of bills .WARSAW, Nov. 10. Representatives Count d« "Witte Jias invited Count John of 'all political parties in Poland at a who are unable to present them for Tolstoi, who resigned' the position of head protest on the day when they are due on of the Academy of Fine -Arts, owing to meeting 'held in the palace to-day de- account of the interruption of-commurepressive leading citizens to nication caused by the policy. .to cided to send twenty General Trepoff*s railroad strike. Count St. Petersburg to request the Emperor. Under the ukase. bills of exchange;matake the portfolio of. education. grant autonomy to Count Leo to Poland full TolstoL Russian turingisubsequently^ to; October 20;can John Is no relation Professor Kevevsky has Joined Michael and Its own Parliament." be protested after the dates jon which Btakovlch in the organization of a ChrisThe deputation will leave to-morrow. they are due, such-bills retaining their general strike continues. '/All full-legal * force and carrying interest The tian Democracy. the shops are closed except those of the from the day, of '• maturity. Accept Invitation to Peace Conference. apothecaries and also several bakeries, to be ST..; PETERSBURG, Nov. 10. Prac- which the strikers permitted Government. Treasury. Is -Saved. opened so as to prevent the starvation tically all the powers have now acceptSTVt PETERSBURG^Nov: 10.^During Poor.f|gg|gg of the ed the Invitation of Emperor Nicholas the ;rioting..; at 'iKronstadt i' the' Govern? ment treasury /_ there! < which •was surHAS CONFIDENCE IN RUSSIA. rounded b yr a" deep moat fllled-.with waSecretary Lanndownc Believes Csar ter, .was only- saved from the 'mob 'of mutineers. and rowdies by the removal Will Be Able to Kentore Order. LONDON, Nov. 10.—Foreign Secre- of thei bridges. tary Lansdowne; replying to-day to an Disorders ;Reported '\u25a0: nt : Losnovlc. appeal of the executive committee of KIELCE, Russian^ Poland,; Now!;10—• the Zionist organization of Cologne reported; at Losnovlc and asking for British intervention, for the Disorders are ; prevention of further outrages on the a battery of artillery was sent there tobest not Jews in Russia, telegraphed as follows: day from this city, -t /? . .""'\u25a0.;. ':. ;,-'/ garded
most a whole day. .There was little attempt \to;'; check ; them.vias -the- firemen sha"redi in the general demoralization,- and many of them -became intoxicated. : ; The s influx of!.;troops/; at j. Kronstadt has exceeded the barrack capacity of the war port, and thesoldiers are everywhere bivouacking in the streets, huddling about the Iremnants ;of last night's watchflres,
The other order amends the existing rule which such-*; consular.,; offices «a-3 to "the are timited'in maximum of J2500 per annum and a $1000. This rule is minimum of >. to Include conamended and 'extended* ' I sulates, \u25a0\u25a0commercial agencies and other consular agencies, the" annual' compensation of which" is not less than <1000. bargaining with for merchants fresh and ~~~~ ; other additions to rabread and their *-. , v; ' ' „"\u25a0 \u25a0:'-\u25a0 \u25a0-': .:\u25a0.:\u25a0'\u25a0 . tions. • -. V .''::•Hugo Abrahamson, The business streets sacked by the riot- bacher, ers, present- a lively picture^ There are vice president : Frederick Kahn, Oakcrowds of spectators -on :the sidewalks land Relief. Committee.? owners of watching the . unfortunate burned buildings, who are salvaging their EAGLES SUBSCRIBE *100 TO property from: the heaps thrown Iinto the RELIEF OK UUSSIAN JEWS streets. ;and jfrom the wrecked interiors of stores. I Patrols mingling'\u25a0 wfth all the Member* of Son Francisco Aerie Unanimously. Decide to 'Aid the crowds prevent further .robbery.: . '\u25a0': - \u25a0'\u25a0 Unfortunate People. xThere.was no disorder. during the night. Late in the evening a squad of loyal riotThe members of San Francisco Aerie of ers bearing a white flag attached to a Eagles No. 5 last night unanimously dobayonet marched to the district occupied nated JlOO to, the aid of the unfortunate by the mutineers and induced .them to Jews of Russia, who, are being persecuted surrender, pointing out* their, revolt; was by ;the Russian' officials, The action was merelybeing, used as a cover for robbery taken lurianimpusly and adopted •'by Z the not a and pillage 'on the! part of the rowdy Gentile members, of the \u25a0'order, anything to classes. ' The ."tigers," as the roughs are single Jewish Eagle having generous 'j* termed at Kronstadt. -.wished to :renew do" with the .\u25a0 donation. :\u25a0' the' pillagingduring the night under cover Soon-after the meeting -was ;called to disorganization,general order, and President John P. Parry in with of darkness but: were :unable >to do "so. -The troops the chair, Harry I.'Mulcreavy, the newly and inhabitants, working In full co-oper- elected County Clerk, and Charles G. ation, prevented even -sporadic attempts Nagle made a motion, that the order do.'.';': at further looting. nate $100 to the aid of the suffering Ruswas adopted sian Jews. The motion unanimously. Many speeches were. made all In which the speakers cast aside question of religion and dwelt entirely on
OAKLAND,'\u25a0. Nov. 10.— ; The following ap- ple of this city T have begun '\u25a0:-. to/ raise peal iwasimade to the Ipeople 1 of; Oakland money -for! their., unfortunate brethren appointed i. at? a who!have -suffered ;through the atroc! a ' • A the Russians. ViA meetlnyr wIU meeting of the rabbi; president arid ties the First ;Hebrew Congrega-' be held 'riext^ Sunday ;af te.rnooh' for\ the rectors "of ' tion of this city.^ called iniresponse; to an purpose of itaking: steps to send imthe suffoi-Ing of appear from -. the'*national committee '.In mediate aldto alleviate :There -are ..nearly New York for/,lmmediate relief i;for Uhe their 'countrymen.Hebrew in^.: he 2000 ' citizens of Jews who are suffering by reason of;the looked for. V '^ ; ci ty and 1a; large meetingisheadquarters \.; Russian massacre:^ ; ;:l''The :horrifying j outrages iS perpetrated This icltyJwill'be "made* will b»; upon • thousands and.t ens of thousands of for the (whole State -and; money all parts. ; men, women :: by (Russian
and children mobs . have Ishocked *, with * ;. terror^ and -pity the ywhole civilized "world; stirred to no, for. mass is time' meetings-f^here Tliere is ;no iheed of'speech making. The ;cry Vof ,; resulting ? from distress Sand ' .and ruthless slaughwholesale massacres " * tells its own woes and plunder ter J and 'i ' This :is:v the > time pleads; itsfown cause. for {action; v In this extremity let 'every one whose heart is ;moved .to / sympathy
sblicltedsfrom BRIGHT'S \DISEASE SPREADS "
AMONG? RAILWAY;EMPLOYES ' Number of Victims Finds Increasing • Among Engineers, . Firemen • '\u25a0 and Conductors.:-. of *.;'.'ST.*. LOUIS, Nov. 10.— At- a meeting "" .Wabash 200 surgeons,' :• members of the : [Railway?' Surgical : Association,'/ held •;last .by human . suffering offer, speedy help. night,\ Dr. .T.~^ N. -f Boga rt of; Excelsior Contributions, :large or > small. ;may be I de- Springs,'. Mo.;:•, In an address, said : that the \u25a0_ Oakland Bank' of Savings; Bright's disease* and --kidney.;hypereamia posited ln: a r railway engineers, • • among Increasing , -.;-. arc ; v, acting Tas treasurer.. \u25a0','.' -1 "Rabbl-M. ;Frledlander; George Mos- firemen :and; conductors. \u25a0
Government is making-every effort to bring this lamentable disorder to an end."
D'r Graves'
ToothtPowder uap
A ,
Dr Graves' Tooth Powder - . . Co.\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0:' I \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.
VESUVIUS -AGAIN THROWING OFF LAVA Owing to Absence of Explosions No Alarm IsFelt in Ticinity.-. Special Diapi'-vi •/> Th* Call.
- Chl-
NAPLES, Nov. 10.—After a fortnight k Soiirlilt* on State Commit Street. ' of comparatively insignificant inactiv«nsro. in View of Hundreds ity, Vesuvius Is again throwing off ;i :\u25a0'. ;\u25a0 of ;Shoppers. CHICAGO, Nov. 10.—In view of more abundant stream- of lava through dreds, of shoppers. on State street. Miss a crevasse in the northwesterly side of Fannie Baines of. Detroit, Mich., jumped the crater. There are no explosions, story window of one of the but quantities of sand arc also thrown from a fifth ' principal department stores to-day. She up. which the Sirocco distributes over instantly was killed. Several persons Torre. Portici and Terzigno. Owing to barely escaped being struck by 'Miss the absence of explosions, the lava bed* may tffe approai-hed without danger. Baines'. body. \u25a0'-. Arising:, from a settee close to the window, Miss Baines • suddenly climbed to WASHINGTON, Nov. 10.— The newly apthe pledge, -opened the window and, with pointed -Mexican. Embaasadcr to this country, Joaquin J? Casasus. arrived in this al oud scream, threw herself toward the Senor.Don city to-day with his wife, Senortta Dona Catpavement'. lllness is said to have caused alina Altamlrando de Casasus, his seven chitthe :act:y: '£V:. dren and a large suite ot attendants.
$7^ (PltHf Down 1/1/ TT 11
'>|^>r*>g&iSsSgs3sg»^ t
-'; ,
C~\', t
Slbs • <«.*]
Seventh avenue Point Loboaand
a Home Rhvs MJUJ
"- »
Tff* >it
it IjUillv
between within 2
house of. 6 rooms, with all modern ideas: parlor 13x17; diner, same size; having
... . ....... .. ..
sM^^^WHiWiaßpW ..feitj ' ';''THw^HHHBHHFI HMj' ' ! I viHSB^fIRII \u25a0IlSl >*^-t \u25a0;«E&- 2*-f?*lsirfHlßlw^'P'Jir' fmx iiaJWaML-: wMKB ™! ¥*' 1
bay-windows; French front door; butsteps; inside basement stairs; ( roughly basement, foot finished for lights; family use; and electric porch; washtrays; latest eleclosed-ln "ant bathrooms; $4000 is the price: you pay 750 down and make y°ur own
.beveled tressed
For Richmond
WOLF, i,ii;;:'2:lliRICHMOND-DE 1600 Point Lobos Avenue.
that the Russian
PITTSBURG, Nov. 10.—When the minSpecial Diapatcb to The Call. ers of the bituminous field meet the operNEW YORK. Nov. 10.—When Captain ators in January to arrange the wage scale Reid, formerly of the British for the , coming year a demand will be Albert Dean battling in the Supreme made for a 12 per cent increase. This army, who is was the official announcement given out Court at White Plains to obtain possesto-day by William Dodds, secretarysion of his wife from, an asylum, started treasurer, of District No. 5. United Mine to leave the courtroom to-day after sevWorkers of America. President John hours of uneasiness, he was placed Mitchell will reach Pittsburg to-morrow eral Sergeanta Farand will meet the representatives of the under arrest by Detective different districts who will come to Pitts- ley and O'Connor. Reid has been indicted Jury on a charge of bigburg to attend the annual convention of by the Grand to have married a wothe American Federation of Labor, which amy. He is said brought here from a town is set for next week.. This Is the* first man who was her seven-year-old son, announcement concerning the demands to in Canada with eight years ago. be made by the miners, and created a about vigorously that he had Reid denied great deal of. surprise among coal opera" twice before married, reiterating the tors'of Pittsburg and vicinity." his wife had died in first To-day the local officials 'of the Miners' statement that England, Irom which city he Union began preparations for a number Manchester, by came to America. He said to the detecof mass "meetings to be addressed ' that^his "arrest was the result of President John Mitchell and Vice' Pres- ative plot against him. He was brought to district. They ident Lewis' while in.this . .York and placed in a cell at head.will devote -the ;next [ several 'weeks to New quarters. hard work in the" entire Western Pennsylvania field, and the miners will be urged to demand the stated increase, which, if granted, will place-the wages of the miners higher than they have been in the past several years. .The 12 per cent advance to be asked by the miners represents the restoration of the 5 per cent reduction accepted by them two years ago, and 7 per cent additional." v
Will Seek to Secure an Ad- Captain Albert Dean Eeid vance of Twelve Per Cent Accused of Having More in Wages Early in Year \u25a0Wives Than Law Allows
Majesty's Government greatly deplores the suffering of. your co-religionists, and has. reason to \ believe
FOU KUSSIAN JEWS the theme of,humanity. . Con
Strike I» Growing Worse. " • Austrian VIENNA,/Nov. 10.— The "passive- resistance" / strike on the Austrian h. rail- j roads: is extending -and'-'growing'Worse daily.and is beginning to. detrimentally' aCfectttraffic, toVapdJ from -France, iGer-j " MARTIAL LAW FOP. POLAND. difficulty.In many ;and else where. ; The ; reaching settlement has been in-! yJ /a: ' ThronghHigh and Schools Universities ' Established over too years. ' creased '•by ;a ; Ministerial "Vnotification' out Kuaaia ;Ordered Closed. that ino negotiations lt. with the'l railroad 1 Nov. 10.—It is men will'be: iindertakenV until the -'pas-' VST. PETERSBURG. announced that martial law; willbe de- sive resistance" is 'abandoned. /clared throughout Poland. / ; v \u25a0::.-.•.,- ;-.,;:- ;.w-.;^: v. ;'meat department. ".\u25a0 \u25a0•;\u25a0\u25a0_'. .:,•...::\u25a0 "*\,' ; •Martial law has been declared .at Pioneer* injuries . Fatal. ;; 12 %c iTT'rrrv*:vvrr". r:.*:.'..\u25a0. ;'.v Blrileff, Prime Rib Roa»t,"Perjlb: r. '. Kronstadt. -'.Vice Admiral Min- .GILROY.'.Nov. 10.-^George; Niggle, a > Fancys ßolled \ Ron»ta, -; per 1b '.'7 "?^j^'^XZ^^~^J..-™4Atiii?sl ? B? '\u25a0 lOc ister of Marine, left to-night for Kion- \u25a0pioneer." ; y.'T; .'.".'.'*:'.".'."7^". J'L'« '. •, ."feOe] Gilroy jTownshlp,' I per man' of 1b i'T^TT7T7T!TTTi^Ti'V7T> jr* Chuck Roatttv: ".*? hotel/ stadL^gHßPS^BmKTß^pBßpWW6 .;.: .".. • 10c ito-night ifrom 'the ;effects T of a fall LeX- of iYearllnK, per ibV1vHH^vH!.{..;. . The. universities and high schools died "a few/ days \ ago.'- ',\u25a0 He ' •••••• •\u25a0•v -^ • ;••• \u2666»« throughout Russia have been fclosed in- fromr;his /wagon -; ; :;'.' per Beef, ;1b.... t -."v. '' Nlgglelfwas •\u25a0;Corned ;v definitely." by order- of the Minister 01 was Injured 5/ internally.':.^ -^,,;/-" •"";-::-";;-\'v;'',:-v: ciiocerv j)KPAnTMEXT. . ". -.. A;-..-J where you can it twice-a-day. Education-T; .postmaster, at San Felipe forJover ? thirty) creamery; extra* fine" quality,'; l'/s-lb-fsQiiares :.42c, -Butter, fresh ; ran years and; hotel.';;. a^* ' He iwas ;'a)na-| Evaporated Cream«^all\the]leadlnff. brands.^ PV|dozen /....... :'..::.7 .y'. (' ;.*:::85e It help's the poor teeth; preserves, tive1 of Switzerland and aged ; 71^ years'. A»iinraKn«;; large 1cans.l extrat Quality,!ptr^can^VTV'^y;T^._...«...r/.....Tr'.23c.: / IS NAMED. POKOTILOFF * > brightens and wintens the good .T.15c I extra, s2 ;cans; for^.' 'T.I'l'l!7XvT^TJ7l~:^, Siisnr- Corn, Eastern? new.,pack," " _._rL^^^^^}*»' ' "\u2666g* v regr.'jl Ocjpkg.*. ;21forJT S nil thorn Official Dead.' **fcI Minister ':-at Peking ;Detailed ICraclter*.' ,fresh 1crisp^sodas, ones and leaves ipleasant* after; Russian to^NcgotihtelWlth .^.. ' nndiVernilgeUl*rog.^2sc?boxgi^T.^**^. "%inonronlJi Spaghetti -r^lSe? Chirm. LOS'ANGELES.'iNoy.^ IO^O.iAV.' Long' 1t Ririrystrlctlvj . ' pullets'.ieveryj egg; guara ntc-ed.-jpcr.'^ dozen ..%35c v : fresh taste. .Ask your dentist. NoV/ 10.^-M. Po- den? chalrman^bf 4theJ" Board ifof Super,-' SFlonr,ichoicesfamtly,*makesillghtiwhite|bread,lper sackfrr^T^r^^.fl.os^ / ST. PETERSBURG/; r ; .; Russian Angel^es|County, • at' Peof.'Los r'died\ tb^, $ kotiloff, pcr metal bottles. 25c .the ? box Applet handy Pippin In cant or ' Fancy t ;near/Alhambra: '\u0084 He iFlnVißurb^nkVotatoeVllargasacks^^^ king,* has been charged by/ his] Govern- day iatihis^ home ' « :- ;;Mail andt- phone •.receive ;prompt^ and caref ul.attention." had been^illsfor'some'tlmcj ment to conduct the.negotlatlons'with
There is no substitute for Royal Baking Powder where the best and most healthful food is required.
The Korean officials- and people are anxiously awaiting, developments. :Several secret ; asents have 5 been :dispatched to secure American and \ European intervention,: the Emperor of- Korea fearing, it " is |said, to appeal directly to Marqius \u25a0;..\u25a0'-.'.. \u25a0Ito.-..-Upon his arrival here Marquis Ito .was received with imperial honors. In the Emperor's state coach |he j was driven through troop lined streets," surrounded by Japanese and Korean cavalry. Lantern \u25a0
population are greatly disturbed owing to the rumors of approaching attacks by the "Black Hundred," composed of the most Ignorant types of the populace, which, according to these rumors, are scheduled to take place in St. Petersburg tonight and In Moscow- • to-morrow. apprehension The In St. Petersburg has become -, so great that the prefect of police, who succeeded General Trepoff in conmmand of the city police, has instructed his subordinates to take the fullest measures' to crush any disorder in its Incipiency so as to disabuse the minds of the "loyalists" of the idea that the police would remain inactive. In such an emergency the strong hand of General Trepoff is being missed, even by the factions which most exe-
soap only the for toilet and bath but also for shaving. Pears was the inventor of shavingstick soap.l
bring about
the of war, Russia eeems for the time being at" least to be generally tranquil. Telegrams from interior points report the restoration of order In nearly all cities and towns, but in many cities, notably St Petersburg
arrival -of Mar-
portentious ; events In the history of Korea.; his visit the * Hermit Kingdom, once an independent state, will probably, pass under *a; Japanese 'protectorate:: Maryuis Ito, after, investigating conditions here and ;formulating, his ipolicy, will present the programme of Japan." v It is said -that Marquis: Ito,hopes that him by the the confidence displayed Ini Emperor of Japan .will have" its effect- on the Emperor qf Korea and induce a 'grace-
rapidly growing
SEOUL, Nov.„ 10.—The
Royal Baking Powder is indispensable to finest cookery and to the comfort and convenience of modern housekieeping. Royal Baking Powder makes hot breads, cakes and pastry wholesome. Perfectly leavens without fermentation. Qualities that are peculiar to it alone.
quit; Ito :tonight ;marks; one of the most
Leaders in the Recent Outbreak at Kronstadt Aye Taken Into Custody v and Deported From the Island
Crush Any Sign
Hermit Kingdom Appeals" to Europe and !America, Hoping to Secure Intervention
Wi 'Are easily reached by the through train serv-
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Free information, booklets, maps, time schedules, sleeping