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Software For Appliances Management

1. Introduction


Software For Appliances Management

1.1 Purpose


he proposed software refers electronic Appliances as

stock of goods on the move kept in the warehouse for the purpose of meeting customer need as whenever the need arise these items are available off the shelf and maintaining the business records. Objectives of Electronic Appliances Management Software: To keep investments on the inventories at an optimum level so that funds are not wasted, but available for more productive purposes.  To make sure that items are available in store as and when needed.  To maintain proper records of stock, customer and accounts.  Only an authorized person has a privilege to make additions or any kind of updations regarding products and customers.  To keep records of the customer complaints to provide them with a good service.  Capable of generating bill immediately.

1.2 Scope The software product ‘Electronic Appliances Management System’ will be a Reporting application that will be used for stock management and customer records of the outlet. The application will manage the stock of various items 2

Software For Appliances Management purchased and sold-out and all the customer records with an effective complaint handling feature. Printable bill for each individual sale and reports regarding the stock(brand wise, model no wise, product wise , quantity wise, price wise) will be generated. The system generates the customer records in a tabular form. The application will greatly simplify and speed up the product handling and management processes.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations Following are the useful definitions:• Product name: - Specifies the name of the product purchased or sold-out. • Brand name: - Specifies the brand of the product. • Payment type: - Specifies the mode of payment by the customer i.e., Cash, Credit/Debit Card, or through Cheque. • Model no: - It is unique for each product and is acting as a primary key in our database. • Vat: - Is the value added tax that can be either 4% or 12.5%. Following are the useful abbreviations:Abbreviati Description on custnam Customer Name e custadd Customer Address custid Customer Identity Phoneno First contact number 1 3

Software For Appliances Management Phoneno 2 chequen o compno

Second contact number Cheque number Complaint number

1.4 References i.


various sites for brands info like Lgindia,Philips,Hitachi e.t.c


Books referred:• Information Practices By Sumita arora. • Software Engineering By K.K aggarwal. • Using Visual Basic 6 By Siler and Spotts.

1.5 Overview  Easiness in modification of data: - The proposed system provides managing of huge data effectively and efficiently for efficient use. Also database can be modified easily.  User Friendly: - Graphic User Interface is provided in proposed system which provides user to deal with the system very easily.  Report Generated Easily: - In proposed system the user can generate report with a single mouse click.  Bill Generated Easily: - The user can generate bill with a single mouse click.


Software For Appliances Management  No or Very Few Paper Work: - All the data is feed into the computer immediately and various bills and reports are generated through computer. Work became easy because there is no need to keep data on papers.  Computer Operator Control: - No chances of errors. Moreover storing and retrieving of information is easy. So work can be done speedily and in time.

Drawbacks of Existing System: Inability of modification of data: The existing system is unable in managing of huge data effectively and efficiently for efficient results.  Not user Friendly: - Existing system is not user friendly because retrieval and storing of data is slow and data is not maintained effectively.  Difficulty in report generating: - Either no report is generated in current system or they are generated with great effort.  Lot of Paper work: - Existing system requires lot of paper work. Moreover many unnatural causes (Fire etc.) can destroy all data of organization. Loss of single paper can lead to difficult situation.  Manual Control: - Manual control leads to lots of chaos and errors. Also it is very time consuming.


Software For Appliances Management


Overall Description


Software For Appliances Management


ppliances Management program is a life time model.

The management is offered with the stock in store during all accounting periods. The operator can also add and clear the current records. It also supports the sales transaction; each printed bill has a distinct sale associated with it. A user/operator can easily register the customer’s product complaint or can retrieve the customer records. The ‘Electronic Appliances Management System’ will have the capability to maintain information about the various items purchased from the companies, the items sold-out to the customer, product complaints and the customer records. The software will also generate stock in hand, Customer id, In hand Bill and performance reports through sales.

2.1Purpose The application will be a window based, self-contained nd independent software product.

Front End Client Application (with data entry/update/delet e/view and reporting facility)

Backen d Databa


Software For Appliances Management

2.1.1User Interface The application will have a user friendly and GUI interface. Following screens will be provided:(i)

A login screen for entering the username and password so that only authorized user can log in. Access to different screens will be based upon the roll of user. (ii) There will be a screen for capturing and displaying information regarding what all products are in warehouse, what brands are available and whether the item are available for sale or not. (iii) There will be a screen for displaying the products purchase by the retailer on a daily routine. (iv) There will be a screen generating customer ID and displaying information regarding items sold-out and generating the checked bill. (v) There will be a screen for capturing and displaying information regarding customer records in detail (customer name, address, phone no and item purchased) on the respective date. (vi) There will be a screen for capturing the information regarding the customer complaints. The following reports will be generated: • Purchases report: printable purchase reports will be generated to display the items purchased by the retailers that automatically captures the previous records from the database. 8

Software For Appliances Management

• Sales report: printable sales reports will be generated to display the items sold to the customers that automatically generates the customer ID and prints the bill. • Complaint report: printable complaint reports will be generated to display the complaints lounged by the customers. • Customer report: printable customer details will be generated in the tabular form along with the generated customer ID.

2.1.2Hardware Interfaces (i)

Screen Resolution of at least 800*600 – required for proper and complete viewing of screens. Higher resolution would not be a problem.


Support for printer (dot matrix/desk jet/inkjet/laser etc) i.e., appropriate drivers are installed and printer will be required for printing of reports and bills.


Standalone systems or network based – not a concern ,as it will be possible to run the applications on any of these.

2.1.3Software Interfaces (i)

Any window based operating system(windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP/NT) 9

Software For Appliances Management


Oracle 9i as the DBMS-for database.


Crystal Reports 8 – for generating and viewing reports


Visual basic 6- for coding /developing the software

2.1.4Memory Constraints At least 256 MB RAM and 4 GB space on hard disk will be required for running the application.

2.1.5 Operations This product release will not cover any automated house keeping aspects of the database. The DBA at the client site (i.e. retail outlet) will be responsible for manually deleting old/non-required data. Database backup and recovery will also have to be handled by the DBA. The system will provide a ’RESET SYSTEM’ function that will delete all existing information from the database.

2.1.6 Site adaptation Requirements The terminals at client site will have to support the hardware and software interfaces specified in above sections.


Product Functions

The will allow access only to authorized users.


Software For Appliances Management A summary of the major functions that the software will perform:(i).

A login facility for enabling only authorized access to the system


User will be able to add, modify, clear and save the information about all the products


User will be able to add, modify, clear and save the information about the customer records.


Users will also be able to print bill for the sales made.


Users will also be able to generate printable reports for various transactions.


User will be able to reset the system – leading to deletion of all existing information from the backend database.

2.3 User Characteristics •

Educational Level: - At least graduate should be comfortable with the English language. • Experience: - Should be well versed/informed about the products and companies. Entry of products purchased, products sold, complaints registered, printing bills and only the user who is authorized for this job can do reports or their modification. • Technical expertise: - Should be comfortable using general purpose applications on a computer.

2.4 Constraints 11

Software For Appliances Management


Due to limited features of DBMS being used performance tuning features will not be applied to the queries and thus the system may become slow with the increase in number of records being stored.


Due to limited features of DBMS being used, database auditing will also not be provided.


Users at the outlet will have to implement a security policy to safeguard the product related information from being modified by unauthorized users. Customer’s records are also to be kept confidential.

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies (i).

The number of Brands to be taken up by the operator on each screen does not change. (ii). The Product type does not change. (iii).

The customer ID and the complaint no. do not change.


Software For Appliances Management


Specific Requirements


Software For Appliances Management


his section contains the software requirements to a level

of detail sufficient to enable designers to design the system and testers to test that system.

3.1 User Interfaces The following screens will be provided:Login screen: This will be the first screen that will be displayed. It will allow the user to access different screens based upon the user’s role. Various fields available on the screen will be: (i). (ii). (iii).

User ID Password Menu: will have the following values: Operator, Staff, and Coordinator.

Product info parameter screen:This screen will be accessible only to the user and the authorized staff. It will allow the user to view the product detail for the respective brand. Purchase screen:14

Software For Appliances Management

This screen will be accessible only to the user and the authorized staff. It will allow the user to add, modify, clear the information about the new product purchased. The previous detail is automatically updated at the backend. The various fields available on the screen will be:(i). (ii). (iii). (iv). (v). (vi).


The user can easily add the new record immediately as the previous one is automatically cleared.

Sales Information Screen:This screen will be accessible only to the user and the authorized staff. The details of the items sold out are displayed. Customer details will also be displayed. Various fields available on this screen will be: (i). CUSTOMER ID (ii). DATE (iii). CUSTOMER NAME (iv). CUSOMER ADDRESS (v). CUSTOMER PHONE NO (vi). BRAND NAME (vii). PRODUCT NAME (viii). MODEL NO (ix). PAYMENT TYPE (cash/card/cheque) (x). QUANTITY 15

Software For Appliances Management (xi). (xii).


Complaint Registration Screen:This screen will be accessible only to the user and the authorized staff. The details of the registered complaints, which are faced by the customers, are displayed. The various fields displayed are: (i). (ii). (iii). (iv).


Customer Details Screen:This screen will be accessible only to the user and the authorized staff. The records of all the customers to whom the items are being sold are displayed. The various fields are displayed in a tabular form. They are:(i). (ii). (iii). (iv). (v). (vi). (vii). (viii). (ix). (x).



Software For Appliances Management

3.2 System Features 3.2.1

Stock Maintenance

Description The system will maintain information about the various items in stock and the items purchased. The following information would be maintained for each product PRODUCT NAME, BRAND NAME, MODEL NO, QUANTITY, PRICE, DISCOUNT. Validity Checks (i). (ii). (iii). (iv). (v). (vi). (vii).

Only user will be authorized to access the stock maintenance module. Product name will have all the name of the product to be searched from the database. Can’t be left blank. Product name will have all the name of the product to be searched from the database. Can’t be left blank. Model no would be displayed of the product that is searched for the respective brand. Can’t be left blank. Quantity can’t be zero and blank. Price must be in number and greater than zero and cant be blank. Discount can be zero & can be blank.


Software For Appliances Management

Error Handling /Response to Abnormal Situations If any of the above validations /sequencing flow does not hold true appropriate error messages will be prompted to the user for doing the needful.


Sales maintenance

Description The system will maintain information about the various sold out items. The following information would be maintained for each sale CUSTOMER NAME, CUSTOMER ADDRESS, CUSTOMER ID, CUSTOMER PHONE NO, PRODUCT NAME, BRAND NAME, MODEL NO, QUANTITY, PRICE, PAYMENT TYPE, VAT.

Validity Checks (i). (ii). (iii). (iv). (v). (vi).

Only user will be authorized to access the sales maintenance module. Product name will have all the name of the product to be searched from the database. Can’t be left blank. Brand name will have all the name of the brand to be searched from the database. Can’t be left blank. Model no would be displayed of the product that is searched for the respective brand. Can’t be left blank. Quantity can’t be zero and blank. Customer name, address and phone no cant be left blank.


Software For Appliances Management (vii). (viii). (ix). (x).

Price must be in number and greater than zero and cant be blank. Payment type has to be chosen from the given choices. VAT applied is either 4% or 12.5% and not blank. Customer Id is auto generated.

Error Handling /Response to Abnormal Situations If any of the above validations /sequencing flow does not hold true appropriate error messages will be prompted to the user for doing the needful.


Complaint maintenance

Description The system will maintain information about the complaints of the customers. The following information would be maintained for each complaint CUSTOMER NAME, CUSTOMER ADDRESS, CUSTOMER ID, PRODUCT NAME, BRAND NAME, MODEL NO, COMPLAINT QUERY, COMPLAINT NO. Validity Checks (i). (ii). (iii).

Only user will be authorized to access the sales maintenance module. Customer name, address and phone no cant be left blank. Customer Id is auto generated. 19

Software For Appliances Management (iv). (v). (vi). (vii). (viii).

Product name will have all the name of the product to be searched from the database. Can’t be left blank. Brand name will have all the name of the brand to be searched from the database. Can’t be left blank. Model no would be displayed of the product that is searched for the respective brand. Can’t be left blank. Complaint is entered according to the customer specification and can’t be blank. Processing can’t take place without the Complaint number.

Error Handling /Response to Abnormal Situations If any of the above validations /sequencing flow does not hold true appropriate error messages will be prompted to the user for doing the needful.


Customer maintenance

Description The system will maintain information about the records of the customers. The following information would be maintained for each customer CUSTOMER NAME, CUSTOMER ADDRESS, CUSTOMER ID,PHONE NUMBER 1,PHONENUMBER 2,PRODUCT NAME, BRAND NAME,MODEL NO, QUANTITY, PRICE. Validity Checks (i). Only user will be authorized to access the customer maintenance module.


Software For Appliances Management (ii).

Here all the information appears in the tabular form from the database and we can also delete some useless records.

Error Handling /Response to Abnormal Situations If any of the above validations /sequencing flow does not hold true appropriate error messages will be prompted to the user for doing the needful.


Logical Database Requirements



Software For Appliances Management


Software System Attributes

3.4.1 Security The application will be password protected. Users will have to enter correct username, password and role in order to access the application.

3.4.2 Maintainability The application will be designed in a maintainable manner .it will be easy to incorporate new requirements in the individual modules.

4. System Analysis


Software For Appliances Management

4.1 Entity Relationship Diagram


Software For Appliances Management

Deal s

Retail Outlet

Stock in hand

Purc hase

Sale s


Sold out

Complaint s

M aint


Se rvi Custome r



4.2 Data Flow Diagram 24

R ec


Custo mer

Software For Appliances Management

Login Module



Customer Records

S ales

Maintain Purchases

Maintain stock in

Security Model

DATABASE ID & Passw Staff/ admi


If ID & If ID & Passwor Password d Match don’t match Error message

Sub Modules Of Item Details 25

Software For Appliances Management

Item Details Return/Back

Clear Module Save Module

Add Module

Purchase Module Items Item

Select the Items

Select the brand

Select model no.

Enter quantity

Make an Entry

Enter price+disc


Increase the Stock

Level - 0 DFD



Software For Appliances Management

Items Sold

Cust Informa tion entry User a/c Maintain ence Stock hand

Items Purchase d Retail Outlet Manageme

Generat e bill

Complai nts Report s

Customer Info

4.3 Use Case Diagram


Software For Appliances Management


Admi n

Stock in hand



Print bill custo mer Customer Record


Update/Purch ases


Software For Appliances Management

5. System Design

5. System Design Once the system requirements have been analyzed and specified, software design s the first step 29

Software For Appliances Management among three technical activities – Design, Code Generation and Testing that are required to build and verify the software. The design step produces a data design, an architectural design, an interface design, and a procedural design. “The data design” transforms the information domain model created during analysis into data structures that will be required to implement the software. The objects, relationships and detailed data content provided the basis for the data design activity. “The Architectural Design” defines the relationship among major structural elements of the program. “The Interface Design” describes how the software communicates within itself, to system that interoperates with it and with humans who use it. An interface implies a flow of information “The Procedural Design” transforms structural elements of the program architecture into a procedural description of software components. During design, we make description that will ultimately affect the success of software construction. The importance of design can be stated with a single word “Quality”.

1. Data design: - The data design is the first of the four design activities that are conducted during software engineering. The impact of data structure on program structure and procedural complexity causes data design to have a profound influence on software quality.

2. Architectural design: - The primary objective of architectural design is to develop a modular program 30

Software For Appliances Management structure and represent the control relationship between modules. In addition architectural melds program structure and the data structure, defining interfaces that enable the data to flow throughout the program.

3. Interface design: - Interface design focuses on the three areas of concern: a. The design of interface between software modules. b. The design of interface between the software and other non human producers and consumers of information. c. The design of interface between a human and the computer. The help is provided as manual to the user within the system online help is not necessary for this system as the users are mostly program monitors and the interface is very simple. The interface is very helpful, friendly and easy with respect to error warning and online message. On each error the system respond with warning and the error message where necessary.

4. Procedural design: - Procedural design occurs after all design steps have been established. The procedural design specifies the algorithmic detail of each of the function.


Software For Appliances Management

6. Coding And Images Of Form Used In Project

Welcome Screen


Software For Appliances Management

Private Sub Image2_Click() Form1.Show Form9.Hide End Sub Private Sub Image3_Click() Form1.Show Form9.Hide End Sub

Welcome Screen 2


Software For Appliances Management

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Form2.Show Form1.Hide End Sub

Login Screen


Software For Appliances Management

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim username As String Dim pass As String If Text1.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please enter username...." Text1.SetFocus ElseIf Text2.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please enter password...." Text2.SetFocus ElseIf Text1.Text = Text3.Text And Text2.Text = Text4.Text Then Form3.Show Form2.Hide Else MsgBox "Enter username and password correctly......" End If End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() End End Sub


Software For Appliances Management Private Sub Form_Load() Form1.Hide End Sub

Menu Screen


Software For Appliances Management

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Form3.Hide Form4.Show End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Form3.Hide Form6.Show End Sub Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() Form3.Hide Form7.Show End Sub Private Sub CommandButton4_Click() DataReport1.Show End Sub 37

Software For Appliances Management

Private Sub CommandButton5_Click() Form8.Show Form3.Hide End Sub Private Sub CommandButton6_Click() End End Sub

Purchase Screen


Software For Appliances Management

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If Text1.Text = "" Then MsgBox " Please enter Band name....." Text1.SetFocus ElseIf Text2.Text = "" Then MsgBox " Please enter Quantity....." Text2.SetFocus ElseIf Text3.Text = "" Then MsgBox " Please enter Price....." Text3.SetFocus ElseIf Text4.Text = "" Then MsgBox " Please enter Discount....." Text4.SetFocus Else Adodc1.Recordset.Update End If End Sub 39

Software For Appliances Management

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() Form3.Show Form6.Hide End Sub Private Sub CommandButton4_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew End Sub

Search Product Screen


Software For Appliances Management

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If Text1.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please enter search Criteria........." Text1.SetFocus Else Form4.Hide Form5.Show End If End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Form3.Show Form4.Hide End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() Text1.Text = "" End Sub 41

Software For Appliances Management

Item Detail Display Screen


Software For Appliances Management

Private Sub Combo2_GotFocus() Dim cmk1 As String Dim sqk1 As String Dim search As String Dim ck1 As ADODB.Connection Dim rk1 As ADODB.Recordset cmk1 = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;" cmk1 = cmk1 & "Persist Security Info=False" Set ck1 = New ADODB.Connection With ck1 .ConnectionString = cmk1 .Open End With sqk1 = "select distinct modelno from purchase where brand='" + Combo1.Text + "'" 43

Software For Appliances Management Set rk1 = New ADODB.Recordset With rk1 .Open sqk1, ck1, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly Do While Not rk1.EOF Combo2.AddItem rk1("modelno") rk1.MoveNext Loop .Close End With Set rk1 = Nothing ck1.Close Set ck1 = Nothing End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim cmk As String Dim sqk As String Dim ck As ADODB.Connection Dim rk As ADODB.Recordset cmk = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;" cmk = cmk & "Persist Security Info=False" Set ck = New ADODB.Connection With ck .ConnectionString = cmk .Open End With sqk = "select * from purchase where modelno='" + Combo2.Text + "'" Set rk = New ADODB.Recordset With rk .Open sqk, ck, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly Text2.Text = rk("quantity") Text3.Text = rk("discount") Text4.Text = rk("price") - rk("price") * rk("discount") / 100 .Close End With Set rk = Nothing ck.Close 44

Software For Appliances Management Set ck = Nothing End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() End End Sub Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() Combo1.Clear Combo2.Clear Form4.Show Form5.Hide End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() Dim cmk2 As String Dim sqk2 As String Dim search As String Dim ck2 As ADODB.Connection Dim rk2 As ADODB.Recordset cmk2 = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;" cmk2 = cmk2 & "Persist Security Info=False" Set ck2 = New ADODB.Connection With ck2 .ConnectionString = cmk2 .Open End With sqk2 = "select distinct brand from purchase where productname=upper('" + Form4.Text1.Text + "')" Set rk2 = New ADODB.Recordset With rk2 .Open sqk2, ck2, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly Do While Not rk2.EOF Combo1.AddItem rk2("brand") rk2.MoveNext Loop .Close End With 45

Software For Appliances Management Set rk2 = Nothing ck2.Close Set ck2 = Nothing Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" End Sub

Sale Detail Screen


Software For Appliances Management

Private Sub Combo4_GotFocus() Dim cmk1 As String Dim sqk1 As String Dim search As String Dim ck1 As ADODB.Connection Dim rk1 As ADODB.Recordset cmk1 = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;" cmk1 = cmk1 & "Persist Security Info=False" Set ck1 = New ADODB.Connection With ck1 .ConnectionString = cmk1 .Open End With sqk1 = "select distinct brand from purchase where productname='" + Combo3.Text + "'" 47

Software For Appliances Management Set rk1 = New ADODB.Recordset With rk1 .Open sqk1, ck1, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly Do While Not rk1.EOF Combo4.AddItem rk1("brand") rk1.MoveNext Loop .Close End With Set rk1 = Nothing ck1.Close Set ck1 = Nothing End Sub Private Sub Combo5_GotFocus() Dim cmk1 As String Dim sqk1 As String Dim search As String Dim ck1 As ADODB.Connection Dim rk1 As ADODB.Recordset cmk1 = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;" cmk1 = cmk1 & "Persist Security Info=False" Set ck1 = New ADODB.Connection With ck1 .ConnectionString = cmk1 .Open End With sqk1 = "select modelno from purchase where productname='" + Combo3.Text + "' and brand='" + Combo4.Text + "'" Set rk1 = New ADODB.Recordset With rk1 .Open sqk1, ck1, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly Do While Not rk1.EOF Combo5.AddItem rk1("modelno") rk1.MoveNext Loop .Close 48

Software For Appliances Management End With Set rk1 = Nothing ck1.Close Set ck1 = Nothing End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew Text11.Text = Date End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() If Trim(Text1) = "" Then MsgBox "Enter Customer Name", vbInformation Text1.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text2) = "" Then MsgBox "Enter Customer Address", vbInformation Text2.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text3) = "" Then MsgBox "Enter customer Phone No.1", vbInformation Text3.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text4) = "" Then MsgBox "Enter Customer Phone No.2", vbInformation Text4.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text5) = "" Then MsgBox "Enter Quantity", vbInformation Text5.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text10) = "" Then MsgBox "Enter Cheque number", vbInformation Text10.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text9) = "" Then MsgBox "Enter Amount", vbInformation Text9.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text12) = "" Then MsgBox "Enter Customer Id", vbInformation Text12.SetFocus Else Adodc1.Recordset.Update End If 49

Software For Appliances Management End Sub Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text12.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub CommandButton4_Click() Form3.Show Form7.Hide End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim cmk1 As String Dim sqk1 As String Dim search As String Dim ck1 As ADODB.Connection Dim rk1 As ADODB.Recordset cmk1 = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;" cmk1 = cmk1 & "Persist Security Info=False" Set ck1 = New ADODB.Connection With ck1 .ConnectionString = cmk1 .Open End With sqk1 = "select distinct productname from purchase" Set rk1 = New ADODB.Recordset With rk1 .Open sqk1, ck1, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly Do While Not rk1.EOF Combo3.AddItem rk1("productname") 50

Software For Appliances Management rk1.MoveNext Loop .Close End With Set rk1 = Nothing ck1.Close Set ck1 = Nothing End Sub

Complaint Screen


Software For Appliances Management

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() If Text2.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please Enter Customer Name...." Text2.SetFocus ElseIf Text3.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please Enter Complaint...." Text3.SetFocus ElseIf Text4.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please Enter Complaint number...." Text4.SetFocus Else Adodc1.Recordset.Update 52

Software For Appliances Management End If End Sub Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() Form3.Show Form8.Hide End Sub

Customer Detail Screen


Software For Appliances Management


Software For Appliances Management

7. Testing

7.1Introduction  Unit Testing : A module is tested separately o Each form is tested individually with some inputs.


Software For Appliances Management  Integration Testing : (Focus is on testing the interconnection b/w the modules.) o All forms are tested one by one when we actually run the project. o This testing shows the exact interaction b/w the different forms when they run one by one during the project run.  System Testing :(To check whether all requirements are met) o When we run the project on Publishing house .we Prefer the maximum things done by it as - if we want to edit new book in CDA Publishing house ,the information related to its(book ie. To be added) code, author name, date of publishing, qty printed etc. should be given while adding it in CDA Publishing house.  Acceptance testing: (To demonstrate the client on real life of the client the operation of system.) o In this part of testing, it actually deals with client on real life for example if someone (Publisher) wants to sell the book, he just wants its code and the number of QTY to be sold are required. o Or if we want to see just the information related to a particular book then just enter its code, name or the author’s name. o This shows the real life use of this project. Test Plan (testing process states) o It identifies all the testing related activities that must be performed & specifies the schedule, allocate the resources & specifies guidelines for testing. 56

Software For Appliances Management o Specifies conditions that should be tested different units to be tested and the manner in which modules will be integrated together.


Software For Appliances Management


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