
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 415
  • Pages: 1
is a vocation, God’s calling for some men and women. Between husband and wife, the relationships should be nurtured to last for a lifetime. Everyone knows that making marriage strong, one that endures squalls and storms, and anchored on selfless love is never an automatic occurrence. It is willed want and desired by both husband and wife. Thus, a happy marriage is sometimes referred to as a journey and not just a destination.

Here are some of the energizing marriage tips: 1. Life for each other; make a continuous effort to understand each other’s weakness and acknowledge each one’s good traits. 2. Firmly believe in the sanctity of the Sacrament of Marriage. 3. Continuously and religiously exert extra effort to have faith in each other especially during ill weather of family life; above al these, pray to Almighty God for His Divine guidance. 4. Laugh together and maintain a healthy sense of humor in the family. 5. Trust each other. And entrust your day-to-day concern to God the Father. 6. Recognize that love is giving. It is a commitment; and selfless Love is forgiving. 7. Always keep in mind the dictum of the late Bishop Fulton J. Sheen that it takes “Three to get married” –the husband the wife and Jesus Christ. 8. Marriage is founded on love and sacrifice-for each other and the member of the family, especially the children. 9. To further strengthen your marriage bond, pray for the needed grace and grace and blessing for the

11. Maintain your communication lines open. This encourages a healthy conversation about each one’s strengths and weaknesses, especially those that affect a healthy relationship. 12. If you have to argue, do it as civilized persons; avoid physical violence and cuss words. 13. Be each other’s ally. 14. Although honesty is important for a successful relationship, there are things that are better left unsaid. 15. Being sensitive to your spouse’s needs and interest enriches relationship in marriage. 16. Learn to admit your faults. It takes the practice of humility to prevent prolonged quarrels. 17. Settle problems before going to sleep. In this way, you wakeup facing anew day both happy and ready to face challenges. 18. Practice the “hot and cold theory”-During arguments when one is heated the other one has to keep his cool. 19. Develop common interests on wholesome activities that will improve your married life. 20. Love your children and steer them to become better persons. All of these however are not possible without

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