Mark Qian

  • October 2019
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Mark Qian Mark Qian Address: San Jose, CA Home phone: 650-345-3755 Email: [email protected] Web site: Status: US citizen Availability: available Objective Obtain UI lead/architect position in web application development Summary Leading Software Engineer/Client-side architect with over 10 years of so ftware industry experience in all phases of development cycle including design, developm ent, implementation, testing. For the last 7 years worked extensively on Java, J2EE, Struts a nd XML based projects. 9 years experience on Remote Scripting (including AJAX). Expertise J2EE Areas: Browser tier and Web (application) tier Take a look at the abstraction of Mark's web work ( Ajax and a pplication framework ) at http://RemoteScriptGur Software : J2EE, Java, J2SE, J2EE, JSP, Javascript, Struts with Tile, Hi bernate, Spring Framework. dynamic hidden iframes (for remote scripting), AJAX, CSS, Custom Tags, Swing, Servlets, JDBC, RMI, CORBA, Web Services, EJB, TogetherJ, UML, JINI, DHTML, XML, XSLT, Perl, CGI, Shell Scripts, Visual Basic, Visual C++, VBScript, C#, C++, C, Data Island, ASP, ASP.NET, WebLogic Enterprise Server, MS Project, SQL Server, Oracle (8i), PL/SQL, Solid Access, Visual SourceSafe O/S: Education rd

Windows 3.x, 9x, NT, 2000, Unix, Solaris :

MS (Computer Science), California State University Haywa BS (Physics)

Projects Stalworth, Inc., San Mateo, CA DQ Plus November 2003 - Present DQ Plus a web-based data quality application. Role: 1 sign,

As a Leading Software Engineer/Client-side architect, responsible for de implementation and testing the client and web tier

2 Designed a web application as the front end (both client tier and web ti er) of DQ Plus, using Struts for the web tier and using DHTML, OO JavaScript and dynamic hidden frames (for remote scripting) including AJAX at the browser tier to form a browser/web tier framework to communicate with backend EJBs/Hibernate. Implemented D Q Plus (client and web tier) by extensively using Struts (Servlet, JSPs), and O O JavaScript, Hibernate, Spring Framework. 3 Communicate with off-shore teams. 4 Duty percentages: 70% coding and 30% designing and management. See details about DQ Plus at Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Struts, Javascript, AJAX ,Servlet, Custom Tags, Hibernate, Spring Framework , SWING, XML, CSS, WebLogic 7.x/JBOss, Hibe rnate, Oracle9i, PL/SQL, CVS, Windows. Eclipse, Network Associates Technology Inc, Santa Clara, CA Service Management Integration (SMI) September 2001 - March 2003 SMI a web-based integration application to provide a visual environment for Magic (a help desk application) to wire/map external web services, application servers, an d database services onto Magic's customizable GUI. Since SMI was developed as a J2EE application it constituted of a client, web, business and EIS tiers. Role: 1 As a Senior/Leading Software Engineer (owner of GUI), responsible for de sign, implementation and testing the client and web tier 2 Designed a web application as the front end (both client tier and web ti er) of SMI, using MVC for the web tier and DHTML, OO JavaScript and dynamic hidden frames (for remote scripting) for the client tier. Model II - Servlet was used as a controller, JSPs as View, and JavaBeans as the Model to wrap the back-end EJBs. 3 Implemented SMI (client and web tier) by extensively using Servlet, JSPs , and OO JavaScript 4 Developed Print Preview for Magic (7.5) using Struts with Tile 5 Maintained Magic (7.5) and Magic SMB 6 Evolved web page design by extensively using object-oriented Java script ing. Hidden frames were also used widely to achieve multi-phase loading/updating 7 Responsible for the delivery, installation and tuning the application in WebLogic server 8 Involved in evolving Magic 7.x maintenance 9 Duty percentages: 80% coding and 20% designing and management. See details of yahoo news (a copy of the original page) about this produ ct at Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlet, Swing, XML, XSLT, Web Services, VML, Struts with Tile, Oracle8i, PL/SQL, TogetherJ, Data Island, WebLogic7.x/5.x, SQ L Server, ASP, JavaScript, VBScript, .NET, C#, ASP.NET, Windows Electron Economy Inc., Cupertino, CA Visual Process Builder (VPB) April 2000 - August 2001 Visual Process Builder was developed as a J2EE application that provided a visual environment to users and enabled them generate high-level scripts to drive workflow engine and low-level Java codes to perform transaction level tasks. The client and web tier g enerated the scripts and Java codes. The business performed the deployment, debugging and testing . The database tier held the generated codes, auto-test-cases, deployment info and so on. The application was developed by a heavy-duty-Swing standalone IDE and a web based mirror. Used MVC/Model II pattern with Servlet, JSPs and JavaScript. VPB was bac ked by Oracle DB/EJB through an RMI server for high frequency synchronize call back. Role: 1 As a Leading Software Engineer, planned the architecture and development of Process Builder, a visual multi-tier workflow builder, which generates, deploys, tests and debugs E-supply-chain management processes 2 Responsible for architecting, designing, implementing and leading a prog ramming team through the releases of V1.0, V1.1 and V2.0 of the application 3 Recruited and managed a team of six developers 4 Created architecture of a multi-tier structure to support multiple clien ts, dynamic deployment and testing using a variety of design patterns with UML 5 Designed the ProcessBuilder as an extremely flexible & open framework so components such as validation rules, views, Business Objects could be plugged in dy namically 6 Implemented Client Tools (both stand alone and web based), Code Generato r, DevServer and database 7 Responsible for project management gathering information from potential users, experts and developers. Responsible for writing functional specifications 8 Involved in designing the application. This involved development of patt erns HMVC, Chain of Responsibility, Abstract Factory, Observer, Template Method, St rategy, Proxy, Interface Marker and Cache Management 9 Involved in implementation and testing of the application 10

Duty percentages: 70% coding, 20% designing. And 10% project management

Environment: Java, J2EE, EJB, JSP, Swing, Custom Tags, Servlet, XML, RMI, JMS, TogetherJ, WebLogic6.x/5.x, Oracle8i, PL/SQL, Solid, Windows, Unix

Peakstone Inc, Sunnyvale, CA PAR July 1998 - April 2000 The project scope involved design and development of PAR, the client sid e component of Peakstone - a distributed e-commerce assurance system. Role: 1 As a Senior Software Engineer(Owner of GUI), designed and implemented PA R as a GUI container allowing tabs, panels to be plugged in dynamically. This w as a Swing based GUI with a web-base mirror using a Model I architecture (Servlets and JSPs) 2 Designed and implemented an efficient JINI service to be heavily accesse d by a variety of clients in Peakstone system 3 Designed and implemented web based and stand alone PAR 4 Duty percentages: 80% coding and 20% designing. Environment: Java, Servlet, Swing, EJB, JSP, JINI, RMI, CORBA (OrbixWeb) , JDBC, SQL Server, Solid, DHTML, XML, Perl/CGI, Windows Remedy, CA AR WebPlus System March 1997 - July 1998 The project scope involved design and development of AR WebPlus a web se rver gateway for Remedy Corp. As a Software Engineer, designed the web-based AR Plus System and implemented / tested AR plus System with JavaScript and dynam ic hidden frames (for remote scripting). Environment: Java, JavaScript, CGI, Java Applets, Windows Sun Microsystems, Palo Alto, CA Web-base Chat System September 1996 - March 1997 The project scope involved design and development of a web-based chat sy stem. As a Software Engineer, designed, implemented, and tested the system Environment: Java Applet, CGI, JavaScript, Windows Netscape Communications Corporation, CA Netscape Wallet May 1996 - September 1996 The project scope involved deliverance of a helper application in MFC as Netscape's wallet during its early phase of the wallet construction. Also delivered a Java applet as Netscape's wallet and finally delivered a wrapper using output of Quicke n as Netscape's wallet. As a Software Engineer researched and evaluated other financial applications. Responsible for design and implementation of Netscape Wallet with Plug-I n, Helper applications and JavaScripts.

Environment: Java, Netscape Plug-In, HTML, JavaScript, CGI, Perl, WinSock, Visu al C++ (MFC), Visual Basic, Windows Tandem Computers, Cupertino, CA Tandem Service Management System June 1995 - April 1996 As a Software Engineer implemented the application Layer of TSMS. Environment: Visual C++, MFC, Windows

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