Mark Fryer's Resume

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 7
Mark Fryer 3900 Swiss Ave. Apt 510 Dallas, TX 75204 USA Ph: 214 821 8481 Email: [email protected]

Life Goal When Jesus was asked, in Mark 13:28, what the greatest commandment was, he replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbour as yourself.” This became my life goal on a personal retreat in1997 and I believe it will take a lifetime to see it realized. Significantly, Jesus was not prepared to separate the second commandment from the first. Therefore, loving God and loving people are the goals of my life and what I desire to be reflected in my daily living.

Ministry Philosophy My philosophy of ministry is to equip believers through intentional discipleship, solid bible teaching, and strong community, with the purpose of strengthening their relationships with Christ and each other so that they can reach out with Christ's love into their places of influence. This philosophy has been refined through seeing the benefit of discipleship among believers and the need for them to be empowered and freed to reach out to their neighbours and communities.

Core Values 1. Centrality of Christ: Philippians 3:8 “…the greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord…” 2. Integrity: 2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved…” 3. Love: 1 Peter 1:22 “…love one another deeply, from the heart.” 4. Discipline: 1 Timothy 4:16 “Watch you life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them…” 5. Humility: Philippians 2:3 “…in humility consider others better than yourselves.” 6. Teachability: James 1:19 “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak…”

1997 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength Mark 13:28

Personal Testimony I was born in 1972, in Invercargill, the middle child in our family. When I was about four years old, I told my parents that I wanted to become a Christian and placed my faith in Christ at that time. I gained assurance of my salvation through a church camp when I was ten years old. There I was counseled by the camp speaker that God is true to his word. That gave me confidence and I look back at that time as a place of recom7mitment to the LORD. My parents introduced me to youth work at about the age of twelve and my involvement with youth continued until I came to DTS in 2002, with a three year break while at University. After coming home from University in 1994, I began getting steadily deeper into youth work at our assembly, Elles Road Bible Chapel. In 1997 I began co-leading the youth work at the chapel with a newly employed youth worker. Over the next six years, together with our leadership team, we were consistently reaching and discipling about 150 children and teenagers each week. In 1997 I began having annual personal retreats and it was during these times that I began to wonder if the LORD would have me move into vocational ministry. However, it was not until the Totara Springs Winter Bible School in 2001 that I was confronted with the fact that if Paul needed training for ministry, then who was I to not seek some intensive training for whatever the LORD had for my future. Confident of the LORD’s leading, I applied for Dallas Theological Seminary three months later, and am now entering my 5th year of the Master of Theology Program. While at DTS I met Kristen Detwiler, an MABS student, who became my wife on June 11, 2005. Kristen is from Pennsylvania and we have enjoyed the blessing of married life over the last year. Kristen has now been to New Zealand twice and we are together seeking the LORD’s will as to where he would have us contribute within the body of Christ in New Zealand. Lord willing, we will both graduate in May 2007, and we hope to return to New Zealand soon after.

Tertiary Education: Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas TX 2002- Present Master of Theology (Th.M.), New Testament and Pastoral Minstry, Graduating 2007 Lincoln University, Lincoln, Canterbury 1991-1993

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com. Hort), major in Horticultural Management


Post Graduate Diploma in Commerce

Otago University, Dunedin 1990

Began Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.), transferred to Lincoln University 1991

1998 I consider everything a loss compared with the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord Phil 3:8

Vocational Experience: 2005- Present Stonebriar Community Church, Frisco, TX (20-25 hours per week) See Ministry Experience section for details of roles

Assistant to the Pastor of Adult Fellowships (2005-Present)

Assistant to the Pastor of Ministry Training (2006-Present)

2002- Present Dallas Seminary Book Center, Dallas,TX (15-20 hours per week)


Sales Clerk (2002-2006) Retail sales to students

Category Supervisor (2006) Ordering and maintaining a store category

Fryers Nursery, Invercargill Sales and Marketing Manager (1996- 2002)

Visiting south island customers fortnightly with product

• Liaising with head offices of garden and hardware chains • Product presentations • Telephone sales • Market analysis • Product planning and sales analysis • New label design • Planning and execution of Trade Day shows Nursery Supervisor (1995- 1996)

• Employee supervision • Retail sales • Sales dispatch • Propagation

1999 Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart Psalm 37:4

Ministry Experience: Teaching & Preaching to Adults 2004- Present Life on Purpose, an Adult Bible Class of 100 at Stonebriar Community Church


Sermon on Psalm 8 (2006)

Series on the life of King Saul (2006)

Mini-series on the New Testament hymns about Christ (2005)

Mini-series on the Lord’s Supper (2005)

Sermon on life of Jacob (2005)

Sermon on the “One Another” passages of the New Testament (2005)

Sermon on the book of Ruth (2004)

The Masters Class, an adult bible class of 40 at Fellowship Dallas, Dallas, TX

• Substitute teacher 2006

One for One, an adult bible class of 75 at Stonebriar Community Church

• Substitute teacher 2005

Home Improvement, an adult bible class of 80 at Stonebriar Community Church

• Substitute Teacher 2005

Pioneer Bible Church, a church of 150, Ponca City, Oklahoma

• Pulpit Supply Preacher 2002-2003

Elles Road Bible Chapel, a church of 100, Invercargill NZ

Christmas message (2004)

• 'God’s Mission' series (2003) • Ephesians series (2002) • Youth service message (2002)

2001 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you Eph 4:32

Leadership Training 2006- Present Stonebriar Community Church, a church of 3000, Frisco Texas Assistant to the Pastor of Ministry Training involving responsibilities in:

Setting up internships with seminary students

Formulating goals and strategies with Interns

Evaluating resources for use in ministry training

Leading weekly internship meetings in the pastor’s absence

Planning and designing of ministry training policies and procedures

Designing and evaluating Internet ministry training information

Liaising with mentors of interns to determine internship performance

Accompanying interns on a trip around Texas, meeting church leadership

Internship 2004-2006

Internship Training Program at Stonebriar Community Church Training and experience gained in the following areas:

Mentored by VP of Pastoral Ministries at Insight for Living (2004/2005)

Leadership Team member of “Life on Purpose” (LOP), a Class of 100*

Missions coordinator for LOP (2004/2005)

Weekly Class Facilitator for LOP, welcoming people, giving notices etc*

Responsible to set up and coach Care Groups within LOP*

Carried out hospital visitation

Assisted the Pastor of Adult Fellowships in areas of need*

Met regularly with Pastor of Adult Fellowships to be mentored (2005/2006)

Met weekly with all interns (about ten) for group interaction about ministry

Read books throughout internship to strengthen future ministry Participated twice in three-day trips around Texas, meeting church leaders*

*Responsibilities marked with an asterisk continued after the internship period

2002 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do Eph 2:10

Small Groups 2005- Present Stonebriar Community Church, a church of 3000, Frisco Texas Assistant to the Pastor of Adult Fellowships involving responsibilities in:

Leading and administrating a weekly Small Group study (2005-2007)

Setting up and coaching a group of Small Group leaders (2005-2007)

Three months of intensive Small Group leading and coaching training (2006)

Leading a team of Community Care Group leaders (2005-2007)

Designing promotional material for church-wide Small Groups (2006)

Planning and implementing Small Groups church-wide (2006-2007)

Youth Work 1998-2002

Co-led youth work at Elles Road Bible Chapel, a church of 100, Invercargill NZ Experience and skills gained in the following areas:

• Leading and operating youth groups, totaling about 150 youth each week • Working with children and youth, ages 11 years through early 20s. • Participating in child and youth evangelism • Preparing & leading several bible study and discipleship groups • Delivering regular bible talks • Overseeing a leadership team • Planning and implementing youth camp programming • Organizing and coordinating special Sunday youth programmes • Planning and helping run children’s holiday programmes • Fundraising 1994-1997

Leader in youth groups at Elles Road Bible Chapel


President of the Lincoln University Christian Fellowship


Cell Group leader in the Lincoln University Christian Fellowship


Leader in Boys Rally and youth groups at Elles Road Bible Chapel

2006 I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing John 15:5

International Ministry Experience 2004

Study trip to Israel, Jordan, and Egypt with IBEX (Israel Bible Extension)

• Three week tour of Israel and Jordan with IBEX, a Master’s Seminary extension 2003

Mission trip to Mexico

• 2002

Helped lead a university group in building homes for nationals

Mission trip to Bhutan (a closed country)

Taught and encouraged believers at a conference on the India/Bhutan border

Recreational Interests • Tramping & camping, • Touch Rugby & running, • Eating with friends

References Dr. Mark Young

Professor of Missions, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas TX Pastor of Strategic Development and Ministry Training, Stonebriar Community Church, Frisco TX Ph: 972 380 5070 (H) Email: [email protected]

Mr. Rhome Dyck

Director, Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, Frisco TX Former Pastor of Adult Fellowships, Stonebriar Community Church Ph: 469 362 3520 (M) Email: [email protected]

Dr. Bryce Klabunde

Vice President of Pastoral Ministries, Insight for Living, Plano TX Ph: 972 668 3226 (H) Email: [email protected]

Mr. Kevin Stern

General Manager, Dallas Seminary Bookcenter, Dallas TX Ph: 214 320 0531 (H) Email: [email protected]

Mr. Geoff Hemmingsen

Former Elder and Teacher, Personal Mentor, Elles Road Bible Chapel, Invercargill NZ, Ph: 03 216 9090 (H)

Email: [email protected]

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