Marine Spatial Planning And Cadastre

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,819
  • Pages: 6
Marine Spatial Planning and Cadastre “Coastal and Marine Mapping and Data Management”

By: Agus Santoso, Andrian Libriyono

Abstract Coastal and marine mapping become realistic and usefull viewing from coastal spatial data acquisitions and resources inventory. In Indonesia, base mapping of coastal areas that was published by BAKOSURTANAL and some other thematic maps have been carried out formally since 1994. DKP (Department Of Marine and Fisheries Affairs) and some local governments become main user for this map. Other institutions also carried out coastal mapping for their special purpose, especially for their thematic mapping. These years GIS (Geographic Information System) as adjacent development from mapping becomes integrated system for maintaining coastal and marine data. In order to facilitate the integration of coastal and marine spatial data, i.e. for spatial analysis and manipulating, in GIS more easier need a standardize spatial data especially for the coastal base map. Thematic maps that representing special themes according to respective institution/sectoral function must be referenced to this standard base map. The survey and management of coastal and marine’s spatial data, including its accessibility and online publication will be discussed in this paper, as well as its example.

Introduction This paper explains data management for coastal and marine data, survey as part of hydrographic survey at Pusat Pemetaan Dasar (PDKK) – BAKOSURTANAL. As we knows, coastal and marine information, and its growth larger every year. It’s a big mistake if this could not be managed seriously.

i.e. bathymetri, oceanographic Kelautan dan Kedirgantaraan data consist many data and important data and information

In a traditional system for managing coastal and marine data, archiving as paper or digital raw data was a good maintaining system for that times. But now, with technologies development, for this maintaining system could be more efficiently, secure and manage easily. Even more with technology this data and information of coastal and marine could be automatically prepared for analysis, i.e. time series analysis, in order to get additional derived information. GIS (Geographic Information System) was a system for processing (maintain, manipulate, and analysis) geographic data/information. Maintaining coastal and marine data as geographic/spatial data give advantages for further development and analysis. These years, need for coastal an marine data growth for study or development in coastal and marine area. In our case, bathymetric and oceanographic data was result from variety assessment in our hydrographic survey. For bathymetric data was use to develop our map product, Peta LPI (Lingkungan Pantai Indonesia) at 50.000 scale. Oceanograhic data was maintain in our geodatabase for archiving and further analysis. For all data managed in geodatabase, with international standard for each spatial feature, that could have a ability for interoperability and data sharing. Methods For our data, spatial feature code was adopted from IHO S-57 for marine features, and AUSLIG (topographic data and map specification) for land features. This is the first step for us to maintain all data in international standard and use it for displaying this data. Another specification that we used for our data display was SNI No. 19-56-02.1-2000 about Peta Rupabumi. From this all standard we could develop for our spesification or standard, SNI 19-6726-2002 and 19-6727-2002 Peta Dasar Lingkungan Pantai Indonesia. Standard for manage and maintain coastal and marine data was very important, this step preparing data for further ability in further analysis and development. In this picture below shows example of attribute of feature class (SOUNDG-Depth Sounding) based on spatial feature code.

After spatial features standardize, the next step was to build a datawarehouse (geodatabase) that saving all coastal and marine spatial data, so was other information needed. This datawarehouse based on Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) for development. Using integration Oracle Database and ESRI SDE, managing and maintaining process for our spatial data was not to complicated. It’s simple and usefull. Figure below show all spatial features, including coastal and marine data, was categorized under feature dataset as a group of feature class in our datawarehouse.

The primary purpose of the GIS development process is to specify "how" the GIS will perform the required applications. Database planning and design involves defining how graphics will be symbolized (i.e., color, weight, size, symbols, etc.), how graphics files will be structured, how nongraphic attribute files will be structured, how file directories will be organized, how files will be named, how the project area will be subdivided geographically, how GIS products will be presented (e.g., map sheet layouts, report formats, etc.)., and what management and security restrictions will be imposed on file access. This is done by completing the following activities: • • • •

Select a source (document, map, digital file, etc.) for each entity and attribute included in the E-R diagram Set-up the actual database design (logical/physical design) Define the procedures for converting data from source media to the database Define procedures for managing and maintaining the database

The database planning and design activity is conducted concurrently with the pilot study and/or benchmark activities. Clearly, actual procedures and the physical database design cannot be completed before specific GIS hardware and software has been selected while at the same time GIS hardware and software selection cannot be finalized until the selected GIS can be shown to adequately perform the required functions on the data. Thus, these two activities (design and testing) need to be conducted concurrently and iteratively.

In many cases, neither database design matters nor hardware and software selection are unconstrained activities. First, the overall environment within which the GIS will exist must be evaluated. If there exist "legacy" systems (either data, hardware or software) with which the new GIS must be compatible, then design choices may be limited. Both GIS hardware and software configurations and database organizations that are not compatible with the existing conditions should be eliminated from further consideration. Secondly, other constraints from an organizational perspective must be evaluated. It may, for example, be preferable to select a specific GIS or database structure because other agencies with whom data will be shared have adopted a particular system. Finally, assuming that the intended GIS (whether it will be large or small) will be part of a corporate or shared database, the respective roles of each participant need to be evaluated. Clearly, greater flexibility of choice will exist for major players in a shared database (e.g., county, city, or regional unit of government) than for smaller players (town, village, or special purpose GIS applications). This does not mean that the latter must always go with the majority, but simply that the shared GIS environment must be realistically evaluated. In figure below show our diagram of Integrated Spatial Datawarehouse and it’s data sharing plan.

In our future plan for development of our datawarehouse (geodatabase) for our coastal and marine spatial data is to have capability for data sharing with others institutions and agencies. The establishment of data sharing cooperatives within the public sector is a cost-effective means of database development and maintenance which is encouraged. Cooperative-multiparticipant database projects allow for data exchange, and the opportunity to create new means for developing, maintaining, and accessing information. The sharing of data in the public sector, especially between government agencies and offices which are funded by the same financial resources, should be expected. It does not make fiscal sense for public funds to be utilized in the development of two GIS databases of the same geographic area for two different agencies. Benefits of data sharing thus would include: the development of a much larger database, for far less cost; the development of more efficient interaction between public agencies; and through the utilization of a single, seamless database the availability of more accurate information, since all agencies would share the same, upto-date information. The goal of a data sharing strategy is to maximize the utility of data while minimizing the cost to the organization. It is important that all parties involved have clear and realistic expectations as well as common objectives to make the data sharing work. Under any circumstance, however, database management and maintenance will require us to redefine our relationships with those we routinely exchange data with, whether they are within an organization or part of a multiparticipant effort including outside agencies. Work flow and information flow must be reviewed and changed if necessary. Procedures and practices for the timely exchange and updating of data must be put in place and data quality standards adhered to, whether it be hard copy data which must be converted for inclusion or digital files which might be available for importing to our system. Systematic collection

and integration of new and/or updated data must be employed in order to safeguard the initial investment, maintain the integrity of the database and assure system reliability to meet function needs. Implementation and Conclusion In order to fulfill our goal in managing and maintaining coastal and marine spatial data in providing our base map product (Peta LPI), as well as providing data sharing accessibility, this development of datawarehouse (geospatial database) has been doing continuously. Our implementation was formed in a Integrated Spatial Datawarehouse, that meet our needs for map production and online publications (Web GIS and GIS Services). Figures below show examples of our publication via Web GIS and GIS Services. Depth Contour accessed via GIS Software (ArcExplorer)

Web GIS Application for Hydrographic Data

This is what we knew efficiently and effectively not only for our coastal and marine spatial data could be managed more simple, its support our needs in map production, and publication. With GIS technology, maintaining coastal and marine data for updating become simple process. Because the physical world is constantly changing, the GIS database must be updated to reflect these changes. Once again, the credibility of the GIS database is at stake if the data is not current. Usually, the effort required to maintain the database is as much as, or more than that required to create it. This ongoing maintenance work is usually assigned to in-house personnel as opposed to a contractor. The entire process should be planned well in advance. Once again, the equipment and personnel must be ready to take over the maintenance of the database when the data conversion effort and database building processes are complete. Database maintenance requires two supporting efforts: ongoing user training and user support. Ongoing user training is needed to replace departing users with newly trained personnel. This will enable the data maintenance to be carried out on a continuous and timely basis. It is also important to offer advanced training to existing users to provide them with the opportunity to improve their skills and to make better use of the system. GIS is a complicated technology, making operating problems inevitable. User support will help users solve these problems quickly. It will also customize the GIS software to enable them to execute processing tasks more quickly and more efficiently. This is the a good solution to more efficiently for coastal and marine data management, as well as for its publications and data sharing

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