March 2019

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Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

March 2019 11


Pray for the national board of YFC meeting in Winnipeg today that they will continue to be guided by God’s will in directing this ministry.



Please pray God would provide additional volunteer drivers and child-care providers for our New Hope for Teen Mom’s program.



14 Praise God for his provision to YFC Winnipeg for 65 years!



Please pray for our staff receiving training today to enable them to better share the stories of lives changed by the ministry of YFC.

Please pray for safety as our staff travel on the winter roads and by air for meetings.

Please pray for the leadership team at YFC Winnipeg. Pray for wisdom and discernment as they make important decisions for the ministry. Please pray people will be inspired to share their stories of how YFC has impacted their faith walk over the last 65 years.

Please pray for the physical and mental health of our staff and volunteers.

Please pray for the marriages of our YFC staff and volunteers as the calling to youth ministry can be challenging and stressful.



Praise God for His continued faithfulness in the development of the property adjacent to the YFC Activity Centre.


Please pray for our youth who struggle with mental health issues, and for our staff as they endeavour to speak light into that dark struggle.


Please pray that all the details come together for the Youth for Christ “Legacy of Hope” radiothon on CHVN next month.


Please pray God will move in the hearts of those who should be a part of the YFC staff team, and that He would continue to be faithful in providing the staff we need.


Please pray that God will provide a building for the new Satellite in Gimli, Manitoba, currently operating out of a school.


Please pray for the safety of the youth, staff, and volunteers of our Work Force program operating in the William Whyte neighbourhood.


Praise God for all the new volunteers who have joined us this past month, and pray God would continue to call people with a heart to see young people meet Jesus.

Praise God for the youth in our soccer program, and for their new Bible reading plan. Pray God will bless their time in the Word, reading through Luke and Acts.


Please pray for our youth who struggle with sexual orientation and identity issues, and pray for YFC and our staff as we endeavor to speak truth in these areas.


Please pray for all the pastors and leaders in our city, and pray for continued community, co-operation, and partnerships with YFC.


Please pray for all the clients of Turning Point Youth and Family Counselling, and pray an additional Counsellor/ Trainer can be found.



Please pray for the youth who are currently taking Alpha at YFC. Pray they will hear the gospel and be moved to accept Jesus as their Saviour.



Please pray for the Selkirk satellite’s fundraising banquet being held tonight. Pray people will be inspired, encouraged, challenged, and generous.


Praise God for increased numbers of kids coming to our Drop-in programs, and for those who are choosing to accept Jesus as their Saviour!


Praise God for our faithful financial partners, and that God would continue to raise up more donors who share our passion for reaching young people with the Gospel.


Please pray that God will continue to provide needed resources for our ministry through the generosity of our donor partners.


Please pray for Masterworks Dance Studio’s bridging program, which makes dance accessible to youth who would not normally be able to afford dance classes.


Please pray for increased favour with community groups, and schools, that doors would open and walls would come down.


Pray fpr all our staff who are raising support, that God would provide the needed Ministry Partners and resources In abundance.


Praise God for all the youth who have chosen to accept Jesus this past month, and that God would continue to move in their lives as they learn more about Him.


Please pray that the Board Game Café fundraiser for our New Hope for Teen Moms program would be successful today!

Praise God for our amazing volunteers, and pray for them as many are taking Evangelism training this evening.

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