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  • Words: 8,154
  • Pages: 27
EXT: abcourses Extension Key: abcourses Copyright 2005-2008, Stefan Precht, <[email protected]> and Andreas Behrens, This document is published under the Open Content License available from The content of this document is related to TYPO3 - a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

EXT: abcourses............................................1 Introduction....................................................................1 What does it do?........................................................1 About the developing..................................................2 Screen shots..............................................................2 Key-Features..................................................................4 Available content records.............................................4 Category.....................................................................4 Course........................................................................4 Course type................................................................5 Teaching aids.............................................................5 Trainer........................................................................5 Event..........................................................................5 Location......................................................................6 Category.....................................................................6 Hotel...........................................................................6 Arrangements.............................................................6 Available views..............................................................6 Categories overview...................................................6 Mini search-box..........................................................7 Search result list.........................................................7 Detail view..................................................................8 Subscribe view...........................................................8 Last minute short........................................................9 Last minute detailed...................................................9 Category overview and a listing of current events.....9 Overview of selected events....................................10 Detail search............................................................10 Overview of selected categories..............................10 Installation....................................................................10 You should start with this.........................................10 The TS configuration...................................................12

plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1 .........................................12 TS for “Category overview”......................................15 TS for “Courses in category”....................................15 TS for “Quicksearch”................................................15 TS for “Resultlist”.....................................................15 TS for view-type “Detail”...........................................16 TS for view-type “Subscribe”....................................16 TS for view-type “Category overview with next courses”....................................................................18 TS for view-type “Selected events”..........................18 Template structure of the different view-types........18 Template marker for records / general......................18 Generally available markers.....................................18 All category fields.....................................................21 All course fields........................................................21 All event fields..........................................................22 All trainer fields.........................................................23 All location fields.......................................................23 All page fields...........................................................23 All hotel fields...........................................................23 All arrangement fields..............................................23 All teaching aid fields................................................24 All conditions fields...................................................25 Special content............................................................25 The manual location selector...................................25 The subscription hook..............................................25 The displayDetail Hook............................................25 The fillAllLabels Hook...............................................25 How to change the subscription form......................25 What you should know about the email template....26 Known problems..........................................................28 To-Do list......................................................................28 Changelog.....................................................................28

Introduction What does it do? abcourses is an extension for offering your seminars, courses, or appointments in various ways. This extension aims to be compatible with the most requirements. So if you are looking for an extension to offer many courses and appointments, this extension is made for you. But if you need a solution which can be used right after installation (like plug'n play) than this is EXT: abcourses - 1

the wrong one. Abcourse is really flexible and it takes you some time to get in to it.

About the development SYMPLASSON started the development of this extension in close collaboration with @bnetworks in 2005 to create a solution for offering different courses with several thousand appointments a year. Since then, the development was continued along our customers requirements or our own ideas. This extension is still under further development (if requested ;-) ) and is supported by Andreas Behrens (@b-networks; [email protected], Lüneburg, Germany) as well as by Stefan Precht ([email protected], Hamburg, Germany) Many people supported this extension within the last years. Independent from if it were just ideas, debugging or anything else. Here we want to say “thanks” for supporting the development to: –

IBS Schreiber Gmbh (

Tallence GmbH (

Kanton Basel-Landschaft (http:// )

as well as to all the others ...

Screen shots You will find some more screen shots associated to the different views later in this documentation. These few screens are just for a small overview. Important notice: The information as displayed on this sample screens are only for demonstrating the possible look and feel of this extension. Description and content of courses are test-data, just like shown prices or other informations!

Abbildung 1: Sample view of course details

EXT: abcourses - 2

Abbildung 2: Another detail view. Highlighted area on the right is rendered by the Last-Minute short overview

Abbildung 3: Sample of a start screen. The input field is rendered with the search-view, the colored boxes are rendered with the category overview. Other parts are normal text content elements.

EXT: abcourses - 3

Key-Features By combining the different views on an page, you have various possibilities to advertise your offered courses. In the list below you will find some of the features not necessarily to derive from the available views. ●

content types for categories, courses, course types, events, trainers, skill level, teaching aids, accommodations, arrangements for accommodation and locations

10 different view-type's available

each view is completely template based and it is up to you on which standard you want to implement them (HTML ||XHTML)

the search plug-in can be combined with the result page of the indexed_search (both catch the param. “sword”)

calculated prices can be shown with or without VAT, based on configurable input type and VAT value (the opposite value is then computed)

subscribing to events generates template based confirmation e-mails to a defined recipient and, if activated, to the subscriber

there is a hook implemented during subscribing process with references to the pi1 of abcourses an the used proxy class. So it is possible to interface an external application

you can switch on a contingent management for limiting the number of subscriptions to a certain number (for each event)

internally usage of a proxy class

to configure abcourses you can make some settings about a flex form but the most important values are configurable with TS too

you can use the flex form configuration to assign each abcourses PlugIn on the same page with different template files

configurable output format of shown dates and time

there is a special feature to look up the changed URL of the detail-view. Just in case your page works with realurl and you moved the page where your detail-view PlugIn is on. (useful for SEO efforts)

you can enter a date value (start / stop) for each event, if you want to limit the registration to a specific date range

there is a documentation available in the BE for the most important input values

server side input validation of the subscribing form as configured via TS

Available content records In this chapter I want to introduce the available records coming with the installation of abcourses and their possible attributes.

Category Courses are associated with categories. For a category you can enter a title, a description and you can upload an image for representing the category.

Course For a course you can enter the following: ●




associate a category (category 1 : n courses)

associate a type (type 1 : n courses)

associate teaching aids (teaching aids n : m courses)



associate pages with e.g. further informations

upload files as an associated download for a course (max. 5)

associate trainers (n : m)

skill level (represented with a small icon) EXT: abcourses - 4

educational points (just for information)

days (just for information of the course duration)

contingent (just as information about the max. amount of participants)

conditions (text input)

conditions (reference to other course records)

price (with or without VAT must be configured in TS)

Course type A course type represents the skill level in another way than the value “skill level” (attr. of course records). You can only enter a title of a course type.

Teaching aids You can only enter a title for this records. Teaching aids are associated to course records for information purposes.

Trainer The data for trainer records are saved in tt_address records. This is the reason for the fact, that tt_address is required for the use of abcourses. Please consider that only a few fields are used in the template for a trainer. These are: ●





trainer number

trainer position

The last two attributes come with abcourses and extends the tt_address table.

Event Events are the records a user can subscribe to and are associated to one course record. Available fields are: ●

event number

start-date for registration

end-date for registration

start-date and time of the first day

end-date and time of the last day

associated course (course 1 : n event)

associated trainers

subscribed participants ( this field is not in use currently. See also the To-Do section...)

associated location (1:n)

discount flag (if the price for this single event should differ to the base price as entered in the course record)

discount value (enter a positive double value for raise, and a negative value for reduce the base price)

last-minute flag (if activated and supported by the corresponding templates, a special css class can be associated to this event for highlighting this record in listings. Records marked as “last minute” are shown in last-minute views automatically)

contingent amount (if contingent management is activated, this value limits the possible amount of subscriptions)

subscriptions (this value is increased with each subscription and will be compared with “contingent amount” if contingent management is activated)

associated arrangements (to offer additional accommodations)

EXT: abcourses - 5

Location A location can be assigned to an event for informational purposes. These attributes can be entered for location records: ●








contact person

informations (as reference to a page record with e.g. additional informations)

Category To categorize your offered courses. You can enter: ●




Hotel If you want to offer additional accommodations you have to enter some hotels and arrangements. For a hotel you can enter: ●




image (e.g. a logo)

rating (0 start, 1 star ...)

Arrangements To offer additional accommodations with an event you need to enter arrangements to assign them later with the events. For this you can enter: ●

backendname (as title in BE view)

frontendname (as title in FE output)

associated hotel (hotel 1 : n arrangements)

price (if this is with or without VAT depends on the global tax configuration)

Please consider that there is not really an interface for subscribing an accommodation. It is only included in the confirmation email.

Available views Here we described the available views as offered with this extension.

Categories overview This view represents two views in one. At least one PlugIn with this view-type is required for abcourses. On one hand this view-type can list all available categories, and on the other hand it can list all courses for one specific category. It depends on an URL parameter which view-type will be rendered. With a flag available in the FlexForm of the PlugIn, you can force the view-type to ignore the URL parameter and list the categories all the time. For example this is necessary if you have one page with two PlugIns of this view type and you want to show the courses of the category on the left and an overview of other available categories on the right. EXT: abcourses - 6

The following two screens represents the “courses in this category” view.

Abbildung 4: Courses in one category 2

Abbildung 5: An example for two PlugIns with view-type category overview on one page

Both views based internally completely on the abcourses object layer. It is up to you and depends on the used template which information will be displayed. Read more about this later in the template section...

Mini search-box This view renders only an input field for a textual search. You have to configure the page id of the result page to make it work... See one sample of this search-box at Abbildung 4

Search result list Come on, just guess what it does :-) Not to derive from the name: The search result list will get the parameters from indexed_search input fields for look ups as well. So you can combine both plug ins on the same page...

EXT: abcourses - 7

Detail view The detail view can show all informations associated with a course. It depends on the template what will be displayed. Please consider that this view is not completely based on the abcourses object layer! Why? Because the extension grew with the time and there was no object layer in the first version. So this is a relict from previous version. But although it contains the full scope of operation. Refactoring of this function is already on our to do list... Maybe the template structure for this view can change then. Events will be only shown if it is possible to subscribe. As an exception you can configure the count of days events may be expired. These expired events will be shown but there is no subscribe link rendered for them. See screen shots of this view at Abbildung1 and Abbildung3.

Subscribe view The user reaches the subscribe view automatically (because the default subscribe view is configured via TS), if he clicks on an event for which a subscription is possible. Depending on the template the subscribe view shows all informations about the course, the event and all records which you can assign via the BE. Depending on TS configuration and one more template snippet you can create a form for subscribing an event (including server side input validation). And if available, the user could request an accommodation as well! After successful registration the user is redirected to a “thank you” side (a page record from you cms) and an email will be send to the admin as configured in TS (and optionally to the user). During the registration a hook is called which you can use for whatever you want it to do... You can even use this PlugIn for direct subscriptions. Just add it via TYPO3 BE and select an event in the BE! Please don't do this for the default subscription view as configured in TS.

Abbildung 6: Front-End subscribe form

EXT: abcourses - 8

Abbildung 7: BE FlexForm PlugIn configuration

Read more about setup, hook and template later in this documentation.

Last minute short Deprecated. Use the selectedEvents view. This view was used for short listings of last minute events. Since you can use the “selectedEvents” view for this (since version 1.3.X) it is not recommended to use this short view. Also an argument for this is, that the selectedEvents view use the abcourses object layer. See the selectedEvents section of this document for further informations.

Last minute detailed Deprecated. Use the selectedEvents view. This view was used for short listings of last minute events. Since you can use the “selectedEvents” view for this (since version 1.3.X) it is not recommended to use this short view. Also an argument for this is, that the selectedEvents view use the abcourses object layer. See the selectedEvents section of this document for further informations.

Category overview and a listing of current events This view-type is a special variant of the category listing and is able not only to list categories but also show an configurable number of courses, which the closest events are assigned to. This is very useful for search engine optimization (for internal linking), because the page has (computed) different content which does not rotate with each page view or something like this but with each time one event is no longer the “closest” event within a category.

Abbildung 8: Sample screen shot for this view type. EXT: abcourses - 9

Overview of selected events This view is for displaying events without the selection of a special class and renders only special events. You can select this events manually or you can configure this view-type to display events which are marked as “last-minute”. For the lastminute layout you can set an amount of events you want to display as well. The last-minute feature is implemented since version 1.3.X and displaces the both last-minute view-types. This is because it depends only on the assigned template file if you make this view type as an short or a detailed overview of last-minute events. If there is more than one event selected (or computed) for one course, they get merged with this course during the rendering process.

Abbildung 9: Example layout for this view-type with additional course and trainer informations.

Detail search I'm sorry, but this is not functional at the moment.

Overview of selected categories This view is for displaying categories. But other than the normal categories overview, this view type only renders categories which you have manually selected in the BE FlexForm. Within the FlexForm use the Tab “Special View Settings” and than the selection “Categories to be shown within the special view Selected-Categories”. There are some TS settings for this view to change the output. See more about this in the TS section of this documentation.

Installation There are a few steps required to get the extension working with the min. features... This basic settings should be done in 15Min. But it can become very time expensive depending on the variants of configuration possibilities you want to use. As example: Using different templates for the same view-type on different pages and so on...

You should start with this Make a back-up of your environment (to play safe) Create some Sys-Folder records where your content for this extension is stored later. Depending on the number of records you want to deal with, it could be recommended to create a folder for each category (to store your events in) I recommend a folder structure like this:

EXT: abcourses - 10

Seminars ○

Categories and Course-Types



Hotels and Arrangements

Trainers, Locations and Teachin-Aid's

Create some page records for your front-end PlugIns. Depending on the TS configuration and some implemented link features you need at least pages for: ●

a categories overview

The result view of search queries (as not in menu)

the course details (as not in menu)

the subscribe view (as not in menu)

a “thank you” page where subscribers are redirected after a successful subscription

Add the corresponding PlugIn view types for the pages as mentioned above on each page Overwrite the extensions default TS as described later in this documentation. And: Do not forget to define a storage page within the backend. The storage page is used as pid for tracked subscriptions! IMPORTANT! Have a look that the locale settings are correct. There are two fields for this within the plugins TypoScript: locale and offset. See more about this in the TS configuration table of this documentation and within the TS Default template as well. That's it... Was easy, wasn't it? :-) If you need help with your configuration: Since Version 1.3.3 there is a third Tab in the Plugins BE FlexForm called “config info”. Check the box on this tab and reload the page where you have problems... And configuration check will be rendered then! Sometimes this is very usefull and can save you a lot of time...

The TS configuration Guess how funny it is to write this down... :-( But O.K., I am sure it would be no(!) fun for you without this... :-)

plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1 This is the basic PlugIn configuration. Property

Data Type




With this value you can define the view-type for a PlugIn. Normally this is set via FlexForm, but if you want to insert one abcourses PlugIn via TS, you need to set this... 1:CATOVERVIEW 2:QUICKSEARCH 3:RESULTLIST 4:DETAIL 5:SUBSCRIBE 6:LMSHORT (deprecated) 7:LMDETAIL (deprecated) 8:CATOVERVIEWWITHCOURSE 9:SPECIALEVENTOVERVIEW



Comma separated list with page id's. List of page id's where the abcourses records should be available. Normally this is set via FlexForm, but if you want to insert one abcourses PlugIn via TS, you need to set this...



How deep could the pages be nested where to look up abcourses records.



EXT: abcourses - 11



Filepath to your template file, starting at the root.

typo3conf/ext/abcourses/pi1/abco urses_template.tmpl



Don't change this...




Where to look up the skill images. It is up to you to change them.




Where to look up the hotel-rating images. It is up to you to change them.




Take a look at the TSRef for further information




The id of the page which contains the default abcourses plugin with view-type 3 “Resultlist”.



The id of the page which contains the default abcourses plugin with view-type 4 “Detail”.



The id of the page which contains the default abcourses plugin with view-type 1 “Catoverview”.



This is used to render some links. Since the LM-Overview is deprecated this should be set to a page id which contains a corresponding PlugIn of view type 9.



The id of the page which contains the default abcourses plugin with view-type 5 “Subscribe”.



This is the id of the page the subscribers are redirected to after an successful subscription. It is up to you what this page contains. I consider something like a “thanks for your subscription” to be in order.



This is actually not in use.



Format of the date output as used %d.%m.%Y by PHP's strftime function. See n.strftime.php for reference.



Format of the date output as used %H:%M by PHP's strftime function. See n.strftime.php for reference. This is used for time output format.



Set this to your locale.




Is there a difference between the time as entered within the BE and the time as shown in the FE? So use this to adjust them. Read more about this later in this documentation.




Set this to 1 if your entered prices 0 are already with VAT. Set this to 0 if they are without VAT.



Tax value




Abbrev. of the used currency




Additional css class name as used in event listings for last minute events. (usage depends on the template)




Where the text query should look up.




Name of the DB attribute of a name course for sorting the course list in category overviews.

EXT: abcourses - 12



Set this to 1 if you want to activate 0 the contingent management. Consider that it is only possible to subscribe for an event then, if the event has a contingent of at least 1 left.



Filepath to the default download icon.

/ typo3conf/ext/abcourses/images/d l_icon.gif



Filepath to the download icon of pdf files.

/ typo3conf/ext/abcourses/images/p df_icon.gif




=< dlimage




=< dlimage



See inline TS comments for this please.












Comma separated. If you add a value to this list and (lowercase) to the locallang.xml then it is available as a marker in every view. The marker is uppercase.




Set this to 0 to disable the 1 (On!) subscription tracking. Set this to 1 and every subscription will be tracked as tt_address record.



This value is for looking up similar email subscribers. It must be an available name of your formfields as well as a valid name for a tt_address attribute field



BE Userid to create the 0 tt_address records. This is just for association. Your TYPO will not change its user context!

EXT: abcourses - 13

TS for “Category overview” plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1.catoverview Description




ParseFunc / function

Data Type

Further informations in the TSRef

< plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1.parseFun c


IMAGE / cObj

Preconfiguration for rendered images.

wrap = |



The template of this view is 2 splitted in colums and rows. This value indicates how many cols will be rendered for each row.

All category fields


Additionally you can configure all TS values as available for categories here. You will find more about this in the documentation of the template markers for categories.

TS for “Courses in category” plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1.coursesincat


Data Type


Default < plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1.parseFun c


ParseFunc / function

Further informations in the TSRef



Set this to 1, if you want to display 0 events in this view too. If you do not set this flag, the events are not available for the course instances and so they will not be rendered! Keep in mind that this query may be expensive...


All category fields

Additionally you can configure all TS values as available for categories here. You will find more about this in the documentation of the template markers for categories.


All course fields

Additionally you can configure all TS values as available for courses here. You will find more about this in the documentation of the template markers for courses.


All events fields

See template section for this...

TS for “Quicksearch” Actually there is no configuration required for this view.

TS for “Resultlist” plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1.resultlist


Data Type


Default < plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1.parseFun c


ParseFunc / function

Further informations in the TSRef


All course fields

See template section for this...

EXT: abcourses - 14

TS for view-type “Detail” In because of this view-type is currently not completely based on the object-model, some of the TS properties are not nested as like for other view-type's. Template structure and TS configuration for this view will change during the implementation of the object model for this view-type!

plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1.coursedetail Description




ParseFunc / function

Data Type

Further informations in the TSRef

< plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1.parseFun c



If you would like to display expired 0 events too, set this to an appropriate number of days an event may have expired.



The template for displaying the events of a course is split up in rows and columns so this value will define how many cols a row should contain.



To start a sub part

Below this, you can note all available Course fields. This will be used to display the referenced conditional courses

Just 3 small examples

All course fields


See template section for this...

All category fields


All trainer fields


All event fields


All location fields


All page fields


All conditions fields


Please consider, that the rendered “Similar courses” uses the “All course fields” too, because they are just course records and depends, technically, on the same rendering function.

TS for view-type “Subscribe” This view-type is responsible for rendering generally informations for the corresponding event on the one hand, and for generating the accommodation- and subscribe-form on the other hand.

For the generally event informations plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1.eventsubscribe Property

Data Type


Default < plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1.parseFun c


ParseFunc / function

Further informations in the TSRef

All course fields


See template section for this...

All event fields


All trainer fields


All location fields


All category fields noContingentWrap


If no contingent is left for an event, and short information is rendered and wrapped with this...

All participant fields


See template section for this

EXT: abcourses - 15

For the accommodation- and subscribe-form plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1.subscribe


Data Type





Recipient E-Mail address for the administrative subscription info EMail.

[email protected]



The From-Address of the info EMail.

[email protected]



The From-Name of the info EMail.

Seminar Database



Comma separated list of all(!) used form fields.

anrede,vorname,nachname,email, telefon,fax,firma,adresse,eventid,a rrangement,invoiceaddress



This string list below causes the corresponding form fields to be required




Use this list to determine which form fields will be included in the confirmation email.

anrede,vorname,nachname,email, telefon,fax,firma,adresse,arrange ment,invoiceaddress



Setting this flag to 0 causes no confirmation e-mail is sent at all.




Set this flag to 1 if you want your subscriber to get a confirmation mail too. Otherwise only the Admin will receive a confirmation. This does not take an effect if the flag sendEmailsAfterSubscription is set to 0. The form field “email” is used for the E-Mail address of the subscriber.




Here you can map your form fields first_name:vorname,last_name:na with the corresponding tt_address chname,email:email,gender:gende entities. r



See more about this in the “Special content” section. This value is rendered as name attribute for the location select box.




Additionally parameters for the select box.




The available options for the select box. If you prefix this list with a single “,”, the first value is rendered as an empty option.

, Hamburg,Hannover,Kassel,Berlin, Potsdam/Kleinmachnow,Stuttgart, Leipzig,Frankfurt,München,Regen sburg,Nürnberg,Paderborn,Dortm und,Siegen,Wien



Possible period for 2 accommodation, depending on the start and enddate of the corresponding event.


All hotel fields...

Take a look at the template marker section for this


All arrangement fields...


EXT: abcourses - 16

TS for view-type “Category overview with next courses” For this type of category overview you can display the next events and their courses too. This view type is really useful for SEO efforts because this list change every time an event is not the closest event for a category any more. So you can create a nice view with different internally links.

plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1.catoverviewwithnextevents Property

Data Type

All category fields...





All course fields...


All event fields...


Number of closest events in an category which should be rendered.

Default 3

TS for view-type “Selected events” This view can represent a list of manually selected events and their corresponding courses as well as an computed list of events / courses which are marked as “last minute”. Which variant this view stands for is normally selected via the FlexForm configuration of the PlugIn in the BackEnd. But if you want to insert this with TypoScript you must do this settings via TS too.

plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1.selectedevents Property

Data Type





The template is divided in rows and columns so this value sets the number of columns rendered for each row.




Set this to 1 if you want this view to work as a last minute view.

N.A. (uncomment this line if you want to use it)



Number of closest last-minute events which should be rendered.

N.A. (uncomment this line if you want to use it)



Comma separated list of event id's. You will need this if you want to insert this view-type via TS but not as last minute view.

N.A. (uncomment this line if you want to use it)



This is ONLY available via TS at present. If you want to display expired events to, set this to the number of days an event can be expired.

N.A. (uncomment this line if you want to use it)


All fields for courses...



All event fields...



All trainer fields...


Template structure of the different viewtypes This extension is shipped with a default template. Please take a look at this default templates to get an overview of the corresponding template structure for the view-type you want to edit...!

Template marker for records / general Generally available markers The template marker as listed below can be used in every template! They are primarily intended to be used as labels.

Marker ###DAYSLABEL###


TS Wrapper

TS Description

Label for the “day” field in courses

EXT: abcourses - 17


This has content if some required form fields of the subscribe form are missed.


This has content if some required form fields of the subscribe form are missed.


Label for trainer records.


In forms for form of address

###LABELTITLE.I.0### (.1, .2)

This marker is comupted depending on the available translations in the locallang file. You can add there more values for this like I.0, I.1, I.2 ...

###LABELADDITIONAL### ###LABELADDITIONAL.I.0###(.1 This marker is comupted ...) depending on the available translations in the locallang file. You can add there more values for this like I.0, I.1, I.2 ... ###LABELSELPERIODSTART## Label of the select box for # accommodation start period ###LABELSELPERIODEND###

Label of the select box for accommodation end period

###LABELACCOMMODATION## Label for accommodation records. # ###LABELCOURSEDAYS###

Label for the days value as entered in a course record.


The text on the “send” button of the search form.

###LABELSUBMITSUBSCRIBE# The label on the submit button as ## contained in the subcribe view. ###LABELSUBSCRIBEHEADER ###

Informational header of the subscribe view.


As used for price information.


Label for the description of arrangements.


Currency as entered in TS. For price informations.


Label for listings of similar courses.


Label for pages with further informations as assigned to a course record.


EXT: abcourses - 18


Label for information about the start date of a registration period.


A label to introduce the conditions of a course.


This will render a link to the default PlugIn (as defined via TS) which contains a category overview.


This will render a link to the default PlugIn which contains a detail search. (not in use!)

###LINKLMOVERVIEWSTART## This will return only the part of a link to the default PlugIn (as defined via TS) with a LastMinute overview. ###LINKLMOVERVIEWEND###

Will return the
for the previous marker.


Whole link to the last minute view.


Location name


To mark something as “required”


Label Last Minute short title by example for usage as headline.


Label last minute overview by example for usage as headline


Max participants label


There is a hook which you can use to change this markers... See more about this in the “hooks” section of this documentation.

EXT: abcourses - 19

Example for labeladditional

<select name="Raucherzimmer">

Example for labeltitle

<select name="Anrede">

All category fields Marker


TS Wrapper parseFunc

TS Description


For rendering of later values.



Title of the category. Linked to the catTitleLinkWrap “courses in category” overview.



Icon for a category.




Same as above, but without the link.



Teaser for a category.


< parseFunc

There is a template subpart ###NOCOURSES### for categories which tried to list their courses. This is only implemented within the Category object an may not be available in all kinds of view types.

All course fields Marker -

Usage For rendering of later values.


TS Wrapper

TS Description






Course number














< parseFunc




< parseFunc














Days label. Singular/Plural depending on days.




The textual entered course conditions



<--###CONDITIONS### begin-->

This starts a template subpart to render referenced conditional courses. Please take a look into the default template to get an example.

<--###FILES### begin -->

This starts a template subpart to render referenced files. Find an example within the default template.


Link to the detail view




Title of the course as link to the detail view



EXT: abcourses - 20


Number of the course as link to the detail view




Base price without VAT




Base price with VAT



###COURSESKILLLEVELIMAGE Image, corresponding to the ### entered skill level.


IMAGE / cObj


Textual downloadlink




Image downloadlink



All event fields Marker


TS Wrapper

TS Description

If this marker is present in the events template and an assigned location is available for this event, the rendering of the location is triggered as well.. See an example below this table.



Number of the event.


stdWrap / function


The event teaser




The available contingent.




Remaining contingent



If the contingentmanagement is disabled, this marker is rendered with the ts wrapper usecontingentInactiveWrap instead. ###DAYS###

The duration of this event in days. eventDaysWrap



This marker contains the start eventDateWrap date of this event and, if available, the end date as well. The date is formatted with the php strftime() function.



Shows only the start date of an event. The date is formatted with the php strftime() function.




Shows only the end date of an event. The date is formatted with the php strftime() function.




Shows the start and, if available, the end time related to the first date of an event. The date is formatted with the php strftime() function.




Shows the start and, if available, the end time related to the last date of an event. The date is formatted with the php strftime() function.




The price for this event without VAT.




The price with VAT included.




Shows the date the subscribe links are effective from.




Shows the date the subscribe links losing their validity.




One link to reach the subscribe view for this event. The link text comes from the locallang file.




Link to the subscribe view. Link text is the date of the event.



EXT: abcourses - 21


If the event is marked as last minute, this marker is filled with the css class as configured in the basic PlugIn TS.



Example for the usage of the sub template “Locations”:
###DATE### - ###PRICE######CUR### (###PRICETAX######CUR### ###TAXLABEL###)

All trainer fields Marker


TS Wrapper

TS Description


The title as entered in the tt_address record.




Full name








Image if uploaded




Trainer number




Trainer position



All location fields Marker


TS Wrapper

TS Description


Name of the location.




















Facsimile number




E-Mail address of a contact person




Name of a contact person



All page fields Marker


TS Wrapper

TS Description


The title of a page assigned to a course.


StdWrap / function


The subtitle of a page assigned to a course.


StdWrap / function


The title of a page assigned to a course. Rendered as link to this page.


StdWrap / function

All hotel fields Marker


TS Wrapper

TS Description

If this subtemplate is available and if there are initialized arrangements for this hotel, the rendering of the arrangements is triggered as well.




The name of this hotel record.


EXT: abcourses - 22


Subtitle for this hotel.




This could be a hyper link to the hotels website or an internal link.




Renders an image if you uploaded image on for this hotel.



Renders an rating image corresponding to the rating you have chosen in the back end.



All arrangement fields Marker


TS Wrapper

TS Description


The uid of this record. See an example how to use this within a hotel template below this table.




The name of this arrangement as shown in the frontend.




The price for this arrangement. Without VAT.




Price with tax included.



All teaching aid fields For subtemplates of teaching aid records, there is only a fieldmarker ###NAME### without any special wrapping.

EXT: abcourses - 23

All conditions fields In this case conditions are course records which contains recommended previous knowledge. You can integrate them only in the detail view of a course record at the moment. This is because the support for of them is currently not assumed in the object model. Marker


TS Wrapper

TS Description


Course title




Course subtitle




Course detail link



All participant fields These are the available fields for tracked participants. You can create create participant records manually as well. They will only automatically created if you have activated and configured this feature. Marker


TS Wrapper

TS Description


Corresponding record field




Corresponding record field




Corresponding record field




Corresponding record field




Corresponding record field




Corresponding record field




Corresponding record field




Corresponding record field




Corresponding record field




Corresponding record field




Corresponding record field




Corresponding record field



Special content The manual location selector Coming soon...

The subscription hook Pre-subscription hook. The variable $hookAbort is passed into the expected method. If you implement this as an reference in your hook handler, you can abort the subscription an the user will get an error message... if (is_array ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF'][$this->extKey][$this->prefixId]['subscription'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF'][$this->extKey][$this->prefixId]['subscription'] as $classRef) { $hookObj= &t3lib_div::getUserObj($classRef); if (method_exists($hookObj, 'startSubscription')) { $hookObj->startSubscription($MA, $MACourse, $MAEvent, $MATrainer, $MALocation, $hookAbort, $this); } } }

The parameters prefixed with $MA are associative marker arrays for template substitutions. $this is the PHP common reference to the current object. In this case, the pi1 class instance.

The displayDetail Hook This hook is called just before the output of the displayDetail Method renders the detailed View of an course. That is the hook: if (is_array ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF'][$this->extKey][$this->prefixId]['displayDetail'])){ foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF'][$this->extKey][$this->prefixId]['displayDetail'] as $classRef){ $hookObj= &t3lib_div::getUserObj($classRef); if (method_exists($hookObj, 'customDisplayDetail')) { $hookObj->customDisplayDetail($sRet,$MACourse); } } }

Your method customDisplayDetail MUST receive the parameter as Reference to take an effect!!! EXT: abcourses - 24

The fillAllLabels Hook This hook is called just before the method fillAllLabels returns. The method fills an array with general markers and is used for substitution before the output of each view type! So you can use this hook to add different labels. Thats the hook: if (is_array ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF'][$this->extKey][$this->prefixId]['fillAllLabels'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF'][$this->extKey][$this->prefixId]['fillAllLabels'] as $classRef){ $hookObj= &t3lib_div::getUserObj($classRef); if (method_exists($hookObj, 'customFillAllLabels')) { $hookObj->customFillAllLabels($MA); } } }

How to change the subscription form Due to the fact that a submitted subscription form is not stored in any way by this extension currently, you can add as many fields as you want. If you want the submitted data to be stored anywhere, you can use the subscription hook for this. Of course, that means you have to do some coding. However, add some fields to the subscription form does not require any coding skills. Here an example. Expecting you have a form-template with input fields for firstname, surname and email, the template would look like this:



The next 3 lines are the input fields! ###LABELNAME###


And now, we want to add an required input field where the subscriber should enter the name of the company he is working for. We call the input field “company”. For a new Input field we can: ●

create a new localized template marker for the label of the field as shown on the rendered subscribing form

create a new localization for the rendered mails

define the new field as “required” input

suppress or show the field in the generated mail

Especially the last point is usefull if you integrate some hidden form fields which may be required within your subscription hook. At first, you add one line in the template of you form:

But now you have only an input field. You want to have a localized label as well. So you add a marker for the label: ###ADDONLBL-COMPANY###

Now, add “addonlbl-company” to the comma separated list of the plugins TS configuration. This is explained above in the section “TS Configuration”. And of course, add one line to the pi1's locallang.xml file. Use the key “addonlbl-company” for the index attribute of the new line in the XML file. Do not forget: f you update abcourses later, make a backup of you locallang.xml to play save! We want the new form field to be stikky. That means, that the input of the field is not deleted if the subscriber returns to the subscribing form in case of a failed form validation. So, add the “value” attribute to the new form field and insert a marker. The marker must be the uppercase “name” attribute of the form field, but with 3 # prefixed and post-positioned. ###ADDONLBL-COMPANY###
EXT: abcourses - 25

The first step is done now. You have a new line in your form, made it stikky, added a label and localized it. Great ;-) But what is about the “required” setting as mentioned above? And where to find the visibility settings? Go back to the TS Configuration and you will find some description for the template marker: usedLabels, required, mailLabels. For our example setup it should look like this: # ALL fields of the form must be listed here!!! usedLabels = vorname, nachname, email, subscribe, eventid, company # Here you list all fields that you wants to be reuired!!! required = email, company # And last but not least: list all labels that you wants to appear within the sent mails. mailLabels = vorname, nachname, email, company

One more hint! The name of the field “email” is automatically validated as an email address and will be used as the sendTo recipient for the customers confirmation email. Thats it! I hope this quick overview was usefull for you.

What you should know about the email template Within the email template you will find a marker ###FORMDATA###. This marker will be replaced by the _POST variables of the subscription form. For each key>value pair their will be one new line rendered. Please note that you have to define the values, which you want to be included in this listing, within the TS setup variable “mailLabels”. By example: The _POST variable “company” will be rendered like this: Company : XYZ AG But where comes the “Company” from? Abcourses tries to look up every POST key in the locallang.xml. If you added there a line with “company” as index, you can localize the form field labels for the mail template. If abcourses do not found a localization, it uses the key of the field as label with an upper cased first letter. Please consider that you should not choose key names which already exists in the locallang.xml!

EXT: abcourses - 26

Known problems –

If you do not use static url's and your mini search box uses “GET” as method, the values may be not submitted correctly. This is not due to abcourses but rather a generally booby trap with forms, when they have already an get parameter in their relative action path.

Some querys are incompatible with the dbal extension because dbal fails while translating some join querys.

If you encounter a difference between the start/end time you have entered for an event in the back end and the rendered value in the front end, take notice of the setting “offset” as described within the TS section of this documentation. This is necessary due to the fact, that the timestamp for field of TCA type “time” are not really a UTC+/0 values as the fields of the type “date”.

Please report all bugs you may encounter!!!

To-Do list –

Refactoring of the course-details view-type using completely the integrated object model. During this the template structure for this view as well as the TS structure will change. But do not panic, I will write down further informations about the changes then!

Refactoring of the subscribe view-type using completely the integrated object model. During this the template structure for this view as well as the TS structure will change. But do not panic, I will write down further informations about the changes then!

Do you have any special requirements? Do you need hooks on different places or need any special feature what could be nice for others too? Just write an E-Mail and vote for it. Currently on the “wishlist”: –

A generated form for requests to an event or course.

Language overlays for the available content types.

Different date formats for start- and end-date of an event.

Assignment between courses and categories n:m


Currently just an idea: –

Automated front-end user and group creation for offering course specific informations to the subscribers (Downloads, FAQ's, Podcasts, Forum like features for asking the trainer and so on...)


Changelog Please take a look at the corresponding ChangeLog file in the extensions folder for this.

EXT: abcourses - 27

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