Mane Catalogue.pdf

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,731
  • Pages: 8


I N G R E D I E N+S C ATA L O G U E 2 0 1 4 / 1 5



lB 21

Isova Met leric Ac i Pro hyl 2 Bu d pion t ic A yric Aci d cid

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ls tol sta la yp l Cry -23 c o Eu enth one L tate M nth l Ace ls Me nthy rysta Me mol C Thy

An eth o

Citral aurate Ethyl L Octanal Propanol

Cis-3 He xenol Cis-3 Hexen yl Acetate Cis-3 Hexenyl Butyr ate Hexanal

Geraniol Geranyl Acetat e Geranyl B utyrate Methyl Meth. A Phen nthran yl Eth ilate yl Ace tate Delt Gam a Deca Ga ma D lacton Iso mma ecala e Me amy Dode ctone thy l Ca cala cto l H pro ne ep ten ate on e

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Eth yl E B Eth thyl C utyr yl I apr ate s E o o t Et h yl M hyl Iso butyr ate ethy vale ate l2 ra Isoa myl Butyr te ate Isov aler Isobu at ty Methy l Meth l Butyra e te y l 2 Bu Phenyl Ethyl Is tyrate ovalera te

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e tat ce e t c A ra isi ap late An yl C apry ate e Eth hyl C opion utyrat Et yl Pr e2 B Eth 2 Bu M tate Me yl Ace p Pro etate yl Ac Benz etate Ac Butyl cetate Hexyl A tate Isoamyl Ace Isoamyl Alcohol Isoamyl Butyrate Isoamyl Propionate Isobutyl Propion ate

nd rma gou

l Carbinol Acetyl Methy lcohol is n A ic A ine ar m u Co rry awbe ne r t S e n o t o c n Fura e xala a He alacton e m m n n Ga o o t N ma ctalac tone O c ne Gam a a l m o ta Gam a Hep Lact lone m soia eno m Ga Mas ent P clo Cy l y th Me



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Am b Ced rettol ryl A ide ce Orca tate nox TM


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d A ci tic de Ace hy ol e d n l ic A Euge tate ce nam lA Cin ny ge Eu


anim alic

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Caryophyllene ene Cis-Ocim rbinol myl Ca tals Ethyl A ys eol Cr e Terpin r Acetat e e Vetiv l Acetat very Veti

icy sp

Ethyl Cinnamate

ambery b .

y wood





n Ambrettolide

M 40009


n Cedryl Acetate

M 51123



n Eugenyl Acetate

M 53471


n Iso Eugenol

M 53263


n MetakomoxTM

M 56777



n OrcanoxTM

M 54191



n Terpineol Crystals n Thymol Crystals NF

M 52894 M 51351

• •


n Vetiver Acetate n Vetiveryl Acetate

M 20326 M 53281





Gamma Hexalactone (S) Gamma Nonalactone (S) Gamma Octalactone (S) Geranyl Acetate Geranyl Butyrate

M 53638 M 54342 M 53333 M 50634 M 50635

• • • • •

_ _ _ _

n Hexanal n Hexyl Acetate

M 53336 M 50641

• •


n n n n n n n n n

Isoamyl Acetate Isoamyl Alcohol Isoamyl Butyrate Isoamyl Caproate Isoamyl Isovalerate Isoamyl Propionate Isobutyl Butyrate Isobutyl Propionate Isovaleric Acid

M 50642 M 50611 M 50643 M 50644 M 50645 M 50646 M 50648 M 53636 M 50608

• • • • • • • • •

_ _ _ _ _ -

n Massoia Lactone (ex Massoia) n Menthol Crystals Capture

M 50508 M 20274

• •

_ _

n n n n n n n n n

M 50650 M 50651 M 50654 M 53350 M 50652 M 50657 M 50656 M 50653 M 50607

• • • • • • • • •

_ _ _ _ _ _ -

n Octanal

M 53353


n n n n n

M 53300 M 54133 M 50609 M 53356 M 50659

• • • • •

_ _



Acetic Acid Acetyl Methyl Carbinol Anethol B21 (ex Star anis) Anisic Acetate Anisic Alcohol

M 53314 M 53308 M 50614 M 50617 M 50615

• • • • •

_ _ -

n n n n n

n Benzyl Acetate n Butyl Acetate

M 50618 M 50619

• •

_ _

n n n n n n n n

M 50620 M 50621 M 52890 M 50638 M 50639 M 50640 M 53264 M 55060

• • • • • • • -

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

n Delta Decalactone

M 50449


n n n n n n n n n n n n n

M 50623 M 53326 M 50624 M 50625 M 50626 M 50627 M 50628 M 50629 M 50630 M 50631 M 53329 M 53330 M 20312

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

n Furanone Strawberry

M 53409


n Gamma Decalactone (R) n Gamma Dodecalactone (S) n Gamma Heptalactone

M 50448 M 55437 M 57778

• • •

_ _ -


n n n n n

Caryophyllene100% (ex Clove buds) Cinnamic Aldehyde (ex Cinnamon) Cis-Ocimene (ex Petitgrain bigaradier) Cis-3-Hexenol (ex Cornmint) Cis-3-Hexenyl Acetate Cis-3-Hexenyl Butyrate Citral (ex Litsea) Coumarine (ex Tonka beans)

Ethyl Amyl Carbinol (ex Mint) Ethyl Butyrate Ethyl Caprate Ethyl Caproate Ethyl Caprylate Ethyl Cinnamate Ethyl Isobutyrate Ethyl Isovalerate Ethyl Laurate Ethyl Methyl-2-Butyrate Ethyl Propionate Eucalyptol (ex Eucalyptus globulus) Eugenol (ex Clove leaves)



(codex) (ex Mint)

Menthone L-23 (ex Mint) Menthyl Acetate Methyl Benzoate Methyl Cyclo Pentenolone Methyl Heptenone Methyl Methyl Anthranilate Methyl Methyl-2-Butyrate Meth.-2-Butyl Meth.-2-Butyr. Methyl-2-Butyric Acid

Phenyl Ethyl Acetate Phenyl Ethyl Isovalerate Propanol Propionic Acid Propyl Acetate

ambery bals am ic

Be esw


Benzoin Bushman Cand le Cistus Labdan u Myrrh m Opop Peru onax Styr ax

Card a Cinn mom amo n Clove Elemi Fenugre ek Ginger Nutmeg Pepper (Black) Pink Pepper

Natural Extracts

Bergamot Grapefruit Lemon Lime Mandar in Orang e

y musk

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Jas Mim mine Or osa Ro ange Ro se F Flow Sa se T ranc er mb ur e ac key

Ga l Na banu rcis m s Vio us let

ng Yla ng Yla

dy ran le B nt App kcurra Blac dy Bran sting a Everl Rum

e rin ma

gr e

Bran Cocoa Coffee Hay Tonka Bean Vanilla

ed we Sea weed d e a R Se

en gourm and




age ry S t Cla nmin Cor andin Lav nder Lave anto S Palo rmint Peppe is Star An

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tob ac co


an im al ic

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Boxtree Oakmoss Cerdarmoss Cypress am Fir Bals ya u Bua k Gahar loc Hem erry B e per c Juni Licori m anu s Olib Orri ly ou tch er Pa Vetyv

ody wo


An B nn



AMBRETTE Hibiscus abelmoschus L.

M 40007



BEESWAX BENZOIN Sumatra Styrax benzoin

M 56769 M 51566 M 20040 M 20188 M 55042 M 20356

Absolute Absolute Alcoholic Resinoid Alcoholic Resinoid Resinoid Essential Oil

• • • • • •

_ _ _ _ _ _

M 50681 M 55015 M 54720 M 54955 M 56983

Absolute Incolor Abs MD/TEC Absolute Incolor Abs MD/IPM Absolute

• •

_ _

M 59769

Alcoholic Resinoid



M 55061 M 20539 M 56905

Absolute Essential Oil Incolor Abs MD/TEG

• • -

_ _ -

M 20131 M 55031 M 40092 M 53864 M 20244 M 40038 M 51492 M 20349 M 55053 M 53493 M 55052 M 55045 M 20309

Absolute Absolute Absolute Russia type Essential Oil France type Essential Oil Russia type Absolute (buds) Essential Oil (buds) Rect Essential Oil (leaves) Tincture Resinoid Resinoid Type/PG Essential Oil Rect. Essential Oil

• • • • • • • • • • • •

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

M 51751

Essential Oil



M 20037 M 20017 M 20045 M 55059

Essential Oil Resinoid Resinoid Absolute

• • • •

_ _ _ _



Absolute Incolor Abs MD/IPM


_ -

n BERGAMOT Citrus aurantium bergamia n BLACKCURRANT Ribes nigrum L. n BOXTREE Buxus sempervirens n BRAN Triticum aestivum n BUSHMAN CANDLE Sarcocaulon mossamedense


CARDAMOM Elettaria cardamomum n CEDARMOSS Pseudevernia furfuracea n CISTUS Cistus ladaniferus L. n CLARY SAGE Salvia sclarea n CLOVE Eugenia caryophyllata n COCOA Cocoa theobroma n CORNMINT Mentha arvensis var. piperascens n CYPRESS Cupressus sempervirens


ELEMI Canarium commune

n EVERLASTING Helichrysum angustifolium


FENUGREEK M 40033 Trigonella foenum graecum n FIR BALSAM M 56768 Abies balsamea M 51777




GAHARU BUAYA Aetoxylon sympetalum  n GALBANUM Ferula galbaniflua n GINGER Zingiber officinale rosc. n GRAPEFRUIT Citrus paradisi



n HEMLOCK Picea alba


JASMINE Jasminum grandiflorum


LABDANUM Cistus ladaniferus L. n LAVANDIN Lavandula hybrida grosso n LAVENDER Lavandula angustifolia n LEMON Citrus limon L.


M 59857

Essential Oil



M 52506 M 20039 M 57750 M 20324 M 20345 M 50991

Essential Oil Resinoid Essential Oil Essential Oil Essential Oil Terpene-less Essential Oil

• • • • • •

_ _ _ _ _ _

M 40035 M 53232 M 53248 M 55014

Absolute Incolor Abs MD/(2 Phen.Eth.) Rectified Essential Oil Incolor Abs MD/IPM


_ _ -

M 40047 M 55043 M 53358

Absolute Egypt type Absolute Morocco Incolor Abs MD/IPM

• • -

_ _ -

M 51056 M 52408 M 53275 M 20281 M 20250 M 20655 M 57754 M 53876 M 53304 M 55055 M 40027 M 40026 M 56260

Absolute Incolor Abs MD/IPM Absolute Essential Oil Absolute France Essential Oil Bulgaria type Essential Oil France Incolor Abs MD/DPG Essential Oil Folded 3,5x Essential Oil Folded 7x Essential Oil Terpene-less Essential Oil Absolute

• • • • • • • • • • •

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Essential Oil • Terpene-less Essential Oil • 

_ _

M 57756 M 55057 M 40060 M 53366 M 20005 M 52295 M 20035 M 40062

Essential Oil Folded 5x Essential Oil Absolute Incolor Abs MD/IPM Essential Oil Incolor Abs MD/IPM Resinoid Absolute

• • • -

_ _ _ _ _ _

M 54371

Incolor Abs MD/TEG



M 20016 M 20280 M 20242

Essential Oil Resinoid Superessence

• • -

_ _ -

n LICORICE Glycyrrhiza glabra n LIME M 20276 Citrus aurantifolia swingle M 50992


MANDARIN Citrus reticulata blanco n MIMOSA Acacia deccurens n MYRRH Commiphora myrrha

Nn On

NARCISSUS Narcissus poeticus

OAKMOSS Evernia prunastri n OLIBANUM Boswellia carterii



n OPOPONAX Commiphora erythraea n ORANGE Citrus sinensis n ORANGE FLOWER Citrus aurantium amara n ORRIS Iris germanica


PALO SANTO Bursera graveolens n PATCHOULY Pogostemon cablin n PEPPER (black) Piper nigrum n PEPPERMINT Mentha piperita L. n PERU Myroxylon pereirae


ROSE France Rosa centifolia

n ROSE Turkey Rosa damascena


SAMBAC Jasminum sambac n SEAWEED Fucus vesiculosus n STAR ANIS Illicium verum hook n STYRAX Liquidambar styraciflua

Tn Vn

TONKA BEAN Dipterix odorata Will.

VANILLA Vanilla planifolia n VETYVER Vetiveria zizanioides



M 20100 M 52405 M 20027 M 20225 M 55058 M 50990 M 40071

Essential Oil Incolor Abs MD Resinoid Essential Oil Folded 5x Essential Oil Terpene-less Essential Oil Absolute

• • • -

_ _ _ _ _ _

M 53272 M 40043 M 20052

Absolute Butter Resinoid

• • •

_ _ _

M 59517

Essential Oil



M 54008 M 20119 M 54009 M 55046 M 51567

Absolute Rectified Essential Oil Incolor Abs MD/DPG Rect Essential Oil Essential Oil

• • • •

_ _ _ _

M 52242 M 53501 M 53276 M 51491 M 52409

Essential Oil India Essential Oil USA Absolute Essential Oil Incolor Abs MD

• • -

M 53463 M 55012 M 55011 M 40082 M 40077 M 53371 M 40089

Absolute Incolor Abs MD Superessence Absolute Essential Oil Incolor Abs MD/IPM Superessence

M 55030 M 53371 M 56770


n VIOLET Viola odorata


YLANG YLANG Carranga odorata



M 53279 M 53280 M 55050 M 55051

Absolute Egypt • Absolute France • Incolor Abs MD Egypt//(2 Phen.Eth.) Incolor Abs MD France//(2 Phen.Eth.) -

_ -

M 59871

Essential Oil


VINTAGE INGREDIEN+S n BENZOIN Siam Styrax tonkinensis

M 53277

Alcoholic Resinoid


n COCOA Cocoa theobroma

M 58486 M 57509

Alcoholic Resinoid/TEC Alcoholic Resinoid

• •

_ _

n EVERLASTING M 60401 Helichrysum angustifolium M 57510

Alcoholic Resinoid/TEC Alcoholic Resinoid

• •

_ _

_ _ _ _ _

n FENUGREEK M 59711 Trigonella foenum graecum

Alcoholic Resinoid/TEC


n LABDANUM Cistus ladaniferus L.

M 20046

Alcoholic Resinoid


• • • -

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

n MYRRH Commiphora myrrha

M 61259

Alcoholic Resinoid/TEC


n OLIBANUM Boswellia carterii

M 20018

Alcoholic Resinoid


n PERU Myroxylon pereirae

M 20417

Alcoholic Resinoid


Absolute Incolor Abs MD Absolute

_ _

M 61258



M 55016

Alcoholic Resinoid (Nicotine Reduced) Alcoholic Resinoid



M 20014

Essential Oil


M 58832

Alcoholic Resinoid/TEC


M 20036

Alcoholic Resinoid


M 40097




M 40103



M 53863 M 53850 M 53270

Absolute Incolor Abs MD/IPM Rect Essential Oil MD

• -

_ -

n TOBACCO Nicotiana tabacum n TONKA BEAN Dipterix odorata Will. n VANILLA Vanilla planifolia



n APPLE BRANDY n BRANDY n CARDAMOM Elettaria cardamomum n COFFEE Coffea arabica n GINGER Zingiber officinale rosc. n JUNIPER BERRY Juniperus communis n ORRIS Iris germanica n PEPPER (black) Piper nigrum n PINK PEPPER Schinus terebenthifolius Schinus molle n RED SEAWEED Palmaria palmata L. n RUM n VANILLA Vanilla planifolia


M 55665

Pure Jungle Essence


M 55008 M 57746

Pure Jungle Essence Pure Jungle Essence

• •

_ _

M 55054 M 53844 M 51689 M 51690 M 57753

Pure Jungle Essence Pure Jungle Essence Pure Jungle Essence Pure Jungle Ess. Top Note Pure Jungle Essence

• • • • •

_ _ _ _ _

M 58666

Pure Jungle Essence Abs


ABSOPOPS Olfactory reconstitutions of absolutes

M 52294

Pure Jungle Ess. Top Note •


M 57284 M 58608 M 57500

Pure Jungle Essence Pure Jungle Essence Pure Jungle Essence

• • •

_ _ _

Jasmine Jasmine Sambac Oakmoss 50% DPG Orange Flower Osmanthus Tuberose

M 56635 M 53291

Pure Jungle Essence Pure Jungle Essence/PG

• •

_ -









PURIFIED INGREDIEN+S n BERGAMOT Citrus aurantium bergamia n CINNAMON Cinnamomum zeylanicum n ELEMI Canarium commune n NUTMEG Myristica fragrans n ROSE TURKEY Rosa damascena n ROSEMARY Rosmarinus officinalis n TOBACCO Nicotiana tabacum spp.


M 20150 M 58821 M 61260 M 55063 M 59765 M 59764 M 52351

Rectified Essential Oil (furocoumarin-free) Essential Oil (leaves) (safrol reduced) Rectified Essential Oil (methyl eugenol reduced) Rectified Essential Oil (safrol reduced) Absolute (methyl eugenol reduced) Rectified Essential Oil (methyl eugenol reduced) Absolute (nicotine reduced)

Something else? We may have it… [email protected]


NATPOPS 100% natural olfactory reconstitutions of fresh fruit notes Banana Blackcurrant Lychee Pear Pineapple Wild Strawberry


M 57711 M 57709 M 57710 M 57708 M 57706 M 57707

_ _ _ _ _ _

M 56907 M 57792 M 56906 M 56910 M 56909 M 56908


OLYPOPS Olfactory reconstitutions of essential oils Bergamot Grapefruit Lavandin Grosso Lavandin Super Lemon Neroli

M 56695 M 56694 M 56692 M 56693 M 56691 M 56696




FRANCE TEL. 33 4 93 09 70 00 FAX. 33 4 93 42 54 25 WWW.MANE.COM




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