Managing Human Resources And Diversity

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Managing Human Resources and Diversity

Group 2 : 1. Amrina Rosyada [59081003022] 2. Ida Naca [59081003024] 3. Idzar Fidra Junanta [59081003018] 4. Komang AR [59081003028] 5. Lilis Nurjanah [59081003006] 6. M. Iqbal Parabi [59081003043] 7. Nurimansyah Rifwan [59081003041]


Management in General

Information System Billingual ‘08 Sriwijaya University


The dominant role of human resources  Human resource management (HRM) is planning personnel needs; recruiting, selecting, training, and developing capable employees; placing them in productive work environments; and rewarding their performance.


Management in General


Legal Financial

External Environment Internal Environment

Physical Behavioral

Maintaining health and safety

Personnel and human resource planning Recruiting needed personnelSelecting qualified employees Training and developing employees

Career planning and development Disciplining or terminating Compensating employees and rewarding employees Evaluating perfomance

Structural Social cultural 10/14/09

Economic Management in General

Authoritative Technological 3

Notice that HRM is the performance in two different types of environments :  The external environment, consisting of all the factors outside the organization that directly or indirectly affect it.  The internal environment, made up of all the elements within the organization. 


Management in General


Growing diversity of human resources  The have been two significant changes in U.S. employees during recent decades. 1. The proportion of workers producing goods has decreased relative to those performing services. 2. The workforce has become much more diverse.  Shift from Goods-Producing to service-Producing Jobs 


Management in General


 There has been a definite shift away from good-producing and toward service-producing jobs during the past two decades.

 Need for a more Diverse Workforce  There will be more minorities  There will be more women

 Need for improved management of diversity


Management in General


Human Resource and Legal Environment  HRM from personnel planning to retirement-is now affected by equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws.  Equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws Rulings that prohibit employment decisions based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability.


Management in General


 Laws Providing Equal Employment Opportunity.  Affirmative action program (AAP) Program set up by a business to take direct and positive actions to increase employment opportunities for women, minorities, and other underutilized groups.  Disable person, Anyone with a physical or mental disability that substantially restricts major normal activities such as physical movement learning, walking, seeing, speaking, or hearing.  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) Agencies with primary responsibility for enforcing EEO laws.


Management in General


Planning Human Resource Needs 

Human resource planning the activities needed to provide for the proper types and numbers of employees to reach organizational objectives.

 Determining Job Needs  Job analysis  Job descriptions  Job specifications


Management in General


Developing Sources of Supply of Employees  Internal Sources, there are three methods of obtaining employees.  Upgrading  Transferring  Promoting

 External Sources of employees are  Former employees who left with a good record.  Personnel applications.  Friends and relatives of present employees  Competing firms 


Management in General


 Labor organization  Private and public employment agencies  School and colleges  Migrants and immigrants  Part- time employees or temporaries.


Management in General


Recruiting and selecting employees  Recruiting personnel  Recruitment  Employee referral  Advertising  College recruiting  Computerized databases

 Selecting the right person for the job  Selection the process of choosing from a group of potential employees the specific person to perform a given job. 


Management in General


 Selection procedure :  Preliminary interview  Biographical inventory  Testing  In –depth interview  Performance references  Physical examination  Personal judgment. 


Management in General


Training and Developing Employees >> Training is the process of attaining specific, detailed, and routine job skills and techniques. >> Development is the broad scope of improvement and growth of abilities, attitudes, and personality traits.

Reasons for Training and Development As you can see, learning is lifelong process, and training development should be also. An organization that wants to grow and develop must have people to grow and develop in order to hold down more technically oriented jobs. 10/14/09

Management in General


Orie n t a t io n o f N e w Em p lo y e e s Aft e r b e in g s e le c t e d , t h a t e m p lo ye e is p la c e d o n jo b a n d in t ro d u c e t o t h e o rg a n iza t io n t ro u g h s o m e fo rm o f o rie n t a t io n . Th e o rie n t a t io n in c lu d in g t h e in t ro d u c t io n t o t h e e m p lo ye r’s o rg a n iza t io n a n d it s p o lic ie s , p ro c e d u re s , a n d e m p lo ye e b e n e fit s . An e ffe c t ive o rie n t a t io n p ro g ra m c a n c a u s e : 1 .Re d u c e la b o r t u rn o ve r 2 .Re d u c e e m p lo ye e a n xie t y a n d u n c e rt a in t y 3 .Sa ve t im e o f fe llo w e m p lo ye e s a n d s u p e rvis o rs 4 .In s t ill m o re p o s it ive wo rk va lu e s a n d im p ro ve t h e m o t iva t io n a n d jo b s a t is fa c t io n o f t h e n e w wo rke r


Management in General


Training and Development Method 1.On-the-job Training Method

Learning the job by actually performing it under the guidance of an experienced person, such as coaching, planned progression, job rotation. temporary and anticipatory.

2.Apprenticeship Training Combining OJT and classroom instruction to learn jobs requiring long periods of study to acquire specific skills.

3.Vestibule Training Learning to do the job in an adjacent area using actual machines and methods used on the job.

4.Programmed Learning Learning in which material is presented in sequential order on film, through printed matter, or on computer, so that learners can progress at their own rate.


Management in General


5.Off-the-job development It usually takes place in :

a. Executive Development Program Generalized programs in which managers participate using case analysis, simulation, and other learning methods.

b.Laboratory Training A program in which a person learns through interacting with others in a workshop environment to be more sensitive to other people and more aware of his or her own feelings.

c. Organization Development(OD) A program that emphasizes change, growth, and development of the entire organization.

d. Performance Appraisal(merit rating,efficiency appraisal)

rating, employee

The process used by an employer to determine how effectively an employee is doing a job.


Management in General



Performance appraisal (also could merit rating, efficiency rating, and employee appraisal) is the process an employer uses to determine how effectively an employee is doing the job.


Management in General


PER FO R M A N CE A P P R A IS A L How performance appraisals operate

In t e re s t Kn o wle d g e Mo t ive s Skills Va lu e s

Ac t io n Co n d u c t Fu n c t io n s Re s p o n s e s

1. Employee’s personal qualities

2. Job behaviors

Ac h ie ve Me n d s Ou t p u t Pro d u c t ivit y

Eva lu a t e s Me a s u re s Ra t e s

3. Work performance

4. Manager’s appraisal

Pa y in c re a s e Tra n s fe r Pro m o t io n Tra in in g Ca re e r p ro g re s s

5. Personnel actions

Source : Adapted by permission from Leon C Megginson, Geralyn M. Franklin, and M. Jane Byrd, Human Resource Management (Houston, Texas Dame Publications, 1995).


Management in General


How Income is Determined q What Management is Willing to Pay? It’s no exaggeration to say that most managers want to pay “fair” salaries. Yet managers also feel that employees should do “a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay.” They therefore try to improve employee performance and output, so that higher wages and salaries can be paid. q

What Management is Required to Pay? In the short run, wages and salaries are based on external pressures from government, unions, and community and industry wage patterns


What Management is Able to Pay? Real wages of employees are based on employee productivity. In the last few years, salaries and wages have risen at about the same rate as the cost of living, primarily because of competition from foreign producers, who tend to pay lower wages. 10/14/09

Management in General


COMPENSATING EMPLOYEES Compensation is providing employees with a financial payment as a reward for work performed and as a motivator for future performance. Compensation takes two forms-wages and benefits : v Wages v Salaries v Employee benefits


Management in General




Management in General


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