Managing Events

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  • Words: 1,487
  • Pages: 34
Aireen Y. Clores

A. Budget Control B. Crowd Control

Aireen Y. Clores


is monitoring the performance of systems and resources.


is a management function which whether what is supposed to happen is happening or is going to happen.

Aireen Y. Clores

1. 2. 3. 4.

Plan what you intend to do Measure what has been done Compare achievements with the blueprint Take action to correct anything that is not as it should be.

Aireen Y. Clores



Control is the total spent to deliver the goods  Control 

1. Power to direct or determine the events. 2. Verify by comparing to a standard.

Aireen Y. Clores

Any action taken within the management cycle which enhances the likelihood that established goals and objectives will be achieved.



Recognize possible deviations from the baseline and to respond in an effective way.  The event manager must also consider the trade-off between cost, time and quality. 

Aireen Y. Clores

The event manager must also consider the trade-off between cost, time and quality. The event management must realized the importance of keeping to the budget, and must always evaluate the often competing aims of creativity and cost.

Cutting costs is the simplest way to improve your bottom line. Introducing a cost control system can bring immediate savings and ensure that you remain competitive in the longer term.

 Cost

control works best as part of your routine financial management. The first step is to look at your existing costs.

 Your


 Identify your major cost centres  Identify the major types of cost within each cost centre.  Choose the costs to focus on first.


is the record keeping aspect of accounting. Each financial event or transaction has to be entered. The transactions entered during the bookkeeping process usually fit into one of the six following classifications.

Aireen Y. Clores


are two standard reports which are the main sources of business financial information:  the balance sheet  the profit and loss statement

Purpose is to show what a company owns and owes on a specific date

Provides this information by laying out the value of the assets and the liabilities of the business


assets of a company are anything that the business owns. (cash on hand, office equipment, vehicles, tools, real estate, buildings)


receivable is money which is owed to a business.


liabilities of a business are anything the business owes to others.


With service income , the profit can be determined simply by deducting expenses associated with performing the service.

 Service

income is derived from performing a service while


With sales income, inventory costs also must be taken into consideration. This inventory cost is referred to as the cost of goods sold.

 sales

income is derived from selling a product of some type.


provide the baseline of expected performance against which manager’s measure actual performance  A budget is much more than slap-dashing together a few figures.  A budget is an integrated financial plan put down on paper, or entered in computer spreadsheets.  Planning is the key characteristic of budgeting.

 The

budget is arguably the most important element of the event planning process.  A budget is simply a statement of projected spending that is compiled to act as a guide and yardstick against actual costs.  A good budget will therefore display both projected and actual expenses as well as highlight any variance between the two, along with a full description to account for these differences.

Budget Planning

The Budgeting Process Depending on the size of your organization, the budgeting process might be quite simple or alternatively quite complex. Regardless of the size of the organization, you can budget almost anything in it.

 Labor

budget: A labor budget is made up of the number and name of all the various positions in a company, along with the salary or wages budgeted for each position.

 Sales

budget: The sales budget is an estimate of the total number of products or services that will be sold in a given period. Total revenues are determined by multiplying the number of units by the price per unit.

 Production 

Budget :

The production budget takes the sales budget and its estimate of quantities of units to be sold and translates these figures into the cost of labor, materials and other expenses required to produce them.

 Expense 


Expense budgets contain all the different expenses that a department may incur during the normal course of operations. You budget travel, training, office supplied and more as expenses.

 Capital

budget: this is the manager’s plan to acquire fixed assets such as furniture, computers, and office space, to support the operations of a business.

 One

Year at a Time: a company generally prepares budgets one year at a time. While a company may do long-term strategic planning to develop five- year strategies, trying to forecast further down the road than 12 months for budgeting purposes is very iffy.

 Developing

a detailed financial plan for the period coming up helps establish financial objectives and identifies exactly what must be done to meet these objectives.

 Budgeting

also encourages a business to articulate its vision, strategy and goals.  Budgeting imposes discipline and deadlines on the planning process.

 Budgets

can serve as benchmarks against which to measure actual performance for a business.  Budgeting forces managers to do better forecasting

 Budgeting

motivates managers and employees by providing useful yardsticks for evaluating performance and for setting compensation when goals are achieved.

Closely review your budgeting documents and instructions

 Meet

with staff  Gather data  Apply your judgment  Run the numbers  Recheck results and if necessary, run the budget again



Group behavior is a dynamic part of any crowd and the failure to understand this can lead to a crowd confrontation and jeopardize your safety and that of the community.  Preparation for crowd management must begin before the event.  There may be times, however, when you have little or no time to prepare, so we must begin our planning and preparation. 

Crowds are divided into two major categories: • physical and • psychological

Each of these are then broken down into corresponding subcategories.

A physical crowd is characterized by density of contact and showing no significant group behavior. The physical crowd has little or no organization, no unity of purpose, and its members come and go. (Example: mall or major festival type event)

The physical crowd is the conventional crowd or casual crowd. This crowd is characterized by density of contact showing no significant group behavior. They are, however, usually assembled for a purpose but have no common bond and are not dependent on each other to act


psychological crowd is an assemblage of people who have a sustained common interest and respond emotionally to the same stimuli.

 (Example:

ball game, political speech, parades, fires, accidents or disturbances)

 Sightseer

or sightseeing crowd

 This crowd is characterized by their common bond (a single purpose for being at a certain place). They are characterized as curiosity seekers, mostly cooperative, and sometimes anxious to assist. Officers must retain their cooperation while attempting to disperse them.

 Expressive

or agitated crowd

 Members of the expressive crowd are involved in some kind of expressive behavior, such as a block party or political rally. This type of crowd is emotionally involved and can easily become agitated if approached improperly. For the most part, they want to have a good time or express their point of view. If possible, and as long as there is no breach of peace, it is best to let the crowd release their energies by permitting them to express themselves.

an unorganized group of people willing to be led into lawlessness but hesitate to act because it lacks  (1) Organization,  (2) Courage,  (3) Unity.

They are noisy, willing to threaten and taunt or harass police; however, they refrain from physical attack



 A mob is a crowd whose members, under the stimulus of intense excitement and agitation, lose their sense of reason. They can also lose respect for sense of order, law, and respect for each other. This type of crowd is a riot. 

Types of mobs:    

Escape mob The aggressive mob Acquisitive mob Expressive mob

This type of mob can be very destructive



 Psychological behavioral factors are present in any crowd confrontation.

Knowledge and appreciation of social/psychological influences can help control forces that can effectively counter riot tactics, help with crowd dispersal, and help supervisors maintain control of their subordinates

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