Manage Your Time

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  • Words: 1,146
  • Pages: 13
United Arab Emirates

Manage your time Prepared by : Ajab AL Otaibi 200710552

Ahmad AL Katib



You can't add any more hours to your day or increase or decrease some time so learning to manage your time (by using the time) more effectively will help you plan your work more efficiently and ensure deadlines are met. Managing time effectively is a particularly crucial ingredient in successful projects. It is important to manage both your personal and professional lives because as much as you try to keep them separate they cannot help but infringe upon one another. Managing your own time will not only benefit you but those around you as well.

What is Time Management? According to Wikipedia, time management includes tools or techniques for planning and scheduling time, usually with the aim to increase the effectiveness and/or efficiency of personal and corporate time use. The main problem with time management for all of us is that we do not always start from the scratch. You do things today that left behind from the days before. You will leave something to do it tomorrow. Before you start saving time You need to invest time on things such as: 1- Planning 2Organizing 3- Reviewing 6- Thinking.

4- rearranging 5- Sorting

Benefits of Time Management. 1. Give more time to do what you want 2. Improve your availability 3. Improve your decision making 4. Improve your health 5. Improve your productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. 6. Make you easier to live with 7. Make you easier to work with 8. Make you feel more relaxed 9. Minimize the risk you take 10-Reduce stress

Wasteful time 1- The lack of goals (No priorities No planning) 2-Attempting to do many things at one time 3-Provincial telephone 4-Inability to say "no" 5-Procrastination 6-Urgency and impatience 7-leaving the tasks without completion

How much time you need to study? Studies have shown that the student needs an average of two hours to four hours to study and review the information daily. That’s mean 16 hours per week and these hours do not include hours of work and activities.

How to use the time? If we but an virtual years for one person lets say (70 years ) if this person Missed 5 minuets per day that’s mean he will missed 3 months of his live. The schedule below shows more. Time per day

Virtual years (70 years)

Percentage (٪)

5 minuets 10 minuets 20 minutes 1 hour 10 hour

Three months Six months One year Three years 30 years

0.35 0.71 1.42 4.28 42.85

Then if we see the total for our Activities that consuming the time we found that there are some of them important and the other its not. The schedule below shows more. Kind of activities Sleeping (8 hours per day) Working( 7-5 hours per day) Eat and drunk (30 minutes per day)


Percentage (٪)

23 21.5 4.5

32٪ 30.7٪ 6.4٪

Regular working (30 minutes) Home working (1 hour per day) Visiting and meet friends(30minutes per day) Traveling (30minutes per day) Phone calls (30minutes per day) Pray ( 1 hour per day)

1.5 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 3

2.14٪ 4.28٪ 2.14٪ 2.14٪ 2.14٪ 4.28%




We consumed 61 years and it left 9 years. Take out the Adolescence years and the child years. How much is left to our goals in this live. If you want to use your time efficiently you have to fellow these steps: 1-

Select your goals and Priorities

2- Keep goals small 3-

Break large goals into small ones.


Write goals down (daily , Monthly)

5- Give goals priorities 6- Set positive goals


Be were of Wasteful time

Select Goals and priorities: 1-Restrict the activities that are directly linked to your goals. 2-Write a list of these activities 3-Sort your priorities according to importance of each activity. 4-Use the small agenda or a notebook to write the plans.

Break large goals: This is an example how you can break the large goals it to small goals: Long-term goals: Graduation from the University

Time: 4years

The steps required: Diligence and success in all semesters

Medium-term goals: Success in each semester

Time: During the

The steps required: systematic study and Prepare for

semester Short-term goals: Success in the quarterly tests and Completion of the duties of the course.


Time: The steps required: Determining During the the time of completing the tasks week or day and Daily study of the lessons

So if you want to graduate from the University you need to but a schedule to make sure you in the right way.

When you want to do a timetable to your course you need to follow these steps: 1-

Write all the lectures that you will take it in

this course and examinations time and project time.


Write all the activities inside and out side

the college. 3-

Organize the activities as important and

timely 4-

Don't Neglecting hobbies and social

activities. 5-

Organize the timetable depending on the

circumstances and surprises These steps above deal with whole course so you need to do another weakly and daily timetable to help you more to achieve you goals.

The weakly timetable: 1- Do a lest of what you have to do in next week


Estimate the time for each activity.


Design a schedule that depends on your

capabilities and circumstances 4-

Give a time to each activity.

The daily timetable: 1-

Do a lest of what you have to do in next Day

2-Write things that you don’t finish it with reasons. 3-

Estimate the time for each activities


Give a time to each activity.

I will give you a two model for a timetable one weakly and one daily.

The weakly timetable: Time





8-9 9-10 10-11 11-2 2-3

Time Management lecture Math lectures English Lecture Do Homework Lunch Break

No Lectures Break Break English lecture Do Homework's

English lecture Math lectures Math lectures Math lectures Lunch Break

No lectures Go to library No lectures Go to library relax

The daily time table: 1-

6 am weak up and preparing.


7 am Breakfast and go to collage.


8 am go to lecture.


2 Pm go back to home and have lunch and take

a nape. 5-

4-7 Pm study and to homework's.


8-9 Pm preparing to next day.

Conclusion: I was trying in this project to tell you how you can use your time in a simplest way and remove all thinks that can be block you of using time. And if you use a

time perfectly that’s mean you will reach your goals. And I hope from you to tell your friends about your experience about using a time. Remember you have to reading this project several time to make sure that you understand all the steps.

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