Mamufacturing Of Potassium Chloride

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,204
  • Pages: 16



1.25 to 1.26

i.e source of bittern 29-30 after Be remo

process for the manufacturing

sea water which is concentrated to remove salt is crystallized and salt is seperated the liquid which comes out after salt removal has the of 1.25 to 1.26 i.e of 29 this liquid is further evapourated to a density of of 1.28 to 1.284 i.e of 32 to 3 at this point the excess salt crystallizes out which is removed the liquid which comes out after excess salt removal is further evapourated to a dens at this point carnallite salt i.e KCl. MgCl2. 6H2O Crystallizes out. Along with some s

the carnallite salt is further decomposed with water to get a liquid and a solid layer. the solid contains 80% potassium chloirde with sodium chloride puity of 98% of KCL which is further purified by hot crystillization and filtration. the potassium chloirde/ sodium chloride mixture from the purification step is recycled

bittern obtained after removal of carnallite at of 1.324 and 35.5 Be is a conce solution of magnesium chloride and is called end bittern and contains around 400 to in going through the process the volume is reduced by a factor of 3

the end bittern is calcined at 500 to 600 degree c to get magnesium oxide and hydr

molecular weight of magnesium chloride sodium chloride potassium chloride calcium chloride magnesium sulphate potassium sulphate sodium sulphate calcium sulphate

the components Mol.wt 95.31 58.48 74.6 110.99 120.45 174.26 142.04 136.14

MATERIAL BALANCE:STEP- 1 note:- for ease of calculation the two ions are considered not present INPUT brine of 29 Be having the folowing analysis ( desulphated ) atomic mol wt wt % of g/liter number Mg2+ 46 24.26 Mgcl2 95.31 Mg2+ 25.50% Mgcl2 Na+ 44 22.99 NaCl 58.48 Na+ 39.31% NaCl K+ 13.6 39.1 KCl 74.6 K+ 52.41% KCl Ca2+ 2 40.08 CaCl2 110.99 Ca2+ 36.10% CaCl2 Cl197.9 35.5 So42- _ Br_

STEP -2 this brine is evapurated to of 1.28 to 1.284 i.e 32 to 33 Be. solid INPUT g/litre % OUTPUT grams Mgcl2 180.39 55.7 Mgcl2 NaCl 111.93 34.56 NaCl 104.76 KCl 25.95 8.01 KCl CaCl2 5.54 1.71 CaCl2 323.81

STEP-3 the liquid brine from step -2 is further evapourted to of 1.318 to 1.324 5.5 kgs liquid INPUT Mgcl2 NaCl KCl CaCl2

grams % 180.39 82.35 7.16 3.27 25.95 11.85 5.54 2.53 219.04

output Mgcl2 NaCl KCl CaCl2 water

44.5 kgs output Mgcl2 NaCl KCl CaCl2 water

step- 4 5.5 kgs of carnallite seperated from 50kgs of initial bittern solid liquid input % kgs output output Mgcl2 28.22 1.55 1.55 NaCl 6.2 0.34 0.1 0.24 KCl 15 0.83 0.67 0.16 CaCl2 0.82 0.05 0.05 water 49.76 2.74 4.94 plus 5.5 water 2.2 KCL out put 0.7677KGS IMPURE 87% step-5 KCL INPUT OF 87% 0.7677KGS



THERE FOR OUT OF 50 KGS BITTERN OF 29 Be GRAVITY WILL GIVE desulphated bittern kgs sodium chloride 4.19 potassium chloride 0.66 magnesium chloride 5.5 10.35

entire solid balance input 12.95 output 10.35 recycled 2.6 there for for the next cycles the make up bittern will be 40 kgs

DESULPHATION OF BITTERN OF 28.5 Be contains 37.0197 gms / litre of sulphate for a desulphation process we need 0.21 lts/ min of bittern 440g/litre of calcium chloride at calcium chloride required will be 0.013litres/min 286 gms 0.286 kgs calcium sulphate produce 7.2796 gms/litre of bittern 0.3639kgs for 50 kgs of bittern output products will be now kgs sodium chloride potassium chloride magnesium chloride calcium sulphate total

4.19 0.66 5.5 10.35 0.36 10.71


source bittern after removal of salt.

zed and salt is seperated r of 1.25 to 1.26 i.e of 29-30 Be 1.28 to 1.284 i.e of 32 to 33 Be

ther evapourated to a density of of 1.318 to 1.324 i.e 35 to 35.5 Be zes out. Along with some sodium chloirde.

a liquid and a solid layer.

of 98% of KCL

purification step is recycled back to the brines

324 and 35.5 Be is a concentrated nd contains around 400 to 430 g/litre of mgcl2

actor of 3

magnesium oxide and hydrochloric acid as the end product.

40 litres of bittern taken for recovery is 1.25 50 kgs 50 kgs will contain g/litre % gms 180.39 55.7 7215.6 111.93 34.56 4477.2 25.95 8.01 1038 5.54 1.71 221.6 323.81 ### total 12.9524kgs

i.e 32 to 33 Be. liquid OUTPUT grams Mgcl2 180.39 NaCl 7.16 KCl 25.95 CaCl2 5.54

after removing sodium chloride gms 7215.6 286.8 1038 221.6 8762



to of 1.318 to 1.324 i.e 35 TO 35.5Be of carnallite seperated from 50kgs of initial bittern %

kgs 28.22 6.2 15 0.82 49.76

1.55 0.34 0.83 0.05 2.74 5.5

end bittern after recovery of carnallite kgs 5.66 nil 0.21 0.18 38.447kgs



e required will be


a) raw materials required 1 bittern from sea water after removing salt baving sp. Gr of 1.244 and 28.5Be 2 calcium chloride of 440 gram / litre strenght. in water

b) process as described in the sheet no 1

c) reactions only one reaction taken place during the desulphation of the bittern SO4+




CaSO4 and

respective chloride

d) by products are calcium sulphate magnesium chloride sodium chloride

e) process flow chart sea water ` water out

bittern of 29-30 Be 1.25 to 1.26

calcium chloride of 440g/l concentration

desulphated bittern of 29-30 Be - of 1.25 to 1.26

liquid out is a concentrated solution of magnesium chl

effluent to sea

( 4 TONNE / DAY)

tonne quantity sp. Gr of 1.244 and 28.5Be 303.03 4.95

lphation of the bittern respective chloride


salt out

2.21 33.33 25.39 64.92 with product quantity 21.4% solids

calcium sulphate

sodium chloride water


carnallite KCl. MgCl2.6H2O


solution of magnesium chloride

potassium chloride of 87 % purity


magnesium chloride

potassium chloride 97% purity

project economics Economics for raw material input:-

sea water bittern303.3 tonne calcium chloride 4.918tonne

transportation charges

output sodium chloride potassium chloride magnesium chloride calcium sulphate

25.39 4 33.33 2.21

energy cost water to be evapourated 136 tonne 215102 rupees per day

economics will change if we get the carnallite form the salt pans itself. energy cost will decrease to 50% 107551 rupees per day

project cost:building and equipment cost only ### rupees

working capital per month required ### rupees

generation of products group -1kcl/mgcl2

37.44 tonne

per day


per month

power working capital includes fuel maintanance labour packing others total 15000000

cost/ kgs profitibility at 10%

14.3 rs/kgs gives

15.8 rs/kgs

for kcl and mgcl2

profit 1572480 rs/kgs payback period

14 monthfor project cost building and machinery

at 400/ tonne at 7RS/KGS total

at at at at

0.5RS/KGS 7 RS/KGS 10Rs/Kgs 1RS/KGS total

rupees 121200 per day 34426 per day ###

### 28000 333300 2205.3 ### per day market value

ans itself.

group-2 nacl and caso4

sales of the same will meet the day to day expences of the unit.

selling price of kcl and mgcl2.

and machinery

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