MAMMARY GLAND produce & secrete nutritive milk located at the level of the 2nd rib to 6th rib bet. the sternum & axillary lines Mode of secretion: highly modified apocrine sweat glands Morphology: Compound tubuloalveolar glands 15-25 lobes – separated by DICT with adipose tissue Cooper’s Ligament – suspensory ligament; maintain the shape & support of the mammary gland parenchyma consists of only duct elements LE of ducts: simple cuboidal epithelium Intralobular tissue – loose vascular CT Interlobular tissue – DICT – reticular arrangement; beyond the area of the ductal system (+) adipose cells RESTING / INACTIVE Terminal Duct – Lobular Units (TDLU) *sparse (relatively apart & undeveloped) lobules that comprise the mammary gland lobe (+) terminal duct / intralobular duct (+) acini (+) intralobular connective tissue Connective and adipose tissue are greatly diminished Duct proliferate and continuously branch LE: simple columnar epithelium Alveoli develop and start to dilate due to milk secretion ACTIVE / PREGNANT STATE colostrum – eosinophilic substance; first milk (+) IgA antibodies Stellate myoepthilial cells Plasma cells, lymphocytes and eosinophils increase in number in the surrounding stroma of the ducts abundant milk distended acini fill up the whole breast tissue LACTATING BREAST CT is reduced thin septa (-) adipose tissue NIPPLE Also known as mammillary papilla Cylindrical or conical eminence in the anterior chest (4th ICS) Areola – area at the base of the nipple Epidermis Lined with stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium Dense CT long and vascular dermal papilla – (+) Meissner’s corpuscles Smooth muscles arranged longitudinally and radially (+) Sebaceous glands / Montgomery Glands / Areolar glands Function: Lubricates and protects the nipple Dermis Lactiferous Duct LE: Simple cuboidal epithelium with myoepithelial cells Lactiferous Sinus LE: Stratified cuboidal epithelium, underneath the areola