Male Jars

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 895
  • Pages: 14
UT 18a DX: Shocked kidney. Description : Normal size kidney, Pale cortex with dark medulla.

L 10 + L 11 Dx : Liver cirrhosis. Description : Multiple cavities in different sizes.

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L 7 + L8 Dx : Multiple liver abscesses ( Mostly pyemic ). Description : Slice of liver showing multiple liver abscesses appears as a cavities lined by necrotic tissue.

Breast 1 Dx : Carcinoma of the breast.(without skin destruction) Description : Slice of breast showing large grayish white infiltrated mass.

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Breast3 Carcinoma of the breast.(with skin destruction)

L 1a Dx : Chronic venous congestion of the liver ( nut meg appearance ). Description : Pale areas are fatty change Red areas are dilated sinusoids and central hepatic veins.

FGS 5 Dx ; Multiple fibromyomas of the uterus. Description : Opened uterus showing multiple rounded masses, well capsulated.

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CVS 9 Dx: Rheumatic valvular disease Description: 1- Thick aortic valve cusps 2- Hypertrophy and dilatation of left ventricle 3- Atherosclerosis of aorta

CVS 11 Dx: Syphilitic Aorta Descreption: Contraction of the intema causes tree bark appearance Contricton of the Aortic valve causes hypertrophy of the heart with scaring (core bovenum) Yellow color :Atherosclerotic changes Dark color: Scarring

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CVS 5 Dx: Mitral valve incompetence Description: A heart with open left ventricle , we can see the mitral valve fibr Has white deposition on it , due to fibrosis. left Ventricle & left Atrium

CVS 15 Dx: Atherosclerosis in Aorta Description: Section of open Aorta shows atherosclerosis intema & media involved. Rough ragged wall ulceration


Accumulation of Fibro fatty plague plagu (cholesterol)

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CVS 12 Dx: Artificial mitral valve Description: Plastic artificial mitral valve

CVS 17 Dx : Serofibrinous pericarditis. Description: Heart with opened pericardial sac , Showing fibrin deposition (whitish, Yellow)

RS 2 ( Important ) Dx : Emphysema in a lung with siderosis. Description : Slice of a lung showing scooped out lesions and black pigment in the upper lobe due to accumulation of carbon.

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RS 10 ( Important ) Dx : Lobar pneumonia. Description : Slice of a lung showing pale lower lobe with loosing of spongy form, overlying pleura is thickened covering by multiple fibrin threads.

RS 5b ( Important ) Dx : Bronchoctasis. Description : Slice of a lung showing grayish color with bronchioles widening and opening in the pleura ( called Tracheopleural Fistula ) and fibrosis around it.

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RS 12b Dx : Multiple lung metastasis Description : Slice of lung showing multiple variable sizes of pale pink nodules.

RS 1 Dx : Bronchgenic carcinoma. Description : Slice of liver showing round yellowish mass.

RS 5f Dx : Anthracosis, cancer and emphysema. Description : Slice of lung showing black pigment due to carbon , whitish area indicating cancer and scooped out lesion indicating emphysema.

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RS7 Dx: Anthracosis Description : Lung showing black pigment in the lymphatics of the pleura due to carbon and white region of fibrotic tissue. t

RS 5a Dx : Bronchiostasis ( Segmented ). Description : Slice of lung showing that the lower part is affected with bronchi dilatation.

RS 3 Dx : Multiple abscesses in the lung. Description : Slice of lung showing well circumscribed grayish area of consolidation.

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L 12a Dx liver cirrohsis. Hemochromatosis , slice of liver stained by perl’s stain due to hemosedrin ,with blue nodule on the surface.

CVS 16 Dx dry gangrene of foot with amputated toes Due to gradual ischemia with infection RT feet 1-gangrene 2-marked atrophy 3- discoloration of skin 4- shriveled up appearance 5- amputated little toe

Spleen1 Dx splenomegaly Coagulative necrosis

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GIT 3 Dx bilarzial polyps Segment of colon open to show multiple balharzial polyps attached to the mucosa These include simple & other are branched

MS 1 Dx TB of spine ( Bott’s Disease) Vertebral column with some cavities filled with caseous material, these cavities in 1- Verterbrae 2- Intervertbral disks

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FGS 28 Dx musinous cyst adenoma An ovary cut section showing single cyst mass well encapsulated & showing multiple compartments filled with mucinous secretion

FGS 24 Dx dermoyed cyst An ovary containing hair, skin & some teeth

L-17 Dx Metastasis carcinoma of the liver Liver with multiple nodules on both surfaces

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UT 5 & UT9 Dx renel cell carcinoma A kidney with large mass with yellow deposition with false capsule ( we can see infiltration)

CVS 8 Dx concentric left ventricular hypertrophy Heart cut in 2 halfs 1- Thickening & concentric hypertrophy in both ventricles 2- Lumen is very narrow

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The End All thanks to the students Ahmed Hssan Al-faraj Husam aljofi Saeed Abdul jabbar Ali Al-Shammasi Hassan Al-Mustafa Yousef al-elaiw Aahad Fawzi              

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