Mahatma Gandhi

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  • Words: 785
  • Pages: 26
Mahatma Gandhi on Hinduism Dr.T.V.Rao MD

What is My Religion

Religions which did not concern itself with every side of life was no Religion at all Mahatma Gandhi

 Mahatma Gandhi’s Religion is love of God in expressing itself in Love of all Beings

Can we Live truly without Religion  No Man can live without Religion, There are some who in the egotism of their reason declare that they have nothing to do with Religion

Do we Need More Hindus  Gandhi never called any one to become A Hindu.  Gandhi feels other Religions should live up to the best teaching of their own Religion.

Gandhiji’s - My Religion  Advised if any one wishes to practice Hinduism should read the First Verse of Ishopanishad and practice - Hinduism will survive eternally

Gandhiji On Isa Upanishad  What we see in this Universe    

is pervaded by God. Renounce it and Start Enjoying it. Enjoy with what he gives. Do not covet anybody's wealth or possession. Just practice above sayings and you are certain to become a wise person.

What is ISA UPANISAD The Upanishad teaches essential Unity of God and world being and becoming All this whatever moves in this moving world is enveloped by God. Therefore find your enjoyment in renunciation Do not covet what belongs to others

Who Rules this Universe  God the Mighty Ruler pervades in every thing and he is watching your action and true intentions.  Renounce and Dedicate all to him and then enjoy use the portion that may fall to thy lot

Who Own Us  Since God pervades in everything Nothing belongs to you.  Do remember even our body belong to him  God is the undisputed unchallengeable Master of everything you posses.

Result of Renunciation  When you act with spirit of Renunciation and

Dedication – God is certain to take Good care of what you require for Food, Clothing, and Housing.  You cannot have anything for long, the though of owing is an Illusion.  Do remember I can not hold as mine any thing that belong to God.

Gandhiji on Gita Dhanya  Gita is not opposite of

Unhappiness, It is superior to that state.  A true Devotee of Gita is neither Happy nor Unhappy.  A believer of Gita has no Pain, No pleasure, No deprivation, or No possessions.

Is Truth Different from God

 Truth is perhaps the most Important name of God  It is more correct to say that Truth is God than to to say that God is Truth.

Why we should rely on GOD  I have learned this one lesson that what is impossible with man is child’s play with God. And if we have faith in that divinity which presides the destiny of the meanest of his creation.

How I Spend my Time  I learned to live and pass my Time and endeavor to obey his will.

My faith on God

 I have implicit faith in God, though I fail several times I will not lose faith in Almighty

How to Pray to God  Pray with Heart not with Lips  Prayer can be heard by God even from ignorant, innocent, and stupid.  Do not forget a prayer from those who are tongues are nectered but whose full of poison are never heard.

Mahatma on Prayer  Prayer is an impossibility

without a living faith in the presence of God within  A real prayer is an absolute shield and protection against this trinity of evils  There is no such thing as retreat for a man of Prayer.

Prayer  Our Prayer is an heart search  It is a reminder that to ourselves that we are helpless without his support.

God Guides Humanity

Defeat cannot dishearten me, It can only chaten me. I know God guides me

Why Renounced everything to God After passing through turbulent life I realized God is the undisputed, unchallengeable Master of everything I posses, So I cannot hold as mine anything that belongs to GOD

Why We Need Tolerance Today

The Need of the Hour is not religion, but mutual respect and tolerance of the devotees of the different religions. We want to reach not the dead level, but unity in diversity. Mahatma Gandhi

Albert Einstein On Mahatma ‘ I … regard Gandhi as the only true great figure of our age … generations to come will scarce believe that sudh a one as this as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.’

The Divine Force Guides the Humanity

Inspired by writing of Mahatma on My Religion Dr.T.V.Rao MD

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