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CERTIFICATE This is to certify that investigation described in this project STUDY OF RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS OF THE EMPLOYEES IN DOMINOS PIZZA NAGPUR was carried out by Miss Madhu Prabhakarrao Noupada in G.H Raisoni School of Business Management, Nagpur under my supervision and guidance in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Business Administration of R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur This work is the own work of the candidate complete in all respects of sufficiently high standard to warrant its submission to the said degree. The assistance and resources used for this work are duly acknowledged.


Dr Vijay Bidwaikar


Dr Vijay Bidwaikar


I Madhu Prabhakarrao Noupada hereby declare that this project titled as a STUDY OF RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS OF THE EMPLOYEES IN DOMINOS PIZZA INDIA is a bonafide and authentic record of work done by me under the supervision of DR VIJAY BIDWAIKAR during the academic session 2018-2019 . The work presented here is not duplicated from any other source and also not submitted earlier for any degree or diploma to any university. I understand that any such duplication is liable ton be punished in accordance with the university rules. The source material data used in this research study have been duly acknowledged.

Date :

Signature of student



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is our foremost duty to express our deep sense of gratitude and respect to our guide Miss Varsha Masih and Mr. Yogesh Jotwani for their uplifting tendency and inspiring us for taking up this project work successful. We are also grateful to Mr. Sandeep Kumar Head of HR Central Region for providing all necessary facilities to carry out the project work and whose encouraging part has been a perpetual source of information. We are indebted to the organization personnel’s for offering all the help in completing the project work. Last but not only the least we are thankful to our colleagues and those helped us directly or indirectly throughout this project work.


Evolution of HRM

Earlier references: In western countries HRM had its primitive beginning in 1930s. Not much thought was given on this subject in particular and no written records or documents interesting to note HRM concepts was available, in ancient philosophies of Greek, Indian and Chinese. This is not to suggest that industrial establishment and factories system, as it is known today, existed in ancient Greece, India or china. The philosophy of managing human being, as a concept was found developed in ancient literatures in general and in Indian philosophy in particular.

Personnel functions: Till 1930s, it was not felt necessary to have a separate discipline of management called “Personnel management”. In fact, this job was assigned as part of the factory manager. Adam Smith’s concept of factory was that it consists of three resources, land, labour and capital. This factory manager is expected to “procure, Process and peddle” labour as one of the resources. The first time when such a specialist “person” was used; it was to maintain a “buffer” between employer and employee to meet the “legitimate need” of employees. However, it is the employer who decided what “legitimate need” of employees is. In fact, the specialist “person” was more needed to prevent “unionization” of employees. This was the case before 1930-s all over the world.

Environmental Influences on HRM:

Since 1930s, certain developments took place, which greatly contributed, to the evolution and growth of Human Resources Management (HRM). These developments are given below:

1. Scientific Management 2. Labour Movements 3. Government Regulations. Scope of Human Resource Management

The Scope of HRM is indeed fast. All major activities in the working life of worker from time of his entry in an organization until he / she leaves, come under the preview of HRM. Specifically, the activities included are Human Resource planning, Job analysis and design, Recruitment, Selection, Orientation and placement, Training and development, Performance appraisal and Job evaluation, employee and executive remuneration and communication, employee welfare, safety and health, industrial relations and the like. HRM is becoming a specialized branch giving rise to a number of specialized areas like :


Welfare and Safety

Wages and Salary Administration

Training and Development

Labour Relations

Prospects of HRM

Industrial Relations

Nature of Human Resource Management

Employee hiring

Human Resource Management

Employee Maintenance

Employee and executive Remuneration

Employee Motivation

Scope of HRM


HR activities at glance:

Recruitment and Selection

Training & Development

Performance Appraisal

Reward & Recognition



The scope of HRM is very wide. It consists of all the functions that come under the banner of human resource management. The different functions are as follows − Human Resources Planning It is the process by which a company identifies how many positions are vacant and whether the company has excess staff or shortage of staff and subsequently deals with this need of excess or shortage. Job Analysis Design Job analysis can be defined as the process of noticing and regulating in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job. Job analysis design is a process of designing jobs where evaluations are made regarding the data collected on a job. It gives an elaborate description about each and every job in the company. Recruitment and Selection With respect to the information collected from job analysis, the company prepares advertisements and publishes them on various social media platforms. This is known as recruitment. A number of applications are received after the advertisement is presented, interviews are conducted and the deserving employees are selected. Thus, recruitment and selection is yet another essential area of HRM. Orientation and Induction After the employees are selected, an induction or orientation program is organized. The employees are updated about the background of the company as

well as culture, values, and work ethics of the company and they are also introduced to the other employees. Training and Development Employees have to undergo a training program, which assists them to put up a better performance on the job. Sometimes, training is also conducted for currently working experienced staff so as to help them improve their skills further. This is known as refresher training. Performance Appraisal After the employees have put in around 1 year of service, performance appraisal is organized in order to check their performance. On the basis of these appraisals, future promotions, incentives, and increments in salary are decided. Compensation Planning and Remuneration Under compensation planning and remuneration, various rules and regulations regarding compensation and related aspects are taken care of. It is the duty of the HR department to look into remuneration and compensation planning.


Human Resource Management as a discipline includes the following features − 

It is pervasive in nature, as it is present in all industries.

It focuses on outcomes and not on rules.

It helps employees develop and groom their potential completely.

It motivates employees to give their best to the company.

It is all about people at work, as individuals as well as in groups.

It tries to put people on assigned tasks in order to have good production or results.

It helps a company achieve its goals in the future by facilitating work for competent and well-motivated employees.

It approaches to build and maintain cordial relationship among people working at various levels in the company.


Recruitment is concerned with developing suitable techniques for attracting more and more candidates. The aim of personnel planning is to determine the needs for persons both in terms of number and type. For deciding about the number both present and future requirements should be taken into account. If there are expansion plans in near future then these requirements should also be considered. Besides number, the type of persons needed is also important. The educational and technical requirements to manage various jobs should e properly analyzed so that right types of persons are employed. Recruitment is sometimes confused with employment. The two are not one and the same. Recruitment is just one step in the process of employment. Recruitment is a linkage activity bringing together those with jobs and those seeking jobs.

When more persons apply for jobs then there will be scope for recruiting better persons. The human resources are the most important assets of an organization. The success or failure of an organization is largely depending on the caliber of the people working therein. Without positive & creative contributions from people, organizations can not progress & prosper. In order to achieve the goals or perform the activities of an organization, therefore we need to recruit people with requisite skills, qualifications & experience. While doing so, we have to keep the present as well as the future requirements of the organization in mind. Recruitment is the process seeking out and attempting to attract individuals in external labor markets, who are capable of and

interested in filling available job Vacancies.

Recruitment is an intermediate activity whose primary function is to serve as a link between human resource planning on the one hand and selection on the other. DEFINITION : “Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization.”


It specifies the objective of recruitment and provides a framework for the implementation of the recruitment programme. A recruitment policy may involve commitment to broad principles such as filling vacancies with the best-qualified individuals. It may also involve the organizational system to be developed for implementing recruitment programme and procedure to be employed. PRE-REQUISITES OF GOOD RECRUITMENT POLICY

It should be in conformity with the general personnel policies.

1) It should be flexible enough to meet the changing needs of the organization. 2) It should provide employees with job security and continuous employment. 3) It should integrate organizational needs and employee needs. 4) It should match the qualities of the employees with the requirements of the work for which they are employed. 5) It should highlight the necessity of establishing job analysis

SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT External sources Internal sources Professional or trade associations

Advertisement Present Employees Employment Exchanges Campus Recruitment Employee Referrals

Former Employees

Previous Applicants


Walk –ins and Write- ins Radio and Television Contractors

Displaced Person

Radio and Television

Acquisition and Mergers


E- Recruiting


Before an organization actively begins to recruit applicants it should consider the mostly likely source of the type of employee it needs. Some companies try to develop new sources while most try to tackle the existing sources they have. These sources accordingly may be termed as internal and external.

Internal Sources – This is one of the important sources of recruitment. The employees already working in the organization may be more suitable for higher jobs than those recruited outside. Internal sources consist of the following :

1) Present Employees : Promotions and transfers among the present employees can be a good Source of internal recruitment.

2) Employee Referrals : In an organization with a large number of employees referrals can provide quite a large pool of potential organizational members.

3) Former Employee : These are another internal source of recruitment. Some retired employees may be willing to come back to work.

4) Previous Employees : Those who have previously applied for jobs can be contacted by mail

External Sources : These are as follows – 1)

Professional or trade associations:- Many associations provide placement

services for their members. These services may consist of compiling job seekers lists and providing access to members during regional or national conventions. 2) 3)


It is one of the most important external sources for recruitment. The organization is make the advertisements through news paper, internet. 4)

Employee exchanges:-

It is also the source of recruitment it provides the multi talented applicants to the organization. 5)

Campus Recruitment:-

Colleges, universities, research laboratories, sports fields and institute are fertile ground for recruiters, particularly institutes. The Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are on the top of list of avenues for recruiters. 6)

Walk- ins &Write-ins :-

Some applicants are personally walked for interview just because of good reputation of organization in the market. 7)

Recruiting Agencies or consultancies:-

There are some recruiting agencies or consultancies which are provide suitable applicants.

8) Contractors :- Contractors are used to recruit casual workers. The names of the workers are not entered in the company records and to this extent, difficulties experienced in maintaining permanent workers are avoided.


Displaced Persons:-

Implementation of a project in an area would results in displacement of several in100 inhabitants. Rehabilitation the displaced person is a special responsibility of business such people are a source of recruitment not only for the project which caused the displacement but also for other companies located elsewhere. 10)

Radio and Television:-

Radio and television are used but sparingly and that too by government development only .Companies in the private sector are hesitant to use the media because of costs and also they fare that such advertising will make the companies look desperate and damage their image. 11)

Acquisitions & Mergers:-

When organization combine into one , they have to handle a large pool of employees some of whom may no longer be necessary in the new organization

.consequently, the new company has in effect ,a pool of qualified job applicants (although they are current employees) . 12)


In the competitive world the employees are much attracted on the more pay scale organization. 13)


The E-recruitment is one of the external sources of recruitment .It provide applicants from Internet like,, etc SELECTION The aim of selection is to find a person who accepts the position and who gives satisfactory service and performance in the long term. The system approach starts from the position of well defined job and clearly analyzes person’s specifications. Selection is not just a question of interviewing, although it is most popular device in use. Selection is very much a process of deselecting, which is gradually eliminating candidates until finally one is left on the list for a vacancy. Some methods are more reliable than other but, to large extent. Selection is about trying to minimize risk and maximizing certainty of making of the right decision. Starting from the position where the recruitment process as produced a no of applicants, the important steps as follows: Selection process is a decision making process. This step consists a number of activities. A candidate who fails to qualify for a particular step is not eligible for appearing for the subsequent step. Employee selection is the process of putting right men on the right job. It is a procedure of matching organisational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people. Effective selection can

be done only where there is effective matching. By selecting best candidate for the required job, the organization will get quality performance of employees. Moreover, organization will face less absenteeism and employee turnover problems. By selecting right candidate for the required job, organization will also save time and money. Proper screening of candidates takes place during selection procedure. All the potential candidates who apply for the given job are tested. Employee Selection is the process of putting right men on right job. It is a procedure of matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people. Effective selection can be done only when there is effective matching. By selecting best candidate for the required job, the organization will get quality performance of employees. Moreover, organization will face less of absenteeism and employee turnover problems. By selecting right candidate for the required job, organization will also save time and money. Proper screening of candidates takes place during selection procedure. All the potential candidates who apply for the given job are tested. But selection must be differentiated from recruitment, though these are two phases of employment process. Recruitment is considered to be a positive process as it motivates more of candidates to apply for the job. It creates a pool of applicants. It is just sourcing of data. While selection is a negative process as the inappropriate candidates are rejected here. Recruitment precedes selection in staffing process. Selection involves choosing the best candidate with best abilities, skills and knowledge for the required job. The Employee selection Process takes place in following order1. Preliminary Interviews- It is used to eliminate those candidates who do not meet the minimum eligiblity criteria laid down by the organization. The skills, academic and family background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined during preliminary interview. Preliminary

interviews are less formalized and planned than the final interviews. The candidates are given a brief up about the company and the job profile; and it is also examined how much the candidate knows about the company. Preliminary interviews are also called screening interviews. 2. Application blanks- The candidates who clear the preliminary interview are required to fill application blank. It contains data record of the candidates such as details about age, qualifications, reason for leaving previous job, experience, etc. 3. Written Tests- Various written tests conducted during selection procedure are aptitude test, intelligence test, reasoning test, personality test, etc. These tests are used to objectively assess the potential candidate. They should not be biased. 4. Employment Interviews- It is a one to one interaction between the interviewer and the potential candidate. It is used to find whether the candidate is best suited for the required job or not. But such interviews consume time and money both. Moreover the competencies of the candidate cannot be judged. Such interviews may be biased at times. Such interviews should be conducted properly. No distractions should be there in room. There should be an honest communication between candidate and interviewer. 5. Medical examination- Medical tests are conducted to ensure physical fitness of the potential employee. It will decrease chances of employee absenteeism. 6. Appointment Letter- A reference check is made about the candidate selected and then finally he is appointed by giving a formal appointment letter. Short listing the candidates for the next stage.

 Setting up tests for the short listed candidate some times in the form of an assessment.  Interviewing the candidates and allowing the candidates to interview the selectors.  Choosing the successful candidates.  Obtaining references.  Offering the position, confirming in writing and gaining acceptance.  Organizing the induction process.  Evaluating the results.  The methods of a personnel selection include

Interviews  Personality tests  Biographical data  Cognitive ability tests  Work sample tests  Physical abilities tests  Self assessments  Assessment centers

Recruitment and selection Recruitment: Recruitment techniques are the means or media by which the management contacts prospective employees or provides necessary information or exchange of ideas order to stimulate them to apply for jobs. Direct method: Under direct recruitment scouting, employees contacts, and waiting lists are used. in scouting, representatives of the organization are sent to educational and

training institutions. these travelling recruiters exchange information with students, clarify their doubts, simulate them to apply for jobs conduct campus interviews and short list candidates for further screening. Indirect method: Advertisement in news paper, journals, on the radio and television are used to publicize vacancies. A well thought out and clear advertisement enables candidates to assess their suitability so that only those possessing the requisite qualification will apply. Third party method Various agencies can be used to recruit personnel. Public employment exchanges, management consulting firms, professional societies, temporary help societies, trade unions, labor contractors are the main agencies. Internet recruitment: Various job sites are now available on the internet. The organization can create profile on such sites so that various resumes of applicants can be viewed and matched with the requirements of the job and as much as applicants can be called because almost 25% of net users in India search for jobs through internet.


Dominoes is a family of games played with rectangular "domino" tiles. Each domino is a rectangular tile with a line dividing its face into two square ends. Each end is marked with a number of spots (also called pips, nips, or dobs) or is blank. The backs of the dominoes in a set are indistinguishable, either blank or having some common design. The domino gaming pieces (colloquially nicknamed bones, cards, tiles, tickets, stones, chips, or spinners make up a domino set, sometimes called a deck or pack. The traditional Sino-European domino set consists of 28 dominoes, featuring all combinations of spot counts between zero and six. A domino set is a generic gaming device, similar to playing cards or dice, in that a variety of games can be played with a set. The earliest mention of dominoes is from Song dynasty China found in the text Former Events in Wulin by Zhou Mi (1232–1298). Modern dominoes first appeared in Italy during the 18th century, but how Chinese dominoes developed into the modern game is unknown. Italian missionaries in China may have brought the game to Europe. Jubilant FoodWorks Limited (the Company) is a Jubilant Bhartia Group Company, The Company was incorporated in 1995 and initiated operations in 1996, The Company got listed on the Indian bourses in February 2010, Mr,

Shyam S, Bhartia, Mr, Hari S, Bhartia and Jubilant Enpro Private Ltd, are the Promoters of the Company. The Company & its subsidiary operates Domino's Pizza brand with the exclusive rights for India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, The Company is market leader in the pizza segment with a network of 1,126 Domino’s Pizza restaurants across 264 cities (as on October 26, 2017). The Company is the market leader in the organized pizza market in the pizza home delivery segment in India, The Company has strengthened its portfolio by entering into an agreement with Dunkin' Donuts Franchising LLC, for developing the Dunkin' Donuts brand and operating restaurants in India, Over the period since 1996, Domino's Pizza India has remained focused on delivering great tasting Pizzas and sides, superior quality, exceptional guest care and value for money offerings. We have endeavored to establish a reputation for being a home delivery specialist capable of delivering pizzas within 30 minutes or else FREE to a community of loyal consumers from all our restaurants around the country. Domino's vision is focused on " Exceptional people on a mission to be the best pizza delivery company in the world!" We are committed to bringing fun, happiness and convenience to lives of our consumers by delivering delicious pizzas to their doorstep and our efforts are aimed at fulfilling this commitment towards a large and ever-growing guest base. Domino's constantly strives to develop products that suit the tastes of our consumers and hence delighting them. Domino's believes strongly in the strategy of 'Think global and act local'. Thus, time and again we have been innovating with delicious new products such as crusts, toppings and flavors suitable to the taste buds of Indian Consumers. Further providing value for money and affordable products to our consumers has been an important part of our efforts. Our initiatives such as Fun Meal and Pizza Mania have been extremely popular with consumers looking for an affordable and value for money meal option.

Domino's believes that when a box of pizza is opened, family and friends come together to share the pizza. Hence, our brand positioning: ‘Yeh Hai Rishton Ka Time' That's why, all our efforts, whether it is a new innovative and delicious product, offering consumers value for money deals, great service, countrywide presence or the promise to deliver in 30 minutes or free are all directed towards making relationships stronger, warmer and more fun by giving consumers an opportunity to get together, catch up, reunite and spend more time together. Consumers can order their pizzas by calling the single Happiness Hotline number 68886888 OR order online at Pizza Online. PRODUCTS The Domino's menu varies by region. The current Domino's menu in the United States features a variety of Italian-American main and side dishes. Pizza is the primary focus, with traditional, specialty, and custom pizzas available in a variety of crust styles and toppings. In 2011, Domino's launched artisan-style pizzas.



include pasta, bread


and oven-baked

sandwiches. The menu offers chicken and bread sides, as well as beverages and desserts. From its founding until the early 1990s, the menu at Domino's Pizza was kept simple relative to other fast food restaurants, to ensure efficiency of delivery. Historically, Domino's menu consisted solely of one pizza in two sizes (12-inch and 16-inch), 11 toppings, and Coca-Cola as the only soft drink option. The first menu expansion occurred in 1989, with the debut of Domino's deep dish or pan pizza. Its introduction followed market research showing that 40% of pizza customers preferred thick crusts. The new product launch cost approximately $25 million, of which $15 million was spent on new sheet metal pans with perforated bottoms. Domino's started testing extra-large size pizzas in early 1993, starting with the 30-slice, yard-long "The Dominator".

Domino's tapped into a market trend toward bite-size foods with spicy Buffalo Chicken Kickers, as an alternative to Buffalo Wings, in August 2002. The breaded, baked, white-meat fillets, similar to chicken fingers, are packaged in a custom-designed box with two types of sauce to "heat up" and "cool down" the chicken. In August 2003, Domino's announced its first new pizza since January 2000, the Philly Cheese Steak Pizza. The product launch also marked the beginning of a partnership with the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, whose beef Check-Off logo appeared in related advertising. Domino's continued its move toward specialty pizzas in 2006, with the introduction of its Brooklyn Style Pizza, featuring a thinner crust, cornmeal baked in to add crispness, and larger slices that could be folded in the style of traditional New York-style pizza. Advertising In the 1980s, Domino's was well known for its advertisements featuring the Noida. That concept was created by Group 243 Inc. who then hired Will Vinton Studios to








The catchphrase associated with the commercials was "Avoid the Noida." The Noida. was discontinued after Kenneth Lamar Noida, believing the mascot to be an imitation of him, held two Domino's employees hostage in Chamblee, Georgia. The employees escaped while Noida ate a pizza he had ordered. Noida was eventually diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and acquitted due to insanity, and later committed suicide. The Noida was briefly brought back for a week in 2011 in an arcade-style game on the Domino's Facebook page. The person with the top score received a coupon for a free pizza. Due to a glitch on the Domino's website, the company gave away nearly 11,000 free medium pizzas in March 2009. The company had planned the campaign for December 2008 but dropped the idea and never promoted it. The code was never deactivated, however, and resulted in the free giveaway of the

pizzas across the United States after someone discovered the promotion on the website by typing in the word "bailout" as the promotion code and then shared it with others on the Internet. Domino's deactivated the code on the morning of March 31, 2009, and promised to reimburse store owners for the pizzas. Domino's sponsored CART's Doug Shierson Racing, which was driven by Arie Luyendyk and won the 1990 Indianapolis 500. In 2003, Domino's teamed up with NASCAR for a multi-year partnership to become the "Official Pizza of NASCAR." Domino's also sponsored Michael Waltrip Racing and driver David Reutimann during the 2007 season in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series.

REVIEW OF LITERATURE Successful recruitment techniques involve an incisive analysis of the job, the labour market scenario/ conditions and interviews, and psychometric tests in order to find out the potentialities of job seekers. Furthermore, small and medium sized enterprises lay their hands on interviews and assessment with main concern related to job analysis, emotional intelligence in inexperienced job seekers, and corporate social responsibility. Other approaches to selection outlined by Jones et al. (2006) include several types of interviews, role play, group discussions and group tasks, and so on. Any management process revolves around recruitment and failure in recruitment may lead to difficulties and unwanted barriers for any company, including untoward effects on its profitability and inappropriate degrees of staffing or employee skills (Jones et al. 2006). In additional, insufficient recruitment may result into lack of labour or hindrances in management decision making, and the overall recruitment process can itself be advanced and amended by complying with management theories. According to these theories, the recruitment process can be largely enhanced by means of Rodgers seven point plan, Munro-Frasers five-fold grading system, personal interviews, as well as psychological tests (Jones et al. 2006). Work by Alan Price (2007): Price (2007), in his work Human Resource Management in a Business Context, formally defines recruitment and selection as the process of retrieving and attracting able applications for the purpose of employment. He states that the process of recruitment is not a simple selection process, while it needs management decision making and broad planning in order to appoint the most appropriate manpower. There existing competition among business enterprises for recruiting the most potential workers in on the pathway towards creating

innovations, with management decision making and employers attempting to hire only the best applicants who would be the best fit for the corporate culture and ethics specific to the company (Price 2007). This would reflect the fact that the management would particularly shortlist able candidates who are well equipped with the requirements of the position they are applying for, including team work. Since possessing qualities of being a team player would be essential in any management position (Price 2007). Work by Hiltrop (1996): Hiltrop (1996) was successful in demonstrating the relationship between the HRM practices, HRM-organizational strategies as well as organizational performance. He conducted his research on HR manager and company officials of 319 companies in Europe regarding HR practices and policies of their respective companies and discovered that employment security, training and development programs, recruitment and selection, teamwork, employee participation, and lastly, personnel planning are the most essential practices (Hiltrop 1999). As a matter of fact, the primary role of HR is to develop, control, manage, incite, and achieve the commitment of the employees. The findings of Hiltrop's (1996) work also showed that selectively hiring has a positive impact on organizational performance, and in turn provides a substantial practical insight for executives and officials involved. Furthermore, staffing and selection remains to be an area of substantial interest. With recruitment and selection techniques for efficient hiring decisions, high performing companies are most likely to spend more time in giving training particularly on communication and team-work skills (Hiltrop 1999). Moreover the finding that there is a positive connection existing between firm performances and training is coherent with the human capital standpoint. Hence, Hiltrop (1996) suggests the managers need to develop HR practices that are more focused on training in order to achieve competitive benefits.

Work by Jackson et al. (2009) and Bratton and Gold (1999): As discussed by Jackson et al. (2009), Human resource management approaches in any business organization are developed to meet corporate objectives and materialization of strategic plans via training and development of personnel to attain the ultimate goal of improving organizational performance as well as profits. The nature of recruitment and selection for a company that is pursuing HRM approach is influenced by the state of the labour market and their strength within it. Furthermore, it is necessary for such companies to monitor how the state of labour market connects with potential recruits via the projection of an image which will have an effect on and reinforce applicant expectations. Work of Bratton & Gold (1999) suggest that organizations are now developing models of the kind of employees they desire to recruit, and to recognize how far applicants correspond to their models by means of reliable and valid techniques of selection. Nonetheless, the researchers have also seen that such models, largely derived from competency frameworks, foster strength in companies by generating the appropriate knowledge against which the job seekers can be assessed. However, recruitment and selection are also the initial stages of a dialogue among applications and the company that shapes the employment relationship (Bratton & Gold 1999). This relationship being the essence of a company's manpower development, failure to acknowledge the importance of determining expectation during recruitment and selection can lead to the loss of high quality job seekers and take the initial stage of the employment relationship so down as to make the accomplishment of desirable HRM outcomes extremely difficult. In the opinion of Bratton and Gold (1999), recruitment and selection practices are essential characteristics of a dialogue driven by the idea of "frontend" loading processes to develop the social relationship among applicants and an organization. In this relationship, both parties make decisions throughout the recruitment and selection and it would be crucial for a company to realize that high-quality job seekers, pulled by their view of the organization, might be lost

at any level unless applications are provided for realistic organization as well as work description. In view of Jackson et al. (2009) and Bratton & Gold (1999) applicants have a specific view of expectations about how the company is going to treat them; recruitment and selection acts as an opportunity to clarify this view. Furthermore, one technique of developing the view, suggested by Bratton and Gold (1999), are realistic job previews or RJPs that may take the form of case studies of employees and their overall work and experiences, the opportunity to "cover" someone at work, job samples and videos. The main objective of RJPs is to allow for the expectations of job seekers to become more realistic and practical. RJPs tend to lower initial expectations regarding work and a company, thereby causing some applications to select themselves; however RJPs also increase the degree of organization commitment, job satisfaction, employee performance, appraisal and job survival among job seekers who can continue into employment (Bratton & Gold 1999) Jackson et al. (2009).


ADOPTED FOR THE STUDY Research is a search for facts. It answers the questions and gives solutions to the problems. Research is an organized enquiry. It seeks to find explanations to unexplained to classify the doubtful facts and to current the misconceived facts.

PERIOD OF STUDY 1. Observing the working of various departments like human resource, production purchasing etc. 2. Discussion with company executive, managers and employees. 3. Visiting and surfing websites of the company.

TYPE OF RESEARCH Descriptive type of research has been used for this project Descriptive research refers to that provides an accurate portrayal of characterises of a particular individual, situation, or descriptive research also known as statistical research. In short descriptive with everything that can be counted or studied which had an impact on the lives of people deals with. RESEARCH METHOD A quantitative research method for this research. RESEARCH UNIVERSE:

Collection, population, or set of entities, items, or quantities (grouped together on the basis of common or defining characteristics or features) from which a representative sample is drawn for comparison or measurement

SAMPLE DESIGN Researcher is using sampling method in which some elements of the population are included in the sample. It is a framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research or any other research project. It specifies the details of the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure and solve the marketing or other problems.

SAMPLING TECHNIQUES Random sampling method is used by the researcher. This probability method is often used during preliminary research efforts to get a gross estimate of the results, without incurring the cost or time required to select a random sample. SAMPLE TECHNIQUES :Descriptive research is used to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied. It does not answer questions about how/when/why the characteristics occurred. Rather it addresses the "what" question (what are the characteristics of Minnesota state population or situation being studied?) The characteristics used to describe the situation or population are usually some kind of categorical scheme also known as descriptive categories. For example, the periodic table categorizes the elements. Scientists use knowledge about the

nature of electrons, protons and neutrons to devise this categorical scheme. We now take for granted the periodic table, yet it took descriptive research to devise it. Descriptive research generally precedes explanatory research. For example, over time the periodic table’s description of the elements allowed scientists to explain chemical reaction and make sound prediction when elements were combined. Hence, descriptive research cannot describe what caused a situation. Thus, descriptive research cannot be used as the basis of a causal relationship, where one variable affects another. In other words, descriptive research can be said to have a low requirement for internal validity.

SAMPLE SIZE: The Sample Size chosen for this study is 50 Respondent. SAMPLE AREA: The sampling area NAGPUR CITY. TYPE OF DATA COLLECTION Generally two types are data are used for any research, which are very important for the research; these can be discussed as – 1. Primary Data 2. Secondary Data Primary Data – Primary data are the data which are original in character, obtained for the first time, being collected from the respondents, either through questionnaire or through personal interviews. This can be collected by various methods like 





Personal interview

Telephonic interview


Researcher have selected/taken PI and Questionnaire for collecting data.

Secondary data – Secondary data is the data, which has been collected by someone else for some other purpose and is used by the researcher in his research for study. Various sources of secondary data are Catalogues, Brochures, Magazines and Websites, Television etc. In this project I made use secondary data for gaining more and more about the company, its products and various benefits an advisors will be getting. For acquiring this knowledge I have studied secondary sources like company websites, brochures, paper presentations etc

TOOLS FOR ANALYSIS: Percentage Method.

Percentage method = (No. of respondents/Total respondents)*100 SIMPLE PERCENTAGE Simple percentage analysis was used by the research for analysing and interpreting the collected data. The diagram reorientations were given by piediagrams and bar charts.

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY  To understand the recruitment process followed by the company.  To the acquire a knowledge on the subject of Selection Process.  To understand the various responsibilities and duties carried out by Human Resource department.  To understand the need of recruitment in Dominos.


H1 :- The Recruitment and selection process is unbiased and applicants are selected on the basis of their capabilities. H0 :- The Recruitment and selection process is biased and applicants are not selected on the basis of their capabilities.

DATA ANAYSIS & INTERPRETATION Q1) Is there a well-defined Recruitment Policy in your organization? Sr No 1 2 3

Options Yes No Maybe

Percentage 51.6 38.7 9.7 Column1




INTERPRETATION An organization must have a well-defined recruitment policy corresponding to the company and vacancy requirements. Existing employees can give a fair feedback on the suitability of the policy. Responding to it 26 out of 50 employees (51.6%) told that there is a sound recruitment policy in organization that can be evaluated by comparing skills and knowledge of new recruits and existing employees. 19 out of 50 employees (38 %) feel that the organization’s recruitment policy is not properly defined. And rest 5 could not say about the recruitment policy. Majority of employees felt that policy was well defined which is a great morale victory on the part of management; still there are chances of its improvement as 38% employees have negative opinion about the policy.

Q2) Which External source of recruitment is followed by the company and given more priority? Sr No




Campus interview






Online job portals



Walk in interviews





Employee exchanges Sales

campus interview


online job portals

walk in interviews

agencies/ consultancies

employee exchanges

INTERPRETATION External Recruitment seeks applicants for positions from those who are currently employed. Responding to above asked question, 50% employees tell that company prefers Campus recruitment as external source of recruitments. 16% employees tell that advertisements are given due priority and rest say that Job portals , walk in, agencies, employee exchanges is preferred. Majority of employees actually thinks that campus recruitment is given priority and followed by company as external source of recruitment.

Q3) Which internal source of recruitment is followed by the company and given more priority? Sr no




Direct walk in



Existing database






Internal movement






direct walk in

existing database


internal movement


Interpretation Internal Recruitment seeks applicants for positions from those who are currently employed. Responding to above asked question, 29% employees tell that company prefers direct walk in as internal source of recruitments. 12.9 % employees tell that Employee referrals are given due priority and rest say that existing database, internal movement , others is preferred. Majority of employees actually thinks that internal promotion is given priority and followed by company as internal source of recruitment.

Q4) which source of recruitment is replied upon when immediate requirement arises? S.No Options


. 1.





38.7 Column1



INTERPRETATION Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes from two kinds of sources: internal and external sources. Responding to recruitment source question, almost all the employees tell that External sources are relied upon when there is any immediate manpower requirement in company. Analysis clearly represents that 30 out of 50 employees (61%) show that Internal sources are prefer for immediate opening in organization .

Q5) what type of interview is taken while selection? Sr no 1 2 3 4 5

Options Personal interview Group discussion Aptitude Technical round All of the above

Percentage 19.4



personal interview

group disscussion


technical round

all of the above

INTERPRETATION Responding to the type of interview 37 out of 50 employees think that all the type of interview mentioned above are generally taken. 19% employees have the opinion that Personal interviews are often used.

Q6) the recruitment and selection process of company meets the current and legal requirements? Sr no










45.2 Sales




INTERPRETATION Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes. In this research most employees responded positively to this question. They feel that the company follows the current and legal requirements for its recruitment process for different positions. Analysis clearly represents that 27 out of 50employees (54%) show that maximum employees are agree with this process process whereas 45.2 %were unable to answer.

Q7) Are you happy with the salary what you offered by the company? Sr no 1 2 3

Options Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Cant say

Percentage 38.7% 25.8 38.7




cant say

INTERPRETATION Analysis clearly represents that (38.7%) show that maximum employees are satisfied with their Salary (25%) did not like their current salary whereas 38.7% were unable to answer.

Q8 Does the organisation clearly defines the job position, objectives, requirements and candidate specifications in the recruitment process? Sr no












Analysis clearly represents that 40 out of 50employees (90%) show that maximum employees are agree with this process process whereas 10 % does not agree.

CONCLUSION  Every company looks for an employee, who can work effectively. They are in search of a person who has the maximum skills required for the job. After selecting the right person, the company’s main aim is to place that person at the right job. The main strength of any company is its employees. Effective workers are the best route to success.  Some of the biggest and most constant challenges that plague organization is people related because they don’t place more emphasis on getting the recruitment process right. If they get the right person in the right job at the right time, bottom-line and many other business benefits are immediate, tangible and significant. If they get the wrong person in the wrong job, then productivity, culture and retention rates can all take a hit in a big way.  Dominos has competent and committed workforce, still there are scope for more improvements. To ensure that company recruits the right people, it has to identify essential skills and behaviours that applicants should demonstrate. For each position there should be a job description outlining typical duties and responsibilities and a person specification defining personal skills and competences. The emphasis should be on matching the needs of the company to the needs of the applicants. This would minimize employee turnover and enhance satisfaction.  It is important for the company to have a clear and concise recruitment policy in place, which can be executed effectively to recruit the best talent pool for the selection of the right candidate at the right place quickly. Creating a suitable recruitment policy is the first step in the efficient hiring process. A clear and concise recruitment policy helps ensure a sound recruitment process.

 Management should structure and systematically organize the entire recruitment processes. It should Offer tolls and supports to enhance productivity, solutions and optimizing the recruitment processes to ensure improved ROI. The Recruitment Management System (RMS) should be such that it helps to save the time and costs of the HR recruiters in company and improving the recruitment processes.


 The Dominos should improve the pay scale so that employee feels satisfactory with the job.  Dominos should adopt advance recruitment procedure.  Dominos should adopt better recruitment sources which are benefited to the company.  Company should organized induction programmed for conveying the message about company policies, so the employees are aware about that.  The requirement of little improvement in recruitment procedure or process at the company.



Human Resources Management(Eleventh Edition)

Gary Dessler, BijuVarkkey

Publisher:- PEARSON PRENTICE HALL ( Book Name:-


Human Resources Management(Tenth Edition)


Publisher:- EXCEL BOOK Book Name:-


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Personal and Human Resource Management (First

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Q1) Is there a well-defined Recruitment Policy in your organization? Yes No Maybe Q2) Which External source of recruitment is followed by the company and given more priority? Campus interview Advertisement Online job portals Walk in interview Agencies/Consultancies Employee Exchanges

Q3) Which internal source of recruitment is followed by the company and given more priority? Direct walk in Existing database Reference Internal movement Others Q4) which source of recruitment is replied upon when immediate requirement arises? Internal External

Q5) what type of interview is taken while selection? Personal interview Group discussion Aptitude Technical round All of the above

Q6) the recruitment and selection process of company meets the current and legal requirements? Yes No Maybe Q7) Are you happy with the salary what you offered by the company? Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Cant say Q8 Does the organisation clearly defines the postion ,objectives ,requirements, and candidate specifications in the recruitment process Yes No

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