Made-to-order Content With Yahoo Pipes

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Made-to-order content with Yahoo Pipes Combine and rework content feeds to suit your taste Skill Level: Introductory Jeff K. Wilson ([email protected]) e-business architect IBM

05 Jun 2007 Explore the steps and benefits of using a content feed filtering utility like Yahoo Pipes to better capture, merge, and alter specific data from available streams. This tutorial outlines some techniques to approach feed transformations, and includes three demonstrations featuring key areas of the environment.

Section 1. Before you start About this tutorial This tutorial provides a basic understanding of Yahoo Pipes, a service that filters, transforms, and aggregates content feeds. A complete run-through of the toolset available is included, as are three demonstrations that illustrate the capabilities and features of the service. Finally, step-by-step instructions for one of the demonstrations complete the tutorial, along with a recorded movie showing the steps in detail.

Objectives The intent of this tutorial is simply to describe the Yahoo Pipes service for managing available content feeds, focusing on the features, tools, and capabilities available.

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Prerequisites and system requirements No prerequisites are necessary for this tutorial. All functionality is available online.

Section 2. Introduction Recently, I've had the opportunity to become immersed in various Web 2.0 technologies, investigating the effect they might have on application development. The concept of Web 2.0 means different things to different people, but one tenet that stands out is its impact on social computing, which takes many forms. What's interesting is that, as the population becomes more comfortable with online interactions, you all become less reliant on user interfaces (UI) that give you the specific information you happen to be looking for and more comfortable simply asking for just the information itself—allowing you to display or use it however you want. Enter content feeds stage right: information without an interface. This effect of these feeds on not only developers but also users is clear. Portals, or gateways to information, are more and more prevalent, and are frequently implemented as personal homepages where users are given the tools to display information. These tools allow the user to decide what data to display on the page. For developers, the impact is on various tools that allow them to expose or use data in standardized, generic ways that, well, feed into these new flexible UI environments. Most significantly, developers can now be set free from the limitations that forced them to be both highly skilled technicians and subject matter experts. Traditionally, a lone programmer might require knowledge of interface technologies and also need to personally maintain the information that would be used in the application he or she was building. Today, with structured data widely available, should I decide on a whim to build the next great personals community, virtual car dealership, or computer reseller site, I can do so from my kitchen table.

About Yahoo Pipes

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Now, I have one small problem: if my new site relies on someone else's streaming data, how do I strip what I want from what they deliver? Certainly, streams abound, and I frequently can do some limited filtering with them, but rarely—if ever—can I manipulate the data as I typically can on a local data source. For example, what if I want to get a feed of particular products, but only in a particular color? Or if I need the items sorted in a specific way? Or if, heaven forbid, I need to merge data from multiple sources? Enter Yahoo Pipes stage left: no information, no interface, but the tools necessary to tweak what goes between the two. Yahoo Pipes is a particularly interesting utility that sits between an application and a source of data. This service allows developers to transform, fine-tune, and otherwise experiment with content before pulling it into an application. It is a simple but powerful mechanism that saves developers much work when they build an internal parsing and editing engine within their applications. I recorded the steps outlined in this tutorial in a Flash movie; you can find it in Conclusion. You might want to check it out if you can't spend the time implementing your own pipes.

Section 3. Yahoo Pipes: A tour of the facilities Slick and exciting To begin with, let me show you around the tooling. To be perfectly honest, the developers of this environment really did an interesting job pulling together an altogether user-friendly and appealing interface. The ultimate concept is to pull content into the tool, pass it through a series of steps that perform some kind of work on it, and finally output a new stream. This process certainly lends itself to a visually oriented tool like this, one that lays out the steps in a flow diagram. The ability to easily drag and drop components, set attributes using forms embedded in these components, and draw connections from the outputs of one to the input of another is extremely powerful in its simplicity.

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The basic environment The general tooling makes use of an editing grid and component palette, illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1. Drag and drop palette and editor

As you might expect, you drag a component of interest from the palette and drop it onto the editor grid. To connect the components into a flow, you simply draw a pipe from the output of one to the input of another, as shown in Figure 2. Pretty simple. Figure 2. Drag and drop palette and editor with defined flow

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In addition, there is an information pane and a debugger/content view, both of which come in pretty handy. Selecting a component in the palette displays a short description of the component as well as a link where you can see an example of it in use. Similarly, selecting a component in the main editor shows a live view of the effect on the content in the debugger. As a user selects the different components in the transformation flow, the debugger shows the updated feed content. Figure 3 shows a subset of the original feed based on the rule described in the filter component. Figure 3. Information and debugger panes

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Sources You need a feed of some sort to begin. For this purpose, you can either use an actual RSS stream or point to sites like Google or Yahoo using the source components supplied in the palette. The latter add a significant amount of power to the regenerated content, since clearly not everything online is available through some identified content feed—sometimes it's nice to just look something up. Thus, if you wanted to ping Google Base to search for jobs of a specific type, or (as shown in Figure 4) use Yahoo Local to hunt for certain kinds of events in a given location, you would not need to know about a specific feed that provides that information. Figure 4. Yahoo Local source example

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You can just point directly to the URL of an existing content feed, as shown in Figure 5. Figure 5. Using the Fetch component to point to a specific content stream

Once the initial source is defined, content is pulled into the tooling where other components can begin to rework, analyze, and transform the data into something

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new and more useful.

Operators Most of the basic operations come from the Operators grouping of components. These operators provide capabilities that range from filtering and sorting to loops and inputting regular expressions, as well as specific functions like language transformations and the extraction of usable location details. Figures 6 and 7 show a filter placed after the original content is pulled into the pipe. The filter limits what is displayed, showing only items whose title contains the text "Wii." Figure 6. Adding a Wii filter to a stream (debugger showing original RSS content before filter)

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Figure 7. Adding a Wii filter to a stream (debugger showing filtered RSS content after filter)

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As you can see in the screenshots, you can implement several other operators in your pipe. To describe a few: • For Each: Annotation: Provides a means to loop through each item in a stream, adding a new node that contains the output of another stream. • For Each: Replace: Provides a means to loop through items in a feed where the output of another feed replaces the item in the original feed. In both of the For Each components, attributes of the original item can be fed into the secondary stream. For example, a job bank feed containing open positions might loop, passing keywords for each item into a new feed that responds with resumes containing those keywords. • Rename: Allows you to rename attributes. • Split: Divides up streams based on some criteria.

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• Count: Extracts the number of items returned. you can use it to set a number field elsewhere. • Truncate: Limits how many items are allowed to pass through. • Content Analysis: Analyzes the content of an item, looking for significant descriptive information. • Sort: Sorts items. • Regex: Processes with regular expressions. • BabelFish: Translates into or out of various languages. • Location Extractor: Determines an address by looking for a variety of location formats in a body of text. • Unions: Combines streams. Commonly used after a split, where differing processing occurs based on some criteria and then the parts are rejoined. • Unique: Limits repetitious items based on a given attribute.

User inputs Other key components in the palette include the user input tools. For most inputs in various components, you can manually define or build fields to take dynamic data. This dynamic data, though labeled as a user input, is not limited to users and is simply an input supplied by something defined elsewhere. If a user implements the pipe from the Yahoo Pipes interface, then it is in fact a user input and the interface in question dynamically builds and displays the required form components on the fly. However, as you will see in the last demo in this tutorial, a user input field might be populated by some other part of the processing flow. In any event, these inputs allow a translation flow to generate output based on some flexible piece of information and extend its flexibility. For example, you might connect to a technical journal feed using a filter to extract a subset of items based on some

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user-defined criteria. In one implementation, a user might pass in "digital cameras" one day and "printers" the next—both extracting only the items that match those terms. In another implementation, the dynamic input might pass in from keywords extracted from another "new product" feed, only showing the technical journal's items of recently released products, whatever they might be. Figure 8 illustrates how you'd define the text you want to use as a filter on a content stream. More specifically, the filtering text is not hard-coded in the filter component; in this example, it is supplied in the form and submitted, and that data is streamed into the filter component's text field. In addition, as you will see in the final demo, you can also tie some available property to the input field component. This way the dynamic data is determined by what else is being processed—not something directly entered from a user. Figure 8. Attaching a user input component to a filter

Tying the input term to a specific field is as easy as dragging the connector dot from the input dialog to the connector dot of the field in question. You can see the various types of user input components in Figure 8.

Other components In addition to the URL, String, and Date components for further processing on those types, Yahoo Pipes offers another very powerful feature: the ability to layer pipes from the My Pipes section. My Pipes displays all the processes you have developed that you can nest in other

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process flows. This permits a certain level of reusability and componentization. Anything built with user inputs becomes a potential place for an attribute to be piped in from other feeds that you use. In Figure 9, a certain process is defined to search for antiques on Craigslist. The process exposes one dynamically identified search term, labeled query. The input field allows a user—or, in this case, another feed—to pass specific terms into the antique process flow. You can manually set this query to a specific term like "table" or "buffet," or pipe it in from elsewhere, as in this example. Figure 9 illustrates merging a New York Times feed on furniture and items available on Craigslist based on keywords that overlap between the two data sources. The keywords are pulled from the New York Times feed using the Content Analysis component, which populates an attribute labeled y:content_anaysis in the original feed. You can see this term identified in the For Each loop as what ought to be used for the query field. This For Each: Annotate loop creates a new attribute called stuff_on_craigslist on each item of the original feed and populates it with the return of the antique sub-process. Figure 9. Using attributes of one feed as input for another nested feed

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Conclusion With its draggable interface, the Yahoo Pipes tool itself is very easy to use. It also includes many of the basic transformation utilities required to accomplish the bulk of what you might think to use this service for. In the coming sections, you will walk through building some demo transformations, all of which can be accessed, run, and (if you save your own copy) edited online.

Section 4. Demo 1: Looking for trucks in Austin Demo overview Made-to-order content with Yahoo Pipes Page 14 of 34

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You can access this pipe yourself at the following URL: Note that anyone can view and run the demonstration pipes that I link to in this tutorial. If you sign up for a free Yahoo account, you can also import, edit, and clone these examples. In the first demonstration, you'll learn the basic process to set up a pipe. In this example, you will simply create a feed that displays ads for vehicles for sale that fall into certain categories you define. You can pull this feed into a reader or portal-based home page. If you view the pipe run from the link above, to see how I made this pipe, click on the graphic representing the flow diagram at the lower left of the page, as shown in Figure 10. Figure 10. Click the flow diagram to edit a copy of the pipe

You can edit the existing flow if you save it to your own profile, but I will describe how to build the flow from scratch in the next part of this section.

Building the flow

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To begin with, click Create pipe, or if you're looking at how this pipe was made in the editor, click New. This will give you a blank editor to work with. (You might need to log in with a free Yahoo account before you can do this.)


Expand Sources if it hasn't already been expanded and drag the Google Base component onto the editor, as shown in Figure 11. Figure 11. Drag the Google Base component onto the editor


From the Find drop-down menu, select vehicles.


In the keyword field, enter truck.


From the within drop-down menu, select 20 miles.


In the location field, enter a zip code. Your component should now look like Figure 12. Figure 12. Enter search criteria


Expand the Operators group and drag the Sort component under the Google Base component.


To draw a connection from Google Base to Sort, drag the dot at the bottom of Google Base to the dot at the top of Sort. Your screen should look like Figure 13. Figure 13. Add a sort

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In the sorting drop-down, select g:condition.

10. Click the plus sign next to Sort by to add another sort category, selecting g:year. 11. Make sure the orders for both are set to ascending. Your screen should now look like Figure 14. Figure 14. Add sorting criteria

12. From the palette, drag a Filter component to the editor. 13. To connect the Sort to the Filter, drag the Sort output dot to the Filter input dot. 14. Set the selections to Permit items that match all of the following. 15. Select the rule categories g:mileage and is less than, and enter 100000, as in Figure 15. Figure 15. Add filtering criteria

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16. From the palette, drag another filter onto the editor below the first filter. 17. Connect the two filters' output to the input, as before. 18. This time, select Permit again but choose any of the following. 19. Click the plus sign next to Rules . 20. Design both rules to read g:color and Contains but enter black for one and red for the other. This filter and the previous one you created together say that all items must be under 100,000 miles and can be either black or red. The way you did it prevents the conditions from interfering with each other. Your screen should now look like Figure 16. Figure 16. Add more filtering criteria

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21. To clean things up, click Layout in the upper right of the editor, as shown in Figure 17. Figure 17. Cleaning up the layout

22. Finally, connect the output of the second Filter to the input of the Pipe Output, as shown in Figure 18. Figure 18. More cleanup

23. To test the pipe, select the Google Base component and view the output in the Debugger pane below it. Things should look something like Figure 19. Figure 19. Testing the Google Base connection

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24. Now select the Sort component to see how the stream is affected in the Debugger pane. Figure 20 should look familiar to you. Figure 20. Testing the sorting

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25. Next, select the filters to see how they affect the output. (As you can see in Figure 21, I whittled my new truck selection down to just two in my area.) Figure 21. My meager selection of two

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26. Now you can make your pipe available to the world. Click Save and then Publish, entering whatever you feel like for the options available, as shown in Figure 22. I named mine My new article test. Figure 22. Saving the pipe (don't forget to publish...)

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27. To view the pipe page you just made available, click Pipe Preview, illustrated in Figure 23. Figure 23. Pipe preview link

28. Run, My new article test, run! Run and look something like Figure 24! Figure 24. Pipe preview running

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29. To use the pipe you've built, you can right-click the Get as RSS or Get as JSON links to save the link location, and use that URI in any application where you might normally use a feed. For instance, if you use Firefox like me, you can click Get as RSS; then leave Live Bookmarks selected and click Subscribe Now, as shown in Figure 25. Figure 25. Adding a Live Bookmark of your new pipe

30. Select the location where you want to store your pipe in your bookmark list. Your new dynamic bookmark listing will always keep you up-to-date on the latest vehicles available, as shown in Figure 26. Figure 26. Your new Live Bookmarks

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31. Go back to your running pipe. 32. Select Subscribe and note all the locations where you might send your pipe, as shown in Figure 27. Figure 27. Subscription availability

Figure 28 shows our pipe embedded in a personalized Google home page. Figure 28. Your new pipe in a personalized Google home page

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Section 5. Demo 2: tag search For my second demo, I created a pipe that uses a subscription that I set up on to return popular sites other people tagged with the term "dessert." My pipe queries that subscription and allows you to filter the sites by a keyword. 1.

Navigate to the pipe's URL, It should look something like Figure 29. Figure 29. My pipe querying a subscription

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This form is dynamically generated when you use User Input components in the process flow. To see how this is done, click the How this pipe was made graphic on the left. 2.

In the Subscription field, enter dessert and click Run Pipe. This will return all sites tagged with the term dessert ranked by popularity (that is, by how many people have tagged a specific Web page with that term).


Now enter chocolate in the Search for field. This will return a subset of the dessert subscription, consisting of sites that include the term chocolate in the title or description of the feed.


To use this pipe on your own subscriptions, simply click Clone and edit the source URL to point to your own profile, then enter your subscription names in the form shown, as well as any filtering terms you might like to add.

Key things to note With user inputs, users can enter information when the pipe is run. You can tie these input components to any text field in other components and basically dictate that the value of the identified field will be set from some dynamic input. In Figure 30, you can see two user input components highlighted on the far right and center as well as the text fields to which they will provide the dynamic data. Figure 30. Incorporating dynamic data using user input components

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These input types are then automatically displayed to users as a form from the Yahoo Pipes user interface. You might also hand-code them into the URL query string, as illustrated in Figure 31. Figure 31. What user inputs translate to in a browser and URL query string

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Section 6. Demo 3: The Craigslist middleman feed My third demo describes the process of layering pipes —basically creating a new Source component, similar to what you saw in Demo #1 with the Google Base component. This demo uses two separate pipes, both of which you can run independently, but here are used together. The purpose of this pipe combination is to match things for sale on with wanted items that people have identified. It works by first pulling a list of wanted

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items from the site. Then, for each item, a second query is run to look for that product for sale. Any items found for sale are added as a child node to the item wanted record. This demo is made from two pipes, one nested in the other. The first pipe does a simple search on Craigslist using some search term and generates an RSS feed of things for sale. This is the nested pipe. The second pipe pulls all wanted items from It then determines the actual desired item using a special component called the Content Analysis component. This is important for extracting a concise term from a potentially lengthy description. This "item wanted" term is stored an attribute and fed into the first "items for sale" pipe as the dynamic input. This produces a list of "for sale items" based on a supplied "wanted item" and stores that list with the wanted item. The result is a list of items wanted by Craigslist users that hold links to postings of that item or similar items for sale. Note that, if you run this pipe through Yahoo Pipes, the associated "for sale" items do not display even though they are contained in the RSS feed. This is due to a limitation in the display, which prevents you from choosing which parts of the items in the feed to display (poke around on the Pipes forums and you will see people asking for more flexibility here). However, if you are a feed developer and pulling streams into your own applications, then you can navigate to and display whatever parts of the feed you want. Thus, this piping example is one that will be limited to use in only custom applications. 1.

Navigate to the URL, and enter table into the Query field, as shown in Figure 32. Figure 32. My pipe querying Craigslist

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The result list will display all tables for sale on Craigslist.


Now navigate to the URL This will only show items wanted on Craigslist, but you can navigate to both pipes in the editor from here to see how they were built.

Key things to note The key demonstration in this example is the use of another pipe nested with a process flow. In Figure 33, you see a basic Craigslist search pipe being used to pull a feed for each item in the first stream. An attribute stored in the original item is used to pipe into the second search pipe. The resulting secondary result list is stored as an attribute labeled supplies in this case. Now an application that makes use of the finished stream might display the parent list of RSS items with a secondary level of links found in each item's supplies node. A standard RSS view will not see this secondary list of links, but a custom application will have no trouble using this feed. Figure 33. My pipe querying Craigslist

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Section 7. Conclusion Wrap up As you can see from these basic examples of transforming feeds, Yahoo Pipes can be a powerful tool to manage the dynamic data so readily available today. For further information on how to use this tooling, check out the documentation available in Resources. Also, to peruse pipes created by other users, selecting Browse Pipes from the same pages used in my demos. View movie Show me. Download Adobe Flash Player.

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See more about animated demos.

Animated demos If this is your first encounter with a developerWorks article that includes demos, here are a few things you might want to know: Demos are an optional way to see the same steps described in the tutorial. To see an animated demo, click the Show me link. The demo opens in a new browser window. Each demo contains a navigation bar at the bottom of the screen. Use the navigation bar to pause, exit, rewind, or fast forward portions of the demo. The demos are 800 x 600 pixels. If this is the maximum resolution of your screen or if your resolution is lower than this, you will have to scroll to see some areas of the demo. JavaScript must be enabled in your browser and Macromedia Flash Player 6 or higher must be installed. Download Adobe Flash Player.

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Resources Learn • Pipes in this tutorial: Play around with the Yahoo Pipes in this tutorial. • Yahoo Pipes: Check out the Web site for this interactive feed aggregator and manipulator. • Most frequently run pipes: Take a look at the most popular pipes. • "Yahoo! Pipes and the Web as database (Alex Iskold, Read/Write Web, February 2007): Read an introduction to the implications of this service. • Digg discussion: Check out the talk of Yahoo Pipes right after its release. • developerWorks XML zone: Find more XML resources. • IBM XML certification: Find out how you can become an IBM-Certified Developer in XML and related technologies. • XML technical library: See the developerWorks XML zone for a wide range of technical articles and tips, tutorials, standards, and IBM Redbooks. • developerWorks technical events and webcasts: Stay current with technology in these sessions. Get products and technologies • IBM trial software: Build your next development project with IBM trial software, available for download directly from developerWorks. Discuss • Message Boards for Pipes: Talk with other pipes users.

About the author Jeff K. Wilson Jeff K. Wilson is an architect and consultant for IBM. For the most part, he likes computers. He talks a lot about them; stuff people put on them. He uses them quite a bit. Typically, black ones for some reason. He never did much care for the dirty-looking, almondy-colored ones. He types on them; plugs all sorts of things into them. He even has a bag for it in a special place in the hallway where he dumps it every night. The drink coaster-like rings on the top of his laptop are not a sign of disrespect, but rather companionship.

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