Lower Merion School District

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  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 2
Lower Merion School District

Administrative Reeulation:, No.:





Title: Date Last Revised:



In order to qualify as a Home & School Association (t{SA) recognized by Policy 916, the organization must meet the followins criteria:

l. The

IISA is designated by a name which includes the name of the school which is the focus of the organization.


The ergenizatiā‚¬n-H$A_has a written Constitution (or By-Laws) which is available to its members at the school office or library and to the public at the ofhce of the Superintendent of Schools, and the Constitution includes provisions with respect to membership, dues, if any, the officers and commiftees (number, term, duties, method of selecting) and a method for change of its provisions, including reasonable notice to the membership of any proposed change.


The provisions of the Constitution and the actions of the ergani;:rxio*-llSf\_are consistent

with the law and with the wriffen and published policies and administrative regulations of the District, as interpreted by the Superintendent of Schools.

4.Thee*gan@hasatleastonegenera|meetingayearforthepurposeoftheelection of officers in accordance with its Constitution or by-laws; the organization has an Executive Board which includes both parents and professional staff; and all general meetings of the association as well as meetings ofthe Executive Board (ifany), are held at the school upon due notice to all members whether or not they are entitled to vote on the matters considered at that meeting.

5. The ergq+izatisn-Fl$A_limits its membership to parents or adults responsible for the child attending schools,' its principal and members ofits professional and supportive staff, except that in the secondary schools the membership may also include the students enrolled in the school.

6. The orga"iza+ion-t{SA dues provided for by its Constitution are in a reasonable amount; and, if it raises funds by other means, the fund-raising is in accordance with the Administrative Regulations concerning fund-raising activities.

7. The trrganizdt+en-Fl$Asends a copy of any school directory and a copy of any newsletter2 circulates to the Secretarv of the Board for distribution to members of the Board.


I Provided that an organization which is a member of the National Congress of Parenti and Teachers must comply with mandatory PTA membership policies. 2 Organizations ale not required to publish a directory or newsleser but are encouraged to do so; the school

administration will cooperate in making information for a directory available. .{W?r:!64lil


Font: 8 pt

Lower Merion School District

Adm ini strative Regulations-_No. Section:






Date Last Revised:


The HAS shall rnake its email distribution list available to the District District's Coordinator of LchcoI and_efirn{nuruty Relation.s.




&9. The orgauizatien-t {Sr\ is non-partisan and non-sectarian in its organization, activities expenditures of funds.

and* @tbe


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}.liQ"-Beforeanerga**nt'io*.!lSAaffiliateswithother{h+n.a-ag9gschoo|-relatedorganization*@ or corporation' the



Schools must determine that the affiliation



inconsistent rvith the policies of the District.

The principal purpose of the erga+*zatiens-FlSi1[shall be to further cooperation between the school and home, to advance the education of our children, and to provide communication which will develop a common understanding of educational goals as well as a mutual effort to aftain them and to resolve problems ofconcem to parents and to the school. be apprg!'ed by the Disirict's Cloordinator of School and Clommunity Relations and comoly with ther followine:

l![requesls]tbf linkage lo lhe Districnvebsire by I{SAs,lnust

A. No

student infirrntation" i.e., fuil name. nartial nane excent tjrst nanre. pen name(s). initials. Addresses. lrhonq nurnher(s), or social secu.ritv nUmLe_Lrne,v aoneAt_tr.0 tllg linked

rvcbsitcr. unless rrarc.ntal consent is given as plgvidgll i0ltllor D]lEict procedures. Parental consent to disclosure of student name may be providcd on an opt'out only as provided in Disf ict procedures for disclosure of directory infbrmation.a



Flmolovee's names. Disirict e-mail addresses and phone extensions lvith the emplo],ee's permission may be included in lists of names. Nb other ernplo.vee information or imagcs ma.v- be used in the linked rvebsite unless posted by the person. or prior q'ritten permission is given by the individual and provided to the District upon request.

C. 'Ihe District

shall permit photographs or videos of an individual studcnt or eroup of students to appqat
D. No commercial

advertising of any tvne. except fbr school functions. shall he posted on the linked rvebsite.


E.g, at present Interschool Council

of Lower Merion School District and Lower Merion Township Scholarship

Fund are recognized as school-related organizations. 'Sce Aclministratile R.eeulation 116. Section II.


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