Lotus Notes Few Basic To Remember

  • Uploaded by: Sujit Mallick
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,960
  • Pages: 5
@command Most of the standard menu commands can be executed using @Command. In addition, a number of specialized commands are available. @Command( [ command ] ; parameters ) This function does not work in column, selection, hide-when, section editor, window title, field, or form formulas, or in agents that run on a server. It's intended for use in toolbar button, hotspot, and action formulas. Always execute after all the functions present in a formula are executed, which means that the action performed by a command cannot be used by a function that follows it in a formula. Evaluated after all @functions EditClear

Evaluated immediately Clear


EditProfile FileCloseWindow

EditProfileDocumen t CloseWindow











Performs the menu command Edit Delete. In a view, folder, or a document in Read mode in a Notes application, marks the currently selected document for deletion • In a document in Edit mode, deletes the highlighted data • In Web applications, only use this command on a form to delete the entire current document. Creates a new or opens an existing profile document in Edit mode. This function does not work in Web applications Closes the current Notes window. If the document or design element in that window has not been saved, Notes prompts the user to save it before closing. Permanently deletes the current database file from the hard disk where it is stored. Performs the menu command File Exit (File Quit on the Macintosh), which closes Notes/Domino and all its open windows. Moves or copies the selected document to a folder. @Command( [FolderDocuments] ; folderName ; moveOrCopy ) Navigates to the next document in the current view or folder. For Web applications, use this command only for forms. Navigates to the next main document in the current view.



Navigates to the next selected document in the current view or folder.



Navigates to the next unread document in the current view or folder.











Reloads or refreshes the contents of the current window.

ToolsRunBackgroundMa cros

RunScheduledAgen ts



Runs all of the database's scheduled agents, regardless of when they are scheduled to run. The agents will then run as usual at their regularly scheduled times. Executes a specified agent.





• •

Switches to the specified view or folder within the current database or, if a view or folder is not specified, displays the View menu so the user can select a view. Changes the form used to display the current document.

@PostedCommand In a formula, any command invoked using @PostedCommand executes after the rest of the formula has been evaluated. @PostedCommand( [ command ] ; parameters )

@functions @functions are builtin formulas that perform specialized calculations and return a value @function-name(argument1; argument2; ... argumentn);

An @function consists of the name of the @function followed by arguments, if any. The first character of the name of an @function is always @

CGI Variable The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a standard protocol for interfacing external application software with an information server, commonly a web server. From the Web server's point of view, certain locators, e.g. http://www.example.com/wiki.cgi, are defined as corresponding to a program to execute via CGI. When a request for the URL is received, the corresponding program is executed. Data is passed into the program using environment variables. This is in contrast to typical execution, where Command-line arguments are used. In the case of HTTP PUT or POSTs, the user-submitted data is provided to the program via the standard input.[1] Web servers often have a cgi-bin directory at the base of the directory tree to hold executable files called with CGI. The program returns the result to the web server in the form of standard output, prefixed by a header and a blank line. Example: user name, browser, IP address

@DbLookup @DbLookup looks up a specified value in the first sorted column of a specified view in a specified database. For each document that matches the search value, @DbLookup returns the value of a specified field on the document or column in the view. @DbLookup( class : cache ; server : database ; view ; key ; fieldName ; keywords ) or @DbLookup( class : cache ; server : database ; view ; key ; columnNumber ; keywords)

@DbColumn @DbColumn returns all the values in a specified column in a specified view in a specified database. @DbColumn( class : cache ; server : database ; view ; columnNumber )

Validation LotusScript you can put validations 1) InputValidation 2) Field Exiting event 3) QuerySave 4) JavaScript onBlur or onSubmit

JS Header (

JS Header on the Objects tab.)

Use JS Header to enter JavaScript directly into the page header The Programmer's pane provides a placeholder called JS Header on the Objects tab that allows you to write JavaScript in the header of a page, form, or subform. JavaScript written in the header in this way does not require a formula to return a JavaScript function, or text to be marked as passthru HTML. can write JavaScript function.

HTML Head Content The HTML Head Content event on a page or form lets you pass HTML information, such as a Meta tag, to the tag for a document. We can add Java script “script libraries “here.

Readers and Authors fields To restrict who can read documents, add a Readers field to a form. Any users who have Editor (or higher) access to the database can read and edit a document if one of the following is true: •

They are listed in the form's Read access list or Readers field.

The form has no Read access list restrictions or no Readers field.

Users who have been assigned "No Access" to a database in the ACL can never read a document, even if you list them in a Readers field. On the other hand, users with Editor access or above in the ACL can be restricted from reading documents if they aren't included in a Readers field. To restrict who can edit a document, add an create, add an Authors field to a form, which allows only users who have Author access in the ACL to edit the documents they create. An Authors field works in conjunction with Author access in the database ACL. If you assign users Author access in the ACL, they can read documents in the database but cannot edit their own documents. If you list those users in an Authors field, they can edit documents in the database. Entries in an Authors field cannot override the database ACL; they can only refine it. Users who have been assigned No Access in an ACL can never edit a document, even if you list them in an Authors field. Users who already have Editor (or higher) access in the ACL are not affected by an Authors field. Authors fields affect only users who have Author access in the ACL.

Roles A role defines a set of users and/or servers. you can use it in database design elements or functions to restrict access to those elements or functions.

ACL ACL control that tasks users can perform in the database. Access level Manager

Designer Editor


Reader Depositor

No Access

Allows users to Modify the database ACL. Encrypt the database. Modify replication settings. Delete the database. Perform all tasks allowed by lower access levels. Modify all database design elements. Create a full-text search index. Perform all tasks allowed by lower access levels. Create documents. Edit all documents, including those created by others. Read all documents unless there is a Readers field in the form. If there is a Readers field, the Editor must be listed to be able to read or edit the document. Create documents if the user or server also has the Create documents access level privilege. When you assign Author access to a user or server, you must also specify the Create documents access level privilege. Edit the documents where there is an Authors field in the document and the user is specified in the Authors field. Read all documents unless there is a Readers field in the form. If there is a Readers field, the Author must be listed to be able to read documents. Read documents where there is a Readers field in the form and the user name is specified in the field. Create documents.

Have no access, with the exception of options to "Read public documents" and "Write public documents." These are

Assign to Two people who are responsible for the database.

A database designer and/or the person responsible for design updates. Any user allowed to create and edit documents in a database.

Users who contribute documents to a database.

Users who only need to read documents in a database but not create or edit documents. Users who contribute documents but who do not need to read or edit their own or other users' documents. For example, use Depositor access for a ballot box application. Terminated users, users who do not need access to the database, or users who have

privileges that designers may choose to grant.

access on a special basis. Note You may want to specifically assign No Access to individuals who should not have access to a database, but who may be members of a group that does.

Default entries Pre-defined for user entering through client not have any assigned access on the database

Anonymous entries Pre-defined for user entering through web don’t have any any assigned access

Incorporate ODBC ‘Uselsx “*LSXODBC” (loads an LS extension file containing public definitions)

Incorporate script library into an object Use statement in Options Public event of Global

pass and retrieve variable using URL (location.href) approaches may differ, including CGI Query_String field, JS parsing, formula parsing, etc. — look for “&” designation

How to write a Java script code in a Lotus script agent? Inside Print “”

$$View Template and $$ViewTemplateDefault Form name $$ViewTemplate for viewname $$ViewTemplateDefault

Design element required and description Embedded view or $$ViewBody field. Associates the form with a specific view. The form name includes viewname, which is the alias for the view or when no alias exists, the name of the view. Embedded view or $$ViewBody field. Makes this form the template for all Web views that aren't associated with another form.

Pass-thru HTML HTML text can be embedded in a notes rich text item by setting this property and then calling append text method.

Render pass-thru HTML When clicked the text is parsed as HTML code.

Generate HTML for all fields "Generate HTML for all fields" to generate HTML information about hidden fields on a form. This allows documents in a Web application to work like documents in a Notes application

WebQueryOpen events A WebQueryOpen event runs the agent before Domino converts a document to HTML and sends it to the browser. Domino ignores any output produced by the agent in this context.

WebQuerySave events A WebQuerySave event runs the agent after field input validation formulas are run and before the document is actually saved to disk or mailed. The agent can modify the document or use the document data to perform other operations. The document is automatically saved after the agent runs. Do NOT have the agent explicitly save the document (for example, by calling NotesDocument.Save) because an explicit save could cause incorrect results. A WebQuerySave agent can produce output to be sent back to the user. For example in a LotusScript agent, you can use the Print command to return raw HTML. If the agent produces output, then the form should not have a $$Return field because Domino will return only the agent output and ignore the field.

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