Lotus 6

  • November 2019
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Domino server Lotus Domino 6.5 improvements include new platform support, serviceability enhancements, performance improvements, and single sign-on changes. New platform support Domino 6.5 support the Linux on zSeries (S390) and Windows Server 2003 platforms. In addition, Domino 6.5 support for the Mozilla 1.3.1 browser on Linux makes it possible for complete deployment of your messaging system on Linux. Serviceability enhancements Lotus Domino 6.5 improves serviceability with the following enhancements: •

• •

Unified Fault Recovery/Cleanup Scripts interface From a Server document, you can enable and disable NSD to collect diagnostic data, Server restarts, and specific Cleanup Scripts. Free-running Memcheck to validate in-memory data structures Memcheck can now lock memory pools when executed, so no additional errors are reported during memory validation. Timestamps in SEMDEBUG.TXT Semaphore management adds timestamps to SEMDEBUG.TXT to compare timeouts with events in the server log. Log Name/ThreadID of HTTP Agent at Runtime Collection/recording of basic system and server data at startup Now you can collect system and server data at startup to check for server or client changes.

Performance improvements Domino 6.5 offers improved performance with the following enhancements: •

New Server.Load workloads Server.Load for Domino 6.5 includes exposed D6 workloads for Domino Web Access, Mail, and IMAP. In addition, there is a Sun enhancement for Server.Load. Platform statistics for Linux You can view, control reporting, collect, and perform other statistics-related tasks for both the Linux and Linux on zSeries platforms just as you would for other Domino server platforms. Replicate unread marks Advanced database properties let you replicate unread marks in certain databases, such as mail files. You can choose one of three unread mark options for replication: Never replicate unread marks, replicate unread marks among clustered servers only, or replicate unread marks for all servers on which there are replicas. For more unread mark enhancements, see the section Notes client.

Figure 1. Database Properties box - Unread Mark Options

Single sign-on enhancements Note these two single sign-on (SSO) changes in Domino 6.5: • •

The Domino 6.5 Web Server caches Internet password changes for single sign-on users. In addition to the SSO fixed expiration timeout, you can configure an SSO idle timeout to prompt users again to enter their password.

Domino for iSeries Domino 6.5 for iSeries supports multiple versions of Domino on one partitioned machine, so you can install Domino 6.5 on one partition and an earlier version of Domino on another partition. Domino for z/OS Domino 6.5 for z/OS exploits hardware cryptography to reduce CPU rates when using SSL, particularly with Domino Web Access. Back to top

Domino Designer In Domino Designer 6.5, you enable your applications with instant messaging. Improvements in Notes/Domino application development include programming language updates and better database management. •

Instant messa ging suppor t In Domin o Design er 6.5, you can add awaren ess to forms by enabli ng a names field to show

on-line status and add awaren ess to your views by enabli ng colum ns to show on-line status as well. You can also embed the new Instant Messa ging Contac t List elemen t in a form or page of your applica tion. Java/ CORB A, and COM bindin gs Notes/

Domin o 6.5 includ es enhanc ements to both XML and nonXML LotusS cript classes for Java/C ORBA , and COM bindin gs. In this release , all new LotusS cript classes , metho ds, and propert ies introdu ced in Notes/ Domin o 6 are now availab le in Java/C ORBA and COM. These

new classes includ e the followi ng: Admin istratio nProce ss, Color Object , DxlEx porter, DxlIm porter, NoteC ollecti on, Replic ationE ntry, RichTe xtDoc Link, RichTe xtNavi gator, RichTe xtRang e, RichTe xtSele ction, and RichTe xtTabl e. For more inform ation about the

new LotusS cript classes in Notes/ Domin o 6, see the LDD Today articles , "Lotus Script: Rich text objects in Notes/ Domin o 6," "Lotus Script: XML classes in Notes/ Domin o 6," "Lotus Script: More XML classes in Notes/ Domin o 6," "Lotus Script: The Notes Admin istratio

nProce ss class in Notes/ Domin o 6," and "Lotus Script: Progra mming views in Notes/ Domin o 6." •

Class enhan cemen ts You can now take advant age of additio nal functio nality in the LotusS cript Notes Registr ation class. This additio nal functio nality applies

to all bindin gs (Lotus Script, Java/C ORBA , and COM). In additio n, the Query Access Privile ges metho d was added to the Notes Databa se class and Conve rtNote sBitma psToG IF propert y was added to the Notes DXLE xporter class. Lotus Domin o Toolkit for WebSp here

Studio 1.1 The Lotus Domin o Toolkit for WebSp here Studio is a set of Eclips e plugins for the creatio n of JavaSe rver Pages (JSPs) using the Domin o Custo m Tags. The toolkit first shippe d with Notes/ Domin o 6.0.2 and contin ues to be availab le in Notes/ Domin

o 6.5 in the Apps directo ry. Versio n 1.1 of the toolkit adds suppor t for WebSp here Studio 5.0.1 and 5.1, draganddrop enable ment of all Domin o Custo m Tags in the Utilitie s menu, and suppor t for Domin o Custo m Tags within WebSp here Portal deploy ments. For

more inform ation about the Lotus Domin o Toolkit for WebSp here Studio, see the LDD Today intervi ew, "Marth a Hoyt on the Lotus Domin o Toolkit for WebSp here Studio. " Back to top

Notes client Productivity enhancements are the primary focus for Notes 6.5. You'll find plenty of enhancements to mail and

calendar and scheduling that will make your job easier. Mail and calendar and scheduling Here are the changes that you can look forward to in Notes mail and calendar and scheduling: •

Create a calend ar entry or to do item from a mail messa ge Create a new calend ar entry or to do item from a mail messa ge by draggi ng and

droppi ng the messa ge from any view in your mail file onto the Calend ar or To Do bookm ark. Simila rly, you can drag and drop a calend ar entry onto the Mail bookm ark to create a new mail messa ge or drag and drop a to do item onto the Calend

ar bookm ark to create a new entry. View time and date in the Inbox view In Notes 6.5, the date colum n of your Inbox view shows both the time and the date. The time reflect s the local time zone and can be disable d by using the View Custo

mize this view option. Resch edule a repeati ng meetin g time In Notes 6.5, if you are a meetin g chairp erson, you can resche dule the time for one or more instanc es of a repeati ng meetin g withou t affecti ng the other meetin gs, so you can specify differe

nt start and end times for each repeati ng meetin g. Print the distrib ution lists in mail messa ges or calend ar entries When you print a mail messa ge or calend ar entry in Notes 6.5, you can choose whethe r or not to expand the TO: and CC: field

conten ts on the mail messa ge or the Names fields on a calend ar entry. By default , Notes 6.5 prints the first three lines of those fields. The "Expa nd Names field conten ts when printin g" option is availab le in User Prefere nces. You can also select

the Expan d Name field conten ts option on the Page Setup tab of the Print Docu ment dialog box (or desele ct the option if you set it in User Prefere nces and want to disable it for that one instanc e). Set Notes as your default email client On the Windo

ws 2000 Servic e Pack 3 and Windo ws XP platfor ms, you can set Notes as you default email client. There are three ways in which you can set Notes as your default mail client: One, during the Notes client installa tion, select the option on the installa tion wizard to make

Notes your default mail client. Two, select the "Use Lotus Notes as my default email progra m" option in the User Prefere nces dialog box. Three, use the Windo ws Add/R emove progra ms to select Notes the default . Figure 2. Add/R emove Progr ams

Follo w up on mail messa ges Mark a mail messa ge with the Follow Up flag to indicat e that you need to take future action on that messa ge. You

can mark a messa ge in any view of your mail file, except Trash and Drafts. In whiche ver view you choose , you can sort the colum n contai ning the flag to group togeth er all messa ges on which you need to follow up. After followi ng up on the messa

ge, you can unmar k it. Indica te if a messa ge has been replied to or forwar ded Easily view if you have alread y replied to a messa ge or forwar ded a messa ge with icon indicat ors in a view or in the note header area. Create Quick Rules and handle junk mail better

You can specify that mail receive d from a known sender be autom aticall y deliver ed to the Junk mail folder. In additio n, you can also easily create mail rules, or Quick Rules, that can delete, change the import ance of, or move to a folder any messa ge

from a known sender. To create a Quick Rule, use the Tools action button in your Notes 6.5 mail templa te. View all unrea d messa ges Quickl y see which messa ges are unread in your mail file with the new All unread view.

Notes client enhancements Other Notes client enhancements

include the following: •

Lotus Instant Messa ging (Samet ime) integr ation From the Notes client, you can log on to instant messa ging, chat with others, and start an online meetin g by choosi ng File Instant Messa ging. The Lotus Instant Messa ging integra tion provid

es presen ce awaren ess and chat functio nality in the Notes client. Figure 3. Instan t Messa ging log in

New Workp lace Welco me page The Workp lace for Notes Welco me page provid es a collab

orative workpl ace where you can easily access multipl e resour ces, such as recent messa ges, today's calend ar, and to do's. The Workp lace Welco me page has three tabs: Today, Collab oration , and Team. The Today page shows the email messa ges, calend ar entries

, and to do items for that day. The Collab oration page includ es your Inbox and Person al Addres s Book, and the Team page shows inform ation releva nt to your teams. This new Welco me page is custom izable, so you can create your own Workp lace. Resou

rce enhan cemen t Renam e an existin g resour ce, such as a room, and mainta in the existin g reserva tions. Mark All Read and Mark All Unrea d enhan cemen t Whene ver you choose Edit Unrea d Marks - Mark All Read or Mark All Unrea

d for selecte d docum ents, you are now prompt ed. Manu ally enteri ng a URL impro vemen t Enteri ng a URL when the addres s toolbar is closed is now easier. When you begin typing a URL, the Starts with dialog box opens where you can enter

the entire URL. Click Search , and Notes launch es your default browse r to open the Web addres s. Suppo rt for CSV Forma t You can export entries in a view to Comm a Separa ted Value (CSV) format , which is an ASCII text file with one view

entry per line with field values separat ed by comm as. Back to top

Domino Web Access Domino Web Access (formerly iNotes Web Access) provides even more flexibility, customizabilit y, and better usability than in previous releases. Improvements in mail and calendar and scheduling provide more Notes-like functionality in this release for an even richer Web client experience. Mail

You'll see more Noteslike mail features in Domino Web Access 6.5, including: •

Copy messa ges into calend ar entries or to do items Now you can copy the conten t of an email messa ge from the body field into a to do item or calend ar entry. Send and file messa ges In one click

you can send and save your messa ges to a specifi ed folder. Create page breaks in mail messa ges Click the Page Break button to create a page break in a notebo ok page, mail messa ge, to do item, or calend ar entry. Creati ng a page break lets

you control where your conten t breaks when you print. Add a person to your Conta cts You can add anyone from the public Domin o Direct ory to your Contac ts by clickin g the Copy button in the Select Addres ses dialog box. View only unrea d mail Use the All

unread view in Domin o Web Access to view your unread mail messa ges. Open areas of Domin o Web Access in a new windo w Open your Welco me page, Mail, Calend ar, To do list, Contac ts, or Noteb ook in a separat e browse r windo w. Encry pt your

mail messa ges The "Sign and Verify Notes Encryp ted Messa ges" feature lets you send, sign, and verify Domin o Web Access encryp ted mail messa ges. These mail messa ges use the same encryp tion used in Lotus Notes. Figure 4. Prefer ences Mail option s

Archiv e locally Since Notes/ Domin o 5.0.8, you can create a serverbased archiv e of your mail file. In Domin o Web Access 6.5 on Interne t Explor er you can now create

a local archiv e of your mail file if your system admini strator grants you the approp riate rights. A link in the Domin o Web Access user interfa ce lets you access your local or serverbased archiv e. Domin o OffLine Servic es (DOL S) suppor ts local archiv es, so you can

take the archiv e offline. Reply with history using Intern etstyle format ting When you reply with history to a mail messa ge, you can select Interne t-style format ting that begins each line of the origina l messa ge with an angled (>) bracke t. After the

messa ge is conver ted to plain text, the bracke ts make it easier for you to disting uish the new respon se text from the origina l text. Mark entries for follow up Mark import ant mail messa ges and contact entries with a follow up flag to indicat e that you need

to take further action on that messa ge or with that contact . Block mail from sender Add a recipie nt's name to a block sender list to preven t future messa ges from the specifi ed email addres s from reachi ng you. This mail rule denies entries from that email

addres s and remov es messa ges from the system . Figure 5. BlockSende r Mail Rule

Use the phone messa ge form to take a messa ge Use the phone messa ge form in Domin o Web Access to

notify anothe r user of a phone messa ge. Click New, then choose Phone Messa ge to create a messa ge. Calendar and scheduling More calendar and scheduling options are available in this release of Domino Web Access: •

Custo mize your Welco me page with more Calen dar option s Displa y your schedu

le in 1day, 2day, up to 10day format on the Domin o Web Access Welco me page. Pencil in meetin gs You can mark a meetin g invitati on, appoin tment, annive rsary, event, remind er, and to do with the Pencil In option. Any one with access to your calend ar can view

the details of a pencile d in entry. Pencil ed in entries appear as free to those who perfor ma free time search. Specif y more than one time zone Domin o Web Access now lets you show two time zonesa start timezo ne and an end timezo ne-in calend ar entries and in the

calend ar view. Unacc epted calend ar invitat ions appea r on calend ar view When you receive a calend ar invitati on, it appear s not only in your Inbox view, but also your calend ar view, giving you one more way in which to manag e your calend ar. Deleg

ate your calend ar You can let other users schedu le and respon d to your meetin g invitati ons by delegat ing your calend ar to them. Figure 6. Prefer ences Delega tion

Create group to do's Create and assign to do items to other people or groups .

Print changes With Domino Web Access 6.5, you can: •

Select multipl e docum ents from a view for printin g Select a view and print its conten ts Select entries in your Contac t view and print

them in summa rized or detaile d form Print a docum ent while in edit mode

In addition, when you print calendar entries, Domino Web Access not only adds a date stamp, but a time stamp as well. Template customization Notes/Domino application developers have additional customization options with the Domino Web Access template to better suit the needs of their users. Using the Forms6.ntf file, you can create action buttons for the Domino Web

Access views or dialog boxes, provide more options for the Domino Web Access Welcome Page, and substitute the Domino Web Access logo with your corporate logo. The Custom_JS_E xtensions, Custom_Welc omePage, and Custom_Bann er forms are available for modification. In addition, you can modify subforms. Usability enhancements Several significant usability enhancements to note are: •

The ability to custom ize your person al

diction ary by adding your own terms to it The ability to view your total databa se size to see if you are nearin g your databa se quota

Lotus Instant Messaging integration Domino Web Access and Lotus Instant Messaging integration provides presence awareness and instant messaging capability in your Domino Web Access client without having to launch as separate

Instant Messaging client. See who's on-line in your Inbox view, then open a chat session with another user by clicking the green (online) indicator. With Domino Web Access 6.5, you use single sign-on to log into both your mail client and Lotus Instant Messaging. Support for Mozilla 1.3.1 on Linux Domino Web Access 6.5 support the Mozilla 1.3.1 browser on Red Hat Linux 7.2 or 8.0 and on SuSE 8.0 (United Linux). Support for the Linux platform was available in Domino Web Access 6.0.1. Now in addition to

your expanded platform choices, you have another Web browser choice as well. With the Mozilla browser, you can take your mail file offline and take advantage of Lotus Instant Messaging integration when you're on-line. New administrativ e features To make the Domino Web Access server administrato r's job easier, this release includes the following new features and enhancement s: •

WebM ail Redire ct The WebM ail Redire

ct is now integr ated in Domin o Web Access (know n as the WebM ail Redire ct) so that users can go to a simply and easy to reme mber prima ry URL and be redire cted to their mail file. With this utility, users don't need to know the name of

their mail file or even their mail server ; they need only the name of the redire ct server. The WebM ail redire ct uses Domin o authe nticati on to redire ct users to their mail files based on their user names and passw ords. Server -side cachin g and

compr ession for impro ved perfor mance The Domin o Web Access server now caches genera ted/co mpres sed conten t, which provid es both scalab ility and perfor mance enhan cemen ts. In additi on, the server reduce s band width and impro ves respon se time

on low band width netwo rks with GZIP compr ession, so clientside perfor mance is enhan ced. Suppo rt for name chang e reques ts The Domin o Admi nistrat ion Proces s (Admi nP) handle s the client intera ction necess ary to do name chang e reques

ts. Domi no OffLine Servic es (DOL S) replic ation setting enhan cemen t DOLS suppo rts replic ation of trunca ted docum ents to deter mine the size of attach ments replic ated to the client. You can also filter replic ation to not allow replic ation of

attach ments. Back to top

Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI) Lotus Enterprise Integrator 6.5 ships simultaneousl y with Notes/Domin o 6.5 and supports both Domino 6.5 and 6.0.3. Here are the latest features in LEI 6.5: •

Reade r Access protec tion for LEI Conne ction docum ents In LEI 6.5, you can assign reader

-level access to LEI Activit y Docu ments and Conne ction Docu ments using the new Reade r field. Depen dent Activit y view Gener ate a depen dent activit y report that displa ys the subor dinate relatio nships for all activit ies in the LEI Admi nistrat or. New platfor

m suppo rt LEI 6.5 suppo rts Linux Red Hat 7.2, United Linux 1.0, Windo ws 2003, and Sun Solari s 9i. Suppo rt for multip le partiti ons of a partiti oned Domi no server You can install LEI 6.5 on multip le partiti ons of a Domin o partiti

oned server. The UNIX and iSeries platfo rms let you install differe nt Domin o versio ns on separa te partiti ons. For more infor matio n, see the techni cal article , "Insta lling LEI 6.5 in a Domin o partiti oned server enviro nment ." ODBC Conne ctor

for iSeries

The ODBC Conne ctor is now availa ble on the iSeries platfo rm. Now, LEI 6.5 on iSeries can conne ct to Oracle , SQL server, Infor mix, and Sybas e. Reatta ch virtual attach ments If the attach ment table contai ns a key to identif y the parent docum ent,

you can reatta ch virtual attach ments that have been detach ed from their parent docum ent even after the parent docum ent or key docum ent is reiniti alized. Perfor mance enhan cemen ts for Virtua l Docu ments LEI 6.5 provid es faster initial view index builds

and faster view index rebuil ds for DB2 and Oracle . DataD irect 4.2 ODBC Driver s You can downl oad the DataD irect 4.2 ODBC driver s for use with Notes, Domin o, and LEI. Versio n 4.2 includ es DataD irect's wire protoc ol ODBC driver s and suppo

rt for MySQ L and XML. Back to top

Time to upgrade If you've been thinking about upgrading, we hope that this article has given you a few good reasons to migrate to Notes/Domin o 6.5. If you're looking for upgrade information, make sure to check the Domino Administrato r help. An entire section is devoted to upgrading Domino servers, Notes clients, applications, and mail files, including Domino Web Access clients. Also,

you may want to refer to the IBM Redbook, Upgrading to Lotus Notes and Domino 6, which should have information applicable to Notes/Domin o 6.5.

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