Lost Sheep Mans Treasure Sower Faith As A Mustard Seed

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 654
  • Pages: 2

Lost Sheep

A Man’s Treasure



Lost Sheep

A Man’s Treasure

Matthew 18:10-14

Matt. 13:44



Luke 8:4-15

Faith as a 33 Mustard Seed

Luke 17:5-6

Luke 8:4-15

Matt. 13:44

Matthew 18:10-14




Faith as a 33 Mustard Seed

Luke 17:5-6

Parable "If you have faith as small as  a mustard seed, you can say  to this mulberry tree, 'Be  uprooted and planted in the  sea,' and it will obey you.”  Luke 17:6 


Faith is trust and  dependance on God’s  power, not ours. 


God provides all that we  need in order to do His will  and please Him. 

Our faith increases when  we depend on Him. 

We must trust in God in  provide for our needs. 




“The good soil represents  honest, good­hearted people.”  Luke 8:15a 

“The kingdom of heaven is  like treasure hidden in a field.  When a man found it, he hid  it again, and then in his joy  went and sold all he had and  bought that field.”  Matthew 13:44 

“Your Father in heaven is not  willing that any of these little  ones should be lost”  Matthew 18:14 


The condition of our heart  determines how we react to  the truth. 


Worry, greed, and lack of  commitment will squeeze the  truth out of us. 

When we improve our  hearts, we can do more for  God. 

God’s word bears fruit in a  heart that tender, unselfish,  and dependant upon God. 


The man recognized what  was truly priceless when he  saw it. 

The man was willing to give  up everything to have it 

We must recognize the value  of salvation, and give up all  we have to obtain it. 

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The shepherd had ninety­  nine sheep that were safe.  The shepherd loved the one  sheep that was lost.  Jesus gave his life to get us  back from sin.  We must have the same  love for the lost. 

God has a deep, personal  love for each person. 

eBibleTeacher.com/children  Bible Clips Graphics 

eBibleTeacher.com/children  Bible Clips Graphics 





“The good soil represents  honest, good­hearted people.”  Luke 8:15a 

“The kingdom of heaven is  like treasure hidden in a field.  When a man found it, he hid  it again, and then in his joy  went and sold all he had and  bought that field.”  Matthew 13:44 

“Your Father in heaven is not  willing that any of these little  ones should be lost”  Matthew 18:14 

"If you have faith as small as  a mustard seed, you can say  to this mulberry tree, 'Be  uprooted and planted in the  sea,' and it will obey you.”  Luke 17:6


Faith is trust and  dependance on God’s  power, not ours. 


God provides all that we  need in order to do His will  and please Him. 

Our faith increases when  we depend on Him. 

We must trust in God in  provide for our needs.  eBibleTeacher.com/children  Bible Clips Graphics 


The condition of our heart  determines how we react to  the truth. 


Worry, greed, and lack of  commitment will squeeze the  truth out of us. 

When we improve our  hearts, we can do more for  God. 

God’s word bears fruit in a  heart that tender, unselfish,  and dependant upon God.  eBibleTeacher.com/children  Bible Clips Graphics 

eBibleTeacher.com/children  Bible Clips Graphics 


The man recognized what  was truly priceless when he  saw it. 

The man was willing to give  up everything to have it 

We must recognize the value  of salvation, and give up all  we have to obtain it.  eBibleTeacher.com/children  Bible Clips Graphics 

eBibleTeacher.com/children  Bible Clips Graphics 

, , , , 

The shepherd had ninety­  nine sheep that were safe.  The shepherd loved the one  sheep that was lost.  Jesus gave his life to get us  back from sin.  We must have the same  love for the lost. 

God has a deep, personal  love for each person.  eBibleTeacher.com/children  Bible Clips Graphics

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