Lord Of The Kings 0 4

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 2,889
  • Pages: 7
Lord ​of the​ Kings Created by - Brendan Wascher - 2016 (Version 0.4) - 2019



















King (all suits)


Queen/Jack (all suits) – Witch/Wizard


Queen/Jack (Spades) – Witch/Wizard of the Elves


Queen/Jack (Hearts) – Witch/Wizard of the Humans


Queen/Jack (Diamonds) – Witch/Wizard of the Dwarves


Queen/Jack (Clubs) – Witch/Wizard of the Hobbits


Spades – Elves


Hearts – Humans


Diamonds – Dwarves


Club – Hobbits










ITEMS REQUIRED FOR PLAY ● One (1) deck of playing cards. ● Three (3) six-sided dice. Game would play faster though if there were two sets of three six-sided dice. NUMBER OF PLAYERS 2 - 4 players GOAL OF THE GAME Capture all of the Kings CARD PLACEMENTS AND NAMES This is the layout you will use during the game. The face up cards indicate cards that have been killed. The face down cards indicate the cards that are alive. Note the positions of the Club (​Hobbit​) and the King. The Club goes behind the Queen/Jack (​Witch/Wizard​), which is in the middle. The King goes in the fellowship, which is the semi-circle that goes around the Queen/Jack.

HOW THE GAME IS PLAYED The following three parts explain how the game is set up, how to play the game, and the rules and objectives of the game. 1. SETUP Each player will take turns rolling one of dice. The player with the highest number goes first. If there is a tie for first, those players will keep rerolling until the tie has been broken. Once the tie is broken the person who won goes first, the person to their left goes next, and then the pattern continues going clockwise until it goes back the first person. This will be the order for the rest of the game. After order has been decided divide the cards up into their sets of their given face value, i.e. four aces in a pile, four twos in the next pile, etc. Do this for every value including face cards. Then each player picks a King (suit doesn’t matter here) going in the order that you rolled for. After each player has picked a King, each player picks either a Jack OR a Queen, once again going in the order decided. This will be your Witch (Queen) or Wizard (Jack). Suits do matter here. Please see the ​Card Designations ​section to read about the bonuses of each Witch/Wizard.


Before you start drawing the rest of your cards (known as your fellowship) there are two things to keep in mind. 1) Not including face cards, the total value of the eight cards you will draw cannot exceed forty-four. For example, you can have a ten, nine, eight, seven, four, three, two and ace. This totals to exactly forty-four. You can have any combination you want, was long as your eight cards (and you must have eight cards) do not add up to more than forty-four. 2) One of the cards you draw (not including face cards) must be a Club (Hobbit). You can have more than one Club or only one Club, and it can be of any value. But you must draw at least one. Knowing this, you may not begin drawing the rest of your fellowship. Once again going in order, you will draw any card you choose from any non-face card pile. You do not have to reveal what card you have drawn, but you can if you so desire. After everyone has drawn one card, draw in reverse order, the last person to draw draws first this time, second last goes second, etc. Then draw in the normal order, then reverse order, until each person has drawn eight new cards and has a total of ten cards. After each player has ten cards, each player should check to make sure their total value (again, not including face card values) does not exceed forty-four. Each player should also be sure that they have at least one Club. Place your Queen/Jack face down in the vertical direction in front of you. Then, take the Club that you want to “hold” your King (you’ll want a high value Club most likely) and place it face down in the vertical direction behind your Queen/Jack. Place your remaining eight cards face down in a semi-circle around your Queen/Jack. Once every player has done this, you are ready to start the game. 2. PLAYING THE GAME Staying in the same order as before, each player takes turns attacKing. You are allowed two attacks, a revive, and a reshuffle per turn. The start of your turn starts with a revive. A dead card is one that has been defeated in battle and placed face up. An alive card is one that has either not been defeated or has been revived and is face down. If you don’t have any dead cards in your possession you may skip this step, but you may not return to it after any of your attacks. If you have one or more dead cards, you may choose one of them and flip it face down. You can only do this once per turn, and only at the beginning of your turn. Your next step is the battle step. You are allowed up to two attacks in this step, but you are allowed to take one or no attacks if you desire. AttacKing goes as such: - You pick one of your cards that you want to attack with. This card MUST be face down and cannot be your Queen/Jack. -​ ​You pick one card of your opponents that you want to attack. This card MUST be face down. (Unless the card you are attacKing is an opponent’s King that is face up and you are attacKing it with a Club suit card.) 2

-​ ​You flip your card face up and your opponent flips the card you designated to attack face up, unless they use the Heart suit special ability. (See Hearts in ​Card Designations for more details) Once you declare an attack, you cannot go back. -​ ​If the card you attack is a King, refer to the rules section in ​3. Rules f​ or information on how to proceed. -​ ​Each player rolls the three dice. ​Each player adds the value of the rolled dice, plus the face value of their card, and plus any bonuses depending on suit and extra rules (See ​Card Designations​ and/or ​Optional Rules ​for more details) If one of your card bonuses allows a reroll or rerolls, do so here. (See ​Card Designations​ and/or ​Optional Rules ​for more details) -​ ​You then compare your total number against the total number of your opponent. -​ ​If your number is higher, you return your card face down to the position and place it was in and while the opponent’s card remains face up in the place it was in. -​ ​If your number is lower, your card remains face up in the place it was in and return the opponent’s card face down to the position and place it was in. -​ ​If both numbers are the same, both cards are remain face up to the place they were in. -​ ​This concludes your attack step. You may do this up to twice per turn. - Note: you can attack with the same card both times as long as it is still alive. After your battle step (maximum of two attacks) has ended, you may reshuffle your cards, excluding the Queen/Jack and Club(s) behind it. If any cards are face up, they MUST remain face up. You may look at your cards after reshuffling them and place them in any order you like in a semi-circle around the Queen/Jack. You may only do this once per turn and only at the end of it. It is now the turn of the person to your left.

3. RULES AND OBJECTIVES You may attack up to twice per turn. You may only revive one dead card per turn, and only at the beginning of your turn (unless a card bonus is applied). You may shuffle your cards only once per turn, and only at the end of your turn. Your Queen/Jack may not attack and may only be attacked if all of your other cards are dead. If it is defeated, you are out of the game and you lose. After you lose, all your cards remain face up until the game is concluded. If at any time you possess all four Kings, you win. If all other opponents are eliminated, you win. When you attack a King card, your opponent flips both the King card and the designated Club card face up. Continue the attack as though you were attacKing the Club card. If you win, both the Club and King remain face up. If you lose, both the King and Club are returned face down and your card remains face up. If it’s a tie, the King, the Club, and the card you attacked with, all remain face up. If you attack and win against the King with a Club, you claim the opponent's King, and may either attach it to any Club suit card you have that is face down, including any that already have 3

a King attached to it. If you attach it to a Club that already has a King on it, the King is placed behind the Club card that is behind your Queen/Jack. If you attach the King to a different Club card, you place the King face down where the Club card was, and place the Club card behind your Queen/Jack. If you have a Club card back there already, place the new Club card next to it. Keep track of which Club is connected to which King. If an opponent’s King has been defeated and is face up, but has not been attacked again you may attack and claim it, but you must do it with a Club (or designated Club if you didn’t have one at the start). If the opponent is completely defeated, simply declaring an attack with a Club will claim it, but it does take one of your attacks away for that turn. If the opponent is still playing, but the King is face up, you may declare an attack on the King with a Club. If the opponent doesn’t use a Heart suit card special ability (see Heart in ​card designations ​for more), you claim the King, but it still takes one of your turn’s attacks. If you declare the attack on the King with a Club and the opponent uses the special ability, you must fight their designated Heart card with the Club you declared the attack with, standard attack rules apply. If you defeat the Heart with your Club, you still do not claim the King. Instead, the Heart returns face up and that attack is over. CARD DESIGNATIONS Note, from this point forward, Queens will be referred to as witches, Jacks to wizards, Spades to elves, Hearts to humans, Diamonds to dwarves, and Clubs to hobbits. King (all suits) -​ ​Each player starts with one King (suit doesn’t matter). -​ ​The goal is to keep your King within your fellowship, and to steal the Kings from all the other opponents. -​ ​This card will replace one hobbit within your fellowship, and the hobbit will be placed behind witch/wizard. -​ ​You can declare an attack with this card, but when you do so, you must use the designated hobbit’s value as the face value of this card. This attack will be carried out as a normal hobbit attack. -​ ​When this card is attacked, flip it and the designated hobbit card for it face up. The rest of the attack will continue according to the face value of the designated hobbit card. If it is defeated, both cards remain face up, unless a hobbit was the attacker. In which case, the King is given to the attacker and the designated hobbit is placed face up in the fellowship where the King was. -​ ​If it was not a hobbit that defeated the King, both the King and hobbit remain face up, but in the same places they are in. If it comes back to your turn and the King remains face up on your side of the field, you may revive it and flip both the King and the designated hobbit face down. -​ ​+0 bonus on attack or defense 4

Queen/Jack (all suits) – Witch/Wizard -​ ​Each player starts with either one Queen or one Jack, this will be your witch or wizard. -​ ​This card cannot attack at all, and it cannot be attacked until the rest of your fellowship has been defeated. When it is attacked, its face value is 15. -​ ​Once per turn, at the beginning of your turn, you may resurrect one of the dead members of your fellowship (flip the face up card back face down). -​ ​Once per turn, at the end of you turn, you may shuffle your fellowship and replace them around your witch or wizard. If a card is dead it remains dead (face-up). -​ ​+0 bonus on defense Queen/Jack (Spades) – Witch/Wizard of the Elves Apply +2 bonus on each of your attacks, regardless of what suit is attacKing. This is an extra +2 if you’re attacKing with an elf, bringing the total to +6 on the attack. Queen/Jack (Hearts) – Witch/Wizard of the Humans After the completion any attack that results in the death of one of your cards, you may sacrifice one of your other cards to revive the card that was killed. Queen/Jack (Diamonds) – Witch/Wizard of the Dwarves You may reroll one of your six-sided dice when you are attacked, regardless of what suit is being attacked. This is an extra reroll if one of your dwarves is being attacked, allowing you to reroll all three dice on your defense. Queen/Jack (Clubs) – Witch/Wizard of the Hobbits If one of your hobbits that is holding one of your Kings is killed AND the King(s) it was holding has been stolen, you may revive that hobbit now. This revive does not count as the revive you get at the start of your turn, but it may only be applied after the King has been stolen. If it is killed again, but does not have a King, it may not be revived with this ability. Spades – Elves -​ ​When this suit attacks, it is given a +4 bonus when calculating total attack -​ ​No rerolls or bonuses applied when this suit is attacked. Hearts – Humans -​ ​When an attack has been declared on you, you may use any non-face card of this suit and redirect the attack to this card before flipping the card that was chosen to be attacked. Diamonds – Dwarves -​ ​When this suit is attacked, you may reroll up to two of the six-sided dice that you rolled. -​ ​No rerolls or bonuses applied when this suit attacks. 5

Club – Hobbits -​ ​Each player must have at least one hobbit that is not a face card. If not, they must choose one of their cards and designate it to be a hobbit. -​ ​Hobbits are the only cards that can steal Kings from your opponents. -​ ​Hobbits are the only cards that can hold a King. OPTIONAL RULES -

SMEAGOL At the beginning of the game, before drawing cards randomly take out one Club, and place a joker in its place. If smeagol is drawn, he is given the face value of the Club that was taken out. He may possess a King if you so desire. He acts as a normal hobbit unless you attack with him. If you attack with him and you attack a King, you automatically claim the King; no battle will take place, even if the opponent tries to redirect the attack with a human.


ONE KING TO RULE THEM ALL At the beginning of the game, no one draws a King. Instead, take out one Club and replace it with the King. If no one draws the King, a re-deal must be implemented. To check this, check all the unclaimed cards instead of maKing the person who has the King tell everyone that they have the King. Continue playing the game as normal, except instead of trying to claim all the Kings, try to claim the one King while defeating everyone else in the process. The last person alive who has the King wins.


FLY YOU FOOLS The witch and wizard can be attacked at anytime. However, when they are attacked, they gain +2 bonus for each alive member of the fellowship. If the witch or wizard is defeated at anytime, you may no longer revive dead members of the fellowship and you may no longer reshuffle at the end of your turn.


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